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Energy efficiency across programming languages: how do energy, time, and memory relate?

  • Instituto Politécnico da Maia -IPMAIA

Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a study of the runtime, memory usage and energy consumption of twenty seven well-known software languages. We monitor the performance of such languages using ten different programming problems, expressed in each of the languages. Our results show interesting findings, such as, slower/faster languages consuming less/more energy, and how memory usage influences energy consumption. Finally, we show how to use our results to provide software engineers support to decide which language to use when energy efficiency is a concern.
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Energy Eciency across Programming Languages
How Do Energy, Time, and Memory Relate?
Rui Pereira
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Marco Couto
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Francisco Ribeiro, Rui Rua
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jácome Cunha
Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
João Paulo Fernandes
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
João Saraiva
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
This paper presents a study of the runtime, memory usage
and energy consumption of twenty seven well-known soft-
ware languages. We monitor the performance of such lan-
guages using ten dierent programming problems, expressed
in each of the languages. Our results show interesting nd-
ings, such as, slower/faster languages consuming less/more
energy, and how memory usage inuences energy consump-
tion. We show how to use our results to provide software
engineers support to decide which language to use when
energy eciency is a concern.
CCS Concepts Software and its engineering Soft-
ware performance;General programming languages;
Energy Eciency, Programming Languages, Lan-
guage Benchmarking, Green Software
ACM Reference Format:
Rui Pereira, Marco Couto, Francisco Ribeiro, Rui Rua, Jácome Cunha,
João Paulo Fernandes, and João Saraiva. 2017. Energy Eciency
across Programming Languages: How Do Energy, Time, and Mem-
ory Relate?. In Proceedings of 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International
Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE’17). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 12 pages. hps://
1 Introduction
Software language engineering provides powerful techniques
and tools to design, implement and evolve software lan-
guages. Such techniques aim at improving programmers
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SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
©2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5525-4/17/10. . . $15.00
productivity - by incorporating advanced features in the lan-
guage design, like for instance powerful modular and type
systems - and at eciently execute such software - by de-
veloping, for example, aggressive compiler optimizations.
Indeed, most techniques were developed with the main goal
of helping software developers in producing faster programs.
In fact, in the last century performance in software languages
was in almost all cases synonymous of fast execution time
(embedded systems were probably the single exception).
In this century, this reality is quickly changing and soft-
ware energy consumption is becoming a key concern for
computer manufacturers, software language engineers, pro-
grammers, and even regular computer users. Nowadays, it
is usual to see mobile phone users (which are powerful com-
puters) avoiding using CPU intensive applications just to
save battery/energy. While the concern on the computers’
energy eciency started by the hardware manufacturers, it
quickly became a concern for software developers too [
In fact, this is a recent and intensive area of research where
several techniques to analyze and optimize the energy con-
sumption of software systems are being developed. Such
techniques already provide knowledge on the energy e-
ciency of data structures [
] and android language [
the energy impact of dierent programming practices both in
mobile [
] and desktop applications [
], the en-
ergy eciency of applications within the same scope [
or even on how to predict energy consumption in several
software systems [4,14], among several other works.
An interesting question that frequently arises in the soft-
ware energy eciency area is whether a faster program is
also an energy ecient program, or not. If the answer is yes,
then optimizing a program for speed also means optimizing
it for energy, and this is exactly what the compiler con-
struction community has been hardly doing since the very
beginning of software languages. However, energy consump-
tion does not depends only on execution time, as shown
in the equation
Ene rдy =Time ×Po we r
. In fact, there are
several research works showing dierent results regarding
SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada R. Pereira et. al.
this subject [
]. A similar question arises
when comparing software languages: is a faster language, a
greener one? Comparing software languages, however, is an
extremely complex task, since the performance of a language
is inuenced by the quality of its compiler, virtual machine,
garbage collector, available libraries, etc. Indeed, a software
program may become faster by improving its source code,
but also by "just" optimizing its libraries and/or its compiler.
In this paper we analyze the performance of twenty seven
software languages. We consider ten dierent programming
problems that are expressed in each of the languages, follow-
ing exactly the same algorithm, as dened in the Computer
Language Benchmark Game (CLBG) [
]. We compile/ex-
ecute such programs using the state-of-the-art compilers,
virtual machines, interpreters, and libraries for each of the
27 languages. Afterwards, we analyze the performance of
the dierent implementation considering three variables:
execution time, memory consumption and energy consump-
tion. Moreover, we analyze those results according to the
languages’ execution type (compiled, virtual machine and
interpreted), and programming paradigm (imperative, func-
tional, object oriented, scripting) used. For each of the exe-
cution types and programming paradigms, we compiled a
software language ranking according to each variable consid-
ered. Our results show interesting ndings, such as, slower/-
faster software languages consuming less/more energy, and
how memory usage inuences energy consumption. More-
over, we discuss how to use such results to provide software
engineers support to decide which language to use when
energy eciency is a concern.
This work builds on previous work [
] which presents
a framework to allow the monitoring of the energy con-
sumption of executable software programs. In that work, the
C-based framework was used to dene a preliminary ranking
of ten languages (where only energy was considered). We
reuse the energy monitoring framework (briey described in
Section 2.2) to analyze the energy eciency of 27 languages
and (almost) 270 programs. We have also extended it in order
to monitor memory consumption, as well.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2exposes the
detailed steps of our methodology to measure and compare
energy eciency in software languages, followed by a pre-
sentation of the results. Section 3contains the analysis and
discussion on the obtained results, where we rst analyze
whether execution time performance implies energy e-
ciency, then we examine the relation between peak mem-
ory usage and memory energy consumption, and nally we
present a discussion on how energy, time and memory re-
late in the 27 software languages. In Section 4we discuss
the threats to the validity of our study. Section 5presents
the related work, and nally, in Section 6we present the
conclusions of our work.
2 Measuring Energy in Software
The initial motivation and primary focus of this work is to
understand the energy eciency across various program-
ming languages. This might seem like a simple task, but it
is not as trivial as it sounds. To properly compare the en-
ergy eciency between programming languages, we must
obtain various comparable implementations with a good
representation of dierent problems/solutions.
With this in mind, we begin by trying to answer the fol-
lowing research question:
:Can we compare the energy eciency of software
languages? This will allow us to have results in which
we can in fact compare the energy eciency of pop-
ular programming languages. In having these results,
we can also explore the relations between energy con-
sumption, execution time, and memory usage.
The following subsections will detail the methodology
used to answer this question, and the results we obtained.
2.1 The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
In order to obtain a comparable, representative and extensive
set of programs written in many of the most popular and
most widely used programming languages we have explored
The Computer Language Benchmarks Game [12]. (CLBG).
The CLBG initiative includes a framework for running,
testing and comparing implemented coherent solutions for
a set of well-known, diverse programming problems. The
overall motivation is to be able to compare solutions, within
and between, dierent programming languages. While the
perspectives for comparing solutions have originally essen-
tially analyzed runtime performance, the fact is that CLBG
has recently also been used in order to study the energy
eciency of software [6,21,25].
In its current stage, the CLBG has gathered solutions for 13
benchmark problems, such that solutions to each such prob-
lem must respect a given algorithm and specic implemen-
tation guidelines. Solutions to each problem are expressed
in, at most, 28 dierent programming languages.
The complete list of benchmark problems in the CLBG
covers dierent computing problems, as described in Table 1.
Additionally, the complete list of programming languages in
the CLBG is shown in Table 2, sorted by their paradigms.
2.2 Design and Execution
Our case study to analyze the energy eciency of software
languages is based on the CLBG.
