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Exploring the potential of dynamic air supply models to evaluate control strategies: the experience at the Girona WRRF

  • inCTRL Solutions Inc.

Abstract and Figures

A model-based treatment performance and energy audit of the Girona WRRF in Spain was conducted using advanced and fully dynamic air supply models. The focus of the study was on the aeration system, which represents 63% of the plant's energy consumption. A dynamic model consisting of a process, a realistic controller, and a very detailed air supply model, was developed and calibrated to be used as the baseline for testing various scenarios. Results show that the implementation of an ammonia-based controller and a redistribution of the diffusers led to energy savings between 12 and 21%, depending on wastewater temperature. In addition, the model demonstrated that the current blower is too large, which causes an intermittent behaviour, endangering the equipment and shortening its lifetime , plus limiting the minimum air-supply. The applied aeration system models enable engineers to identify bottlenecks by modelling equipment constraints (e.g. blower turn-down). Ignoring the air supply side in an assessment could result in an overestimation of energy savings or treatment performance and consequently in non-optimal control solutions or equipment selection. INTRODUCTION One of the largest urban consumers of energy are water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs, formerly wastewater treatment plants). Within a WRRF, aeration energy consumption typically accounts for 50% of the facility's total operating costs (Olsson, 2012). WRRFs are therefore important targets for reducing municipal energy demands. Energy audits, which identify opportunities to reduce energy use, are typically based on the average energy consumption of a facility; they include benchmarking with similar plants or comparison against standard performance indicators. However, significant saving potential lies in the variability of wastewater treatment and the resulting process dynamics. Current energy audits should therefore include dynamic models that integrate water and sludge lines and their respective energy consumption.
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Juan-García et al.
Exploring the potential of dynamic air supply models to evaluate
control strategies: the experience at the Girona WRRF
Pau Juan-García1, 2, Mehlika A. Kiser2, Oliver Schraa3, Leiv Rieger3 and Lluís Corominas2*
1Atkins, (The Hub) 500 Park Avenue, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4RZ, UK.
2Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Emili Grahit 101, Girona 17003, Spain.
3inCTRL Solutions Inc., Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
*Corresponding author:
Abstract: A model-based treatment performance and energy audit of the Girona WRRF in Spain was
conducted using advanced and fully dynamic air supply models. The focus of the study was on the aeration
system, which represents 63% of the plant’s energy consumption. A dynamic model consisting of a process,
a realistic controller, and a very detailed air supply model, was developed and calibrated to be used as the
baseline for testing various scenarios. Results show that the implementation of an ammonia-based controller
and a redistribution of the diffusers led to energy savings between 12 and 21%, depending on wastewater
temperature. In addition, the model demonstrated that the current blower is too large, which causes an
intermittent behaviour, endangering the equipment and shortening its life-time, plus limiting the minimum
air-supply. The applied aeration system models enable engineers to identify bottle-necks by modelling
equipment constraints (e.g. blower turn-down). Ignoring the air supply side in an assessment could result in
an overestimation of energy savings or treatment performance and consequently in non-optimal control
solutions or equipment selection.
Keywords: Aeration control, dynamic modelling, full-scale, energy
One of the largest urban consumers of energy are water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs,
formerly wastewater treatment plants). Within a WRRF, aeration energy consumption typically
accounts for 50% of the facility’s total operating costs (Olsson, 2012). WRRFs are therefore
important targets for reducing municipal energy demands. Energy audits, which identify
opportunities to reduce energy use, are typically based on the average energy consumption of a
facility; they include benchmarking with similar plants or comparison against standard performance
indicators. However, significant saving potential lies in the variability of wastewater treatment and
the resulting process dynamics. Current energy audits should therefore include dynamic models that
integrate water and sludge lines and their respective energy consumption.
The usage of dynamic mechanistic models to reduce energy consumption in WRRFs is common in
our field. One of the most successful examples is the combination of experimental and modelling
approaches for optimizing full-scale WRRFs (Ayesa et al., 2006; Rieger et al., 2012, Rieger et al.,
2012a; Rieger et al., 2016; Thornton et al., 2010). However, these former studies used simplified
aeration system models which include oxygen transfer and oxygen demand, but assume ideal air
supply and distribution with no equipment constraints. Not including these constraints such as blower,
pipe, or valve limitations can hide extra costs or even mask the complete failure of an energy audit to
reduce energy consumption. Typically, optimizations carried out with simplified aeration models
overestimate the potentials for energy savings by 5 to 10%, due to missing equipment constraints
(Schraa et al., 2016).
