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Determinants of Immigration in Europe. The Relevance of Life Expectancy and Environmental Sustainability


Abstract and Figures

This research analyzes the main variables that determine immigration in Europe andincludes aspects related to the economy, population, healthcare, and environmental sustainability.The empirical analysis consists of two sets of data: one made up of all EU member states (EU-28)and the other containing countries that form a part of the Eurozone (EU-19), using the GeneralizedMethod of Moments. The sample covers the period between 2000 and 2014, and the data are analyzedseparately and comparatively in the most relevant stages during that time (economic prosperity, crisis,and recovery). The most notable results indicate that the variables related to GDP and public debtlargely serve to justify the level of immigration since the crisis (2008-2014), while the life expectancyand levels of pollution are determining factors in all three stages examined here. The study concludesthat countries in the Eurozone are more sensitive to variation in the variables studied compared to allthe EU member states and thus the impact of immigration among the EU-19 countries is more notable.
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Determinants of Immigration in Europe.
The Relevance of Life Expectancy and
Environmental Sustainability
Alfredo Juan Grau Grau * and Federico Ramírez López
Department of Corporate Finance, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Avda. de los Naranjos, s/n,
46022 Valencia, Spain;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-961-625-343
Received: 10 May 2017; Accepted: 20 June 2017; Published: 23 June 2017
This research analyzes the main variables that determine immigration in Europe and
includes aspects related to the economy, population, healthcare, and environmental sustainability.
The empirical analysis consists of two sets of data: one made up of all EU member states (EU-28)
and the other containing countries that form a part of the Eurozone (EU-19), using the Generalized
Method of Moments. The sample covers the period between 2000 and 2014, and the data are analyzed
separately and comparatively in the most relevant stages during that time (economic prosperity, crisis,
and recovery). The most notable results indicate that the variables related to GDP and public debt
largely serve to justify the level of immigration since the crisis (2008–2014), while the life expectancy
and levels of pollution are determining factors in all three stages examined here. The study concludes
that countries in the Eurozone are more sensitive to variation in the variables studied compared to all
the EU member states and thus the impact of immigration among the EU-19 countries is more notable.
environmental sustainability; immigration; life expectancy; EU member states;
Eurozone; finance
1. Introduction
Over the last century, and especially in recent decades, European countries have been amongst
the leading recipients of migration flows, transforming the societies of these countries economically,
socially, and demographically. Due to increasingly lower birth rates among the inhabitants of European
host countries, immigration has become an essential source of population growth.
This phenomenon has also affected the public finances of these countries, with the subsequent
squeeze on social protection policies that form a vital part of the welfare states that predominate
throughout the countries in the EU [
]. Hence, the phenomenon of immigration is highly relevant to
these receiving countries.
Increases in migration flows are closely related to the advance of globalization, largely due to
notable developments in transport and communications. This globalization process is helping to
bridge the gap between the world’s richest and poorest countries [2].
These migration inflows have come about fundamentally during periods of economic boom,
and have brought with them an abundance of flexible, cheap labor in sectors such as construction,
agriculture, and services. However, this situation changed with the arrival of the economic crisis from
2008 onwards, due to the increase in unemployment rates, a lack of economic growth, and cuts in
social spending. Such circumstances can engender feelings of rejection or xenophobia towards the
immigrant population and new political parties emerge that foster this rejection [
]. On occasions, it is
the workers of the host countries that show a greater propensity towards such rejection, commonly
in individuals with lower levels of labor-related skills, who are more openly opposed to the arrival
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093; doi:10.3390/su9071093
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of immigrants, possibly because they feel that their jobs are threatened [
]. Thus, immigration has
implications that are not only economic, but also social and political.
In addition, migration flows have been affected by an increase in life expectancy in European
countries, while the fertility rate has dropped, leading to an aging population. At the same time, we
are also witnessing changes in our environment, such as climate change, and its subsequent effects,
such as desertification, drought, rising sea levels, etc. Such effects on the environment have brought
about the appearance of environmental refugees and immigrants [5].
Enforced migration for reasons of climate change are difficult to distinguish from numbers that
emigrate for economic reasons, given that they have many aspects in common. However, it would be
true to say that that environmental migration has increased during the first decade of the XXI century,
and it has become a source of concern for politicians, as well as for social and environmental scientists.
The objective of this study is firstly to analyze whether a series of variables related to the economy,
population, healthcare, and environmental protection might serve to explain the levels of immigration
in Europe. Secondly, it examines whether the relevance of these variables differs for all European
Union countries (EU-28) compared to those that have adopted the single currency (EU-19). It also
takes a closer look at whether these effects vary according to the period of time in which they occur
and the various stages of economic growth or decline (economic prosperity, financial crisis, and
economic recovery).
The more notable results from the study indicate that the control of pollution levels and promoting
a healthier environment are relevant in justifying the migration flow towards Europe. In addition,
the longer life expectancy is also an attractive factor for those migrating to Europe. Moreover, these
variables are significant in each of the three periods analyzed, and the impact is greater among
countries in the Eurozone.
In Section 2, we discuss migration flows in Europe, examine the variables that might determine
them, and set out the hypotheses that we propose as a result. Section 3contains the empirical analysis,
while the most important results appear in Section 4. Section 5presents the main conclusions that can
be taken from the study.
2. Immigration in Europe
2.1. European Migration Flows
Changes in the phenomenon of migration have meant that, in recent decades, countries such as
Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy have gone from being typically emigrant flow countries to being a
destination for immigrants and a country of residence for foreign inflows.
This change occurs fundamentally during periods of economic growth, where the immigrant
intake has implied an injection of cheap, abundant labor, most of whom are employed mainly in
sectors such as construction, agriculture, and services, as we have observed.
However, since the crisis in 2008, this situation has changed due to a lack of economic growth, an
increase in unemployment, and cuts to budgets and social spending.
As a result of these circumstances, and given the relevance of the immigration phenomenon,
we analyze in greater depth which variables might influence the final decision to emigrate to
European countries.
The first descriptive results on the size of migrant flows (INMIG) into Europe (see Table 2 and
Table 3) indicate that they are relatively higher (roughly 1.49%) for countries that adopted the Euro
(EU-19) compared to member states as a whole (EU-28). On average, the highest immigration figures
were recorded during the period of economic recovery (2013–2014) for the EU-28, whilst the economic
boom (2000–2007) shows the highest levels for the EU-19. In absolute terms, both subgroupings of
countries coincide on the fact that the highest levels of immigration, representing a total 958,266
individuals, occurred during the period of economic prosperity.
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2.2. Variables
2.2.1. Immigration, Economy, and Finance
In this section, we analyze variables (see Table 1) of an economic and financial nature: GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) per capita (GDPERCAP), percentage growth in GDP (GDPGROW),
the unemployment rate (UNEMP), public debt in absolute terms (GOVDEBT), and public deficit
We consider the percentage growth in GDP (GDPGROW) to be a key factor as, if the GDP rises, it is
because the host country is undergoing a period of expansion and is therefore generating employment
and wealth, which in part, is what immigrants are looking for when they move to another country.
The effects of the financial and economic crisis reduced the global performance of the economies
of EU member states when analyzed over the last decade. The average growth rate between 2005 and
2015 was 0.9% per year [6].
On another note, GDP growth, among other things, allows countries to maintain and promote
the welfare state. Some studies find an important link between social welfare and immigration.
For example, the study by [
] indicates a positive correlation between the two concepts. Conversely, a
study on OCDE countries carried out by [
], indicates that immigration is not the cause of the economic
conditions of a host country.