From the 28 languages considered in the CLBG, we ex-
cluded Smalltalk since the compiler for that language is pro-
prietary. Also, for comparability, we have discarded bench-
mark problems whose language coverage is below the thresh-
old of 80%. By language coverage we mean, for each bench-
mark problem, the percentage of programming languages
Energy Eiciency across Programming Languages SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
Table 1. CLBG corpus of programs.
Benchmark Description Input
n-body Double precision N-body
simulation 50M
Indexed access to tiny integer
sequence 12
Eigenvalue using the power
method 5,500
mandelbrot Generate Mandelbrot set
portable bitmap le 16,000
pidigits Streaming arbitrary precision
arithmetic 10,000
regex-redux Match DNA 8mers and
substitute magic patterns
fasta Generate and write random
DNA sequences 25M
k-nucleotide Hashtable update and
k-nucleotide strings
Read DNA sequences, write
their reverse-complement
binary-trees Allocate, traverse and
deallocate many binary trees 21
Symmetrical thread rendezvous
requests 6M
Search for solutions to shape
packing puzzle 2,098
thread-ring Switch from thread to thread
passing one token 50M
Table 2. Languages sorted by paradigm
Paradigm Languages
Functional Erlang, F#, Haskell, Lisp, Ocaml, Perl,
Racket, Ruby, Rust;
Imperative Ada, C, C++, F#, Fortran, Go, Ocaml,
Pascal, Rust;
Ada, C++, C#, Chapel, Dart , F#, Java,
JavaScript, Ocaml, Perl, PHP, Python,
Racket, Rust, Smalltalk, Swift,
Dart, Hack, JavaScript, JRuby, Lua, Perl,
PHP, Python, Ruby, TypeScript;
(out of 27) in which solutions for it are available. This criteria
excluded chameneos-redux,meteor-contest and thread-
ring from our study.
We then gathered the most ecient (i.e. fastest) version
of the source code in each of the remaining 10 benchmark
problems, for all the 27 considered programming languages.
The CLBG documentation also provides information about
the specic compiler/runner version used for each language,
as well as the compilation/execution options considered (for
example, optimization ags at compile/run time). We strictly
followed those instructions and installed the correct com-
piler versions, and also ensured that each solution was com-
piled/executed with the same options used in the CLBG.
Once we had the correct compiler and benchmark solutions
for each language, we tested each one individually to make
sure that we could execute it with no errors and that the
output was the expected one.
The next step was to gather the information about en-
ergy consumption, execution time and peak memory usage
for each of the compilable and executable solutions in each
language. It is to be noted that the CLBG already contains
measured information on both the execution time and peak
memory usage. We measured both not only to check the
consistency of our results against the CLBG, but also since
dierent hardware specications would bring about dierent
results. For measuring the energy consumption, we used In-
tel’s Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) tool [
], which
is capable of providing accurate energy estimates at a very
ne-grained level, as it has already been proven [
]. Also,
the current version of RAPL allows it to be invoked from
any program written in Cand Java (through jRAPL [23]).
In order to properly compare the languages, we needed
to collect the energy consumed by a single execution of a
specic solution. In order to do this, we used the
function call in
, which executes the string values which
are given as arguments; in our case, the command necessary
to run a benchmark solution (for example, the
solution written in
is executed by writing the com-
mand /usr/bin/python 21).
The energy consumption of a solution will then be the
energy consumed by the
call, which we measured
using RAPL function calls. The overall process (i.e., the work-
ow of our energy measuring framework
) is described in
Listing 1.
for (i = 0 ; i < N ; i ++ ) {
ti m e_ b ef o r e = ge t Ti m e ( .. .) ;
// p er f or ms i ni ti al e ne rg y me as u re me n t
ra p l_ b e fo r e ( .. .) ;
// e x ec u te s t he p r og r am
sy s te m ( c om ma n d ) ;
// c om p ut es th e di ff er e nc e be tw ee n
// t hi s me as u re m en t an d t he i ni ti a l o ne
ra p l_ a ft e r ( .. . ) ;
ti m e_ e la p se d = g et T im e ( .. .) - t i me _ be f or e ;
Listing 1.
Overall process of the energy measuring
In order to ensure that the overhead from our measur-
ing framework, using the
function, is negligible or
non-existing when compared to actually measuring with
RAPL inside a program’s source code, we design a simple
experiment. It consisted of measuring the energy consump-
tion inside of both a C and Java language solution, using
The measuring framework and the complete set of results are publicly
available at hps://iciency-languages
SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada R. Pereira et. al.
RAPL and jRAPL respectively, and comparing the results to
the measurements from our C language energy measuring
framework. We found the resulting dierences to be insignif-
icant, and therefore negligible, thus we conclude that we
could use this framework without having to worry about
imprecisions in the energy measurements.
Also, we chose to measure the energy consumption and
the execution time of a solution together, since the overhead
will be the same for every measurement, and so this should
not aect the obtained values.
The memory usage of a solution was gathered using the
tool, available in Unix-based systems. This tool runs a
given program, and summarizes the system resources used
by that program, which includes the peak of memory usage.
Each benchmark solution was executed and measured 10
times, in order to obtain 10 energy consumption and execu-
tion time samples. We did so to reduce the impact of cold
starts and cache eects, and to be able to analyze the mea-
surements’ consistency and avoid outliers. We followed the
same approach when gathering results for memory usage.
For some benchmark problems, we could not obtain any
results for certain programming languages. In some cases,
there was no source code available for the benchmark prob-
lem (i.e., no implementation was provided in a concrete lan-
guage which reects a language coverage below 100%).2
In other cases, the code was indeed provided but either the
code itself was already buggy or failing to compile or execute,
as documented in CLBG, or, in spite of our best eorts, we
could not execute it, e.g., due to missing libraries
. From
now on, for each benchmark problem, we will refer as its
execution coverage to the percentage of (best) solutions for
it that we were actually able to successfully execute.
All studies were conducted on a desktop with the fol-
lowing specications: Linux Ubuntu Server 16.10 operating
system, kernel version 4.8.0-22-generic, with 16GB of RAM,
a Haswell Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz.
2.3 Results
The results from our study are partially shown in this section,
with the remainder shown in the online appendix for this
. Table 3, and the left most tables under Results - A.
Data Tables in the appendix, contains the measured data from
dierent benchmark solutions. We only show the results
, and
within the
paper, which are the rst 3 ordered alphabetically. Each row
in a table represents one of the 27 programming languages
which were measured.
The 4 rightmost columns, from left to right, represent the
average values for the Energy consumed (Joules), Time of
execution (milliseconds), Ratio between Energy and Time,
and the amount of peak memory usage in Mb. The Energy
In these cases, we will include an
indication when presenting their
value is the sum of CPU and DRAM energy consumption.
Additionally, the Ratio can also be seen as the average Power,
expressed in Kilowatts (kW). The rows are ordered according
to the programming language’s energy consumption, from
lowest to highest. Finally, the right most tables under Results
- A. Data Tables contain the standard deviation and average
values for our measured CPU, DRAM, and Time, allowing
us to understand the variance.
The rst column states the name of the programming lan-
guages, preceded by either a (c), (i), or (v) classifying them as
either a compiled, interpreted, or virtual-machine language,
respectively. In some cases, the programming language name
will be followed with a
symbol. The rst
set of arrows indicates that the language would go up by
x positions (
) or down by y positions (
) if ordered by
execution time. For example in Table 3, for the
is the second most energy ecient language,
but falls o 6 positions down if ordered by execution time.
The second set of arrows states that the language would go
up by x positions (
) or down by y positions (
) if ordered
according to their peak memory usage. Looking at the same
example benchmark,
, while the most energy ecient,
would drop 9 positions if ordered by peak memory usage.
