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Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices: Are the two linked, and if so, how?



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Perceptions of subject difficulty and
subject choices:
Are the two linked, and if so, how?
October 2017
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 1
This report was written by Benjamin M. P. Cuff, from Ofqual’s Strategy, Risk and
Research directorate.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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1 Executive summary ................................................................................................ 3
2 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Students’ perceptions and choices .................................................................. 5
2.2 Teachers’ perceptions, decisions, and influences .......................................... 6
3 Study aims and methodology ................................................................................. 8
4 Results .................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Teachers’ perceptions and behaviours ......................................................... 10
4.1.1 Some students may find some subjects difficult ........................................ 10
4.1.2 The school’s policies sometimes need to take difficulty into account ....... 13
4.1.3 Students should be advised to focus on their strengths, enjoyment, and
needs .................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Students’ perceptions and their subject choices ........................................... 22
4.2.1 Some subjects are more difficult than others ............................................ 22
4.2.2 Some subjects are more enjoyable than others ........................................ 26
4.2.3 Some subjects are more useful than others .............................................. 27
4.2.4 Advice received from others ....................................................................... 30
5 Discussion ............................................................................................................. 35
5.1 Limitations and areas for future research...................................................... 37
6 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 39
References................................................................................................................... 40
Appendices .................................................................................................................. 45
Appendix A - methodology ....................................................................................... 45
Design ................................................................................................................... 45
Recruitment ........................................................................................................... 45
Interview/focus group schedules .......................................................................... 47
Method of analysis ................................................................................................ 48
Appendix B Interview/focus group schedules ...................................................... 50
Teacher interview schedule .................................................................................. 50
Student focus group schedule .............................................................................. 52
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1 Executive summary
Debate about perceived disparity in the difficulty of different subjects has occurred
over many years and this might be contributing to a lower uptake in certain ‘key’
subject areas. The purpose of this research was to explore whether teachers’ and
students’ perceptions of subject difficulty might be having an effect on which subjects
students choose to study in secondary education, and whether other concerns (eg
subject enjoyment or usefulness) might interact with this relationship.
A qualitative research design was chosen to allow for an in-depth exploration of
these issues. One-to-one interviews were held with 49 teachers and focus groups
were held with 112 students, both from 12 schools across England. Thematic
analysis was used to analyse the coded transcripts and the main drivers of students’
and teachers’ behaviours were identified.
In general, although subject difficulty was an important consideration for teachers,
much of their advice was based upon what each student would enjoy and find useful
for future education/employment. Teachers agreed that whether a student found a
certain subject difficult or not was very much dependent upon each student’s
individual strengths (ie person-specific difficulty). Teachers had an influence over
students’ subject choices via the advice they gave, and school policies also had an
effect. Entry criteria policies were often based upon general notions of subject
difficulty, which served to prevent students from taking subjects they would find too
difficult. Some schools also chose not to offer certain subjects because they were
seen to be too difficult, again preventing uptake in those areas. Teachers sometimes
discouraged students from taking subjects that might be too difficult for them, but
stated that this was mostly (although not exclusively) done according to person-
specific subject difficulty, as opposed to more general (ie not person-specific) notions
of subject difficulty.
Similarly, students stated that perceptions of difficulty were not the main basis of
their decisions, and focussed more upon enjoyment and usefulness. Importantly,
students often stated that they were willing to overlook subject difficulty when they
enjoyed it and/or needed it to satisfy their university or career ambitions. Students
also agreed that although some subjects stood out as seeming to be generally more
difficult than others, whether or not they found a subject difficult was dependent upon
their individual strengths. Students did base their subject choices on perceptions of
difficulty, and recognised that they were also sometimes discouraged by their
teachers, parents, and friends from choosing subjects that were thought to be too
difficult for them.
The main conclusion drawn from this research was that subject choices appear to be
primarily driven by a triad of perceptions: enjoyment, usefulness, and difficulty (with
perceptions being mostly person-specific). Although perceptions of difficulty did have
an influence on subject choices, they are perhaps the lesser of these three concerns.
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2 Introduction
The issue of inter-subject comparability has been subject to longstanding debate in
the education literature, as summarised in a series of working papers recently
published by Ofqual (2015d). Although much work has been done to determine
whether some subjects are statistically more difficult than others (Coe, 2008; Coe,
Searle, Barmby, Jones, & Higgins, 2008; Nuttall, Backhouse, & Willmott, 1974;
Ofqual, 2015e), consensus on the matter is yet to be reached, largely because of a
lack of agreement over how to conceptualise inter-subject comparability in the
context of assessment and awarding (Coe, 2010; Newton, 2010, 2012; Ofqual,
2015c). Given that a resolution is yet to be found, it is important to understand how
the education system is currently being affected by this issue. In this paper I shall
focus specifically on how students’ subject choices (ie which subjects they choose to
study at GCSE and A level) are currently being affected by the perceptions of
difficulty held by those students and their teachers. Although this may bring us no
closer to determining which subjects are objectively more difficult than others,
people’s choices and behaviours will nonetheless be primarily driven by what they
believe to be true.
This research is particularly important in light of concerns expressed about national
skills deficits in STEM
subjects and modern languages (eg CaSE, 2014; Dearing &
King, 2006; House of Lords, 2006; Myers, 2006; Osborne, Simon, & Collins, 2003;
Roberts, 2002; A. Smith, 2004; E. Smith, 2011). Specifically, there is the concern
that fewer students may be entering into these fields because these subjects are
generally perceived to be among the more difficult subjects
, and that students may
be choosing to study ‘easy’ subjects in favour of ‘difficult’ subjects, to maximise their
chances of attaining high grades. However, although various sources have
suggested that perceptions of difficulty (sometimes discussed in terms of the
perceived likelihood of doing well in a subject) appear to have an influence on
decision making (eg Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001; Brown,
Brown, & Bibby, 2008; Jin, Muriel, & Sibieta, 2011; Tripney et al., 2010; Vidal
Rodeiro, 2007; Watts & Pickering, 2005), there is a lack of research focussing
specifically on these perceptions in depth. Accordingly, more work could be done to
explore exactly how students and schools are behaving in response to their
understanding of this issue.
Investigating the precise nature of how perceived difficulty affects subject choices
would allow us to better understand the decision making process and to explore the
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Statistical analyses tend to agree that it may be harder to achieve certain grades in these subjects
compared to others (Coe, 2008; Coe et al., 2008; Ofqual, 2015e). However, readers should be aware
of the issues associated with interpreting statistical analyses of inter-subject comparability (Coe,
2007, 2008; Ofqual, 2015c).
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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validity of the aforementioned concerns. It may grant us greater insight into how to
encourage more students to pursue key qualifications. Additionally, from a
regulatory point of view, it would be useful to know whether students are being
purposefully entered into ‘easier’ subjects in the hope of boosting student and school
performance table outcomes, as has been previously suggested (Coe, 2008; House
of Lords, 2006; Jones, Philips, & van Krieken, 2011). I shall begin by discussing how
students’ choices might be influenced by the perceptions of subject difficulty held by
themselves and their teachers. I shall then present the findings of a qualitative study,
conducted to investigate relationship between perceptions of subject difficulty and
subject choices.
2.1 Students’ perceptions and choices
Several authors have listed the various factors that appear to influence students’
decision making (eg Foskett, Dyke, & Maringe, 2004; Garratt, 1986; Jin et al., 2011;
Springate, Harland, Lord, & Wilkin, 2008; Taylor, 2015; Tripney et al., 2010; Vidal
Rodeiro, 2007; Weeden, 2007), and several commonalities have arisen. These
include the enjoyment of the subject, the perceived usefulness of the subject (eg for
university entrances and for future careers), perceived difficulty and ability, and the
advice of friends, teachers, and parents. Although these findings contribute to our
understanding of the decision making process, it would be useful to explore them in
greater depth, as these studies have tended to simply show that students chose not
to study certain subjects because they perceived them to be difficult. As such,
although we know that students perceive some subjects to be more difficult than
others, and that subject difficulty appears to have an effect on decision making, the
thoughts and behaviours that underlie this relationship are yet to be fully established.