It can be expected that, at least in principle, the first two variables, GDP per capita (GDPERCAP)
and percentage growth in GDP (GDPGROW), will be positive in the analysis of factors that attract
immigration. Conversely, the last three; the unemployment rate (UNEMP), public debt in absolute
terms (GOVDEBT), and public deficit (GOVDEF), are expected to be negative.
In Tables 2and 3, we can observe that, for all EU countries (EU-28), GDP per capita (GDPERCAP)
in the total sample is higher (8.71%) in comparison with countries that have adopted the single currency
(EU-19). Growth in GDP (GDPGRO) is generally slightly higher (7.52%) for the EU-19; however, if we
examine the sub-periods, we find a sharp drop from the boom period to the financial crisis (
81.97% for the EU-28 and EU-19, respectively). However, when entering the period of financial
recovery, both groups record only moderate growth. Finally, unemployment rates (UNEM) present a
similar behavior for both groupings, where a drop in employment rates can be observed throughout
the sub-periods.
The amount of governmental debt (GOVDEBT) for the EU-19 is 9.14% higher in comparison with
the EU-28. When we analyze the sub-periods for the two groups, the behavior pattern is similar, and
therefore, in light of the fact that the level of debt has increased, the recovery period might be regarded
as a cause for concern. At the same time, the percentage of debt to GDP (GOVDEF) indicates that
EU-19 countries have borrowed 1.87% more than all of the EU-28 countries as a whole. However, the
trend by sub-periods indicates that, in a boom period followed by a crisis, the debt demand triples, but
undergoes a slight downward trend (approximately 30%) during the period of economic recovery.
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Table 1. Description of the variables.
Variables Description
Independent Variable
Immigration (number of individuals) LIMMIG
Logarithm (Person establishes his or her usual residence in the territory of a Member State for a period that is, or is
expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another Member State or a
third country).
Explanatory Variables
GDP per capita (millions) LGDPERCAP
Logarithm (GDP at market prices (final result of the production activity of resident producer units)/numbers of citizens).
GDP growth (%) GDPGROW (GDPj– GDPj1)/GDPj,j = country 1, . . . , country J.
Unemployment (%) UNEMP Percentage of the unemployed over the active population.
Government Gross Debt
(millions) LGOVDEBT
Logarithm (The indicator is defined (in the Maastricht Treaty) as consolidated general government gross debt at nominal
(face) value, outstanding at the end of the year in the following categories of government liabilities: currency and
deposits, debt securities and loans. The general government sector comprises the subsectors: central government, state
government, local government and social security funds).
déficit-surplus (%) GOVDEF Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). Net lending (+) or net borrowing ().
Population Growth (%) POPGRO
Eurostat aims at collecting from the Member States data on population on 31 December, which is further published as 1
January of the following year. The recommended definition is the ‘usual resident population’ and represents the number
of inhabitants of a given area on 31 December. However, the population transmitted by the countries can also be either
based on data from the most recent census adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last
census, either based on population registers.
Natural Change
Population (number of
Logarithm (The difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths during the year. A positive
natural change, also known as natural increase, occurs when live births outnumber deaths. A negative natural change,
also named as natural decrease, occurs when live births are less numerous than deaths).
Fertility Indicator
(number of individuals) LFERTIL Logarithm (The different breakdowns of data on live births and on legally induced abortions received).
Life Expectancy Absolute
Value Birth (years) LLIFEXP
Logarithm (The number of years that a person is expected to continue to live in a healthy condition. It is compiled
separately for males and females, at birth and at age 65. It is based on age-specific prevalence (proportions) of the
population in healthy and unhealthy conditions and age-specific mortality information. A healthy condition is defined
by the absence of limitations in functioning/disability. The indicator is also called disability-free life expectancy).
Environmental protection
expenditures (millions) LPROTE Logarithm (All activities directly aimed at the prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution or any other
degradation of the environment).
Pollution Emissions
(tonnes) LPOLLEM
Logarithm (Includes data on 6 air pollutants: sulphur oxides (SOx), ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx),
non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), particulate matters (PM10, PM2.5), as reported to the European
Environment Agency (EEA)).
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Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the EU-28 variables.
Panel A. Overall (2000–2014)
Economy Variables Finance Variables Population Variables Health Variables Environment Variables
Mean 126,680.8 23,110.95 0.051634 0.090036 54.49665 2.884928 0.002265 11,605.63 1.525442 77.90036 38.99665 380,870.4
958,266 73,000 0.313668 0.275 179.7 6.9 0.031359 303,252 2.06 83.3 83.73 1,923,700
Minimum 35 5000 0.23016 0.019 3.7 32.1 0.044985 211,756 1.15 70.35 0 3834
SD 191,661.3 10,568.78 0.067373 0.043250 31.4882 3.757779 0.008799 72,254.98 0.225557 3.196445 18.41291 473,145.6
J-B 578.7952 ** 627.8792 ** 98.33769 ** 234.7727 ** 67.28021 ** 1406.296 ** 236.9374 ** 819.4219 ** 32.87014 ** ** 34.94481 4.500946 199.7107 **
Panel B. Sub-Period 2000–2007
Mean 126,124.6 21,098.21 0.081491 0.083799 46.91757 1.685586 0.002257 10,680.08 1.484664 76.95826 38.22657 433,928.7
958,266 67,100 0.313668 0.2 108.8 6.9 0.031359 303,252 2.01 81.5 78.72 1,923,700
Minimum 35 5000 0.085044 0.019 3.7 12 0.044985 148,903 1.15 70.35 0 8653
SD 208,232.9 10,066.04 0.058325 0.03948 26.33434 3.142206 0.008704 65,113.04 0.225492 3.100535 16.20561 533,052.3
J-B 322.8031 ** 173.1928 ** 93.87142 ** 56.89913 ** 11.71886 ** 0.967747 291.4717 ** 751.1093 ** 21.16173 ** 24.43949 ** 1.843809 82.93403 **
Panel C. Sub-Period 2008–2012
Mean 126,872.2 24,988.57 0.016521 0.092779 59.145 4.648571 0.002668 15,780.33 1.584929 78.68152 39.57344 333,836
682,146 68,600 0.191805 0.248000 172.1 4.2 0.027869 286,577 2.06 82.7 81.74 1,411,614
Minimum 2639 11,200 0.23016 0.034000 4.5 32.1 0.02845 196,038 1.23 71.75 1.7 3834
SD 168,636.3 10,485.17 0.069051 0.042238 32.57194 4.181003 0.009491 81,197.11 0.219975 2.961807 21.08225 400,051.9
J-B 76.09539 ** 290.0315 ** 16.20044 ** 59.01844 ** 15.69381 ** 946.3818 ** 17.18962 ** 156.25 ** 13.93443 ** 16.64977 ** 3.877545 45.74231 **
Panel D. Sub-Period 2013–2014
Mean 128,169.8 26,467.86 0.019985 0.108125 72.92143 3.230357 0.001291 4871.054 1.539107 79.67455 44.82333 286,223.6
884,893 73,000 0.103732 0.275000 179.7 1.5 0.023538 259,893 2.01 83.3 83.73 1,272,410
Minimum 3904 12,200 0.069286 0.050000 10.2 15 0.011047 211756 1.21 74.05 11.74 4872
SD 185,202.7 11,194.85 0.030788 0.053956 37.64382 3.060239 0.007319 76,331.57 0.207822 2.887904 21.14199 350,276.4
J-B 116.7506 ** 172.2435 ** 2.753423 36.82398 ** 4.96164 ˆ 59.39364 ** 11.7564 ** 60.79337 ** 3.915637 6.575868 * 0.166918 21.42939 **
VIF −−− 4.568741 2.690145 3.603471 6.976412 6.126804 1.069745 2.057487 3.666875 1.556824 4.906042 4.763254
This table presents the typical descriptive statistics for the variables: mean, maximum and minimum values, standard deviation (SD), the Jarque-Bera test (J-B) for contrasting normality,
and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to diagnose the presence/absence of multicollinearity. ** p< 0.1, * p< 0.05, ˆ p< 0.01.