Table 4shows the global results (on average) for Energy,
Time, and Mb normalized to the most ecient language in
that category. Since the
benchmark solutions only
contained less than half of the languages covered, we did not
consider this one for the global results. The base values are
as follows: Energy for
is 57.86J, Time for
is 2019.26ms, and
Mb for
is 65.96Mb. For instance,
, on average,
consumes 2.27x more energy (131.34J) than
, while taking
2.44x more time to execute (4926.99ms), and 1.92x more
memory (126.64Mb) needed when compared to Pascal.
To better visualize and interpret the data, we also gen-
erated two dierent sets of graphical data for each of the
benchmarks. The rst set, Figures 1-3and the left most g-
ures under Results - C. Energy and Time Graphs in the appen-
dix, contains the results of each language for a benchmark,
consisting of three joint parts: a bar chart, a line chart, and a
scatter plot. The bars represent the energy consumed by the
languages, with the CPU energy consumption on the bottom
half in blue dotted bars and DRAM energy consumption on
the top half in orange solid bars, and the left y-axis represent-
ing the average Joules. The execution time is represented
by the line chart, with the right y-axis representing average
time in milliseconds. The joining of these two charts allow
us to better understand the relationship between energy and
time. Finally, a scatter plot on top of both represents the ra-
tio between energy consumed and execution time. The ratio
plot allows us to understand if the relationship between en-
ergy and time is consistent across languages. A variation in
these values indicates that energy consumed is not directly
proportional to time, but dependent on the language and/or
benchmark solution.
Energy Eiciency across Programming Languages SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
The second set, Figures 4-6and the right most gures
under Results - C. Energy and Time Graphs in the appendix,
consists of two parts: a bar chart, and a line chart. The blue
bars represent the DRAM’s energy consumption for each of
the languages, with the left y-axis representing the average
Joules. The orange line chart represents the peak memory
usage for each language, with the right y-axis representing
the average Mb. The joining of these two allows us to look
at the relation between DRAM energy consumption and the
peak memory usage for each language in each benchmark.
By turning to the CLBG, we were able to use a large set
of software programming languages which solve various
dierent programming problems with similar solutions. This
allowed us to obtain a comparable, representative, and exten-
sive set of programs, written in several of the most popular
languages, along with the compilation/execution options,
and compiler versions. With these joined together with our
energy measurement framework, which uses the accurate In-
tel RAPL tool, we were able to measure, analyze, and compare
the energy consumption, and in turn the energy eciency,
of software languages, thus answering RQ1 as shown with
our results. Additionally, we were also able to measure the
execution time and peak memory usage which allowed us
to analyze how these two relate with energy consumption.
The analysis and discussion of our results is shown in the
next section.
3 Analysis and Discussion
In this section we will present an analysis and discussion on
the results of our study. While our main focus is on under-
standing the energy eciency in languages, we will also try
to understand how energy, time, and memory relate. Addi-
tionally, in this section we will try to answer the following
three research questions, each with their own designated
:Is the faster language always the most energy
ecient? Properly understanding this will not only
address if energy eciency is purely a performance
problem, but also allow developers to have a greater
understanding of how energy and time relates in a
language, and between languages.
:How does memory usage relate to energy consump-
tion? Insight on how memory usage aects energy con-
sumption will allow developers to better understand
how to manage memory if their concern is energy
:Can we automatically decide what is the best pro-
gramming language considering energy, time, and mem-
ory usage? Often times developers are concerned with
more than one (possibly limited) resource. For exam-
ple, both energy and time, time and memory space,
energy and memory space or all three. Analyzing these
trade-os will allow developers to know which pro-
gramming languages are best in a given scenarios.
3.1 Is Faster, Greener?
A very common misconception when analyzing energy con-
sumption in software is that it will behave in the same
way execution time does. In other words, reducing the ex-
ecution time of a program would bring about the same
amount of energy reduction. In fact, the
Energy (J) = Power (W) x Time(s)
, indicates that re-
ducing time implies a reduction in the energy consumed.
However, the
variable of the equation, which can-
not be assumed as a constant, also has an impact on the
energy. Therefore, conclusions regarding this issue diverge
sometimes, where some works do support that energy and
time are directly related [
], and the opposite was also ob-
served [21,29,35].
The data presented in the aforementioned tables and g-
ures lets us draw an interesting set of observations regarding
the eciency of software languages when considering both
energy consumption and execution time. Much like [
] and
], we observed dierent behaviors for energy consump-
tion and execution time in dierent languages and tests.
By observing the data in Table 4, we can see that the
language is, overall, the fastest and most energy ecient.
Nevertheless, in some specic benchmarks there are more
ecient solutions (for example, in the
benchmark it
is the third most energy ecient and second fastest).
Execution time behaves dierently when compared to en-
ergy eciency. The results for the 3 benchmarks presented
in Table 3(and the remainder shown in the appendix) show
several scenarios where a certain language energy consump-
tion rank diers from the execution time rank (as the arrows
in the rst column indicate). In the
benchmark, for
example, the
language is second most energy e-
cient, while dropping 6 positions when it comes to execution
time. Moreover, by observing the Ratio values in Figures 1
to 3(and the remainder in the appendix under Results - C. En-
ergy and Time Graphs), we clearly see a substantial variation
between languages. This means that the average power is
not constant, which further strengthens the previous point.
With this variation, we can have languages with very similar
energy consumptions and completely dierent execution
times, as is the case of languages
in the
binary trees
benchmark, which energy consumption dif-
fer roughly by 10% in favor of
, while
about 55% less time to execute.
Compiled languages tend to be, as expected, the fastest
and most energy ecient ones. On average, compiled lan-
guages consumed 120J to execute the solutions, while for
virtual machine and interpreted languages this value was
576J and 2365J, respectively. This tendency can also be ob-
served for execution time, since compiled languages took
SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada R. Pereira et. al.
