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Focus of Attention and Motivation in Musical Performance



Research on cognition, attention and practice illustrates how important directing learners’ attention can be in the process of motor skill development. Effects of focus of attention (FOA) on human performance have been documented behaviorally and physiologically for the past 15 years (for a review, see Wulf, 2013; for EMG, see Lohse, Sherwood & Healy, 2010; for EEG and heart rate, see Radlo et al., 2002; for fMRI, see Zentgraf et al., 2009). More recently, Wulf & Lewthwaite (2016) proposed the OPTIMAL Theory, which examines links between attention and motivation. The purpose of this investigation was to examine internal and external FOA in a complex music performance task. Participants (N=10) played a trumpet melody under 5 FOA conditions: 1) fingers, 2) embouchure, 3) a distal target, 4) sound produced, and 5) their ideal auditory image. Condition order was counterbalanced (Latin square). Experts perceived no significant differences across conditions in terms of performance ratings. However, participants reported optimal levels of performance and expressed strong preferences for external FOA conditions, supporting the idea that motivational factors are integral in the study of FOA in music performance contexts. This relationship between attention and motivation may inform future physiological and behavioral protocols.
Focus of Attention and Motivation in Musical Performance
Isabelle Arseneau-Bruneau
Amy L. Simmons, Ph.D.
Center for Music Learning, The University of Texas at Austin
Research Questions
Methods and Materials
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Wulf, G., International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2013
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  • R Lewthwaite
Wulf, G., & Lewthwaite, R. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2016
  • G Wulf
  • R Lewthwaite
  • P Cardozo
  • S Chiviacowsky
Wulf, G., Lewthwaite, R., Cardozo, P., & Chiviacowsky, S., Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2017