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Training Computational Thinking: Game-Based Unplugged and Plugged-in Activities in Primary School


Abstract and Figures

Computational thinking (CT) denotes the idea of developing a generic solution to a problem by decomposing it, identifying relevant variables and patterns, and deriving an algorithmic solution procedure. As a general problem solving strategy, it has been suggested a fundamental cognitive competence to be acquired in education-comparable to literacy and numeracy. However, integrating CT into general curricula has been challenging. Therefore, the current project aims at developing an extra-curricular training of CT for primary school students. From a literature review we identified seven concepts central to CT: i) sequencing, ii) loops, iii) parallelism, iv) events, v) conditionals, vi) operators, and vii) data/variables. In our targeted educational training program, we will specifically address these concepts (which are shared concepts between CT and programming / computer science education) in 2-step procedures using corresponding game-based unplugged and plugged-in activities. Playful unplugged activities, such as a treasure hunt board game for the concept of using variables as placeholders for information, shall allow students getting a first grip on CT processes by actively engaging them. In the game, a treasure is to be hunted by completing a series of arithmetic operations, in which players have to handle different variables (e.g., dice faces, scores, etc.). Building on this unplugged activity, a related plugged-in scenario is a programmable simulation of rain drops filling a glass. While raindrop and glass volume are constants, the fill level of the glass may be the variable to manipulate. In both kinds of activities we aim at clarifying the association between CT-based solving real-life problems and aspects of different STEM disciplines. The series of unplugged and plugged-in activities are integrated into a gamified approach suitable for primary school children, employing badges for mastering specific CT processes to increase students' engagement and for giving feedback about their learning progress. The instructional design will integrate principles of constructionism, game-based and project-based learning, such that students will construct knowledge through playing and interacting with interdisciplinary educational scenarios. The course will be empirically evaluated with 3rd and 4th graders in primary schools. Thereby, the idea of evidence-based instruction is pursued to ensure efficiency and validity of our training.
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Training Computational Thinking: Game-Based Unplugged and
Plugged-in Activities in Primary School
Katerina Tsarava1, Korbinian Moeller1,2,3, Niels Pinkwart4, Martin Butz5, Ulrich Trautwein6,3
and Manuel Ninaus1,3
1Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien, Germany
2Department of Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany
3LEAD Graduate School and Research Network, University of Tübingen, Germany
4Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
5Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen, Germany
6Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology, University of Tübingen,
Abstract: Computational thinking (CT) denotes the idea of developing a generic solution to a problem by decomposing it,
identifying relevant variables and patterns, and deriving an algorithmic solution procedure. As a general problem solving
strategy, it has been suggested a fundamental cognitive competence to be acquired in education - comparable to literacy
and numeracy. However, integrating CT into general curricula has been challenging. Therefore, the current project aims at
developing an extra-curricular training of CT for primary school students. From a literature review we identified seven
concepts central to CT: i) sequencing, ii) loops, iii) parallelism, iv) events, v) conditionals, vi) operators, and vii) data/variables.
In our targeted educational training program, we will specifically address these concepts (which are shared concepts
between CT and programming / computer science education) in 2-step procedures using corresponding game-based
unplugged and plugged-in activities. Playful unplugged activities, such as a treasure hunt board game for the concept of using
variables as placeholders for information, shall allow students getting a first grip on CT processes by actively engaging them.
In the game, a treasure is to be hunted by completing a series of arithmetic operations, in which players have to handle
different variables (e.g., dice faces, scores, etc.). Building on this unplugged activity, a related plugged-in scenario is a
programmable simulation of rain drops filling a glass. While raindrop and glass volume are constants, the fill level of the glass
may be the variable to manipulate. In both kinds of activities we aim at clarifying the association between CT-based solving
real-life problems and aspects of different STEM disciplines. The series of unplugged and plugged-in activities are integrated
into a gamified approach suitable for primary school children, employing badges for mastering specific CT processes to
increase students’ engagement and for giving feedback about their learning progress. The instructional design will integrate
principles of constructionism, game-based and project-based learning, such that students will construct knowledge through
playing and interacting with interdisciplinary educational scenarios. The course will be empirically evaluated with 3rd and
4th graders in primary schools. Thereby, the idea of evidence-based instruction is pursued to ensure efficiency and validity
of our training.
Keywords: computational thinking, programming, coding, unplugged activities, game-based learning, gamification
1. Introduction
In recent years, there is growing emphasis on the importance of computer programming or coding skills as 21st
century skills (Wing, 2006, 2010; NRC, 2011). For STEM disciplines, in particular, programming/coding has been
argued to be an indispensable instrument for solving complex problems or increasing efficiency through
automation (Wing, 2010). Thus, fostering those relevant skills early on in education seems a desirable
prerequisite, preparing children for current and future demands of our knowledge societies, spanning from job
requirements to leisure time activities. Against this background, the current article proposes an educational
course and training for 3rd and 4th-graders to foster programming/coding skills. However, in contrast to most
similar courses, we take a more cognitive skill-oriented approach, integrating the training of
programming/coding skills into the conceptual theoretical framework of computational thinking (henceforth
CT), by employing 2-step procedures using unplugged and plugged-in activities. Moreover, we embedded this in
a game-based constructivist pedagogical approach with the aim of introducing CT to young students (by means
Katerina Tsarava et al.
of coding). CT as an overarching cognitive skill is closely related to the different STEM disciplines (e.g., Sanders,
2009). Thus, CT allows for an interdisciplinary perspective on the use of actual coding skills to solve real world
problems. Accordingly, the main contribution of this study will be the development of an integrated framework
that fosters coding competence as a practical skill and CT competence as a conceptual cognitive skill.
In the following, we will first elaborate on the close association between programming/coding as a practical and
CT as a cognitive skill, before highlighting the relevance of CT for modern educational programs. We then provide
a short overview of existing coding and CT trainings, followed by a detailed description of the training we
developed to foster coding in 3rd and 4th-graders and a brief conclusion.
