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Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for maxillary hypoplasia and soft palate elongation: A functional - morphological study



Objectives: To characterize associations between restricted tongue mobility and maxillofacial development. Setting and sample population: Cross-sectional cohort study of 302 consecutive subjects from an orthodontic practice. Material and methods: Tongue mobility (measured with tongue range of motion ratio [TRMR] and Kotlow free tongue measurement) was correlated with measurements of the maxillofacial skeleton obtained from dental casts and cephalometric radiographs. Results: Tongue range of motion ratio and Kotlow measures of restricted tongue mobility were associated with (i) ratio of maxillary intercanine width to canine arch length, (ii) ratio of maxillary intermolar width to canine arch length and (iii) soft palate length. Restricted tongue mobility was not associated with hyoid bone position or Angle's skeletal classification. Conclusions: Restricted tongue mobility was associated with narrowing of the maxillary arch and elongation of the soft palate in this study. These findings suggest that variations in tongue mobility may affect maxillofacial development.
Orthod Craniofac Res. 2017;20:237–244.  
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Accepted: 5 September 2017
DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12206
Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for maxillary hypoplasia and soft
palate elongation: A functional – morphological study
A. J. Yoon1| S. Zaghi2,3| S. Ha4| C. S. Law1| C. Guilleminault5| S. Y. Liu2
1Sections of Pediatric Dentistry and
Orthodontics, Division of Growth and
Development, UCLA School of Dentistry,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
2Division of Sleep Surgery, Department of
Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA
3UCLA Health, Santa Monica, CA, USA
4UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA,
5Sleep Medicine Division, Stanford Outpatient
Medical Center, Redwood City, CA, USA
A. J. Yoon, Section of Pediatric Dentistry
and Orthodontics, Division of Growth and
Development, UCLA School of Dentistry,
Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Structured Abstract
Objectives: To characterize associations between restricted tongue mobility and max-
illofacial development.
Setting and Sample Population: Cross- sectional cohort study of 302 consecutive sub-
jects from an orthodontic practice.
Material and Methods: Tongue mobility (measured with tongue range of motion ratio
[TRMR] and Kotlow free tongue measurement) was correlated with measurements of
the maxillofacial skeleton obtained from dental casts and cephalometric radiographs.
Results: Tongue range of motion ratio and Kotlow measures of restricted tongue mo-
bility were associated with (i) ratio of maxillary intercanine width to canine arch length,
(ii) ratio of maxillary intermolar width to canine arch length and (iii) soft palate length.
Restricted tongue mobility was not associated with hyoid bone position or Angle’s
skeletal classification.
Conclusions: Restricted tongue mobility was associated with narrowing of the maxil-
lary arch and elongation of the soft palate in this study. These findings suggest that
variations in tongue mobility may affect maxillofacial development.
ankyloglossia, frenulum, maxillofacial development, myofunctional dysfunction
The tongue may play a role in developmental of the maxillofacial skel-
eton.1,2 During development, the tongue maintains a balance of forces
between the soft tissue structures and the growing maxillofacial skel-
eton.3,4 When tongue mobility is impaired by congenital or develop-
mental conditions (eg microglossia, aglossia, tongue hemiatrophy, cleft
tongue, bifid tongue,5 oromotor dystonia of cerebral palsy,6 oromotor
dyspraxia of William’s syndrome7), there are developmental conse-
quences for the maxillofacial skeleton.8,4 The most common congen-
ital disorder affecting tongue mobility is lingual frenulum restriction
resulting in ankyloglossia, with an incidence of approximately 4.8% in
the newborn.9
Tongue mobility is influenced by the length and thickness of the
lingual frenulum, which extends from the ventral surface of the tongue
to the floor of the mouth.10 During deglutition, the tongue pushes
onto the palate,11 and the lingual frenulum determines the extent to
which the tongue can elevate.3 Upward pressure of the dorsum of
the tongue against the palate during swallowing helps form the width
and shape of the hard palate. A short- lingual frenulum limits upward
movement such that during deglutition the tongue thrusts anteriorly
instead of upward against the hard palate. This has been clinically
associated with reduced palatal width.3 The palatal bones form the
roof of the oral cavity and the floor of the nasal cavity. Thus, maxil-
lary constriction is also accompanied by narrowing of the nasal cavity,
resulting in nasal obstruction, mouth breathing and sleep- disordered
Studies have explored the influence of the tongue and lingual fren-
ulum on anomalies such as mandibular prognathism, maxillary protru-
sion and anterior open bite.3,13,1,14 However, there remains the need
for investigator- blinded, controlled studies examining the association
of lingual frenulum and tongue posture on development of the maxilla,
as it defines the dimension and patency of the nasal and oropharyn-
geal airway. This study is a functional- morphological investigation of
   YOON et al.
the association between tongue mobility and maxillofacial develop-
ment in a large cohort.
This was a cross- sectional cohort study of 302 consecutive subjects
evaluated in a private orthodontic practice (AY, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
from July to September 2016. Subjects aged six and over were invited
to participate. Exclusion criteria were as follows: history of frenec-
tomy, orthodontia, maxillary expansion, maxillofacial surgery, missing
or ectopic eruption of canines or first molars and functional trismus.
The study involved three main components: (i) functional measure-
ment of tongue mobility, (ii) anatomical measurement of the maxil-
lary and mandibular arches using dental casts and (iii) radiographic
measurement using lateral cephalometric radiographs. The following
demographic data were collected the following: age, gender, height
(cm), weight (kg) and BMI (kg/m2). Subjects who participated in the
study provided written informed consent for their examination find-
ings, dental casts, radiologic studies and personal health information
to be used for research purposes. The study protocol was approved
by the institutional review board (IRB) of University of California, Los
Angeles (IRB#16- 001286).
