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Abstract and Figures

Gastrointestinal ultrasound is a practical, safe, cheap and reproducible diagnostic tool in inflammatory bowel disease gaining global prominence amongst clinicians. Understanding the embryological processes of the intestinal tract assists in the interpretation of abnormal sonographic findings. In general terms, the examination principally comprises interrogation of the colon, mesentery and small intestine using both lowfrequency and high-frequency probes. Interpretation of findings on GIUS includes assessment of bowel wall thickness, symmetry of this thickness, evidence of transmural changes, assessment of vascularity using Doppler imaging and assessment of other specific features including lymph nodes, mesentery and luminal motility. In addition to B-mode imaging, transperineal ultrasonography, elastography and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography are useful adjuncts. This supplement expands upon these features in more depth. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
World Journal of
World J Gastroenterol 2017 October 14; 23(38): 6923-7058
ISSN 1007-9327 (print)
ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc
6923 Evolving role of FDG-PET/CT in prognostic evaluation of resectable gastric cancer
De Raffele E, Mirarchi M, Cuicchi D, Lecce F, Cola B
6927 Staging chronic pancreatitis with exocrine function tests: Are we better?
Sperti C, Moletta L
6931 How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound: Anatomy and normal ndings
Atkinson NSS, Bryant RV, Dong Y, Maaser C, Kucharzik T, Maconi G, Asthana AK, Blaivas M, Goudie A, Gilja OH,
Nuernberg D, Schreiber-Dietrich D, Dietrich CF
6942 Dysphagia: Thinking outside the box
Philpott H, Garg M, Tomic D, Balasubramanian S, Sweis R
6952 Role of endoscopic ultrasound in idiopathic pancreatitis
Somani P, Sunkara T, Sharma M
Basic Study
6962 Delayed and short course of rapamycin prevents organ rejection after allogeneic liver transplantation in
Hamdani S, Thiolat A, Naserian S, Grondin C, Moutereau S, Hulin A, Calderaro J, Grimbert P, Cohen JL, Azoulay D,
Pilon C
6973 Adipose-derived stromal cells resemble bone marrow stromal cells in hepatocyte differentiation potential
in vitro
Xu LJ, Wang SF, Wang DQ, Ma LJ, Chen Z, Chen QQ, Wang J, Yan L
6983 Fecal microbiota transplantation prevents hepatic encephalopathy in rats with carbon tetrachloride-
induced acute hepatic dysfunction
Wang WW, Zhang Y, Huang XB, You N, Zheng L, Li J
6995 Mitofusin-2 mediated mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake 1/2 induced liver injury in rat remote ischemic
perconditioning liver transplantation and alpha mouse liver-12 hypoxia cell line models
Liang RP, Jia JJ, Li JH, He N, Zhou YF, Jiang L, Bai T, Xie HY, Zhou L, Sun YL
Contents Weekly Volume 23 Number 38 October 14, 2017
I October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
Contents World Journal of Gastroenterology
Volume 23 Number 38 October 14, 2017
7009 Expression of annexin II in gastric carcinoma and its role in gastric cancer metastasis
Han F, Shrestha S, Huang H, Lv HY, Nie C, Lin L, Lu ML
Retrospective Study
7016 Risk factors for postoperative recurrence after primary bowel resection in patients with Crohn’s disease
Yang KM, Yu CS, Lee JL, Kim CW, Yoon YS, Park IJ, Lim SB, Park SH, Ye BD, Yang SK, Kim JC
7025 Trends and outcomes of pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary tumors: A 25-year single-center
study of 1000 consecutive cases
EI Nakeeb A, Askar W, Atef E, Hanafy EE, Sultan AM, Salah T, Shehta A, Sorogy ME, Hamdy E, Hemly ME, El-Geidi AA,
Kandil T, El Shobari M, Allah TA, Fouad A, Zeid MA, El Eneen AA, El-Hak NG, El Ebidy G, Fathy O, Sultan A, Wahab MA
Prospective Study
7037 Testing for hepatitis B virus alone does not increase vaccine coverage in non-immunized persons
Boyd A, Bottero J, Carrat F, Gozlan J, Rougier H, Girard PM, Lacombe K
7047 Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type spreading to heterotopic gastric glands
Manabe S, Mukaisho K, Yasuoka T, Usui F, Matsuyama T, Hirata I, Boku Y, Takahashi S
7054 High-grade myobroblastic sarcoma in the liver: A case report
Wen J, Zhao W, Li C, Shen JY, Wen TF
II October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
World Journal of Gastroenterology
ISSN 1007-9327 (print)
ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
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I-IX Editorial Board
III October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound: Anatomy and
normal ndings
Nathan S S Atkinson, Robert V Bryant, Yi Dong, Christian Maaser, Torsten Kucharzik, Giovanni Maconi, Anil
K Asthana, Michael Blaivas, Adrian Goudie, Odd Helge Gilja, Dieter Nuernberg, Dagmar Schreiber-Dietrich,
Christoph F Dietrich
Nathan S S Atkinson, Translational Gastroenterology Unit,
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford OX3
9DU, United Kingdom
Robert V Bryant, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, South Australia, 5005, Australia
Robert V Brya nt, Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide 5000, Australia
Yi Dong, Department of Ultrasound, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan
University, Shanghai 200032, China
Christian Maaser, Ambulanzzentrum Gastroenterologie,
Klinikum Lüneburg, 21339 Lüneburg, Germany
Torsten Kucharzik, Department of Gastroenterology, Städtisches
Klinikum Luneburg gGmbH, 21339 Lüneburg, Germany
Giovanni Maconi, Gastrointestinal Unit, Department of Biomedical
and Clinical Sciences, “L.Sacco” University Hospital, 20157
Milan, Italy
Anil K Asthana, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepato-
logy, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; Monash
University, Melbourne 3004 Vic, Australia
Michael Blaivas, Piedmont Hospital, Department of Emergency
Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30076, United States
Adrian Goudie , Fremantle Hospital and Health Service,
Emergency Department, Fremantle, WA 6160, United States
Odd Helge Gilja, National Centre for Ultrasound in Gastro-
enterology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen N-5021,
Odd Helge Gilja, Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Bergen, 5021 Bergen, Norway
Dieter Nuernberg, Department of Gastroenterology, Brandenburg
Medical School, 16816 Neuruppin, Germany
Dagmar Schreiber-Dietrich, Christoph F Dietrich, Med.
Klinik 2, Caritas-Krankenhaus Bad Mergentheim, D-97980 Bad
Mergentheim, Germany
Author contributions: All authors contributed to this manuscript.
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Manuscript source: Invited manuscript
Correspondence to: Christoph F Dietrich, MD, PhD, Med.
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D-97980 Bad Mergentheim, Germany.