This is important because the link between perceived difficulty and decision making
is unlikely to be a simple one. In particular, the research literature would benefit from
an exploration of any additional factors that interact with this relationship.
Perceptions of usefulness may be one such factor, as it is likely that students will
need to handle the trade-off between perceptions of subject difficulty and the
usefulness of the end qualification (ie for future education or employment). To give
an example, a student may wish to avoid mathematics because it is thought to be
difficult, but at the same time wish to take it to develop useful skills for future
employment. As a large proportion of school students have high aspirations for their
future (Rose & Baird, 2013), university and career requirements are likely to be an
important consideration for many students. In a similar manner, how much a student
enjoys a certain subject may again be an important consideration when making their
subject choices. When students enjoy certain subjects, they are more likely to freely
engage in them via the experience of intrinsic motivation (Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier,
& Ryan, 1991). As well as being more motivated to further their education in
enjoyable subjects, intrinsic motivation has also been linked with greater academic
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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performance, learning, understanding, and memory (see Deci et al., 1991). In other
words, this suggests that when a student enjoys a particular subject, that student is
not only more likely to choose it, but may actually find it less difficult, because they
are better able to learn and engage with the materials present in that course.
These points support our earlier claim that the relationship between perceptions of
difficulty and subject choices is unlikely to be a simple one, and suggest that
enjoyment and usefulness might interact with (or possibly even supersede) this
relationship. One aim of the current research, therefore, was to examine how
students resolve such conflicts, balancing the competing concerns of subject
difficulty against their enjoyment and ambitions to achieve future goals. This is
needed because although past authors have considered the influence of difficulty,
enjoyment, and usefulness on subject choices (eg Adey & Biddulph, 2001;
ATKearney, 2016; Springate et al., 2008; Taylor, 2015; Weeden, 2007), the
interaction between these factors has largely fallen outside of the scope of these
authors’ interest. The current research aims to investigate these interactions more
closely, in order to explore the extent to which subject choices are based on
perceptions of difficulty or these other factors. Much of the past research in this area
has also focussed upon one or two specific subject areas. It was therefore decided
to extend the current investigation to cover the broader spectrum of subject choices.
2.2 Teachers’ perceptions, decisions, and influences
For the purposes of this report, the term ‘teachers’ will be used to refer broadly to all
school staff that have an advisory role for students, including teachers of all levels,
and non-teaching staff such as careers advisors. Where it is pertinent to refer to one
of these job roles more specifically, this shall be made clear.
Although students may believe that their own internal views are the most important
factor in decision making (Darling & Glendinning, 1996; Garratt, 1986), external
views such as those of their teachers have also been shown to be an important
source of information for students (Jin et al., 2011; Vidal Rodeiro, 2007). This
includes information about subject difficulty (Brown et al., 2008). Teachers are likely
to have their own perceptions of subject difficulty, which may shape the advice that
they provide, and the way in which they constrain the choices available to students
(eg students are often only able to choose from predetermined lists of options set by
teachers; Blenkinsop, McCrone, Wade, & Morris, 2006). It is important, therefore, to
take into account their perceptions and behaviours, alongside those of students. The
following quote summarises this issue well:
The use of the term ‘choice’ … should not be assumed to indicate
acceptance of the idea that all students are completely free to choose
whatever subjects they like. Even at post-16 level, choice may be
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constrained in many ways; students may only be superficially free to
choose, or not free to choose at all (Tripney et al., 2010, p. 78).
While other people of course also have an influence (eg parents/peers/siblings), the
perceptions of difficulty held by teachers is a particularly important (although rarely
investigated) consideration. This is because of their large degree of involvement both
before (ie setting policies and choosing which subjects to offer, thus pre-determining
students’ choices) and during (ie giving advice) the decision making process. The
behaviours of teachers are also particularly important for GCSE choices, where
multiple options are often made compulsory, limiting the choices that students can
actually make. As noted by Blenkinsop et al. (2006), some students may be free to
choose just 2 options, once the compulsory core has been chosen for them (via
school policies). Other policies may serve to further constrain options according to
prior attainment, preventing lower ability students from taking ‘difficult’ subjects,
commonly known as ‘pathways’ policies. As well as having an influence through
policy-setting, teachers are also seen to be a useful source of information by
students (Blenkinsop et al., 2006; Jin et al., 2011), meaning that teachers can have
further influence over the choices made by students, via the guidance that they give
to them. As teachers both pre-determine (via the setting of options) and influence
(via advice) the decision making processes of students, any investigation into the
effects of perceived subject difficulty on subject choice should certainly take their
views into consideration.
Similar to those facing students, teachers may also be faced with conflicting
priorities. On the one hand, they undoubtedly wish the best outcomes for their
students (in terms of grades and future employability). On the other hand, they have
to consider the impact of their decisions on the outcomes for their school (eg in
terms of meeting the requirements of the new Progress-8 accountability measure;
see DfE, 2015). On occasion, teachers may be required to ensure the latter by their
superiors (Pye Tait Consulting, 2014). The concern is that the pressures placed
upon teachers to focus upon securing a good position in school performance tables
(see Perryman, Ball, Maguire, & Braun, 2011) might not in every case be in the best
interests of their students. For example, teachers may feel the need to encourage
particular students to take ‘easier’ options that might not be as useful (eg for
university admission) as other subjects (Fazackerley & Chant, 2008), but would
secure higher outcomes to help their school’s performance table standing (eg see
Jin et al., 2011; Rowbottom, 2013). Conversely, teachers may feel the need to
encourage other students to take subjects that may be too difficult for them, such as
the sciences or modern languages included in the EBacc
, which may be less
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) subjects are part of the new Progress-8 accountability measure.
These include English, maths, the sciences, modern languages, history, and geography (DfE, 2015).
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suitable, but would ensure that their grades contributed to the school’s accountability
A survey commissioned by Ofqual in 2014 found some evidence for the existence of
these practices (Pye Tait Consulting, 2014). Of the teachers that responded to the
survey, 65% expressed that they took performance tables into account when
choosing which options to offer their students (similar findings were reported by
Clemens, 2011), 11% specifically mentioned encouraging students to choose
options from ‘easier’ qualifications, deliberately focussing upon what is best for the
school, rather than what is best for their pupils, and 49% reported that they had
encouraged students to take subjects that they would perform well in, rather than
subjects that would be best for their enjoyment or future employment (despite this
practice not being seen as very acceptable by the same teachers). It is not clear how
widespread these practices occur. Another aim of the current report was therefore to
investigate how teachers take their perceptions of subject difficulty into account
when balancing the needs of their pupils against those of their school.
3 Study aims and methodology
To summarise the points raised in section 2, research is needed to examine in
greater depth how perceptions of subject difficulty affect students’ subject choices. In
particular, we would benefit from gaining greater knowledge of the extent to which
students base their decisions on perceptions of difficulty, how these perceptions
interact with other concerns such as enjoyment and/or usefulness, and how the
perceptions held by teachers might also influence the choices that students make.
In order to address these aims, and to answer the question posed by the title of this
report, the following research questions were proposed:
1. To what extent do students base their subject choices on perceptions of subject
a. Is the relationship between subject choices and perceptions of subject
difficulty affected by students’ perceptions of usefulness and/or
b. How much are students knowingly swayed by the perceptions of
difficulty held by their teachers/parents/peers/siblings?
2. To what extent do teachers knowingly influence students’ choices, based on
their own perceptions of subject difficulty?
a. Are school policies implemented that might pre-determine students’
choices, based on perceptions of subject difficulty?
