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Teaching Creative Thinking: Developing learners who generate ideas and can think critically



Young people need more than subject knowledge to thrive - they need capabilities. A key capability is 'creative thinking' which is to be the focus of a new 2021 PISA test, based on the authors' research at the University of Winchester's Centre for Real-World Learning. Teaching Creative Thinking is a powerful call to action and a practical handbook for all teachers seeking to embed creativity into the school experiences of all their students. Book available at
Developing learners who generate
ideas and can think critically
Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer
Pedagogy for a changing world
... Конвергент тафаккур асосида интеллект ётади, шунинг учун интеллектуал тафаккур деб ҳам аталади. [5] Дивергент тафаккур -(лотинча divergere -"бўлиниш") ижодий тафаккур методларидан бири бўлиб, берилган бир муаммонинг бир қанча ечимларини топиш, шунинг билан бир қаторда, дивергент тафаккур "бир вақтнинг ўзида турли йўналишларга изланиш, яъни бир муаммога бир нечта тўғри жавоблар борлигини ва оригинал ижодий ғояларнинг туғилишига хизмат қилади [6]. ...
... Креатив фикрлаш ҳар бир ижтимоий соҳада яққол акс этиши мумкин. [6] Умуман олганда, талабалар учун креативлик -бу янги, оригинал ғояларни яратиш, фикрлашнинг ностандарт шакли, берилган муаммоларга омадли ечимлар топишдир. Креатив тафаккур эса революцион тафаккур бўлиб, у конструктив характерни ифодалайди. ...
... Шу ўринда айтиш жоизки соҳага оид тадқиқотчи олимларнинг ижодий-креатив фикрлашга ўргатиш борасида уларнинг ишларида маълум бир бобларда ёритилганини кўришимиз мумкин, жумладан, муҳандислик графикаси фанларини ўқитиш усулларини ривожлантиришга А.И.Андреев [6] Талабанинг креативлиги унинг тафаккурида, мулоқотидаь ҳис-туйғуларида, муайян фаолият турларида намоён бўлади. Креативлик шахсни яхлит ҳолда ёки унинг муайян хусусиятларини тавсифлайди. ...
Ўқитиш самарадорлигига эришиш учун ўқитишнинг дидактик таъминотини яратиш механизмлари ҳам муҳим аҳамиятга эга. Дидактик таъминотни яратиш механизмларига креатив ёндашувни ташкил этиш талабаларни танқидий, таҳлилий ёки ижодий фикрлаш ва аниқ маълумотларга асосланган билимларга эга бўлишларини амалга оширади. Жамият тараққиётида муҳим роль ўйновчи талаба ва бу бўлажак мутахассислар интеллектуал салоҳиятининг тараққиёт жараёни интеллектуаллик даражасига мослигини таъминлашни тақозо этади.
... Unsurprisingly, due to curriculum demands, many teachers still feel overwhelmed when trying to integrate creative thinking into their classroom and need guidance as to how best to do this. In terms of resources, there are a number of evidence-based resources on which teachers can draw (Vincent-Lancrin et al, 2019;Lucas & Spencer, 2017;Beghetto & Kaufman, 2014). ...
... The model of creative thinking used in this study draws on the model of creativity developed by the Centre for Real-World (CRL) (Lucas et al., 2013;Lucas, 2016;Lucas and Spencer, 2017), Figure 1, now used in more than 30 countries across the world: (Lucas et al., 2013) CRL's model has five core dimensions each one of which breaks down into three sub-elements or clusters of creative thinking skills. The model sits well with the definition used in the PISA 2022 Test of creative thinking which was influenced by it: …the competence to engage productively in the generation, evaluation and improvement of ideas, that can result in original and effective solutions, advances in knowledge and impactful expressions of imagination (OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, 2019, p.8). ...
... Teachers mapped one or more of the three dimensions of the Rethinking Assessment model against one of the five subjects, then designed lessons using appropriate pedagogies (Lucas & Spencer, 2017;Vincent-Lancrin, et al., 2019). Teachers were also asked to select assessment methods from three complementary approaches offered to them (Lucas, 2022b). ...
