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Abstract and Figures

Biodiversity is commonly referred to as species diversity but in forest ecosystems variability in structural and functional characteristics can also be treated as measures of biodiversity. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide a means for characterizing forest ecosystem with high spatial resolution, permitting measuring physical characteristics of a forest ecosystem from a viewpoint of biodiversity. The objective of this study is to examine the applicability of photogrammetric point clouds and hyperspectral imaging acquired with a small UAV helicopter in mapping biodiversity indicators, such as structural complexity as well as the amount of deciduous and dead trees at plot level in southern boreal forests. Standard deviation of tree heights within a sample plot, used as a proxy for structural complexity, was the most accurately derived biodiversity indicator resulting in a mean error of 0.5 m, with a standard deviation of 0.9 m. The volume predictions for deciduous and dead trees were underestimated by 32.4 m³/ha and 1.7 m³/ha, respectively, with standard deviation of 50.2 m³/ha for deciduous and 3.2 m³/ha for dead trees. The spectral features describing brightness (i.e. higher reflectance values) were prevailing in feature selection but several wavelengths were represented. Thus, it can be concluded that structural complexity can be predicted reliably but at the same time can be expected to be underestimated with photogrammetric point clouds obtained with a small UAV. Additionally, plot-level volume of dead trees can be predicted with small mean error whereas identifying deciduous species was more challenging at plot level.
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N. Saarinen a,g *, M. Vastaranta a,g, R. Näsi b, T. Rosnell b, T. Hakala b, E. Honkavaara b, M.A. Wulder c, V. Luoma a,g, A. M. G.
Tommaselli d, N. N. Imai d, E. A. W. Ribeiro e, R. B. Guimarães f, M. Holopainen a,g, J. Hyyppä b,g
a Dept. of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland -
b Dept. of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI, National Land Survey, Geodeetinrinne
2, 04310 Masala, Finland -
c Pacific Forestry Centre, National Resources Canada, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria, British Columbia, V8Z 1M5, Canada -
d Dept. of Cartography, São Paulo State University, Roberto Simonsen 305, 19060-900 Presidente Prudente, Brazil -
(tomaseli, nnimai)
e Catarinense Federal Institute, Rodovia Duque de Caxias - km 6 - s/n, 89240-000 o Francisco do Sul, Brazil -
f Dept. of Geography, São Paulo State University, Roberto Simonsen 305, 19060-900 Presidente Prudente, Brazil
g Centre of Excellence in Laser Scanning Research, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI, National Land Survey of Finland,
04310 Masala, Finland
Commission ΙΙI, WG III/4
KEY WORDS: Spectral Imaging, Remote Sensing, Forest Ecology, Forest Mensuration, Forest Inventory, UAS, Photogrammetry
Biodiversity is commonly referred to as species diversity but in forest ecosystems variability in structural and functional
characteristics can also be treated as measures of biodiversity. Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide a means for
characterizing forest ecosystem with high spatial resolution, permitting measuring physical characteristics of a forest ecosystem from
a viewpoint of biodiversity. The objective of this study is to examine the applicability of photogrammetric point clouds and
hyperspectral imaging acquired with a small UAV helicopter in mapping biodiversity indicators, such as structural complexity as
well as the amount of deciduous and dead trees at plot level in southern boreal forests. Standard deviation of tree heights within a
sample plot, used as a proxy for structural complexity, was the most accurately derived biodiversity indicator resulting in a mean
error of 0.5 m, with a standard deviation of 0.9 m. The volume predictions for deciduous and dead trees were underestimated by 32.4
m3/ha and 1.7 m3/ha, respectively, with standard deviation of 50.2 m3/ha for deciduous and 3.2 m3/ha for dead trees. The spectral
features describing brightness (i.e. higher reflectance values) were prevailing in feature selection but several wavelengths were
represented. Thus, it can be concluded that structural complexity can be predicted reliably but at the same time can be expected to be
underestimated with photogrammetric point clouds obtained with a small UAV. Additionally, plot-level volume of dead trees can be
predicted with small mean error whereas identifying deciduous species was more challenging at plot level.
* Corresponding author
Monitoring biodiversity is increasingly important in sustainable
use of forest resources. Species diversity is frequently applied
approach for describing biodiversity (e.g. Gaston 2000, Huston
1994, Kimmins 1997, Rosenzweig 1995). Additionally, forest
structural and functional variety can also be used for
characterizing biodiversity. In forest environments, several
descriptive structural attributes of forests can be available upon
for assessing biodiversity, including tree size variability, canopy
cover, as well as amount of dead wood and deciduous trees
(Esseen et al. 1997, Kuuluvainen 2002, Kuusinen 1994,
Kuusinen 1996, Siitonen 2001, Willson 1974).
Remote sensing provides a means for measuring and mapping
of these structural attributes. Small unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) have been used increasingly as a data collection option
to support forest sciences and applications (Goodbody et al.
2017, Pajares 2015, Torresan et al., 2017). The use of UAVs
has enabled the on-demand collection of high spatial resolution
imagery, serving to improve the resolution of photogrammetric
point clouds, and therefore offer improved characterization of
forest structure. UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds and
hyperspectral imagery provide information from forest structure
(de Oliveira et al. 2016, Puliti et al. 2015) and can be
considered complementary to traditional field plot
measurements. Although field measurements are still required,
UAV offer detailed and geolocated information on forest
structural and functional conditions that can be employed as
reference for larger area estimates represented by satellite
imagery, for example.
Recently, small UAVs have been used in depicting forest
characteristics related to biodiversity. For instance, in detecting
dead trees on the ground (Inoue et al. 2014), canopy gaps as an
indicator of biodiversity especially in natural forest where they
play vital role in regeneration (Getzin et al. 2014), and
structural heterogeneity of forests (Zahawi et al. 2015, Wallace
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W3, 2017
Frontiers in Spectral imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions, 25–27 October 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Authors 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
et al. 2016). In addition, UAV-based hyperspectral imagery has
been utilized in identifying individual tree species (Nevalainen
et al. 2017) as well as damaged and dead trees (Näsi et al.