Table 3. Results for binary-trees, fannkuch-redux, and fasta
binary-trees fannkuch-redux fasta
Energy Time Ratio Mb Energy Time Ratio Mb Energy Time Ratio Mb
(c) C 39.80 1125 0.035 131 (c) C2215.92 6076 0.036 2 (c) Rust 926.15 931 0.028 16
(c) C++ 41.23 1129 0.037 132 (c) C++ 1219.89 6123 0.036 1 (c) Fortran 627.62 1661 0.017 1
(c) Rust 249.07 1263 0.039 180 (c) Rust 11 238.30 6628 0.036 16 (c) C1127.64 973 0.028 3
(c) Fortran 169.82 2112 0.033 133 (c) Swift 5243.81 6712 0.036 7 (c) C++ 1234.88 1164 0.030 4
(c) Ada 195.02 2822 0.034 197 (c) Ada 2264.98 7351 0.036 4 (v) Java 112 35.86 1249 0.029 41
(c) Ocaml 12100.74 3525 0.029 148 (c) Ocaml 1277.27 7895 0.035 3 (c) Swift 937.06 1405 0.026 31
(v) Java 116 111.84 3306 0.034 1120 (c) Chapel 118 285.39 7853 0.036 53 (c) Go 240.45 1838 0.022 4
(v) Lisp 33149.55 10570 0.014 373 (v) Lisp 315 309.02 9154 0.034 43 (c) Ada 2340.45 2765 0.015 3
(v) Racket 46155.81 11261 0.014 467 (v) Java 113 311.38 8241 0.038 35 (c) Ocaml 215 40.78 3171 0.013 201
(i) Hack 29156.71 4497 0.035 502 (c) Fortran 1316.50 8665 0.037 12 (c) Chapel 510 40.88 1379 0.030 53
(v) C# 11189.74 10797 0.018 427 (c) Go 27318.51 8487 0.038 2 (v) C# 4545.35 1549 0.029 35
(v) F# 31207.13 15637 0.013 432 (c) Pascal 10 343.55 9807 0.035 2 (i) Dart 663.61 4787 0.013 49
(c) Pascal 35214.64 16079 0.013 256 (v) F# 17395.03 10950 0.036 34 (i) JavaScript 164.84 5098 0.013 30
(c) Chapel 54237.29 7265 0.033 335 (v) C# 15399.33 10840 0.037 29 (c) Pascal 113 68.63 5478 0.013 0
(v) Erlang 51266.14 7327 0.036 433 (i) JavaScript 12413.90 33663 0.012 26 (i) TypeScript 210 82.72 6909 0.012 271
(c) Haskell 22270.15 11582 0.023 494 (c) Haskell 18433.68 14666 0.030 7 (v) F# 2393.11 5360 0.017 27
(i) Dart 11290.27 17197 0.017 475 (i) Dart 7487.29 38678 0.013 46 (v) Racket 15120.90 8255 0.015 21
(i) JavaScript 24312.14 21349 0.015 916 (v) Racket 31,941.53 43680 0.044 18 (c) Haskell 28205.52 5728 0.036 446
(i) TypeScript 22315.10 21686 0.015 915 (v) Erlang 34,148.38 101839 0.041 18 (v) Lisp 2231.49 15763 0.015 75
(c) Go 313 636.71 16292 0.039 228 (i) Hack 65,286.77 115490 0.046 119 (i) Hack 3237.70 17203 0.014 120
(i) Jruby 23720.53 19276 0.037 1671 (i) PHP 5,731.88 125975 0.046 34 (i) Lua 18 347.37 24617 0.014 3
(i) Ruby 5855.12 26634 0.032 482 (i) TypeScript 446,898.48 516541 0.013 26 (i) PHP 113 430.73 29508 0.015 14
(i) PHP 31,397.51 42316 0.033 786 (i) Jruby 147,819.03 219148 0.036 669 (v) Erlang 112 477.81 27852 0.017 18
(i) Python 15 1,793.46 45003 0.040 275 (i) Lua 319 8,277.87 635023 0.013 2 (i) Ruby 12852.30 61216 0.014 104
(i) Lua 12,452.04 209217 0.012 1961 (i) Perl 212 11,133.49 249418 0.045 12 (i) JRuby 12912.93 49509 0.018 705
(i) Perl 13,542.20 96097 0.037 2148 (i) Python 214 12,784.09 279544 0.046 12 (i) Python 118 1,061.41 74111 0.014 9
(c) Swift n.e. (i) Ruby 217 14,064.98 315583 0.045 8 (i) Perl 182,684.33 61463 0.044 53
Figure 1. Energy and time graphical data for binary-trees
Figure 2. Energy and time graphical data for fannkuch-redux
5103ms, virtual machine languages took 20623ms, and inter-
preted languages took 87614ms (on average). Grouped by
the dierent paradigms, the imperative languages consumed
and took on average 125J and 5585ms, the object-oriented
consumed 879J and spent 32965ms, the functional consumed
1367J and spent 42740ms and the scripting languages con-
sumed 2320J and spent 88322ms.
Moreover, the top 5 languages that need less energy and
time to execute the solutions are:
(57J, 2019ms),
(77J, 3155ms),
(98J, 3740ms), and
3821ms); of these, only
is not compiled. As expected, the
bottom 5 languages are all interpreted:
(2693J), and
(2660Js) for en-
Ruby (119832ms), and TypeScript (93292ms) for time.
The CPU-based energy consumption always represents
the majority of the energy consumed. On average, for the
compiled languages, this value represents 88.94% of the en-
ergy consumed, being the remaining portion assigned to
DRAM. This value is very similar for virtual machine (88.94%)
Energy Eiciency across Programming Languages SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
Figure 3. Energy and time graphical data for fasta
Figure 4. Energy and memory graphical data for binary-trees
Figure 5. Energy and memory graphical data for fannkuch-redux
Figure 6. Energy and memory graphical data for fasta
and interpreted languages (87.98%). While, as explained in
the last point, the overall average consumption for these 3
language types is very dierent, the ratio between CPU and
DRAM based energy consumption seems to generally main-
tain the same proportion. This might indicate that optimizing
a program to reduce the CPU-based energy consumption will
also decrease the DRAM-based energy consumption. How-
ever, it is interesting to notice that this value varies more for
interpreted languages (min of 81.57%, max of 92.90%) when
compared to compiled (min of 85.27%, max of 91.75%) or
virtual machine languages (min of 86.10%, max of 92.43%).
With these results, we can try to answer the question
raised in
:Is the faster language always the most energy
ecient? By looking solely at the overall results, shown
in Table 4, we can see that the top 5 most energy ecient
languages keep their rank when they are sorted by execution
SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada R. Pereira et. al.
Table 4.
Normalized global results for Energy, Time, and
Energy Time Mb
(c) C 1.00 (c) C 1.00 (c) Pascal 1.00
(c) Rust 1.03 (c) Rust 1.04 (c) Go 1.05
(c) C++ 1.34 (c) C++ 1.56 (c) C 1.17
(c) Ada 1.70 (c) Ada 1.85 (c) Fortran 1.24
(v) Java 1.98 (v) Java 1.89 (c) C++ 1.34
(c) Pascal 2.14 (c) Chapel 2.14 (c) Ada 1.47
(c) Chapel 2.18 (c) Go 2.83 (c) Rust 1.54
(v) Lisp 2.27 (c) Pascal 3.02 (v) Lisp 1.92
(c) Ocaml 2.40 (c) Ocaml 3.09 (c) Haskell 2.45
(c) Fortran 2.52 (v) C# 3.14 (i) PHP 2.57
(c) Swift 2.79 (v) Lisp 3.40 (c) Swift 2.71
(c) Haskell 3.10 (c) Haskell 3.55 (i) Python 2.80
(v) C# 3.14 (c) Swift 4.20 (c) Ocaml 2.82
(c) Go 3.23 (c) Fortran 4.20 (v) C# 2.85
(i) Dart 3.83 (v) F# 6.30 (i) Hack 3.34
(v) F# 4.13 (i) JavaScript 6.52 (v) Racket 3.52
(i) JavaScript 4.45 (i) Dart 6.67 (i) Ruby 3.97
(v) Racket 7.91 (v) Racket 11.27 (c) Chapel 4.00
(i) TypeScript 21.50 (i) Hack 26.99 (v) F# 4.25
(i) Hack 24.02 (i) PHP 27.64 (i) JavaScript 4.59
(i) PHP 29.30 (v) Erlang 36.71 (i) TypeScript 4.69
(v) Erlang 42.23 (i) Jruby 43.44 (v) Java 6.01
(i) Lua 45.98 (i) TypeScript 46.20 (i) Perl 6.62
(i) Jruby 46.54 (i) Ruby 59.34 (i) Lua 6.72
(i) Ruby 69.91 (i) Perl 65.79 (v) Erlang 7.20
(i) Python 75.88 (i) Python 71.90 (i) Dart 8.64
(i) Perl 79.58 (i) Lua 82.91 (i) Jruby 19.84
time and with very small dierences in both energy and time
values. This does not come as a surprise, since in 9 out of 10
benchmark problems, the fastest and most energy ecient
programming language was one of the top 3. Additionally, it
is common knowledge that these top 3 language (
, and
) are known to be heavily optimized and ecient for
execution performance, as our data also shows. Thus, as time
inuences energy, we had hypothesized that these languages
would also produce ecient energy consumptions as they
have a large advantage in one of the variables inuencing
energy, even if they consumed more power on average.
Nevertheless, if we look at the remaining languages in
Table 4, we can see that only 4 languages maintain the same
energy and time rank (
, and
while the remainder are completely shued. Additionally,
looking at individual benchmarks we see many cases where
there is a dierent order for energy and time.