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b. Do teachers purposefully direct students towards making certain
choices, and how is this affected by perceptions of difficulty?
In order to explore these questions, 49 teachers and 112 students were recruited
from 12 schools and 6th form colleges
from a range of geographical locations in
England. To gather a range of views, 4 different school types were targeted:
comprehensive schools, grammar schools, independent schools, and 6th form
colleges. One-to-one interviews were conducted with the teachers, and focus groups
with the students; semi-structured modes of interviewing were used for both.
Teachers were interviewed about both GCSEs and A levels, but the student focus
groups either focussed upon experiences of GCSE choices (years 9 and 10) or A
level choices (years 11 and 12). Once the interviews/focus groups had been
completed, audio recordings were transcribed by an external transcription company,
and these transcripts were then analysed using thematic analysis. Full details of the
methodology can be found in Appendix A, and copies of the interview schedules can
be found in Appendix B.
4 Results
The final thematic map outlining the themes, subthemes, and relationships between
them, is presented in Figure 1
. These themes were developed to cluster around the
main people of interest (ie students and teachers). The subthemes of “Teachers’
Perceptions” were based upon their main concerns: perceptions of subject difficulty,
the policies they set, and the advice that they give to students. The subthemes of
“Students’ Perceptions” were chosen based upon the most commonly mentioned
determinants of their choices; namely their perceptions of difficulty, enjoyment, and
usefulness. Each of these themes and subthemes shall now be discussed in turn.
For simplicity, the term ‘school’ shall be used henceforth to refer to both schools and colleges. Any
notable differences between these institution types will be made apparent where necessary.
It is worth noting at this stage that Figure 1 is not intended to be a full model of the decision making
process, but rather aims to outline where and how perceptions of difficulty fit into this process.
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Figure 1. Thematic map of the influences of perceptions of subject difficulty on
students’ subject choices.
4.1 Teachers’ perceptions and behaviours
I shall start with a commentary on teachers, as their perceptions and behaviours may
influence the perceptions and behaviours of their students (eg through the advice
they give), and in some cases may pre-determine students’ choices (eg through the
setting of school policies). Teachers therefore have a heavy influence over early
stages of the overall decision making process.
4.1.1 Some students may find some subjects difficult
When asked whether or not they believe that some subjects are more difficult than
others, teachers exhibited a noticeable dichotomy in their responses. Some teachers
strongly expressed the belief that there is a real variation in subject difficulty, while
others argued that no subject can be deemed to be more difficult than another
because each is difficult in its own right. Those in the former group most often
categorised STEM subjects and languages as being among the most difficult. Less
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‘traditional’ subjects such as drama, media studies, and food technology, tended to
be seen as being amongst the easier options by these teachers
Independent School Teacher
The difference for us it's an absolute fact. Like I can just demonstrate
that our weaker students who take geography will get an A* and some of
our stronger students who take physics will get a B It's such an obvious
and dramatic gulf that it's almost undeniable for us.
Grammar School Teacher
I think they pull on different skills. So I wouldn’t necessarily view one as
being more difficult than another.
Those who believed that some subjects are genuinely more difficult than others often
cited several reasons for their perceptions. These included:
the depth of analysis and understanding required (eg courses with
assessments that require simple recall were generally seen to be easier than
those requiring deeper understanding and application),
the style of assessment (eg courses with more coursework/controlled
assessment were generally seen to be easier than those assessed mainly by
exam); and
the size of the workload (the greater the workload, such as the amount of
content to learn, or the amount of effort or time-management required, the more
difficult a course was seen to be)
Certain combinations of subject were also seen to be more difficult than others. For
example, a combination of several arts, science, or essay based subjects were
commonly perceived as being difficult because of the workload and time
management required. Combinations of subjects from very different fields of interest
were also seen to be difficult.
6th Form College Teacher
Taking all the sciences is difficult because of how difficult the content is on
top of how much time they're going to have to put into it… But if they take
[several] completely different subjects where there's no similarities
between them, then that's probably equally difficult for them.
Teachers also commonly noted that they perceived BTECs and other vocational type qualifications
to be amongst the easiest courses. However, as this is an example of inter-qualification (as opposed
to inter-subject) comparability, this falls outside the scope of the current project.
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A small number of teachers also believed that differences in the quality of marking
may also cause some elements of difficulty. Subjects that are assessed via more
subjective methods (eg English or art), are perceived to have naturally more variable
marking than assessments with more multiple-choice or short-answer questions (eg
maths) (cf Ofqual, 2014). This can cause problems for schools, and creates a belief
that it may be less likely for students to get higher grades in certain subjects,
Grammar School Teacher
We do believe there are some issues in the marking and assessment of
English that make it difficult to jump through those hoops accurately.
There does appear to be an element of randomness in the market
therefore students might say it’s quite hard to get an A* in English.
How easy it is to relate to certain subjects was also seen to cause some variation in
difficulty. For example, several teachers noted that biology is often perceived to be
the easiest of the three traditional sciences. Some noted that this may be driven by
the fact that biology has more relatable content than either chemistry or physics.
Relatability or familiarity to daily life is also relevant for other subjects.
Independent School Teacher
[Biology is] more hands on and it's more easy to relate [to]. Because, you
know, if you’re looking at the human biology, then they physically can see
that on a human. Or plants there's a bit more physicality where they can
actually access it. They can see it happening... Whereas, physics and
chemistry, I know you're still doing experiments, but there's no right or
wrong answer and they don't physically see it. It all very strongly links to
the maths.
6th Form College Teacher
I think things like sport and media are actually parts of everybody’s
everyday life People assume that it’s going to be easier, because we
routinely talk about our own media consumption, or our own sport or
recreational activities. Generally, people don’t in everyday discourse talk
about the gravitational pulls or sort of detailed chemical reactions.
Teachers also acknowledged that the way in which a subject is taught will also
impact upon its difficulty. This might be dependent upon the specific teaching
strengths of each school, but more widespread beliefs about the teaching of certain
subjects might also exist.
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Comprehensive School Teacher
They might not have very good teacher… so they might find the subject
difficult to understand because of how the teaching is, or a personality
clash between them and their teachers.
6th Form College Teacher
I think there’s also… often the perception around the kind of teachers that
might be teaching certain subjects. I think there’s a perception that
science teachers tend to be quite harsh and hard and your kind of art-type
teachers tend to be a bit more liberal, bit more relaxed.
The ‘jump’ in demands from GCSE to A level was also seen to be another potential
source of difficulty, with some subjects having a larger jump than others.
Comprehensive School Teacher
GCSEs in some subjects lead better on to the A level than in other
subjects. So I think students generally find that there’s a massive leap in
the maths and sciences, and whether that’s because they’re harder or
whether that’s because the GCSEs aren’t preparing them in the same way
as they are for the other subjects, I’m unsure.
Despite some disagreement over whether some subjects are objectively more
difficult than others, there was an overwhelming consensus that whether a student
actually found a certain subject difficult was ultimately still dependent upon that
individual’s strengths. In other words, although some subjects were sometimes seen
to be more difficult than others, this did not mean that teachers thought all students
would struggle on those courses.
Grammar School Teacher
I always think how difficult it is depends on your strengths. Because if you
are very musical, music is an easy option; if you have no musical bones in
your body, it’s awful. You know, same with art. And really why does that
change for any of the subjects? Because you have people who have a
flare and a passion for the subject and they find that easier.
4.1.2 The school’s policies sometimes need to take difficulty into account
As mentioned previously, teachers’ perceptions of subject difficulty become
particularly important when one considers that students’ subject choices can be pre-
determined by the various policies that schools put into place, some of which are
based upon perceptions of subject difficulty. To maintain relevance to the topic at
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hand, the remainder of this section shall focus only on policies set for the reason of
difficulty, and not those set for other reasons. For example, several subjects are
compulsory at GCSE due to government policy, and when options are not offered
this is most often due to a lack of demand, funding, or staffing. These other reasons
do more commonly drive policy decisions, but subject difficulty nevertheless features
in some.