The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of UAV-based
photogrammetric point clouds and hyperspectral imagery in
mapping biodiversity indicators for southern boreal forest
conditions as a means for enhancing the traditional field
measurements. The biodiversity indicators considered in the
study included structural complexity as well as the amount of
deciduous and dead trees.
2.1 Study area and field data
The study area of an approximately 2000 ha is located in
southern Finland (61.19° N, 25.11° E) representing southern
boreal forests. The area includes both managed and natural
forests with an average stand size of slightly less than 1 ha. The
main tree species in the area are Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.),
Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) as well as silver and
downy birches (Betula pendula Roth, and pubescens Ehrh.),
with a mix of aspen (Populus tremula L.) and Grey and
Common alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench, and glutinosa (L.)
Gaertn.). Field data include 26 plots with a size of 32 m x 32 m.
The sample plots were measured in the summer of 2014. All
trees with a diameter-at-breast height (dbh) at least 5 cm were
tallied in a sample plot. Tree species, status (i.e. live or dead),
dbh and height were determined for each of these tallied trees.
Allometric functions were used to define stem volume for the
individual trees. Plot-level proxy for the biodiversity indicator
of the structural complexity was calculated as a variation in
field-measured tree heights ( Furthermore, stem volume
of deciduous and dead trees was aggregated from individual
tree-level information.
Dg (cm)
Hg (m)
G (m2/ha)
Vtotal (m3/ha)
VDead (m3/ha)
VDeciduous (m3/ha)
1027 (m)
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of forest attributes of the sample
plots. Dg = basal-area weighted mean dbh, Hg = basal-area
weighted mean height, G = basal area, V = stem volume, and = Standard deviation of field measured tree heights on
plot level
2.2 Data acquisition and pre-processing of UAV data
The UAV data were acquired during July of 2014. A tunable
Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI) based multispectral camera
manufactured by Senop Ltd. operating in the visible to near-
infrared spectral range (i.e. between 500 nm and 900 nm) was
used in the study to hyperspectral imagery with 22 spectral
bands. In addition, a Samsung NX300 RGB camera was
employed for obtaining high spatial resolution data. The two
cameras were mounted on a small, single-rotor UAV helicopter
based on Mikado Logo 600 mechanics with a 5-kg payload
capacity enabling simultaneous hyperspectral data collection
with high spatial resolution imagery required for creating a
detailed photogrammetric point cloud. A preprogrammed flight
path was flown autonomously using an autopilot DJI ACE
Waypoint. The flying altitude was 400 m, which resulted in a
ground sampling distance of 0.25 m for FPI imaging and 0.10 m
for RGB imagery. The data sets were processed using a
photogrammetric workstation, to provide image orientations and
finally the final outputs of photogrammetric point clouds with
3-dimensional (3D) information. Reflectance reference panels
were utilized to carry out transformation of digital numbers to
reflectance factors. The methods of Honkavaara et al. (2013)
were followed to radiometrically process and provide spectral
information and calibrated reflectance factors resulting in
reflectance mosaics from the FPI imaging. Finally, the
reflectance values from these mosaics were combined to the 3D
point clouds, in other words each point included the 3D
coordinates as well as reflectance values for the 22 spectral
bands used in the study.
2.3 Methodology
A digital surface model (DSM) with a resolution of 0.3 m was
created from the photogrammetric point clouds for detecting
individual tree crowns. The tree-crown delineation was carried
out by using a watershed segmentation approach.
Photogrammetric point clouds were normalized with the
national digital terrain model (DTM) with a horizontal
resolution of 2 m (NLS 2017). Metrics describing forest
structure (i.e. 3D metrics) for each segment were generated
from these normalized point clouds. The generated metrics
included maximum height (Hmax), mean height defined as the
arithmetic mean of heights (Hmean), standard deviation of
heights (Hstd) as well as the coefficient of variation of heights
(Hcv). Furthermore, quantiles for every 10% representing the
height of certain percentage of points (i.e. height percentiles)
were calculated between 10% and 90% (HP10-HP90). Similarly,
spectral features were generated for each segment by using the
reflectance values of points within a segment. The spectral
features included arithmetic mean spectra (Smean) and median
spectra (Smedian) as well as percentiles between 10% and
100% (SP10-SP100), depicting brightness of points within a
segment, for each of the 22 spectral bands.
A nearest-neighbour estimation method (Breiman 2001) was
applied in predicting simultaneously dbh, height, species, and
health status (i.e. live or dead) for each crown segment. Then
the investigated biodiversity indicators were compiled for the
sample plots as sums or averages of the tree level predictions.
Random forest classification was used for selecting the most
important 3D metrics as well as spectral features, but it was also
employed for identifying the nearest neighbour needed for the
estimations. The number of neighbours used in the predictions
was set to one to include the variability in the reference data.
Random forest was iterated ten times to define the best
performing 3D metrics for tree height and dbh. Pearson’s
correlation coefficient was used to assess the relation between
3D metrics and height and dbh. For health status and tree
species, the random forest was also iterated ten times to find the
most suitable spectral features. The within-built computing of
variable importance scores of the Random forest was used when
selecting spectral features, in other words spectral features with
scaled importance higher than 2.5 were selected for further
inspection. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was computed
between these spectral features to select the spectral features to
be included in the final modelling. Mean spectra from all the 22
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W3, 2017
Frontiers in Spectral imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions, 25–27 October 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Authors 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
spectral bands were calculated for each tree species when only
live trees were considered and separately for dead trees.