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Table 3. Descriptive statistics for the EU-19 variables.
Panel A. Overall (2000–2014)
Economy Variables Finance Variables Population Variables Health Variables Environment Variables
Mean 128,569.8 25,123.51 0.047749 0.090849 59.47614 2.938947 0.003702 13,738.63 1.526 78.57847 40.28925 375,580
958,266 73,000 0.313668 0.275000 179.7 6.9 0.031359 303,252 2.06 83.3 83.73 1,923,700
Minimum 35 7100 0.23016 0.019000 3.7 32.1 0.02845 211,756 1.19 70.35 0 3834
SD 202,087.6 10,910.95 0.060917 0.045352 35.00633 4.012295 0.00903 75,154.83 0.225877 3.077082 18.86578 492,495.8
J-B 418.522 ** 516.0964 ** 169.0808 ** 171.0457 ** 16.32584 ** 1196.209 ** 19.25343 ** 527.263 ** 26.13884 ** 57.65717 ** 2.874345 113.0777 **
Panel B. Sub-Period 2000–2007
Mean 136,091.1 23,067.76 0.075993 0.080625 50.35855 1.553289 0.004195 16,155.31 1.494671 77.59533 39.544 429,894.7
958,266 67,100 0.313668 0.195000 108.8 6.9 0.031359 303,252 2.01 81.5 78.72 1,923,700
Minimum 35 7100 0.004884 0.019000 3.7 12 0.019488 148,903 1.19 70.35 0 8653
SD 225,555.6 10,193.8 0.052476 0.035655 29.88539 3.103703 0.00821 70,933.1 0.228003 2.963901 15.84822 555,392.2
J-B 191.7067 ** 169.0151 ** 145.2355 ** 37.14768 ** 5.538987 ˆ 2.943811 6.571765 * 415.1537 ** 15.19215 ** 38.76155 ** 0.582827 46.32409 **
Panel C. Sub-Period 2008–2012
Mean 119,206.8 27,053.68 0.013698 0.097326 65.23474 4.941053 0.003709 14,122.05 1.574211 79.42234 40.74525 326,955.6
682,146 68,600 0.173558 0.248000 172.1 4.2 0.027869 286,577 2.06 82.7 81.74 1,411,614
Minimum 2639 12,800 0.23016 0.037000 4.5 32.1 0.02845 196,038 1.28 71.75 1.7 3834
SD 166,920.1 10,996.78 0.060444 0.047955 35.43065 4.617047 0.010451 81,039.98 0.219494 2.811436 22.48947 416,611.6
J-B 49.73584 ** 204.0887 ** 47.45518 ** 20.31349 ** 4.301137 567.7781 ** 5.98054 * 114.8771 ** 12.90376 ** 30.58608 ** 3.181964 29.9789 **
Panel D. Sub-Period 2013–2014
Mean 123,576.9 28,521.05 0.0199 0.116079 81.55 3.476316 0.001709 3113.368 1.530789 80.42027 54.61667 279,882
884,893 73,000 0.071863 0.275000 179.7 1.5 0.023538 259,893 2.01 83.3 83.73 1,272,410
Minimum 3904 16,600 0.069286 0.049000 10.2 15 0.011047 211,756 1.21 74.05 27.29 4872
SD 192,038.4 11,987.2 0.030215 0.05989 40.55673 3.408926 0.008262 77,426.65 0.216887 2.737179 28.26239 366,543.7
J-B 99.57739 ** 106.8624 ** 6.868972 * 10.64451 ** 0.925469 30.70216 ** 4.611322 ˆ 47.32679 ** 2.861169 11.04541 ** 0.28794 15.23838 **
VIF −−− 4.179687 3.168742 3.636977 5.896357 6.334921 1.150793 1.646874 4.367955 1.463571 5.756966 4.843298
This table presents the typical descriptive statistics for the variables: mean, maximum and minimum values, standard deviation (SD), Jarque-Bera test (J-B) for contrasting normality, and
the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to diagnose the presence/absence of multicollinearity. ** p< 0.1, * p< 0.05, ˆ p< 0.01.
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The hypotheses formulated to analyze the effects of the economic-financial variables are as follows:
Hypothesis 1
). GDP per capita positively affects the levels of immigration and has a much more notable
effect in the Eurozone countries (EU-19) than among all EU member states (EU-28).
Hypothesis 1
). GDP growth positively affects the levels of immigration and has a more notable effect in the
EU-19 countries compared to the EU-28 countries.
Hypothesis 1
). The level of unemployment negatively affects immigrant inflows, and to a greater extent
among EU-28 countries.
Hypothesis 1
). Public debt can negatively affect the level of immigration, and to a greater extent in
EU-28 countries.
Hypothesis 1
). The proportion of debt to GDP can negatively affect the level of immigration, and to a
greater extent in EU-28 countries.
2.2.2. Immigration and Population
In this section, we include variables such the population growth (POPGRO) and natural
population change (NATPOP). As previously observed, the population growth in European countries
is fundamentally due to immigrant inflows. We also analyze whether this growth in population, partly
brought about by the arrival of new immigrants, might also be a determining factor when choosing a
particular host country.
The current demographic situation in the EU-28 is characterized by continuous population growth.
Since 1992, net migration has been the principle determining factor in population growth among the
EU-28, reaching 0.95 million people in 2014. This is indicative that the general population growth or
decline among EU-28 countries largely depends on the contribution of migration inflows [9].
In many countries on different continents, it can be seen that an uncontrolled population growth
largely stems from the recent waves of immigration and by subsequent generations [1012].
A descriptive study of the population (see Tables 2and 3) shows that population growth
(POPGRO) has been considerably higher for the EU-19 compared to the EU-28, by 63.44%. For the
EU-19, this growth has not been interrupted, while the EU-28 experienced a decline during the period
of economic recovery. The natural population change (NATPOP) shows higher values for the EU-19
(18.38%) compared to the EU-28, despite the fact that the rate did not drop until the third sub-period
for EU-28 countries. For the EU-19, they decreased considerably from the first sub-period until the end
of the sample.
The hypotheses proposed to study the effects of the population variables are:
Hypothesis 2
). Population growth has a positive effect on the level of immigration, and to a greater extent
on EU-19 countries.
Hypothesis 2
). Natural population change has a positive effect on the levels of immigration, and to a
greater extent on the EU-19 countries.
2.2.3. Immigration and Public Health
It is logical to believe that, a priori, there is a high life expectancy in countries with high standards
of food, hygiene, and general welfare conditions. Economic development and changes in certain
environmental conditions, improvements in lifestyle, and advances in health and medicine have led to
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 8 of 17
a continuous improvement in the life expectancy in Europe. This situation places the 28 countries of
the European Union among the world leaders in terms of life expectancy [13].
According to the working paper produced by the European Commission “Investing in Health”
(COM, 2013, 83), health is the one prior condition for a country to be able to prosper economically.