Recent research is focusing on a more detailed description of energy consumption of the aeration
system (Beltrán, 2015; Amaral et al., 2016; Amerlinck et al., 2016). However, only the work of
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Schraa et al. (2015) is using a fully dynamic model for the piping network, which recalculates the
system curve based on pressure drops throughout the system. This allows for simulating the air
distribution system dynamically, conducting troubleshooting analyses, and evaluating the
components and limitations of the system in a range of scenarios of different optimisation options.
Hence, fully dynamic models can be used to find solutions for energy and process optimizations that
are more realistic and tailored to a specific facility. In this study, the advanced model developed and
implemented in SIMBA# by Schraa et al. (2016) is used to carry out a model-based process
performance and energy audit of the Girona WRRF (Spain), with the aim of reducing energy
consumption while maintaining effluent quality. The Girona WRRF’s 2013 energy consumption
record shows that 63% of the plant’s energy consumption is due to aeration. We hypothesize that
further optimization using the dynamic air supply model would lead to extra energy savings and better
response to disturbances (i.e. load peaks, temperature variation, etc.). After assessing the current
performance, three different optimisation scenarios have been evaluated, including three different
temperature variations and a stress test in the form of an ammonia peak. This is the first published
application of the aeration system model library developed by Schraa et al. (2016) at a full-scale
Plant layout and operation
The Girona WRRF receives an average of 55,000 m3·d-1 of domestic and industrial wastewater, which
has the capacity to serve 275,000 population equivalents. The plant is a conventional activated sludge
system in a five-stage Bardenpho configuration. Even though such configuration is designed for
biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, currently phosphorus is removed chemically.
Legislation allows the discharge of a total nitrogen concentration of 10 mg·L-1 (measured as 24-hour
composite samples).
The biological stage consists of two parallel treatment lanes. Each lane has a total volume of 14,360
m3 split into 7 zones, of which 4 are aerated, as shown in Figure 1. Sludge is wasted from secondary
settlers and is anaerobically digested. Reject water from the centrifuges is sent back to the entrance
of the facility. A first analysis showed that the load profile of the plant is heavily dependent on the
schedule of the reject water, which varies depending on the usage of the sludge dewatering
centrifuges. On average, the reject water represents up to 11% of the incoming nitrogen load and
0.5% of the phosphorus load.
The aeration system consists of a main blower and a support blower that service two main header
pipes, each controlled by an automatic valve, and followed by 4 manual valves, one per aeration zone:
AER1 to AER4. The list of air supply equipment can be found in Table 1. The reactors are aerated
using fine-bubble diffusers. Air distribution is controlled by online measurements of dissolved
oxygen (DO) currently placed at the end of the biological reactor (AER4). The air supply is controlled
by the average DO of both lanes by varying the speed and guide vanes of the blowers (Figure 1:
Signal). The DO measurement in each lane manipulates the positions of the automatic main header
valves. A Most Open Valve (MOV) algorithm makes sure that at least one valve is kept open: the
valve in lane 1 is fixed at 70% opening, and the valve in lane 2 oscillates to redistribute the air between
the two lanes.
The facility has been designed with diffuser tapering and no automated control valves to each of the
individual aeration grids; the highest airflow is therefore delivered to the first aerated zone and then
diminishes with each successive zone. The number of diffusers in the aerobic zones are 480 in AER1,
Juan-García et al.
366 in AER2, 180 in AER3 and 144 in AER4, respectively. Likewise, the piping system also
decreases in diameter from 0.25m to 0.15m, as well as the valves’ maximum flow capacity. As a
result, the air distribution of the plant is significantly biased towards reactors AER1 and AER2.
The WRRF in its current form has been in operation since 2008. Since then, operators have been
manually optimizing the aeration system by adjusting the manual valves in each lane and changing
the location of the DO sensor. The DO sensor was finally placed in AER4, with a DO setpoint at 2
mg O2·L-1, which results in concentrations in reactors AER1 and AER2 around 1-2 mg O2·L-1.