2.1 | Tongue mobility measurements
Assessment of the lingual frenulum and tongue mobility was per-
formed by two measures: (i) Tongue Range of Motion Ratio (TRMR)
and (ii) Kotlow free tongue measurement. A single rater performed
all measurements, and the average of three consecutive measure-
ments was obtained. TRMR is calculated as the mouth opening with
tongue tip to maxillary incisive papillae (MOTTIP) divided by maxi-
mal interincisal mouth opening (MIO). Our methods of measuring
MIO and MOTTIP have previously been published (Figure 1). Briefly,
functional TRMR as related to MIO grading scale is rated as follows:
Grade 1 = >80% (complete tongue mobility), Grade 2 = 50%- 80%
(average to mildly restricted tongue mobility), Grade 3 = <50%
(moderately restricted tongue mobility), Grade 4 = < 25% (severely
restricted tongue mobility)15 (Figure 2). Kotlow free tongue meas-
urement is obtained by measuring the length of the ventral surface
FIGURE1 Examples of tongue
functioning and length measurements
using the Quick Tongue Tie Assessment
Tool (QTT): Mouth opening with tongue
tip to incisive papilla (MOTTIP), maximal
interincisal mouth opening (MIO) and
Kotlow’s free tongue measurement. Tongue
range of motion ratio (TRMR) is defined as
the ratio of MOTTIP to MIO
(A) (B) (C)
FIGURE2 Examples of varying degrees of ankyloglossia categorized by tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR) grading (ratio of MOTTIP to
interincisal mouth opening [MIO])
YOON et al.
of the tongue (while in full extension) from the insertion of the
lingual frenulum to the tongue tip.16
2.2 | Cephalometric analysis (Figure 3)
Lateral cephalogram performed with subjects in natural head po-
sition was obtained prior to initiation of orthodontic treatment.
The radiographs were analysed with Dolphin Image Software 9.0
(Chatsworth, CA, USA). The following two angular and linear pa-
rameters were measured as follows: (i) ANB: angle formed between
points A, N, and B; (ii) SN- Mn: angle formed between the SN line
and mandibular plane (mn); (iii) H- Mn (mm): perpendicular distance
from hyoid (H) to mandibular plane (Mn) which was drawn between
gonion (Go) and menton (Me); (iv) PNS- P (mm): distance between
posterior nasal spine (PNS) and tip of soft palate (P), also known as
soft palate length. Subjects were classified based on the following
ANB angle criteria: Skeletal Class I: 0° to 4°; Skeletal Class II: >4°;
Skeletal Class III: <0°. These measurements were performed by two
raters blinded to grading of tongue mobility, and the average of
three measurements was obtained.
2.3 | Orthodontic study models (Figure 4)
Stone dental casts were obtained prior to initiation of orthodon-
tic treatment. The following measurements were obtained using a
digital calliper, with the average of three consecutive measurements
recorded for each dental arch (maxillary and mandibular): interca-
nine width(C), canine arch length(A), intermolar width(M) and molar
arch length(B). The mesiolingual cusp tips of first molars were used
as the reference point for the molar measurements. In addition, for
the maxillary cast, the depth of the deepest point of palatal vault (D)
and the distance between the gingival margins of the first molars (G)
was also recorded. The following parameters, derived from the raw
measurements, were then used for analysis: (i) ratio of maxillary and
mandibular intercanine width to canine arch length; (ii) ratio of maxil-
lary and mandibular intermolar width to molar arch length; (iii) palatal
slope as calculated by the following formula:
. Two
calibrated raters, blinded to grading of tongue mobility, performed the
FIGURE3 Points and measurements for the cephalometric
analysis. Nasion (N), point A (A), sella (S), menton (Me), hyoid (H),
posterior nasal spine (PNS), tip of soft palate (P), gonion (Go), point
B (B)
FIGURE4 Measurements obtained
from maxillary and mandibular dental
casts. A- Canine arch length from line
connecting central incisors to line
connecting canine cusp tips, B- Molar arch
length from line connecting central incisors
to line connecting 1st molar ML cusps,
C- Intercanine width between canine cusp
tips, M- Intermolar width between 1st molar
ML cusps, D- Depth of deepest point of
palatal vault, G- Distance between gingival
margins of first molars, θ- Palatal slope
   YOON et al.
2.4 | Data collection
The study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic
data capture tools hosted at the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science
Institute. REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-
based application designed to support data capture for research stud-
ies.17 Two raters assessed cast and cephalometric measurements and
one rater assessed tongue mobility (MOTTIP), Kotlow free tongue length,
maximal interincisal mouth opening (MIO) measurements. Measurement
calibration was performed with an initial sample of 10 cases in three
repeated trials. Inter- rater (by rater) and intrarater (by trial) reliabilities
were assessed with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), measure-
ment error (ME) and coefficient of variation (CV) statistics using JMP Pro
12.0 (Measurement System Analysis, EMP results, EMP Gauge R&R re-
sults).18 The results indicated measurement reliabilities between 98.0%
and 99.6% across all domains.
TABLE1 Patient demographics, dental cast measurements and cephalometric analysis by tongue range of motion ratio grade (TRMR)
TRMR Grade
P- Value
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
All >80% 50%- 80% <50% <25%
N Number 302 19 226 53 4
% Total 100% 6.3% 74.8% 17.5% 1.3%
Patient demographics
Gender Male 115 (38.1%) 7 (36.9%) 82 (36.3%) 23 (43.4%) 3 (75.0%) .1744
Female 187 (61.9%) 12 (63.1%) 144 (63.7%) 30 (56.6%) 1 (25.0%)
Age (y) Mean 18.1 18.3 18.0 18.9 14.5 .8103
Std dev 9.4 10.6 9.1 10.5 3.9
Weight (kg) Mean 56.3 58.9 55.7 57.9 57.5 .7474
Std dev 17.1 24.4 16.0 19.2 14.3
Height (inches) Mean 63.0 60.9 63.2 62.8 66.0 .1857
Std dev 5.2 7.9 4.9 5.1 6.3
BMI (kg/m2) Mean 21.6 23.7 21.3 22.2 20.1 .1404
Std dev 5.0 6.6 4.7 5.4 1.7
Cast measurements
Ratio Mx C
Mean 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.1 3.0 .0015**,
Std dev 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.5
Ratio Mx M
Mean 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 .0070**
Std dev 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ratio Mn C
Mean 4.7 4.9 4.8 4.4 4.9 .5446
Std dev 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.2 0.8
Ratio Mn M
Mean 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 .2024
Std dev 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Palatal slope Mean 35.3 32.4 35.1 36.9 41.4 .0118*
Std dev 6.5 6.5 6.2 7.5 1.7
Cephalometric analysis
SN- Mn angle Mean 36.0 36.9 35.7 36.6 40.8 .2640
Std dev 6.1 7.8 5.8 6.4 7.0
H- Mn line Mean 12.7 13.4 12.4 13.3 15.7 .4038
Std dev 5.2 7.5 4.8 5.7 5.4
PNS- P line Mean 31.6 30.3 31.3 33.5 34.1 .0137*,
Std dev 5.0 6.2 4.6 5.6 2.8
TRMR, Tongue range of motion ratio; Mx, Maxillary; Mn, Mandibular; C, Canine; M, Molar; W:AL, Ratio of Width to Arch Length; SN- Mn angle, Angle
formed between the SN line and mandibular plane; S, sella; N, nasion; Mn plane, Line drawn between gonion (Go) and menton (Me); H- Mn (mm), perpen-
dicular distance from hyoid (H) to mandibular plane (Mn); PNS- P line, distance from posterior nasal spine (PNS) and tip of soft palate (P).
