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iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 1
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Research Article
Effectiveness Analysis of e-Governance Implementation for Training:
A Case Study of National Academy for Educational Management
Md. Abdur Rashid*
Address For correspondence:
Director(Admin and Finance) National Academy for Planning and Development, Ministry of Planning,
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is chronologically playing important role in our
personal lives and also private and government organizations including the educational sector to reshape
their activities. Govt. of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh is going to establish Digital Bangladesh. But it is
concerned that there are some absence of implementation of e-Governance at every institute especially at
all educational and training institute like NAEM who provides training to all types of secondary and higher
secondary level institutes. It is suggested that the teachers must be equipped themselves with the modern
ICT based tools and techniques of teaching. The aim of this research study was to review the present ICT
based facilities in NAEM campus and training classes, to study the online training management system for
effective training and to study e-service delivery system facilities. This research study also tried to find the
existing laps and gaps of e-Governance issues in NAEM for the formulation of an effective training
strategy. Descriptive case study and questioner method were adopted to conduct the research study.
Majorly this was a case study hence data have been collected visiting NAEM campus from observation,
primary and secondary sources. Findings majorly shown, 61% trainees were not happy with internet
download speed in lab. In campus, 94% trainees were not happy with Wi-Fi speed. This research study
recommended 24 suggestions to improve e-governance in NAEM campus on the basis of findings. By
proper implementation of these findings and respected recommendations NAEM can be benefited to
improve the training activities of NAEM campus and can be champion at e-Governance implementation.
Keywords: NAEM, ICT, Digital Bangladesh, e-Governance, Training, Case Study, e-service, Online,
Descriptive, Observation, Wi-Fi, Recommendation *Corresponding Author E-Mail ID
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 2
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I.1 Background of the Research
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is chronologically playing important role in our
personal lives and also private and government organizations including the educational sector to reshape
activities. This research study is aiming to infuse e-Governance issues across training systems. Teachers
are widely believed to be the key agents for educational and social changes. Hence, this study focuses on
effectiveness of the uses of ICT facilities in the National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)
campus and training. Globalization and the knowledge-based economy are leaving no choices for education
systems worldwide but to adopt ICT and weave it into educational sector. The outcome of this study will
recommend enriching e-governance application in NAEM campus and training activities.
I.2 Statement of the Problem
Govt. of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh is going to establish Digital Bangladesh. The absence of
implementation of e-Governance at every institute especially at all educational and training institute like
NAEM who provides training to all types of secondary and higher secondary level institutes is a big
concern. It is suggested that the teachers must be equipped themselves with the modern tools and
techniques of teaching. The effectiveness of a training depends on the dissemination of all acquired
knowledge and skilled to trainees. Through this research we want to find out the following key points.
1. ICT facilities in NAEM
2. Facilities in class room
3. Standard power point presentation process for each session
4. Network Support
5. Presence of e-Services
This research will try to study the existing laps and gaps of e-Governance issues in NAEM for the
formulation of an effective training strategy.
I.3 Rational of the study
All of the participants expect interactive class. All of the trainings information should be preserved at the
central server. To provide better services to the participant, NAEM campus should be equipped with e-
Governance tools. This type of case study will help to find the laps and gaps in existing situation so that
NAEM would be enriched to be a center of excellent in training in the country.
We observed list of research title of NAEM previous year research titles and found that 14 researches have
been conducted on ICT issues. All of 14 researches were done targeting problems of School, Collage and
Madrasha education ICT area. None research was done addressing the problem of e-Governance in NAEM.