1.1 Coding and computational thinking
Computer programming – also referred to as coding – has been coined a crucial 21st century skill due to the
constantly increasing need to keep up with the growing impact of information and communication technologies
(henceforth ICT) on human activities. ICT have become prevalent in many facets of everyday life, like production,
health and education, security, job requirements, but also leisure time activities etc. This is reflected in latest
interest of scientific organizations and also governments (e.g., European Schoolnet, European Coding Initiative)
all over the world on the establishment of an effective framework for introducing ICT, coding, and CT skills to
students already at a young age. Although these three terms share common meanings, they should not be
confused as identical. ICT skills refer to general skills related to the use of computer devices and relevant digital
content, like software, digital documents, etc. In contrast, coding skills describe the practical ability to write and
design software programs as functional computer applications. Finally, CT denotes more general cognitive
problem solving skills based on systematic and computationally oriented procedures (Balanskat & Engelhardt,
2015). Each of these skills is important not only to become a competent user of ICT, but also to be able to meet
the needs of our increasingly digitized world. However, while programming/coding is considered a more
practical skill, we want to emphasize that CT reflects a broader cognitive concept that is fundamentally critical
for becoming computationally literate, besides the fact that at least rudimentary CT is essential for the
acquisition of more practical coding skills (Balanskat & Engelhardt 2015; Garcia-Peñalvo et al., 2016). At the same
time, fostering CT, detached from coding, might result in rather subpar and abstract educational scenarios. This
fact supports latest efforts and increased interest into fostering CT as a conceptual cognitive skill, that can be
applied interdisciplinarily in different domains over the mere training of practical skills, such as coding (e.g.,
Yadav et. al, 2016; see also Figure 1).
Being able to code reflects the “21st century vision of students who are not just computer users but also
computationally literate creators” ( Unsurprisingly, ideas to specifically promote and teach
coding abilities already starting in primary school have become increasingly popular (e.g., Balanskat &
Engelhardt, 2015; Central concepts in coding are the generic ideas of sequencing, loops,
parallelism, events, conditionals, operators, and data/variables (e.g., Brennan & Resnick, 2012). Interestingly,
coding as a practical skill shares these concepts with the psychological construct of CT as a cognitive skill (see
Figure 2). Computational Thinking is construed as “the thought processes involved in formulating problems and
their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an
information-processing agent” (Cuny et al., 2010). CT denotes the idea of developing a generic solution to a
problem by decomposing it, identifying relevant variables and patterns, and deriving an algorithmic solution
procedure (e.g., Wing, 2006; Kazimoglu, 2013). In fact, this closely resembles the proceeding in coding. As such,
code is usually organized in loops of sequences of defined events, that involve specific operations performed on
the to-be defined variables. Correspondingly, CT skills specifically draw on processes such as algorithmic
thinking, conditional logic, decomposition, abstraction, pattern matching, parallelization, evaluation, and
generalization (e.g. Wing, 2010; Briggs, 2014); thereby reflecting cognitive instantiations of concepts central to
coding. Importantly, these concepts as well as their cognitive counterparts in CT are not to be understood as
domain-specific in the sense that they can only be applied to the domain of computer science. Instead, CT should
be viewed as a much more general problem solving strategy, which can be applied to different domains over
and beyond computer science (e.g., deductive reasoning). Therefore, CT has been suggested a fundamental
cognitive competence that should be acquired in education – comparable to literacy and numeracy (Yadav et
al., 2014).
Katerina Tsarava et al.
Figure 1: Illustration of Google trends over the course of time, for the search terms “computational thinking”
and “programming skills”. Worldwide interest (y-axis) reflects search interest of the corresponding
topic relative to the highest point in the chart ( [Accessed
Figure 2: Illustration of association between the practical skills of coding, CT as corresponding cognitive skills
and the broad applicability of CT as a general problem solving strategy to different content domains
such as STEM
Katerina Tsarava et al.
1.2 Computational thinking in education
As a general problem solving strategy, influences of CT are closely related to STEM disciplines (Barr and
Stephenson, 2011). Furthermore, CT has also begun to influence areas of active study over and beyond STEM
such as algorithmic medicine, computational archaeology, computational economics/finance, digital humanities
etc. (Wing, 2010). For this reason, governments and educational institutions all over the world worked on a
coherent definition of CT and the integration of CT in the curricula of educational programs of primary,
secondary, and higher education over the last decade. For instance, educational institutions in the US revised
their undergraduate curriculum in computer science and changed their first course in computer science to cover
fundamental principles and processes of CT as a cognitive skill (e.g. Perkovic et al., 2010; Wing, 2010). Moreover,
in 2013, the computer science curriculum for universities in the UK was revised, by focusing strongly on the
promotion of CT as a widely applicable and transferable skill in computer science (Brown et al., 2014).
Furthermore, the relevance and importance granted to CT is also reflected by the fact that in 2014 the European
Coding Initiative was founded. In collaboration with several European Ministries of Education, members of the
European Schoolnet and the support of major technological enterprises (e.g., Microsoft, Facebook), the initiative
aims at promoting a sensible integration and evaluation of coding and CT in the official educational curricula
(Balanskat & Engelhardt, 2015).
This envisaged societal relevance of CT and its wide range of applicability let us decide to develop a training of
practical coding skills, integrated into a course on CT applied to various STEM contexts for 3rd and 4th graders.
To realize broad applicability of the training and because of reasons of platform independency, we suggest that
coding in young ages should not be based on a specific programming language, as these change rapidly according
to market and technology changes. For this reason, we aimed at fostering children’s coding skills on the broader
and more transferrable level of CT. Moreover, we tried to avoid common concerns on introducing coding already
in primary school (Garcia-Peñalvo, 2016) by i) implementing a game-based approach of learning by doing, ii)
focusing on cognitive processes of CT and not on practical coding skills related to specific programming
languages, iii) using unplugged haptic games and plugged-in low-threshold visual programming environments,
and iv) by adopting an overarching gamified framework accompanying the training for maintaining and
increasing motivation. Thereby, we build our training on the theory of constructionism following the principles
of “learning-by-doing” (e.g., Harel & Papert, 1991), which were established and evaluated in well-known
environments for early programming, like the Logo programming language, Scratch, etc.