Moreover, the tables in Results - A. Data Tables in the
appendix also allows us to understand that this question
does not have a concrete and ultimate answer. Although
the most energy ecient language in each benchmark is
almost always the fastest one, the fact is that there is no
language which is consistently better than the others. This
allows us to conclude that the situation on which a language
is going to be used is a core aspect to determine if that
language is the most energy ecient option. For example,
in the
benchmark, which manipulates strings
using regular expressions, interpreted languages seem to
be an energy ecient choice (
, all interpreted, are in the top 5), although they tend to
be not very energy ecient in other scenarios. Thus, the
answer for
is: No, a faster language is
not always
most energy ecient.
3.2 Memory Impact on Energy
How does memory usage aect the memory’s energy con-
sumption? There are two main possible scenarios which
may inuence this energy consumption: continuous mem-
ory usage and peak memory usage. With the data we have
collected, we will try to answer the latter scenario.
The top 5 languages, also presented in Table 4, which
needed the least amount of memory space (on average) to exe-
cute the solutions were:
(82Mb), and
(88Mb); these are all compiled lan-
guages. The bottom 5 languages were:
(444Mb), and
of these, only Erlang is not an interpreted language.
On average, the compiled languages needed 125Mb, the
virtual machine languages needed 285Mb, and the inter-
preted needed 426Mb. If sorted by their programming para-
digm, the imperative languages needed 116Mb, the object-
oriented 249Mb, the functional 251Mb, and nally the script-
ing needed 421Mb.
Additionally, the top 5 languages which consumed the
least amount of DRAM energy (average) were:
(10J), and
(11J); of these, only
is not a compiled language. The bottom 5 languages were:
(327J), and
(295J); all are interpreted languages. On average, the com-
piled languages consumed 14J, the virtual machine languages
consumed 52J, and the interpreted languages consumed 236J.
Looking at the visual data from Figures 4-6, and the right
most gures under Results - C. Energy and Time Graphs in
the appendix, one can quickly see that there does not seem
to be a consistent correlation between the DRAM energy
consumption and the peak memory usage. To verify this, we
rst tested both the DRAM energy consumption and peak
memory usage for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk [
test. As the data is not normally distributed, we calculated
the Spearman [
] rank-order correlation coecient. The
result was a Spearman
value equal to 0.2091, meaning it
is between no linear relationship (
0) and a weak uphill
positive relationship (ρ=0.3).
While we did expect the possibility of little correlation
between the DRAM’s energy consumption and peak memory
usage, we were surprised that the relationship is almost
non-existent. Thus, answering the rst part of
, this
indicates that the DRAM’s energy consumption has very
little to do with how much memory is saved at a given point,
but possibly more of how it is used.
As future work, we wish to measure the continuous mem-
ory usage, or in other words the total amount of memory
used over time, to understand if this is what leads to higher
Energy Eiciency across Programming Languages SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
DRAM energy consumption. We expect there to be a stronger
relationship between these two as factors such as garbage
collection, cache usage, register location, and the data man-
agement eciency of each language (read/write) to have a
strong impact on the energy consumption.
3.3 Energy vs. Time vs. Memory
There are many situations where a software engineer has to
choose a particular software language to implement his algo-
rithm according to functional or non functional requirements.
For instance, if he is developing software for wearables, it
is important to choose a language and apply energy-aware
techniques to help save battery. Another example is the im-
plementation of tasks that run in background. In this case,
execution time may not be a main concern, and they may
take longer than the ones related to the user interaction.
With the fourth research question
, we try to under-
stand if it is possible to automatically decide what is the best
programming language when considering energy consump-
tion, execution time, and peak memory usage needed by
their programs, globally and individually. In other words, if
there is a “best” programming languages for all three charac-
teristics, or if not, which are the best in each given scenario.
To this end, we present in Table 5a comparison of three
language characteristics: energy consumption, execution
time, and peak memory usage. In order to compare the lan-
guages using more than one characteristic at a time we use
a multi-objective optimization algorithm to sort these lan-
guages, known as Pareto optimization [
]. It is necessary to
use such an algorithm because in some cases it may happen
that no solution simultaneously optimizes all objectives. For
our example, energy, time, and memory are the optimization
objectives. In these cases, a dominant solution does not exist,
but each solution is a set, in our case, of software languages.
Here, the solution is called the Pareto optimal.
We used this technique, and in particular the software
available at [
], to calculate dierent rankings for the ana-
lyzed software languages. In Table 5we present four multi-
objective rankings: time & memory, energy & time, energy
& memory, and energy & time, & memory. For each rank-
ing, each line represents a Pareto optimal set, that is, a set
containing the languages that are equivalent to each other
for the underlying objectives. In other words, each line is
a single rank or position. A single software language in a
position signies that the language was clearly the best for
the analyzed characteristics. Multiple languages in a line
imply that a tie occured, as they are essentially similar; yet
ultimately, the languages lean slightly towards one of the
objectives over the other as a slight trade-o.
The most common performance characteristics of soft-
ware languages used to evaluate and choose them are ex-
ecution time and memory usage. If we consider these two
characteristics in our evaluation,
, and
are equiv-
alent. However, if we consider energy and time,
is the best
solution since it is dominant in both single objectives. If
we prefer energy and memory,
constitute the
Pareto optimal set. Finally, analyzing all three characteristics,
this scenario is very similar as for time and memory.
It is interesting to see that, when considering energy and
time, the sets are usually reduced to one element. This means,
that it is possible to actually decide which is the best lan-
guage. This happens possibly because there is a mathematical
relation between energy and time and thus they are usually
tight together, thus being common that a language is dom-
inant in both objectives at the same time. However, there
are cases where this is not true. For instance, for
it is not possible to decide which one is the best as
is better in energy and memory use, but worse in
execution time. In these situations the developer needs to
intervene and decide which is the most important aspect to
be able to decide for one language.
It is also interesting to note that, when considering mem-
ory use, languages such as
tend to go up in the
ranking. Although this is natural, it is a dicult analysis
to perform without information such as the one we present.
Given the information presented in Table 5we can try
to answer
RQ4: Can we automatically decide what is
the best software language considering energy, time,
and memory usage?
If the developer is only concerned
with execution time and energy consumption, then yes, it is
almost always possible to choose the best language. Unfor-
tunately, if memory is also a concern, it is no longer possible
to automatically decide for a single language. In all the other
rankings most positions are composed by a set of Pareto opti-
mal languages, that is, languages which are equivalent given
the underlying characteristics. In these cases, the developer
will need to make a decision and take into consideration
which are the most important characteristics in each par-
ticular scenario, while also considering any fuctional/non-
functional requirements necessary for the development of
the application. Still, the information we provide in this paper
is quite important to help group languages by equivalence
when considering the dierent objectives. For the best of our
knowledge, this is the rst time such work is presented. Note
that we provide the information of each individual charac-
teristic in Table 4so the developer can actually understand
each particular set (we do not show such information in Ta-
ble 5to avoid cluttering the paper with to many tables with
4 Threats to Validity
The goal of our study was to both measure and understand
the energetic behavior of several programming languages,
allowing us to bring about a greater insight on how certain
languages compare to each other mainly in terms of energy
consumption, but also performance and memory. We present
in this subsection some threats to the validity of our study,
SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada R. Pereira et. al.
Table 5. Pareto optimal sets for dierent combination of objectives.