However, reactor AER3 shows very low DO concentrations (0.5-1 mg O2·L-1).
Figure 1. WRRF configuration (water line) & aeration system. ANA: Anaerobic, ANX (Anoxic),
AER (Aerobic), WAS & RAS (Waste and return activated sludge respectively).
Table 1: List of air supply equipment modelled (technical specifications and SIMBA# model
Num. Units
SIMBA# parameters
Turbocompressor ABS
HST 9000 Sulzer
1 (2 standby)
Efficiency curve, surge curve, max.
and min. airflow
Butterfly, centered axis.
Kv values, max. and min. airflow
Manual valves
Butterfly, centered axis.
Kv curves, max. and min. airflow
ABS Nopon disc
diffuser system PIK
# of diffusers per grid, pressure drop
and SOTE* curves, submergence,
oxygen transfer parameters
Measured in on-site
2 lines
(8 reactors)
K factor, roughness, length,
diameter, fittings
* Standard oxygen transfer efficiency
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Overall, this results in a low energy consumption in the biological reactors of about 0.2 kWh/m3
treated wastewater. This is at the lower end of typical ranges, which are between 0.13 and 5.5 kWh/m3
(Enerwater, 2015). However, the system is unable to maintain the DO setpoint during influent peaks.
In low load situations, the blower turn-down limitation forces the air control valves to close as much
as possible. This results in the blowers working against an increased system pressure and therefore
reduced efficiency. The loss of control authority leads to an oscillation of the oxygen concentrations
in reactors AER1-3. The response of the plant to stressors is slowed down since the only sensor is
located at the end of the lane (and after an anoxic zone). Another effect of having AER1 and AER2
at high DO concentrations to compensate for low DO in AER3 is more energy consumption. Oxygen
transfer is more efficient at low airflow rates and low DO concentrations (Rosso et al., 2005).
Girona WRRF model
A model was built following the recommendations of the IWA Guidelines for Using Activated Sludge
Models (Rieger et al., 2012b) and using the advanced modelling platform SIMBA#. First, mass
balances on TSS, COD and TP were conducted to verify that no gross error was present in the data.
The model was built using SIMBA#’s in-house activated sludge model ASM- inCTRL, and a
simplified anaerobic digester model developed by the Institut für Automation und Kommunikation
(Ifak, 2017). In order to build the layout of the aeration system, mechanistic models were used for
each actuator from Table 1. Aeration control was accounted for by means of PI controllers. One valve
was fixed at 70%, then a MOV algorithm was implemented following the layout in Alex et al., (2016),
allowing the other valve to oscillate to adjust the required airflow.
After building the model, a steady-state calibration was conducted to fit the sludge production (using
full-scale data from January until December 2015). Dynamic calibration was executed by using real
dynamics from the period comprised between the 7th and the 13th of December 2015. It comprises a
period of dry weather data, with detailed flow measurements (every 15 min) and daily nutrient
measurements (1 sample per day). Hourly nutrient dynamics were incorporated by scaling an hourly
ammonia profile gathered in February 2016. For the dynamic calibration period we had available DO
concentrations in reactors AER1 and AER4, as well as blower airflow, system pressure and valve
positions. Calibration focused on equipment instead of biokinetics, which should improve the validity
of the predictions; a list of parameters calibrated is in Table 1. The goodness of fit of the airflow
during the calibrated week can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Comparison of airflow results obtained from one week of real data and the modelled base
case. Days 6 and 7 correspond to a weekend.
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Figure 2 shows that the model describes well the airflow dynamics of the system and the behaviour
of the blower overshooting 1-2 times per week on average entering and on/off behaviour. A better fit
of the blower overshooting would be possible if we would have had the real hourly measurements for
nutrients and COD at the inlet of the reactor. The support blower on the other hand starts 2-3 times a
week during peak moments and runs for short periods, even though this is not accurately captured by
the SCADA system recordings (days 5-7). The importance of the effect of delayed ammonia peaks
during the weekends’ nutrient profiles is appreciated in the delayed airflow curve (days 6-7).