*Statistical significance with P- value <.05.
**Statistical significance with P- value <.01 on univariate analysis.
Statistical significance with P < .01 on multivariate analysis with a Standard Least Squares Regression Model.
YOON et al.
2.5 | Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using JMP Pro 12 (SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Continuous variables are summa-
rized as mean (M) ± standard deviation (SD). Categorical variables
are summarized as frequencies and percentages. Univariate analy-
sis with Pearson’s Chi Square or independent t test (continuous
variables) was performed to assess for nominal or continuous co-
variates of tongue measurements including age, gender, height,
weight and BMI. Due to the testing of multiple variables for each
outcome, a two- tailed P- value < .01 was selected as the cut- off for
statistical significance.
Our study included 302 subjects with age ranging from 6 to 67 years.
Demographic factors included age: 18.1 ± 9.4 years (M ± SD); gender:
61.9% female; weight: 56.3 ± 17.1 kg; height: 63.0 ± 5.2 inches; BMI:
21.6 ± 5.0 kg/m2. Ethnicities include Asian 39.1%, Hispanic 35.8%,
TABLE2 Patient demographics, dental cast measurements and cephalometric analysis by kotlow classification
Kotlow classification
P- Value
Normal Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
> 16 mm 12- 16 mm 8- 11 mm 3- 7 mm <3 mm
N Number 142 123 33 3 1
% Total 47.0% 40.7% 10.9% 0.99% 0.33%
Patient demographics
Gender Male 51 (35.9%) 47 (38.2%) 14 (42.4%) 2 (66.7%) 1 (100%) .3752
Female 91 (64.1%) 76 (61.8%) 19 (57.6%) 1 (33.3%) 0 (0%)
Age (y) Mean 19.2 17.3 16.9 13.0 19.0 .3454
Std dev 9.4 9.3 9.9 3.0
Weight (kg) Mean 58.3 54.6 54.0 53.0 70.9 .3383
Std dev 17.1 16.8 18.4 13.6
Height (inches) Mean 63.3 62.8 62.1 64.3 71.0 .3851
Std dev 4.9 5.2 5.8 6.5
BMI (kg/m2) Mean 22.2 21.1 21.1 19.5 21.8 .4142
Std dev 5.0 5.0 4.9 1.5
Cast measurements
Ratio Mx C W:AL Mean 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.8 3.4 .0011**,‡
Std dev 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5
Ratio Mx M
Mean 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 .0027**
Std dev 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ratio Mn C W:AL Mean 4.7 4.8 4.2 4.8 5.0 .4236
Std dev 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.0
Ratio Mn M
Mean 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.5 .1898
Std dev 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
Palatal slope Mean 35.0 35.1 36.5 42.1 39.2 .2907
Std dev 6.1 6.5 8.1 1.1
Cephalometric analysis
SN- Mn angle Mean 36.4 35.5 35.1 43.8 31.5 .1061
Std dev 6.0 6.4 5.1 4.0
H- Mn line Mean 12.6 12.5 13.5 14.5 19.4 .5591
Std dev 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.8
PNS- P line Mean 30.9 31.5 34.9 33.3 36.3 .0011**,‡
Std dev 4.7 5.0 5.3 2.9
Kotlow’s free tongue length; Mx, Maxillary; Mn, Mandibular; C, Canine; M, Molar; W:AL, Ratio of Width to Arch Length; SN-Mn angle, Angle formed
between the SN line and mandibular plane; S, sella; N, nasion; Mn plane, Line drawn between gonion (Go) and menton (Me); H-Mn (mm), perpendicular
distance from hyoid (H) to mandibular plane (Mn); PNS-P line, distance from posterior nasal spine (PNS) and tip of soft palate (P).
*Statistical significance with P- value <.05.
**Statistical significance with P-value < .01 on univariate analysis.
Statistical significance with P < .01 on multivariate analysis with a Standard Least Squares Regression Model.
   YOON et al.
White 15%, Black 8%. This sample includes 47 children (ages 6- 11),
160 adolescents (age 12- 17), 71 young adults (age 18- 35), 23 adults
(age 36- 64) and 1 senior (age > 65). The average TRMR for the entire
cohort was 62.1 ± 13.8 (mean ± SD); the average Kotlow free tongue
length was 17.2 ± 5.9 mm. (Table 1 and 2).
The distribution of TRMR was as follows: Grade 1 = 6.3% (n = 19),
Grade 2 = 74.8% (n = 226), Grade 3 = 17.5% (n = 53), Grade 4 = 1.3%
(n = 4). The distribution of Kotlow classification was as follows:
Normal = 47.0% (n = 142), Class 1 = 40.7% (n = 123), Class 2 = 10.9%
(n = 33), Class 3 = 0.99% (n = 3), Class 4 = 0.33% (n = 1). There were
no significant differences in age, gender, weight, height or BMI.
Four factors achieved or approached statistical signif-
icance on univariate analysis for association with TRMR
(Table 1). Higher TRMR grade was associated with decreased
ratio of maxillary intercanine width to canine arch length
(Ratio Mx C W: AL), decreased ratio of maxillary intermolar
width to molar arch length (Ratio Mx M W:AL), increased pal-
atal slope measurements, and longer soft palate length (PNS- P
line). In the multivariate analysis with Standard Least Squares
Regression Model, two factors were found to be independently
associated with TRMR, namely, Ratio MxC W:AL and PNS- P line
      
0.88, PP = .0037). See Figures 5
and 6.