Telephone: +49-7931-582201-2200
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Received: February 9, 2017
Peer-review started: February 11, 2017
First decision: April 25, 2017
Revised: May 30, 2017
Accepted: June 18, 2017
Article in press: June 19, 2017
Published online: October 14, 2017
Gastrointestinal ultrasound is a practical, safe, cheap
and reproducible diagnostic tool in inflammatory
6931 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
Submit a Manuscript:
DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i38.6931
World J Gastroenterol 2017 October 14; 23(38): 6931-6941
ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
bowel disease gaining global prominence amongst
clinicians. Understanding the embryological processes
of the intestinal tract assists in the interpretation of
abnormal sonographic findings. In general terms, the
examination principally comprises interrogation of the
colon, mesentery and small intestine using both low-
frequency and high-frequency probes. Interpretation
of ndings on GIUS includes assessment of bowel wall
thickness, symmetry of this thickness, evidence of
transmural changes, assessment of vascularity using
Doppler imaging and assessment of other specific
features including lymph nodes, mesentery and luminal
motility. In addition to B-mode imaging, transperineal
ultrasonography, elastography and contrast-enhanced
ultrasonography are useful adjuncts. This supplement
expands upon these features in more depth.
Key words: Ultrasound; Intestinal; Inammatory bowel
disease; Guidelines; Teaching
Core tip: In general terms, gastrointestinal ultrasound
examination principally comprises interrogation of the
colon, mesentery and small intestine using both low-
frequency and high-frequency probes. In addition
to B-mode imaging, transperineal ultrasonography,
elastography and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography
are useful adjuncts.
Atkinson NSS, Bryant RV, Dong Y, Maaser C, Kucharzik
T, Maconi G, Asthana AK, Blaivas M, Goudie A, Gilja OH,
Nuernberg D, Schreiber-Dietrich D, Dietrich CF. How to perform
gastrointestinal ultrasound: Anatomy and normal ndings. World
J Gastroenterol 2017; 23(38): 6931-6941 Available from: URL: DOI:
Gastrointestinal ultrasound (GIUS) is an accurate
diagnostic imaging tool for inflammatory bowel
disease[1-3]. Utilisation has steadily increased in different
global regions including Asia-Pacific[4]. To correctly
interpret GIUS ndings, it is necessary to have a rm
grounding in intestinal anatomy, the fundamentals of
ultrasonography, as well as the examination techniques
and approach. The indications for intestinal ultrasound
are wide-ranging including inflammatory bowel
disease, assessment of functional aspects and general
gastroenterological conditions such as diverticular
disease. Various educational theories are relevant in the
process of learning intestinal ultrasonography including
the learning process itself, using formative assessments
such as DOPS (direct observation of procedural skills),
adopting the apprenticeship or core competencies
model and formulation of a GIUS curriculum. These
principles and a process of learning GIUS have been
recently proposed[1].
The purpose of this paper is to review our know
ledge of intestinal embryology relevant to GIUS.
Understanding the origins and evolution of abdominal
structures during the embryological process can assist
in highlighting the reasoning behind abnormalities
found on GIUS. We then expand upon examination
techniques relevant to different segments of and
structures around the intestine, including an overview
of transperineal ultrasonography. We describe specic
intestinal luminal parameters to be assessed in GIUS
including special techniques such as contrastenhanced
In the 6th and 8th week of intrauterine life, the primitive
mid-gut intestinal tube elongates on the mesentery
around the superior mesenteric artery (SMA), her
niating into the umbilical cord. As the gut grows
and returns into the peritoneal cavity, it eventually
rotates 270 degrees counterclockwise, such that
the duodenum rests behind the SMA[1]. The caecum,
initially in the upper abdomen, descends to the right
lower quadrant. Thus the mesentery attachment of the
small bowel takes an oblique course from the duodeno
jejunal junction at the level of the left L2 process,
over the 3rd part of the duodenum, down to the level
of the right sacroiliac joint[5]. Though the mesentery
attachment is only 1520 cm long, it supplies a length
of small intestine approximately 40 times its length, a
feat achieved through progressive fanlike rufes. Seen
with traditional barium enterography, each curve of the
intestine has a concave and convex aspect, the concave
generally pointing towards the mesentery whilst
the convex aspect representing the antimesenteric
border[6]. These can be viewed in real time with GIUS.
Towards the end of the first trimester, the
peritoneum of the newly forming ascending colon
and the hindgut derived left colonic segments, begin
to fuse with the posterior abdominal wall. Although
traditionally described as retroperitoneal structures,
modern postmortem studies have found that two
thirds of the ascending and a third of the descending
colonic segments have mobile portions of elongated
mesentery[7]. Nonetheless, peritoneal attachments
have significance for the flow of free fluid within the
abdomen as uid tends to ow caudally, medial to the
ascending colon towards the ileocaecal junction and
thus metastatic deposits may become lodged in the
mesenteric rufes en route.
Relative thickenings of the mesocolon provide liga
mental support to the colonic exures; the nephrocolic
ligament runs from the inferior aspect of the right
kidney to the hepatic flexure which then becomes
intimately related to the descending duodenum before
the transverse mesocolon begins; the splenic exure is
suspended by (1) the phrenicocolic ligament which runs
from the diaphragm and also supports the spleen; (2)
the splenocolic; and (3) the pancreaticocolic ligaments
which are essentially extensions of the transverse
6932 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
Atkinson NSS
et al
. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
mesocolon[5,7]. These attachments provide xed points
for ultrasound evaluation of the colon, which can at
times, be highly mobile within the abdomen.
The taenia coli, thickenings of the longitudinal
muscle layer grow from diffuse sheets at the caudal
end of the bowel, become more dened in the proximal
colon until they encase the caecum[6]. The taeniae
are one sixth shorter than the colon[5], forming the
haustrae. The muscle fibres in the longitudinal layer
end by turning at right angles to merge with the
circular bres and thereby acting as xed linkage points
for contraction. Contractions can occur asymmetrically
obliterating some haustrae, giving the false impression
of smallbowellike semicircular folds and bowel wall
Vascular supply of the colon flows from the me-
senteric border, vessels spreading around the colon.
The vasa recta penetrate through oblique connective
tissue clefts in the bowel wall, the site of diverticular
protrusion, but importantly enter these clefts on the
antimesenteric aspect. In practice, diverticula are
rare on the anti-mesenteric border between the taenia
omonetalis and taenia libera. A vasa recta vessel
runs over the long aspect of each diverticulum before
entering the submucosa at the antimesenteric border[6].
