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The Seven Steps of Project Based Learning Model to
Enhance Productive Competences of
Vocational Students
Nizwardi Jalinus, Rahmat Azis Nabawi, Aznil Mardin
Universitas Negeri Padang
Padang, Indonesia
Abstract—this study aims to reveal the effectiveness of the
seven steps of Project based learning model (PjBL) in order to
enhance the student’s productive competences. The
implementation of the PjBL model was implemented in two
places at different times, there were at Akademi Komunitas Negeri
Tanah Datar and Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pesisir Selatan.
Previously, the seven steps of PjBL model was validated by
experts judgment and measured by Aiken coefficient significantly
(0.796), also this syntax e reliable to be implemented in vocational
learning process. The seven steps, consisting of: (1) the
formulating the expected learning outcome, (2) understanding
the concept of the teaching materials, (3) skills training, (4)
designing the project theme, (5) making the project proposal, (6)
executing the tasks of projects and (7) presentation of the project
report. The study showed that the implementation of seven steps
of PjBL, were practice and effective to enhance student’s
productive competences.
Keyword-Models of Teaching; Project Based Learning Model;
Productive Competences
The demands of the world of education to produce
professional graduates are in line with the development of the
industrial worlds; it means that the rapid development of the
industrial world are increasingly demanding world of
education to produce professional graduates. The demands of
education in Indonesia in preparing professional graduates
increase with the existence of ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC). In the era of AEC, there are fierce competitions
between the products of labor and the member of ASEAN
countries. Therefore, the quick response and appropriate
action must be performed by the world of education to
produce professional graduates and to prepare excellent
human resources in creating innovative products.
The Indonesian government continues to develop and
improve the quality of vocational education and adds colleges
which organize vocational educations such as Akademi
Komunitas. Akademi Komunitas is a higher education which
runs vocational diploma level one and / or two in one or
several branches of science and / or technology-based specific
to have local advantages or to meet particular needs [1].
Establishment of Akademi Komunitas as vocational
education providers can be a breakthrough in preparing
graduates who have competence in accordance with the needs
of the industry and are able to develop the potential of the
region by creating appropriate technologies and innovative
products that are economically valuable. The ability of a
nation to innovate and to produce a variety of products and
services is the key to the success of the nation in improving its
competitiveness in the global era as well as a free and open
trade [2]. One of the goals of vocational education is to
prepare professional labor in accordance with the field of
expertise, so that the graduates held at all levels of education
are able to face globalization and technological changes that
impact on the dynamic needs of industry and society.
Based on the observations conducted in Akademi
Komunitas in Sumatera Barat, like Akademi Komunitas Negeri
Tanah Datar and Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pesisir Selatan,
it was found that several findings and problems, especially in
Welding Practice subject, in which the applied learning
approach has not led to the making of appropriate technology
products to improve and develop the potential areas or
innovative products that are economically valuable. Form of
the task/job only connecting the two plates, on this condition
the student only acquire competence welding techniques,
whereas in creating of the product very needed other
productive competence. Basically, the process of making a
product has complete stage, consisting of identify problem
real-world and the challenges development in the people,
formulate an idea or ides, design project, make drawing
design, make estimates of production, production process,
product testing and evaluation of the product.
Responding to the challenges faced by the world of
education to produce professional graduates according to the
needs of industry and the learning process that is applied
during this time on vocational education have not lead the
student to make the appropriate technology products that can
improve and develop the potential areas or innovative products
that are economically valuable, so that it is necessary to
develop the learning activities. One of the innovative learning
models that can direct students to create project based learning
(PjBL). The choice of project based learning teaching is
1st International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2017)
Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 102
justified because, as stated previously, it is students centered
process that meets students’ needs and encourages them to
become more involved in their own learning process [3].
Vocational Education
Vocational education is also designed to develop skills,
abilities, understanding, attitudes, work habits and
appreciation encompassing knowledge and information
needed by a worker to enter and make progress in employment
on a useful and productive basis [4]. The term vocational
education is general and includes every from of education that
aims to the acquirement of qualification related to a certain
profession, art or employment or that provides the necessary
training and appropriate skills as well as technical knowledge,
so that students are able to exercise a profession, art or
activity, independently of their training level, even if the
training program contains also elements of general education
Furthermore [6] revealed that vocational and technical is a
program of specialized studies designed to prepare the learner
for employment in a particular occupation. Vocational training
is generally defined as the part of vocational education that
provides the specialized professional knowledge and skills,
which attribute professional adequacy to the trainee and are
the focus of every vocational training program [7].