Consequently, health influences the economic results of a country, and what is more, the capacity of
governments to intervene in the public sector and adopt effective initiatives aimed at improving the
quality and availability of services such as healthcare fundamentally depends on the available economic
resources [
]. Refs. [
] analyze the effect of life expectancy on immigration in the US, Spain,
and the European Union, respectively. In light of the arguments found in the literature, we propose
that the variable of absolute life expectancy (LIFEXP) is a determining factor in migration flows.
Another related variable that we propose to be potentially relevant to migration flows is the
fertility rate (FERTIL) and we thus analyze whether this variable affects immigration in the host
country. Patterns of fertility have not followed a linear pattern over time. Before 2008, the birth rate
had been growing (0.15 births per adult female) until the crisis started and the trend became negative.
Changes in the fertility rate partially follow changes in the state of the economy, with an average
delay of less than two years. The uncertainty produced by the economic crisis can influence fertility.
The length of a financial crisis also plays an important role and, in some countries, the length and
depth of the current recession has had a long-lasting impact. Changes in GDP are largely positively
correlated to variations in the fertility rate for up to 19 months [19].
Within the European context, several studies address the effects of fertility on migration flows.
Some of them analyze the relationship between fertility trends and the integration of the immigrant
population [
]. Other research indicates that immigration plays a fundamental role in sustaining
the economic system, given that the fertility rate in Europe has been decreasing in recent years [
On the other hand, other research analyzes the influence of immigration on European fertility trends
and concludes that they are mostly due to the influence of the immigrant population [21].
The first results shown in Tables 2and 3with regard to the fertility rate (FERTIL) show reasonably
homogeneous behaviors for the EU-28 and EU-19 groupings. In the period where the economy passes
from the boom period to the economic crisis, it can be observed that the fertility rate rises for both
groups (5.32% and 6.75%, respectively). On moving into the period of economic recovery, both groups
undergo a decrease in the rate (approximately
2.8%). On another note, the life expectancy (LIFEXP)
for EU-19 countries is almost one year longer in comparison to EU-28 countries. The behavior for the
two sub-periods is similar as life expectancy grows slightly when moving from one period into another.
In order to analyze the effects of these variables, we propose the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 3
). Fertility has a positive effect on immigration, and this effect is greater on EU-19 countries.
Hypothesis 3
). Life expectancy positively affects the number of immigrants, and this effect is greater on
EU-19 countries.
2.2.4. Immigration and Sustainability
In this section, we analyze two variables. On the one hand, we examine the amount of investment
that has been devoted to protecting the environment (PROTE); in principle, the effect of this variable
on the arrival of new immigrants can be expected to be positive. On the other hand, we analyze the
effects of the level of pollution emissions (POLLEM) on the influx of new immigrants.
Tables 2and 3show that the volume of investments made to prevent and mitigate damage caused
to the environment (PROTE) indicate that, for both groups of countries, the costs inherent to this
activity have increased, although they have been slightly higher in EU-19 countries (3.32%) compared
to the whole EU-28 group. During the boom period, Europe spent more than 38 and 39 million euros
and rose to 44 and 55 million euros for EU-28 and EU-19 countries, respectively. Additionally, the
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 9 of 17
levels of pollution emissions (POLLEM) show that EU-28 countries are slightly less pollutant that
the EU-19 countries, by 1.39%. The evolution of these levels by sub-period shows that these values
descend and undergo variations in similar ways for the two groupings.
To study the effects of these variables related to protecting the environment, we propose the
following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 4
). The amount of money allocated by governments to protecting the environment has a positive
effect on immigration, and to a greater extent in EU-19 countries.
Hypothesis 4
). Higher levels of pollution have a negative effect on immigrant inflows, and to a greater
extent for EU-19 countries.
The use of explanatory variables in the regression process might cause problems of
multicollinearity, given the high degree of interrelation that can exist between some of the variables.
To detect such problems, we apply the variance inflation factor (VIF). Some research indicates that
individual values for VIF of over ten indicate problems of multicollinearity, as do average values of
over six [22].
3. Empirical Analysis
3.1. Sample
The sample is made up of two sets of data constructed for European countries and obtained
from EUROSTAT, which span from 2000 to 2014. The first dataset consists of the 28 countries that
make up the EU member states (420 data inputs), that is to say: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The second set is made up of the 19 countries that have
adopted the single currency and form the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union
(285 data inputs), e.g., Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
The analysis is applied to the complete sample (2000–2014) which consists of a total of 15 years,
divided into three sub-periods, with a view to analyzing more deeply the effects of economic cycles on
the behavior patterns of immigration in Europe. The first sub-period (2000–2007) describes a period
of economic prosperity; the second sub-period (2008–2012) is characterized by the global economic
and financial crisis [
]; and the third sub-period (2013–2014) represents a period of gradual economic
recovery [24].
3.2. Empirical Model
From a methodological point of view and based on the previous empirical evidence consulted,
the determinants of the immigration of European will be analysed through a dynamic data panel.
This allows us to control the existence of unobservable heterogeneity that is greater with cross-sectional
data [25,26].
Thus, it could be assumed that the immigration for these European countries could be expressed
through the following theoretical model:
IMMIGjt =α+
βk·Xkjt +µjt (1)
where X is a vector of the k explanatory variables,
represents the unknown estimated parameters,
and µjt is the random perturbation.
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 10 of 17
We propose an econometric approach for the theoretical model described in Equation (1), which
integrates the explanatory variables. Thus, the estimation and contrast of this model takes the
following structure:
+δ10LPROTEjt +δ11 LPOLLENjt +εjt
where LIMMIG
represents the logarithm of the volume of immigration for the country j
(j = 1, . . . , J)
in the time period t (t = 1,
. . .
, T).
represents the intercept (constant term) of the regression.
represents the estimated values of the regression coefficients in a cross-section of the explanatory
LFERTIL, LLIFEXP, PROTE y LPOLLEN. Finally, εjt represents the random perturbations.
The parameters have been estimated by incorporating instrumental variables through the
Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to the equation in first differences. This methodology
has been chosen because it allows us to control the possible problems of endogeneity that may arise,
since the random disturbances that affect decisions about the levels of economic profitability can also
affect other characteristics of the countries.
This procedure was developed by [
] and presents two levels of application depending on the
nature of the random disturbance. If the residues are homoscedastic, the one-stage GMM estimate
would be the most appropriate. If, on the other hand, there is heteroskedasticity, the estimator
of instrumental variables at one stage will remain consistent, but the two-step estimate increases
the efficiency.
In addition, to test the consistency of the estimates, the second-order serial correlation test (m2 test)
proposed by [
] is employed. In turn, we use the [
] test of the over-identification of constraints
(under the null hypothesis that the instruments used are valid) to verify the absence of correlation
between the instruments and the error term.
The results of the m2 test indicate the absence of second-order serial correlation since the
instruments used in the GMM estimates are not correlated with the error term, neither for the entire
European sample, nor for the subperiods. Additionally, the Sargan test [
] cannot be rejected and,
consequently, the instruments incorporated in the GMM regression are valid (see the bottom of
Tables 4and 5).
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 11 of 17
Table 4. Determinants of immigration in EU-28.