Outside of the compulsory curriculum, schools generally did not have policies set in
place that guided the options students could choose to study at GCSE, and students
were largely given a free choice, at least from a policy point of view. Advice and
guidance will be covered in the next section. Although students often had to choose
from option blocks, these were mostly constructed to reflect students’ initial
. To accommodate students with different levels of ability, some
teachers mentioned that a selection of ‘difficult’ and ‘easier’ subjects could be found
in each block.
Comprehensive School Teacher
At the moment, any student can choose any subject they want. They
might have a discussion with those classroom teachers [or] with the
subject teachers about whether that’s appropriate for them, but as a
school policy any child can choose any subject.
Some schools did have ‘pathways’ policies (cf Blenkinsop et al., 2006), meaning that
students with lower levels of attainment did not have the same compulsory core as
other students. For example, this often meant that studying a foreign language was
no longer compulsory. Sometimes this meant that lower ability students were
required to do a more vocational type qualification (eg a BTEC) instead of a GCSE,
as such courses are seen by some teachers to be more accessible.
Policies were more prescriptive when it came to A level choices. Most schools
implemented a general entry requirement for their 6th forms, which was often a
specified number of A to C grades at GCSE. To study a particular A level subject,
students were often also expected to have attained a certain grade in that subject at
GCSE (commonly a B or A grade). If students met these criteria, in most schools
they were given a free choice over which subjects they would like to study (again,
from a policy point of view). However, higher entry requirements were often
implemented for certain subjects, which prevented all but the high-ability students
from choosing more difficult’ subjects at A level. For example, the entry criteria for
maths, the sciences, and foreign languages were often higher than for other subjects
For example, a common approach was to survey students to gather their preferred options, and then
option blocks were constructed to accommodate the majority of these preferences, within the limits of
timetabling. Students then had to more formally choose their subjects from these option blocks.
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at A level; the given reason being that students are expected to struggle on these
courses if they are not at an appropriate level at the start of the course. Teachers
often stated that these differences in entry requirements were primarily based on
past data, rather than perceptions alone. Nevertheless, there was often a degree of
flexibility in these particular policies, as many teachers believed that GCSE grades
were not always a true indication of students’ ability.
6th form college teacher
We take the view that to do the sciences and to be successful in
chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, you [must] have already
achieved… a B grade or above to be successfulWhat you might
describe as our [more] inclusive subjects, like media studies, like
sociology, you can get onto those with just your standard five A* to C
grades. So we’ve got a clear view that there are some subjects which are
probably more accessible.
Grammar School Teacher
Each subject has its own particular entry requirement. And that is based
on prior experience. And we know, if you have got a C in maths you will
not stand a chance of passing A-level maths.
Entry criteria policies were also partly driven by performance tables and
accountability measures. This was particularly true for the 6th form colleges and
comprehensive schools in our sample, who appeared to feel greater pressure from
performance measures than did the independent and grammar schools. Although
not strictly related to subject difficulty, the fact that these schools sometimes raised
their entry criteria in response to accountability measures meant that students with
lower levels of attainment were again prevented from taking subjects that they had a
lower likelihood of achieving high grades in (ie those that they would find more
6th Form College Teacher
You cannot afford to have kids fail because you get hammered by Ofsted..
And why would you want kids to fail? So we’ve been really, really, really
tight in the last seven or eight years in making sure that our entry
requirements are tightened up.
Comprehensive School Teacher
[Accountability measures are] more of a driver at GCSE for us to make
sure they’re in the right place because if there’s a student taking triple
science and they end up with three Ds when they could’ve done core and
additional and get two Cs, that does make actually a difference to the
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percentage for the league tables… But if, like I said before, if there’s a
student that really, really wants to do triple science we will say yeah OK
you can do that.
Accountability measures also drove other policies, such as those that encouraged
more students to take subjects that would ‘count’ towards the school’s performance
score (eg subjects included within the EBacc or Progress 8). Although there was still
some flexibility, this occasionally meant that some students found themselves on
courses that teachers felt they were not well suited for, and therefore found difficult.
Comprehensive School Teacher
Yes, Progress 8 and the EBacc thing and the headline figures on which
this school will be judged; every single thing that happens in this school is
driven by that. So they’re trying to maximise the number of students who
will achieve Progress 8 within their options set-up.
Comprehensive School Teacher
[Because of the EBacc] …You have got pupils in my year group that
chose, that had to choose a language or humanities in two of their option
blocks and they are just not suited to those two subjects at all.
Although the range of subjects offered at GCSE and A level was largely chosen on a
supply (eg funding and staffing) and demand (from students and parents) basis,
there were a few instances where schools chose not to offer certain subjects
because they were seen to be too difficult, again meaning that students were unable
to study them. Other schools felt the need to remove certain subjects from their offer
because they would not ‘count’ towards their performance measure scores.
Independent School Teacher
We absolutely feel like our students should be learning to do computing
and that that should be on offer, but computing A level, statistically, it's
just where everyone crashes and burns . So we don't offer computing
and I think having talked to [other local schools] they take exactly the
same position, it's too difficult.
Comprehensive School Teacher
When you look at some of the subjects that have been chopped, that
actually engage pupils, [they] are far more arts based…
Although independent and grammar school teachers expressed notably less concern
about their standing in performance tables than the other school types, some did
state that they also had to adapt their curriculum offer, based on the expectations of
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them as an ‘academic school’. This often meant removing subjects from their offer
that they saw as being more accessible, in order to maintain their academic
Grammar School Teacher
We offer a very academic list, so yes we try and be quite traditional. The
fact that we offer Latin and we offer Mandarin, we pride ourselves in it. It
fits our students to go for a very traditional academic list, I suppose.
We’re not offering vocational at all. And we’re not offering any of the
slightly more alternative GCSEs, some of which are disappearing anyway
with the curriculum changes. It tends to be pretty old school really.
4.1.3 Students should be advised to focus on their strengths, enjoyment, and
It became clear when talking to teachers that their advice on subject options,
regardless of school type or level of study, revolved around a triad of three main
concerns: what the student would be able to succeed in (related to perceptions of
person-specific difficulty); what the student would enjoy; and what the student
needed in terms of his or her future career ambitions.
Advice based on strengths (ie person-specific difficulty)
Perceptions of subject difficulty in a general sense (ie not person-specific) did not
feature heavily in the advice given by teachers to their students. Rather, most
teachers stated that their advice was primarily based upon what each individual
student might find difficult or easy, depending on that student’s individual strengths.
Grammar School Teacher
I think that the advice would always come down what kind of skills did
they have. And if you were very good at maths then obviously you want to
pick up maths-based GCSE and if you were gifted at languages then
you'd want to stack up on those.
Teachers did state, however, that a fair amount of their time was spent on informing
students about the realities of certain courses. For example, it was noted on several
occasions that students fail to anticipate the maths and science content of a
psychology course. Teachers did therefore give some more general warnings about
subject difficulty to dispel such misconceptions.
6th Form College Teacher
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I’m realistic with them [about psychology]. So I do tell them about the
difficulties with the maths and the difficulties with the science I don’t
care about their opinion on things. So I always make sure that’s put
across really so they are best informed. And try to diminish any idea that
we’re just talking about how we feel and it’s about dreams.
In more severe cases, teachers sometimes felt the need to intervene, and more
actively discourage students from choosing subjects that they would be unlikely to
succeed in (ie those that students would find too difficult). This often occurred in
circumstances where they felt a student was perhaps being unrealistic in their
ambitions, leading teachers to more strongly discourage such choices, or encourage
alternative routes that they believe may be more accessible for them.