Defining of PjBL Model
Opportunity for students to learn constructivist in gaining
affective, cognitive and psychomotor competences as a whole
through the project task lifted from the real problems. [8]
Project-based learning (PjBL) is a constructivist pedagogy that
intends to bring about deep learning by allowing learner to use
an inquiry based approach to engage with issues and question
that are rich, real and relevant to the topic being studied. [9]
Project based learning has roots in constructivist learning and
discovery-based methods, both of which rely on the inquiry
process and students’ ability to devise solutions based on their
individual perspective and thinking.
In project-based learning, students are the center of
learning who are learning actively to improve their
competences. [10] Project-based learning is the method that
places students at the center of the learning process. [11] Out
of these contemporary modern methods, project-based
learning or PJBL has been widely recognized as collaborative,
progressive, student-centered, interactive, active and deep
learning approach, particularly for engineering education.
Learning resources on project based learning models is
multidimensional. The project task is lifted from the real
problems to provide opportunities for students to improve
their ability and to understand the implementation of the
competence that is being studied. [12] Project based learning
(PJBL) provides opportunities for students to build these
qualities, as well as more deeply learn traditional academic
contents and understand how it applies to the real world.
The Seven Steps of PjBL Model
Implementation of the PjBL model is make condition the
learning process by following of the syntax, thus creating
interaction between teacher, students and instructional media
according to the characteristic of the PjBL Model. The syntax
of PjBL model can be seen in Figure 1.
Fig.1. The Seven Steps of PjBl model
The seven steps of PjBL model was designed and
developed by Nizwardi. This model was validated by expert
judgment with Aiken coefficient 0,796 and this model reliable
to be implemented in vocational learning process [13]. The
seven steps of PjBL model consists of three main stages
(primary) then they are broken down into seven stages
(secondary). The primary stages consist of 1) skill
competences debriefing, which aims to make students have an
understanding about the expected outcome capabilities, have a
high motivation because their project task to be solved in the
real-world, have an understanding the concept of teaching
material, and have the skills of essential learning content
conducted, 2) Project work, the student assignment as a
project work in PjBL model lifted from real-world issues and
processing of work stages realistic to a real workplace and
relevant to learning outcome, and 3) evaluation, aims to reveal
the achievement of the learning process and students
competences, so that it becomes a matter for assessment and
evaluation. More details of the seven steps of project-based
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 102
learning model about the role of faculty, student interaction
and learning resources are listed below.
A. The formulation of expected learning outcomes
This stage provides information and exploration by
teacher and student’s interaction about the learning outcomes
obtained and exploration of the relevance of study materials
are being studied relate to the real world (the needs of industry
and project tasks from the real problem). In this part it can by
with the contextual teaching and learning approach.
Contextual teaching and learning is a conception of teaching
and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to
real world situation; and motivates student to make
connections between knowledge and its applications to their
lives as family members, citizens, and workers; and engage in
the hard work that learning requires [14]. Project-based
learning puts a motivating and meaningful real-world task in
the center of the student’s attention [15]. Students need to be
directed to discuss the problems emerged in their environment
(real-world), so that their science of concern growing sense
and have high motivation to solve the problem.
B. Understanding the concept of teaching material
Understanding the concept of teaching material is to
debrief knowledge to students. The role of the teacher is to
instruct students to study modules and guide them in a class
discussion. Students must be involved activitily in discussions
about materials being study. The cooperative was applied at
this steps. The cooperation based learning-teaching
environment of the study provided cooperative learning
environment, supported permanent learning, provided
opportunities to be successful, contributed to the development
of social and personal skills, but caused students to worry as it
requires students to be successful at all stages [16].