Panel A. Overall (2000–2014) (N = 420)
Economy Variables Finance Variables Population Variables Health Variables Environment Variables
Coefficient 7.16116 ** 2.34279 * 1.23146 * 0.95529 ** 0.0202 * 3.01740 0.06675 * 0.03719 1.85899 * 4.9237 ** 3.02045 0.05585 ˆ
t-Statistic (6.15767) (7.60583) (12.843) (4.4001) (3.77546) (0.54375) (2.9655) (1.33836) (3.2774) (20.726) (0.4403) (2.78413)
Sargan Test 63.28(59)
m2 Test 0.95
R2adjusted 0.41366
Panel B. Sub-Period 2000–2007 (N = 224)
Coefficient 9.55621 * 1.93061 * 2.15831 0.44358 1.35479 6.47185 0.03497 * 3.66667 3.36925 * 5.79360 ** 4.66314 0.09964 ˆ
tStatistic (4.00397) (8.14268) (1.4576) (0.39741) (0.55541) (0.66631) (2.86751) (1.49317) (3.6293) (22.015) (0.7756) (3.00643)
Sargan Test 61.43(50)
m2 Test 0.97
R2adjusted 0.39002
Panel C. Sub-Period 2008–2012 (N = 140)
Coefficient 3.06744 * 5.06784 ** 2.63597 1.39764 ** 3.00667 * 6.11134 0.66502 ˆ 1.68714 4.12075 4.9234 ** 3.47574 0.00974 ˆ
t-Statistic (4.37106) (15.6674) (1.6482) (6.43674) (4.16354) (0.33474) (1.84047) (0.88764) (0.2786) (20.756) (0.3679) (1.78132)
Sargan Test 68.89(58)
m2 Test 0.92
R2adjusted 0.41267
Panel D. Sub-period 20132014 (N = 56)
Coefficient 4.97574 ** 2.36547 ** 2.67166 * 1.67418 ** 2.14204 * 5.36877 0.08741 0.79657 1.63574 3.97341 ** 2.49347 0.08964 *
t-Statistic (4.97848) (10.9741) (11.637) (7.69746) (3.06324) (0.33674) (0.69341) (1.64744) (1.0143) (17.605) (0.5681) (2.95254)
Sargan Test 68.56(58)
m2 Test 0.92
R2adjusted 0.31029
The data in this table correspond to two-steps regression results of GMM model in first differences, described in the Equation (2), where the dependent variable is the logarithm of
immigration (LINMIG) for UE-28 countries. The variables are: logarithm of GDP per capita (LGDPERCAP), GDP growth (GDPGROW), unemployment (UNEM), logarithm of government
grow debt (LGOVDEBT), government deficit-surplus (GOVDEF), population growth (POPGRO), logarithm of natural change population (LNATPOP), logarithm fertility indicator
(FERTIL), logarithm life expectancy (LLIFEXP), logarithm environmental protection expenditures (LPROTE) and logarithm population emissions (LPOLLEN). t-Statistic in brackets. m2 is a
test for second-order serial autocorrelation in residuals in first differences, distributed asymptotically as N(0,1) under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. The Sargan Test is a test of
over-identifying restrictions distributed asymptotically under the null hypothesis of validity of instruments as Chi-squared: degrees of freedom in brackets. ** p< 0.1, * p< 0.05, ˆ p< 0.01.
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 12 of 17
Table 5. Determinants of immigration in EU-19.
Panel A. Overall (2000–2014) (N = 420)
Economy Variables Finance Variables Population Variables Health Variables Environment Variables
Coefficient 4.17029 ** 5.36617 * 4.23166 ** 0.73145 * 4.07874 * 6.12475 1.05714 0.05571 2.45841 * 6.9741 ** 8.05874 0.36741 *
t-Statistic (4.22947) (10.3157) (6.8573) (6.11278) (8.90031) (0.63744) (1.05744) (0.58764) (3.86741) (23.974) (0.3741) (5.66412)
Sargan Test 79.61(72)
m2 Test 0.79
R2adjusted 0.39605
Panel B. Sub-Period 2000–2007 (N = 224)
Coefficient 3.00841 ˆ 1.95714 ** 4.65471 ** 0.72974 ** 1.67547 * 7.63644 5.66348 0.44621 4.00677 * 7.6544 ** 2.00647 ˆ 0.45874 *
t-Statistic (6.66641) (8.79541) (9.4374) (5.96478) (6.54231) (0.36874) (0.83336) (0.40641) (3.9654) (22.648) (1.3208) (4.11647)
Sargan Test 77.11(71)
m2 Test 0.86
R2adjusted 0.41394
Panel C. Sub-Period 2008–2012 (N = 140)
Coefficient 2.11411 ˆ 9.66774 ** 4.1185 ** 1.49647 ** 8.3338 ** 14.5414 0.57521 ˆ 4.36741 6.66254 4.9636 ** 3.30541 0.06874 *
t-Statistic (5.49355) (19.6552) (6.5424) (7.14621) (12.5641) (0.8747) (1.63542) (0.06847) (0.3065) (21.494) (0.3546) (3.63674)
Sargan Test 83.25(79)
m2 Test 0.75
R2adjusted 0.42694
Panel D. Sub-Period 2013–2014 (N = 56)
Coefficient 1.69751 * 4.66665 ** 4.7414 ** 1.9674 ** 5.71852 * 9.46001 0.46754 0.00687 1.03974 4.3128 ** 3.69751 0.02674 *
t-Statistic (3.14058) (12.6878) (12.452) (9.32165) (7.10235) (0.26741) (0.66666) (0.36714) (1.1851) (19.066) (0.3365) (2.96654)
Sargan Test 84.53(79)
m2 Test 0.75
R2adjusted 0.32374
The data in this table correspond to two-steps regression results of GMM model in first differences, described in the Equation (2), where the dependent variable is the logarithm of
immigration (LINMIG) for UE-19 countries. The variables are: logarithm of GDP per capita (LGDPERCAP), GDP growth (GDPGROW), unemployment (UNEM), logarithm of government
grow debt (LGOVDEBT), government deficit-surplus (GOVDEF), population growth (POPGRO), logarithm of natural change population (LNATPOP), logarithm fertility indicator
(FERTIL), logarithm life expectancy (LLIFEXP), logarithm environmental protection expenditures (LPROTE) and logarithm population emissions (LPOLLEN). t-Statistic in brackets. m2 is a
test for second-order serial autocorrelation in residuals in first differences, distributed asymptotically as N(0,1) under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. The Sargan Test is a test of
over-identifying restrictions distributed asymptotically under the null hypothesis of validity of instruments as Chi-squared: degrees of freedom in brackets. ** p< 0.1, * p< 0.05, ˆ p< 0.01.
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 13 of 17
4. Results
The results of the estimation and contrast of the model (2) reveal differentiating aspects between
the countries that make up the EU member states (see Table 4) and those that adopted the Euro
(see Table 5) with regard to the behavioral patterns of immigration in Europe.
Growth in GDP and its value per capita is important for the economy as a whole, as it determines
its expansion to a large extent and hence the general levels of wealth that allow its citizens to enjoy
a good standard of living. The results from the regression indicate that GDP behavior per capita
(LGDPERCAP) and GDP growth (GDPGROW) behave similarly, with reasonably high significance
levels (5%). The positive nature and size of the coefficients indicate, on the one hand, that they are
decisive for migration flow and positively affect growth in the numbers of immigrants entering Europe,
while also indicating that this effect is much greater for those countries that have adopted the single
currency. In recent years, unemployment figures (UNEM) have risen; which has been one of the
causes that might justify a drop in immigration rates. The results indicate that unemployment drives a
decrease in immigration to a greater extent in the EU-28 countries, to a very high significance level
(1%). In light of these first results, we can verify that the proposed hypotheses for the economic
variables can be entirely confirmed (Hypothese 1a–c). However, these results would be more relevant
for the period of the financial crisis and, although it is true that unemployment was a determining
factor for this period, it was even more so for the period of economic recovery to a very high level of
significance (1%).