The validation of the UAV-based mapping of the biodiversity
indicators was assessed based the mean error (ME) when
compared to the field reference. The ME was calculated by
subtracting a biodiversity indicator predicted with the UAV data
from the indicator observed in the field. The absolute value for
ME was divided by the mean of each field-observed
biodiversity indicator to obtain the relative value. In addition,
the effect of structural complexity as well as the amount of
deciduous and dead trees in a sample plot on the ME was
3.1 Feature selection
All of the high height percentiles (i.e. HP80-HP90) and Hmax
had a Pearson’s correlation coefficients higher than 0.9 when
relationship with field-measured height and dbh was assessed.
They were, however, also highly correlated (r > 0.90) with each
other. Hmax was within the best metrics in each random forest
iteration and thus, only the Hmax was selected for the final
modelling. The spectral features were included to the search of
nearest neighbour for improving tree species and health status
estimation. All spectral features with the scaled importance
higher than 2.5 were correlated (r > 0.7) with each other.
Therefore, the spectral features with the lowest Pearson’s
correlation coefficient, namely SP90 for the bands 688, 719, and
900 as well as Smean for the band 504, were included in the
final nearest-neighbour prediction model.
Figure 2. Mean and median spectra of various tree species (only
live trees included) and dead trees
Visual inspection of the mean spectra revealed that the dead
trees had visibly lower reflectance values, especially in the near-
infrared part of the spectrum (Figure 2). Average difference
between mean and median spectra of live trees was
approximately 0.00 indicating relatively uniformly distributed
species-specific spectral values without any noteworthy outliers.
For dead trees, on the other hand, the difference between mean
and median spectra varied from 0.01 to 0.02 for wavelengths
from 719 to 775, corresponding on average 27.6% of the mean
reflectance values, indicating more variability in reflectance
values for especially the red-edge bands.
3.2 Accuracy of mapping the biodiversity indicators
The rate of identifying individual trees varied between 22.3%
and 137.1%, with a mean of 64.3%. The underestimates were
mainly caused by low detection rate of small trees under the
dominant canopy layer. On the other hand, overestimates were
present where the photogrammetric point clouds could not
penetrate to ground level to define crown boundaries and
marginal peaking in the DSM resulted in commission error (i.e.
identification of tree that is not there).
Structural complexity within a sample plot was the most
accurately derived biodiversity indicator resulting in the ME of
0.5 m (8.7%). The ME for volume of deciduous trees varied
from 11.1 m3/ha overestimates to 216.6 m3/ha underestimates
(Table 3). Although, the volume of dead trees was notably
smaller compared to deciduous trees (3.1 m3/ha and 61.3 m3/ha,
respectively), and the mean absolute ME was not as substantial,
the mean relative MEs were similar for both, in other words
52.4% for stem volume of deciduous and 54.6% for stem
volume of dead trees.,
Table 3. Accuracy of mapping biodiversity indicators. ME =
mean error, = standard deviation of individual tree
heights (used as a proxy for structural complexity), VOLdead =
plot-level volume of dead trees, VOLdec = plot-level volume of
deciduous trees
When the effect of the amount of deciduous and dead trees was
analysed, proportion of stem volume was used (i.e. VOL%dead
and VOL%dec). Furthermore, the mean value based on field
measurements of either (5.4 m), VOL%dead (1.4%), or
VOL%dec (26.7%) at a time were used to divide the plots into
two groups (i.e. plots with larger or smaller value than the
mean). The structural complexity did not affect the accuracy of
estimating either the VOLdead or VOLdec, in other words the
difference between the mean relative MEs of the plots with larger or smaller than 5.4 m was not statistically
significant (p = 0.77 and p = 0.42, respectively).
On the other hand, VOL%dec affected the mapping accuracy of
VOLdec as the difference in the ME was statistically significant
(p = 0.01), when comparing sample plots with the VOL%dec
larger and smaller than the average (i.e. 26.7%). The mean
relative ME for plots with deciduous proportion larger than the
average was 63.6% whereas for plots with proportion of
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W3, 2017
Frontiers in Spectral imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions, 25–27 October 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Authors 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
deciduous trees less than the average, the relative ME was
31.0%. In contrast, the difference in the relative ME of dead
trees was not statistically significant (p = 0.42) between plots
with more (relative ME 53.1%) or less (relative ME 72.9%)
dead trees (i.e. proportion from stem volume) than on average
(i.e. 1.4%).
The suitability of UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds
and hyperspectral imaging was investigated in mapping
biodiversity indicators such as structural complexity and
volume of deciduous and dead trees. It was possible to estimate
structural complexity with a mean error of 0.5 m indicating
ability of photogrammetric point clouds in describing
biodiversity through height variation. Structural complexity
affected on the accuracy of plot-level stem volume estimates of
dead trees, implying better accuracy with smaller structural
The accuracy of individual tree detection influences the
estimated variability in tree height as suppressed trees are
problematic to identify with photogrammetric point clouds
because penetration through canopy is challenging (Vastaranta
et al. 2013, White et al. 2013, Wallace et al. 2016). Thus, a
plot-level mean height can be expected to be overestimated with
photogrammetric point clouds, which was true also in this
study. Furthermore,, utilized to describe structural
complexity, was also underestimated. However, the mean error
for of 0.5 m is similar or better compared to results of
other studies using UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds
in estimating tree height (Zarco-Tejada et al. 2014, Dandois et
al. 2015, Zahawi et al. 2015, Wallace et al. 2016). Berveglieri et
al. (2016) used photogrammetric point clouds to derive
information from vertical structure of Brazilian semideciduous
tropical forest and concluded that it was possible to classify
successional stage with this information. Based on also our
results, the accuracy of height variation could be used for
estimating biodiversity when assessed with vertical structure of
a forest. Wallace et al. (2016) estimated canopy cover and
vertical canopy structure in a native eucalypt forest in Australia.
They reported underestimates of 15% in point-cloud based
canopy cover, but 0.61 m overestimates for tree height which
could have been caused the use of DTM based on
photogrammetric point cloud.