Time & Memory Energy & Time Energy & Memory Energy & Time & Memory
CPascal Go C C Pascal C Pascal Go
Rust C++ Fortran Rust Rust C++ Fortran Go Rust C++ Fortran
Ada C++ Ada Ada
Java Chapel Lisp Ocaml Ada Java Chapel Lisp Java Chapel Lisp Ocaml
Haskell C# Java OCaml Swift Haskell Swift Haskell C#
Swift PHP Pascal Chapel C# PHP Dart F# Racket Hack PHP
F# Racket Hack Python Lisp Ocaml Go Dart F# Racket Hack Python JavaScript Ruby Python
JavaScript Ruby Fortran Haskell C# JavaScript Ruby TypeScript Erlang
Dart TypeScript Erlang Swift TypeScript Lua JRuby Perl
JRuby Perl Dart F# Erlang Lua Perl
Lua JavaScript JRuby
TypeScript Hack
Lua JRuby
divided into four categories [
], namely: conclusion validity,
internal validity, construct validity, and external validity.
Conclusion Validity
From our experiment it is clear that
dierent programming paradigms and even languages within
the same paradigm have a completely dierent impact on
energy consumption, time, and memory. We also see inter-
esting cases where the most energy ecient is not the fastest,
and believe these results are useful for programmers. For a
better comparison, we not only measured CPU energy con-
sumption but also DRAM energy consumption. This allowed
us to further understand the relationship between DRAM
energy consumption and peak memory usage, while also
understanding the behavior languages have in relation the
energy usage derived from the CPU and DRAM. Addition-
ally, the way we grouped the languages is how we felt is the
most natural to compare languages (by programming para-
digm, and how the language is executed). Thus, this was the
chosen way to present the data in the paper. Nevertheless,
all the data is available and any future comparison groups
such as “.NET languages” or “JVM languages” can be very
easily analyzed.
Internal Validity
This category concerns itself with what
factors may interfere with the results of our study. When
measuring the energy consumption of the various dierent
programming languages, other factors alongside the dierent
implementations and actual languages themselves may con-
tribute to variations, i.e. specic versions of an interpreter or
virtual machine. To avoid this, we executed every language
and benchmark solution equally. In each, we measured the
energy consumption (CPU and DRAM), execution time, and
peak memory 10 times, removed the furthest outliers, and
calculated the median, mean, standard deviation, min, and
max values. This allowed us to minimize the particular states
of the tested machine, including uncontrollable system pro-
cesses and software. However, the measured results are quite
consistent, and thus reliable. In addition, the used energy
measurement tool has also been proven to be very accurate.
Construct Validity
We analyzed 27 dierent program-
ming languages, each with roughly 10 solutions to the pro-
posed problems, totaling out to almost 270 dierent cases.
These solutions were developed by experts in each of the
programming languages, with the main goal of "winning" by
producing the best solution for performance time. While the
dierent languages contain dierent implementations, they
were written under the same rules, all produced the same
exact output, and were implemented to be the fastest and
most ecient as possible. Having these dierent yet ecient
solutions for the same scenarios allows us to compare the
dierent programming languages in a quite just manner as
they were all placed against the same problem. Albeit cer-
tain paradigms or languages could have an advantage for
certain problems, and others may be implemented in a not so
traditional sense. Nevertheless, there is no basis to suspect
that these projects are best or worst than any other kind we
could have used.
External Validity
We concern ourselves with the gener-
alization of the results. The obtained solutions were the best
performing ones at the time we set up the study. As the CLBG
is an ongoing "competition", we expect that more advanced
and more ecient solutions will substitute the ones we ob-
tained as time goes on, and even the languages’ compilers
might evolve. Thus this, along with measurements in dier-
ent systems, might produce slightly dierent resulting values
if replicated. Nevertheless, unless there is a huge leap within
the language, the comparisons might not greatly dier. The
actual approach and methodology we used also favors easy
Energy Eiciency across Programming Languages SLE’17, October 23–24, 2017, Vancouver, Canada
replications. This can be attributed to the CLBG containing
most of the important information needed to run the ex-
periments, these being: the source code, compiler version,
and compilation/execution options. Thus we believe these
results can be further generalized, and other researchers can
replicate our methodology for future work.
5 Related Work
The work presented in this paper extends the work pre-
sented by [
], where the energy consumption monitoring
approach for dierent programming languages was intro-
duced. The main focus of [
] was the methodology and the
comparison of the CPU-based energy eciency in 10 of the
28 languages. We made a wider and more in-depth analysis,
since in addition to including all languages, we also included
the DRAM-based energy consumption and peak memory us-
age values, and presented a discussion on how energy, time
and energy relate in software, and on dierent languages
divided by type and paradigm.
The CLBG benchmark solutions have already been used
for validation purpose by several research works. Among
other examples, CLGB was used to study dynamic behavior
of non-Java JVM languages [
], to analyze dynamic script-
ing languages [
] and compiler optimizations [
], or even
to benchmark a JIT compiler for PHP [
]. At the best of our
knowledge, CLGB was only used once for energy consump-
tion analysis. In [
], the authors used the provided
implementations, among other benchmarks, to analyze the
energy eciency of
programs from strictness and
concurrency perspectives, while also analyzing the energy in-
uence of small implementation changes. The authors of [
also used CLBG to compare
, and
an Android setting.
While several works have shown indications that a more
time ecient approach does not always lead to the most
energy ecient solution [
], these results
were not the intended focus nor main contribution, but more
of a side observation per se. We focused on trying to un-
derstand and directly answer this question of how energy
eciency and time relate.
Nevertheless, the energy eciency in software problem
has been growing in interest in the past few years. In fact,
studies have emerged with dierent goals and in dierent
areas, with the common vision of understanding how devel-
opment aspects aect the energy consumption in diversi-
ed software systems. For instance, for mobile applications,
there are works focused on analyzing the energy eciency
of code blocks [
], or just monitoring how energy con-
sumption evolves over time [
]. Other studies aimed at a
more extensive energy consumption analysis, by comparing
the energy eciency of similar programs in specic usage
scenarios [
], or by providing conclusions on the energy
impact of dierent implementation decisions [
]. Several
other works have shown that several factors, such as dier-
ent design patterns [
], coding practices [
and data structures [
], actually have a signicant
inuence in the software’s energy eciency.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we rst present an analysis and comparison of
the energy eciency of 27 well-known software languages
from the popular software repository The Computer Lan-
guage Benchmarks Game. We are able to show which were the
most energy ecient software languages, execution types,
and paradigms across 10 dierent benchmark problems.
Through also measuring the execution time and peak
memory usage, we were able to relate both to energy to
understand not only how memory usage aects energy con-
sumption, but also how time and energy relate. This allowed
us to understand if a faster language is always the most
energy ecient. As we saw, this is not always the case.
Finally, as often times developers have limited resources
and may be concerned with more than one eciency charac-
teristic we calculated which were the best/worst languages
according to a combination of the previous three character-
istics: Energy & Time, Energy & Peak Memory, Time & Peak
Memory, and Energy & Time & Peak Memory.
Our work helps contribute another stepping stone in bring-
ing more information to developers to allow them to become
more energy-aware when programming.
We would like to thank Luís Cruz (University of Porto) for the help
that he provided. This work is nanced by the ERDF – European
Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme
for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020
Programme within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961, and by
National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fun-
dação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-
FEDER-016718 and UID/EEA/50014/2013. The rst author is also
sponsored by FCT grant SFRH/BD/112733/2015.
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... Green AI [43] highlights the importance of optimizing AI systems to minimize their energy consumption and environmental impact without compromising their performance [31]. The efficient usage of computational resources can definitely lead to achieving this goal [41], which gets affected by various factors like the choice of a programming language [25], the usage of technologies like Feature Selection (FS) [19], the hardware efficiency, the ML algorithm efficiency and renewable energy integration. ...
... At the same time, the impact of FS on computational efficiency varies depending on the programming language choice. Despite being often considered, programming languages also play an essential role in impacting energy usage and computation speed [25]. This occurs because some languages have better optimized themselves to the hardware they are running on. ...