We observe that the levels of debt among European countries have risen throughout the 14-year
period studied here, both in absolute terms and with regard to the percentage of GDP (see the
descriptive statistics in Tables 2and 3). The results of the regression indicate that the level of debt
(LGOVDEBT) incurred in Europe reduces the amount and permanence of immigration to a significance
level of 5%. This reducing effect of debt on immigration is almost double for countries that make up the
Eurozone, and it is therefore the EU member states as a whole who soften the impact on the decrease
of levels of immigration. These findings confirm the partial validity of the proposed hypotheses for
the financial variables. The first of these (Hypothesis 1d is confirmed in terms of being negative, but
cannot be confirmed for the group proposed in the hypothesis, i.e., the EU-28 countries). With regard to
Hypothesis 1e (GOVDEF), despite confirming the negative effect, it does not turn out to be significant,
and therefore, the percentage of debt to GDP is not a determining factor for migration flow. When we
analyze the study by sub-period, we see that debt is only significant in absolute terms for the periods
of crisis and economic recovery. The only difference between the sub-periods is that, during the crisis,
it reached its highest level of significance (1%) for EU-19 countries.
The aspects related to the demographic situation affect immigration in different ways. On the
one hand, variations in population size are due to the difference between the numbers of births and
deaths of citizens and, on the other, fluctuations in the migration flow. The hypotheses set out for the
population variables establish that the effect they have on immigration is positive and even more so for
the countries that adopted the single currency. For population growth (POPGRO), we can see that it is
only significant (5%) for the EU-28 countries, but that, in contrast to our hypotheses (Hypothesis 2a), it
has a totally opposite effect. In fact, population growth for the member states grouping brings about
a decrease in immigration figures, though the effect is not sizeable given the value of the coefficient.
Hypothesis 2b, which refers to the effect brought about in terms of a natural change in the population
(LNATPOP), is not significant, and is only a determining factor for population growth itself. If we look
in more detail at these aspects by sub-period, we observe that population growth is only relevant for
the period of the economic boom and for the EU-28 countries, and it has a downward effect on the
numbers of immigrants.
Variables related to health have always been factors that have attracted migration flow. Europe is
one of the continents where welfare states are designed to guarantee free, universal healthcare for
their citizens. Equally, Europe is among the leading areas for life expectancy. All of these arguments
are supported by the descriptive results presented in the second section of this study. The moderate
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 14 of 17
rates of fertility registered by Europe and the regression results establish that fertility (FERTIL) is a
significant parameter (to 5%) for both groupings; the EU-19 countries show a much greater effect and,
hence, fertility rates for countries that adopted the Euro are more likely to attract higher levels of
immigration in comparison to all member states. At the same time, life expectancy (LLIFEXP) is also
significant (to 1%), whose positive outcome indicates that the higher the life expectancy of a country,
the more immigration it attracts. This hypothesis is confirmed to a larger extent for the EU-19 countries.
Indeed, the coefficients for these two variables have the highest values and, therefore, the number of
immigrants increases considerably in accordance with the variations for these parameters. These results
confirm the proposed hypotheses that address the relevance of the variables related to public health,
and even more so for the countries in the Eurozone (Hypotheses 3a,b). We can observe that life
expectancy is relevant for all the sub-periods and reaches the highest possible level of significance
(1%). However, fertility is only relevant to the period of economic prosperity. Consequently, regardless
of the period of the economic cycle, life expectancy is vital for attracting and consolidating the flow
of migration.
In recent decades, measures put into place by countries to protect the environment as far as
possible have received particular attention from analysts. Individuals are showing an increasing
tendency to reside in countries that adopt policies that favor healthy lifestyles. This fact leads us to
believe that the measures aimed at safeguarding and promoting the environment can have a positive
impact on immigration. However, according to the results of the regression, all of the costs allocated to
protecting the environment (LPROTE) by European countries, both for EU-28 and the EU-19 group,
are not influential for immigration. In other words, the migration flow does not consider investment in
protecting and promoting a healthy environment to be relevant in its decision to emigrate to Europe,
and thus, Hypothesis 4a is rejected. Conversely, the levels of pollution (LPOLLEN) do turn out to
be relevant for both country groupings, though with different levels of significance. For the EU-19
grouping, pollution in the host country is an element that makes it less attractive to reside in, given
its negative and significant effect (5%). For the EU-28 group of countries, this effect is reduced, as
the coefficient is somewhat lower and its level of significance is borderline (10%). If we observe the
behavior of these variables over the course of the periods considered in this study, we can see that the
levels of pollution behave in a similar fashion throughout the entire period studied, that is to say, with
significance levels of 5% for the EU-19 countries and only significant to 10% for the EU-28. For both
groupings, it can be observed that the downward effect on immigration is much higher during the
period of economic prosperity. These effects are reduced during the periods of crisis and economic
recovery, which thus indicates that pollution negatively affects immigration flow at times when the
economy is at its strongest.
To sum up, the most important variables are, on the one hand, those related to the healthcare
system, especially life expectancy (LIFEXP), and on the other, one of the variables related to
sustainability, which is the level of pollution (LPOLLEM). Both of these variables are determining
factors for all the periods studied.
Other variables, which are also explanatory though slightly less relevant, are those related to
the economy (LGDPERC, GDPGR, and UNEM) and finance (LGOVDEB). These variables are only
relevant to the periods of financial crisis and economic recovery.
5. Conclusions
The objective of this study was firstly to analyze whether a series of variables related to the
economy, population, and health, in addition to those related to environmental protection, can explain
the differing levels of immigration into Europe. The second objective was to study whether the
relevance of these variables is different for the entire group of EU-28 member states compared to
the countries that adopted the single currency (EU-19). We also analyzed whether these effects are
different according to the period of the European economic cycle in which they occur.
The main conclusions to be drawn from this study are as follows:
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 15 of 17
The economic variables examined here have an enormous explanatory capacity for migration
flow (GDP per capita, GDP growth, and unemployment rate), fundamentally in the periods of
economic crisis and recovery. According to the regression coefficients, the variables related to
GDP attract immigration to a high degree; however, the rate of unemployment is a decreasing
factor for immigration, but has a much smaller impact. We can observe that, only in the case of
the economic variables is the effect greater for the group of EU-28 countries and, therefore, the
EU-19 countries are less sensitive to variations in these variables.
From among the financial variables, only the level of public debt influences the influx of new
immigrants, though this variable has significantly high values. Indeed, the debt incurred by
Europe’s nations is a demotivation factor for the arrival of new immigrants. Moreover, debt
among countries that have adopted the single currency doubled the demotivating effect compared
to the EU-28 countries. As with the economic variables, this effect becomes extremely notable in
times of economic crisis and recovery.
Immigration during the economic boom indicates that the variables directly related to Europe’s
economic and financial evolution are not determining factors when making the decision
to emigrate.
With regard to the population-related variables, only population growth affects immigration and,
in this case, only marginally.
According to the regression coefficients, immigration established itself naturally in European
countries where population numbers are in decline. This inverse effect only comes about during a
period of economic crisis, but loses its explanatory capacity during the other periods. Population
growth is much more sensitive in the EU-19 countries compared to all the EU-28 member states.
The variables related to healthcare (fertility rate and life expectancy of the host country) are vitally
relevant in the justification of the decision to emigrate to Europe. Life expectancy is much more of
a determining factor, as it is significant for all the periods in this study, while the fertility rate only
has an impact during the period economic prosperity. Good management of the European health
services has meant that life expectancy is increasing all the time and thus has a greater positive
influence on migration flow. This effect is much more notable in countries in the EU-19 group.