The reflectance values for each spectral band depend on
illuminating conditions, therefore spectral features are not as
stable as the 3D metrics between sample plots and data
acquisitions (Nevalainen et al. 2017). Dandois et al. (2015)
reported likewise of the effect of cloudy vs clear days on the
canopy penetration of UAV-based photogrammetric point cloud
which suggests that tree crown identification and tree detection
can be affected by the illumination conditions. In addition, the
accuracy of classifying tree species and health status (i.e. live or
dead) influences the final results of mapping the biodiversity
indicators such as volume of dead and deciduous trees.
Although random forest provides a robust means for selecting
features for final modelling, several wavelengths across the
spectral range were represented in the selected spectral features
used for the modelling. This is in line with the results presented
by Näsi et al. (2015) and Nevalainen et al. (2017). Thus, it is
challenging to specify the relationship between the physical
characteristics of various tree species or health status and
reflectance values of the 22 bands used here. However, smaller
mean error was identified for plots where the proportion of
deciduous trees was less than the average. This indicates good
reliability for plots where small amount of deciduous trees exist
which is important as tree species variability increases overall
biodiversity. Many of the trees identified as dead in the field did
not have any or little crown and the health status dead also
included snags. When segmenting DSM to identify individual
trees, these may not have been detected as they might have been
under the dominant canopy layer or crowns of adjacent trees.
Here we classified specific tree species for each identified tree
crown which might have caused more uncertainty if simpler
classification of conifer-deciduous would have been used. In
addition, deciduous trees contribute in co-dominant canopy
layer which decreases the classification accuracy if their crowns
are not identified from a point cloud. Variation in detection
accuracy based on canopy layers could explain relatively low
estimates for volume of deciduous trees. Nevertheless, the study
increases understanding how photogrammetric point clouds and
hyperspectral imaging acquired with a small UAV can be used
in mapping biodiversity indicators. And with the potential for
temporal resolution, UAV can be utilized in producing these
kinds of data sets in monitoring changes in forest conditions
that can reveal a trend for development of biodiversity.
Photogrammetric point clouds generated from UAV was used to
characterize structural complexity of southern boreal forests and
it was possible to capture this biodiversity indicator with a level
of reliability comparable to field measurements, indicating that
UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds are suitable for
mapping biodiversity when measured through structural
variability. Hyperspectral imaging was employed in addition to
3D information from the point clouds, to estimate volume of
dead and deciduous trees. Smaller mean errors were obtained
for volume estimates for dead trees than for deciduous trees.
The results did not vary between plots of different forest
characteristics, although it was possible to estimate volume of
deciduous trees more reliably when they were mixed in conifer-
dominated forests.
The study was funded by the Academy of Finland through a
project Unmanned Airborne Vehicle- based 4D Remote
Sensing for Mapping Rain Forest Biodiversity and Its Change
in Brazil” (Decision number 273806) and the Centre of
Excellence in Laser Scanning Research (project number
272195). The authors would also like to thank Häme University
of Applied Science for supporting our research activities at Evo
study site, Senop Oy for providing us the FPI hyperspectral
camera, and Dr Sakari Tuominen and Dr Ilkka Pölönen for their
support during the UAV data capture flights. Senior researcher
Paula Litkey is thanked for her support in generating the
photogrammetric point clouds.
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Frontiers in Spectral imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions, 25–27 October 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Authors 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
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imagery acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and
automatic 3D photo-reconstruction methods. Euro. J.
Agronomy, 55, pp. 89-99.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-3/W3, 2017
Frontiers in Spectral imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions, 25–27 October 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
This contribution has been peer-reviewed. | © Authors 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.
... A forest is not a forest without its trees, and the coexistence of different species exploiting different growth strategies creates and curates microclimates that provide critical services to all manner of plant and animal species. As a result, it is important to consider both functional and structural biodiversity in forested environments (Saarinen et al. 2017) as trees provide the general architecture upon which other forest-dwelling species interact (Hastings et al. 2020). Since trees are long-lived and immobile the distribution of tree species across a landscape can have major implications in how wildlife may make use of certain habitats (North et al. 2017;Hagar et al. 2020) and how foresters must respond to meet management targets (Riviere and Caurla 2021). ...
... The introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provides a new tool that can generate imagery of sufficient resolution to identify the canopy composition within an individual pixel of broad-scale satellite data (Nevalainen et al. 2017;Saarinen et al. 2017;Tuominen et al. 2017). With such resolution, it is possible to identify and delineate individual trees and develop species-specific spectral profiles (Tuominen et al. 2018) that can be related to landscape-level satellite imagery to map canopy composition by dominant tree species across an entire forested landscape. ...
... With such resolution, it is possible to identify and delineate individual trees and develop species-specific spectral profiles (Tuominen et al. 2018) that can be related to landscape-level satellite imagery to map canopy composition by dominant tree species across an entire forested landscape. In addition, the georeferenced images from offthe-shelf UAVs can be used to create dense, three-dimensional point clouds from which one can extract the shape and structure of individual trees (Dandois et al. 2015;Mohan et al. 2017) that can be used with colour imagery to classify individual trees to species (Saarinen et al. 2017;Natesan et al. 2020). In this way, UAVs can be employed to capture data of a similar nature and often of significantly higher detail than other remote sensing alternatives. ...
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In order to understand how a forest may respond to environmental changes or develop over time, it is necessary to examine broad, landscape level factors. With the arrival of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the combination of both spaceborne data with high resolution UAV data can provide foresters and biologists with powerful tools to classify canopies to the species level, which we illustrate here. We combine imagery from the Operational Land Imager (OLI) of the Landsat 8 satellite with aerial imagery from a Phantom 4 UAV to map canopy composition of three tree species. We manually delineated dense stands of each tree species in the UAV imagery to extract training samples from an OLI true colour composite image to perform a fuzzy membership analysis and calculate the maximum likelihood that an individual pixel represented a particular species. We verified the accuracy of our analysis finding an overall accuracy of 0.796 and a kappa statistic of 0.728. We consider these results to be a strong demonstration of the value of using UAV and satellite imagery in tandem to investigate forest-wide effects at an individual tree level.
