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Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.) (Aves, Accipitridae) in southern Atlantic Forest, Brazil


Abstract and Figures

Neotropical hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.) are large forest raptors, having low population densities and high sensitivity to human disturbance. The three species of Brazil’s Atlantic forest (S. ornatus, S. melanoleucus, S. tyrannus) are threatened and little is known of many aspects of their biology, such habitat requirements, nesting behavior, and food habitats. Here I present data about the breeding biology, diet and behavior of the Ornate Hawk-Eagle (S. ornatus; OHE) and the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (S. melanoleucus; BWHW), and estimations of distribution - extent of occurrence (EOO) - and population sizes for the three hawk-eagles of the southern Atlantic Forest. I compiled data from nine years of field studies done in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina combined with data from the literature (n = 191 records). I calculated the total amount of forest available for each species by GIS analyses and estimated population sizes based on species density data from the literature. The EOO was 123,551 km² for BWHE, 92,512 km² for OHE, and 67,824 km² for Black Hawk-Eagle (S. tyrannus; BHE). All species experienced more than 30% shrinkage in their historical distribution (before the year 2000). Forest remnants comprise 32% of BHE’s EOO and around 20% for other hawk-eagle species. Population sizes estimated for the southern region were 869 pairs for BHE (1,684 individuals), 1,532 pairs for BWHE (2,849 individuals), and 2,020 pairs for OHE (1,192 individuals). Population size estimates based only on forest patches larger than 10 km² were 542 pairs for BHE (RS = 48 pairs; SC = 494 pairs), 818 pairs for BWHE (RS = 67 pairs; SC = 751 pairs), and 1,178 pairs for OHE (RS = 67 pairs; SC = 1,111 pairs). I recorded displays and copulation of BWHE in July; the nest was built in an inaccessible, emergent tree in the hillside of a valley. Two nests of OHE were found in emergent trees (20 m and 30 m height) measured 138 x 115 x 45 cm and 132 x 100 x 100 cm; one egg was found (64.5 x 51.1 mm). Spizaetus seems to have very variable breeding cycles and begin breeding in the austral winter. I estimated egg laying occurs from July to September with fledging happening 3-4 months later. Diet of OHE consisted mostly of birds (90%) but also some mammals. Individuals of Spizaetus require large, unbroken forest areas to live, and my data reinforce the critical situation of hawk-eagles in southern Atlantic forest. All three species have lost habitat and their distributions have shrunk over the past decades. The estimated population sizes suggest concern and a need for conservation actions. Conservation of large raptors in the Atlantic Forest is not a simple task, requiring the need to preserve and limit the disturbance of remaining forests, establish connectivity among fragments and reduce direct threats to raptors (e.g., persecution). We also need to better understand the ecological requirements of hawk-eagles and establish public policies to protect both species and their habitats.
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Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema:
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
Série Zoologia
Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul
Museu de Ciências Naturais
e-ISSN 1678-4766
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)
Aves, Accipitridae) in southern Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Felipe Zilio
Setor de Ornitologia. Seção de Zoologia de Vertebrados, Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Dr. Salvador França, 1427,
Jardim Botânico, 90690-000 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Present address: Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) – Campus Rio Paranaíba, Rodovia MG-230, Km 7, s/n, Caixa Postal 22 , 38810-000,
Rio Paranaíba, MG, Brazil. (
Received 28 September 2016
Accepted 01 August 2017
DOI: 10.1590/1678-4766e2017037
ABSTRACT . Neotropical hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.) are large forest raptors, having low population densities and high sensitivity to human disturbance.
The three species of Brazil’s Atlantic forest (S. ornatus, S. melanoleucus, S. tyrannus) are threatened and little is known of many aspects of their biology,
such habitat requirements, nesting behavior, and food habitats. Here I present data about the breeding biology, diet and behavior of the Ornate Hawk-Eagle
(S. ornatus; OHE) and the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (S. melanoleucus; BWHW), and estimations of distribution - extent of occurrence (EOO) - and
  
S. tyrannus; 
Spizaetus seems to have very variable breeding cycles and begin breeding in the
 Spizaetus require large, unbroken forest areas to live, and my data reinforce the critical situation of hawk-
eagles in southern Atlantic forest. All three species have lost habitat and their distributions have shrunk over the past decades. The estimated population
preserve and limit the disturbance of remaining forests, establish connectivity among fragments and reduce direct threats to raptors (e.g., persecution).
We also need to better understand the ecological requirements of hawk-eagles and establish public policies to protect both species and their habitats.
KEYWORDS. 
RESUMO. Biologia reprodutiva e conservação de Spizaetus spp. (Aves, Accipitridae) na porção sul da Mata Atlântica, Brasil. Os gaviões do
gênero Spizaetus 
As três espécies que ocorrem na Mata Atlântica (S. ornatus, S. melanoleucus, S. tyrannus
aspectos de sua biologia, como habitat, comportamento reprodutivo e dieta, são pouco conhecidos. Neste trabalho eu apresento dados sobre a biologia
reprodutiva, dieta e comportamento do gavião-de-penacho (S. ornatus, ) e do gavião-pato (S. melanolecus, ), bem como estimativas da
       