2. Course concept
2.1 Course aim
We specifically designed the course to address CT processes defined and identified as shared with coding. In
particular, we considered the concepts of sequences, loops, parallelism, events, conditionals, operators, and
data and integrated them into non-programming (i.e., unplugged) and programming (i.e., plugged-in) activities.
The instructional design of our training is based on introducing each of the CT processes in a multimodal way
using unplugged and plugged-in activities and demonstrating their applicability within different STEM-related
contexts. The general idea of the whole course follows the theme: “play-modify-create”. Students are
introduced to CT processes through playful unplugged activities. Subsequently, they are asked to modify
elements within existing plugged-in activities before they finally have to create their own usable designs.
In the following description of the course concept, we first describe the actual lesson content and activities and
their aim. Subsequently, we elaborate on how the employed activities allow for a broad applicability of CT by
relating the activities to different STEM contexts. Moreover, we outline how the combination of unplugged and
plugged-in activities allows for an integrated constructivist approach to convey the respective content. Finally,
we briefly describe how we use a gamification framework to incorporate lessons on differing content conveyed
in different modes into a coherent and overarching course design.
2.2 Course outline
The course is structured as a series of eight lessons of 90 minutes each (see also Figure 3). During these lessons,
CT processes are introduced gradually beginning from more unplugged haptic, practical, and experiential
activities, moving on to plugged-in more abstract and demanding ones. During the lessons, students create their
own applications with MIT AppInventor which they can reuse on their own devices. Teacher’s guidance is
Katerina Tsarava et al.
gradually decreased towards students’ gradual independence of learning and creating. The specific lesson plan
is as follows:
2.2.1 Lesson 1
Description: Students are first introduced to the gamified assessment framework (see below). Moreover, they
get acquainted with unplugged concepts and tangibles and are introduced to the idea of computing without a
computer. The first activity is an unplugged life-size board game with turtles. The game shares ideas with the
concepts of the educational programming language Logo and is inspired by the commercial board game Robot
Turtles (Shapiro, 2013). In this treasure hunting game small groups of students have to manipulate turtle pawns,
which move by following specific commands written on game cards. Players need to edit and combine
command-cards and make strategic decision to create effective sequences, which allow them to lead their
pawns to the place where a treasure can be found. The aim of the game is the fast and efficient collection of
treasure items.
Aim: The main purpose of this first activity is the playful introduction to CT processes, such as logical and
algorithmic thinking, as well as pattern recognition through the use of common coding mediums, like sequences
and loops.
2.2.2 Lesson 2
Description: This lesson encompasses playing within unplugged activities and recognizing CT processes in STEM
disciplines. The second activity also employs an unplugged treasure hunt like board game and utilizes math
problems as progression stages. Specifically, this multiplayer board game is a competitive scenario, where
groups of players have to find their way through a maze of various difficulty levels. Each challenge includes
equations containing variables and placeholder images for constants (e.g., a blue crystal reflecting a value of 4).
Small groups of players have to solve the respective arithmetic equations in alternating order and find the best
strategy to progress on their way to the center of the maze. Conditions set by the game’s board (maze) provide
obstacles to obstruct the most direct way of reaching the center.
Aim: This activity aims at introducing conditionals, operators, variables, and constants, as well as previously
presented coding concepts (i.e., sequences and loops) to foster CT skills of logic, algorithmic thinking, and
2.2.3 Lesson 3
Description: Students play within unplugged activities and concepts, which are then gradually transferred to the
plugged-in environment of AppInventor, reusing established concepts from previous lessons. In this blended
activity, students have the opportunity to observe how unplugged coding and CT processes, like, for example,
events and parallelism, are applied and how they function within the plugged-in programming environment
through simple precoded scripts and scenarios. For instance, in a science simulation about rain (event) drops
(variable) increasing the fill level (variable) of a glass (constant) students need to recognize the coding concepts
previously introduced unplugged and understand how they are depicted and used in the plugged-in
environment. Students should be able to recognize, use, and modify coding concepts in these pre-built
AppInventor applications.
Aim: In this lesson, students should comprehend the interconnections between coding concepts and the newly
introduced CT abstract processes of decomposition and generalization.
2.2.4 Lesson 4
Description: After recapitulating the coding concepts and CT processes already introduced, Lesson 4 requires
students to brainstorm real-life scenarios and applications of these concepts, to highlight the importance of CT
processes in everyday life and STEM disciplines in particular. Following this, students are introduced to the
AppInventor software through multiple interactive tutorials as well as editing and playing simple game
applications. Pre-developed simple games in the MIT AppInventor environment are used as demonstrators and
allow students to manipulate code elements, e.g. building blocks/variables, in order to grasp the effects of
changes in a running system.
Katerina Tsarava et al.
Aim: The activities of this lesson are intended to support students’ familiarity and understanding of the
environment and how visual coding blocks can replicate coding concepts already identified in the previous
2.2.5 Lesson 5 and 6
Description: In Lessons 5 and 6, students are guided through the creation of a simple app using scenarios in
STEM contexts. A simple calculator is developed by first explaining and understanding its usability and later on
designing and programming it in AppInventor. Afterwards, students are asked to create other and more
advanced apps in other STEM disciplines, for instance, science simulations. By providing pre-built AppInventor
assets to students we can facilitate work and guide the learning experience even in complex projects. Different
projects are assigned randomly to small groups of students. For instance, the creation of a simple pool billiard
physics app, to understand and visualize kinetic energy/momentum conservation of colliding balls. Other
projects require, for example, the creation of apps that simulate a magnetic field and the forces operating in it,
and the creation of the four seasons, or how the water cycle works, etc. After completing their respective app
all the student groups have to interact and test creations of their peers.
Aim: Both activities aim at fostering students’ coding independence through fading out teacher guidance. The
CT processes fostered by these activities are the process of evaluation and abstraction. Moreover, using and
developing simulated real-life STEM contexts should increase the awareness of the necessity of coding skills, in
order to solve problems in different STEM disciplines.