Cooperative learning stimulated cognitive activities, promoted
higher levels of achievement and knowledge retention [17]. In
this study we developed learning model as an instructional
C. Skills training
Vocational training technique or operation of the
machine intended to make students master the essential
content of the technical or operational machinery of the
subjects taught and debriefing practice skills before students
carry out project tasks. The learning method on providing
technical and operational skills training machines can be done
through demonstration and practices.
D. Designing the project theme
The early stage of designing theme is the teacher and
students discuss and identify real-world problems or
challenges that arise in areas where the school or college is
located. The primary reason for project-based learning (PjBL)
is a need to adapt to a changing world [18]. The argument is
that students should strive in an environment centered on
learning instead of on teaching. Identifying potential areas can
be done through surveys, interviews with certain society and
student about problems or challenges that developed in each
area. Students identify real problems to pursue and they
investigate them through real-world sources of information
(e.g., interview, internet sites, magazine articles, primary
sources) [19]. From some of the problems or challenges that
arise in areas that have been identified, a teacher with students
select and define what the real-world issues that will be serves
as the theme of the project tasks.
Furthermore, students are divided into groups. In each
group, students discuss what products to be offered in order to
solve a problem in the area (real-world) or to produce an
innovative product that can be worth economically, and take
decision about the products that will be their project. After
deciding the products, the students submit a draft proposal to
the teacher who then gives suggestions, feedback,
consideration and approval toward the proposal.
E. Making the project proposal
In this stage, the proposal of project tasks is created, it
consists of:
1. Problems and solutions
2. Framework
3. Estimated Production
a. List of materials, consumables, and costs
b. List of machines and machine costs/hour
c. Estimated production activities and costs
In designing the project, the considerations are the
availability of student consumables and machine facilities
owned by the school. The following factors should be
considered while selecting the material: 1) Availability of the
material, 2) Suitability of the materials for the working
conditions in service, and 3) the cost of the material [20].
F. Executing the tasks of project
The execution of project the tasks are practical
activities to students with good teamwork to show
performance quality and to solve problems related to the
project to realize the project design into a real object. The role
of the teacher at this stage is to become a mentor, tutor,
supervisor and evaluator to allow students to carry out the
learning process through inquiry process and constructing
work on project tasks they are doing. In executing project
tasks, students work in accordance with the estimated
production activities, safety priority, solid teamwork and
consultation to teachers if any problems are found. successful
in a job these days often implies being capable of operating in
ill-defined and ever-changing environments, dealing with non-
routine and abstract work processes [21].
G. Presentation of the project report
Student presented the process of the worked and results
of the project tasks at a seminar in the classroom at the end of
the lesson, discussions between teachers and students about
the deficiencies in the process and the results of projects that
have been implemented, and teachers interpret students'
mastery of the project tasks have been carried out. Last
seminar focused on the discussion between teacher and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 102
students [22]. Student presented own perception, the evaluated
each other. They suggested improving of own presentation,
said about mistakes. Teacher summarized own view and
evaluation of evaluators.
Teacher Role in The PjBL Model
The teacher's role is not as dominant as it approaches the
model of project based learning is student-centered. Teachers
act more as a guide, adviser, motivator, facilitator (if in the lab
or workshop teacher collaboration with laboratory assistant)
and evaluator. Project based learning focuses on a real-world
problem, learner must assume responsibility for their own
learning, the teacher’s role becomes that of a guide or
facilitator, and the deliverable must relate the learner’s life
and/or career [23]. The main point of the PjBL model is how
teacher or instructor fasilited student to work individual or in
group to find out our solved the real problem of the project
being studied.
Assessment carried out by the teacher during the learning
activities and evaluated each end of step model of project-
based learning, with the aim to measure the progress of
student competence and as a reflection for the next step. [24]
Assessment as part classroom activities is a fundamental
process required to promote learning and ultimately
achievement. Project are an ideal vehicle for inviting students
to demonstration their understanding through a broad-based
assessment approach Asessment for (process of learning), as
(learner-critical reflection) and of (summative) learning are
integral to project-based learning [25]. Therefore teacher of
evaluation has to figure out the student progress, step by step
of learning process and draw the portfolio the student
competence being achieved
Reveal that productive competence can be defined as an
ability that can be used to produce parts or component
machine in a production machine work [26]. Productive
competence required in the project described in Table I.