... In this context, the choice of programming languages and FS techniques plays a crucial role in the development of efficient IDS. In a research by Pereira et al. the 27 programming languages were compared regarding the runtime, memory consumption, and energy usage using ten problems from the Computer Language Benchmark Game [25]. The main aim of this repository is not the creation of new benchmarks, but rather, the evaluation of the performance of programming languages for the pre-specified tasks. ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged in popularity recently, recording great progress in various industries. However, the environmental impact of AI is a growing concern, in terms of the energy consumption and carbon footprint of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models, making essential investigate Green AI, an attempt to reduce the climate impact of AI systems. This paper presents an assessment of different programming languages and Feature Selection (FS) methods to improve computation performance of AI focusing on Network Intrusion Detection (NID) and cyber-attack classification tasks. Experiments were conducted using five ML models - Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, Multi-Layer Perceptron, and Long Short-Term Memory - implemented in four programming languages - Python, Java, R, and Rust - along with three FS methods - Information Gain, Recursive Feature Elimination, and Chi-Square. The obtained results demonstrated that FS plays an important role enhancing the computational efficiency of AI models without compromising detection accuracy, highlighting languages like Python and R, that benefit from a rich AI libraries environment. These conclusions can be useful to design efficient and sustainable AI systems that still provide a good generalization and a reliable detection.
... According to an influential line of work, one potential way to reduce energy consumption is to choose a different programming language. This work analyzes a wide selection of programming languages and workloads, and concludes that different programming languages consume widely varying amounts of energy [5,28,29]. The centerpiece of these papers is a ranking of programming languages by energy efficiency (reproduced in part in Table 1). ...
... The line of work that is the point of departure for this paper explores the relationship between the choice of programming language and energy efficiency [5,28,29]. These papers rank programming languages based on energy consumption, runtime, and memory usage, and attempt to find associations between these metrics. ...
... Previous sections, notably Section 2, discuss the main line of research relating programming languages and energy consumption [5,28,29]. These studies discuss and rank programming languages based on runtime, energy consumption, and memory usage. ...
Does the choice of programming language affect energy consumption? Previous highly visible studies have established associations between certain programming languages and energy consumption. A causal misinterpretation of this work has led academics and industry leaders to use or support certain languages based on their claimed impact on energy consumption. This paper tackles this causal question directly. It first corrects and improves the measurement methodology used by prior work. It then develops a detailed causal model capturing the complex relationship between programming language choice and energy consumption. This model identifies and incorporates several critical but previously overlooked factors that affect energy usage. These factors, such as distinguishing programming languages from their implementations, the impact of the application implementations themselves, the number of active cores, and memory activity, can significantly skew energy consumption measurements if not accounted for. We show -- via empirical experiments, improved methodology, and careful examination of anomalies -- that when these factors are controlled for, notable discrepancies in prior work vanish. Our analysis suggests that the choice of programming language implementation has no significant impact on energy consumption beyond execution time.
... This feature guarantees safety, especially when writing concurrent and multiprocessing code, without sacrificing performance gains (Seidel and Beier, 2024;Jung et al., 2021;Abdi et al., 2024). Energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint are other crucial features of using Rust in AI production workloads (Pereira et al., 2017). ...
... Energy consumption and runtime are measured 50 times for each prompt result. The peak memory usage measurement is repeated 50 times to account for variations caused by cache effects and cold starts [22]. The total number of floating point operations is not influenced by the Python process, even when floating point operations are executed, thus this is tested and verified only once. ...
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The increasing electricity demands of personal computers, communication networks, and data centers contribute to higher atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn lead to global warming and climate change. Therefore the energy consumption of code must be minimized. Code can be generated by large language models. We look at the influence of prompt modification on the energy consumption of the code generated. We use three different Python code problems of varying difficulty levels. Prompt modification is done by adding the sentence ``Give me an energy-optimized solution for this problem'' or by using two Python coding best practices. The large language models used are CodeLlama-70b, CodeLlama-70b-Instruct, CodeLlama-70b-Python, DeepSeek-Coder-33b-base, and DeepSeek-Coder-33b-instruct. We find a decrease in energy consumption for a specific combination of prompt optimization, LLM, and Python code problem. However, no single optimization prompt consistently decreases energy consumption for the same LLM across the different Python code problems.
... This feature guarantees safety, especially when writing concurrent and multiprocessing code, without sacrificing performance gains (Seidel and Beier, 2024;Jung et al., 2021;Abdi et al., 2024). Energy efficiency and reduced carbon footprint are other crucial features of using Rust in AI production workloads (Pereira et al., 2017). ...
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The widespread use of large language models (LLMs) has dramatically improved many applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP), including Information Retrieval (IR). However, domains that are not driven by commercial interest often lag behind in benefiting from AI-powered solutions. One such area is religious and heritage corpora. Alongside similar domains, Islamic literature holds significant cultural value and is regularly utilized by scholars and the general public. Navigating this extensive amount of text is challenging, and there is currently no unified resource that allows for easy searching of this data using advanced AI tools. This work focuses on the development of a multilingual non-profit IR system for the Islamic domain. This process brings a few major challenges, such as preparing multilingual domain-specific corpora when data is limited in certain languages, deploying a model on resource-constrained devices, and enabling fast search on a limited budget. By employing methods like continued pre-training for domain adaptation and language reduction to decrease model size, a lightweight multilingual retrieval model was prepared, demonstrating superior performance compared to larger models pre-trained on general domain data. Furthermore, evaluating the proposed architecture that utilizes Rust Language capabilities shows the possibility of implementing efficient semantic search in a low-resource setting.
... Comparar desempenho Bend (na última versão 0.2) e OpenMP (na última versão estável 5.2) por si só é uma comparação injusta em alguns aspectos [Pereira et al. 2017]: diferença de idade das linguagens (Bend de 2023 e OpenMP de 1997), maturidade de teste, maturidade de desenvolvimento, contraste de uma linguagem de alto nível (Bend) e baixo nível (C/C++) tratando os aspectos de paralelismo manualmente, que não é o caso no Bend. Nesse contexto o OpenMP representa um constaste de um framework de baixo nível maduro. ...
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Este artigo apresenta uma análise comparativa do desempenho da linguagem de programação Bend em relação ao Python (utilizando multiprocessing) e C (utilizando OpenMP) no contexto de uma Simulação de N-Body, um problema clássico de física computacional. O estudo explora as capacidades da linguagem Bend, que se destaca por abstrair a complexidade do paralelismo, facilitando a escrita de código paralelo sem a necessidade de controle explícito pelo programador. A implementação foi comparada quanto ao tempo de execução, uso de CPU e memória. Os resultados evidenciam o potencial do Bend em proporcionar uma programação paralela eficiente, mesmo em cenários computacionalmente intensivos.
... We used the RAPL interface provided by Intel [20] to get the energy consumption of the C++ solutions. We adapted a framework already used in previous works [15,16,18] to also measure the CPU time of C++ solutions through the time command provided by the operating system. ...
Conference Paper
The algorithm classification problem consists of finding which algorithm a program implements among a given finite set of algorithms. We propose a novel classification strategy using the power slope that best represents an algorithm energy consumption profile. Thenwe classify a set of solutions by using a greedy approach to match two sets of solutions that are aimed to solve the same problem. To evaluate our approach, we used sets of random C++ solutions for 32 problems from CSES, a programming competition site. We executed two datasets twice in two different machines. In one machine, we restricted the classification task to a subset that varies from 14 to 16 CSES problems (a reduction of at least 50% in the search space). In the other one, we could reach a reduction in the search space that varied from 38% up to 53%.
... Scripting languages lack this feature Burlachenko et al.due to the requirement of an interpreter. Studies[43],[35] underscore the superior speed and energy efficiency of compiled languages. Transitioning from Python/NumPy to C++[52] yielded a ×22 time improvement for FedNL/TopK and ×16 for FedNL/RandK. ...