It is the age of modernization. The entire training institute in Bangladesh is going to be ready to compete
with each other to becoming a leading training institute. NAEM is also with this pace. I this moment
NAEM should conduct research to find out its problems and leaking in e-Governance issues and at the
same time try to implement the recommendations that from the research. So, this research is will be very
rationale for the time.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 3
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I.4 Objective of the Study
The general object of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness and usefulness of the e-Governance in
NAEM. The specific objectives are:
1. To review the present ICT based facilities in NAEM campus and training classes.
2. To study the online training management system for effective training.
3. To study E-service delivery system facilities.
II.1 E-Governance
Although the term „e-Governance‟ has gained currency in recent years, there is no standard definition of
this term. Different governments and organizations define this term to suit their own aims and objectives.
Sometimes, the term „e-government‟ is also used instead of „e-Governance‟. Some widely used definitions
are listed below:
E-Governance is the effective use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) to improve the
system of governance that is in place, and thus provide better services to the Citizens.
E-Governance is the implementation and delivery of government services through the information
communication technology to provide Transparent, Effective, Efficient, Responsive and Accountable
governance to the society.
According to the World Bank [6] “E-Government refers to the use by government agencies of information
technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) that have the ability to
transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a
variety of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens, improved interactions with
business and industry, citizen empowerment through access to information, or more efficient government
management. The resulting benefits can be less corruption, increased transparency, greater convenience,
revenue growth, and/ or cost reductions.”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) extensive to the term Information Technology (IT).By
this, raw data processed by computer system and conveyed by network channel to disseminate meaningful
information. In training, ICT is now being used as prime tools to presents lectures to be more enjoyable and
There is another definition of ICT which is “ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information
through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focus primarily on
communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless network, cell phones, and other
communication mediums.” ICT tools are hardware, software, network and database.
II.3 Use of ICT in Training
It refers the use of ICT tools and techniques in training. Basically it is used to improve or to facilitate a
better training. Generally computer, Multimedia projector, internet service, local area network, router,
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 4
Authors Copy; Restricted to Personal Use Only any manipulation will be against copy Right Policy @ iJARS Group
relevant software, etc. are used in training. ICT is treated as an effective instrument for the improvement
and reform of educational and training sector.
II.4 e-Services
The concept of e-service (short for electronic service) represents one prominent application of utilizing the
use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in different areas. However, providing an exact
definition of e-service is hard to come by as researchers have been using different definitions to describe e-
service. Despite these different definitions, it can be argued that they all agree about the role of technology
in facilitating the delivery of services which make them more of electronic services [1].
II.5 Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless
high-speed Internet and network connections. A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for
"wireless fidelity" [5].
II.6 Networking
A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together through a communication channel
to share resources. There are many types of computer networks, including the following:
Local-Area Networks (LANs): The computers are geographically close together (that is, in the same
Wide-Area Networks (WANs): The computers are farther apart and are connected by telephone
lines or radio waves.
Campus-Area Networks (CANs): The computers are within a limited geographic area, such as a
campus or military base.
Metropolitan-Area Networks MANs): A data network designed for a town or city.
Home-Area Networks (HANs): A network contained within a user's home that connects a person's
digital devices [4].
Management Information Systems is used broadly in various contexts and includes but is not limited to:
decision support systems, resource and people management applications, project management, and
database retrieval applications.
II.8 Web Based Application Software
Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity of web browsers and the convenience of using a web
browser as a client to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing software on
potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for their popularity, as is the inherent support for
cross-platform compatibility. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online
auctions, wikis, instant messaging services and many other functions [2].
II.9 Online Training System
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 5
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A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation,
tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) courses or
training programs [3].
II.10 NAEM at a Glance
National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) [7] is an apex institution under the Ministry of
Education entrusted with the responsibility of training heads of educational institutions and education
functionaries. In addition, it provides foundation training to the new entrants of Bangladesh Civil Service
(Education) Cadre Officers. It offers courses on education management, planning and administration,
conducts educational research and provides policy support to the Ministry of Education. The Director
General (DG) is the chief executive of NAEM. 4 Directors, 7 Deputy Directors, 16 Assistant Directors, 26
Training Specialists, 9 other Officers and 78 Staff to run the academic and administrative activities support
him. The Academy conducts six basic training courses as priority basis. These are (a) Foundation Training
Course for BCS Education (General & Technical) Cadre Officers (b) Senior Staff Course on Education and
Management (SSCEM) for Professors of different subjects (C) Advance Course on Education and
Management (ACEM) for Associate Professors of different subjects of different government colleges (d)
Educational Administration and Management Course for Principals and Heads of Secondary and Higher
level institutions (e) Educational Research Methodology Course for selected members of BCS Education
(General & Technical) Cadre Officers and (f) Education Planning and Development Training Course.