General considerations and examination technique
An optimal environment for United States is within a
dedicated space or consulting room, offering indirect
low light sources and facilitating patient comfort. Prior
cross-sectional imaging and endoscopy reports should
be available to inform of postsurgical and anatomical
In most scenarios patient preparation is not re-
quired but specific measures can be used. Fasting
for 4-6 h decreases bowel motility whilst two cups
of water can be used to improve visualisation of the
duodenum[8]. Negative oral contrast may improve
detection of jejunal and proximal ileal stenosis, par
ticularly where examination findings are negative;
250-800 mL of polyethylene glycol solution generally
reaches the terminal ileum after an average duration
of 30 min[9]. Once contrast is seen to flow into the
caecum, retrograde examination of the small bowel can
be performed.
Examination of the intestinal tract begins with a
comfortable patient, relaxed in a supine position so as
not to tense the abdominal wall. The transducer is held
maintaining contact with the patient’s skin to gauge
pressure, whilst the left hand is free to optimize image
characteristics on the machine. A systematic approach
in examining the whole intestine is encouraged (Figure
1). Firstly, the low frequency 38 MHz (multifrequency)
curvilinear probe initially allows orientation to the
anatomy and detection of gross changes, whilst high
frequency linear probes (717 MHz) are preferable for
interrogating specic regions of interest in depth.
Colonic examination
Beginning at the right anterior superior iliac crest and
moving medially to the edge of the rectus muscles in
a sagittal plane, the common iliac (iliacal) vessels are
identied. Rotating anticlockwise to a transverse plane
and moving cranially, the rst bowel loop crossing from
medial to lateral is identified as the terminal ileum.
This is followed to the ileocaecal (Bauhin’s) valve and
caecum. The base of the appendix can be identified
at the deep margin of the caecum where the colonic
taenia meet before the ascending colon is followed
up towards the hepatic exure. The rest of the colon
can be followed via the transverse segment distally
towards the rectum. Alternatively, the same technique
can be used on the left side identifying the sigmoid
colon as the first loop of bowel crossing the left iliac
vessels, which can be followed to the descending colon
and towards the spleen as far as the rib margin allows.
The iliopsoas muscle can be used as an alternative
landmark for identification of the terminal ileum
and sigmoid colonic segments in the right and left
iliac fossae respectively. Intercostal imaging may be
required to visualise the left or splenic exure where
it has attachment to the spleen; elevating the left arm
and rotating to a partial right decubitus position with
a straight left leg can spread the ribs and improve
image acquisition (Figure 1C). Placing the probe in the
epigastric region in sagittal orientation demonstrates
the liver and stomach; one can then follow the
gastrocolic ligament to the transverse colon. Although
the transverse colon can be followed on ultrasound,
it may not be reliably viewed in its entirety. Be aware
that the rectum and distal parts of the colon cannot
always be displayed satisfactorily by transabdominal
United States. Transperineal imaging, in such cases,
can be useful to evaluate the distal rectum and perianal
Mesentery and small intestine examination
Mesenteric fat is evident sonographically and is
considered to be abnormal if it extends over more
than half the circumference of the bowel loop, if it is
thickened beyond 56 mm or consistently greater than
the normal bowel wall thickness[10].
Examination of the mesentery begins in the
epigastrium at the duodenojejunal flexure which
then runs obliquely towards the right iliac fossa. To
aid visualization, the patient is asked to breath in
deeply and as they exhale, pressure is applied to the
transducer following which excellent views of the small
bowel mesentery sheets and abnormalities can be
achieved. A systematic scanning of the small bowel
may start in the right iliac fossa by dening the terminal
ileum and following its course in a proximal direction
as far as possible. Finally, a systematic overlapping
“Lawn Mowing” strategy is used, sweeping up and
down the abdomen to provide an overview of the small
bowel. This is performed with the probe in horizontal,
6933 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
Atkinson NSS
et al
. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
6934 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
Perineal ultrasound
TPUS allows visualisation of the perianal tissues, anal
canal, sphincters, the distal 57 cm section of the
rectum, vagina and a part of urinary bladder. A point
for orientation is the symphysis. Knowledge of the
pelvic anatomy is essential[12,13] (EFSUMB Case of the
Month). No specific patient preparation is required.
sagittal and oblique (parallel to the mesenteric
attachment) orientations in order to allow one’s eye to
follow structures and detect abnormalities. A full video
explanation of abdominal and intestinal ultrasound
examination technique is freely available on the
EFSUMB website[11] (
Spleen SF
Figure 1 A systematic approach in examining the whole intestine. A: Examination begins in a relaxed ventral position; B: Beginning medial to the right anterior
superior iliac spine, the iliacal vessels (IAV) are identied and the rst bowel loop crossing medial-to-lateral is the terminal ileum (TI). The same technique on the right
identies the sigmoid colon; C: Elevating the arm spreads the rib spaces to improve visualisation of the splenic exure (SF); D: Gentle pressure as the patient breaths
out improves visualization of the mesentery and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) to exclude lymphadenopathy. The videos can be accessed via the efsumb website
Atkinson NSS
et al
. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
6935 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
The patient is placed in the left lateral position as for
a digital rectal examination. The probe is covered in
either a sterile cover or an examination glove with
ultrasound gel between the layers.
Examination begins in the midline just above the
anus with the probe in a sagittal plane. The ultrasound
probe can be moved laterally, however angulated
views have reduced sensitivity for identification of
pathology. Fistulous tracts can be followed by first
placing the probe over the external opening. If
necessary, the probe can be placed in a coronal angle,
although this is usually less comfortable for the patient.
It is useful to start with an abdominal convex probe
(lower frequency) for the deeper structures and then
continue with a higher frequency probe (715 MHz).
Examination is also possible after rectal amputation
(e.g., QuénuOperation).
The anal canal, sphincter complexes, hemorrhoidal
plexus (Figure 2), rectovaginal plus anovaginal
septums, the walls of the vagina and distal rectum
can be defined. Fistulae should be classified as per
Parks’ classification[14] although TPUS has reduced
sensitivities for sphincteric relationships and therefore
the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)[15]
distinction of “simple” from “complex” is of more clinical
utility; the former including low fistulae (superficial,
intersphincteric or intrasphincteric) below the dentate
line, with a single external opening and without
perianal complications or active proctitis[16]. Fistula and
abscesses visibility can be improved with ultrasound
contrast agents (UCA) using contrast enhanced ultra-
sound techniques[17,18]. Colour Doppler improves the
differentiation of inammatory reactions.
Bowel wall thickness
Bowel wall thickness (BWT) is the measure most
consistently reported in diagnostic and activity
trials. Wall thickness of the alimentary tract differs
by region and depends on the degree of distension
and contraction[19,20]. The overall thickness should be
measured under mild compression from just above
an air-mucosal interface to the outside of the outer
muscularis propria layer border, including the whole
bowel wall[21]. Under these standardised conditions, the
stomach wall thickness measures 36 mm; terminal
ileum 13 mm; and colon 0.52 mm. In fact, the
normal range is likely to be even lower than this[22].