Comprehensive School Teacher
I did steer a student away from doing maths. It was completely
inappropriate for him to do it. He would have got a C. In fact he did get a
C at GCSE, but the amount of support that was required to get him there
and it would have been completely inappropriate for him to study that at A
6th Form College Teacher
If somebody came in wanting, you know, their heart’s set on doing a
science programme and they didn’t have the [GCSE] grades, we would in
the first instance go for the applied science route
Comprehensive School Teacher
So I like to encourage them and I’d say why can’t you do this? Just bear in
mind you might want to take this route instead, or you might want to study
this and then step into that a bit later. Why not do this course and then let
it lead on to an A level in two years’ time? So that they’re taking the same
path, just maybe different steps.
There were other examples of higher ability students (ie those with the ability to
succeed in more ‘difficult’ courses) being guided away from what are commonly
perceived to be ‘easier’ subjects, because this was seen to be damaging for their
future career prospects. However, this was relatively rare.
Comprehensive School Teacher
I guess in terms of your top end students, there are certain subjects I think
I would probably try and get them away from, I guess. Mainly not because
I think they’re easy, but mainly because I know that they’re maybe not
given the same weighting at universities So for example I’d probably
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advise a student to do art over media studies, or English language over
media studies, depending on which way they were looking at media,
because I know they’re seen as the better subjects by universities.
Although most teachers stated that they did not take accountability measures into
account when giving advice to students, some teachers did feel pressured to direct
certain students away from the more difficult subjects to ensure that high outcomes
are maintained for themselves and the school.
Comprehensive School Teacher
If I don’t think they’re going to do very well in geography, I discourage
them [from doing it] which is completely different to how I’ve been for
the past 20 years. But I’ve only started this year doing that. I used to say
that anybody could and should study geography at whatever level and if
they’re going to find it difficult and struggle and work hard and achieve a G
then that G is worth as much as any other grade but I can’t do that
anymore because [of] my performance and my pay and my job
essentially. The longevity of my career in teaching is down to the results
that the children get and I can’t accept anybody who’s not going to
As previously noted, most advice was given on a person-specific basis. However,
there were a few examples of a departure from this, where teachers gave more
general (ie not person-specific) advice a wide range of students to choose what they
saw as being easier subjects. This was especially (although not exclusively) the case
for those students thought to be of a lower ability, who were often as a whole group
directed into ‘easier’ options.
Independent School Teacher
What is definitely true is that I have talked them into doing what we call
applied subjects, which they now call soft subjects, and I actively try and
do it because I think it's like an in-the-bag grade.
Comprehensive School Teacher
There are subjects where we think, if you’re going to do those two, then
have this as the third, and it’s subjects like media. We have quite a few
children that… do very well in it, so media’s often advised as the third
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Similarly, general advice was sometimes given regarding a larger ‘jump’ in difficulty
from GCSE to A level in some subjects compared to others. Some general advice
was also sometimes given around combinations of subjects, with some teachers
discouraging students from taking on too many subjects with a high workload.
Independent School Teacher
I think that’s the big message that we have here is be really careful about
choosing sciences and languages at A-level because it is a big jump and
you need to commit to it.
Independent School Teacher
We know for a fact that there’s a big step from GCSE to A level in… the
sciences, maths and modern foreign languages. I’m very mindful that if a
student wants to study those subjects at A level, I will talk through with
them do they realise that there is a big step up and are they prepared for
the challenge.
Grammar School Teacher
That's another thing I often given advice on… “don't load up on four essay
writing subjects because that time commitment throughout the year is
going to be huge”, and so I tend to say “think about a little bit of balance in
between some essay subjects and some exams”.
Each of these points suggest then that teachers do give advice based on
perceptions of difficulty (mostly person-specific, but occasionally more general
advice). However, teachers very rarely stated that they would actively prevent a
student from taking a certain course, as long as they met the entry criteria. On the
whole, they saw their advice as being guidance, rather than firm instruction.
6th Form College Teacher
We talk about their options and about career choices but we don’t twist
their arm, we let them make their choices.
Comprehensive School Teacher
I think you would try and encourage them but you wouldn’t force the issue
if you knew that actually that was against what they really wanted.
Advice based on enjoyment
Most teachers stated that enjoyment was a key feature of the advice given to
students. In fact, teachers often acknowledged that students are more likely to do
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well in a subject (ie not find it as difficult) if they enjoy it, and should therefore aim to
choose subjects that they enjoy.
6th Form College Teacher
The first thing I always ask students: what do you enjoy? Because if a
student sits with me on interview and I look at the sheet and they’ve got
subjects they feel they have to do, I can know from experience that, if you
feel you have to do it and you don’t actually want to do it, you’re not going
to do well.
Grammar School Teacher
The message I was giving is please choose something you enjoy,
because I passionately believe that it’s most important that they enjoy it
and they don’t do it just because their parents say they want them to do it.
Advice based on needs (ie usefulness)
Teachers also took their students’ career ambitions into account when giving advice,
which seemed to be more the case for A level options than at GCSE. On occasion
teachers felt the need to try and raise students’ ambitions, encouraging them to
consider potentially more challenging subjects to enhance their career prospects.
This also sometimes meant dispelling certain misconceptions that students might
hold about particular subjects.
6th Form College Teacher
I base my advice on career progression really. So if they’re wanting a
career as a nurse, for example, and they’re quite a talented young
individual, then obviously biology is a requirement.
Comprehensive School Teacher
If I thought they were selling themselves short and if it’s just because
they’re being bone idle then you would, I would absolutely encourage
them to take more difficult subjects, more subjects that open more doors
for them.
Independent School Teacher
I see some students coming in and saying well, my parents think if I study
photography the university won’t take it seriously’, and I bust that myth by
saying well, why would a school like this offer a subject like that if it
wasn’t considered seriously by the universities?’
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4.2 Students’ perceptions and their subject choices
Similar to the advice given by teachers, it became apparent throughout the student
focus groups that students’ decisions were based largely upon a triad of perceptions
of subject difficulty, enjoyment, and usefulness. The three sub-themes of ‘Student
Perceptions’ therefore reflect these three main concerns.
4.2.1 Some subjects are more difficult than others
On the whole, although some subjects stood out to students as seeming to be
generally more difficult than others, students mostly believed that subject difficulty is
very much dependent upon the individual (consistent with the views expressed by
teachers). For example, they often acknowledged that what they found difficult,
someone else might find easy, and vice-versa. Because of this, most students
agreed that their decision making was based primarily on person-specific
perceptions and experiences, rather than on any general (ie commonly held) notions
of subject difficulty.
Year 12 Student Comprehensive School
I think it’s different for every student… I think it all depends on the student
in terms of what subjects are difficult and what subjects aren’t.
Year 12 Student Independent School
I look at subjects from a personal point of view when I’m choosing them,
as opposed to a collective. If I myself find a subject easier, and other
people find it hard, I wouldn’t listen to what they’re saying, I’d go on my
own basis.
Different students appeared to prefer different styles of assessment or different types
of content, which caused some of the variation in perceptions of subject difficulty at
this individual level. Differences in experiences also arise due to differences in
natural talent; especially for the more arts-based subjects.
Year 12 Student Comprehensive School
I originally wanted to do religious studies instead of chemistry. But I knew
logic-based subjects suited me a lot more than trying to learn content, and
essay writing as well. I thought I’d do a lot better in chemistry than in
religious studies.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
In music, drama and art, I think they’re subjects that people can be put off
doing them because they think that you have to be good at them already.
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If you’re not a natural musician there’s no point trying to learn something if
it doesn’t come naturally.
Students recognised that these perceptions of subject difficulty did have some
impact on their subject choices, and some of them had clearly thought a lot about the
issue. Some purposefully chose ‘easier’ subjects, and others (more commonly)
purposefully avoided ‘difficult’ subjects, such as maths or the sciences.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
I think if you’ve taken it at GCSE and you found it quite challenging, then
you sort of ask yourself, well, maybe, why would I want to take that up at
A level where I know (a) it’ll be more challenging, and (b) it’ll be more
stressful for me.