2.2.6 Lesson 7
Description: During the 7th lesson students are asked to brainstorm simple game ideas. Once they decided on
one of the designs, students can create their own game. Of course, they need to create rather simple games
(e.g. dice, memory game, mini golf, etc.) to keep it feasible. The instructor is crucial in this part of the lesson as
he/she has to assist in deciding on a realizable game, by taking into consideration its basic mechanisms. After
deciding on a game, students collaboratively create the game application. Importantly, in such complex projects
students have to apply all their previously learned coding and CT skills by understanding, analyzing, designing,
implementing, and evaluating their own game app. Created games can also be shared among group members
and peer-evaluated by fellow groups of students.
Aim: The aim of this activity is the engagement of students with more complex activities of problem solving and
procedural thinking, by creating and evaluating designs of their own.
2.2.7 Lesson 8
Description: In the last lesson students have to create their own applications. They are asked to create an
application dedicated to one of the STEM disciplines already presented and adapt or extend existing programs.
They are urged to do so by reusing parts of code created in previous lessons, to facilitate the working process,
but should also integrate new mechanics or functionalities, respectively, into the application. For instance,
scripts of app interface functionalities, such as interactive screen components, random number generators, etc.
Aim: During this activity, students also have to follow the procedure of analyzing the demands and requirements
to design an effective structure for their app. The evaluation procedure relies on sharing and peer reviewing, as
beta testers will test the apps of fellow student groups, repeating and fostering the obtainment of all the
previously identified CT processes.
2.3 Unplugged and plugged-in activities
Contemporary board games have proven to represent an informal and interactional context in which
computational thinking has to be applied. For instance, Pandemic (Leacock, 2008) and RaBit EscApe (Apostolellis
et al., 2014), are two strategic board games, in which computational thinking was embedded in collaborative
play. Considering this evidence, unplugged activities employed in the present course are realized as life-size
board games, in which students play collaboratively around a floor-board by strategically solving problems and
manipulating their pawns accordingly in space. Their active engagement in those unplugged games should raise
their motivation for participation and learning (see Echeverría et al., 2011; for an overview), as well as allowing
for an embodied experience of basic coding concepts and CT processes (cf. Barsalou, 2008 for embodied
Katerina Tsarava et al.
cognition), supporting conceptual abstractions in a natural manner (Butz, 2016). Moreover, the game-based
approach of the employed plugged-in activities does not only aim at engaging students into the learning
activities, but should also enhance the training and development of students’ symbolic thinking through
multimodal representations (Plass et al., 2015) and simplifications of complex computer-related concepts (e.g.
the concept of variables and constants described above, represented by the game rules as objects of
predetermined value).
For plugged-in activities of the course, we selected the MIT AppInventor software in its browser-based version.
MIT AppInventor offers a novice-oriented introduction to programming and app creation, that transforms the
complex language of text-based coding into visual drag-and-drop building blocks. The low-threshold graphical
interface allows even an inexperienced novice to create a basic, fully functional app within an hour or less.
AppInventor allows the development of applications for Android-run devices, using a web browser and either a
connected smartphone/tablet or emulator. This allows for taking home self-generated apps as a trophy after
the learning activity. We consider this software an advanced alternative to Scratch visual-programming
language, as it allows the creation and distribution of a standalone application.
Figure 3: Illustration of the course design taking into consideration the factors of mode (i.e., unplugged/plugged-
in), coding concepts (C1-Sequences to C7-Parallelism, see Figure 2), CT processes (P1-Decomposition
to P7-Generalization, see Figure 2) and the gamification framework. C*/P*: all concepts (C1-7) and
processes (P1-7)
The design of the course embeds the training of CT skills in a multimodal procedure. Coding concepts and
associated CT processes are first introduced in a playful and embodied way (unplugged activities), before they
are reconsidered in programming context (plugged-in activity), which also implies their application in a STEM
discipline. This aims at highlighting the relevance of coding concepts and CT processes not only for digital
contexts, but also real-life problems in general and STEM contexts in particular. For instance, in Lesson 2 students
play a math-based treasure hunting game. Following the rules of the game, players have to devise effective
sequences of commands, by combining constants, variables and operators correctly. They have the opportunity
to make their sequence even more successful by recognising patterns of moves, which may be folded and
operated by loops. Those unplugged game rules reflect fundamental and applicable coding concepts, which can
easily be applied and transferred to any programming language or complex problems in STEM. Accordingly, the
aforementioned activity is integrated into a plugged-in task in Lesson 3, where several of these coding concepts
are integrated into short simple pre-coded scripts. As an advanced task, students are then asked to modify those
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scripts experimentally to observe and experience the immediate consequences of their changes (picking up on
the idea of live coding, e.g. Paxton, 2002).
2.4 Gamification and assessment framework
By employing digital games as learning medium and providing an overarching gamification framework for the
course, we aim at increasing motivation and enjoyment of students. In fact, as a medium for lear ning, games
provide promising possibilities to motivate and engage students in learning (e.g., Chen et al., 2012). Importantly,
even simple game-like extrinsic motivators, such as score points and badges, can increase enjoyment and
performance (e.g. Ninaus et al., 2015; for a review see Hamari et al., 2014). In the current CT course we use a
gamified assessment framework, which is based on the assessment framework created by Dorling and Walker
(2014) for the effective evaluation of the UK computer science and CT curriculum (see also Moreno-León, et al.,
2015). As such, we apply a gamified award system, awarding badges for the successful acquisition of coding
concepts, core CT processes, STEM specialization domain (e.g. leaderboard for Maths, Science, etc.), creativity,
and social skills (e.g. cooperation within or between group, etc.). For instance, students receive stickers for each
attended session to put down in their individual course membership card, or, after successfully creating a science
simulation, students are awarded a science-badge.
3. Future studies and conclusion
The current course is planned to be part of the Hector-Core-Course program of the Hector-Children Academies
in Germany, which provide extra-curricular enrichment programs (
Therefore, the course will undergo a rigorous three-stage evaluation process. Phase 1 will include piloting and
testing the course concept. For this reason, multiple rounds of discussion with experts on the content as well as
educators will take place. This phase also includes an initial evaluation of the effectiveness of the course in a
small-scale intervention study at about 3-6 Hector-Children Academies to acquire first empirical data on training
gains and the feasibility of the course design. In Phase 2 feedback and experiences generated in Phase 1 might
result in modifications of the course. Following this, another empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of the
course at about 10 Hector-Children Academies will be run using a pre-post-test control group design.