Values in children can be reliably obtained without the
need for sedation[22] but bear in mind that values do
increase over childhood[23] whilst still remaining < 2
mm. The optimal threshold for abnormal thickness is
debatable, as specicity improves with increasing wall
thickness at the cost of sensitivity (Figures 3 and 4).
Bowel wall layers
The GI wall has five layers that usually can be
visualized with ultrasound. The sonographic layers
are a combination of interface echoes and the echo
characteristics of the histological layers[24-26]. When
imaged in the anterior wall of a bowel loop starting
from the lumen the hyperechoic layer 1 corresponds to
the interface between the mucosa and the lumen and
is not a part of the actual GI wall. The hypoechoic layer
2 corresponds to the mucosa without the interface
between the submucosa and mucosa, the hyperechoic
layer 3 to the submucosa including this interface echo,
the hypoechoic layer 4 to most of the proper muscle
and layer 5 to the hyperechoic interface echo between
the proper muscle and the serosa.
Interface echoes are always hyperechoic and
located distally to the actual tissue interface. Therefore,
the correspondence between histology and sonographic
layers differ slightly in the dorsal wall. Specifically,
the interface between lumen and mucosa (layer 1)
is a part of the actual mucosa and layer 2 represents
the rest of the mucosa without muscularis mucosae,
which normally is covered by an interface echo and add
thickness to layer 3. Moreover, the interface between
submucosa and the proper muscle adds thickness to
layer 3 and reduces the thickness of layer 4. Finally, the
interface between the proper muscle and serosa (layer
5) extends beyond the actual serosa[27,28].
The interface from the serosa is hard to delineate.
Accordingly, the measurement should be made
from the start of the hypoechoic layer of the proper
muscle to the end of the hypoechoic layer of the
mucosa. Transducer-compression of the bowel wall
will reduce thickness and can make it challenging to
distinguish wall layers[29,30]. However, some operators
practice mild compression suggesting that this
improves reproducibility of measurements[21,22,3133].
The examiner should also be aware of interpretation
difculties due to mucosal folds and haustrations and
to keep the probe angle perpendicular to the bowel
wall to avoid tangential measurements. In conclusion,
dosed compression is a prerequisite for a reproducible
examination for some authors whereas others use it
with caution.
Figure 2 Example on the use of color doppler imaging and continous
duplex scanning. Perineal ultrasound showing the hemorrhoidal pleaxus using
color doppler imaging and continous duplex scanning with the typical spectrum
of the hemorrhoids.
Atkinson NSS
et al
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Volume 23
Issue 38
The layered wall structure changes with disease[34].
In severe disease the stratification may disappear
due to deep mural ulcers, increasing inflammatory
infiltrate and neovascularisation. In chronic inactive
disease, accentuated wall layers are more common.
The distinctions are less apparent with milder disease
The symmetrical nature of changes is relevant. Asym
metry has been assumed to correspond to endoscopic
signs of focal ulceration or polypoid mucosal changes,
whilst diffuse thickening is evident with ulcerative colitis
(UC) or infectious colitis. The differential diagnoses for
chronic inflammatory bowel findings, with or without
asymmetry are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
Luminal diameter and motility
The small and large bowel can usually be distinguished
by scanning the haustrae of the colon and/or the
circular folds of Kerckring in the small intestine. In
unclear cases, scanning of the intestine during various
stages of lling may be helpful. Changes in Kerckring’s
folds and luminal uid quantity can be associated with
disease[35]. The small bowel diameter varies widely
depending on recent meals and activity, but dilatation
beyond 25 mm should be regarded as abnormal,
particularly when motility is reduced[36]. Assessment of
peristaltic activity and lumen compressibility are two
advantages of ultrasound over other imaging modalities.
Strictures may be identified by the coexistence of
thickened and stiffened bowel wall with narrowing of
the intestinal lumen, particularly if less than 10 mm[9].
The presence of proximal loop dilatation with fluid or
echogenic content is not required for the diagnosis[36]
but may carry clinical signicance.
Dilatation of the proximal small bowel loops with
hypo- or hyperperistalsis can be caused not only by
chronic brotic strictures but also by acute inammatory
stenosis or passenger invagination. Functional ultra
sonography is helpful in differentiation[37-40].
Extent of disease
Evaluating the length and extent of involved bowel
segments is performed by estimated longitudinal
Figure 3 Measurement of the bowel wall. The measurements are best taken ventrally since posterior artefacts occur (A) and the measurements (B) are not reliable.
Mu: Mucosa; SM: Submucosa.
Figure 4 Measurement of the bowel wall. In a patient with Crohn’s disease
of the small intestine, ultrasound was applied to evaluate disease extension
and wall thickness. B-mode image shows moderate wall thickening in the
ileum with well-preserved layer structure. Be aware the marked thickening
of the submucosal layer in white, often seen in IBD. The crosses mark the
wall thickness in the anterior and posterior wall denoting a slight difference in
Crohn’s disease
Mycobacteria tuberculosis
NSAID enteropathy
Table 1 Differential diagnosis of asymmetrical terminal ileal
thickening with chronic symptoms
Inammatory bowel disease
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tab le 2 Differential dia gnos is of c hron ic inflammatory
diseases of the bowel
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. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
6937 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
measurement and taking note of skip lesions. Bowel
wall thickening, luminal diameter for stenosis or
dilatation > 25 mm, and motility should be noted in
each region. Chronic inflammation tends to produce
an isolated, fixed segment without peristalsis and
abnormal angulation due to the brofatty proliferation
of the mesentery[41,42].
Transmural reactions
Transmural inammation and brosis may result in an
asymmetrically thickened, stratied bowel wall, which
are the typical findings of Crohn’s disease (CD). A
hypoechoic extension through the normal bowel wall
stratification correlates with cellular and oedematous
tissue inltration. Even though the extent of the bro
fatty proliferate correlates with the degree of intestinal
inammation in CD, there is no standardized method
to date to quantify the mesenteric fat by using GIUS.
Note should be made if the reaction extends beyond
the muscularis propria layer, and whether it does
so into the mesenteric or anti-mesenteric border.
Fistulae are identied as hypoechoic tracts extending
through the bowel wall, often with reverberations
(circumscribed bright air echoes) within them (Figure
5). Rounded hypoechoic areas (non-contrast imaging)
within the mesentry are suspicious for abscesses or
inflammatory phlegmons often with an irregular wall
or internal echoes (Figure 6). The occurrence of free
peritoneal fluid is important to note, though clinical
data corroborating its signicance are scant[21].
Fistulae and abscesses
Two prospective studies suggest a sensitivity and
specificity for the GIUS detection of fistulae of
72%87% and 90%96%, respectively[43]. This
performance is equivalent to CT/MR studies in meta
analysis[44], whilst small intestine contrast ultrasound
(SICUS) may have a sensitivity as high as 96%.
