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Abstract and Figures

Background: Valeriana officinalis extract (VE) is a popular herbal medicine used for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. Although the anxiolytic and sedative effects are mainly attributed to the modulation of GABA-ergic transmission, the mechanism of action has not been fully investigated in humans. Noninvasive brain stimulation protocols can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of action of psychoactive substances at the cortical level in humans. In this study, we investigated the effects of a single dose of VE on cortical excitability as assessed with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Methods: Fifteen healthy volunteers participated in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled study. Subjects were required to take either 900 mg of VE (valerenic acid 0.8%) or placebo (an equal dose of vitamin E). Motor cortex excitability was studied by single and paired TMS before and at 1 h and 6 h after the oral administration. Cortical excitability was assessed using different TMS parameters: resting motor threshold, motor-evoked potential amplitude, cortical silent period, short-interval intracortical inhibition, and intracortical facilitation. Furthermore, we assessed sensorimotor integration by short-latency and long-latency afferent inhibition. Results: We found a significant reduction in ICF, without any significant changes in other TMS measures of motor cortex excitability. The amount of ICF returned to baseline value 6 h after the intake of the VE. Conclusion: A single oral dose of VE modulates intracortical facilitatory circuits. Our results in healthy subjects could be predictive markers of treatment response in patients and further support the use of pharmaco-TMS to investigate the neuropsychiatric effects of herbal therapies in humans.
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Original Paper
Neuropsychobiology 2017;75:46–51
DOI: 10.1159/000480053
Valeriana officinalis Root Extract
Modulates Cortical Excitatory Circuits
in Humans
Ludovico Mineo a Carmen Concerto a Dhaval Patel b Tyrone Mayorga b
Michael Paula b Eileen Chusid b Eugenio Aguglia c Fortunato Battaglia a
a Department of Interprofessional Health Science and Health Administration, Seton Hall University,
South Orange, NJ , and
b Department of Preclinical Sciences, New York College of Podiatric Medicine,
New York, NY , USA;
c Department of Clinical and Molecular Biomedicine, Psychiatry Unit, University of
Catania, Catania , Italy
parameters: resting motor threshold, motor-evoked poten-
tial amplitude, cortical silent period, short-interval intracorti-
cal inhibition, and intracortical facilitation. Furthermore, we
assessed sensorimotor integration by short-latency and
long-latency afferent inhibition. Results: We found a signifi-
cant reduction in ICF, without any significant changes in oth-
er TMS measures of motor cortex excitability. The amount of
ICF returned to baseline value 6 h after the intake of the VE.
Conclusion: A single oral dose of VE modulates intracortical
facilitatory circuits. Our results in healthy subjects could be
predictive markers of treatment response in patients and
further support the use of pharmaco-TMS to investigate the
neuropsychiatric effects of herbal therapies in humans.
© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel
Despite the availability of effective pharmacological
and psychotherapy strategies, up to 50% of cases of de-
pression, anxiety, and insomnia are nonresponders and
Valerian · Transcranial magnetic stimulation · Short-interval
intracortical inhibition · Intracortical facilitation · Cortical
Background: Valeriana officinalis extract (VE) is a popular
herbal medicine used for the treatment of anxiety and sleep
disorders. Although the anxiolytic and sedative effects are
mainly attributed to the modulation of GABA-ergic transmis-
sion, the mechanism of action has not been fully investigat-
ed in humans. Noninvasive brain stimulation protocols can
be used to elucidate the mechanisms of action of psychoac-
tive substances at the cortical level in humans. In this study,
we investigated the effects of a single dose of VE on cortical
excitability as assessed with transcranial magnetic stimula-
tion (TMS). Methods: Fifteen healthy volunteers participated
in a double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-con-
trolled study. Subjects were required to take either 900 mg
of VE (valerenic acid 0.8%) or placebo (an equal dose of vita-
min E). Motor cortex excitability was studied by single and
paired TMS before and at 1 h and 6 h after the oral adminis-
tration. Cortical excitability was assessed using different TMS
Received: June 6, 2017
Accepted after revision: August 7, 2017
Published online: October 17, 2017
Dr. Fortunato Battaglia
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, NJ 07079 (USA)
E-Mail fortunato.battaglia @
© 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel
Ludovico Mineo and Carmen Concerto contributed equally to this
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Valerian and Cortical Circuits Neuropsychobiology 2017;75:46–51
DOI: 10.1159/000480053
show relapses [1] . Indeed, there is well-documented evi-
dence that individuals who have found little or no im-
provement through standard interventions often use
herbal remedies for the treatment of these conditions. It
has been reported that 50% of patients suffering from de-
pression, anxiety, and insomnia use complementary and
alternative medicine
[2] .
Although herbal therapies have been used for centu-
ries as remedies for psychiatric conditions, research fo-
cusing on assessing the effectiveness of botanical psycho-
active plants used in psychiatry and their psychopharma-
cological properties in humans is still inconclusive for
many compounds
[3] . Among herbal medications for in-
somnia and anxiety, Valeriana officinalis root extract
(VE) is one of the most popular
[4] . A previous survey
study reported that 1.1% of the adult population in the
USA (approx. 2 million adults) had used valerian in the
past week
[5] . Other studies indicate that VE has antioxi-
dant and neuroprotective effects
[6–9] . Furthermore, VE
modulates brain neurotransmitters
[10–14] , and shows
antianxiety, antidepressant, and antiepileptic activity in
animal models
[15, 16] .
In spite of this preclinical evidence and the large em-
pirical use of VE, there is an ongoing debate in the scien-
tific literature regarding the magnitude of its effects and,
to date, no studies have investigated the acute effect of VE
administration on cortical excitability in humans. Tran-
scranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a noninvasive tech-
nique widely used to investigate cortical physiology in
humans, has been a valid tool to probe the acute pharma-
cological effects of central nervous system active drugs
[17] . Indeed, pharmaco-TMS experiments offer the op-
portunity of investigating the mechanism of action of
psychoactive molecules by analyzing their effects on well-
characterized single-and paired-pulse TMS parameters
such as resting motor threshold (RMT), motor-evoked
potential (MEP) amplitude, cortical silent period (CSP),
short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracorti-
cal facilitation (ICF), and short-latency and long-latency
afferent inhibition (SAI and LAI)
[18] . Indeed, the modu-
lation of the physiological mechanisms underlying these
parameters after drug intake offers the possibility to
translate the preclinical results to human use, and to
probe, noninvasively, the activity on specific cortical
functions like membrane excitability (RMT), corticospi-
nal excitability (MEP size), GABA
B -dependent inhibition
(CSP), intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits
(SICI and ICF), and sensorimotor integration (SAI and
[18] .