II.11 Case Study
Case study is very popular research method [8]. Case study helps to analyze specify issues within the
boundaries of specific environment, situation or organization. There are 3 types of case study method.
1. Explanatory (Answers to „How‟ & „Why‟ )
2. Descriptive (Discover the key phenomena)
3. Exploratory (Answers to „What‟ or „Who‟)
In this research Study, descriptive case study method has been adopted. Descripted case study again
divided by 3 types [9]
1. Observational method
2. Case study method
3. Survey method
III.1 Study Design
Descriptive Case study and questioner method were adopted to conduct the research study. Majorly this
was a case study hence data have been collected visiting NAEM Campus. The survey using questionaries‟
both Structured and Unstructured has also been conducted keeping in view with the objectives of the study.
The questionnaires have been administered with the ICT experts. The secondary data have been collected
through document study reviewing the relevant literatures. Stratified sampling method was used to select
the faculties and participants for the purpose of survey.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 6
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III.2 Scope of the Study
NAEM Campus
Data center/ MIS/Server Room
Class Rooms
Computer and Language Labs
Whole campus Wi-Fi/LAN network facilities
Participants of existing and previous training courses
III.3 Sampling Design
a. It was a case study, hence NAEM campus different places has been selected for the purpose of
observation. Observation places were:
Academic Building
5 Dormitory Buildings
3 Computer Labs ( Each has 25 computers )
2 Cafeteria buildings
Administration Building
Medical Centers
2 Language Labs
b. To meet up the answer for questionnaire part, we considered following two sample also:
Faculty- 23
Participants- 40 (Present (Feb‟2017) participants and immediate past participants from Sylhet,
Chittagong and Rajshahi division were interrogated)
III.4 Data Collection Method
III.4.1 Data Source
Observation (NAEM Campus)
Interview (NAEM Faculties)
Interview (NAEM Training Participants)
Course Brochure
NAEM Website
Training Calendar
Annual Report
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 7
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III.4.2 Observation
To observe the NAEM campus e-governance, Observations were made on 4 aspects and stated here by Part
A, Part B, Part C and Part D.
Table I: Area of observation
Observation Observation
of online training management system
Observation of Class Room, Auditorium, Seminar Hall and Lab
Observation of campus infrastructure and networking system
Observation of library
III.4.3 Questionnaire
III.4.3.1 Faculty
The questionnaire (Annexure – 6) has two sections. Section one contains the questions to collect basic and
demographical information of the respondents. Section two comprises of 12 questions. Questions were
both structured and semi-structured. Around 11 questions were close ended and 1 question was open ended
to answer. Respondents were interviewed with the written questionnaire. All questions were made carefully
to achieve objects.
III.4.3.2 Participants
The questionnaire (Annexure – 5) has two sections. Section one contains the questions to collect basic and
demographical information of the respondents. Section two comprises of 7 questions. Questions were both
structured and semi-structured. Around 5 questions were close ended and 2 questions were open ended to
answer. Respondents were interviewed with the written questionnaire. All questions were made carefully to
achieve objects.
III.4.4 Pretesting Questionnaire
After developing the questions an initiative was taken by the research team to pretest the questionnaire.
Randomly 5 respondents both faculty and participants were interviewed and some questions were fine-
tuned in according to their feedback.