Estimates of the sensitivity and specicity for detecting
abscesses have been reported in a somewhat higher
range; 71%100% and 77%94% respectively[21,4549].
The direct application of contrast agents into the orice
of the stula may be helpful in determining the route
and connection(s)[12,13,50].
Mesenteric lymph nodes
Lymph node enlargement is a frequent sonographic
finding in CD[10], however their interpretation and
clinical implications remain to be further clarified in
the literature. It has been suggested that they may
represent a very early manifestation of CD in children
for example[22]. They are correlated with duration
of disease and the presence of fistulae but more
importantly, for the ultrasound learner, they provide a
Figure 5 Typical complications in Crohn’s disease, stula. Typical ultrasound ndings in Crohn’s disease include transmural inammation, stula and abscess
formation. A-C: The typical sign of stula is hypoechoic transmural inammation with (moving) air bubbles outside of the bowel lumen. The air bubbles are best
visualised using a real-time examination or video. Here we demonstrate single images of a video to demonstrate the changes within one second.
Figure 6 Typical complications in Crohn’s disease, abscess. Typical ultrasound ndings in Crohn’s disease include transmural inammation, stula and abscess
formation. Contrast enhanced ultrasound allows to better delineate larger (A) and smaller abscess formation (B) not clearly suspected using B mode ultrasound.
Atkinson NSS
et al
. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
6938 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
marker of procedural competence and interpretation. B
mode characteristics of lymph nodes to consider include
their length and particularly for those < 15 mm; their
short axis dimension should be less than half their
longitudinal diameter. Furthermore, the normal lymph
node architecture and hilum should be preserved in
normal or inammatory nodes[51].
Mesenteric inammation, oedema and vascularity
The supporting structures of the intestine run within
the sheets of mesentery, seen as layers of mixed
echogenicity with hyperechoic serosal layers on either
side, which does not have peristaltic movement
and appears similar in both transverse and sagittal
planes. Fat wrapping has long been recognised by
surgeons as a common and specic feature of CD. So
called (creeping) fat, extending from the mesenteric
attachment to partially cover the small or large
intestine resulting in loss of bowel mesentery angle,
is seen as an early event in the disease course and
plausibly plays a role in the inflammatory milieu[52].
In practical terms the serosal planes on either side
of the mesentery may be detected and should cover
less than half of the bowel circumference. It is also
the most common cause of bowel loop separation[41].
A subjective impression of increased thickening and
echogenicity has been applied in the literature[10],
correlating with clinical severity and primary luminal
findings; although in long standing disease it can
become more heterogeneous and hypoechoic[41].
Doppler imaging of tissue and SMA parameters
Colour Doppler imaging of the bowel wall is part of
standard assessment of the intestine and mesenterial
vessels (Figure 7). Hyperaemia is associated with
inflammation, usually seen in the submucosal layer
and the penetrating vessels of the muscularis propria.
Use of Doppler evaluation increases the sensitivity of
US for evaluating disease activity[33,39,5359]. The degree
of vascularity can be graded by the Limberg scale, a
semiquantitative assessment[60] that lacks routine
practical relevance. Other more complex quantitative
measurements of Doppler parameters have been
proposed, however a standardised protocol to com
pensate for confounders has not yet become widely
used. Power Doppler assessment of the arterial inow,
in particular the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) for left
sided colonic disease and SMA for proximal colon and
small bowel activity, can be assessed in the majority of
patients and correlates with other ultrasound markers
of disease activity. It should therefore be interpreted
in the overall context of ultrasound findings[61]. A
prognostic role for Doppler parameters was previously
proposed[62] but awaits further study and validation.
Contrast-enhanced US
Second generation contrast agents such as SonoVue®,
produce harmonic frequencies from microbubbles
approximately the size of a single red blood cell,
and are stable within the circulation[17,63]. Imaging
systems thereafter allow visualisation of individual
blood vessels through a tissue and thereby improve
the accuracy of Doppler US in evaluating bowel wall
vascularity. This technique has been shown to be
useful in the assessment of disease activity in CD, in
particular differentiating inflammatory masses from
abscesses and may help to distinguish inflammatory
from brotic strictures in certain situations[64-66]. Use of
Contrast-Enhanced US (CEUS) during GIUS has been
standardized, does not requires specic expertise, and
its use in IBD presently is increasing[67].
Similar to palpation, the elastic properties of a tissue
can be evaluated by assessing the speed of a sheer
wave through tissue or the amount of deformity
created by the sheer stress (strain imaging). Various
sonographic approaches to generating and measuring
these parameters are available[68], which may com
pliment standard B-mode assessment of a lesion.
Fibrotic lesions may appear stiff and inflammatory
lesions soft using elastography, which can help to
characterise intestinal lesions and has been correlated
with endoscopic ndings (Figure 8)[69,70].
Understanding the anatomy and embryology of the
intestinal tract is highly relevant in identifying sono
graphic abnormalities relevant to GIUS. The general
principles of examination involve specic interrogation of
the colon, small intestine and mesentery. Further work
is required to validate and understand the signicance
of certain sonographic parameters where understanding
is limited; this includes further evaluation of abnormal
wall thicknesses and quantifying this to a higher degree
of accuracy, understanding the signicance of peritoneal
fluid present as a reflection of transmural reactions,
Figure 7 Complications of inammatory bowel disease. Thrombosis of the
superior mesenteric vein. Partial recanalisation is shown by the markers.
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. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
6939 October 14, 2017
Volume 23
Issue 38
and the accurate interpretation and implications of
lymph nodes. Despite the presence of semiquantitative
measures, such as the Limberg score, they lack practical
relevance and so there is a need for further multicentre
prospective studies.
Various sonographic abnormalities can be detected
and interpreted currently but a standardized scoring
system for GIUS in inammatory bowel disease, akin
to validated endoscopic scores (such as the Ulcerative
Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity) is lacking.
Ultimately, formulating a reproducible and validated
scoring system integrating different sonographic
parameters to reect severity will be highly relevant;
this will require agreement amongst GIUS experts and
validation in multicentre prospective studies. Finally, a
standardized method of documentation, including how
to capture images, needs to be developed.
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. How to perform gastrointestinal ultrasound
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... Monitoring the treatment efficiency in IBDs is essential to improving and adapting the therapeutic strategy. Thus, the US has become increasingly important in managing IBD, as multiple US indices aid in the evaluation [15,21,22]. ...