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Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm that enables intelligent agents to collaboratively train Machine Learning (ML) models in a distributed manner, eliminating the need for sharing their local data. The recent work (arXiv:2106.02969) introduces a family of Federated Newton Learn (FedNL) algorithms, marking a significant step towards applying second-order methods to FL and large-scale optimization. However, the reference FedNL prototype exhibits three serious practical drawbacks: (i) It requires 4.8 hours to launch a single experiment in a sever-grade workstation; (ii) The prototype only simulates multi-node setting; (iii) Prototype integration into resource-constrained applications is challenging. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, we present a self-contained implementation of FedNL, FedNL-LS, FedNL-PP for single-node and multi-node settings. Our work resolves the aforementioned issues and reduces the wall clock time by x1000. With this FedNL outperforms alternatives for training logistic regression in a single-node -- CVXPY (arXiv:1603.00943), and in a multi-node -- Apache Spark (arXiv:1505.06807), Ray/Scikit-Learn (arXiv:1712.05889). Finally, we propose two practical-orientated compressors for FedNL - adaptive TopLEK and cache-aware RandSeqK, which fulfill the theory of FedNL.
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The REST (REpresentational State Transfer) paradigm has become essential for designing distributed applications that leverage the HTTP protocol, enabling efficient data exchange and the development of scalable architectures such as microservices. However, selecting an appropriate framework among the myriad available options, especially given the diversity of emerging execution environments, presents a significant challenge. Often, this decision neglects crucial factors such as performance and energy efficiency, favoring instead developer familiarity and popularity within the industry. To address this, we conducted a comprehensive benchmark study using a prototype REST API application provided by an industry partner, which was implemented multiple times using different REST API frameworks. We evaluated five different REST API frameworks across three popular programming languages, incorporating both traditional and emerging execution environments, resulting in twelve distinct configurations. Our results reveal significant differences in performance and computational resource consumption across different frameworks and execution environments, highlighting the necessity of making informed technology choices based on thorough analysis rather than convenience or familiarity. In addition to our findings, we offer other contributions to the field: an automated pipeline that benchmarks different configurations with various frameworks and execution environments, and a reference benchmark REST API that can be used in other studies. This research provides valuable insights and tools for developers and organizations aiming to select high-performance, resource-efficient technologies that promote environmental sustainability and reduce operational costs.
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This paper presents a detailed study of the energy consumption of the different Java Collection Framework (JFC) implementations. For each method of an implementation in this framework, we present its energy consumption when handling different amounts of data. Knowing the greenest methods for each implementation, we present an energy optimization approach for Java programs: based on calls to JFC methods in the source code of a program, we select the greenest implementation. Finally, we present preliminary results of optimizing a set of Java programs where we obtained 6.2% energy savings.
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While in the past the primary goal to optimize software was the run time optimization, nowadays there is a growing awareness of the need to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, a growing number of developers wish to become more energy-aware when programming and feel a lack of tools and the knowledge to do so. In this paper we define a ranking of energy efficiency in programming languages. We consider a set of computing problems implemented in ten well-known programming languages, and monitored the energy consumed when executing each language. Our preliminary results show that although the fastest languages tend to be the lowest consuming ones, there are other interesting cases where slower languages are more energy efficient than faster ones.
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The optimization of software to be (more) energy efficient is becoming a major concern for the software industry. Although several techniques have been presented to measure energy consumption for software, none has addressed software product lines (SPLs). Thus, to measure energy consumption of a SPL, the products must be generated and measured individually, which is too costly. In this paper, we present a technique and a prototype tool to statically estimate the worst case energy consumption for SPL. The goal is to provide developers with techniques and tools to reason about the energy consumption of all products in a SPL, without having to produce, run and measure the energy in all of them. Our technique combines static program analysis techniques and worst case execution time prediction with energy consumption analysis. This technique analyzes all products in a feature-sensitive manner, that is, a feature used in several products is analyzed only once, while the energy consumption is estimated once per product. We implemented our technique in a tool called Serapis. We did a preliminary evaluation using a product line for image processing implemented in C. Our experiments considered 7 products from such line and our initial results show that the tool was able to estimate the worst-case energy consumption with a mean error percentage of 9.4% and standard deviation of 6.2% when compared with the energy measured when running the products.
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The ever increasing complexity of mobile apps comes with a higher energy cost, creating an inconvenience for users on batter-constrained mobile devices. At the same time, due to the meteoric rise of the numbers apps provisioned on app repositories, there are often multiple apps from the same category (e.g., Weather, dictionary) that provide similar features. In spite of similar functionality, the apps may present very different energy costs, due to the choices made in their design and construction. Given apps with similar features, users would prefer an app with the least energy cost. However, app repositories are currently lacking information about relative energy cost of apps in a given category, forcing the users to blindly choose an app for installation without a clear understanding of its energy implications. To address this issue, we have developed Eco Droid, an approach that ranks apps from the same category based on their energy consumption. To that end, Eco Droid uses both static and dynamic analyses to estimate energy consumption of apps in the same category and rank them accordingly. Our initial experiments have demonstrated the ability of Eco Droid in accurately ranking the energy cost of multiple apps from a particular category.
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With recognizing power as a first-class citizen in the HPC community and the growth of software running on battery-driven devices, the need to evaluate software design based on the combined effects of energy and performance has become eminent. Despite of the numerous metrics to evaluate software performance, the study on how to evaluate software energy efficiency is still in its early stage. In this paper, we propose the Greenup, Powerup, and Speedup metrics (GPS-UP) to categorize software implementation and optimization efficiency. The GPSUP metrics transform the performance, power and energy of a program into a point on the GPS-UP software energy efficiency quadrant graph. We present eight categories of possible scenarios of software optimization, with examples on how to obtain them. Four categories are green (save energy), and four are red (waste energy). Moreover, we compare our metrics to existing metrics such as Energy Delay Product (EDP).
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Recent work has studied the effect that factors such as code obfuscation, refactorings and data types have on energy efficiency. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on the energy behavior of programs written in a lazy purely functional language, Haskell. We have conducted two empirical studies to analyze the energy efficiency of Haskell programs from two different perspectives: strictness and concurrency. Our experimental space exploration comprises more than 2000 configurations and 20000 executions. We found out that small changes can make a big difference in terms of energy consumption. For example, in one of our benchmarks, under a specific configuration, choosing one data sharing primitive (MVar) over another (TMVar) can yield 60% energy savings. In another benchmark, the latter primitive can yield up to 30% energy savings over the former. Thus, tools that support developers in quickly refactoring a program to switch between different primitives can be of great help if energy is a concern. In addition, the relationship between energy consumption and performance is not always clear. In sequential benchmarks, high performance is an accurate proxy for low energy consumption. However, for one of our concurrent benchmarks, the variants with the best performance also exhibited the worst energy consumption. To support developers in better understanding this complex relationship, we have extended two existing performance analysis tools to also collect and present data about energy consumption.
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Software energy consumption is a relatively new concern for mobile application developers. Poor energy performance can harm adoption and sales of applications. Unfortunately for the developers, the measurement of software energy consumption is expensive in terms of hardware and difficult in terms of expertise. Many prior models of software energy consumption assume that developers can use hardware instrumentation and thus cannot evaluate software running within emulators or virtual machines. Some prior models require actual energy measurements from the previous versions of applications in order to model the energy consumption of later versions of the same application. In this paper, we take a big-data approach to software energy consumption and present a model that can estimate software energy consumption mostly within 10% error (in joules) and does not require the developer to train on energy measurements of their own applications. This model leverages a big-data approach whereby a collection of prior applications' energy measurements allows us to train, transmit, and apply the model to estimate any foreign application's energy consumption for a test run. Our model is based on the dynamic traces of system calls and CPU utilization.