S. tyrannus, ).
        
  e 
para 
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       
Spizaetus 
  
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Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
e.g., 
PALAVRAS-CHAVE. 
Spizaetus hawk-eagles are large top predators in
the forests of the Neotropics. Three of the four species of
Spizaetus occur in Brazil: the Black Hawk-Eagle [Spizaetus
tyrannus Spizatus
ornatus  
Eagle [Spizaetus melanoleucus
are widespread over both lowland and montane Neotropical
forests from Mexico to northern Argentina and southern
Brazil (&
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, Spizaetus populations of the
Atlantic Forest are disconnected from those of the Amazon
forest (& 
species are nationally or globally threatened (
Threatened and all species have decreasing population
 
 et al
et al.
populations might be neglected by conservation policies
that assume that the Amazon forest does support healthy
The three hawk-eagles are syntopic for most of their
distribution, but segregate themselves by nesting habitats,
food and hunting behavior (
& et al.,
km of forest
& ,
feeds mainly upon mammals, hunting from perches in the
lower canopy and captures prey mostly on trees or diurnal
retreats or by making long attacks through the forest. Black
(e.g., 
 et al.
Ornate Hawk-Eagles are apparently more abundant
 in French
in Tikal Forest
mainly stalk-and-ambush strategy, food being mostly birds
and squirrels and selecting more exposed trees for nesting and
locating the nest on large branches near the trunk (
et al.
The Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle is the least known
of these three species. It is rare or at least uncommon
underestimated because usually soars high (
hunting tactics are poorly described, but it is known to feed
manly upon reptiles and birds caught in the canopy by long
 
only by observation of few nests ( & 
 et al.b;
 et al.
being sought after by birdwatchers and ornithologists, and
having a widespread distribution, much of the biological
information about these species are scarce (e.g., diet. breeding
biology, habitat requirements), especially for Atlantic
Forest populations for which information on breeding and
nesting biology are basically anecdotal. There is only one
description of a nest of the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle
et al.
and which acquired
much information about their diet, breeding biology, habitat
requirements, territory size, and so on ( et al.,
 
Eagle is basically unknown (
     
information about these three species of hawk-eagles at the
southern limits of their distribution in the Atlantic Forest in
southern Brazil. Here I present estimates of the distribution
about the breeding biology, diet and behavior of Ornate and
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagles.
Distribution and abundance. The abundance of
Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema:
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
  
both anecdotal observations and standardized sampling
 i.e. 
count per point) from elevated points above the forest canopy
The literature survey included searching in digital
already been compiled to evaluate the threatened status of
 et al.
duplicate records. All records associated with a geographical
valid. In cases where the name of the municipality was the only
geographical information available, I used the coordinates of
the municipality’s city hall.
The abundance of each species was estimated based
 
for estimating the number of individuals and territory for
estimating the number of pairs were taken from the literature
 
pair. The extent of occurrence (EOO) of each species was
excluding historical data, and overlaiding data of Atlantic
 to estimate the area of forest available
of the area available since these species need large areas
of continuous forest ( et
 et al
also did a more conservative evaluation to estimate population
  
 
( et al.
Breeding biology. Breeding behavior of the Black-
and-white Hawk-Eagle was derived from observations at
a single nest. To Ornate Hawk-Eagle breeding data was
collected by monitoring one nest during an entire breeding
season, and with additional information from another two
nests. The nest was monitored one or twice every month
 
and taking notes and photos about breeding behavior, nestling
development, and prey remains. Afterwards I visited the local
Diet.  
based on prey remains and pellets collected in the nests
and from a direct observation of one adult carrying prey
 
by comparing the remains (i.e., bones and feathers) with
 
Weights of prey species were taken from 
and 
Distribution and abundance. 
 
overlaid with the EOO of Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle,
while the current distribution of Black Hawk-Eagle was
their historical distributions. Black and Ornate Hawk-Eagle
showed greater reduction in their area of occurrence (i.e.,
 
 
 
  
 