Current shortcomings
The blower is controlled based on the average DO of the last reactor of the two lanes, with a fixed
DO setpoint of 2 mg O2·L-1. The MOV control maintains the automatic valve in one lane open at
70%, whereas the other valve oscillates to redirect the required oxygen to the other lane. On top the
facility has a highly tapered diffuser system, which has been optimised by the operators by setting
the first two manual valves on the reactor’s grid to be partially closed, at 32 and 45% of the total
opening capacity respectively. As a consequence, the reactors with the highest airflows have a very
high pressure drop which results in increased system air pressure. The system usually operates at
1650 1800 mbar.
This causes the up and down in DO concentrations throughout the reactor (Figure 3B). Indeed, AER4
maintains the setpoint, except during peak loading. The Reactors AER1 and AER2 oscillate around
1-3 mg O2·L-1, depending on the load, whereas AER3 is lacking airflow capacity as can be seen from
the DO concentration (Figure 3.B). Although most of the COD and ammonia load is treated in AER1
and AER2, the aeration capacity is not sufficient to maintain a DO concentration of above 1.5 mg
O2·L-1 in AER3. Only at low load situations does the DO in AER3 increase to around 1 mg O2·L-1.
This limits the ability of the plant to fully use its nitrification capacity.
Relatedly, the minimum blower turndown is above the minimum airflow requirements during low
load periods. With the current control algorithm, the blower switches on and off intermittently when
the load is low for long periods of time. This reduces the blower life time and creates instabilities in
the DO concentration.
Scenario analysis
Several optimisation options were evaluated to reduce energy consumption while maintaining or even
improving effluent quality. The options were grouped into three scenarios (from small to large
investment). An overview of the optimisation options and the scenarios is shown in Table 2. To
guarantee the robustness of the control strategy, all scenarios were stress-tested by an artificial
ammonia peak, which increased the influent ammonia concentration from the average (~40 mg N·L-
1) to 80 mg N·L-1 during 4 hours, starting on the 8th day of the simulation. Variations in ammonia
loading are commonplace in the treatment plant, and the peak is the maximum concentration
registered. Each new scenario builds on top of the previous one.
1. Ammonia-Based Aeration Control (ABAC). An ammonia probe is used to measure ammonia
concentrations in the last aerated reactor. The ammonia measurement is then used to adjust the DO
setpoint with a PID controller, in a range of 0.1-2.5 mg O2·L-1. The DO sensor is moved from AER4,
where it is located in the base case, to AER2, in the middle of the main aerated reactors where most
of the load is being removed. Concerning the MOV controller, we optimized the valve tuning by
fixing the valve in the lane that had less air demand to 100% open. The valve in the controlled lane
was allowed to open from 20% to 90%.
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2. Aeration system upgrade. To improve the airflow distribution in the system, first the total number
of diffusers was increased, and they were redistributed as follows: from 480 to 360 in AER1, from
366 to 360 in AER2, from 180 to 360 in AER 3, and from 144 to 230 in AER4. Second, the diameter
of the pipes that fed AER3 in each lane had to be enlarged from 0.15 to 0.2 m to increase airflow
capacity. Likewise, the valves were re-sized to allow for the necessary airflow capacity. The
automatic valve control was tuned and optimized to the new configuration.
3. Blower downscaling. This scenario addresses the problem of not being able to turn down the main
blower enough. It includes the previous strategies, plus downscales the main blower to one with less
capacity: TDS Turbo compressor type ABS HST 9000 to type ABS HST 6000. This improves the
lower limit of the aeration system supply. We also readjusted the blower’s tuning to the new
To assess the response of the controller, each scenario is first initialized by a steady state simulation
with the scenario’s conditions, and then 11 days of dynamic influent conditions, which include an
ammonia peak on day 8 at 10am.
Table 2: Summary of optimisation options and scenarios (Sc). 1Ammonia-based aeration control
+ Aeration system upgrade
DO probe
valve tuning
Increasing pipe
and valve size
Sc. 0
Sc. 1
Sc. 2
Sc. 3
Model-based evaluation of the different optimisation options
Scenario 1: ABAC. The implementation of ABAC results in both energy savings up to 7% and
improved controller response. Savings are obtained by the DO setpoint varying between 0.1 and 2.5
mg O2·L-1, increasing the airflow when higher ammonia loads enter the reactor, and saving aeration
power otherwise. The system’s improved reaction to ammonia peaks can be appreciated in Figure
3B-C; right after the “Event Start” mark, the ABAC controller reaches a high DO concentration faster
than the Base Case, despite having a much lower DO setpoint before the event.