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This report is an independent evaluation by The Australian Council for Educational Research UK (ACER UK) of a small-scale study undertaken by Rethinking Assessment. The study was led by Professor Bill Lucas with colleagues from Rethinking Assessment. It explored the degree to which it was possible for teachers in English primary and secondary schools to integrate creative thinking skills into five subjects within the existing National Curriculum and learn how to evidence the progress of their pupils. The findings of the study will feed into debates on the content of contemporary curricula today, curriculum design, the choice of pedagogies and the ways in which assessment methods can be developed to improve creative teaching and learning. The study sought to evaluate the challenges for schools in teaching for creativity in the current English school system, sharing practical insights that might be applied in the event of a systemic shift towards the integration of creative thinking within the English National Curriculum.
... Bill & Spencer (2019) analyse in a study of creative mindset the 5 dimensions of creative mindset: imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, disciplined, collaborative. Such dimensions offer a wide perspective on creativity and are applicable to several activities and fields (Bill, Spencer, 2017). ...
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... The development of creative thinking skills is influenced by several factors, namely individual internal factors and environmental factors. Teachers can act, mainly on environmental factors, as curriculum, school atmosphere, study groups, tasks, instructional strategies (Lucas & Spencer, 2017). Therefore, creativity can be developed if teachers provide the right learning opportunities, playing an important role in developing students' creative thinking skills. ...
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Creativity is a cross-cutting ability that is highly valued in today's society. Therefore, it should play an important role in education in general and in mathematics in particular. This requires teachers to create appropriate learning opportunities that allow creativity to flourish in students, helping them to develop their mathematical potential. In particular, the use of rich and challenging tasks can encourage fluency, flexibility and originality as three of the essential dimensions of creative thinking. Based on these assumptions, we developed a qualitative study with 19 elementary pre-service teachers to identify the dimensions of creativity revealed by these participants when solving challenging tasks, as well as their ability to recognize these dimensions in written tasks' resolutions. Ultimately, we aimed to identify potential tasks that contribute to the development of creativity in future teachers. Data was collected mainly through written productions. Preliminary results suggest that the tasks used have creative potential, with participants demonstrating some of the dimensions of creativity. Flexibility was identified as the most challenging dimension for them to identify.
... Theoretically positioning divergent thinking within a revised Bloom's Taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2002), probing questions serve as catalysts for progressing towards the higher-order cognitive domains of analyzing, evaluating and creating. Students exercising divergent thinking must break down geographic problems into constituent elements, critically assess varying perspectives and evidence, then synthesize their insights into novel solutions (Lucas & Spencer, 2017). This markedly contrasts with more commonly emphasized convergent thinking processes focused on simply remembering and applying predefined knowledge and procedures (Wigert, 2013). ...
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Developing students' divergent thinking abilities is an educational imperative for nurturing 21st century skills. Geography education lends itself well to embedding divergent thinking pedagogies by examining interconnected human-environment systems through varied spatial and cultural lenses. This study experimentally evaluated the efficacy of integrating structured probing question interventions to foster divergent thinking in secondary-level geography education. By using the experimental design, participants were 60 students divided into an experimental group receiving probing question training over nine sessions, and a control group receiving standard geography instruction. The experimental group demonstrated significantly higher divergent thinking scores across all components compared to controls at post-test. These improvements were maintained at follow-up, underscoring the durability of the probing intervention's effects. Findings empirically validate structured probing techniques as a promising pedagogical approach for purposefully cultivating flexible reasoning, creative ideation, and innovative geographic problem-solving capacities. This study contributes an empirically-grounded divergent thinking instructional framework that can empower students' abilities as engaged global citizens adept at grappling with the complexities of our interconnected world. This study pioneers an empirically-grounded instructional framework for purposefully cultivating divergent thinking skills through structured probing question within geography education. The findings contribute to the scholarly discourse on evidence-based strategies for nurturing essential 21st century competencies across the curriculum.
... Bill & Spencer (2019) analyse in a study of creative mindset the 5 dimensions of creative mindset: imaginative, inquisitive, persistent, disciplined, collaborative. Such dimensions offer a wide perspective on creativity and are applicable to several activities and fields (Bill, Spencer, 2017). ...