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  
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Tab. I. Extent of forest remaining within the Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of hawk-eagles’ species in the southern Atlantic Forest, Brazil. The amount
Spizaetus species
EOO   EOO  
Black Hawk-Eagle S. tyrannus      
Ornate Hawk-Eagle S. ornatus      
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle S. melanoleucus      
       
size for a pair is smaller than for an individual; 
important for regional evaluation (e.g., state red list), are as
 
regardless of the isolation of the patch, the forest available to
individuals showed on Tab. II).
Breeding biology
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle. 
found a nest of the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle built in an
 
 
took the prey and the male moved to a nearby tree. After a
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Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
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 & 
a) Estimated number of individuals
Spizaetus species 
EOO   EOO  
Black Hawk-Eagle S. tyrannus      
Ornate Hawk-Eagle S. ornatus      
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle S. melanoleucus      
b) Estimated number of pairs
Spizaetus species 
EOO   EOO  
Black Hawk-Eagle S. tyrannus      
Ornate Hawk-Eagle S. ornatus      
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle S. melanoleucus      
apparently foraging, and sometimes diving into the valley.
Few minutes after the female came back to nest, the male
valley, chasing each other and, sometimes grasping onto
the back of the other. After a while, they separated and I
did not see them during the rest of the day (I ended my
but was not successful.
Ornate Hawk-Eagle. 
     
 
reservoir (data available in  et al
with intense vocalization, the male was performing an
undulating display (series of loops and dives) and chasing the
 
 
and sticks. The presence of prey remains, faeces and feather
of Ornate Hawk-Eagle suggested that the nest was still active,
adult carrying a green stick to an Araucaria tree (Araucaria
reservoir in second-growth forest near Pinus sp. plots
 
male above the female and trying several time to scratch
the female’s back. Twice I observed foot-touching, although
without complete claw bonding, and only for a few seconds.
I lost visual contact when the female dived into the valley,
followed by the male.
 
 
deep and decorated with green sticks and leaves of Lithraea
brasiliensis  
before climbing to the nest, I observed one adult perched on
nest, other adult (smaller, probably the male) left the nest,
adults were noted to have continued to bring green leaves to
and attacked me several times, both while climbing and when
and I kept all visits short in order to reduce stress on the
nestling nor did I band it. Based on the estimated hatching
 et
it outside the nest although its rectrices were not completely
still within its parents’ territory. I found prey remains in the
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Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
(bottom right) of the nest.
 
Diet – Ornate Hawk-Eagle. I collected bones,
feathers and hair of several prey remains and two pellets
at nest B during two visits and during several visits over
least to genus (Tab. III) with the most abundant prey being
Brown Tinamou [Crypturellus obsoletus 
 
 Guerlinguetus
ingrami 
adult Ornate Hawk-Eagle carried to the nest. Mean weight
 
quail-dove; Geotrygon montana 
Penelope obscura
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with details of the chamber (with green leaves and sticks).
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Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
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Patagioenas cayennensis
 Weight (g) 
Nest B  Total
Crypturellus obsoletus     
Penelope obscura     
Gallus gallus   - 
Patagioenas picazuro    -
Patagioenas sp.# - 
Leptotila sp.  - 
Geotrygon montana   - 
Ramphastos dicolorus   - 
Colaptes melanochloros     
Pionus maximilliani   - 
Cyanocorax chrysops    -
 - 
Total Aves   
Guerlinguetus ingrami   - 
   
Total Mammalia   
Total 7  
Distribution and abundance. Hawk-eagles are
threatened in southern Brazil (&
), mostly
because of habitat loss ( et al.
rate of deforestation has been reduced in recent decades,
remaining forests are extremely fragmented (et al.,
 
suggests that they are declining. I did not estimate vegetation
available for historical records, so the real loss is probably
overestimated since species distributions were calculated
which included inappropriate habitats for hawk-eagles
(e.g., grasslands). The past distribution of the Black Hawk-
Eagle, for example, is probably overestimated. In spite of
its occurrence in Misiones, Argentina (&
et al.,
are few recent records,  et al
 et al
 
not been recorded at several places at which they occurred
in the past, suggesting true local extinction rather than lack
of surveys. I’d highlight the lack of recent records of Black
Eagles, and even a Harpy Eagle [Harpia harpyja 
has vanished from the western portion of the state (last
have disappeared from the central and southern forests of
by urban and agricultural expansion. The Black-and-white
Hawk-Eagle, for instance, which historically has occurred
, mentioned in 
 &
Ihering,  
the state.
I have estimated population size based on data from
Amazon and Tikal forests, areas which are better preserved
than the southern Atlantic Forest.  et al
summarized data on Spizaetus from the Atlantic Forest and
 for the Ornate and Black Hawk-
for the Black-and-white Hawk-
Eagle, estimations that are smaller than those of 
& 
Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema:
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
the same situation is true for southern Brazil, where most
( et al.
than half of the estimation based on Amazon and Tikal forests
data (&
and probably more accurate, since the highly fragmented
condition of the Atlantic Forest ( et al.
 
there are no data about population structure and trends in
southern Brazil, it is reasonable to assume that each possible
based on  
 