With regard to the measures put in place to protect the environment (level of pollution emissions
and costs allocated to protecting the environment), only the level of pollution serves to explain
levels of immigration. In accordance with these results, it can be deduced that immigration is
less likely to occur in countries with high levels of pollution and consequently low levels of
sustainability. This effect is present in all the periods analyzed here and is more relevant for the
EU-19 countries.
Generally speaking, the influence of the proposed variables is higher in the group of countries
that adopted the single currency. Thus, variation is less notable for EU member states as a whole.
As the study shows, the Eurozone (EU-19) is particularly sensitive to variations in the factors
analyzed in this research. For this reason, and to avoid the risk of it becoming an uncontrolled
phenomenon, government policies to manage the flow of migration should aim to address and achieve
the following objectives:
Prevention of the entry of false tourists, by ensuring that they are required to obtain a visa.
Signing readmission agreements with the countries concerned to control immigration.
Foster and regulate recruitment in the countries of origin through bilateral migration agreements.
Strengthen border surveillance.
As suggestions to extend and improve upon this study, as pollution levels are highly explanatory
in terms of migration flow as one of the sustainability variables, we firstly believe that further
studies should incorporate a greater number of environment-related variables, e.g., employment
in the environmental goods and services sector, waste generation, number of recovery and disposal
facilities, etc.
Sustainability 2017,9, 1093 16 of 17
Secondly, further research should investigate other random causes that might also influence
migration flow. Such causes sometimes do not depend on rational decisions and can include factors
like specific entry barriers among host countries. On other occasions, they do depend on the individual
decisions of immigrants, but are based on affective reasoning, such as the fact that many compatriots
or relatives have previously emigrated to that country.
The authors thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. We also want to thank
professor Irene Comeig (University of Valencia) for the help and support provided.
Author Contributions:
This paper represents a result of teamwork. Alfredo Juan Grau Grau and Federico Ramírez
López conceived and designed the research. Alfredo Juan Grau Grau performed the research, analyzed the data,
discussed the results, and wrote the paper. Federico Ramírez López supported in analyzing the data, discussing
the results, and writing the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Buna göre bireyler daha sağlıklı olduklarında kendilerini daha iyi hissederek işgücü piyasasında daha aktif olurlar. Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac ...
... Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac ...
... Buna göre bireyler daha sağlıklı olduklarında kendilerini daha iyi hissederek işgücü piyasasında daha aktif olurlar. Bununla birlikte sağlık sisteminin tüm ülkelerde çağın koşullarına uygun ve yeni ihtiyaçlara uyumlu bir şekilde uyarlanması gerekmektedir (Francesca & Petretto, 2019, s. 153 Literatürde göçün nedenlerini araştırmaya yönelik yapılan pek çok çalışmaya rastlamak mümkündür (Mayda, 2007;Naude, 2010;Nica, 2015;Simpson, 2017;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Dao, Docquier, Parsons, & Peri, 2018;Arif, 2019). Bununla birlikte OECD ülkeleri için yapılan çalışmaların yaygınlığı (Mayda, 2007 ...
... ;Geis, Uebelmesser, & Werding, 2013;Docquier, Peri & Ruyssen, 2014;Ravlik, 2014;Grau & Lopez, 2017;Drazenovic, Kunovac & Pripuzic, 2018;Arif, 2019) bu ülkelerin sahip olduğu göçmen nüfustaki özellikle son yıllardaki artışı açıklamada önemlidir. Öte yandan sağlık harcamalarının göç için bir çekici unsur olup olmadığının belirlenmesi hususunun literatürün ihmal edilen bir yönü olduğu söylenebilir. ...
... In this way, individuals may come up with ways to sustain their basic needs and the needs of their families (Jin & Kim, 2017;Oulhaj, 2020). These situations may be experienced by anybody who is facing a crisis in the family and the community as a whole (Komorowski, 2018;Grau Grau & Ramírez López, 2017;Krstić, Krstić & Đekić, 2018). Therefore, any family crisis, like health-related problems, death, and even serious troubles with family members, is a contributing factor to such actions of an individual. ...
Imprisonment of any family member affects the lives of the immediate members, especially if it is the head of the father who is convicted, leaving other members in pain because of the situation. This study determined the challenges encountered by the family members of the patriarch inmates in Iligan City, Philippines, during the first quarter of 2021. The study utilized the phenomenological research design. Ten identified family members composed the number of participants interviewed using a structured interview guide made by the researcher. The study utilized Moustaka’s Transcendental Analysis in analyzing the data. Responses to the interview were analyzed utilizing NVivo software producing the four main themes: striving for sustenance and survival; financial and moral drawbacks; emotional grief; and annoying unsolicited public opinions towards the situation. These identified challenges encountered by the family members may serve as a benchmark for the concerned government agency in crafting programs that will help the family members of the patriarch inmates. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the support system of the concerned government agency towards the family members of the patriarch inmates. Furthermore, since most of the challenges the family members encounter is more focused on the emotional aspect of their lives, the social welfare department may strengthen their programs in supporting these families through effective evaluation of the situation for them to craft appropriate counseling techniques for these identified families. Keywords : emotional grief, imprisonment, moral drawbacks, striving for sustenance, unsolicited public opinions
... Grau ve Lopez (2017) Avrupa'daki göçmen nüfusun göç kararında etkili olan faktörleri tespit etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Söz konusu çalışmada ele alınan temel belirleyiciler ekonomi, nüfus, sağlık ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik etrafında şekillenmiştir. ...
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Uluslararası göç hareketlerinin nedenlerinin belirlenmesi günümüzde önemli bir beşerî sermaye olarak kabul edilen insan faktörünün mobilitesinin kontrol edilmesi açısından uygulanması muhtemel politikalara yön vermektedir. Bu kapsamda, çalışmanın amacı göçe ev sahipliği yapan G7 ülkelerinde göçmen nüfusun söz konusu göç kararında etkili olan çekici faktörleri ekonomik değişkenler bakımından belirlemektir. Bu amaçla temel makroekonomik göstergelerden kişi başına GSYH, işsizlik oranı, enflasyon oranı ve ekonomik küreselleşme endeksi temel açıklayıcı değişkenler olarak benimsenmiş ve ilgili veriler yıllık olarak 2000-2017 dönemi için temin edilmiştir. Panel ARDL tahmin yöntemi benimsenerek uygulanan analiz bulgularına göre uzun dönemde kişi başına GSYH ve ekonomik küreselleşmedeki artışların G7 ülkelerine yönelik göçün çekici unsurları olarak belirlenirken, enflasyon oranındaki bir artış göçmen sayısında azalışa neden olmaktadır. İşsizlik oranının ise uzun dönemde göçmen nüfus üzerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkisine rastlanmamıştır.
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Background: Migration processes play an important role in the economic development of a country and form the human resources necessary for developing countries. Therefore, forming a favourable legislative framework for a certain category of migrants affects the attraction of the necessary human resources for the country. Motivation: Generally, the level of immigration has risen over the last 50 years, and around 3.6% of the total population in the world are immigrants. Identifying the influencing factors that motivate people to migrate is very important. This understanding informs well-designed immigration and effective solutions for foreign policy. Aim: To analyse and model the impact of the factors influencing the choice of the destination country, examining what attracts a person to a country or, on the contrary, why a country may not be chosen. Additionally, this paper seeks to forecast the dynamics of immigration in Spain for 2022-2024 under the impact of selected factors for analysis. Methods: To create a regression model using the R-Studio software based on a data set for the 2000-2021 years. The scientific hypothesis is that the following could have an influence on the level of immigration to Spain: inflation, level of employment and education, government spending on social protection, the share of the ICT sector in the GDP of the country, as well as the economic crisis in the USA for 2007, and legal factor such as the presence of open borders for the African population in 2019, a characteristic not shared by other European countries. The last two indicators, proven significant in attracting immigrants, were incorporated into the model as dummy variables. Results and Conclusions: The research proved a non-linear negative impact of a logarithm of spending on social protection expenditure and the third degree of inflation-conversely, a positive impact of the third degree of employment level. Additionally, the forecast of immigration in Spain under the impact of the above factors was discussed. The paper will be of interest to the government since migration is not only important in terms of the country's demographic structure but also has a direct impact on a country's national economy. It can either strengthen or weaken the country's economic development, making it significant to policymakers.