Similar factors achieved statistical significance on univariate
analysis for an association with ankyloglossia based on Kotlow free
tongue length measurements (Table 2). In the multivariate analysis
with Standard Least Squares Regression Model, Ratio Mx C W: AL and
PNS- P line were found to be independently associated with Kotlow
       
  P  
P = .0050). See Tables 1 and 2 for further details.
Tongue range of motion ratio and Kotlow Classification were not
associated with either dental or skeletal classification (P > .05). See
Figure 7.
There are four main findings from this functional- morphological study
examining the association between tongue mobility and maxillofacial
development. First, TRMR and Kotlow measures of reduced tongue
mobility are both associated with decreased ratio of maxillary inter-
canine width to canine arch length. This is consistent with published
associations between ankyloglossia and maxillary hypoplasia. Based
on visual assessment of tongue shape and lingual frenulum in 600
individuals with Class I malocclusions in a paediatric dental practice
over 18 months, Northcutt reported that when the lingual frenulum
is short, the tongue will not generate enough upward pressure result-
ing in a narrow and underdeveloped palate.3 Defabianis illustrated the
relationship between restricted tongue mobility and maxillary con-
striction with a subject treated with lingual frenectomy, followed by
spontaneous upper arch expansion without orthodontic treatment.1
Guilleminault recently presented a case- control series of 150 pae-
diatric patients with lingual frenulum that were clinically designated
as short (n = 63) or normal (n = 87), and noted more “high and nar-
row palatal vault” among subjects in the short frenulum group.19 Our
investigator- blinded cross- sectional study with clinical, radiographic
and dental cast measurements supports the association between re-
strictions to tongue mobility and maxillary hypoplasia with objective
functional and anatomic measurements.
The second significant finding of this study is the association be-
tween soft palate length (PNS- P line) and tongue mobility. Restricted
tongue mobility (as measured by either Kotlow free tongue or TRMR)
FIGURE5 Tongue range of motion
ratio (TRMR) Grade vs Maxillary Width and
Soft Palate Length. Box and whisker plots
are displayed outlining the 95% confidence
intervals, median, interquartile ranges and
outliers for the distribution of the Ratio
Mx C W: AL and PNS- P measurements
for the entire overall sample of patients
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
TRMR Grade vs Maxillary Width and Soft Palate Length
TRMR Grade
Ratio of maxilary inter-canine
width? to arch length
Soft palate length (PNS-P)
YOON et al.
was an independent predictor of increased soft palate length. This as-
sociation remained significant when controlling for differences in the
measurements of the maxilla, suggesting that the increased soft palate
length was not exclusively attributable to increased draping of the soft
palate tissue due to diminished tension. Prior authors have reported
that soft palate length is significantly greater in OSA patients,20 and
it is well established that increased soft palate length is a prominent
risk factor for upper airway collapsibility.21 Soft palate length has been
shown to increase progressively with ageing, weight gain and the pres-
ence of snoring, particularly among men20,22,23 We postulate that an-
kyloglossia may contribute to myofunctional dysfunction (in the form
of open mouth breathing and/or altered swallowing pattern) that in
turn promotes elongation of the soft palate.
Third, there is a lack of association between hyoid bone position
(H- MN line) and ankyloglossia. Ankyloglossia is associated with a low-
tongue posture, which has been associated with an inferiorly posi-
tioned hyoid bone.24 The hyoid bone is supported by soft tissue and is
not spatially fixed by bony articulations. Thus, the position of the hyoid
bone will vary with functional movements such as deglutition, mastica-
tion and breathing. Subjects with atypical patterns of functional move-
ments have been previously found to have alterations in the position
of the hyoid bone as compared to normal functioning controls.25 We
did not reproduce the association between position of the hyoid bone
(H- MN line) and TRMR or Kotlow measures of tongue mobility.
Finally, we did not find an association between skeletal or dental
Angle classifications with restricted tongue mobility. Two prior studies
FIGURE6 Tongue range of motion
ratio (TRMR) Grade vs Maxillary Width
and Soft Palate Length by Age Cohort.
Box and whisker plots are displayed
outlining the 95% confidence intervals,
median, interquartile ranges and outliers
for the distribution of the Ratio Mx C
W: AL and PNS- P measurements by age
cohort [Colour figure can be viewed at]
TRMR Grade vs Maxillary Width and Soft Palate Length
By Age Cohort
Children (Age 6-11) Adolescents (Age 12-17) Young Adults (Age 18-35) Adults (Age 36-64) Senior (Age >65)
Age Cohort
TRMR Grade
Ratio of maxilary inter-canine
width? to arch length
Soft palate length (PNS-P)
1234 1234 1234 1234 1234
FIGURE7 Tongue range of motion
ratio (TRMR) and Kotlow measurements
by Angle Classification. There was no
significant association between TRMR
and Kotlow measurements vs. skeletal
and dental classification in this series
(P > .05) [Colour figure can be viewed at]
   YOON et al.
with smaller sample sizes (n = 30)2 and (n = 150),14 however, did report
an association between ankyloglossia and skeletal Class III malocclusion.
An important limitation of the present study is the small number
of patients with extremely restricted tongue mobility. There were 53
patients with Grade 3 and only 4 patients with Grade 4 TRMR in the
study cohort. In addition, subjects who participated in the study had
presented for orthodontic treatment and may not reflect the mor-
phology of population- based controls. Future longitudinal studies
with large sample sizes from the general population would be needed
to define the impact of tongue mobility on maxillofacial development.
The results of this cross- sectional study show an association between
restricted tongue mobility, narrowing of the maxillary dental width,
and elongation of the soft palate. The present study did not find iden-
tify associations with skeletal and dental anterior- posterior relation-
ships. Our findings suggest that variations in tongue mobility may
affect maxillofacial morphology, mainly in the form of a high- arched
palate with transverse deficiency.
A. J. Yoon
1. Defabianis P. Ankyloglossia and its influence on maxillary and man-
dibular development. (A seven year follow- up case report). Funct
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Guilleminault C, Liu SY. Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for
maxillary hypoplasia and soft palate elongation: A functional
– morphological study. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2017;20:
... Literatürde yapılmış olan çalışmalarda dil bağı (Ankyloglossia) mevcut hastalarda kısıtlı dil hareketliliğinin, maksiller arkın daralmasına ve dil hareketliliğindeki değişikliklerin çene-yüz gelişimini olumsuz etkileyerek bir takım dentofasiyal anomalilerin gelişime neden olabilecekleri gösterilmiştir (3,21,22) (Resim 2). ...
