Developments in OCTG connections defining well integrity and mechanical performance of oilfield tubulars are not something newas a continuous feedback between field challenges and theinnovative nature of the Industry is something derivated into newer, more intensive Full Scale Testing procedures and novel analytic tools for connection performance evaluation in the last decades. The relationship between all those factors has been condensed in the present paper which gives shape to a comprehensive "technical history" for Premium Connections, hidden and scattered so far in issued patents, manufacturer manuals, brochures and selected field cases generated between 1935 and 2017.
Design schools can be well defined by manufacturer and region;apart from this, theadvancements in testing and manufacturing made possible to adjust the connection to the technical constraints put fromthe field, namely a high need for gas tightness and enhanced torque capabilities. Last but not least, it was discovered that, among all oilfield equipment used during upstream operations, it was (next to advancements inSSSV's)the constant evolution of tubular connectiontechnologieswhat contributed to "crystallize" the modern concept of Well Integrity, especially after the big offshoredevelopments seen from 1971 on. As a corollary, the impact of current standardization protocols ISO 13679 / API 5C5 on well integrity in terms of metallic seal integrity will be assessed in the light of the tribological and mechanical evolution of the MTM seal during testing and validation.