Importantly, in this phase we will also evaluate the training of instructors as well as the training material itself.
Finally in Phase 3, implementation and effectiveness of the course will be evaluated in a randomized controlled
field trial, involving at least 20 Hector-Children Academies. Evaluation in Phase 2 and 3 will also aim at assessing
possible transfer effects of the training, by employing standardized psychological tests in order to examine
whether CT training affects other related cognitive skills, such as reasoning or general problem solving skills. The
primary objective at this stage of the evaluation is to whether the course yields any overall effect on
computational thinking. Given positive effects are observable in all three evaluation phases, the current course
will be certified as a Hector-Core-Course to be offered to all Hector-Children Academies. Moreover, in order to
better understand underlying mechanisms on how the various elements of the course influence the overall
efficiency, design research methods will be applied. After the design, development, and evaluation phases, we
expect to deliver hands-on un-plugged games and their related plugged-in activities built in AppInventor, along
with instructional materials for future teachers of the course.
The design and development of the current course is based on the most recent literature on educational
practices for coding and CT introduction into official curriculums and latest educational practice in STEM. We
integrated elements of game-based learning and gamification methods aiming at engaging and motivating
students, while specifically addressing STEM context to reflect the broad applicability of CT. Importantly, this
course does not aim at being a core programming course. Using a more general and cognitive perspective on
programming and coding we aim at fostering the underlying cognitive concept of CT, which might have broader
beneficial effects than instructing a single programming language alone. Consequently, the course is not only
aiming at improving practical programming skills, but fundamental cognitive skills relevant for the 21st century.
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... NJCIE 2024, Vol. 8(4) with active learning (Sentance & Csizmadia, 2017;Tsarava et al., 2017). Tying into this embodied learning some studies even specify that 'students' bodies form the core of the learning process' (Città et al., 2019). ...
... Consequently, a recurring attribute emphasised in unplugged activities is their nonthreatening nature, serving as an effective initial step in developing a deeper comprehension of CT (Caeli & Yadav, 2020;Ford et al., 2017). Furthermore, motivation and engagement emerge as frequently highlighted features of unplugged activities, which are connected to the lack of requirements needed to engage with them (Tsarava et al., 2017). Occasionally, these are also associated with increased student confidence (Curzon et al., 2014;Ford et al., 2017). ...
... It draws on concepts identified as essential in teaching and learning CT, which are described in the background section. Specifically, we focused on unplugged approaches in supporting motivation (Tsarava et al., 2017) and student confidence (Curzon et al., 2014;Ford et al., 2017). We also draw on theories of embodied learning through kinesthetic or physical activities (Città et al., 2019;Curzon et al., 2014;Sentance & Csizmadia, 2017;Tsarava et al., 2017). ...
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This paper explores the use of unplugged activities as a pedagogical approach for teaching computational thinking (CT) to student teachers at a Danish university college in the subject technology comprehension. Through an analysis of three cases—a toothbrushing routine, a political profiling quiz, and an interactive story creation—the study examines students’ learning experiences and engagement with CT concepts and practices. The paper employs a methodological approach rooted in participatory observation and visual ethnography. Data collection includes video recordings, audio recordings, post-class interviews, and artefacts created by the students. The analysis reveals possibilities as well as challenges experienced by students in their involvement in computational thinking activities, including algorithms, decomposition, and abstraction. These findings contest the oversimplified classification of activities as either 'plugged' or 'unplugged', suggesting that alternative factors hold more substantial importance. Subsequently, the paper explores the roles of self-efficacy and ‘be-greifbarkeit’ in students' learning processes, thereby elucidating how students' motivation and learning expectations, in conjunction with their tangible experiences and conceptual understandings, influence the development of their computational thinking competencies. In conclusion, the study provides valuable insights for teacher educators, emphasising the need to consider the perceived complexity of the activity, including the students’ prerequisites for engaging with plugged and unplugged elements. It highlights the multifaceted nature of plugged and unplugged approaches, offering a nuanced perspective on their impact on students' learning experiences in the field of computational thinking.
... Finalmente, promover actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo y creativo fomenta tanto la colaboración como la creatividad, lo que es esencial para el desarrollo integral de las habilidades de PC (Léonard et al., 2019;Relkin et al., 2021Tsarava et al., 2017. Por ejemplo, se pueden realizar hackathons escolares donde los estudiantes trabajen en equipos para crear proyectos innovadores en un tiempo limitado, promoviendo el trabajo en equipo y el pensamiento creativo. ...