... Podobnie Yoon i wsp. [75] nie wykazali związku między szkieletowymi wadami zgryzu w oparciu o klasyfikację Angle'a, a ankyloglosją ocenianą według klasyfikacji Kotlowa [76]. W badaniach Srinivasan i Chitharanjan [73] nie wykazano również związku między ankyloglosją a zgryzem otwartym, zaobserwowano zaś pogłębiony nagryz pionowy i zmniejszony kąt podstaw szczęk u pacjentów z ciężką lub ciężką i umiarkowaną ankyloglosją według metody Kotlowa. ...
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The article discusses the most important issues related to ankyloglossia. The reliability and effectiveness of the tests needed to assess this disorder were analyzed. The problem of ankyloglossia was presented from the perspective of the lactation midwife, orthodontist and speech therapist. Strong evidence in the management of ankyloglossia was pointed out. Theses based solely on weak evidence, which are common practice and bring little or no improvement in the patient, were challenged. Key directions for further work to better understand the impact of ankyloglossia on feeding disorders, orthodontic defects and articulatory disorders were identified. The most important conclusion that can be drawn from the work is the need for interdisciplinary teams consisting of a lactation midwife, an experienced speech therapist and an orthodontist to qualify the newborn and infant for frenotomy. key wordS: ankyloglossia, breastfeeding, interdisciplinary team, frenotomy W pracy omówione zostały najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z ankyloglosją. Przeanalizowano wiarygodność i skuteczność testów potrzebnych do oceny tego zaburzenia. Przedstawiono problem ankyloglosji z perspektywy położnej laktacyjnej, orto-donty i logopedy. Wskazano na mocne dowody w postępowaniu z ankyloglosją. Podważono tezy oparte wyłącznie na słabych dowodach, które są częstą praktyką, a przynoszą niewielką lub brak poprawy u pacjenta. Wskazano najważniejsze kierunki dalszych prac nad lepszym zrozumieniem wpływu ankyloglosji na zaburzenia karmienia, wady ortodontyczne oraz zaburzenia artykulacyjne. Najważniejszym wnioskiem, jaki można uzyskać z pracy jest potrzeba tworzenia zespołów interdyscyplinarnych składających się z położnej laktacyjnej, doświadczonego logopedy oraz ortodonty kwalifikujących noworodka i niemowlę do zabiegu frenotomii. Słowa kluczowe: ankyloglosja, karmienie piersią, zespół interdycyplinarny, frenotomia
... Kaip ir žandikaulių, taip ir dantų lankų normalų vystymąsi gali paveikti aplinkiniai minkštieji audiniai. Keleto tyrimų duomenimis, tiriamųjų, kurių trumpas liežuvio pasaitėlis, nepriklausomai nuo ankiloglosijos sunkumo lygio, palygintų su turinčiais normalų pasaitėlį, buvo statistiškai reikšmingai mažesni tarpkrūminiai ir tarpiltiniai atstumai viršutiniame žandikaulyje [6,18] bei tarpiltiniai atstumai apatiniame žandikaulyje [6]. Vertindami vietos trūkumą ir perteklių dantų lankuose, A.Vaz ir P. Bai nustatė, jog tiek dantų susigrūdimas, tiek tarpai tarp dantų buvo paplitę sąkandžio požymiai tarp pacientų, turinčių trumpą liežuvio pasaitėlį (40,71 proc. ...
Mokslinėje literatūroje gana plačiai nagrinėjama trumpo liežuvio pasaitėlio reikšmė kalbos bei maitinimo sutriki­mams. Nors ir atsiranda daugiau informacijos apie lie­žuvio pasaitėlio poveikį netaisyklingo sąkandžio išsi­vystymui, ankiloglosijos kaip etiologinio veiksnio įtaka sąkandžio ar dantų padėties anomalijų atsiradimui nėra visiškai aiški. Ankiloglosijos atsiradimo sustabdyti neį­manoma, bet, siekiant laiku ir efektyviai pritaikyti orto­dontinį gydymą ar net užkirsti kelią sąkandžio anomalijų atsiradimui, svarbu suprasti, kokią įtaką sąkandžiui daro negydytas trumpas liežuvio pasaitėlis. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti mokslinės literatūros apžvalgą ir išsiaiškinti trumpo liežuvio pasaitėlio reikšmę ortodon­tinių anomalijų išsivystymui. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Atlikta 2003 – 2023 metais publikuotų mokslinių straipsnių paieška Google Scholar, ScienceDirect ir PubMed (Medline) mokslinių duomenų bazėse. Paieškai naudoti raktažodžiai ir jų kombinaci­jos anglų kalba: ankyloglossia, short lingual frenulum, tongue – tie, malocclusion, orthodontic anomalies (an­kiloglosija, trumpas liežuvio pasaitėlis, netaisyklingas sąkandis, ortodontinės anomalijos). Mokslinių straipsnių įtraukimo kriterijai: 1) parašyti anglų kalba; 2) publikuoti 2003 – 2023 metais ir prieinami minėtose duomenų ba­zėse; 3) nagrinėjantys trumpo liežuvio pasaitėlio įtaką sąkandžio anomalijoms; 4) nagrinėjantys trumpo liežuvio pasaitėlio įtaką dantų lankų anomalijoms. Į literatūros apžvalgą neįtraukti straipsniai, neatitinkantys atrankos kriterijų, literatūros apžvalgos, metaanalizės, klinikinių atvejų aprašymai bei informacija, pateikta vadovėliuose ar knygose. Išvados. Trumpas liežuvio pasaitėlis sietinas su giliu są­kandžiu, dantine III sąkandžio klase ir siauru viršutiniu žandikauliu. Kryžminio ir atviro sąkandžio vystymuisi liežuvio pasaitėlio ilgis reikšmės neturi. Ilgas liežuvio pasaitėlis susijęs su skeletine III klase ir ilgu apatinio žandikaulio kūnu. Atviro sąkandžio atsiradimui įtakos turi liežuvio parafunkcijos, bet ne liežuvio pasaitėlio ana­tominė padėtis ar ilgis.