Sub indicator
1. Identify the real world
problems or challenges
that develop their people
and its solution.
1.1 The ability to identify a real world
problem that is relevant to your
area of expertise that is being
1.2 The ability to formulate solutions
solving real-world problem.
1.3 The ability to design the concept
and specification of component,
tools or machines that will be the
task of the project so that it can
solve real-world problems.
2. Making of proposal
2.1 The ability to make the
introduction of proposal project.
2.2 The level of functionality and
benefits of a tool or machine that
has made.
2.3 Literature review and working
principles of the device or machine
2.4 The ability to make shop drawing.
2.5 Ability to draw up estimates of
Sub indicator
materials in accordance with shop
drawings and project assignments
that removed.
2.6 The ability to make estimates of
machine required for the project.
2.7 The ability to make estimates
stages of processing of project
3. Executing the tasks of
3.1 The ability to prepare the materials,
tools, and machines that needed.
3.2 The ability to use the tools and
machines that accordance with
3.3 The ability to manage the work step
in accordance with the systematics
of work.
3.4 The ability to manage the time of
project to accordance with the
agreed time.
3.5 The ability to cooperate in the team
3.6 The work attitude that show as long
as project.
4. Making of project reports
4.1 The ability to draw up the project
report systematically.
4.2 The ability to select the
communicative language.
4.3 The completeness and authenticity
of the contents of the report.
This study is an effort to reveal the effectiveness of seven
steps of PjBL model to enhance students productive
competences, conducted in two places at different times, were:
1) Akademi Komunitas Negeri Tanah Datar (AKNTD) with a
group of 10 students, and 2) Akademi Komunitas Negeri
Pesisir Selatan (AKNPS) with a group of 26 students. The
method used is action research of the course of welding
practice. The productive competences of student disclosed by
using project assessment with indicators and aspects that
described in table I. The average result of the assessment
productive competences of AKNTD students show in figure 2
and the average result of the assessment productive
competences of AKNPS student show in figure 3.
Fig. 2. Productive competences students AKNTD
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 102
Fig. 3. Productive competences students AKNPS
Generally, the conclusion of two studies conducted
showed that in the first cycle, the productive competence of
students are in the low category, it caused that the step of
project task, like create proposal project, the executing of
project task, and create the project report, was a new thing and
most of them was difficult to implement.
In the second cycle, the productive competences of
student’s improved, it was caused in which students already
experience in previous cycle. Students showed finished every
steps of project tasks. Tasks implementations, project in PjBL
Model carried out systematically by adopting the form of
factual work in industry, in accordance to the competence of
learning outcome.
In the third cycle, the productive competence of student
still increase. Task project activity which has been done by
students in seven steps of PjBL Model be a useful experience
for them. The most valuable aspect as the project variant is the
real work application of the theory, students have opportunity
to explore and practice design skill and peer learning were
guarded by student. So that based on seven steps of project
create on design project work make a proposal, calculated the
cost doing the project and presented report. The real-world
application of theory, the opportunity the explore and practice
design skills, and peer learning were regarded by the student
as the most valuable aspects of the project experience [27].
The significant improvement that occurred in ability
doing project work, skilled student in preparing the materials,
the equipment and machine in accordance with procedure,
managing of work, managing of time, cooperation with team
work more solid and show better work attitude. So that,
assumed that implementation PjBL model with these seven
steps so effective is used to improved productive competence
on vocational education. project-based learning has become an
ideal method to anticipate future professional practice for
training engineers [28].
Based on results of research and refer to aim of this
research. So, this research can be concluded:
1. Project based learning model (PjBL) with seven steps
have been defined can help to improve learning activity
that have meaningful for students. In the framework of
PjBL that applied, more focus to activity that done by
them. So that, students have the real learning experience
in accordance with the existing problems and needs.
2. Implementation of project based learning model (PjBL)
with the seven steps that applied is so effective to
improve productive competence of students. This is
illustrated by to ability to identify and formulate the
problems, and designing the project to solve the real
world problems, the ability making project proposal,
skillfully in doing the project and can prepare the project
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