Hence, to elucidate the mechanism of action and the
neuroactive properties of VE, we sought to investigate the
acute effect of a recommended dose in a randomized,
double-blind, cross-over study employing a broad array
of TMS measures of human motor cortex excitability. In
view of the extensive preclinical literature, we hypothe-
sized that compared to placebo VE would induce a mod-
ulation of intracortical inhibitory and excitatory circuits.
Fifteen healthy, right-handed college students
[19] (9 males
and 6 females; mean age 30.2 ± 5.8 years) participated in this study.
We excluded subjects who had a history of neurological or psychi-
atric diseases, metal implants, brain trauma, psychoactive medica-
tion use, drug addiction, a family history of epilepsy, or were preg-
nant. The study conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki and was
approved by the Institutional Review Board at the New York Col-
lege of Podiatric Medicine. All subjects signed a written consent
form. None of the subjects took herbal extracts before this study.
Study Design
This was a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study; sub-
jects were required to take 3 capsules (900 mg in total) of VE (the
active arm) or placebo. Commercial VE capsules (300 mg each)
contained a standardized amount of valerenic acid (0.8%). The
“dummy” capsules contained an equal amount of vitamin E; these
were prepared by a pharmacist and put into an empty bottle of the
commercial product. In this way, the placebo preparation assimi-
lated the typical valerian root odor. The order of drug conditions
was pseudorandomized and balanced between subjects. All sub-
jects participated in 2 drug conditions, separated by 3 weeks. In
accordance with a previous pharmacokinetic study
[20] , the sub-
jects were assessed at T0 (before the intake), and at 1 h (T1) and
6 h (T2) after the intake of the capsules.
Cortical Excitability
TMS experiments were performed during the morning hours.
Ag-AgCl surface electrodes were positioned over the muscle belly
and the tendon of the right abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle.
Signals were amplified, band-pass-filtered, and sampled using a
micro 1401 AD converter (Cambridge Electronic Design, Cam-
bridge, UK) controlled by Signal software (Cambridge Electronic
Design v3) and stored on a PC for off-line analysis. TMS was de-
livered through a focal figure of eight-shaped magnetic coil (diam-
eter of external loop: 90 mm) connected to 2 Magstim 200 mag-
netic stimulators via a “Y” cable (The Magstim Co., Dyfed, UK).
Several parameters of corticospinal excitability were investigated.
RMT, a parameter that depends upon neuronal membrane excit-
ability as it is modulated by voltage-gated sodium or calcium-
channel blockers, was determined as the minimum stimulator in-
tensity to the nearest 1% to produce an MEP of 50 μV in 5 of 10
trials. We then assessed mean peak-to-peak MEP amplitudes, a
parameter that reflects changes in the excitability of the corticospi-
nal tract, using a stimulus intensity of 120% of the RMT (an aver-
age of 20 MEPs). CSP was tested by delivering TMS of the motor
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Neuropsychobiology 2017;75:46–51
DOI: 10.1159/000480053
cortex during tonic APB contraction (50% of the maximal volun-
tary contraction, assessed and monitored with a visual electromyo-
graphic [EMG] feedback). The duration of 15 CSPs was measured
from the end of the MEP until the restart of constant EMG activ-
ity. EMG traces were rectified but not averaged. CSP is modulated
by GABA-ergic and dopaminergic drugs. If a subthreshold (con-
ditioning) stimulus precedes a suprathreshold (test) stimulus at
short and long interstimulus intervals (ISI), the MEP generated by
the test stimulus is either inhibited (by SICI) or facilitated (by ICF).
SICI and ICF were studied with a paired-stimulation paradigm
[21] . ISIs of 2 ms (for SICI) and 10 ms (for ICF) were used. Each
study consisted of 20 trials for each ISI, and the test stimuli alone
were delivered in random order controlled by a laboratory com-
puter. These parameters assess the excitability of intracortical in-
hibitory and excitatory circuits modulated by GABA-ergic and
glutamatergic drugs.
To probe afferent inhibition, the medial nerve was stimulated
at the wrist using a Digitimer D-160 stimulator (Digitimer Ltd.,
Welwyn Garden City, UK) using electrodes with the cathode po-
sitioned proximally. Stimulus intensity was adjusted to produce a
slight thumb twitch. SAI and LAI were tested at ISIs of 25 and 200
ms. Forty stimuli were delivered at each ISI, and randomly inter-
mingled with 20 trials in which MEPs were elicited by the test stim-
ulus alone. SAI and LAI are modulated by cholinergic and GABA-
ergic drugs. For a comprehensive review of the pharmacological
modulation of TMS parameters, see Ziemann et al. 2015
[18] . For
SICI, ICF, SAI, and LAI, the mean amplitude of the conditioned
MEP was expressed as a percentage of the unconditioned (test)
MEP mean amplitude.
F-wave amplitude and M
max (supramaximal electrical stimula-
tion of the median nerve at the wrist) were tested to investigate
changes in spinal motorneuron and neuromuscular excitability.
TMS parameters were tested according to the published guidelines
for the use of TMS in clinical neurophysiology
[22] .
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS software v22.0 (SPSS Inc., Chi-
cago, IL, USA). All the tested parameter of cortical excitability,
spinal excitability, and sensorimotor integration (RMT, MEP,
CSP, SICI, ICF, SAI, LAI, F-wave, and M
max ) were analyzed using
a 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA with the main effects “Group”
(VE or placebo) and “Time” (T0, T1, and T2). We used the Mauch-
ly test to assess the sphericity and applied the Greenhouse-Geisser
correction when appropriate. The repeated-measure analyses were
followed by pair-wise comparison with the Bonferroni correction.
Data are means ± SE. An α value of <0.05 was considered signifi-
The study was well-tolerated without adverse events.
RMT, MEP amplitude, CSP duration, sensorimotor inte-
gration assessed with SAI and LAI, and neuromuscular
and motorneurons and excitability assessed with M
and F-wave did not differ between groups ( Table1 ). We
then tested intracortical excitability with the paired-pulse
paradigm. SICI was not affected by valerian intake (VE:
T0 38.54 ± 4.2%, T1 34.1 ± 4.9%, and T2 39.68 ± 3.7%;
placebo: T0 43.17 ± 4.3%, T1 41.1 ± 4.3%, and T2 42.04 ±
4.5% [Group: F
1, 56 = 0.71, p = 0.4; Time: F
2, 56 = 1.3, p =
0.2; Group × Time interaction: F
2, 56 = 0.52, p = 0.5]).