Endangered species in the southern Atlantic Forest. 
the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, which seems to be in a
similar situation to that of the Ornate Hawk-Eagle in terms
The current species risk evaluation for hawk-eagles
 
and Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle as Endangered and the
that the Black Hawk-Eagle has the smallest population of
the three species and it is possible that the regional risk
evaluation underestimates the risk to this species. Both Black
and Ornate Hawk-Eagle depend on mature forests (
et al.
Black Hawk-Eagle has for second-growth and forest edge
( & 
the species is to disturbed landscapes ( et al.,
  
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle were downlisted to Endangered
 
same criteria above, my data suggest that all species should
; 
et al. 
population size for all species. Although my evaluations are
they should be treated with caution, and I would suggest
Eagle until there is more accurate data. My estimates were
based only on the potential habitat available and probably
Hawk-Eagle also need to be monitored, but risk evaluation for
Breeding biology. Individuals of Spizaetus seems to
have high plasticity in their breeding cycle. The Black-and-
white Hawk-Eagle is the least known species of these three
species of Spizaetus, and the nest reported here is only the
second known for the Atlantic Forest. In southeastern Brazil,
Spizaetus spp.; 
et al 
that Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle starts it breeding cycle
 et al
corresponds with the dry season for most of Brazil.
     &
& et
 et
al., 
Ornate Hawk-Eagles seems to have the same pattern in the
Amazon basin: nesting in March in Ecuador ( et al.,
 et al.
in Manaus, Brazil. In the Atlantic Forest, egg laying by the
Ornate Hawk-Eagle has been reported, or estimated, to be
 et al.
(this study). It is unclear why the Ornate Hawk-Eagle and
also the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle start breeding in the
 
when starting to breeding; “it is more a matter of avoiding the
worst months” (
Spizaetus species ( et
al.  
 
order to avoid the worst months.
Most nest characteristics and breeding behavior I
observed follow what has been reported for hawk-eagles or
for raptors in general (&
 et al.Spizaetus species nest in
Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema:
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
Black and Ornate Hawk-Eagles are similar ( et
 
 
 et al
development seems similar to the accounts reported by 
et al.
The Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle seems to have
a less elaborated courtship display than other species of
Spizaetus. While both Ornate and Black Hawk-Eagle performs
 
diving, looping, grasping, food-touching and rolling-over
observations of courtship of the Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle
report pairs gliding together, low vocal activity, chasing
and diving culminating with grasping (&
this study).  et al. 
observation of an elaborate courtship by Ornate Hawk-Eagles
and none for the Black Hawk-Eagle in Tikal Forest.
Behavior by the pair before and during copulation of the
behavior of both Black and Ornate Hawk-Eagle. While
et al.
between the pair before copulation for both Black and Ornate
Hawk-Eagle, I did not hear any call from Black-and-white
Hawk-Eagle before or after copulation. Indeed, the Black-and-
white Hawk-Eagle seems to be a very shy species, detected
rather by visualization than vocalization (pers. obs.). I did not
see the female bringing sticks or green leaves materials to the
nest before copulation, as has been reported for other hawk-
eagles ( et al.
the male might represent a gift to reinforce pair bonding or
stimulates copulation, as reported to other raptors (&
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle copulating on the nest is more
similar to the behavior shown by Black Hawk-Eagles than by
Ornate Hawk-Eagles ( et al.
 &    
 
  is required to
maintain a viable population of Black Hawk-Eagle or any
other raptors including the Ornate Hawk-Eagle that have
small home ranges (&
this requirement to the Atlantic Forest, there is only one patch
of continuous forest able to support viable populations of
these three species of Spizaetus: 
 (
et al.
. Other forested areas are fragments of
a breeding pair of Spizaetus
( et al
et al. 
Forest fragments might have a breeding pair of hawk-eagle.
In addition to deforestation, fragment isolation adds
to the threat to large raptors. According to  et al.
distance between territories of Spizaetus ( et al.,
 
km ( et al
and isolation of Atlantic Forest remnants suggest a patchy
distribution for Spizaetus, with single birds or pairs limited
to isolated patches of forest.
The conservation of large raptors such as Spizaetus,
Morphnus and Harpyia in the Atlantic Forest it is not a
simple task. Their conservation requires preservation
not only of the best remaining forest fragments, but also
halting deforestation and disturbance of the remained forest
fragments, establishing connectivity among fragments and
reducing direct threats to raptors (e.g., persecution). We also
need to better understand the ecological requirements of the
species in terms of habitat requirements, diet, and breeding
biology, as well as establish public policies to protect both
species and their habitats, as stated in the Brazilian Action
 et
guessing about the conservation status of the species, and
barely able for formulate a conservation plan.
Acknowledgements. 
Trigo for help in identifying prey items. I appreciate the improvements in
   