... Releasing the tethered tissue in these cases of tethered tissue causing a functional deficit, has shown to be advantageous with respect to function of the muscle [92][93][94][95]. Ankyloglossia has also been shown to be correlated with underdevelopment of the maxilla, amongst other dental and skeletal changes [96,97]. As seen previously, any deviation from optimal function may ultimately result in consequences to the craniofacial system [98][99][100]. ...
... In all age groups tested, decreases in the Kotlow free-tongue measurement and in the TRMR correlated with a reduction in palatal width (transverse maxillary hypoplasia) and elongation of the soft palate -risk factors for OSA as described elsewhere in this article. 21 The assertions of a relationship between tongue tie and sleep-disordered breathing are based on systematic observations from nonsyndromic pediatric patients with tongue tie and OSA, coupled with the results of older animal studies. 22,23 In the studies of children, a short lingual frenum was associated with the presence of OSA independent of the presence of tonsillar hypertrophy. ...
... For example, the evaluation of tongue positioning (74,75), the assessment of the functional suctioning pattern (76,77), the appraisal tongue's movements while suctioning the amniotic liquid or fingers (78,79), and the recognition of certain facial profile patterns (80) (i.e., retrognathic or prognathic patterns besides micrognathia or macrognathia) could complement the existing guidelines of best practice. It is worth mentioning that the tongue plays a very important role in stomatognathic development (81). As such, changes in stomatognathic system (particularly involving soft tissues and the palate) could already be observed in-uterus if ultrasonographers are "aware" and "sensibilized" of the facial structures that can be examined in both coronally and axially oriented sequences. ...
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Background Gestational ultrasounds are widely used today to monitor fetal health in utero. These imaging modalities assess structural development and detect potential anomalies; this allows for the early diagnosis and management of congenital abnormalities. However, ultrasounds have emerged as promising adjunctive tools in dentistry, particularly maxillofacial imaging and oral pathology, with potential effectivity in oral abnormality identification. This includes the presence of craniofacial asymmetries, oral dysfunctions, and minor or major pathologies. However, morphological ultrasounds remain widely understudied within the field of dentistry. Aim This scoping review seeks to evaluate and compile available evidence from primary studies regarding the applicability of gestational ultrasounds in detecting neonatal oral malformations and their prospective, long-term impact on fetal health. Design This review was registered on PROSPERO and the search was carried out in four databases (Embase, MEDLINE®, Web of Sciences, and the Cochrane Library) from inception until October 9th, 2023. Inclusion criteria included the reported detection of cranio-facial anomalies identified through prenatal ultrasound; and (2) enrolled at least 385 patients. Search terms were prepared by a interdisciplinary team, including an information specialist. Screening was performed independently by two investigators, who also performed data extraction, which was summarized narratively. Results After dual-phased screening, 51 studies met our eligibility criteria and were assessed. Overall, routine gestational ultrasound could detect a wide variety of cranio- and orofacial anomalies. In total, we included studies encompasses data from 614,245 pregnancies, 680,986 fetuses or births, and 376,300 ultrasound examinations. Facial clefts emerged as the most frequently observed malformation, with high variability in detection rates among different studies. Importantly, detection rates were influenced by several factors, including gestational age and the presence of multiple (underlying) abnormalities). With regards to performance metrics, studies reported varies values, including sensitivity ranging from 65% to 100%. Additionally, early antenatal ultrasounds were shown to be promising in enhancing detection rates. The healthcare implications primarily involved pregnancy termination based on ultrasound findings. Technical limitations, including image quality issues and the need for personnel training, were also noted, although poorly reported among included studies. Conclusion The findings elucidated the wide spectrum of orofacial abnormalities identifiable through gestational ultrasounds. Facial clefts, palate deformities, micrognathia, and glossoptosis emerged as frequently detected anomalies, highlighting the diagnostic potential of ultrasounds during the prenatal phase. The studies highlighted both the accuracy and variability in detection rates for different abnormalities, emphasizing the need for comprehensive evaluations and standardized protocols. Ultimately, the need for continued advancements, standardized protocols, and interdisciplinary collaborations to enhance diagnostic accuracy is imperative to improve prenatal care for expectant parents worldwide.
... Their study did not reveal statistically significant associations between skeletal malocclusions based on Angle's classification and ankyloglossia. Furthermore, no statistically significant changes in jaw structure related to the degree of tongue frenulum shortening, such as reduced jaw width-to-length ratio or decreased intermolar and intercanine distances, were identified [46]. However, Pompeia et al. emphasized in their review paper that ankyloglossia negatively impacts facial skeletal growth and development [47]. ...
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(1) The incidence of ankyloglossia ranges from 0.02 to 10.7%. The literature describes the effect of ankyloglossia on selected dysfunctions of the stomatognathic system, however no studies could be found reporting the influence of ankyloglossia on the occurrence of several disorders in a group of subjects. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of lingual frenulum on swallowing, speech, occlusion, and periodontal status; (2) Methods: The subjects were 172 patients, 86 with ankyloglossia (study group) and 86 with normal tongue frenulum (control group). In all subjects, the length of tongue frenulum, the type of swallowing, tongue mobility, occlusion, periodontal status and speech abnormalities were assessed; (3) Results: All subjects from the control group and all those with mild ankyloglossia showed normal tongue mobility. A limited tongue mobility was found in 29.4% subject with moderate and in 70.6% subjects with severe ankyloglossia. Rhotacism was observed in 21.3% subjects with normal frenulum, in 2.1% with mild, 38.3% with moderate, and 38.3% with severe ankyloglossia. Malocclusion or crowding was diagnosed in subjects with mild, moderate and severe ankyloglossia in 7.4%, 33.9% and 20.7% subjects (total 62%), respectively, whereas in the control group - in 21.6% subjects. No abnormalities in the periodontium in the area of the lingual surfaces of the crowns of the lower central incisors were found in any of the examined persons. Among patients with infantile type of swallowing 24.4% had a normal length of the tongue frenulum, 11.1% - mild, 28.9% - moderate, and 35.6 - severe ankyloglossia. Among patients presenting a mature type of swallowing 58.7% had a normal length of the frenulum; (4) Conclusions: 1.A shortened tongue frenulum correlates with “infantile swallowing pattern”. 2. Moderate or severe ankyloglossia significantly limits tongue mobility. 3. Short tongue frenulum is related to speech disorders.