However, VE intake decreased the amount of ICF (VE:
T0 150.9 ± 7%, T1 114.8 ± 6.9%, and T2 155.7 ± 7.6%;
placebo: T0 153.4 ± 6.1%, T1 155.5 ± 5.7%, and T2 159.4
± 6.3% [Group: F
1, 56 = 3.5, p = 0.06; Time: F
2, 56 = 17.4,
p 0.0001; Group × Time interaction: F
2, 56 = 15, p
0.0001]). Post hoc analysis indicated that there was a sta-
tistically significant difference between T0 and T1 ( p
0.0001) but no difference between T0 and T2 ( p = 0.1).
The pair-wise comparison also indicated that in the VE
Table 1. Comparison of cortical excitability, sensorimotor integration, and neuromuscular and notorneuronal excitability before (T0)
and 1 h (T1) and 6 h (T2) after VE and placebo intake
VE Placebo Group × Time
T0 T1 T2 T 0 T1 T2
RMT, % 43.2 ± 1.9 43 ± 1.4 43.2 ± 1.9 43.4 ± 1.8 43.3 ± 2 43.5 ± 1.8 F2, 56 = 0.01, p = 0.9
MEP, mV 0.67 ± 0.08 0.69 ± 0.07 0.73 ± 0.08 0.75 ± 0.07 0.76 ± 0.1 0.71 ± 0.08 F2, 56 = 0.8, p = 0.4
CSP, ms 139.6 ± 3.6 139.5 ± 3.7 140.2 ± 3.7 143.3 ± 3.7 144.7 ± 2.9 142.8 ± 2.9 F2, 56 = 1.1, p = 0.3
SAI, % 85.5 ± 4.1 82.7 ± 4 84.4 ± 4.1 82.3 ± 4.4 81.7 ± 4.7 82.2 ± 3.6 F2, 56 = 0.03, p = 0.9
LAI, % 73.4 ± 5 74.3 ± 4.6 75 ± 5.1 88.7 ± 5.5 81.5 ± 3.6 82.5 ± 4.8 F2, 56 = 0.03, p = 0.9
Mmax, mV 16 ± 1.1 16.4 ± 1 16.4 ± 1 15.6 ± 1.2 15.4 ± 1.1 15.7 ± 1.3 F2, 56 = 0.7, p = 0.9
amplitude, μV 311.1 ± 19.7 310.4 ± 13.1 304.9 ± 12.9 280.8 ± 17.9 284.6 ± 17.9 296.8 ± 19.2 F2, 56 = 0.47, p = 0.69
Error bars indicate standard errors. RMT, resting motor threshold; MEP, motor-evoked potential; CSP, cortical silent period; SAI,
short-latency afferent inhibition; LAI, long-latency afferent inhibition; Mmax, maximum M wave; VE, Valeriana officinalis extract.
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Valerian and Cortical Circuits Neuropsychobiology 2017;75:46–51
DOI: 10.1159/000480053
group, there was a difference between T0 and T1 ( p =
0.001) but not between T0 and T2 ( p = 0.5). The amount
of ICF did not change in the placebo group (T0 vs. T1:
p = 0.2; T0 vs. T2: p = 0.7) ( Fig.1 ).
The results of this study provide evidence that acute
administration of VE in healthy humans affects motor
cortex excitability with a specific effect on the ICF. The
decrease in the amount of ICF is reversible.
Mechanistically, the impact of acute VE intake on cor-
tical excitability can be explained by taking the physiol-
ogy of ICF into consideration. In cortical brain slices, a
single electrical stimulus to the deep cortical layers evokes
a sequence of postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in the resting
neuron: first, a brief excitation, then a short-latency fast
inhibition, and then long-latency, more prolonged inhi-
[23] . It has been suggested that ICF relates to slow
excitatory PSPs induced by activation of the N-methyl-
D -
aspartate (NMDA) receptor
[24] , and indexes GABA
A re-
ceptor activity (the fast-inhibition PSP)
[18] . Previous
pharmaco-TMS studies demonstrated that ICF is de-
creased by the NMDAR antagonists, dextromethorphan
[25] , memantine [26] , and riluzole [27] . In addition, the
contribution of GABA
A inhibition to ICF is supported by
the decrease in ICF induced by a single dose of lorazepam
[28] , zolpidem, and diazepam [29] , indicating that GA-
A agonists contribute to the net facilitation represent-
ed by ICF. In contrast, NE system modulators enhance
[30] . These mechanisms are remarkably consistent
with the premise that VE, and, particularly valerenic acid,
the main component of VE, allosterically modulate GA-
A receptors and, in this way, are thought to induce anx-
iolytic activity
[31–34] . A similar modulatory effect on
the GABA
A channel was demonstrated for other compo-
nents of the VE such as alerenol, 6-methylapigenin, and
[35, 36] . To this extent, our findings provide sup-
port for a similar modulation in humans. The lack of ef-
fect on SICI might be explained by the fact that valerenic
acid is a subunit-specific (β
3 ) allosteric modulator of GA-
A receptors [34, 37] . Furthermore, a point mutation in
the β
3 GABA A receptor subunit prevents the ability of
valerenic acid to display anxiolytic-like activity in vivo
while the administration of diazepam still maintains the
anxiolytic-like activity, as tested with the elevated plus
maze and the light/dark choice tests
[32] . These data in-
dicate that VE targets neuronal circuits expressing β
3 -
containing GABA
A receptors, while the anxiolytic activ-
ity of benzodiazepines has been shown to be mediated via
2 GABA A receptors [38] . This specific inhibitory effect
might explain the lack of activity on SICI and the net ef-
fect on ICF.
In addition, there is in vitro and in vivo evidence that
VE modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission. For in-
stance, valerian and valerenic acid have anxiolytic prop-
erties as tested with the dark/light preference task with
zebrafish. This anxiolytic effect of valerian and valerenic
acid is abolished after the administration of LAP3 (an
mGluR I antagonist) and EGLU (an mGluR II antagonist)
[39] . Furthermore, VE has a modest inhibitory effect on
3H dizocilpine (MK-801) binding, an indicator of NMDA-
valerian interactions
[40] . In light of the modest effect on
the NMDA receptor, it is likely that the modulation of
glutamatergic neurotransmission does not play a pivotal
role in inducing the decrease in ICF that we observed in
our study.
There is evidence that VE can reduce the turnover of
5-hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine (NE) in the
hippocampus and amygdala, reducing, in this way, the
negative effect of stress in mice
[14] . In addition, VE ad-
ministration in rats decreased NE, dopamine, and 5-hy-
droxytryptamine concentrations in the frontal cortex
[41] . A similar effect at the cortical level in humans could
be capable of influencing the amount of ICF
[18] . We
should acknowledge that calcium-channel agonists con-
sistently increase ICF
[30] ; nonetheless, the assumption
of a top-down regulation of ICF induced by the NE brain
ICF, % of the unconditioned MEP
T0 T1 T2
Fig. 1. VE intake induced a reversible decrease in the amount of
ICF. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. * * p < 0.01.