Ornithologists’ program of editorial assistance. I dedicate this paper to
had helped me in several studies.
diversity in the Moskitia region of Honduras. Ornitologia Neotropical
   
through Furnariidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural
History 178
Biociências 5
Diagramação e XML SciELO Publishing Schema:
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
In: &
rgs. Livro vermelho da fauna ameaçada de extinção no Rio
Grande do Sul.
A fauna ameaçada de extinção do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
  &  
(Spizaetus tyrannus). In: 
&eds. Handbook of the Birds of the
World Alive
 Spizaetus tyrannus,
Spizaetus ornatus, and Spizaetus melanoleucus
from the Atlantic forest of Misiones, Argentina. Cotinga 26
Nuestras Aves 57
ameaçada de extinção do estado de São Paulo: Vertebrados
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 
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Mamíferos silvestres do Rio Grande do Sul.
     
de ação nacional para a conservação de aves de rapina: série espécies
ameaçadas nº5
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Iheringia, Série Zoologia, 107: e2017037
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
hawk-eagle. Condor 77
 Conservation Biology
habitat selection, and conservation. Journal of Raptor Research
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Raptor Research 23
Tikal’s raptor fauna. In: Neotropical Birds of
Prey: biology and ecology of a forest raptor community. Ithaca,
   &
  In: 
Neotropical Birds of Prey: biology and ecology of a forest raptor
&In: 
Neotropical Birds of Prey: biology and ecology of a forest raptor
community. 
Wilson Bulletin 100
Raptor Research 11
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  Tree species or family Tree height (m)  Nest height (m) Nest external dimensions
(length x wide x height)(cm) 
 et al.  Metoxylon balsamum   Tree crown 
  Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze  86   
  Cavanillesia platanifolia (H.& B.) H.B.K.   
et al  Joannesia sp.
 Zeyheria cf. tuberculosa Burman  86
 et al  Myrocarpus frondosus Fr. Allem  
 et al  Copaifera langsdori   66
This study  Myrtaceae     
 Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze     
et al 
Swietenia macrophyla King, Ceiba pentandra
 Bucidas buceras  Ficus sp.,
Piscidia piscipula Cedrela odorata
 Pouteria amygdalina 
Calophyllum brasiliensis
&  Manilkara zapota     
 Bucida buceras     
 Ceiba pentandra     
 Bucida buceras     
&   
   
 et al    
   
 et al.   
 et al. 
Bucida buceras 
Brosimum alicastrum 
Rehdera penninervia
Means   86   
     