... support vector machine, decision tree and arti cial neural networks) in the literature search, random forest classi cation algorithm (Breiman, 2001) is the most used non-parametric learning algorithm. is algorithm is successfully applied for tree species classi cation (Franklin und Ahmed, 2017), forest regeneration monitoring (Goodbody et al., 2017a), and for selecting the most important 3D metrics and spectral features for further inspections (Imangholiloo et al., 2019;Saarinen et al., 2017). ...
... As observed in many comparisons of photogrammetric-CHM with LiDAR-CHMs, photogrammetric CHMs tend to be overestimate the canopy heights as a result of occlusions, (i.e. point clouds could not penetrate to ground level to de ne crown boundaries), shadows and smoothing (Saarinen et al., 2017). Particularly, coniferous stands with numerous and abrupt ne-scale peaks and gaps in the outer canopy seem to su er more from the smoothing e ect induced by the dense-matching . ...
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... A wide variety of sensors have been developed and tested on such platforms including light detection and ranging (LiDAR) (Brede et al., 2017), thermal-, multi-, and hyperspectral cameras (Abbeloos and Goedemé, 2013;Saarinen et al., 2017;Kopačková-Strnadová et al., 2021), but due to limited payloads of aircraft and the low prices, consumer-grade RGB cameras remain one of the most popular choices for UAV applications. These sensors have been used to estimate tree (Kopačková-Strnadová et al., 2021;Fritz et al., 2013;Schiefer et al., 2020) and stand-level attributes (Dempewolf et al., 2017;Puliti et al., 2017;Giannetti et al., 2018), usually derived from a workflow that incorporates the 3D reconstruction of the forest canopy based on SfM algorithms paired with Multi-View stereo (MVS) algorithms. ...
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Unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAV) with RGB-cameras are affordable and versatile devices for the generation of a series of remote sensing products that can be used for forest inventory tasks, such as creating high-resolution orthomosaics and canopy height models. The latter may serve purposes including tree species identification, forest damage assessments, canopy height or timber stock assessments. Besides flight and image acquisition parameters such as image overlap, flight height, and weather conditions, the focal length, which determines the opening angle of the camera lens, is a parameter that influences the reconstruction quality. Despite its importance, the effect of focal length on the quality of 3D reconstructions of forests has received little attention in the literature. Shorter focal lengths result in more accurate distance estimates in the nadir direction since small angular errors lead to large positional errors in narrow opening angles. In this study, 3D reconstructions of four UAV-acquisitions with different focal lengths (21, 35, 50, and 85 mm) on a 1 ha mature mixed forest plot were compared to reference point clouds derived from high quality Terrestrial Laser Scans. Shorter focal lengths (21 and 35 mm) led to a higher agreement with the TLS scans and thus better reconstruction quality, while at 50 mm, quality losses were observed, and at 85 mm, the quality was considerably worse. F1-scores calculated from a voxel representation of the point clouds amounted to 0.254 with 35 mm and 0.201 with 85 mm. The precision with 21 mm focal length was 0.466 and 0.302 with 85 mm. We thus recommend a focal length no longer than 35 mm during UAV Structure from Motion (SfM) data acquisition for forest management practices.
... They showed strong relations between spatial gap metrics and herbal plant species diversity in temperate forests. 3-D point clouds derived from UAS images can be used to characterize the 3-D vegetation structure, for example, by deriving canopy height models to characterize the structural complexity (Saarinen et al. 2017) or by describing vegetation structures directly based on the vertical profiles of the 3-D point clouds (Wallace et al. 2016). Currently, the efficient use of UASs is limited to areas of less than a couple of square kilometers. ...
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Vegetation diversity and health is multidimensional and only partially understood due to its complexity. So far there is no single monitoring approach that can sufficiently assess and predict vegetation health and resilience. To gain a better understanding of the different remote sensing (RS) approaches that are available, this chapter reviews the range of Earth observation (EO) platforms, sensors, and techniques for assessing vegetation diversity. Platforms include close-range EO platforms, spectral laboratories, plant phenomics facilities, ecotrons, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), towers, air- and spaceborne EO platforms, and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Sensors include spectrometers, optical imaging systems, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and radar. Applications and approaches to vegetation diversity modeling and mapping with air- and spaceborne EO data are also presented. The chapter concludes with recommendations for the future direction of monitoring vegetation diversity using RS.
... Hence, treetops can be detected as brightest spots in the satellite or aerial images, and based on this, window-based local maxima filters are proposed to find the brightest points as treetops (Pouliot and King 2005;Wulder, Niemann, and Goodenough 2000). On the other hand, 3D point cloud data is widely available and considered as an important source for individual treetop detection Saarinen et al. 2017; Strîmbu and Strîmbu 2015). Most of the 3D based methods use the canopy height model (CHM), which naturally extract the treetops as local maxima to identify the trees at the individual level. ...
Using remote sensing techniques to detect trees at the individual level is crucial for forest management while finding the treetop is an initial and important first step. However, due to the large variations of tree size and shape, traditional unsupervised treetop detectors need to be carefully designed with heuristic knowledge making an efficient and versatile treetop detection still challenging. Currently, the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown powerful capabilities to classify and segment images, but the required volume of labelled data for the training impedes their applications. Considering the strengths and limitations of the unsupervised and deep learning methods, we propose a framework using the automatically generated pseudo labels from unsupervised treetop detectors to train the CNNs, which saves the manual labelling efforts. In this study, we use multi-view satellite imagery derived digital surface model (DSM) and multispectral orthophoto as research data and train the fully convolutional networks (FCN) with pseudo labels separately generated from two unsupervised treetop detectors: top-hat by reconstruction (THR) operation and local maxima filter with a fixed window (FFW). The experiments show the FCN detectors trained by pseudo labels, have much better detection accuracies than the unsupervised detectors (6.5% for THR and 11.1% for FFW), especially in the densely forested area (more than 20% of improvement). In addition, our comparative experiments when using manually labelled samples show the proposed treetop detection framework has the potential to significantly reduce the need for training samples while keep a comparable performance.