By controlling the oxygen supply to maintain an ammonia setpoint in the effluent, the load is
distributed over the entire reactor causing a more balanced oxygen demand. As can be seen in figure
3C, the DO profile shows that the load is removed gradually in each reactor. With this configuration,
it is possible to draw more capacity of the aeration system in moments of need, although AER3 still
presents a critical limitation in reaching the required DO concentration (figure 3C S1 AER3).
Despite the improvements with the ABAC scenario, the manual valves in reactors AER1 and AER2
still have to remain partially closed to compensate for the flawed airflow distribution generated by
the tapering. Figure 4A shows that the ABAC controller is properly working and reacts fast to the
measured ammonia most of the time. However, at low load situations, the minimum blower turndown
Juan-García et al.
prevents the system to maintain low DO concentrations. The DO controller (Figure 4B) works
perfectly until the ammonia controller is limited, and then the DO concentration spikes in the lane
with the fully opened valve. The valve control (Figure 4C) shows that the automatic valve in lane 2
closes to regulate the airflow. However, the valve in lane 1 has to be fixed at 100% open to prevent
the blowers working against closed valves. This would reduce blower efficiency and may lead to
blower surge. As a result of this in-depth analysis of the controller and actuator performance, we can
identify the two main system constraints: 1) the airflow distribution; 2) the minimum blower
turndown. Results also confirm the benefits of the ABAC reported in other studies (Amand et al.,
Figure 3: Performance evaluation of Scenario 1 over the base case. A: Power consumption; B:
oxygen profiles across reactors in Lane 1 for the base case; C: oxygen profiles across reactors in
Lane 1 for scenario 1.
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Figure 4: ABAC performance evaluation in scenario 1. A: Input-output signals; B: oxygen profiles
of each lane; C: Valve position in % 0-1. DO in mg O2·L-1, Ammonia (NHx) in mg N·L-1.
Scenario 2: Aeration system upgrade. Scenario 2 upgrades the aeration system to overcome airflow
limitations in reactor AER3 by reducing the number of diffusers in the first two reactors and
increasing the number of diffusers in the two last reactors, and resizing the piping and valves, as
described in the scenario analysis. This allowed to operate the plant with the manual valves fully
open, which translates into reduced system pressure. Although some form of diffuser tapering still
exists, the limitation of delivering air into AER3 has improved, and the reactor can now reach higher
DO concentrations (Figure 5C). The airflow distribution changes were modelled and analysed as
shown in figure 6A.
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Figure 5: Performance evaluation of Scenario 2 over Scenario 1. A: Power consumption, B:
oxygen profiles across reactors in Lane 1 for scenario 2.
Figure 6: Airflow distribution. A: scenario 1 (ABAC) and scenario 2 (Aeration system upgrade); B:
scenario 2 (Aeration system upgrade) and scenario 3 (Blower downscale)
Improving the airflow distribution increases energy savings to 12%. This is also due to improved
denitrification; by increasing the nitrification capacity in AER3, there is more nitrite and nitrate being
recirculated to the anoxic reactors. The improvement in denitrification activity can be seen in Figure
9, which shows the ratio of kWh per kg NHx removed and Total Nitrogen removed. Both nitrification
and denitrification become more efficient with each scenario, which translates in less blower usage
(Figure 5A). The effluent concentration of total nitrogen in the effluent is reduced with each scenario.
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Nevertheless, the minimum blower turndown is still constraining the plant efficiency. Upgrading the
aeration system lowered the air demand during low peak periods. However, the blower can only
decrease its capacity to 40% of the full capacity of one blower, which is more than the minimum air
demand. The turndown capacity of the blower is reached in low load periods, as seen in the airflow
measurements in Figure 6A-B, which cause the DO spikes in low peak periods in reactors AER3 and
AER4 (Figure 5B).