Year 10 Student Comprehensive School
If you knew that you were going to get a higher grade in something that
you find a lot easier than something you found difficult you’re obviously
going to go for the easier one.
Year 10 Student Comprehensive School
[When asked whether they had worried about subject difficulty when
making their subject choices:]
I cried, I had a meltdown on options evening.
Given that teachers are able to build an overall impression of the decisions being
made in their classrooms/schools, they were able to provide some additional insight
into how choices may have varied between students. In particular, some teachers
recognised that the extent to which students based their decisions upon perceptions
of difficulty was somewhat dependent upon their level of attainment, with higher
ability students being affected less than lower ability students. Teachers also
recognised that perceptions of difficulty had a greater impact on those making their A
level choices, because many of the more ‘difficult’ GCSE options are already part of
the compulsory curriculum.
6th Form College Teacher
I don’t think the higher ability students worry about that because they’re
confident they can deal with it. I’d say it’s the mid ability. I think the lower
ability avoid the hard subjects, middle ability worry and top ability don’t,
they just choose it.
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Comprehensive School Teacher
Apart from history or geography or do I take triple science, there isn’t a
huge amount of academic decisions to make [at GCSE], because much of
the options that we’ve got left could be considered slightly easier options
Despite the general consensus that subject difficulty is largely dependent upon the
individual (ie person-specific), and that they primarily based their decisions on their
own strengths, students did express opinions that some subjects are generally more
difficult than others (ie in a more objective sense), due to certain features of the
course. For example, some subjects are seen to be more difficult than others
because of the workload, the teaching, disruptive classmates, or the style of
assessment. This seems to suggest then that although students perhaps pay greater
attention to notions of personal (subjective) difficulty, perceptions of a more general
variations in subject difficulty do nevertheless exist.
Year 11 Student Comprehensive School
History [is difficult], because obviously there's a lot of essay writing and
having to remember all the key dates, and that’s quite hard.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
In GCSE there’s quite a few subjects which you can get a high grade
because you know the mark scheme, and you can write what the
examiner’s looking for.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
It could also be to do with the teachers. Maybe if the teachers are better in
one subject then it would be easier to do that subject because you’re
being taught better.
Like teachers, students also recognised that some subjects are easier to relate to
than others. For example, because biological concepts can be observed to some
degree in day-to-day life, they are quite easy to relate to and understand. The same
cannot be said for other, more abstract concepts, such as maths.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
I think that especially with maths and maybe more so science as well, you
can definitely see a greater disparity of people who find it easy and people
who find it difficult. While with English and history, and those sort of
subjects, most people can understand and get it because it just means
that it’s more relatable to a greater range of people. And I think that’s why
maths and science are sometimes viewed as more difficult, because you
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just will get people, just because it’s not how their brains work, they just
won’t get it.
As well as thinking about the difficulty of individual subjects, like teachers, some
students also stated that certain combinations seemed to be more difficult than
others. These perceptions tended to focus upon the workload of different subjects. In
particular, there was the view that a combination of essay- or arts-based subjects
would be quite difficult to manage. Other combinations were seen to complement
each other, therefore making students’ GCSE/A level experience easier overall.
Year 12 Student Independent School
If you’ve got a lot of essay subjects, for example English, we get two
essays a week. And it’s the same with history and RS. So if you were to
do all those three I think timing-wise it would be really difficult to manage
it. I think that’s what puts some people off.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
I think I’d find maths difficult. Just all the things you have to learn, the
different equations and calculations, I find that difficult. And I was initially
going to choose physics possibly because I did well in it and I was
enjoying it. But without maths I think that would be incredibly difficult.
Although all students stated that their choices were firmly based upon their personal
strengths, and most said that they were not affected by commonly held notions of
subject difficulty, some did suggest that externally held perceptions did sometimes
have some influence on their choices on occasion.
Year 9 Student Independent School
If people personally think this is a really difficult subject, and if a lot of
people say it, then it’ll start to make you consider the subject yourself…
but I think primarily my rating on the difficulty scale comes first.
However, students often recognised that people’s perceptions of certain ‘easy’
subjects can be wrong, and that people may have had different opinions had they
actually taken the course. Interestingly, none of the students said the same about
‘difficult’ subjects (ie that they aren’t as hard as people think).
Year 12 Student - Comprehensive School
A lot of people assume that media studies is easy but it’s so much harder
than you think. There’s so much coursework and effort and hours that go
into it.
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To summarise this section, perceptions of subject difficulty do seem to have some
influence over students’ subject choices. However, as will be discussed in the
following sections, students rarely stated that this was their main concern, but rather
paid more attention to the usefulness and enjoyableness of each course. As one
Year 12 student (independent school) stated: “I think if you really want to do the
subject nothing will put you off it.
4.2.2 Some subjects are more enjoyable than others
It was common for students to state that they primarily based their decisions on
whether or not they enjoyed (or thought that they would enjoy) certain courses. This
actually ‘overruled’ any perceptions of difficulty in some cases.
Year 11 Student - Comprehensive School
The ones I've chosen are all sort of what I'm interested in and it doesn't
really bother me if they’re difficult or not.
Year 10 Student Independent School
I chose one subject that I wasn’t good at at all. I just enjoyed it a lot.
So I just thought I’d do it, try hard and then it’s better enjoying it and not
doing as well but hating it and not wanting to go to the lesson.
Year 12 Student Comprehensive School
With maths, I’m not exactly the best at it but I enjoy it, so I’m keen to learn
about maths and try it. Even if I get the answer wrong I’m still willing to
keep on trying because I actually enjoy the subject.
Enjoyment also appeared to change how difficult students thought a course would
be, as several reported that enjoyment made them more motivated in certain
subjects. When this was the case, they reportedly put more time into their work,
therefore improving the possibility of achieving higher grades in their assessments.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
If you enjoy it you might be more likely to be good at it already. And then
if you enjoy it more you’re motivated to do extra work or work harder on
that subject.
Year 12 Student Comprehensive School
At the end of the day you’re going to do subjects you enjoy. It’s like if you
enjoy it you’re more willing to put more effort in, which is why you find it
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Although many students focussed only on their enjoyment of the subject content
itself, others did state that they chose courses that their friends were taking, or
courses that had more likeable teachers (with the latter being more common than the
former). Again, these social factors made certain subjects more enjoyable, thus
making them more attractive during decision making.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
You can be swung by what your friends do. You want to be with your
friends at GCSE.
Year 12 Student 6th Form College
I think the teacher that’s teaching you is very important as well. Because
say if you don’t like your teacher, that will make the lesson inevitably
harder, because then you’re obviously not going to enjoy the lessons.
4.2.3 Some subjects are more useful than others
When deciding which subjects they might choose to study, students also paid a large
amount of attention to how useful they thought each subject would be in terms of
allowing them to access their preferred university course or career. As with
enjoyment, students seemed willing to overlook perceptions of difficulty when they
felt they ‘needed’ to take certain subjects.
Year 12 Student Independent School
If you needed it for [university], like if you wanted it to get in to a degree
and you knew you needed it, you don’t really care about how hard it’s
going to be. You just focus on that you need to do that subject.
Year 12 Student Comprehensive School
My choice was purely around what I want to do for a career because I’ve
always known what I want to do. So I just based it on that… I knew what I
wanted to do and I just matched the A-level subjects around that.
Some students did not make their choices with a specific career in mind. However,
they still took usefulness into account, for example by expressing the need to keep
their options open, or that making certain choices might ‘close doors’ for them.
Again, these students were perhaps more willing to take subjects that they may find
difficult, to ensure that they do not lessen future opportunities.