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El Pensamiento Computacional (PC) ha evolucionado más allá de la informática, convirtiéndose en una habilidad esencial en la educación primaria, como está evidenciado por su inclusión en el currículo de matemáticas en España. A pesar de los desafíos de implementación en contextos con recursos limitados, las actividades desenchufadas se presentan como una solución efectiva al permitir la enseñanza de conceptos computacionales sin necesidad de tecnología avanzada (Burlacu et al., 2020). Este artículo explora cómo estas actividades pueden promover el PC en la educación primaria, mediante una revisión de la literatura que categorice las orientaciones didácticas bajo los Criterios de Idoneidad Didáctica (CID). El objetivo es proporcionar un marco robusto que guíe a los educadores en la integración efectiva del PC, superando las limitaciones tecnológicas y asegurando un acceso equitativo a una educación computacional de calidad. El PC se reconoce como una habilidad esencial en la educación, crucial para abordar los desafíos de un mundo cada vez más tecnológico (Yadav et al., 2017). Este enfoque, respaldado por investigaciones como las de Barr y Stephenson (2011), enfatiza la importancia del PC en la resolución de problemas en diversas disciplinas. Las actividades desenchufadas se presentan como una estrategia valiosa para enseñar el PC, especialmente en entornos con recursos limitados (Burlacu et al., 2020). Estas actividades, que no requieren tecnología, hacen que el aprendizaje del PC sea accesible para todos los estudiantes, independientemente de su contexto socioeconómico. Los CID proporcionan un marco integral para evaluar y guiar la práctica docente en matemáticas, basándose en el enfoque ontosemiótico (EOS) (Godino et al., 2019). Estos criterios destacan la importancia de diseñar secuencias de aprendizaje reflexivas y de calidad, asegurando una presentación adecuada de los contenidos matemáticos. La investigación adoptó un enfoque cualitativo basado en los principios de Creswell (2017) y se centró en el análisis de contenido. Se seleccionaron estudios de la basado en la revisión sistemática de Chen et al. (2023) sobre el desarrollo del PC mediante actividades desenchufadas en educación primaria. El análisis de los textos permitió identificar orientaciones didácticas significativas, clasificadas según dimensiones epistémicas, cognitivas, mediacionales, interaccionales, afectivas y ecológicas, siguiendo los CID. Los resultados revelan orientaciones importantes en todas las dimensiones de los CID. En el epistémico, por ejemplo, se destaca la importancia de proporcionar definiciones y procedimientos claros y precisos, adaptados al nivel educativo de los estudiantes. Además, se enfatiza la necesidad de que las actividades desenchufadas promuevan habilidades fundamentales del PC, como la descomposición de problemas, el reconocimiento de patrones, la abstracción y la creación de algoritmos. En cuanto al componente cognitivo, se subraya la importancia de que los estudiantes posean los conocimientos necesarios y de que las actividades sean adaptables a las diferencias individuales. En conclusión, este estudio destaca la eficacia de las actividades desenchufadas en la enseñanza del PC y sugiere la necesidad de investigaciones futuras que validen y amplíen estas prácticas a una variedad más amplia de entornos educativos. Esto garantizará que todos los estudiantes puedan beneficiarse de una educación computacional de calidad, independientemente de su contexto.
... Dalam pembelajaran matematika kemampuan Computational thinking adalah salah satu kemampuan yang sangat diperlukan sebab dapat mengembangkan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara terstruktur dan efisien serta mampu mengarahkan siswa agar dapat berpikir kritis dan mandiri saat menghadapi masalah matematis. Hal tersebut tentu dapat menunjang dalam pembelajaran matematika baik dari aspek keterampilan, kognitif maupun afektif (Agustiani, 2022;Tsarava et al., 2017). Selain itu, kemampuan computational thinking dan matematika saling berkorelasi, yang mana menerapkan konteks matematika dapat meningkatkan kemampuan computational thinking dan kemampuan computational thiking dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran matematika (Maharani et al., 2019). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan computational thinking dengan mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan pendekatan realistik terhadap siswa SMP. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan quasi experimental. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Kota Sukabumi dengan jumlah 83 siswa. Terdapat tiga kelas dalam penelitian ini diantaranya kelas eksperimen I, II dan kelas kontrol. Teknis analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan uji Anava satu jalur melalui uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas sebagai uji prasyarat. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan ialah instrumen tes kemampuan computational thinking siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan pendekatan realistik lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran inkuiri dan model pembelajaran langsung terhadap kemampuan computational thinking siswa, sehingga hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan computational thinking siswa SMP setelah diterapkannya model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan pendekatan realistik.
... den muss, bevor tiefere Einblicke in Bereiche der Informatik möglich werden. Er implementiert zudem den didaktischen Ansatz des Konstruktivismus, indem die Kinder die Möglichkeit bekommen sich selbstständig mit kinästhetischen Übungen zu beschäftigen (Tsarava et al., 2017(Tsarava et al., , 2018. Dadurch kann zum einen bereits sehr früh mit der Förderung von informatischem Denken begonnen werden, zum anderen kann eine große Bandbreite von Kindern, insbesondere auch Mädchen, für die Informatik begeistert werden, die hier sonst unterrepräsentiert sind (Bell & Vahrenhold, 2018). ...
Informatik und informatisches Denken bleibt noch immer bei den Bildungsplänen für Grundschulen vieler Bundeslänger außen vor. Dies wird jedoch teilweise durch außerschulische Angebote kompensiert. In Baden-Württemberg und Hessen erhalten beispielsweise manche Kinder die Möglichkeit, an Kursen der Hector Kinderakademien teilzunehmen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Kurse des Hector-Informatikcurriculums Lehrkräften und Fachleuten im Bereich der Informatikbildung vorzustellen. Das Informatikcurriculum der Hector Kinderakademien besteht aus drei Kursen und richtet sich an begabte und hochbegabte Kinder der ersten bis vierten Klassenstufe, die an Informatik interessiert sind. Bei der Entwicklung und Etablierung der Kurse wird ein evidenzbasierter Ansatz verfolgt, das heißt, dass die Kurse von der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Hector Kinderakademien empirisch hinsichtlich ihrer Förderwirksamkeit untersucht werden. Erste Studien belegen die Förderwirkung der Kurse.
... The integration of CT into curricula has also shown to be effective in STEM subjects in general, with game design-based instructional methods being one of the most popular ones [13]. Examples include the integration of MIT app inventor to teach mobile app development [14], and as a game-based classroom course for 3rd and 4th-grade students [15]. ...
Conference Paper
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Computational thinking skills are recognised as the necessary 21st century competency among learners of various levels. There is an increase in awareness on the potential benefits of introducing computational thinking (CT) skills in the school level curriculum. The existing solutions like block-based activities, AR-VR apps, game-based learning solutions require more relatable and authentic learning contexts. The present study conducted with 49 middle school students (7th and 8th) traces how an educational application called CT@Home can be used to foster logical thinking and CT skills by providing authentic learning experiences through a relevant context which is meaningful to the learner. We investigated the effectiveness of the application around three specific constructs: learning gain, usability, and self-perception. The results suggest that applications like CT@Home which can provide context-based learning, helps in building a positive perception towards learning CT skills among middle school students. Finally, we also discuss some of the important challenges that students faced while interacting with the CT@Home application.
... Unplugged computational thinking is a pedagogical strategy (Busuttil & Formosa, 2020) that uses computational concepts and problem solving (Tsarava et al., 2017;García-Peñalvo et al., 2016) to address learning challenges (Bell et al., 2009). This is done through hands-on activities and without the use of digital devices. ...