There are three main solutions to this problem. The first one was already implemented in the Base
case: fixing one valve to 70% open, and redirecting the airflow to the second lane. In our case, we
fixed the valve of the lane with less air demand to 100% open. The second solution is to implement
a blow off valve, and the third solution is to replace the main blower by a smaller one. Because of
space limitations, in this study we only show the third solution.
Scenario 3, Blower downscaling. The last scenario solves the minimum blower turndown limitation
by downscaling the main blower. The system now has a lower minimum airflow (Figure 6B), which
returns energy savings at low peak periods (Figure 7A) and improves the DO profile across reactors
(Figure 7B). The system dynamics are now smoother.
Figure 7: Performance evaluation of Scenario 3 over Scenario 2. A: Power consumption, B:
oxygen profiles across reactors in Lane 1 for scenario 3.
Influence of temperature
The calibration data used for the base case is from December, which had a recorded average
temperature of 16.5 ºC. As the temperature in the WRRF varies between 15ºC and 25ºC we evaluated
the effect of temperature on energy savings for the different optimisation options (Figure 8).
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Figure 8: Energy consumption and the percentage of energy savings of each scenario compared to
the Base Case at three different temperatures. A: Weekly aeration energy consumption. B: Percent
savings, normalised to the savings of the base case at the given temperature.
Figure 9: kWh consumed per kg of ammonia/total nitrogen removed in each scenario
All scenarios are more energy-efficient as the temperature increases, both in terms of raw energy
savings (Figure 8A), and kWh per pollutant removed (Figure 9). This is mainly due to increased
bacterial activity, which allows the reactor to be run at a lower suspended solids concentration, and
lower DO setpoint. The base case at 25 ºC consumes 8% less energy than at 16.5 ºC. In Figure 8B,
we analyse the performance of each strategy compared to the base case at that temperature.
Results show that not every scenario behaves similarly with temperature changes. Upgrading the
aeration system (Scenario 2) shows less savings variation across temperatures, whereas the ABAC
(Scenario 1) is significantly more efficient at high temperature. On the other hand, downscaling the
blower (Scenario 3) provides no increased savings at low temperature, but is more efficient at high
temperatures when the minimum capacity of the blower is reached more often. This shows the trade-
off between flexibility and energy savings. The perfect design would be running several “small”
blowers in a more efficient range, allowing maximum process modularity and improving energy
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Optioneering assessment
Table 3 summarizes the results for the tested scenarios, considering the effluent quality and system
response to ammonia-peaks. The return of investment (ROI) includes maintenance costs for the
ABAC controller during a 10 year period, and the price of the energy is considered to remain steady
for the same period. Scenarios 1 and 2 are recommended as valid optimisation options to save energy.
Replacing a blower is generally too costly to be considered an optimisation option; however, this
highlights the importance of good design, and the cost of over-scaling the equipment. Results on
mean effluent ammonia and total nitrogen show that the base case was not making use of the plant’s
full denitrifying capacity, which is improved when aeration is optimized.
The ammonia stress-test is generated in a low-load period, and thus the DO setpoint set by the
ammonia controller was at its lowest. This is the most disadvantageous moment for the ABAC system
to receive an ammonia peak. Still, all scenarios are able to contain the ammonia peak and maintain
effluent quality (Table 3-NHx peak).
Table 3: Summary of modelled cases and performance obtained. 1Scenarios are cumulative. Each
new scenario includes the optimisation options of the previous one. 2The range of savings
percentages for each scenario is calculated over the base case for each temperature.
savings (%)2
NHx daily
(g N/m3)
NHx peak
(g N/m3)
TN mean
(g N/m3)
Return of
Base case
6.8 16.3%
Aeration system
11.6 19.4%
10.8 21.2%
A model-based energy and treatment performance audit has been carried out on the Girona WRRF
with a focus on the aeration system. Prior to the audit, the plant’s aeration system was already
controlled and considered to be optimized following a trial-and-error approach by operators.
However, using a detailed and fully dynamic aeration system model, it was possible to discover and
evaluate scenarios that further reduced the plant’s energy consumption by about 12-21%. The
modelled aeration control shows improvements beyond energy savings: the DO profile is the same
across reactors and follows the DO setpoint in all aerated tanks, and the aeration system can respond
faster to disturbances and draw more nitrification capacity.