VE, Valeriana officinalis extract; ICF, intracortical facilitation;
MEP, motor-evoked potential. T0, before the intake; T1, 1 h after
the intake; T2, 6 h after the intake.
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Neuropsychobiology 2017;75:46–51
DOI: 10.1159/000480053
concentration is speculative at the moment. Further-
more, previous TMS studies carried out in a clinical con-
text highlighted the electrophysiological role of ICF
changes as potential markers of a glutamate-mediated
adaptive response or compensatory neuroplastic phe-
[42–47] . Thus, we cannot rule out an indirect
(adaptive) modulatory effect on ICF.
This study has limitations. First we tested only the rec-
ommended therapeutic dose. Future studies should ad-
dress dose-dependent effects on cortical excitability. In
addition, we tested only 1 commercially available, stan-
dardized VE that contained a high concentration of
valerenic acid. Different VE formulations should be in-
vestigated to assess the contribution of different active
molecules. In our study, an acute dose of α-tocoferol did
not affect cortical excitability in humans, but we cannot
exclude a possible modulation of TMS parameters not in-
vestigated in the study. Lastly, the results need to be rep-
licated in larger studies measuring the overall significance
of the explanatory variables and the way they are com-
bined, not just the individual variables by themselves.
In conclusion, these findings provide the first evidence
that VE affects excitatory intracortical circuits in humans.
We expect that these results will encourage pharmaco-
TMS research aimed at advancing our understanding of
the mechanism of action of complementary and alterna-
tive medicine currently used as a treatment for a variety
of neurological and psychiatric disorders. It remains to be
determined whether the VE neuromodulatory effects are
present in depressed patients and correlate with disease
severity and clinical outcome.
Disclosure Statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Биоактивные компоненты, входящие в состав седативных препаратов растительного происхождения, воздействуют на механизмы важнейших регуляторных нейротрансмиттерных и нейромодуляторных систем мозга. Так, экспериментально и клинически было установлено, что препараты валерианы снижают рефлекторную возбудимость в центральных отделах нервной системы и усиливают тормозные процессы в нейронах корковых и подкорковых структур головного мозга [41,42]. Валериана лекарственная (Valeriana officinalis L.), представитель семейства валериановых (Valerianaceae), -хорошо известное лекарственное растение, биологически активные вещества которого обладают доказанным седативным, анксиолитическим и кардиотропным действием [42][43][44][45][46][47]. ...
... Так, экспериментально и клинически было установлено, что препараты валерианы снижают рефлекторную возбудимость в центральных отделах нервной системы и усиливают тормозные процессы в нейронах корковых и подкорковых структур головного мозга [41,42]. Валериана лекарственная (Valeriana officinalis L.), представитель семейства валериановых (Valerianaceae), -хорошо известное лекарственное растение, биологически активные вещества которого обладают доказанным седативным, анксиолитическим и кардиотропным действием [42][43][44][45][46][47]. ...
... Аналогичным образом действует входящий в состав препарата Корвалол Фито синтетический этиловый эфир α-бромизовалериановой кислоты. Изовалериановая кислота является активным изомером действующего вещества Valeriana officinalis, обладает седативным действием благодаря способности связываться и изменять активность ГАМК А рецепторов, оказывает благоприятное влияние на качество сна и засыпание вследствие того, что выступает как частичный агонист 5-НТ5a (серотониновых) рецепторов с высоким потенциалом связывания [41,42,46]. ...
Stress defines a cluster of psychophysiological responses aimed at enabling resources to solve difficult situations, as well as restoring and maintaining homeostasis in the body. Stress is a combination of physiological, neuroendocrine, behavioural and emotional responses to new or threatening stimuli and serves as a protective adaptation of the body under physiological conditions. In accordance with the effect on the body, beneficial and negative stress is distinguished. Stress can be divided into “chronic” and “acute”. The intensity of the physiological response to a stressor is highly individual and situationally dependent. Many variables, including personal attributes, coping strategies, social support, and past experiences may modify the physiological stress response in any given situation and can account for the different response of people exposed to the same stressor. Intense and persistent stress can lead to psychological and pathological body injury. Stress has a significant impact on different brain regions, including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala etc. Depression, anxiety, cognitive deficits, and even stress-induced mental diseases are closely related to functional and structural damage of the related brain regions. Repetitive daily acute stress can be associated with different diseases, first of all cardiovascular diseases, which affect quality of life and can cut short life expectancy. Timely treatment is required to prevent progression of early stress reactions to chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, especially in individuals at high risk. Advanced stress and anxiety management interventions include non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments.
... It is also reported that St. John's wort stimulates the liver to produce an enzyme which is a potent antidote against various toxins. The sulphur present in Garlic can reportedly neutralize arsenic present Anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic ( Eruygur et al., 2020) ↓DPPH and ABTS, ↓activity of AChE, BchE, tyrosinase, ɑamylase and ɑglucosidase, ↓ MDA-MB-231 cells (Eruygur et al., 2020) Phenols, flavonoids, Linoleic acid, isosorbide, cyclodecane, phytol ( Eruygur et al., 2020) Anxiolytic, antiepileptic, antidepressant, neuroprotective (Mineo et al., 2017), anti-tumor (Honma et al., 2019) spasmolytic, analgesic, sedative (Farah et al., 2019) ↓dizocilpine (MK-801) binding, ↓5hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine ( Mineo et al., 2017) Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, iridoids, steroids, phenolic compounds , valerenic acid (Mineo et al., 2017) Abbreviations used in last column: TF-Tiryāq-i-Fārūq; M-Mathrūdīṭūs; TAZ-Tiryāq-i-'Azirah; TAR-Tiryāq-i-Arba'ah; TT-Tiryāq-i-Thamāniyah in the blood (Mayor, 2018). F. vulgare can improve the neurotoxicity caused by lead poisoning . ...