Year 9 Student - Comprehensive School
I wanted to do just combined science because I don’t enjoy [science] too
much. But then speaking with the teachers and they said it’s better to do
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[separate science], and if you can do it, do it. Because if you don’t, it’s
going to close a lot of doors for you… Even though I don’t enjoy it I think
it’s better to do it.
As illustrated by the above quote, usefulness seemed to ‘overrule’ enjoyment on
occasion. Some students expressed that they were willing to take a ‘useful’ subject,
even if they didn’t find it enjoyable. This is consistent with Adey and Biddulph (2001)
and Ryrie, Furst, and Lauder (1979), who both argued that usefulness is more
influential than enjoyment on subject choices.
Year 12 Student 6th Form College
A lot of people I know here don’t actually like their subjects too much, but
they’ll keep them because they know they need them to do medicine in
the future, or different subjects. It’s what they want to do after that affects
them mainly I think, or is one of the main reasons.
Year 10 Student - Comprehensive School
I wanted to be a midwife And I was like, I definitely need to take health
and social. If I hate it, I will take it.
Nevertheless, although usefulness was certainly an important consideration, there
did seem to be a limit to how much difficulty students were willing overlook. If a
subject was seen to be useful (therefore motivating them to choose it), but difficult to
the point that achieving a desired outcome would be unlikely, students would still
avoid choosing to take that subject.
Year 9 Student Comprehensive School
It depends how difficult you find it. If you find it like really massively
difficult then I wouldn’t take it, because I know I’m not going to do as well
as I could in the others.
Students were also asked whether the ‘status’ attached to certain subjects had an
impact on their decision making, as stereotypes often exist about certain subjects
that may make them seem less or more worthwhile. Although students often
recognised that peoples perceptions can be wrong, they commonly expressed a
belief that taking more ‘difficult’ subjects (as perceived by
peers/parents/universities/employers etc.) would attract more respect. Some also
believed that other, lower status subjects (commonly those perceived to be easier),
are sometimes seen as being less worthwhile by the general public. There seems,
therefore, to be a link between perceptions of difficulty and perceptions of
usefulness. Students were especially concerned about what universities thought,
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often referring to the ‘facilitating subjects’ as being amongst the most
important/useful. However, there were contrasting views here. Although many
students stated that this did not influence their choices, others said that it did; both in
terms of them purposefully choosing ‘higher status’ subjects (which they may find too
difficult), or avoiding ‘lower status’ subjects (which they might have done well in and
enjoyed). Teachers also recognised that status had some impact on students’
Year 10 Student Independent School
It would probably affect me, because I think high status subjects open up
more opportunities for you, like sciences and English and maths.
Year 10 Student Comprehensive School
You always get told that job interviews like this subject, and they don’t like
it when you take this subject… You’ve got to think, well if I take this and
they don’t like it is it going to risk when I’m older affecting what I actually
can and can’t do?
Grammar School Teacher
The arts in any school will suffer in that sense, you know, for being not
academic enough. Which is not true, but art, music and drama are
obvious subjects. PE is another, [and] design and technology. Those
would be the five subjects here that struggle.
Some differences between school types arose within this subtheme. In particular, it
was apparent that many independent and grammar school children had high
aspirations for their future, whereas several teachers from the comprehensive
schools in our sample noted that many of their students had relatively low
aspirations. This latter group of students was therefore somewhat less motivated
towards options more commonly perceived as being more difficult (eg the STEM
subjects), because they did not aspire to the careers that such subjects often lead to.
Comprehensive School Teacher
I don’t know what the problem is but… children and parents don’t put a
huge amount of value on education. Obviously some do, but as a general
thing I don’t think we’d have anybody here thinking ‘oh yes I want to go
to Cambridge or Oxford, or I want to move abroad. They would just be
like I want to stay in [the local area] and, you know, so that’s a
problem for us.
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Teachers also recognised a difference between those making their GCSE choices,
and those making their A level choices. In particular, enjoyment seemed to be a
greater concern at GCSE, whereas usefulness seemed to be greater at A level.
Comprehensive School Teacher
[For GCSE choices] we encourage students to go with things they’re
interested in. I think that is the main driver… I think it’s often a change [at
A level]. I think that certainly enjoyment comes into play but I also think
maybe a number of other factors become far more important. I think
careers and university pathways are at the heart of many decisions.
4.2.4 Advice received from others
Students were asked about how others might have influenced their choices, to gain a
sense of whether they believed that they were guided towards or away from certain
choices on the basis of other people’s perceptions of subject difficulty. When asked
whom they tended to turn to most for advice, students were equally split in those
who preferred to turn to their parents, and those who preferred to turn to their
teachers. However, students did note that they also received some advice from other
students and their older siblings. A few students stated that they did not turn to
anyone for advice, but rather based their choices on their own opinions, or their own
research (eg via the internet).
Advice received from teachers
Students stated that they found the information received from their teachers useful,
especially in deciding whether or not they would find certain courses too difficult.
They often acknowledged the fact that teachers have more experience than
themselves in each subject area, and so they generally trusted the advice that they
received. However, although many felt that they were “discouraged” by their
teachers for certain choices, students did maintain the belief that it was still their
choice, and rarely felt that they were forced into certain subjects, in terms of advice
option blocks did prohibit choices for some.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
I think the most important opinion is probably your teachers, because
they’re the ones that mark your work, and they know what you can and
can’t do. So if they say that you shouldn’t take something then you
probably shouldn’t unless you really want to.
Year 10 Student Independent School
Teachers may discourage people from taking subjects that they feel like
they’re going to really struggle with. But at the end of the day it’s still the
pupil’s choice, even if they are going to struggle.
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Although students did generally trust their teachers advice, some expressed
concerns that teachers might be biased towards their own subject, thus making
advice seem less helpful.
Year 10 Student Comprehensive School
I think the teachers are always biased. They tell us they’re not but they’re
always going to be biased on if you’re going to take their subject,
obviously they want to get best grades for their reputation.
In one school, students believed that the advice they received was particularly
biased, with teachers intending to improve the image of the school by encouraging
students to choose the ‘academic’ options, at the expense of the other less
traditional subjects.
Year 10 Student - Comprehensive School
It’s not even like what you’re best at, they push you to be one person.
We’ve all been pushed to do the same thing… I do want you to include
that they push us all to be the same person. We have no individuality...
[Imitating a teacher:] This is one of our academic students who get As in
science and history, and can speak fluent French”.
Although mostly appreciating the information received from teaching staff, there were
mixed feelings as to the helpfulness of careers advisors. Some students appreciated
receiving advice around which subjects they needed for their preferred careers.
However, others did not like the fact that their careers advisor did not seem to know
them personally, and so the advice they received did not seem to be tailored for
them as an individual.
Year 9 Student Comprehensive School
I went against what the career adviser said to me. [I] went with what my
teacher said, not my careers adviser, because again she doesn’t know
me. She doesn’t know what I’m doing, she doesn’t know my levels.
Advice received from parents
Although parents were not interviewed during the course of this study, some insights
were gained indirectly through the statements made by students and teachers. As
before, it seems as though parents’ advice was shaped by a triad of perceptions:
difficulty, enjoyment, and usefulness. Some students reported that they were advised
to avoid subjects which their parents believed were difficult. Teachers also
recognised that parents’ perceptions of subject difficulty may be passed down to
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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students, despite the fact that each student may have different subject strengths to
that of their parents. However, like with the advice received from teachers, although
students may have taken their parents’ views into account, they were often willing to
overlook this advice should they have a difference of opinion.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
My mum has told me not to take two high maintenance subjects, like art
and DT because they are very high maintenance and they put in a lot of
time. But if that’s what I want to do then I’ll probably still do it.