Often the system constraints or limitations are hidden as they cannot or are not measured, such as the
positions of the manual valves, or the effect of pipes and valves sizing. The mechanistic dynamic air
supply model accurately represents the current system, showing airflow distribution and pressure
drops as they occur in the plant. This enables engineers to do an in-depth analysis of the aeration
together with the treatment performance, and to diagnose the main bottlenecks in the existing aeration
system: the piping size, diffuser distribution and blower minimum turndown. This study highlights
the importance of considering equipment constraints in energy assessments.
Juan-García et al.
The authors would like to thank Trargisa S.A. for providing the data and feedback on the WRRF of
Girona, the funding from the EU project R3water (contract nº 619093), the Ministry of Economy and
competitiveness for the Ramon y Cajal grant from Lluís Corominas (RYC-2013-14595). LEQUIA
and ICRA were recognized as consolidated research groups by the Catalan Government with codes
2014-SGR-1168 and 2014-SGR-291, respectively. This work has been supported by the European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
agreement No 642904 - TreatRec ITN-EID project
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Aeration control at wastewater treatment plants based on ammonia as the controlled variable is applied for one of two reasons: (1) to reduce aeration costs, or (2) to reduce peaks in effluent ammonia. Aeration limitation has proven to result in significant energy savings, may reduce external carbon addition, and can improve denitrification and biological phosphorus (bio-P) performance. Ammonia control for limiting aeration has been based mainly on feedback control to constrain complete nitrification by maintaining approximately one to two milligrams of nitrogen per liter of ammonia in the effluent. Increased attention has been given to feedforward ammonia control, where aeration control is based on monitoring influent ammonia load. Typically, the intent is to anticipate the impact of sudden load changes, and thereby reduce effluent ammonia peaks. This paper evaluates the fundamentals of ammonia control with a primary focus on feedforward control concepts. A case study discussion is presented that reviews different ammonia-based control approaches. In most instances, feedback control meets the objectives for both aeration limitation and containment of effluent ammonia peaks. Feedforward control, applied specifically for switching aeration on or off in swing zones, can be beneficial when the plant encounters particularly unusual influent disturbances.
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This review covers automatic control of continuous aeration systems in municipal wastewater treatment plants. The review focuses on published research in the 21st century and describes research into various methods to decide and control the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and to control the aerobic volume with special focus on plants with nitrogen removal. Important aspects of control system implementation and success are discussed, together with a critical review of published research on the topic. With respect to DO control and determination, the strategies used for control span from modifications and developments of conventional control methods which have been explored since the 1970s, to advanced control such as model-based predictive and optimal controllers. The review is supplemented with a summary of comparisons between control strategies evaluated in full-scale, pilot-scale and in simulations.
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Aeration consumes about 60% of the total energy use of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and therefore is a major contributor to its carbon footprint. Introducing advanced process control can help plants to reduce their carbon footprint and at the same time improve effluent quality through making available unused capacity for denitrification, if the ammonia concentration is below a certain set-point. Monitoring and control concepts are cost-saving alternatives to the extension of reactor volume. However, they also involve the risk of violation of the effluent limits due to measuring errors, unsuitable control concepts or inadequate implementation of the monitoring and control system. Dynamic simulation is a suitable tool to analyze the plant and to design tailored measuring and control systems. During this work, extensive data collection, modeling and fullscale implementation of aeration control algorithms were carried out at three conventional activated sludge plants with fixed pre-denitrification and nitrification reactor zones. Full-scale energy savings in the range of 16–20% could be achieved together with an increase of total nitrogen removal of 40%.
During the design of a water resource recovery facility, it is becoming industry practice to use simulation software to assist with process design. Aeration is one of the key components of the activated sludge process, and is one of the most important aspects of modelling wastewater treatment systems. However, aeration systems are typically not modelled in detail in most wastewater treatment process modelling studies. A comprehensive dynamic aeration system model has been developed that captures both air supply and demand. The model includes sub-models for blowers, pipes, fittings, and valves. An extended diffuser model predicts both oxygen transfer efficiency within an aeration basin and pressure drop across the diffusers. The aeration system model allows engineers to analyse aeration systems as a whole to determine biological air requirements, blower performance, air distribution, control valve impacts, controller design and tuning, and energy costs. This enables engineers to trouble-shoot the entire aeration system including process, equipment and controls. It also allows much more realistic design of these highly complex systems.