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Acute gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GI aGVHD) is a significant and life-threatening complication in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). Early diagnosis of GI aGVHD is crucial for improving patient outcomes, but it remains a challenge due to the condition’s nonspecific symptoms and the reliance on invasive diagnostic methods, such as biopsies and endoscopic procedures. In recent years, interest in non-invasive diagnostic techniques for graft-versus-host disease has increased, with contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) being one of them. For this reason, we aimed to examine the potential of ultrasound as a non-invasive, safe, and cost-effective alternative for the early detection and monitoring of GI aGVHD in this review. Our narrative review aims to describe the use of multimodal US that includes conventional US (B-mode and Doppler US) and advanced ultrasound techniques such as CEUS and CRTE for the non-invasive diagnosis of GI GVHD. We browsed several databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The search spanned 2000 to the present, focusing on articles written in English that reviewed the use of these imaging techniques in the context of GI GVHD. Following our research, we noticed that CEUS offers several advantages, including the real-time visualization of the gastrointestinal wall, assessment of blood flow, and detailed microvascular analysis—all achieved without the use of ionizing radiation. This feature makes CEUS an appealing option for repeated assessments, which are often necessary in monitoring the progression of GI aGVHD. When used in conjunction with conventional gastrointestinal ultrasound (GIUS), CEUS provides a more comprehensive view of the structural and functional changes occurring in the GI tract, potentially enhancing diagnostic accuracy and allowing for earlier intervention. In comparison to traditional diagnostic methods like tissue biopsy or CT scans, CEUS is less invasive, quicker to perform, and better tolerated by patients, especially those in fragile health following allo-SCT. Its non-invasive nature and ability to provide immediate imaging results make it a valuable tool for clinicians, particularly in settings where minimizing patient discomfort and risk is paramount. However, despite these advantages, there are still gaps in the literature regarding CEUS’s full diagnostic accuracy for GI aGVHD. Further research, including larger clinical trials and comparative studies, is needed to validate CEUS’s role in routine clinical practice and to establish standardized protocols for its use. Nonetheless, CEUS shows considerable potential to transform the diagnostic approach to GI aGVHD by improving early detection, reducing the need for invasive procedures, and ultimately enhancing treatment outcomes for affected patients.
... GIUS assessment of constipation has been demonstrated to be superior to plain abdominal X-rays with the ability to differentiate between cases and healthy controls, as well as being comparable to computed tomography [34,35]. Furthermore, as its use does not require radiation exposure, GIUS is useful for serial assessment of response to therapy [36,37]. ...
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Background/Objectives: The diagnosis of lower functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) is currently based on subjective and unreliable patient-reported symptoms, with significant clinical overlap between diagnosed phenotypes. Objective biomarkers are urgently sought. Gastrointestinal ultrasound (GIUS) can objectively and non-invasively assess luminal contents. This study aimed to assess the utility of GIUS in phenotyping patients with lower FGIDs. Methods: Patients with lower FGIDs underwent a GIUS and completed the Rome IV Diagnostic Questionnaire, SAGIS questionnaire, and 100 mm VAS score for overall symptom severity. The faecal loading score (FLS) was obtained using a modified Leech score, where an FLS of >37 was consistent with clinically significant constipation. Results: Eighty-eight patients fulfilled the study requirements. In total, 56 met the Rome IV criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) subtypes, while 23 met the criteria for functional constipation (FC), 4 for functional diarrhoea (FD), and 5 for other diagnoses. Patients reporting constipation-predominant symptoms had a significantly higher median FLS than those describing diarrhoea-predominant symptoms (FLS = 40 [IQR 20.0–53.3] vs. 13.3 [IQR 6.7–40.0], respectively). However, 27% of patients describing diarrhoea had significant faecal loading on GIUS, and of those who described constipation, 34% did not have significant faecal loading. Sensitivity and specificity for the detection of FLS-indicated constipation by the Rome IV criteria were low at 59% and 66%, respectively. Conclusions: The symptom-based diagnosis of FGID subtypes based on the Rome IV criteria is a poor predictor of faecal loading. These findings should prompt further exploration of the limitations of symptom-based assessment and a shift towards physiological assessment of patients with FGIDs such as gastrointestinal ultrasound to develop more targeted therapy. Future research is underway to determine if targeting objective physiological endpoints results in improved clinical outcomes.
... Thus, ultrasonography was included in the education: it is a perfect tool to simplify the access of trainees but even of medical students to the "real life" structure of different viscera and topographic regions. In diverse settings was evaluated the role of ultrasonography in medical and specifically gastroenterological education and all data agree on the advantages of the use of ultrasonography from the first years of medical training [25][26][27][28][29]. ...
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Anatomy is one of the oldest medical disciplines and offered over the centuries the morphological explanation for the structure, function and pathology of the body. Learning anatomy was one of the first steps in the accumulation of medical knowledge. Practicing gastroenterology means the approach of pathology presenting with morphological changes. Diagnosis and therapeutical interventions require also precise anatomical knowledge. This is a review of the most important anatomical benchmarks necessary to trainees in gastroenterology. Two teachers of anatomy and one resident of gastroenterology performed a literature survey. They checked the curricula of gastroenterology of continental and national societies of gastroenterology and hepatology. They also checked on Pubmed and Google Scholar pertinent journal papers. They selected and analyzed papers presenting important anatomical benchmarks considered very important for the appropriation of practical skills. A list of recommendations was the outcome of this initiative. These are largely overlapping on the available curricula. The relevant anatomical benchmarks should be used in the training programs of residents in gastroenterology. Good anatomy training enables practitioners to diagnose correctly digestive pathology, to interpret the results of the imaging or endoscopic investigations, to recommend or undertake therapeutic interventions. Although ancient, anatomy is very useful in the training of future gastroenterologists. The trainees should emphasis the learning of the most important anatomical benchmarks.
... For instance, in northern Italy, in the Emilia Romagna region, a complete abdominal US costs 60.45€, versus 115.15€ of CT, rising to 175.60€ with contrast medium. An upper abdominal MRI costs 160.10€ and 249.45€ with contrast medium, while endoscopic examinations' costs range from 350€ for colonoscopy to 850€ for video capsule endoscopy [17]. ...
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Transabdominal ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic approach for evaluating the gastrointestinal tract and related disorders. This dynamic examination provides real-time visualization of the digestive tube and surrounding structures, assessment of peristaltic movements, estimation of compressibility of intestinal loops, and recognition of painful spots requiring specific attention. Since ultrasound imaging is non-invasive, painless, reproducible, inexpensive and requires no special preparation, it is used as a major diagnostic tool in emergency settings and in outpatient follow-up of several disorders. Costs, encompassing both accessibility and actual procedural expenses, are lower than those associated with other diagnostic techniques. However, the incorporation of gastro-intestinal ultrasound (GIUS) in clinical practice has not been widely used on a global scale. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the execution techniques as well as the main areas of application for GIUS. Through illustrative iconographic representation, emphasis was placed on its potential within the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway of various acute and chronic gastrointestinal disorders.
In patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), endoscopic techniques (including capsule techniques and balloon enteroscopy for the small intestine), ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are primarily used as often complementary imaging techniques. Radiation exposure needs to be kept in mind when using CT and conventional X‑ray-techniques. Therefore, most importantly, ultrasound and MRI have changed the routine diagnostics of intestinal diseases. US, CT and MRI not only assess the lumen but, similarly importantly, also the wall and the surrounding structures of the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, functional processes can be visualized and provide important information about passage and perfusion, which is mainly true for real-time ultrasound. CT and MRI are usually carried out with the use of contrast agents as contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) and contrast-enhanced MRI (CEMRI). Ultrasound is performed conventionally or with intravascular (CEUS) and/or extravascular intracavitary contrast agent application (icCEUS). This article provides an overview of the current significance of the mentioned imaging procedures in patients with IBD and discusses the typical indications.
Critically ill patients are at risk of presenting with gastrointestinal dysfunction at intensive care unit admission or during their stay. However, identifying gastrointestinal dysfunction is difficult because clinical evaluation is frequently nonspecific and validated biomarkers are lacking. In this context, ultrasound of the digestive tract may help to identify gastrointestinal dysfunction. In this narrative review, we summarize available evidence and propose a protocol for assessment of the gastrointestinal tract with ultrasound. First, we report available evidence from use of four available protocols: the gastrointestinal and urinary tract sonography protocol, the acute gastrointestinal injury ultrasound score, the transabdominal gastrointestinal ultrasound protocol, and the Lai protocol, each addressing somewhat different aspects. Outputs from these protocols have been associated with clinical scores of gastrointestinal failure, feeding intolerance, and 28‐day mortality. Second, we describe the potential pitfalls of using ultrasound in the critically ill, such as obesity, abdominal dressings, or the presence of intraluminal gas. Third, we suggest perspectives of ultrasound in monitoring the response to enteral nutrition and for early identification of nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia. Fourth, we propose a structured protocol for gastrointestinal ultrasound describing all the different structures that should be evaluated and provide detailed guidance for a clockwise abdominal examination. In conclusion, the use of a specific and structured protocol might help to identify patients presenting with gastrointestinal dysfunction, guide nutrition, and allow the proposal of pathophysiological hypotheses (complications of enteral nutrition, intra‐abdominal infection, bowel ischemia, etc.). The benefit of using a structured protocol requires further investigation.
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The future of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) in primary care and frontline medicine is poised to revolutionize healthcare delivery, making diagnostics more accessible, accurate, and timely. As technology advances and healthcare systems increasingly emphasize cost-effective, patient-centered care, POCUS is set to become an indispensable tool for primary care providers and frontline healthcare workers. We believe that this good multidisciplinary collaboration can be the key to the success of reforming frontline physicians everywhere and upgrading the clinical-ultrasound examination. POCUS deals with narrowly defined clinical questions within a body region or an individual organ without claiming to comprehensively assess a region or an organ from the human body. Recently, family medicine has become the foundation of modern medical systems that represent the interface with the patient, turning into a proactive medical specialty, approaching medicine holistically, comprehensively, integrated, and centered on the patient to preserve the health of the people in care through the development of prophylactic services as well as active monitoring of acute or chronic diseases. The central question is what a frontline physician should and must be able to do to carry out basic medicine with ultrasound. Essentially, it is about deciding with greater accuracy in acute situations with the support of emergency sonography (“triage tool” emergency sonography) whether a patient can continue to be treated at home or whether further acute diagnostics and treatment within the hospital are necessary. In addition, the use of emergency sonography can improve and accelerate the correct diagnosis of very central symptoms. This saves other diagnostic examinations and leads to an earlier start of adequate therapy. When we have advanced and relatively cheap ultrasound devices, and high-performance technology with artificial intelligence or some smart software using updated diagnostic algorithms, it's time to complete the classic clinical examination (by history, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation) with the new clinical-ultrasound examination that currently allows us to visualize through ultrasound most organs and tissues of the human body(US-inspection), along with electronic ultrasound palpation through ultrasonographic elastography method(US-palpation), but also with the electronic auscultation through the Doppler Triplex technique(US-auscultation) to increase the diagnostic accuracy in primary and outpatient healthcare. Through the existence of continuity services in primary medical care and the use of cutting-edge technologies such as point-of-care testing, Point Care Ultrasound, and telemedicine, and an appropriate educational system, they can very successfully serve the population's access, especially in rural areas, ultimately resulting in the decongestion of emergency systems in hospitals. Widespread Adoption and Integration: The growing affordability and portability of ultrasound devices make POCUS more accessible to primary care providers and frontline healthcare workers. These advancements, with user-friendly interfaces and AI-driven software, enable even those with limited ultrasound training to perform and interpret scans effectively. This democratization of ultrasound technology means that more healthcare providers can utilize POCUS to make quick, informed decisions at the point of care, reducing the need for referrals to specialists and improving the efficiency of care delivery. Enhanced Diagnostic Capabilities: In the future, POCUS will likely be integrated into routine primary care visits, allowing providers to assess a wide range of conditions—from musculoskeletal injuries to abdominal pain and cardiac issues—without the need for expensive or time-consuming referrals. This capability will be especially beneficial in rural or underserved areas where access to advanced imaging technologies is limited. By providing real-time insights, POCUS can help detect conditions early, leading to more timely interventions and better patient outcomes. Empowering Frontline Healthcare Workers: For frontline healthcare workers, especially in emergency or disaster situations, POCUS offers a rapid, non-invasive way to assess critically ill patients. It can be used to quickly evaluate trauma patients, diagnose life-threatening conditions such as pneumothorax or internal bleeding, and guide emergency procedures like fluid resuscitation or needle decompression. As POCUS technology continues to advance, its role in frontline care will expand, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses in challenging environments. Today, family medicine has become a specialty at the European level that solves most cases in medical offices through the judicious use of various modern, miniaturized medical devices, with lower costs alongside the classic clinical examination, for the rapid establishment of a most accurate diagnosis in the segment of primary medicine and the extension of high-performance services in the community, with the possibility of using telemedicine and artificial intelligence services in this field. Training and Education: The future of POCUS in primary care will also see a stronger emphasis on training and education. Medical schools and residency programs are increasingly incorporating POCUS into their curricula, ensuring that the next generation of healthcare providers is proficient in this technology. Online platforms and simulation-based training will also become more prevalent, allowing providers to continuously improve their skills. By these wishes, we bring a consistent contribution through the organization of our Hybrid Euroson POCUS School which has already reached its 5th Edition and which is organized by EUVEKUS /EADUS – The European Ultrasound Working Group in Frontline Physicians, EFSUMB endorsed, supported by WONCA Europe and EACCME (UEMS) credited. As a novelty in the way of organization, we will realize this