 
cm; depth)F
all species    
measure of the center depression on the nest
Breeding biology and conservation of hawk-eagles (Spizaetus spp.)...
... This raptor forages using a "sit-and-wait" strategy, during which it perches silently at a vantage point in either the lower or upper canopy until detecting the presence of its prey, which it captures by short, swooping flights toward the ground (Dornas & Pinheiro, 2007;Ortega-Alvarez et al., 2018;Robinson, 1994). In dense forest, the predation of many arboreal species by S. ornatus may reflect the opportunistic exploitation of animals found easily in the upper forest strata, as observed in other eagle species (Libório & Martins, 2013;Luna et al., 2010;Zilio, 2017). In addition to the location of the prey in the vertical forest strata, factors such as age, social behavior, and the sex of the individual may all determine its susceptibility to predation, and, in turn, the success of the foraging behavior of the predator, in particular in environments with dense vegetation cover, as observed in the present study area (Barnett et al., 2015;Calaça et al., 2017). ...
... All the E. chrysurus specimens recorded in the STNF up to now have been light in color, homogeneously over the whole body, and not restricted to a stripe on the head, which is a diagnostic feature of the species (Bonvicino et al., 2008;Iack-Ximenes et al., 2005). A more conspicuous coloration may limit the capacity of an animal to camouflage itself, by making it more easily detected (Abreu et al., 2013;Dalapicolla et al., 2020), especially by diurnal predators, which forage using visual cues, and have well-developed vision for the detection of objects of different sizes and colors (Potier et al., 2016;2017;. Given the paucity of records, however, it is unclear whether this lighter coloration increases the susceptibility of E. chrysurus to predation in any way, and much more extensive research would be required to determine whether pelage coloration affects its population parameters in any systematic way. ...
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The Echimys chrysurus is a medium-sized rodent of the family Echimyidae found mainly in the Amazon, being rare and difficult to record. In this note, we describe the predation of E. chrysurus by an individual of Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Spizaetus ornatus, in a primary forest area, in western Pará, Brazil. This unprecedented record is an important contribution to the knowledge of the ecology and natural history of both species and provides important insights about their ecology and basic biology.
... This predation rate on domestic animals is relatively high compared to those recorded for other raptor species worldwide. For instance, in the Neotropics, for the Ornate Hawk Eagle (S. ornatus) chickens made up 3.3% of its diet 46 , and for the Chaco Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) goats (Capra hircus) represented only 0.2% of its diet 47 . In Africa, domestic animals such as chickens, goats, rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and domestic cats (Felis domesticus), comprised 6% of the identifiable prey of the Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) 48 . ...
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Conflicts between rural people and the Endangered Black-and-chestnut Eagle (Spizaetus isidori) are a prominent conservation concern in the northern Andes, as at least 60 eagles were poached between 2000 and 2022 in response to poultry predation. Here, we conducted direct observations to analyze the Black-and-chestnut Eagle diet and evaluated how forest cover affects the feeding habits of the species during nestling-rearing periods in 16 nests located in different human-transformed Andean landscapes of Ecuador and Colombia. We analyzed 853 prey items (46 species) delivered to nestlings. We used Generalized Linear Models to test whether the percent forest cover calculated within varying buffer distances around each nest and linear distances from the nest to the nearest settlement and pasture areas were predictors of diet diversity and biomass contribution of prey. Forest cover was not a factor that affected the consumption of poultry; however, the eagle regularly preyed on chickens (Gallus gallus) (i.e., domestic Galliformes) which were consumed by 15 of the 16 eagle pairs, with biomass contributions (14.57% ± 10.55) representing 0.6–37% of the total prey consumed. The Black-and-chestnut Eagle is an adaptable generalist able to switch from mammalian carnivores to guans (i.e., wild Galliformes) in human-dominated landscapes, and eagles nesting in sites with low forest cover had a less diverse diet than those in areas with more intact forests. Management actions for the conservation of this avian top predator require studies on the eagle’s diet in areas where human persecution is suspected or documented, but also maintaining forest cover for the wild prey of the species, development of socio-economic and psychological assessments on the drivers behind human-eagle conflicts, and the strengthening of technical capacities of rural communities, such as appropriate poultry management.
... + n), where n is the number of the day of interest in the year. Data related to the diet of these raptors was gathered through literature review (using the keywords: 'diet' , 'dietary' , 'prey ', 'food' , 'feeding habits' , 'feeding strategy' and 'feeding behavior'), mainly from articles in which food items were directly observed or collected in or around nests [44][45][46]49,51,55,64,65 . Prey biomass was estimated based on the same articles, but if such data were not available in this material we reviewed information provided by 22,36,66,67 . ...
... + n), where n is the number of the day of interest in the year. Data related to the diet of these raptors was gathered through literature review (using the keywords: 'diet' , 'dietary' , 'prey ', 'food' , 'feeding habits' , 'feeding strategy' and 'feeding behavior'), mainly from articles in which food items were directly observed or collected in or around nests [44][45][46]49,51,55,64,65 . Prey biomass was estimated based on the same articles, but if such data were not available in this material we reviewed information provided by 22,36,66,67 . ...