Wastewater treatment plants are large non-linear systems subject to large perturbations in wastewater flow rate, load and composition. Nevertheless these plants have to be operated continuously, meeting stricter and stricter regulations. Many control strategies have been proposed in the literature for improved and more efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants. Unfortunately, their evaluation and comparison – either practical or based on simulation – is difficult. This is partly due to the variability of the influent, to the complexity of the biological and biochemical phenomena and to the large range of time constants (from a few minutes to several days). The lack of standard evaluation criteria is also a tremendous disadvantage. To really enhance the acceptance of innovative control strategies, such an evaluation needs to be based on a rigorous methodology including a simulation model, plant layout, controllers, sensors, performance criteria and test procedures, i.e. a complete benchmarking protocol. This book is a Scientific and Technical Report produced by the IWA Task Group on Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants . The goal of the Task Group includes developing models and simulation tools that encompass the most typical unit processes within a wastewater treatment system (primary treatment, activated sludge, sludge treatment, etc.), as well as tools that will enable the evaluation of long-term control strategies and monitoring tasks (i.e. automatic detection of sensor and process faults). Work on these extensions has been carried out by the Task Group during the past five years, and the main results are summarized in Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants . Besides a description of the final version of the already well-known Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 (BSM1), the book includes the Benchmark Simulation Model no. 1 Long-Term (BSM1_LT) – with focus on benchmarking of process monitoring tasks – and the plant-wide Benchmark Simulation Model no. 2 (BSM2). This title belongs to Scientific and Technical Report Series ISBN: 9781780401171 (eBook) ISBN: 9781843391463 (Print)
Conference Paper
During the design of a water resource recovery facility (WRRF), it is becoming industry practice for process engineers to use simulation software to assist with the design of the plant and its aeration system. The aeration process is one of the key components of the activated sludge process, and as such, is one of the most important aspects of modeling wastewater treatment systems. A comprehensive aeration system model has been developed in SIMBA# that can model both the air supply and demand. The model includes sub-models for centrifugal and positive displacement blowers, pipes and fittings, valves, and diffusers. Both compressible and incompressible flow can be modelled. Oxygen transfer within aeration tanks is also included as part of the overall model. The aeration system model allows engineers to analyze aeration systems as a whole to determine biological air requirements, blower performance, air distribution, control valve impacts, and controller design and tuning. This will allow more detailed system-wide testing before commissioning.
The development of a general model for biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems is discussed. The general model is a mechanistic model based on the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC) (now IAWQ) model for carbonaceous energy removal, nitrification, and denitrification (Activated Sludge Model No. 1 [ASM1]), and the Wentzel et al. (1989a and b) model for biological phosphorus removal, with a number of modifications. A fermentation process has been included for the conversion of readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand (COD) to short-chain fatty acids (assuming a loss of COD from the system). Hydrolysis of enmeshed slowly biodegradable COD under anoxic and anaerobic conditions has been incorporated, as well as anoxic growth of polyP organisms. These modifications and others are discussed in this paper. The matrix representation and a description of the model processes are also presented, as well as a brief outline of influent wastewater characterization.
The use of the activated sludge process (ASP) for the nitrification/denitrification of wastewaters is commonplace throughout the UK and many other parts of the industrial world. Associated with this process are significant costs arising from aeration requirements and for selected sites, the need to provide an external carbon source. These costs can constitute up to of 50% of the total running cost of the whole plant and as such, any effort to reduce them could realise significant benefits. This paper investigates the use of real time control (RTC) using online sensors and control algorithms to optimise the operation of the ASP, leading to greater efficiency and sustainability. Trials were undertaken at full scale to assess the benefit of such a system at a 250,000 population equivalent (PE) works on the south coast of the UK, using Activated sludge model No.1 (ASM 1) as a basis for the control system. Initial results indicate that it is possible to significantly reduce both aeration and chemical consumption costs whilst still delivering the required effluent quality. Over the trial period the aeration requirements were consistently reduced by 20% whereas, a reduction in methanol consumption of in excess of 50% was observed.