... On the other hand, 3D presentation of the surface of objects that provided by 3D points is becoming popular. Right now, much attention is given to the use of 3D point cloud data on individual tree detection (Ferraz et al., 2016;Gini et al., 2014;Jakubowski et al., 2013;Kathuria et al., 2016;Saarinen et al., 2017;Strî mbu and Strî mbu, 2015;Turner et al., 2012). Most of the methods used the canopy height model (CHM) generated from the 3D point clouds. ...
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Commission I, WG I/8 ABSTRACT: Individual tree detection and counting are critical for the forest inventory management. In almost all of these methods that based on remote sensing data, the treetop detection is the most important and essential part. However, due to the diversities of the tree attributes, such as crown size and branch distribution, it is hard to find a universal treetop detector and most of the current detectors need to be carefully designed based on the heuristic or prior knowledge. Hence, to find an efficient and versatile detector, we apply deep neural network to extract and learn the high-level semantic treetop features. In contrast to using manually labelled training data, we innovatively train the network with the pseudo ones that come from the result of the conventional non-supervised treetop detectors which may be not robust in different scenarios. In this study, we use multi-view high-resolution satellite imagery derived DSM (Digital Surface Model) and multispectral orthophoto as data and apply the top-hat by reconstruction (THR) operation to find treetops as the pseudo labels. The FCN (fully convolutional network) is adopted as a pixel-level classification network to segment the input image into treetops and non-treetops pixels. Our experiments show that the FCN based treetop detector is able to achieve a detection accuracy of 99.7% at the prairie area and 66.3% at the complicated town area which shows better performance than THR in the various scenarios. This study demonstrates that without manual labels, the FCN treetop detector can be trained by the pseudo labels that generated using the non-supervised detector and achieve better and robust results in different scenarios.
... On the other hand, 3D presentation of the surface of objects that provided by 3D points is becoming popular. Right now, much attention is given to the use of 3D point cloud data on individual tree detection (Ferraz et al., 2016;Gini et al., 2014;Jakubowski et al., 2013;Kathuria et al., 2016;Saarinen et al., 2017;Strî mbu and Strî mbu, 2015;Turner et al., 2012). Most of the methods used the canopy height model (CHM) generated from the 3D point clouds. ...
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Commission I, WG I/8 ABSTRACT: Individual tree detection and counting are critical for the forest inventory management. In almost all of these methods that based on remote sensing data, the treetop detection is the most important and essential part. However, due to the diversities of the tree attributes, such as crown size and branch distribution, it is hard to find a universal treetop detector and most of the current detectors need to be carefully designed based on the heuristic or prior knowledge. Hence, to find an efficient and versatile detector, we apply deep neural network to extract and learn the high-level semantic treetop features. In contrast to using manually labelled training data, we innovatively train the network with the pseudo ones that come from the result of the conventional non-supervised treetop detectors which may be not robust in different scenarios. In this study, we use multi-view high-resolution satellite imagery derived DSM (Digital Surface Model) and multispectral orthophoto as data and apply the top-hat by reconstruction (THR) operation to find treetops as the pseudo labels. The FCN (fully convolutional network) is adopted as a pixel-level classification network to segment the input image into treetops and non-treetops pixels. Our experiments show that the FCN based treetop detector is able to achieve a detection accuracy of 99.7% at the prairie area and 66.3% at the complicated town area which shows better performance than THR in the various scenarios. This study demonstrates that without manual labels, the FCN treetop detector can be trained by the pseudo labels that generated using the non-supervised detector and achieve better and robust results in different scenarios.
... Their lidar point cloud-derived structural variables included, for example, the median height of the returns in crowns and the average intensity below median height. Saarinen et al. [126] went one step further and fused UAV-borne lidar and HSI for mapping biodiversity indicators in boreal forests. After tree crown delineation by watershed segmentation, they derived point cloud-based segment features (e.g., height percentiles and average height) and also spectral segment features (e.g., mean and median spectra). ...
The recent, sharp increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors, combined with their considerable heterogeneity, poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary data sets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal data sets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to applications at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several
... Their LiDAR point cloud-derived structural variables included, for example, median height of returns in crown, average intensity below median height, and so forth. Saarinen et al. [126] went one step further and fused UAV-borne LiDAR and HSI for mapping biodiversity indicators in boreal forests. After tree crown delineation by watershed segmentation, they derived point cloud-based segment features (e.g., height percentiles and average height) and also spectral segment features (e.g., mean and median spectra). ...
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The sharp and recent increase in the availability of data captured by different sensors combined with their considerably heterogeneous natures poses a serious challenge for the effective and efficient processing of remotely sensed data. Such an increase in remote sensing and ancillary datasets, however, opens up the possibility of utilizing multimodal datasets in a joint manner to further improve the performance of the processing approaches with respect to the application at hand. Multisource data fusion has, therefore, received enormous attention from researchers worldwide for a wide variety of applications. Moreover, thanks to the revisit capability of several spaceborne sensors, the integration of the temporal information with the spatial and/or spectral/backscattering information of the remotely sensed data is possible and helps to move from a representation of 2D/3D data to 4D data structures, where the time variable adds new information as well as challenges for the information extraction algorithms. There are a huge number of research works dedicated to multisource and multitemporal data fusion, but the methods for the fusion of different modalities have expanded in different paths according to each research community. This paper brings together the advances of multisource and multitemporal data fusion approaches with respect to different research communities and provides a thorough and discipline-specific starting point for researchers at different levels (i.e., students, researchers, and senior researchers) willing to conduct novel investigations on this challenging topic by supplying sufficient detail and references.