IV.1 Demographic Information
Observations and survey of this research has been conducted inside the NAEM campus during the data
collection period. Present participants of the different training courses were interviewed. But some
participants were also interviewed who were from Sylhet, Rajshahi and Chittagong division. Total 40
participants were interviewed.
IV.2 Gender of the Respondent
The study interviewed 23 faculties and 40 participants as respondents in total. Among the faculties 43%
were male and 57% female. Among the participants 85% were male and 15% female.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 8
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IV.3 Respondents Statistics
It is mentioned earlier that data were collected from 40 participants as respondents. Participants were from
different training courses of NAEM and training of the year were from 2016 to 2017. Participants were
from NAEM campus, Rajshahi, Sylhet and Chittagonj Division.
Table II: Respondents Statistics (Participants)
Course Name
Foundation Training Course (148th batch)
31th Planning and Development Course
20th Advance Course on Education and Management
IV.4 Findings
Findings are divided by two parts. One is the case study observation and other is the survey.
IV.4.1 Case Study Observation
IV.4.1.1 Observation of Online Training Management System
Research team members visited NAEM campus and tried to know about online training management
system. Training is the core job of NAEM. So training management should be ICT based. But we observed
that there is no any central web based online application software by which training activities could be
maintained. NAEM has only 1 (one) server. NAEM has 1 mobile based apps but it is old, outdated and
practically not used now a days.
Speaker Evaluation Information, Speaker Resource Pool information are preserved in computer but not all
management at Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS).
NAEM has no Campus Display System (CDS) to monitor Classroom, Auditorium, Administration and
department wise major activities. This type of display system helps to view everyday activities of NAEM.
It is helpful for Participants, NAEM faculties and also for visitors.
IV.4.1.2 Observation of Class Room Support
Research team members visited classroom, auditorium and seminar hall. Team observed that:
All class room had multimedia projector but not all are good. About 15 multimedia projectors are
working but 10 are defective so slides are not shown clearly.
There is no external document camera attached with class room PC. This is very essential to show
any page, document at projector during lecture.
There are electronic white boards at class rooms. But observed that these are not used by faculty
and defective also.
Observed that there is no any Optical Mark Reader (OMR). It is very much essential to take MCQ
at running session.
There is 1 VCS system. Sometimes it is using. VCS uses in session conducts are limited.
There are internet facilities in all class rooms.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 9
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IV.4.1.3 Observation of Campus e-Governance Infrastructure and Networking System
For the purpose of observation, data collection team members visited NAEM campus and tried to explore
present phenomenon of the area of MIS, e-Governance infrastructure, MIS personals and Network system.
Our observations are started bellow.
MIS: NAEM has no separate server room. Only 1 server is there. At least 4 servers should be there to
provide Database, Application software, Backup System and Shared Server. There is no 24 hours air
conditions system and Fire distinguishes devices to protect the server.
MIS Personals: Now there are 3 personals working at MIS. There is no System Analyst which is executive
post of MIS and responsible to make road map to achieve e-Governance goal at NAEM. There is 1
Programmer but there is no Assistant Programmer and Assistant Maintenance Engineer.
Network: NAEM took network support from BTCL as ISP. But there is no backup network line to ensure
reliable network support. LAN is present at all class room. Wi-Fi
support is available at Academic building, Administration Building, Lobby, Library, Cafeteria, Dormitory
and Medical Centre. Wi-Fi speed is 30 MBPS. This 30 MBPS regulated by central router. Total 30 MBPS
is open for all. So Wi-Fi bandwidth is not properly distributed among network segments. If one user used
full bandwidth then rest all user will not get speed at all.
IV.4.1.4 Observation of Library
Research team members visited library and observed that there is a big library and holds about 50,000
Books, Journal and Research papers. Every activities of the library are manual system. There is no online
Library Management Software by which cataloging, entry edit, searching, membership, book issue and
return can be done. There is no online linking system by which other national and international library can
be used by faculty and participants of NAEM.