... It is also reported that St. John's wort stimulates the liver to produce an enzyme which is a potent antidote against various toxins. The sulphur present in Garlic can reportedly neutralize arsenic present Anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic ( Eruygur et al., 2020) ↓DPPH and ABTS, ↓activity of AChE, BchE, tyrosinase, ɑamylase and ɑglucosidase, ↓ MDA-MB-231 cells (Eruygur et al., 2020) Phenols, flavonoids, Linoleic acid, isosorbide, cyclodecane, phytol ( Eruygur et al., 2020) Anxiolytic, antiepileptic, antidepressant, neuroprotective (Mineo et al., 2017), anti-tumor (Honma et al., 2019) spasmolytic, analgesic, sedative (Farah et al., 2019) ↓dizocilpine (MK-801) binding, ↓5hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine ( Mineo et al., 2017) Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, iridoids, steroids, phenolic compounds , valerenic acid (Mineo et al., 2017) Abbreviations used in last column: TF-Tiryāq-i-Fārūq; M-Mathrūdīṭūs; TAZ-Tiryāq-i-'Azirah; TAR-Tiryāq-i-Arba'ah; TT-Tiryāq-i-Thamāniyah in the blood (Mayor, 2018). F. vulgare can improve the neurotoxicity caused by lead poisoning . ...
... It is also reported that St. John's wort stimulates the liver to produce an enzyme which is a potent antidote against various toxins. The sulphur present in Garlic can reportedly neutralize arsenic present Anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic ( Eruygur et al., 2020) ↓DPPH and ABTS, ↓activity of AChE, BchE, tyrosinase, ɑamylase and ɑglucosidase, ↓ MDA-MB-231 cells (Eruygur et al., 2020) Phenols, flavonoids, Linoleic acid, isosorbide, cyclodecane, phytol ( Eruygur et al., 2020) Anxiolytic, antiepileptic, antidepressant, neuroprotective (Mineo et al., 2017), anti-tumor (Honma et al., 2019) spasmolytic, analgesic, sedative (Farah et al., 2019) ↓dizocilpine (MK-801) binding, ↓5hydroxytryptamine and norepinephrine ( Mineo et al., 2017) Monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, iridoids, steroids, phenolic compounds , valerenic acid (Mineo et al., 2017) Abbreviations used in last column: TF-Tiryāq-i-Fārūq; M-Mathrūdīṭūs; TAZ-Tiryāq-i-'Azirah; TAR-Tiryāq-i-Arba'ah; TT-Tiryāq-i-Thamāniyah in the blood (Mayor, 2018). F. vulgare can improve the neurotoxicity caused by lead poisoning . ...
Background The theriac, known in Arabic as tiryāq, is a medicinal panacea and an alexipharmic which was conceptualized during the 2nd century BC. During medieval ages, the Unani physicians employed various theriac formulations as an antidote, health-protective, and therapeutic in various disorders. In general, the theriac formulations contained many drugs having heath-protective, preventive, and restorative effects. Since the advent of COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a renewed interest in theriac formulations, and researches are underway to elaborate the scientific basis of their action mechanism. This article is an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of theriac in Unani literature, as well as to elaborate on the potential mode of actions. Methods Selected authoritative and comprehensive textbooks of Unani medicine and leading scientific websites (MEDLINE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer, and PubMed Central) were explored for information regarding the theriac in Unani classical literature, and its potential usefulness in the present era. No time duration was specified for the search as certain drugs are now relatively obsolete. The keywords used for the search were ‘theriac’, ‘health’, ‘bioactive constituents’, ‘infection’, and ‘antidote’, etc., accompanied by names of drugs. Results Pharmacological researches on theriac ingredients have revealed the presence of several bioactive compounds, having anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, antivenin, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, cytotoxic, etc. activities.‎ An interesting step in theriac preparation is the process of maturation. It is scientifically proven that during maturation, the drugs undergo biotransformation through fermentation. Besides, certain drugs like Saffron, Celery, and Fennel, etc. increase bioavailability of other drugs. Overall, the Theriac formulations are a complex mixture of health-preservative, protective, therapeutic and restorative drugs. Conclusions The theriac formulations contain a thoughtful mixture of ingredients, which have health-protective as well as restorative effects. It is known that most toxins as well as biological disease-causing agents damage the vital organs and processes which lead to complications and death. Hence, the theriac formulations can provide the much-needed protection to these organs, and also maintain the physiological processes, and gives the body the necessary time and strength to recover from these adverse effects.
... [25] Berberis is the source of berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid. Studies on this ingredient showed anticonvulsant and Allosteric modulation of GABA-A receptors that induces the anxiolytic activity [116][117][118][119][120] antispasmodic properties. By weakening the sympathetic nervous system, it also reduces nausea and diarrhea. ...
... The identification of a potential mechanism included the induction of anxiolytic action through allosteric regulation of GABA-A receptors. [119] Valerenol and valerenic acid are two significant active ingredients that have been linked to anxiolytic and CNS depressive effects. It has been revealed that these substances act at several types of recombinant GABA[A] receptors. ...
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There is a global increase in the number of reported cases of drug misuse and addictions. In addition to several healthissues, the addict-forming substance affects society economically. Cocaine, heroin, opium, alcohol, nicotine, andmarijuana are a few of the major substances that are abused. These agents’ inexpensive cost and wide availabilitycontribute to their abuse. Many conventional medications are available to treat substance abuse-related disorders,but they come with several side effects. One potential treatment option for the issues experienced by addicts isthe use of alternative medications obtained from natural sources. The current study provided an overview ofa few published studies that suggested herbal medication may be effective in reducing withdrawal symptoms.The information was obtained from the Web of Science, NCBI, PUBMED, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. Theretrieved data were analyzed to determine the active constituent present in the plant material, the type of addictsubstance tested, and the possible mechanism identified. The research identified some of the plants that have beenreported to be effective in the management of substance abuse complications. Information analysis revealed thatplant-based medications helped lessen anxiety, pain, insomnia, and deviant conduct, among other consequences ofsubstance usage. Withdrawal as well as dependence liabilities due to addictive agents were found to be reduced.The plant-based medicines exhibited their action on brain centers involving dopaminergic, serotonergic, andadrenergic transmission. The observations from the study revealed that herbal medicines were effective in themanagement of substance abuse complications. However, most of the investigations were conducted using preclinical testing models. Therefore, it can be said that while herbal medications showed promise in treating drugabuse-related problems, further study is necessary to pinpoint the exact safety and effectiveness of these agents.
... As partes subterrâneas (raízes e rizomas) representam as principais partes da planta que são usadas para a obtenção de intermediários que permitem seu uso na preparação de chá medicinal, cápsula, comprimido, extrato hidroetanólico, extrato aquoso, tinturas, extrato seco e óleo essencial. Alguns estudos prévios indicam que a V. officinalis tem efeito antioxidante, neuroprotetor e modula neurotransmissores cerebrais, além de atividade ansiolítica, antidepressiva e antiepilética já constados em modelos animais [6,14,15,20] . ...