Cinematic art, as one of the most diverse art forms, underscores the importance of integrating motivation and creativity into the educational process. Since the absence of motivation can complicate even the simplest tasks, understanding how to effectively apply motivation within the educational environment is essential. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are not necessarily in conflict; they can coexist and interact, producing favourable outcomes in the teaching and learning process. Recognizing these facts, it becomes crucial to incorporate game-based and playful elements into cinematic educational workshops to stimulate student’s creativity. Practical exercises including such initiatives play a significant role in enhancing children’s imagination. Therefore, this study explores the realm of film pedagogy, with a specific emphasis on the power of fostering creativity and motivation.
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This study aimed to determine the relationship between creative expression and writing proficiency. The respondents were grade 9 students enrolled in the Special Program in the Arts (SPA) class. The researcher employed a descriptive correlational design with a test questionnaire consisting. Statistical tools such as frequency count, weighted mean, and Pearson correlation were used to collect and analyze numerical data. Results indicated that respondents had a moderate awareness of their creative expression in terms of writing. Their writing proficiency was rated as good in grammar and syntax, fair in the organization of ideas, and good in content development. The statistical result showed a strong relationship between writing proficiency and creative expression, with significant associations found in grammar and syntax, organization of ideas, and content development. A positive correlation was also observed between writing skills and levels of creative expression, suggesting that enhanced creative expression in writing is linked with improved writing proficiency. The findings underscore the importance of fostering both artistic expression and writing skills. The strong relationships between various writing proficiency criteria and creative expression highlight the interaction between creativity and effective writing. Thus, it is recommended that the pedagogical integration of writing techniques and creative expressions must be implemented in arts class.
The study is based on the achievements of ancient thinkers on the process of thinking, modern foreign and domestic authors in the approach to the interpretation of critical thinking and methods of its improvement by means of language learning. The hermeneutic and comparative approaches were used to achieve the goal and solve the tasks set in the work. These methods allowed authors to analyze the concepts of "critical thinking" and "distance learning". The modern vision of the concept of "critical thinking" is seen as the ability of an individual to analyze, argue statements or evidence, and draw conclusions using various models of reasoning, which ensures the processes of self-knowledge, self-education, and self-realization. The ability to think critically is a must for today. It is proved that critical thinking is a prerequisite for the development of the individual and society, while education is its guarantor. The modern distance approach is the main one in the paradigm of foreign language learning and critical thinking development.
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У статті автори відзначають, що в сучасних умовах важливою постає проблема актуалізації ролі креативності як ключової компетентності та інтегрального результату якості управлінського процесу в освітній сфері. Констатується, що актуальність дослідження проблеми креативності як сутнісної характеристики управлінської діяльності в освітній сфері набуває особливої ваги з огляду на те, що саме через освіту формується міцне громадянське суспільство та реалізуються нові моделі державного управління у політиці, економіці й соціальній сфері. Запропоновано розгляд феномену креативності управлінської діяльності як такий, що об’єктивно обумовлений зміною освітньої парадигми в дискурсі нових викликів цивілізаційного розвитку, перетворення інтелекту й духовного продукту суспільної діяльності на реальну продуктивну силу. Авторами надано визначення креативної управлінської компетентності керівника освітньої установи. Представлено розроблену авторами концептуальну модель освіти і з огляду на її зміст обґрунтовано з методологічної точки зору об’єктивну необхідність креативної управлінської діяльності закладу освіти в теперішній час. Стверджується, що проблему застосування та повноцінного використання концепції креативної управлінської діяльності керівника закладу освіти ніяким чином не слід розглядати в якості «новомодної теорії», навпаки, доведено, що креативність наразі постає безальтернативною основою впровадження нової економічної моделі функціонування системи освіти в цілому й її управлінського складника зокрема.
Our paper presents analyses on the ways of critical and creative learning for students, starting from the premise that, in the learning achieved at this level, there are major changes, determined by the more diverse and demanding social contexts, which requires selection and personalized decision-making skills. Besides the actual learning modalities, there are presented interferences with other demarches specific for academic activities, the risks of criticism, as well as the possible difficulties.Therefore, the value of the study and, at the same time, the hypothesis aimed is to reveal certain concrete aspects of how much and how, some of our students use such paths, based on their usefulness.
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