Generating adequate tongue pressure against the hard palate requires full-range mobility of the tongue. The study aimed to (1) determine the prevalence of restricted tongue mobility and ankyloglossia and (2) determine whether, in children with restricted tongue mobility, their condition also affects tongue pressure. A cross-sectional study of healthy 6–8-year-old children from primary schools in central Vietnam was conducted in 2019. Restricted tongue mobility and ankyloglossia were graded using the tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR), with the tongue-tip-to-incisive papillae (TIP) for the anterior tongue tip and lingual–palatal suction (LPS) for the posterior two-thirds of the tongue. Tongue strength and tongue endurance were measured by the Iowa Oral Pressure Instrument. Statistical analysis investigated the associations between tongue mobility and tongue pressure measurement. Five hundred twelve children (46.5% female, mean age 7.2 ± 0.2 years) were assessed. The prevalence of anterior ankyloglossia and restricted mobility was 17.5%, with 16.2% cases of less than 50% mobility and 1.3% cases of less than 25% mobility. The prevalence of posterior ankyloglossia and restricted mobility with less than 30% mobility was 28.9%. Anterior restricted mobility was not a predictor of reduced tongue pressure. Posterior restricted mobility in LPS was independently associated with tongue strength but not tongue endurance. Restrictions of posterior tongue mobility in ankyloglossia are more frequent than restrictions in anterior tongue mobility. Reduced tongue strength is related to mobility and the severity of restrictions in the posterior tongue. These findings suggest that restricted posterior tongue mobility may affect tongue muscle weakness.
Study objectives: The purpose of this systematic review is to evaluate the modifiable risk factors associated with OSA and analyze extant publications solely focused on prevention of the disease. Methods: Studies focused on prevention strategies for OSA and modifiable risk factors were eligible for inclusion. A detailed individual search strategy for each of the following bibliographic databases was developed: Cochrane, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed and LILACS. The references cited in these articles were also crosschecked and a partial grey literature search was undertaken using Google Scholar. The methodology of selected studies was evaluated using the 14-item Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies. Results: Search resulted in 720 publications examining risk factors and prevention of OSA, as well as lifestyle modifications. Of these, a thorough assessment of the abstracts and content of each of these manuscripts led to the rejection of all but four papers, the latter being included in this systematic review. In contrast, a search regarding 'Therapeutics' showed that 23,674 articles on OSA were published, clearly illustrating the imbalance between the efforts in prevention and those focused on therapeutics. Conclusions: Notwithstanding the importance and benefits of technological advances in medicine, consideration of the needs of people with OSA and its consequences prompts advocacy for the prevention of the disease. Thus, despite the economic interests that focus only on diagnosis and treatment, strategies preferentially aimed at overall avoidance of OSA emerge as a major priority. Thus, public and healthcare provider education, multidimensional prevention, and early diagnosis of OSA should be encouraged worldwide. Keywords: CPAP; epidemiology; mandibular advancement device; myofunctional therapy; preventive medicine; short lingual frenulum; sleep apnoea; sleep surgery.
The restrictive symptomatic lingual frenulum can lead to changing symptoms, compensations, and dysfunction throughout life and is therefore referred to as a symptom transducer. The article explains the embryology, histology, anatomy, and prevalence of symptomatic ankyloglossia (also known as tongue tie). Classification systems and anatomic divisions are discussed, and checklists for recording and documenting symptoms are presented. Symptoms in infants, children, adolescents, and adults with limited tongue mobility are highlighted.
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Purpose: Alterations of the lingual frenulum may contribute to oromyofacial dysfunction, speech and swallowing impediments, underdevelopment of the maxillofacial skeleton, and even predispose to sleep breathing disorder. This study aims to assess the utility of existing instruments for evaluation of restricted tongue mobility, describe normal and abnormal ranges of tongue mobility, and provide evidence in support of a reliable and efficient measure of tongue mobility. Methods: A prospective cohort study of 1052 consecutive patients was evaluated during a 3-month period. Age, gender, ethnicity, height, weight, BMI, maximal interincisal mouth opening (MIO), mouth opening with tongue tip to maxillary incisive papillae at roof of mouth (MOTTIP), Kotlow's free-tongue measurement, and presence of severe tongue-tie were recorded. Secondary outcome measures include tongue range of motion deficit (TRMD, difference between MIO and MOTTIP) and tongue range of motion ratio (TRMR, ratio of MOTTIP to MIO). Results: Results indicate that MIO is dependent on age and height; MOTTIP and TRMD are dependent on MIO; Kotlow's free-tongue measurement is an independent measure of free-tongue length and tongue mobility. TRMR is the only independent measurement of tongue mobility that is directly associated with restrictions in tongue function. Conclusions: We propose the use of tongue range of motion ratio as an initial screening tool to assess for restrictions in tongue mobility. "Functional" ankyloglossia can thus be defined and treatment effects followed objectively by using the proposed grading scale: grade 1: tongue range of motion ratio is >80%, grade 2 50-80%, grade 3 < 50%, grade 4 < 25%.
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A short lingual frenulum has been associated with difficulties in sucking, swallowing and speech. The oral dysfunction induced by a short lingual frenulum can lead to oral-facial dysmorphosis, which decreases the size of upper airway support. Such progressive change increases the risk of upper airway collapsibility during sleep. Clinical investigation of the oral cavity was conducted as a part of a clinical evaluation of children suspected of having sleep disordered breathing (SDB) based on complaints, symptoms and signs. Systematic polysomnographic evaluation followed the clinical examination. A retrospective analysis of 150 successively seen children suspected of having SDB was performed, in addition to a comparison of the findings between children with and without short lingual frenula. Among the children, two groups of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) were found: 1) absence of adenotonsils enlargement and short frenula (n=63); and 2) normal frenula and enlarged adenotonsils (n=87). Children in the first group had significantly more abnormal oral anatomy findings, and a positive family of short frenulum and SDB was documented in at least one direct family member in 60 cases. A short lingual frenulum left untreated at birth is associated with OSAS at later age, and a systematic screening for the syndrome should be conducted when this anatomical abnormality is recognised.