... On the other hand, 3D presentation of the surface of objects that provided by 3D points is becoming popular. Right now, much attention is given to the use of 3D point cloud data on individual tree detection (Ferraz et al., 2016;Gini et al., 2014;Jakubowski et al., 2013;Kathuria et al., 2016;Saarinen et al., 2017;Strî mbu and Strî mbu, 2015;Turner et al., 2012). Most of the methods used the canopy height model (CHM) generated from the 3D point clouds. ...
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Individual tree detection and counting are critical for the forest inventory management. In almost all of these methods that based on remote sensing data, the treetop detection is the most important and essential part. However, due to the diversities of the tree attributes, such as crown size and branch distribution, it is hard to find a universal treetop detector and most of the current detectors need to be carefully designed based on the heuristic or prior knowledge. Hence, to find an efficient and versatile detector, we apply deep neural network to extract and learn the high-level semantic treetop features. In contrast to using manually labelled training data, we innovatively train the network with the pseudo ones that come from the result of the conventional non-supervised treetop detectors which may be not robust in different scenarios. In this study, we use multi-view high-resolution satellite imagery derived DSM (Digital Surface Model) and multispectral orthophoto as data and apply the top-hat by reconstruction (THR) operation to find treetops as the pseudo labels. The FCN (fully convolutional network) is adopted as a pixel-level classification network to segment the input image into treetops and non-treetops pixels. Our experiments show that the FCN based treetop detector is able to achieve a detection accuracy of 99.7% at the prairie area and 66.3% at the complicated town area which shows better performance than THR in the various scenarios. This study demonstrates that without manual labels, the FCN treetop detector can be trained by the pseudo labels that generated using the non-supervised detector and achieve better and robust results in different scenarios.
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Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are capable of improving the efficiency of acquisition and providing fine spatial scale data for sustainable resource management. In this paper we begin by describing differences between UAS airframes, their successes and limitations, and list contemporary research applications. UAS compatible sensor technologies are discussed, including passive and active sensors. Finally, we detail a case study where UAS updated an Enhanced Forest Inventory (EFI) for a study area in interior British Columbia. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) from 2013 and Digital Aerial Photogrammetric (DAP) point clouds acquired using a UAS from 2015 were used to estimate individual tree height and volume increments. A total of 246 trees were detected using Canopy Height Models (CHMs) with 70% of these trees being matched in the ALS and DAP data sets. Mean tree growth between 2013 and 2015 from the CHM and 95 th percentile of height (P95) was estimated at 0.68 ± 0.05 and 0.50 m ± 0.05 m, respectively. Similarly, mean gross tree volume increments (m 3) were computed as 0.05 m 3 ± 0.005 m 3 and 0.03 m 3 ± 0.005 m 3 for the CHM and P95, respectively. The results indicate that information from UAS-DAP point clouds can generate spatially and temporally accurate inventories and have potential to inform a number of sustainable forest management activities.
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Small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based remote sensing is a rapidly evolving technology. Novel sensors and methods are entering the market, offering completely new possibilities to carry out remote sensing tasks. Three-dimensional (3D) hyperspectral remote sensing is a novel and powerful technology that has recently become available to small UAVs. This study investigated the performance of UAV-based photogrammetry and hyperspectral imaging in individual tree detection and tree species classification in boreal forests. Eleven test sites with 4151 reference trees representing various tree species and developmental stages were collected in June 2014 using a UAV remote sensing system equipped with a frame format hyperspectral camera and an RGB camera in highly variable weather conditions. Dense point clouds were measured photogrammetrically by automatic image matching using high resolution RGB images with a 5 cm point interval. Spectral features were obtained from the hyperspectral image blocks, the large radiometric variation of which was compensated for by using a novel approach based on radiometric block adjustment with the support of in-flight irradiance observations. Spectral and 3D point cloud features were used in the classification experiment with various classifiers. The best results were obtained with Random Forest and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) which both gave 95% overall accuracies and an F-score of 0.93. Accuracy of individual tree identification from the photogrammetric point clouds varied between 40% and 95%, depending on the characteristics of the area. Challenges in reference measurements might also have reduced these numbers. Results were promising, indicating that hyperspectral 3D remote sensing was operational from a UAV platform even in very difficult conditions. These novel methods are expected to provide a powerful tool for automating various environmental close-range remote sensing tasks in the very near future.
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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or remotely piloted aircraft systems are new platforms that have been increasingly used over the last decade in Europe to collect data for forest research, thanks to the miniaturization and cost reduction of GPS receivers, inertial navigation system, computers, and, most of all, sensors for remote sensing. In this review, after describing the regulatory framework for the operation of UAVs in the European Union (EU), an overview of applications in forest research is presented, followed by a discussion of the results obtained from the analysis of different case studies. Rotary-wing and fixed-wing UAVs are equally distributed among the case studies, while ready-to-fly solutions are preferred over self-designed and developed UAVs. Most adopted technologies are visible-red, green, and blue, multispectral in visible and near-infrared, middle-infrared, thermal infrared imagery, and lidar. The majority of current UAV-based applications for forest research aim to inventory resources, map diseases, classify species, monitor fire and its effects, quantify spatial gaps, and estimate post-harvest soil displacement. Successful implementation of UAVs in forestry depends on UAV features, such as flexibility of use in flight planning, low cost, reliability and autonomy, and capability of timely provision of high-resolution data. Unfortunately, the fragmented regulations among EU countries, a result of the lack of common rules for operating UAVs in Europe, limit the chance to operate within Europe’s boundaries and prevent research mobility and exchange opportunities. Nevertheless, the applications of UAVs are expanding in different domains, and the use of UAVs in forestry will increase, possibly leading to a regular utilization for small-scale monitoring purposes in Europe when recent technologies (i.e. hyperspectral imagery and lidar) and methodological approaches will be consolidated.
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Objective of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using multi-image matching and information extracted from image classification to improve strategies in generation of point clouds of 3D forest scene. Image data sets were collected by a Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI) based hyperspectral frame camera on-board a UAV in a boreal forest area. The results of the new method are analysed and compared with commercial software and LiDAR data. Experiments showed that the point clouds generated with the proposed algorithm fitted better with the LiDAR data at the ground level, which is favourable for digital terrain model (DTM) extraction.