Euroson School on two levels: beginners and advanced. There will be a common theoretical part, accessible to all participants, and a special theoretical part based on competence levels, after which, depending on their requests, we will have a separate practical part for beginners and advanced. We want to start a new educational Program "Training of Trainers (ToT)" for POCUS in frontline medicine, to obtain practical and theoretical skills in clinical ultrasound of first contact with the patient for diagnosis of competence „level one – Basic” through our professional organizations at this event. The Euroson POCUS School Conference will reflect the collaboration to advance common approaches and POCUS skills in frontline physicians, aimed at improving early diagnosis through ultrasonography techniques. However, public-private partnerships are needed in the future to help with the proper equipment of outpatient medical offices, but also to provide decent conditions for the medical practice of frontline physicians and provide quality services to patients. POCUS deals with narrowly defined clinical questions within a body region or an individual organ without claiming to comprehensively assess a region or an organ system. In conclusion, the future of POCUS in primary care and frontline medicine is bright, with the potential to significantly enhance patient care. As technology becomes more advanced and accessible, POCUS will empower healthcare providers to deliver more accurate, efficient, and personalized care, ultimately improving patient outcomes and transforming the landscape of primary care and frontline medicine. Dr. Mihai-Sorin IACOB, EUVEKUS President Vice-president of Romanian National Society of Family Medicine / GPs
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Diet yang seimbang menyediakan nutrisi penting untuk energi, pertumbuhan, dan perbaikan tubuh, serta mempengaruhi fungsi gastrointestinal dan mikrobiota usus, yang berdampak pada kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Malnutrisi terkait penyakit (Disease-related malnutrition, DRM) dapat terjadi akibat kekurangan nutrisi, yang berdampak pada komposisi tubuh, fungsi organ, dan meningkatkan morbiditas serta mortalitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi validitas ultrasonografi dalam mengidentifikasi defisiensi gizi pada pasien dengan penyakit gastrointestinal, serta membandingkan hasil ultrasonografi dengan metode evaluasi status gizi lainnya guna menentukan keakuratannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengacu pada kerangka medis dan nutrisi. Data klinis dan hasil ultrasonografi dikumpulkan dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Publikasi akademis dan literatur medis digunakan sebagai bahan sekunder untuk mendukung analisis. Ultrasonografi abdomen dan intestinal terbukti menjadi alat diagnostik non-invasif yang efektif dalam mengidentifikasi pasien dengan gejala abdomen dan gangguan gizi. Ultrasonografi juga berguna dalam penilaian komposisi tubuh dan penentuan massa otot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan ultrasonografi dalam evaluasi status gizi pada pasien dengan penyakit gastrointestinal memberikan hasil yang akurat dan dapat diandalkan, serta memudahkan pemantauan status gizi secara berkala.
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The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) recommends that ultrasound should be used systematically as an easy accessible and instructive educational tool in the curriculum of modern medical schools. Medical students should acquire theoretical knowledge of the modality and hands-on training should be implemented and adhere to evidence-based principles. In this paper we report EFSUMB policy statements on medical student education in ultrasound that in a short version is already published in Ultraschall in der Medizin 1.
Gastrointestinal ultrasound (GIUS) is an ultrasound application that has been practiced for more than 30 years. Recently, GIUS has enjoyed a resurgence of interest, and there is now strong evidence of its utility and accuracy as a diagnostic tool for multiple indications. The method of learning GIUS is not standardised and may incorporate mentorship, didactic teaching and e-learning. Simulation, using either low- or high-fidelity models, can also play a key role in practicing and honing novice GIUS skills. A course for training as well as establishing and evaluating competency in GIUS is proposed in the manuscript, based on established learning theory practice. We describe the broad utility of GIUS in clinical medicine, including a review of the literature and existing meta-analyses. Further, the manuscript calls for agreement on international standards regarding education, training and indications.
In October 2014 the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology formed a Gastrointestinal Ultrasound (GIUS) task force group to promote the use of GIUS in a clinical setting. One of the main objectives of the task force group was to develop clinical recommendations and guidelines for the use of GIUS under the auspices of EFSUMB. The first part, gives an overview of the examination techniques for GIUS recommended by experts in the field. It also presents the current evidence for the interpretation of normal sonoanatomical and physiological features as examined with different ultrasound modalities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
In October 2014 the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology formed a Gastrointestinal Ultrasound (GIUS) task force group to promote the use of GIUS in a clinical setting. One of the main objectives of the task force group was to develop clinical recommendations and guidelines for the use of GIUS under the auspices of EFSUMB. The first part, gives an overview of the examination techniques for GIUS recommended by experts in the field. It also presents the current evidence for the interpretation of normal sonoanatomical and physiological features as examined with different ultrasound modalities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
Introduction: The number of publications concerning mesenteric Doppler sonography (mesDS) is immense and does not correlate with the frequency of its use in clinical practice. This is astonishing since it provides real time blood flow (perfusion) information without side effects. Despite uncontrollable parameters like the technical limitations in some situations the optimization of (possibly) controllable parameters like standardization, production of normal values and reduction of the investigator variability by evaluating stable parameters could change the situation. Patients and methods: 10 investigators experienced in abdominal sonography ("DEGUM-Seminarleiter") performed mesenteric Doppler sonography in 5 healthy subjects with 5 different machines. Results: The portal vein at the confluence and the common hepatic artery provide a significant portion of investigations with intromission angles of more than 60°. Values of diameter, resistance index and pulsatility index of the celiac trunc could be obtained with inter-observer variability values below 25 %. The proper and the common hepatic artery show no differences in inter-observer variability values, whereas the intrahepatic measure point of the portal vein showed a higher reproducibility. Discussion: We define frame conditions for future mesenteric Doppler studies: the portal vein should be investigated at the intrahepatic measure point. Pathophysiological studies should refrain from velocity parameters except in the case of larger vessels running in a straight course towards the probe. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
Meyers' Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen, extensively revised and updated, is the classic text covering radiology of the abdomen as it relates to the progression of disease within an organ and from one organ to another. The book provides a systematic application of anatomic and dynamic principles to the practical understanding and diagnosis of intraabdominal disease. The full range of imaging modalities is addressed, from plain films and conventional contrast studies to CT, US, MRI and endoscopic ultrasonography. Highly selected, ample images including CT and MRI support the thoroughly descriptive text. Expanded references, citing both the classic and recent contributions, and a detailed cross-referenced index are presented. For radiologists, general surgeons, gastroenterologists, and others seeking insight into the clinical practice of radiology, this text continues to be the gold standard in the field. ©2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
The European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) recommends that ultrasound should be used systematically as an easy accessible and instructive educational tool in the curriculum of modern medical schools. Medical students should acquire theoretical knowledge of the modality and hands-on training should be implemented and adhere to evidence-based principles. In this paper we summarise EFSUMB policy statements on medical student education in ultrasound. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.