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Objective: This study was undertaken to cephalometrically evaluate the pharyngeal airway dimension, tongue and hyoid position in subjects with normal nasorespiratory functions having different dentofacial patterns (A-point-nasion-B-point [ANB] >40 and ANB <40) and to find if a correlation existed. Materials and methods: Class I and Class II Division I patients were selected randomly. Lateral head cephalograms were taken in normal head position within a lead foil attached to the tongue tip and a barium coating on the dorsal surface of tongue. The lateral cephalograms obtained were traced using lead acetate paper and measurements were taken. Different analyses were done for the pharyngeal airways, hyoid bone, and tongue. Results: The ANB angle is a significant predictor for Class I and Class II Division I malocclusion, and the mean ANB angle of Class II Division I was different and higher. The overall mean pharynx and hyoid parameters were different and lower in Class II Division I patients than in Class I patients. The mean tongue parameter almost remained the same except for the tongue position (TT-LOP), which was higher in Class II Division I. Conclusion: In general, there was no difference either in the pharyngeal airway anterioposterior dimension or in the position and relationship of the hyoid bone and tongue, between Class I and Class II Division I patients. These findings are consistent with the findings in studies. Anterioposterior dimension of the upper airway is usually maintained by adaptation of both the tongue and the hyoid bone. The result should be viewed in the light of the fact that only anterioposterior dimensions were taken into consideration; the vertical and transverse dimensions of these complex anatomical structures need to have newer three-dimensional (3-D) imaging technique to find if a correlation existed between them, making future studies more comprehensive.
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Background: The orofacial musculature plays a pivotal role in maintaining a balance in positioning of the teeth and any imbalance which occurs in this, results in malocclusion. Lingual frenum is a soft tissue structure which tethers the ventral surface of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Objective: This study was performed to analyze the lingual frenal lengths in skeletal class I, class II and Class III malocclusion and to correlate relationship between both. Materials and Methods: This study comprised of 30 subjects, with 10 in each group and an impression was made with the maximum mouth opening position and the tip of tongue touching the incisive papilla. The length of the lingual frenum was then measured from the casts. The maximum mouth opening position was also determined by measuring the interincisal distance with the maximum mouth opening position. Statistical analysis was done to analyze the relationship between both. Results: The lingual frenum was found to be longest in class III malocclusion, with a statistical significant value of p
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The role of ankyloglossia in etiology of malocclusion is not much discussed over the years. The aim of the present study was to assess the skeletal and dental characteristics in subjects with ankyloglossia. Fifty-seven subjects diagnosed with ankyloglossia (group 1) were compared with 60 subjects (group 2) without ankyloglossia, who had class I skeletal base. Ankyloglossia was diagnosed and graded (mild, moderate, severe and very severe) using Kortlow's method. SNA, SNB, ANB, Go-Gn-SN angle, FMA, maxillary and mandibular intercanine widths and intermolar widths, tooth size-arch length discrepancy in maxillary and mandibular arches and overbite were measured. Independent t test was used to compare the mean parameters between the two groups. Analysis of variance and Tukey honestly significant difference were used to compare mean parameters among various grades of ankyloglossia. Majority of group 1 subjects belonged to class I skeletal base followed by class II and class III skeletal bases. Moderate ankyloglossia was most common in group 1. The mean maxillary and mandibular intercanine widths and maxillary intermolar width were statistically significant in independent t test (P < 0.01) and reduced in group 1. In ANOVA followed by Tukey HS, the Go-Gn-SN angle and overbite were statistically significant among different grades of ankyloglossia (P < 0.05). Subjects with ankyloglossia had reduced maxillary and mandibular intercanine widths and reduced maxillary intermolar width. The mandibular plane angle and overbite were altered with severity of ankyloglossia.
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Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is a congenital condition of newborns when the inferior lingual fraenulum is too short and is attached to the tip of the tongue limiting its movement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between ankyloglossia classification and tongue mobility. In addition, the prevalence of ankyloglossia among males and females was assessed. 300 subjects (150 boys and 150 girls) with an age range of 7-12 years were randomly selected from different schools. The distance between the uppermost point of lingual fraenulum and its insertion into the oral floor was measured in the subjects. The subjects were categorised from having no ankyloglossia to severe tongue-tie based on the measurements. This study showed that ankyloglossia was more common in males. It also showed that only subjects with a lingual fraenulum of <1.5 cm suffered from inadequate tongue movement.
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In children with cerebral palsy speech is a big problem. Speech of these children is more or less understandable, depending on the degree of reduced mobility of articulatory organs. Reduced mobility is affected by inability to control facial grimacing and poor muscle strength when performing targeted movements. The aim of this study was to determine the mobility of tongue in patients with cerebral palsy. The study included a sample of 34 children--patients with cerebral palsy who had been treated in the Special Hospital for the Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Neurology in Belgrade. The patients were divided according to the determined diagnosis into two groups: Quadriparesis spastica (n = 11) and Morbus Little (n = 16). The children, aged 8-12 years, had preserved intelectual abilities, and all of them had preserved hearing. The study was conducted during the period from January to September 2009. The functional state of articulatory organs in both groups was tested by the C-test that examines the anatomic structure and mobility of the articulatory organs. Our research showed that both groups of the patients had impaired functional state of the tongue - the most mobile articulatory organ. Also, the research showed that the functional state of the tongue was worse in children diagnosed with Quadriparesis spastica. A statistically significant correlation between the diagnosis and the functional state of the tongue, the tongue test performance and the retention of the tongue in a given position was found (r = 0.594, p < 0.005; r = 0.816, p < 0.01 and r = 0.738, p < 0.001, respectively). A large percentage of children with cerebral palsy were not able to establish control over the position of articulatory organs, especially the tongue, and its retention in a given position, all of which affect the quality of speech.
When ankyloglossia is relatively severe and generates mechanical limitations and functional challenges, surgical reduction of the frenum is indicated. Laser technique is an innovative, safe and effective therapy for frenectomy in both children and adolescents. Erbium:YAG laser (2940nm) can be useful for paediatric dentist: 1.5W at 20pps is a commonly used average power to easily, safely and quickly cut the frenum. Usually after laser frenectomy, the postoperative symptoms and relapse are absent. Early intervention is advisable to reduce the onset of alterations correlated to the ankyloglossia. A multidisciplinary approach to the problem is advisable, in collaboration with orthodontist, physiotherapist and speech therapist, to better resolve the problem.