IV.4.2 Survey Questioner
Survey Questioner to Participants
Q- Specify your position about ICT inclusion at non-ICT courses?
Fig1: ICT inclusion at non-ICT courses
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 10
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Q- Are you getting „One Man One Computer' at Computer Lab?
Fig 2: „One Man One Computer‟ at computer lab
Q- Have you Internet Access at your Computer Lab?
Fig 3: Internet Access at your Computer Lab
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 11
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Q- If Yes: Internet supports on lab
Fig 4: Internet supports at lab
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 12
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Q. Rate the Following aspects of Wi-Fi network Support.
Fig 5: Aspects of Wi-Fi network Support
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 13
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Q- Open ended
We asked participants regarding the barriers of availing e-Services at NAEM campus. Among 40
participants 10 participants comments about the barriers of availing e-Services. Following answers
were got as barriers getting e-Services. Barriers are:
1. Wi-Fi connection is not reached.
2. ICT syllabus is too short
3. There are no Wi-Fi connection in hostels
4. Sometimes internet connection unavailable
5. Limited access
6. Wi-Fi Connection is not available everywhere in NAEM campus.
7. Wi-Fi speed is not satisfactory
8. Shortage of PC in lab
9. More PC should be increased.
Q- Open ended
There was last open ended question to participants to provide some suggestions to introduce new e-
Service at NAEM campus for improving trainings. Out of 40 respondents, 35 respondents put
suggestions to improve e-Services. Summary of suggestion (avoiding duplicate) are stated below:
1. More Powerful accessable internet network Wi-Fi connection etc.
2. All the facilities should be advertized and be given digitally
3. I think NAEM campus should coverage by Wi-Fi connection
4. Buy more computer with high speed internet
5. Develop unlimited Wi-Fi network at NAEM
6. Need skilled operator
7. Everyday activities of class should be sent to the email address of all participants.
8. Provide reasonable tab facilities by NAEM for the training period.
9. It‟s a training program so there should be available all types e-Services at NAEM.
10. Lab class time should be increased.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 14
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Q- Do you have any personal computer or Laptop at your office provided by NAEM?
Fig 6: About personal computer/laptop
Q- Have you Internet Access at your computer/ Laptop/Smart Phone?
Fig 7: Internet access at your computer/laptop/smart phone
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 15
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Q- If Yes, Rate the following aspects of your internet connection networks.
Fig 8: Aspects of your internet connection speed and availability
Q- Specify your position regarding internet download and upload facility
Fig 9: Internet downloads and uploads facility
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 16
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Q- Rate the following aspects of Wi-Fi network support.
Fig 10: Aspects of Wi-Fi network support
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 17
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Q- Have you got Internet Connection of all Class Rooms?
Fig 11: Internet Connection of all Class Rooms
Q- Do you avail ICT related training every year?
Fig 12: Avail ICT related training every year
During the data collection period on February-2017, 13% faculty responded that they got ICT based
training. These 13% faculty got training from outside of NAEM sources.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 18
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Q- Do you take Class Test/ MCQ/ Assignment using ICT tools?
Fig 13: Take Class Test/ MCQ/ Assignment using ICT tools
Q- Do you use Group Mail/Server Based Mobile SMS to provide instant massages during the training
Fig 14: use Group Mail/Server Based Mobile SMS to provide instant massages during the training
Q- Do you have your own website to provide for support download your slide, publication to trainees?
Ans: 100 % respondents answer were no i.e. faculties have no personal website to dissiminate their
activities in support with training, specially slide download.
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 19
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Q- Specify your position regarding MIS supports services when you face any ICT related trouble?
Fig 16: MIS supports services when you face any ICT related trouble
V.1 Conclusion
This study brings some findings after direct observation of NAEM campus as part of case study
method. Research team members also surveyed NAEM participants and faculty members following
the objectives of this study. This study found that there is no central server room and online web based
training management software. There are no active apps also to manage training activities. There is no
Campus Display System (CDS) to view everyday activities.