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We explore the potential factors that affect clutch initiation in four Neotropical large raptors (Harpy eagle—HE, Crested eagle—CE, Ornate hawk-eagle—OHE, and Black hawk-eagle—BHE) by analyzing 414 clutch events mostly obtained from captive individuals. Differences in how clutch initiation is associated with changes in photoperiod were found between HE and both hawk-eagles, and between CE and BHE. Changes in temperature at the time of clutch initiation only differed between HE and OHE, whereas changes in precipitation varied between BHE and all other species. Principal Component Analysis of these environmental cues showed that ellipses in the dataset of each species overlap, but only ellipses from CE and OHE had the same variation trends. This means that although these species live under similar ecological conditions, they exhibit three different patterns of response to environmental cues. Apparently, these patterns are not associated with phylogenetic relatedness because species belonging to the same clade do not show the same response pattern. Diet diversity analysis revealed that HE has the least varied diet, and CE and OHE the most varied diet. The fact that species who fit the same reproductive timing response to environmental cues show similar diets leads us to hypothesize that breeding in these eagles was most likely shaped by food availability.
... This is because there are similarities in their living needs, such as prey (Gjershaugh et al. 2004;Gunawan et al. 2016). After all, each eagle has almost the same prey specifications, so the process of foraging for food occurs in the same area (Jones and Dorward 2014;Zilio 2017;Peck et al. 2018;Teixeira et al. 2019) The Javan Eagle's nest tree in Kondang Merak Coastal is located in a lowland forest. The nest tree used by the Javan hawk-eagle is Spondias pinnata or known in the local name as the 'forest kedondong' tree ( Figure 3). ...
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Iskandar RRD, Elfidasari D, Prawiradilaga DM. 2022. Identification of spatial data and ecology of Javan hawk-eagle's nest (Nisaetus bartelsi) in the Kondang Merak Coastal, South Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 3419-3428. Ecological identification of the Javan hawk-eagle's habitat (Nisaetus bartelsi) is necessary to understand the support of its life, such as the spatial data in connection with its home range, nest location, and the use of nest trees. The species must choose a location that suits its needs. According to several studies, The Javan hawk-eagle's presence was only in highland forests. The new report of The Javan hawk-eagle occurrence in Merak Kondang coastal confirmed The Javan hawk-eagle's presence in lowland forest. The objective of this study was to identify the landscape characteristics that become the habitat preferences of The Javan hawk-eagle in Merak Kondang coastal, South Malang, East Java. Analysis used in this study included habitat suitability maps, plant vegetation, spatial analysis of tree canopy, and tree nest architecture analysis. The home range of the Javan hawk-eagle in the Kondang Merak coastal, South Malang, East Java, covered an area of 149.94 Ha. Most of the home range overlapped between Javan hawk-eagle individuals, including siblings and between an individual Javan hawk-eagle with other species of eagle. The Javan hawk-eagle used Spondias pinnata as nest trees with the architectural model Scarrone. It used 3 different tree species for perching, namely Pterocymbium javanicum, Anthocephalus cadamba, and Alstonia angustiloba. In the tree phase, the dominant vegetation type was Spondias pinnata (IVI) 43,16%, the pole phase that dominates was Mallotus paniculatus (IVI) 62.31%, the dominant vegetation of the stake phase was Garcinia forbesii, and the seedling phase was Arenga obtusifolia (IVI) 71.42%. The highest diversity index (H') was in the tree phase (H’=2,34), which was in the moderately abundant category and was at an elevation of 8% (flat).
... In December 2008, we found a nestling of this species that had fallen from an unidentified nest tree, confirming that breeding activity occurs in the rainy season in this study area. Most raptors breed only during one season when food resources are most available (Joenck et al. 2011, Zilio 2017. The diets of both focal species are mainly arthropods, mollusks, and small vertebrates (Ferguson-Lees and Christie 2001), which generally increase in abundance during the rainy season (Fontenelle 2007). ...
Studies of territorial and courtship behavior are lacking for many tropical raptors. From 2006 to 2009, using observations that were not time-limited, we studied the territorial and courtship behaviors of the White-necked Hawk (Buteogallus lacernulatus) and the Mantled Hawk (Pseudastur polionotus) in Rio Doce State Park in eastern Brazil. We observed White-necked Hawks and Mantled Hawks engaged in aerial displays on 67 and 13 occasions, respectively. Display behaviors performed by White-necked Hawks were characterized by 1–4 undulations followed by aerial swoops and spirals. Territorial and/or courtship behaviors of Mantled Hawks were characterized by the male and female performing thermal or horizontal gliding together and diving in spirals while frequently emitting a series of long and short whistles. This study presents the first formal descriptions of the aerial territorial/courtship displays of these rare forest-dwelling raptors.
... En un estudio anterior de esta rapaz, Navarro et al. (2007) describieron el momento de la cópula, consumada en un árbol de ceiba (Tabebuia pentandra L.) de un bosque varzeano del río Caroní, en el estado Bolívar, al sur Venezuela, pero n o o b t u v i e r o n m a t e r i a l f o t o g r á f i c o ; adicionalmente, durante la fase de inundación para la construcción de una represa, en el mismo río, Hasta finales del siglo XX, la ecología reproductiva de los Accipítridos neotropicales no era muy abundante (Ellis et al., 1990;Thiollay, 1994); no obstante, en las últimas dos décadas se han incrementado visiblemente los estudios en ese sentido (Whitacre, 2012;Bierregaard et al., 2018), aunque mayoritariamente sobre las actividades de anidación y crianza, e.g., en Perú (Beingolea & White, 2002), Colombia (Márquez et al., 2005), Panamá (Vargas & Vargas, 2011), Paraguay (Hayes, 2014), Guayana Francesa (Ingels et al., 2016), Brasil (Specht et al., 2008;Zilio, 2017), Argentina (Liebana et al., 2009;Orozco-Valor & Grande, 2016), Guatemala (Thorstrom & Quixchán, 2000;Panasci & Whitacre, 2002), Ecuador (Bollmer et al., 2003;Cisneros-Heredia, 2006), Venezuela (Ouellet, 1990;Navarro et al., 2007;Muñoz et al., 2010) y Chile (Pavez, 2001;Muñoz-Pedreros et al., 2004;Pavez et al., 2004;Figueroa et al., 2007;Rivas-Fuenzalida et al., 2011;Raimilla et al., 2014). ...