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Forests are in a permanent state of change due to natural and anthropogenic processes. Long-term time series analysis makes it possible to reconstruct the forest history and perform a multitemporal analysis on the cause and effect of changes. This paper describes an approach for successional stage classification in a tropical forest based on vertical structure variations. Stereo-photogrammetry and novel image matching methods are used to produce dense digital surface models (DSMs) from optical images (historical and contemporary). An approach was developed to classify the successional stages of trees using local height variations provided by a DSM and image intensity values. Experiments were performed in a semi-deciduous tropical forest fragment located in the West of São Paulo State, Brazil. Six test sample plots and a line transect were established and field surveys were conducted to collect forest variables. These variables were used to characterize and validate five successional classes based on secondary tree species that stratify the forest canopy. The current status of the entire forest fragment was characterized using recent photogrammetric imagery, and a map of historical successional stages was established by analyzing the historical photogrammetric imagery. The investigation demonstrated that the proposed technique can be used to reconstruct the geometric structure of a forest canopy from aerial images. The successional stages can be identified and compared over time using multitemporal photogrammetric imagery and DSMs, which enables an analysis of forest cover changes. The results indicated that the successional stage has changed dramatically during the 50 years period of time.
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This study investigates the potential of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to measure and monitor structural properties of forests. Two remote sensing techniques, airborne laser scanning (ALS) and structure from motion (SfM) were tested to capture three-dimensional structural information from a small multi-rotor UAV platform. A case study is presented through the analysis of data collected from a 30 × 50 m plot in a dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest with a spatially varying canopy cover. The study provides an insight into the capabilities of both technologies for assessing absolute terrain height, the horizontal and vertical distribution of forest canopy elements, and information related to individual trees. Results indicate that both techniques are capable of providing information that can be used to describe the terrain surface and canopy properties in areas of relatively low canopy closure. However, the SfM photogrammetric technique underperformed ALS in capturing the terrain surface under increasingly denser canopy cover, resulting in point density of less than 1 ground point per m2 and mean difference from ALS terrain surface of 0.12 m. This shortcoming caused errors that were propagated into the estimation of canopy properties, including the individual tree height (root mean square error of 0.92 m for ALS and 1.30 m for SfM). Differences were also seen in the estimates of canopy cover derived from the SfM (50%) and ALS (63%) pointclouds. Although ALS is capable of providing more accurate estimates of the vertical structure of forests across the larger range of canopy densities found in this study, SfM was still found to be an adequate low-cost alternative for surveying of forest stands.
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Low-cost, miniaturized hyperspectral imaging technology is becoming available for small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms. This technology can be efficient in carrying out small-area inspections of anomalous reflectance characteristics of trees at a very high level of detail. Increased frequency and intensity of insect induced forest disturbance has established a new demand for effective methods suitable in mapping and monitoring tasks. In this investigation, a novel miniaturized hyperspectral frame imaging sensor operating in the wavelength range of 500-900 nm was used to identify mature Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) trees suffering from infestation, representing a different outbreak phase, by the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.). We developed a new processing method for analyzing spectral characteristic for high spatial resolution photogrammetric and hyperspectral images in forested environments, as well as for identifying individual anomalous trees. The dense point clouds, measured using image matching, enabled detection of single trees with an accuracy of 74.7%. We classified the trees into classes of healthy, infested and dead, and the results were promising. The best results for the overall accuracy were 76% (Cohen's kappa 0.60), when using three color classes (healthy, infested, dead). For two color classes (healthy, dead), the best overall accuracy was 90% (kappa 0.80). The survey methodology based on high-resolution hyperspectral imaging will be of a high practical value for forest health management, indicating a status of bark beetle outbreak in time.
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Ecological remote sensing is being transformed by three-dimensional (3D), multispectral measurements of forest canopies by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and computer vision structure from motion (SFM) algorithms. Yet applications of this technology have out-paced understanding of the relationship between collection method and data quality. Here, UAV-SFM remote sensing was used to produce 3D multispectral point clouds of Temperate Deciduous forests at different levels of UAV altitude, image overlap, weather, and image processing. Error in canopy height estimates was explained by the alignment of the canopy height model to the digital terrain model (R 2 = 0.81) due to differences in lighting and image overlap. Accounting for this, no significant differences were observed in height error at different levels of lighting, altitude, and side overlap. Overall, accurate estimates of canopy height compared to field measurements (R 2 = 0.86, RMSE = 3.6 m) and LIDAR (R 2 = 0.99, RMSE = 3.0 m) were obtained under optimal conditions of clear lighting and high image overlap (>80%). Variation in point cloud quality appeared related to the behavior of SFM 'image features'. Future research should consider the role of image features as the fundamental unit of SFM remote sensing, akin to the pixel of optical imaging and the laser pulse of LIDAR.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) is presently in continuous development at a rapid pace. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or more extensively Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are platforms considered under the RPAs paradigm. Simultaneously, the development of sensors and instruments to be installed onboard such platforms is growing exponentially. These two factors together have led to the increasing use of these platforms and sensors for remote sensing applications with new potential. Thus, the overall goal of this paper is to provide a panoramic overview about the current status of remote sensing applications based on unmanned aerial platforms equipped with a set of specific sensors and instruments. First, some examples of typical platforms used in remote sensing are provided. Second, a description of sensors and technologies is explored which are onboard instruments specifically intended to capture data for remote sensing applications. Third, multi-UAVs in collaboration, coordination, and cooperation in remote sensing are considered. Finally, a collection of applications in several areas are proposed, where the combination of unmanned platforms and sensors, together with methods, algorithms, and procedures provide the overview in very different remote sensing applications. This paper presents an overview of different areas, each independent from the others, so that the reader does not need to read the full paper when a specific application is of interest.