Observation of the class room found that, there were no modern external documents cameras and
OMR in class room. By observing campus e-governance infrastructure and networking system,
research team found that MIS personals were insufficient. Servers are inadequate. There is no backup
line from ISP to NAEM. Wi-Fi bandwidth is not adequate and Wi-Fi bandwidth is not properly
distributed by manageable router. After observing library we found that there is no online library
management software.
By survey study found that 50% trainee are not getting computer at lab. In lab 47% trainee told that
speed were fair and poor. 61% trainees were not happy with download speed in lab. In campus, 94%
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 20
Authors Copy; Restricted to Personal Use Only any manipulation will be against copy Right Policy @ iJARS Group
trainee was not happy with Wi-Fi speed. Only 8% were happy in Wi-Fi coverage and only 6% were
happy in availability of Wi-Fi.
64% NAEM faculties did not get PC/Laptop and also have not internet access. 55% faculties are not
happy to internet speed. About 57% faculties are not happy to availability at their internet connection.
65% faculties are not satisfied their download and upload internet speed. 87% faculties expressed that
they are not getting training on ICT every year. 52% faculties were unsatisfied to MIS support.
V.2 Recommendations
1. A separate central server room should be accommodated to host all servers, network devices
and power supply devices. It will be air-conditioned and will have fire distinguishes devices
2. NAEM will have at least 4 servers for the purpose of database, web based application software,
backup and shared server.
3. System analyst, Assistant Programmer, Assistant Maintenance engineer, Computer Operator
and Lab Attendant can be recruited for the MIS department.
4. NAEM should have central web based online application software by which training activities
could be maintained.
5. Online library management software can be adopted.
6. There will be training management apps by which pre-registration of training and ongoing
training activities can be reached to faculties and participants smartphone.
7. There will be NAEM Campus Display System (NCDS) to monitor Classroom, Auditorium,
Administration and department wise major activities.
8. Modern external document camera will be attached with each PC/Laptop with in class room.
This will be very helpful to show any book page, paper cutting and other topic related
documents at projector screen during lecture.
9. At least 1 (One) modern Optical Mark Reader (OMR) will have. It is very much essential to
take MCQ at running session and also instant evaluation purpose.
10. Backup internet line from ISP to NAEM should establish for the purpose of reliable internet
services. 100MBPS Bandwidth can be adopted and can be distributed among the network
segments by manageable router.
11. Wi-Fi Connection will be available at all hostels of NAEM. Special Wi-Fi bandwidth would be
allocated for hostels.
12. Wi-Fi Connection will be available everywhere in NAEM campus.
13. MIS Personals will be trained specially on networking issues.
14. Everyday training related activities will be dissimilated throw center Server SMS, Group mail
or Apps to participants and relevant faculties also.
15. Class lecture recording software can be used to record the lecture and delivered to the trainee.
16. Each faculty members will be ensured personal computer/laptop at office places.
17. Internet Access will be ensured at all faculty members‟ personal computer/ Laptop.
18. Internet Connection will be ensured at all class rooms.
19. Need assessment for faculty and staff will be done and necessary ICT related training will be
arranged at least on time in a year.
20. Use of ICT tools will be used in taking class test/ MCQ/ Assignment. Online free tools can be
used for this purpose. These tools can be Google Form, Moodle, and
iJARS International Journal of Management & Corporate Affairs
ISSN: 2455-1465 Volume III, Issue 5 (Sep/Oct 2017)
Manuscript Id: iJARS/1491 21
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21. Faculties can develop there own website to desiminate their acitvities and providing slide
downloding facilities.
22. Printer and scanner will be available to faculty members.
23. Speedy administrative and financial support will be provided to the MIS department to ensure
all sorts of reliable e-Governance support to improve the training.
24. ICT user championship award in training improvement using ICT tools and positive attitude in
self-development of ICT uses can be started to motivate faculties.
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