... Análises que comprovem a qualidade de manejo, produção e armazenamento das drogas vegetais, assim como de todos os IFAV comercializados são importantes para a saúde da população, pois garantem um produto com boas condições físicas e biológicas. Embora raízes e rizomas de V. officinalis sejam as partes da planta mais empregadas por concentrarem os ativos, podem também apresentar a maior concentração de microrganismos patogênicos oriundos do solo, fato que torna compulsório a necessidade do controle de qualidade microbiológicos rigoroso da droga vegetal [20] . ...
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A qualidade dos Insumos Farmacêuticos Ativos Vegetais (IFAV) obtidos a partir de plantas medicinais depende de um minucioso controle de qualidade que garantam sua segurança física e biológica. Os derivados de espécies vegetais que têm ação no Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) são muito utilizados por causarem menos efeitos adversos que os psicofármacos sintéticos, o que motiva a busca por tratamentos alternativos e seguros. Entre as espécies medicinais com esta finalidade terapêutica destaca-se a Valeriana officinalis L. (Caprifoliaceae Juss.). Este estudo avaliou a qualidade microbiológica da droga vegetal e extrato seco de V. officinalis vendidas em comércios da cidade Goiânia (GO). Realizou-se a contagem de microrganismos mesofílicos e pesquisa de microrganismos patogênicos de 16 amostras. O resultado da contagem indicou que 56,25% das amostras de droga vegetal avaliadas não atendiam as especificações farmacopeicas por apresentarem elevada carga microbiana na contagem de fungos e bactérias. A pesquisa de patógenos evidenciou o crescimento de Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa na droga vegetal. Já as amostras de extrato seco apresentaram 100% de aprovação. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a importância do controle de qualidade dos IFAV e necessidade de maior fiscalização das drogas vegetais e demais derivados vegetais de fácil acesso da popular.
... The CSP duration is defined as the time between the onset of MEP evoked by suprathreshold stimulation and the recovery of EMG signal. 8,9 Each three stimuli were grouped into one session (5 s interval), and a total of three sessions were completed, with CSP duration defined as the average of the ninestimulus data. In addition, risk attitude and CSP were negatively correlated in the infected group (r = −0.482, ...
... Another study demonstrated that a single oral dose of valerian extract, but at a higher dose of 900 mg/day, affects motor cortex excitability with a significant reduction in ICF (intracortical facilitation), which returns to baseline 6 hours after administering valerian extract. This effect on ICF might be explained by allosterically modulating GABA receptors with valerian extract, leading to anxiolytic-like activity [211]. ...
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Anxiety disorders significantly reduce patients' quality of life. Current pharmacological treatments, primarily benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are associated with numerous side effects. Consequently, there is a continual search for alternative methods to traditional therapies that are less burdensome for patients and broaden their therapeutic options. In this review, we examined recent evidence on alternative treatments for anxiety disorders, including physical activity, mindfulness, VR technology, biofeedback, herbal remedies, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), cryotherapy, hyperbaric therapy, vagus nerve stimulation, MDMA, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Our objective was to determine the role of these selected alternative methods in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Alternative treatments significantly expand the options available to patients and clinicians, with many serving as adjuncts to traditional therapies. Among the methods presented, mindfulness has the most significant therapeutic potential.
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Background: Anxiety disorders significantly reduce patients’ quality of life. Current pharmacological treatments, primarily benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are associated with numerous side effects. Consequently, there is a continual search for alternative methods to traditional therapies that are less burdensome for patients and broaden their therapeutic options. Our objective was to determine the role of selected alternative methods in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Methods: In this review, we examined recent evidence on alternative treatments for anxiety disorders, including physical activity, mindfulness, virtual reality (VR) technology, biofeedback, herbal remedies, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), cryotherapy, hyperbaric therapy, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. For this purpose we reviewed PubMed and after initial search, we excluded works unrelated to our aim, non-orginal data and animal studies. We conducted second search to cover all minor methods. Results: We included 116 studies, which data is presented in Tables. We have investigated which methods can support treatment and which can be used as a stand-alone treatment. We assessed the risks to benefits of using alternative treatments. Conclusion: Alternative treatments significantly expand the options available to patients and clinicians, with many serving as adjuncts to traditional therapies. Among the methods presented, mindfulness has the most significant therapeutic potential.
The present study discusses the relevance of terms “officinale“ and “officinalis“ as plant species names inRomanian flora. Among the species identified in Romanian flora that bear these names and suggestmedicinal properties, literature data confirm them for several species, while medicinal value of other herbalsremains unclear.
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Background: Stroke is a disease with a high fatality rate worldwide and a major cause of long-term disability. In the rehabilitation of limb motor function after stroke, the rehabilitation of upper limb function takes a long time and the recovery progress is slow, which seriously affects the patients' self-care ability in daily life. Repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been increasingly used to improve limb dysfunction in patients with stroke. However, a standardized reference for selecting a magnetic stimulation regimen is not available. Whether to increase the inhibition of the contralateral hemispheric motor cortex remains controversial. This study has evaluated the effects of different rTMS stimulation programs on upper limb function and corresponding brain functional network characteristics of patients with stroke and sought a new objective standard based on changes in brain network parameters to guide accurate rTMS stimulation programs. Method: Thirty-six patients with stroke were selected and divided into control group and treatment group by number table method, with 18 patients in each group, and 3 patients in the control group were turned out and lost due to changes in disease condition. The treatment group was divided into two groups. TMS1 group was given 1 Hz magnetic stimulation in the M1 region of the contralesional hemisphere +10 Hz magnetic stimulation in the M1 region of the affected hemisphere, and the TMS2 group was given 10 Hz magnetic stimulation in the M1 region of the affected hemisphere. The control group was given false stimulation. The treatment course was once a day for 5 days a week for 4 weeks. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment for upper extremity (FMA-UE) sand near-infrared brain function were collected before treatment, 2 weeks after treatment, and 4 weeks after treatment, and the brain function network was constructed. Changes in brain oxygenated hemoglobin concentration and brain network parameters were analyzed with the recovery of motor function (i.e., increased FMA score). Meanwhile, according to the average increment of brain network parameters, the rTMS stimulation group was divided into two groups with good efficacy and poor efficacy. Network parameters of the two groups before and after rTMS treatment were analyzed statistically. Results: (1) Before treatment, there was no statistical difference in Fugl-Meyer score between the control group and the magnetic stimulation group (p = 0.178).Compared with before treatment, Fugl-Meyer scores of 2 and 4 weeks after treatment were significantly increased in both groups (p <0.001), and FMA scores of 4 weeks after treatment were significantly improved compared with 2 weeks after treatment (p < 0.001). FMA scores increased faster in the magnetic stimulation group at 2 and 4 weeks compared with the control group at the same time point (p <0.001).TMS1 and TMS2 were compared at the same time point, FMA score in TMS2 group increased more significantly after 4 weeks of treatment (p = 0.010). (2) Before treatment, HbO2 content in healthy sensory motor cortex (SMC) area of magnetic stimulation group and control group was higher than that in other region of interest (ROI) area, but there was no significant difference in ROI between the two groups. After 4 weeks of treatment, the HbO2 content in the healthy SMC area was significantly decreased (p < 0.001), while the HbO2 content in the affected SMC area was significantly increased, and the change was more significant in the magnetic stimulation group (p < 0.001). (3) In-depth study found that with the recovery of motor function (FMA upper limb score increase ≥4 points) after magnetic stimulation intervention, brain network parameters were significantly improved. The mean increment of network parameters in TMS1 group and TMS2 group was significantly different (χ 2 = 5.844, p = 0.016). TMS2 group was more advantageous than TMS1 group in improving the mean increment of brain network parameters. Conclusion: (1) The rTMS treatment is beneficial to the recovery of upper limb motor function in stroke patients, and can significantly improve the intensity of brain network connection and reduce the island area. The island area refers to an isolated activated brain area that cannot transmit excitation to other related brain areas. (2) When the node degree of M1_Healthy region less than 0.52, it is suggested to perform promotion therapy only in the affected hemisphere. While the node degree greater than 0.52, and much larger than that in the M1_affected region. it is suggested that both inhibition in the contralesional hemisphere and high-frequency excitatory magnetic stimulation in the affected hemisphere can be performed. (3) In different brain functional network connection states, corresponding adjustment should be made to the treatment plan of rTMS to achieve optimal therapeutic effect and precise rehabilitation treatment.