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Integrating unplugged computational thinking across curricula: A qualitative study of students' and teachers' perspectives. Integrating computational thinking into the K-12 curriculum presents challenges due to the lack of a standardized approach. This study examines the use of "unplugged" computational thinking-activities that do not require digital devices-in teaching mathematics and language arts to tenth-grade students. The instructional method followed phases such as abstraction, decomposition, algorithms, evaluation, and generalization. Data were collected through focus groups with teachers and a sample of students from both subjects and analyzed qualitatively to capture their perspectives. The findings suggest that unplugged computational thinking increased student engagement and helped achieve learning objectives. Both teachers and students reported that this approach fostered deeper conceptual understanding and enhanced the educational experience by developing skills in problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance (grit). Teachers observed that students could explore and articulate their thoughts more expansively compared to traditional methods, leading to a richer understanding of the material. Students emphasized that integrating computational thinking, fostering grit, and encouraging collaboration are crucial for enriching their educational experiences and creating a supportive, effective learning environment.
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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi unplugged coding terhadap keterampilan berpikir komputasional siswa sekolah dasar. Dalam pelaksanaannya, penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Pintar Punggur Cerdas Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang aktivitas utamanya adalah dalam bidang literasi untuk masyarakat sekitar khususnya unutk anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode one group pretest-posttest design dengan memanfaatkan soal Bebras siaga. Mekanisme edukasi menggunakan dua cara yakni pengerjaan soal-soal dengan konsep computational thinking berbasis kekayaan daerah yakni dengan menghadirkan karakter Lagur dan Usu, serta didukung juga dengan penggunaan robot coding. Pada akhir penelitian setelah dilakukan analisis dari data yang telah terkumpul, didapatkan hasil yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan secara statistik dengan nilai asymp.sig < 0,005 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh edukasi unplugged coding terhadap peningkatan kemampuan computational thinking peserta edukasi.Kata Kunci: Unplugged Coding, Computational Thinking, Komputasi, UnpluggedABSTRACTThis research seeks to determine the effect of unplugged coding education on elementary school students' computational thinking skills. In its implementation, this research was carried out at the Rumah Pintar Punggur Cerdas, Kubu Raya Regency, whose main activity was in the field of literacy for the surrounding community, especially for school-age children. This research applies the one-group pretest-posttest design method using Bebras challenge questions. The educational mechanism uses two methods, namely working on questions using the concept of computational thinking based on local wisdom, namely by presenting the characters Lagur and Usu, and is also supported by the use of coding robots. At the end of the research, after analyzing the collected data, quite significant results were obtained. This is proven statistically with a value of asymp.sig < 0.005, which means that there is an influence of unplugged coding education on increasing the computational thinking abilities of training participants.Keywords: Unplugged Coding, Computational Thinking, Computation, Unplugged
Technical Report
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The rationale for this literature review is to take the main areas of debate surrounding the teaching of coding to primary aged children and examine the polemic and the different positions that writers and practitioners are taking on these issues. This is intended to be a literature review useful to practitioners rather than academics. In that vein, in addition to published peer referenced journal articles we have decided to make maximum use of blog posts and opinions on social media for our source material as we believe that the most informed debate on kids coding is not actually going on in academic journals! In fact, in a meta-analysis of 27 peer-reviewed papers on the subject of teaching computational thinking to school aged children, it was found that only ‘nine peer-reviewed intervention studies were based in K-12 settings’, highlighting the gap in the research of developing computational thinking in school aged children. ‘Even with these limited studies, most were conducted as after-school activities.’ (Lye, S. Y. & Koh, J. H. L., 2014.) So even the academics know that the scope of their own work is limited. Based on the preceding, the TACCLE 3 team members have compiled reviews of academic papers and have also trawled through blogs, news-articles and opinion pieces to find some answers to the questions teachers regularly ask us, along with a few extras that we found interesting. The information in this paper has been divided into 5 chapters. In the first chapter TACCLE 3 team members try to answer the following questions: • Why are we teaching coding? • Should we actually be teaching coding to young children at all? • How should we be teaching it? • How to best use tangible user interfaces? • Are there gender issues to overcome? In chapter 2 Francisco Jose García-Peñalvo provides a deeper introduction into computational thinking: what it is, what are the core concepts of it and how to introduce this approach into the classrooms. In chapter 3 Daniela Reimann introduces us ‘smart textiles’ as a creative environment for programming interactive objects. In chapter 4 Maire Tuul gives an overview of Makey Makey, a platform for improvising tangible user interfaces. In chapter 5 Ilkka Jormanainen takes a look into the world of robotics. All of the chapters have been written in a way that it is possible to understand the content of each chapter without reading the paper from cover to cover. You can just pick out the parts you find interesting. Enjoy reading! References Lye, S. Y. & Koh, J. H. L. (2014). Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through programming: What is next for K-12? Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 51-61.
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This paper proposes how various disciplinary theories of cognition may be combined into a unifying, sub-symbolic, computational theory of cognition. The following theories are considered for integration: psychological theories, including the theory of event coding, event segmentation theory, the theory of anticipatory behavioral control, and concept development; artificial intelligence and machine learning theories, including reinforcement learning and generative artificial neural networks; and theories from theoretical and computational neuroscience, including predictive coding and free energy-based inference. In the light of such a potential unification, it is discussed how abstract cognitive, conceptualized knowledge and understanding may be learned from actively gathered sensorimotor experiences. The unification rests on the free energy-based inference principle, which essentially implies that the brain builds a predictive, generative model of its environment. Neural activity-oriented inference causes the continuous adaptation of the currently active predictive encodings. Neural structure-oriented inference causes the longer term adaptation of the developing generative model as a whole. Finally, active inference strives for maintaining internal homeostasis, causing goal-directed motor behavior. To learn abstract, hierarchical encodings, however, it is proposed that free energy-based inference needs to be enhanced with structural priors, which bias cognitive development toward the formation of particular, behaviorally suitable encoding structures. As a result, it is hypothesized how abstract concepts can develop from, and thus how they are structured by and grounded in, sensorimotor experiences. Moreover, it is sketched-out how symbol-like thought can be generated by a temporarily active set of predictive encodings, which constitute a distributed neural attractor in the form of an interactive free-energy minimum. The activated, interactive network attractor essentially characterizes the semantics of a concept or a concept composition, such as an actual or imagined situation in our environment. Temporal successions of attractors then encode unfolding semantics, which may be generated by a behavioral or mental interaction with an actual or imagined situation in our environment. Implications, further predictions, possible verification, and falsifications, as well as potential enhancements into a fully spelled-out unified theory of cognition are discussed at the end of the paper.