If contractual work (waged) is traditional employment, “the new work” is represented by entrepreneurship and self-employment and to a certain extent by various forms of “subsistence economy”. We develop an instrument to understand how new work shapes the short-term labor market's sustainable functioning. The dynamic interaction between labor market macro-aggregates related to employment status is treated in a systemic approach. We analyze the Granger Causality (GC) relations between contractual/dependent work, non-contractual/independent work and the work’s social protection. A total of 14 VAR models have been analyzed following the Toda and Yamamoto (J. Econ. 66: 225–250, 1995) procedure as detailed by Giles (Testing for granger causality. Econometrics beat: dave giles, 2011), using 2 datasets (1999Q1-2018Q1 and 2008Q1-2018Q1). The main conclusion is that only a sustainable entrepreneurship mechanism could make the Romanian labor market suitable for the actual challenges. A powerful call for a new type of entrepreneurial behavior becomes evident in the case of Romania.KeywordsSustainable entrepreneurshipWaged employmentSelf-employmentUnemploymentInnovation
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The aim of the study is to present the phenomenon of population migration and migration policy as part of the state’s economic policy based on the example of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries, with particular emphasis on the area of migration policy, which is border control and related illegal migration. The temporal scope of the empirical analysis covers the period 1990-2016. The article consists of four main parts. The discussion began with a presentation of the balance of migration, the scale and dynamics of population immigration in OECD countries. Furthermore, the significance, areas and process of shaping migration policy as a part of the economic policy of the country are presented. Then, it focused on the migration policy in the area of border control in OECD countries. The discussion was crowned with the conclusions that followed.
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There are various culprits for the increase in environmental pollution that are affecting the environment and atmosphere in one way or the other. In this context, the researcher has designed this study so that the impact of tourism growth, tourism investment and immigration on the environmental sustainability of ASEAN countries can be studied and analyzed. For this purpose, the researcher has carefully collected the authentic data about the aforementioned aspects of the study from the authentic databases such as World Bank Development Indicators and Global Economy. The data was collected for consecutive 30 years from the ASEAN countries. After collecting data, the researcher has applied panel unit root test, panel cointegration test, coefficient estimation test and panel Granger Casualty test for analysis purpose. The results have indicated that all the independent variables i.e. tourism investment, tourism growth, immigration have significant impact on environmental sustainability. Moreover, these variables are also found to have the causal relationships among each other either unidirectional or bidirectional. The major implication of this study is that it will guide the tourism industries and immigration departments of the countries to apply careful practices so that the environment is not disturbed due to environmental pollution and the environmental sustainability is not disturbed.
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The need to reduce the environmental load as the most important factor of improving the quality of life of the population and preventing the outflow of human resources from the coal mining region is substantiated in the article. The study allowed identifying a number of socio-economic threats associated with the influence of high environmental load in coal mining regions, namely: the presence of adverse sanitary and hygienic factors affecting the state of health and the quality of life of people; the excess of the average Russian share of jobs with unsatisfactory conditions for ensuring their compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and regulations in coal mining regions; increase in the incidence rate. The entire list of identified threats has the most direct impact on the indicators of population growth and migratory movement leading to a lack of human resources in a region. First of all, it is proposed to reduce the environmental load of a mining region through the implementation of a concept aimed at improving the environmental safety of the industry at all stages: from exploratory activities to mine abandonment. And secondly, the environmental load should be reduced on the basis of a set of measures affecting such important areas of regional economic development as diversification of industrial production (increasing the share of industries with lower environmental load on the ecosystem), developing a high-tech business and mainstreaming responsible consumption ideas in the public mind and businesses.
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Although a majority of studies underscores a positive impact, overall the bearing of democracy on life expectancy is still controversial. Compared with previous research, we propose a novel and superior operationalization of life expectancy and introduce a more complete definition of democracy. The methodology we employ (Qualitative Comparative Analysis), finally, reflects social causality more accurately and credibly than conventional quantitative techniques: in particular, QCA enables us to contextualize the impact of democracy on life expectancy in different groups of Latin America countries. We found four major models of democratic influence: when relevant, democracy acts in combination with varying configurations of factors, as prosperity, social equality and generous public health outlays, in different groups of countries.
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La crisis financiera internacional impulsada por las noticias vertidas en agosto de 2007 ha tenido efectos devastadores sobre los mercados de capitales internacionales. El objetivo de este artículo se centra en verificar, en este contexto de crisis, si las empresas del mercado continuo español generan rendimientos anormales negativos, a la par que investigar qué factores ligados al gobierno corporativo podrían justificar estas anomalías. Nuestros resultados confirman que: a) cuando un mismo sujeto asume dirección ejecutiva y presidencia de la junta, en contra de todo pronóstico, ha tenido efectos beneficiosos sobre la gestión corporativa, permitiendo que esas anomalías se vayan diluyendo a lo largo del tiempo; b) los elevados niveles de apalancamiento han provocado que los efectos beneficiosos de la deuda hayan desaparecido y estén justificando la relación positiva existente con los rendimientos anormales negativos, y c) la capacidad de control de juntas con numerosos miembros confirma que la gestión corporativa no ha sido eficiente, ya que la trayectoria de los rendimientos de las empresas se ha visto perjudicada.
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The impact of immigration on the public finances is an important influence on public opinion. This study aims to provide a thorough conceptual survey, pointing out the complexities of a full understanding and the relevance of indirect effects and covering both static perspectives and longer run dynamic issues. It considers simple accounting approaches which are relatively neglectful of behavioural responses but also tries to bring out the complexities in the nature of the relationship between immigration and the public exchequer that come with more sophisticated modelling of its economic effects.
Asylum has become a highly charged political issue across developed countries, raising a host of difficult ethical and political questions. What responsibilities do the world's richest countries have to refugees arriving at their borders? Are states justified in implementing measures to prevent the arrival of economic migrants if they also block entry for refugees? Is it legitimate to curtail the rights of asylum seekers to maximize the number of refugees receiving protection overall? This book draws upon political and ethical theory and an examination of the experiences of the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia to consider how to respond to the challenges of asylum. In addition to explaining why asylum has emerged as such a key political issue in recent years, it provides a compelling account of how states could move towards implementing morally defensible responses to refugees.
Recent failures to enact immigration reform at the national level have been used as justification for a dramatic increase in legislation passed by the American states. Much of the legislation has exposed immigrants to higher scrutiny or prohibited recent immigrants from receiving certain benefits. However, other pieces of legislation have extended assistance to noncitizens, both documented and undocumented. This article examines state immigration laws from 2008 to 2012 using three dependent variables: the number of liberalizing state laws, the number of restricting state laws, and a composite Restrictive Score. We test eight different explanations and find that the most consistent predictor of a restrictive state posture is the growth of the Hispanic population in each state during the last census period.