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Objective Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in de novo patients with Celiac Disease previously revealed an imbalance in the excitability of cortical facilitatory and inhibitory circuits. After a median period of 16 months of gluten-free diet, a global increase of cortical excitability was reported, suggesting a glutamate-mediated compensation for disease progression. We have now evaluated cross-sectionally the changes of cortical excitability to TMS after a much longer gluten-free diet. Methods Twenty patients on adequate gluten-free diet for a mean period of 8.35 years were enrolled and compared with 20 de novo patients and 20 healthy controls. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation measures, recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of the dominant hand, consisted of: resting motor threshold, cortical silent period, motor evoked potentials, central motor conduction time, mean short-latency intracortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation. Results The cortical silent period was shorter in de novo patients, whereas in gluten-free diet participants it was similar to controls. The amplitude of motor responses was significantly smaller in all patients than in controls, regardless of the dietary regimen. Notwithstanding the diet, all patients exhibited a statistically significant decrease of mean short-latency intracortical inhibition and enhancement of intracortical facilitation with respect to controls; more intracortical facilitation in gluten-restricted compared to non-restricted patients was also observed. Neurological examination and celiac disease-related antibodies were negative. Conclusions In this new investigation, the length of dietary regimen was able to modulate the electrocortical changes in celiac disease. Nevertheless, an intracortical synaptic dysfunction, mostly involving excitatory and inhibitory interneurons within the motor cortex, may persist. The clinical significance of subtle neurophysiological changes in celiac disease needs to be further investigated.
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In the last years, there has been a significant growth in the literature exploiting transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with the aim at gaining further insights into the electrophysiological and neurochemical basis underlying vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). Overall, TMS points at enhanced brain cortical excitability and synaptic plasticity in VCI, especially in patients with overt dementia, and neurophysiological changes seem to correlate with disease process and progress. These findings have been interpreted as part of a glutamate-mediated compensatory effect in response to vascular lesions. Although a single TMS parameter owns low specificity, a panel of measures can support the VCI diagnosis, predict progression, and possibly identify early markers of “brain at risk” for future dementia, thus making VCI a potentially preventable cause of both vascular and degenerative dementia in late life. Moreover, TMS can be also exploited to select and evaluate the responders to specific drugs, as well as to become an innovative rehabilitative tool in the attempt to restore impaired neural plasticity. The present review provides a perspective of the different TMS techniques by further understanding the cortical electrophysiology and the role of distinctive neurotransmission pathways and networks involved in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of VCI and its subtypes.
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Background . Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) highlighted functional changes in dementia, whereas there are few data in patients with vascular cognitive impairment-no dementia (VCI-ND). Similarly, little is known about the neurophysiological impact of vascular depression (VD) on deterioration of cognitive functions. We test whether depression might affect not only cognition but also specific cortical circuits in subcortical vascular disease. Methods . Sixteen VCI-ND and 11 VD patients, age-matched with 15 controls, underwent a clinical-cognitive, neuroimaging, and TMS assessment. After approximately two years, all participants were prospectively reevaluated. Results . At baseline, a significant more pronounced intracortical facilitation (ICF) was found in VCI-ND patients. Reevaluation revealed an increase of the global excitability in both VCI-ND and VD subjects. At follow-up, the ICF of VCI-ND becomes similar to the other groups. Only VD patients showed cognitive deterioration. Conclusions . Unlike VD, the hyperfacilitation found at baseline in VCI-ND patients suggests enhanced glutamatergic neurotransmission that might contribute to the preservation of cognitive functioning. The hyperexcitability observed at follow-up in both groups of patients also indicates functional changes in glutamatergic neurotransmission. The mechanisms enhancing the risk of dementia in VD might be related either to subcortical vascular lesions or to the lack of compensatory functional cortical changes.
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Anticonvulsant properties have been attributed to extracts of the herbal medicine Valeriana officinalis. Our aims were to examine the anticonvulsant properties of valerenic acid and valerian extracts and to determine whether valerian preparations interact with the activity of other anti-epileptic drugs (phenytoin or clonazepam). To achieve these goals, we validated the adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, as an animal model for studying anticonvulsant drugs. All drug treatments were administered by immersion in water containing the drug. For assays of anticonvulsant activity, zebrafish were pretreated with: anti-epileptic drugs, valerenic acid, aqueous or ethanolic valerian extracts, or mixtures (phenytoin or clonazepam with valerenic acid or valerian extracts). Seizures were then induced with pentylenetetrazole (PTZ). A behavioral scale was developed for scoring PTZ-induced seizures in adult zebrafish. The seizure latency was evaluated for all pretreatments and control, untreated fish. Valerenic acid and both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of valerian root were also evaluated for their ability to improve survival after pentylenetetrazole-challenge. The assay was validated by comparison with well-studied anticonvulsant drugs (phenytoin, clonazepam, gabapentin and valproate). One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test was performed, using a p < 0.05 level of significance. All treatments were compared with the untreated animals and with the other pretreatments. After exposure to pentylenetetrazole, zebrafish exhibited a series of stereotypical behaviors prior to the appearance of clonic-like movements-convulsions. Both valerenic acid and valerian extracts (aqueous and ethanolic) significantly extended the latency period to the onset of seizure (convulsion) in adult zebrafish. The ethanolic valerian extract was a more potent anticonvulsant than the aqueous extract. Valerenic acid and both valerian extracts interacted synergistically with clonazepam to extended the latency period to the onset of seizure. Phenytoin showed interaction only with the ethanolic valerian extracts. Valerenic acid and valerian extracts have anticonvulsant properties in adult zebrafish. Valerian extracts markedly enhanced the anticonvulsant effect of both clonazepam and phenytoin, and could contribute to therapy of epileptic patients.