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Algunas especies de aves rapaces se han habituado a vivir en ambientes urbanos, ya que éstos pueden proveer hábitats de alta calidad relativa; sin embargo, en el aspecto reproductivo la tasa de éxito parece ser discutible. En esta nota se obtuvo un registro fotográfico copulando del Gavilán Habado (Rupornis magnirostris Gmelin 1788), en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela. Ésta es una especie nativa de la Región Neotropical, de amplia distribución en el territorio venezolano y considerado como el accipítrido visto con mayor frecuencia. El acto de montaje y cópula de la pareja duró unos 10 a 12 seg. Una vez consumada la cópula, la pareja permaneció junta unos pocos segundos más y luego el macho dejó la hembra. En días posteriores, la pareja siguió visitando el mismo árbol, sin embargo, no se les oyó emitir vocalizaciones ni se observó otra actividad de copulación.
Em outubro de 2020, foi encontrado um ninho de Spizaetus melanoleucus em uma árvore emergente, localizada em um vale circundado por morros íngremes em forma de cristas, na margem esquerda do Rio Itajaí do Norte, município de Itaiópolis, Santa Catarina. Realizaram-se 60 visitas ocasionais na área do ninho até fevereiro de 2024. Foram acompanhados três períodos reprodutivos, verificando-se a média de 273 dias para todo o ciclo e a inclusão de serpentes como item alimentar para a espécie. O sucesso reprodutivo da espécie indica a importância da preservação da área florestal da calha do Rio Itajaí do Norte para a preservação da espécie.
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El estudio de sitios reproductivos es de especial importancia para entender los requerimientos de hábitat y el comportamiento de especies, y para planear estrategias de conservación eficientes. Realizamos una revisión bibliográfica de la localización de los nidos conocidos del Águila Viuda (Spizaetus melanoleucus) para el continente Americano. Luego reportamos el primer nido activo con reproducción exitosa de esta especie para la Argentina. El primer nido descubierto fue en Panamá en 1972, pero la primera descripción completa fue 36 años después en Brasil. Encontramos que hasta el momento se conocían 17 nidos. La plataforma de nidificación encontrada en Argentina se descubrió en octubre de 2019 el Parque Provincial Salto Encantado, en la provincia de Misiones. El 13 de octubre de 2022 se confirmó la presencia de un pichón de 20-25 días de edad y una hembra adulta en el interior del nido, ubicado en un Sabuguero (Aralia warmingiana) de 25 m de altura en la ladera de un valle de pendiente pronunciada, que lo destaca del dosel. En el siguiente monitoreo, en noviembre de 2022 se observó al pichón con 60 días de edad realizando vuelos en la cercanía del nido junto a sus padres. El descubrimiento de este sitio de nidificación es de importancia para tomar medidas directas para la conservación de la especie. El estudio de las variables ambientales del sitio y el comportamiento reproductivo de estos individuos generará información importante para mejorar la detección de sitios de interés y plantear estrategias de conservación eficientes para esta especie amenazada.
This study presents the first description of the breeding biology of the IUCN Endangered North Philippine Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus philippensis). We described a single pair's breeding phenology, nest characteristics, diet, chick development, and behavior through on-the-ground and remote observations from 1 February to 14 May 2020. Due to limited mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic, we improvised a video recording setup for remote monitoring and used machine learning to extract data from images. The nest was a low cup/fork type stick nest placed on a Malabulak tree (Bombax ceiba) in a heavily disturbed secondary forest. When it was first found, the incubation stage was underway and lasted for 1 month as the nestling emerged on 1 March 2020. Both adults provided parental care throughout the breeding period, with the male primarily providing food and the female attending to the nest, egg, and chick. They preyed on a wide range of vertebrates such as lizards, ground birds, bats, rodents, and domestic animals. With a single egg per clutch and a relatively long breeding cycle, the species has a slow reproductive output that may contribute to its current threatened status.
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The black-and-white hawk-eagle (Spizaetus melanoleucus) is a forest raptor and naturally rare throughout its distribution. In the state of Paraná, it has few records, especially in the northwest. Due to low population densities and inconspicuous behavior, there is little biological information available on the species. This study presents some records and behavioral observations on Spizaetus melanoleucus in two forest remnants in the countryside of the state of Paraná. Observations suggest that the species may often forage in open areas, seeking small mammals and other vertebrates. Moreover, the species seems to be more detectable in the late-morning and early afternoon flights. Information on the biology, behavior, hunting strategies and distribution of the species can help to better understand their biology and assist on conservation strategies.
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This paper describes three records evidencing the presence of Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) in Turvo State Park, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Besides an historical record showing a picture of a young Harpy Eagle shot in the 1970’s in the surroundings of Turvo State Park, we also describe two recent records made inside the park. One of them was visual, made at the Yucumã Waterfalls in 2011 by the Argentinean park ranger V. Matuchaka. The other one, documented by a picture, was made by D.A.M. in March 2015 next to a remote valley of the park. These records proof the Harpy Eagle still occurs in Rio Grande do Sul state and highlights the project of Panambi’s Hydroelectric should be redesigned to minimize impacts on the area of Turvo State Park. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia. All rights reserved.