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The recent focus on computational thinking as a key 21st century skill for all students has led to a number of curriculum initiatives to embed it in K-12 classrooms. In this paper, we discuss the key computational thinking constructs, including algorithms, abstraction, and automation. We further discuss how these ideas are related to current educational re- forms, such as Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards and provide specific means that would allow teachers to embed these ideas in their K-12 classrooms, in- cluding recommendations for instructional technologists and professional development experts for infusing computational thinking into other subjects. In conclusion, we suggest that computational thinking ideas outlined in this paper are key to moving students from merely being technology-literate to using computational tools to solve problems.
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One of the barriers to entry of computer programming in schools is the lack of tools that support educators in the assessment of student projects. In order to amend this situation this paper presents Dr. Scratch, a web application that allows teachers and students to automatically analyze projects coded in Scratch, the most used programming language in primary and secondary education worldwide, to check if they have been properly programmed, learn from their mistakes and get feedback to improve their code and develop their Computational Thinking (CT) skills. One of the goals of Dr. Scratch, besides supporting teachers in the evaluation tasks, is to act as a stimulus to encourage students to keep on improving their programming skills. Aiming to check its effectiveness regarding this objective, workshops with students in the range from 10 to 14 years were run in 8 schools, in which over 100 learners analyzed one of their Scratch projects with Dr. Scratch, read the information displayed as feedback by Dr. Scratch, and tried to improve their projects using the guidelines and tips offered by the tool. Our results show that at the end of the workshop, students increased their CT score and, consequently, improved their coding skills.
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The utilization of game elements in a non-game context is currently used in a vast range of different domains. However, research on game elements' effects in cognitive tasks is still sparse. Thus, in this study we implemented three game elements, namely, progress bar, level indicator, and a thematic setting, in a working memory training task. We evaluated the impact of game elements on user performance and perceived state of flow when compared to a conventional version of the task. Participants interacting with game elements showed higher scores in the working memory training task than participants from a control group who completed the working memory training task without the game elements. Moreover, game elements facilitated the individuals' performance closer to their maximum working memory capacity. Finally, the perceived flow did not differ between the two groups, which indicates that game elements can induce better performance without changing the perception of being " in the zone " , that is without an increase in anxiety or boredom. This empirical study indicates that certain game elements can improve the performance and efficiency in a working memory task by increasing users' ability and willingness to train at their optimal performance level.
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As a medium for learning, digital games provide promising possibilities to motivate and engage students in subject learning. In this study, a game-based learning system, My-Pet-My-Quest, is developed to support pupils' math learning. This is due to the fact that most students in Taiwan have relatively lower positive attitude towards math learning, even though their math performance is prominent. To this end, a three-tire framework is proposed to guide the design of the My-Pet-My-Quest system. A quasi-experiment was conducted to examine the influence of game quests on pupils' enjoyment and goal-pursuing in math learning. The results revealed that game quests were favored by students in terms of enjoyment, goal orientation, and goal intensity. Possible reasons for these results and a discussion of related issues are presented in this paper.
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Mitchel Resnick ( MIT Media Lab Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012). Using artifact-based interviews to study the development of computational thinking in interactive media design. Paper presented at annual American Educational Research Association meeting, Abstract Computational thinking is a phrase that has received considerable attention over the past several years – but there is little agreement about what computational thinking encompasses, and even less agreement about strategies for assessing the development of computational thinking in young people. We are interested in the ways that design-based learning activities – in particular, programming interactive media – support the development of computational thinking in young people. Over the past several years, we have developed a computational thinking framework that emerged from our studies of the activities of interactive media designers. Our context is Scratch – a programming environment that enables young people to create their own interactive stories, games, and simulations, and then share those creations in an online community with other young programmers from around the world. The first part of the paper describes the key dimensions of our computational thinking framework: computational concepts (the concepts designers engage with as they program, such as iteration, parallelism, etc.), computational practices (the practices designers develop as they engage with the concepts, such as debugging projects or remixing others' work), and computational perspectives (the perspectives designers form about the world around them and about themselves). The second part of the paper describes our evolving approach to assessing these dimensions, including project portfolio analysis, artifact-based interviews, and design scenarios. We end with a set of suggestions for assessing the learning that takes place when young people engage in programming.
In this article we argue that to study or apply games as learning environments, multiple perspectives have to be taken into account. We first define game-based learning and gamification, and then discuss theoretical models that describe learning with games, arguing that playfulness is orthogonal to learning theory. We then review design elements of games that facilitate learning by fostering learners' cognitive, behavioral, affective, and sociocultural engagement with the subject matter. Finally, we discuss the basis of these design elements in cognitive, motivational, affective, and sociocultural foundations by reviewing key theories from education and psychology that are the most pertinent to game-based learning and by describing empirical research on learning with games that has been or should be conducted. We conclude that a combination of cognitive, motivational, affective, and sociocultural perspectives is necessary for both game design and game research to fully capture what games have to offer for learning.
Computer science in UK schools is undergoing a remarkable transformation. While the changes are not consistent across each of the four devolved nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), there are developments in each that are moving the subject to become mandatory for all pupils from age 5 onwards. In this paper, we detail how computer science declined in the UK, and the developments that led to its revitalisation: a mixture of industry and interest group lobbying, with a particular focus on the value of the subject to all school pupils, not just those who would study it at degree level. This rapid growth in the subject is not without issues, however: there remain significant forthcoming challenges with its delivery, especially surrounding the issue of training sufficient numbers of teachers. We describe a national network of teaching excellence which is being set up to combat this problem, and look at the other challenges that lie ahead.