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An imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic excitability was observed in de novo patients with celiac disease (CD) in a previous study with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), suggesting a subclinical involvement of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission in asymptomatic patients. The aim of this investigation was to monitor the eventual changes in the same cohort of patients, evaluated after a period of gluten-free diet. Patients were re-evaluated after a median period of 16 months during which an adequate gluten-free diet was maintained. Clinical, cognitive and neuropsychiatric assessment was repeated, as well as cortical excitability by means of single- and paired-pulse TMS from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of the dominant hand. Compared to baseline, patients showed a significant decrease of the median resting motor threshold (from 35% to 33%, p<0.01). The other single-pulse (cortical silent period, motor evoked potentials latency and amplitude, central motor conduction time) and paired-pulse TMS measures (intracortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation) did not change significantly after the follow-up period. Antibodies were still present in 7 subjects. In patients under a gluten-free diet, a global increase of cortical excitability was observed, suggesting a glutamate-mediated functional reorganization compensating for disease progression. We hypothesize that glutamate receptor activation, probably triggered by CD-related immune system dysregulation, might result in a long-lasting motor cortex hyperexcitability with increased excitatory post-synaptic potentials, probably related to phenomena of long-term plasticity. The impact of the gluten-free diet on subclinical neurological abnormalities needs to be further explored.
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These guidelines provide an up-date of previous IFCN report on "Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord and roots: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical application" (Rossini et al., 1994). A new Committee, composed of international experts, some of whom were in the panel of the 1994 "Report", was selected to produce a current state-of-the-art review of non-invasive stimulation both for clinical application and research in neuroscience. Since 1994, the international scientific community has seen a rapid increase in non-invasive brain stimulation in studying cognition, brain-behavior relationship and pathophysiology of various neurologic and psychiatric disorders. New paradigms of stimulation and new techniques have been developed. Furthermore, a large number of studies and clinical trials have demonstrated potential therapeutic applications of non-invasive brain stimulation, especially for TMS. Recent guidelines can be found in the literature covering specific aspects of non-invasive brain stimulation, such as safety (Rossi et al., 2009), methodology (Groppa et al., 2012) and therapeutic applications (Lefaucheur et al., 2014). This up-dated review covers theoretical, physiological and practical aspects of non-invasive stimulation of brain, spinal cord, nerve roots and peripheral nerves in the light of more updated knowledge, and include some recent extensions and developments. Copyright © 2015 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
India and China face the same challenge of having too few trained psychiatric personnel to manage effectively the substantial burden of mental illness within their population. At the same time, both countries have many practitioners of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine who are a potential resource for delivery of mental health care. In our paper, part of The Lancet and Lancet Psychiatry's Series about the China–India Mental Health Alliance, we describe and compare types of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine in India and China. Further, we provide a systematic overview of evidence assessing the effectiveness of these alternative approaches for mental illness and discuss challenges in research. We suggest how practitioners of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine and mental health professionals might forge collaborative relationships to provide more accessible, affordable, and acceptable mental health care in India and China. A substantial proportion of individuals with mental illness use traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine, either exclusively or with biomedicine, for reasons ranging from faith and cultural congruence to accessibility, cost, and belief that these approaches are safe. Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine find several approaches to be promising for treatment of mental illness, but most clinical trials included in these systematic reviews have methodological limitations. Contemporary methods to establish efficacy and safety—typically through randomised controlled trials—need to be complemented by other means. The community of practice built on collaborative relationships between practitioners of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine and providers of mental health care holds promise in bridging the treatment gap in mental health care in India and China.
As a medicinal plant, the roots of Valeriana officinalis have been used as a sedative and tranquilizer. In the present study, we evaluated the neuroprotective effects of valerian root extracts (VE) on the hippocampal CA1 region of gerbils after 5 min of transient cerebral ischemia. Gerbils were administered VE orally once a day for 3 weeks, subjected to ischemia/reperfusion injury, and continued on VE for 3 weeks. The administration of 100 mg/kg VE (VE100 group) significantly reduced the ischemia-induced spontaneous motor hyperactivity 1 day after ischemia/reperfusion. Four days after ischemia/reperfusion, animals treated with VE showed abundant cresyl violet-positive neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region when compared to the vehicle or 25 mg/kg VE-treated groups. In addition, the VE treatment markedly decreased microglial activation in the hippocampal CA1 region 4 days after ischemia. Compared to the other groups, the VE100 group showed the lowest level of lipid peroxidation during the first 24 h after ischemia/reperfusion. In summary, the findings in this study suggest that pretreatment with VE has protective effects against ischemic injury in the hippocampal pyramidal neurons by decreasing microglial activation and lipid peroxidation.
The combination of pharmacology and transcranial magnetic stimulation to study the effects of drugs on TMS-evoked EMG responses (pharmaco-TMS-EMG) has considerably improved our understanding of the effects of TMS on the human brain. Ten years have elapsed since an influential review on this topic has been published in this journal (Ziemann, 2004). Since then, several major developments have taken place: TMS has been combined with EEG to measure TMS evoked responses directly from brain activity rather than by motor evoked potentials in a muscle, and pharmacological characterization of the TMS-evoked EEG potentials, although still in its infancy, has started (pharmaco-TMS-EEG). Furthermore, the knowledge from pharmaco-TMS-EMG that has been primarily obtained in healthy subjects is now applied to clinical settings, for instance, to monitor or even predict clinical drug responses in neurological or psychiatric patients. Finally, pharmaco-TMS-EMG has been applied to understand the effects of CNS active drugs on non-invasive brain stimulation induced long-term potentiation-like and long-term depression-like plasticity. This is a new field that may help to develop rationales of pharmacological treatment for enhancement of recovery and re-learning after CNS lesions. This up-dated review will highlight important knowledge and recent advances in the contribution of pharmaco-TMS-EMG and pharmaco-TMS-EEG to our understanding of normal and dysfunctional excitability, connectivity and plasticity of the human brain. Copyright © 2014 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.