
Молодежный вопрос: поворот к исследованию новых молодежных солидарностей (вступительное слово)

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The article is based on the synthesis of research advances of Russian and foreign authors covering the issues of young people’s self-identification and the practices of their association. This interest is caused by the project implemented in the Samara region «Youth Identity and consolidation practice: regional aspect». The article uses the research results of foreign scientists, which discuss the issues of digital, ethnic-racial, religious identities, as well as the identities of poor youth in the context of establishing the consumer culture values. The results of the All-Russian project «Z Generation Eventivity» (2018) on the childhood eventivity, directed by S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova, are significant. The research results on the issue under study, obtained in the Samara region, are important. These studies are on the social and medical volunteering, the importance of the activities of folk performance teams for preserving and developing the Russian culture. It was found that the identity problems in foreign studies are mainly placed in the context of consolidation practices of various minorities, socially vulnerable, discriminated youth groups. Russian studies have another approach: the self-identification issues are considered as related to various activities of the young people, their participation in various prosocial groups. We consider the second approach to be more productive in the Russian conditions.
Investigates the approaches to conceptualising youth cultural studies within the post­subcultural theory. The author argues that the core idea of post­subcultural paradigm is the doubt in the metanarrative of “subculture.” In this situation, the heuristic potential of the new categorical apparatus designed to replace the traditional concept of “subculture” becomes a research subject.
Analyses cultural alterations and their interpretations in social research and the humanities. Within this context, the author considers topophilia as a cultural phenomenon and a particular research strategy. The author argues that the cultural turn in geography co­relates to the so­called spatial turn in social sciences and the humanities and it may be considered as a part of more general modifications taking place in contemporary culture.
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