Comprehensive School Teacher
[Parents] remember what they found difficult and what older siblings and
things have found difficult. So they all have their own preconceptions
about subjects. If mum found maths really difficult, we often find that the
kid, even if they could be good at it, thinks it’s difficult. It’s that sort of
passing on of fear, isn’t it?
Students also recognised that their parents may have misconceptions about certain
subjects, or that their views and experiences may be outdated. This again suggests
that students did not always take their parents’ advice on board.
Year 12 Student 6th Form College
My mum and dad were like A-levels are easy, just add two of them on
and then you’ll be fine, you’ll be able to get into [university]. I was like
‘mum, you don’t understand, it’s hard’.
Year 12 Student Grammar School
I think it’s hard for them to understand because they’re not in our shoes.
So when we say something’s hard they just say well we were in your
position at one stage. But what was hard back then might be completely
different to what’s hard now. So I think it’s all about the perspective, the
situation you’re in.
Like teachers and students, parents also seemed to be concerned with enjoyment,
encouraging their children to take subjects that they would enjoy, and avoid those
that they would not. However, this advice was not always based upon their children’s
interests or experiences, but was sometimes based upon their own.
Year 12 Student 6th Form College
My mum used to be history teacher and she managed to convince me not
to take history. She was like, ‘you’d hate it, you’d completely and utterly
hate it. And I was, like, OK.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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Parents were also concerned about what would be most useful for their children;
especially which qualifications would give them the greatest chances in terms of their
future education or career. In some cases, students and teachers believed that
usefulness was the only concern for parents, at the expense of a consideration of
difficulty, which put pressure on students to take subjects that they may have
struggled in. In other cases, parents discouraged students from choosing potentially
enjoyable subjects that they saw as less worthwhile.
6th Form College Teacher
We’re just fighting a losing battle against parents that are pushing kids to
do a science. And then they start and realise that it’s hard and then they
drop out or they get stuck in a subject they can’t do and they fail.
6th Form College Teacher
[Parents] just see all this nonsense in the news all the time about things
like media studies is the easier subject, things like that, and they think
they’re not worth the paper they’re written on. But at the end of the day an
A level is an A level regardless of the subject and it’s worth the same
number of UCAS points.
Year 11 Student Comprehensive School
My parents pushed me to do subjects that are seen as harder because
like even though I've said that I wanted to do stuff like photography and
stuff in the past and they're like no, just it's not worth it. It’s not going to
help you in any way.
Parents’ concerns of usefulness seemed to be a particular issue for certain
demographics. For example, Independent and grammar school teachers believed
that unrealistic ambition was a particular issue for them, as parents held strong
expectations for these school types. In particular, these parents held the expectation
that their children should be taking ‘academic’ subjects, which were not always the
most appropriate choices to make. At least one teacher from half the schools in the
sample (across all school types) also noted that this seemed to be more common in
Asian families, whereby parents often had very high ambitions for their child (eg to
become a doctor or lawyer).
Independent School Teacher
I think [parents] overlook the difficulty. I also think to some degree within
our sector and our particular demographic of parents is there's an
expectation of miracle working: I'm paying for these results; you'll get
them for them!
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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Grammar School Teacher
There's still a huge amount of parents that might perceive the school as a
factory for a doctor… I think parents think that if their children come here
they'll go on to great things, and those great things are very often scientific
or medical or dentistry.
Finally, several students believed that the advice they received from their parents
was somewhat biased towards their parents’ own perceptions or experiences,
relating to their perceptions of difficulty, enjoyment, and/or usefulness, rather than
the perceptions and experiences of the student.
Year 12 Student Independent School
I think that’s more parents again, like I think if your parents have done
those subjects and they’ve ended up in a good job they’ll try to push you
towards those subjects as well, because they want you to do well, as well
as them, so they push you into subjects I think.
Year 9 Student Grammar School
My parents are both teachers, my mum’s a music teacher and my dad’s a
chemistry teacher. They think their subjects are really easy, and that I
should get good grades in them. But sometimes I find it really hard in
both of those.
Advice received from other students (including siblings)
Although most students turned more often to their teachers and parents for advice,
they did also seem to value the opinions of those who already had experience of
taking certain subjects, such as older friends or siblings. These were seen as useful
sources of insight into how difficult certain courses would actually be.
Year 12 Student 6th Form College
I was going to take creative writing, and then I just heard lots of people
talking about how much it was actually really difficult. And then I heard
about what you actually had to do in it, and I was like no that just sounds
Year 10 Student Comprehensive School
I spoke to a couple of people in the year above and my sister as well
because she chose a couple of the same ones and they just told me like
how hard and what were some of the tests and the controlled
assessments and stuff.
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5 Discussion
The overwhelming message arising from throughout the results section is that
students’ subject choices appear to be primarily driven by a combination of 3
different concerns: subject difficulty, enjoyableness, and usefulness. This echoes
those conclusions drawn from several pieces of past research (Foskett et al., 2004;
Garratt, 1986; Jin et al., 2011; Tripney et al., 2010; Vidal Rodeiro, 2007; Weeden,
2007). Thus, to answer the question posed by the title of this report, subject choices
and perceptions of subject difficulty do appear to be linked, but this link is also
dependent upon whether each subject is seen to be enjoyable and useful. Perhaps
the most notable conclusion to draw is that perceptions of subject difficulty might be
the lesser of these three concerns, as both teachers and students agreed that they
are more driven by enjoyment and usefulness than perceptions of difficulty (cf
Springate et al., 2008, who deemed enjoyment and future ambitions to be ‘high
influence factors’, and difficulty to be a ‘low influence factor’). The majority of
students also stated that when they found a subject useful and/or enjoyable, they
were often willing to overlook how difficult they thought it was (within reason).
Nevertheless, consistent with previous research (Foskett et al., 2004; Garratt, 1986;
Jin et al., 2011; Tripney et al., 2010), students did at least partially base their
decisions on which subjects they thought they would not find too difficult. Therefore,
although this determinant of subject choices is perhaps not as great as previous
concerns have suggested, the current findings do support the notion that students’
decisions are affected by perceptions of subject difficulty in several different ways.
Firstly, students agreed that they made their decisions with subject difficulty in mind.
Consistent with prior findings/concerns (see Section 2), some students did
acknowledge that they chose certain subjects because they believed that they would
find those subjects easier than others. These perceptions were partly dependent
upon various features of each course (eg how much coursework it contained), how
easy it was to relate to the subject content, and the advice that they received from
others. Importantly, although occasionally paying attention to commonly held notions
of inter-subject comparability, students paid most attention to notions of person-
specific difficulty (ie in a more subjective sense), and played to their individual
strengths when making their decisions. Although this suggests that subject choices
are heavily individualised, it stands to reason that if a greater number of students find
certain subjects to be more difficult than others (eg physics; see Coe et al., 2008,
sec. 4.1), a greater number of students will avoid choosing those subjects. This
therefore does support the concerns raised in the introduction that the relatively low
numbers of students in STEM subjects and modern foreign languages might be at
least partly due to students’ perceptions of the difficulty of those subjects.
Secondly, students were often prohibited from taking certain subjects at A level by
their school’s policies. Entry criteria policies were often implemented that prevented
lower ability (according to their GCSE grades) students from accessing certain
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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‘difficult’ courses. These policies were sometimes driven by accountability scores, to
ensure that students were able to achieve the highest possible outcomes in the
subjects they chose. Teachers’ decisions over which subjects to offer to their
students were also sometimes affected by their perceptions of subject difficulty. For
example, some schools had elected not to offer certain difficult subjects, again
meaning that students were prevented from choosing to study those fields of
potential interest, because they appear to be too difficult. The use of these kinds of
behaviours has also been noted by Ofsted, who recently announced that they will be
conducting an investigation into this issue (TES, 2017).
Thirdly, students received advice on their decisions from various sources, and were
sometimes discouraged from choosing subjects that other people believed would be
too difficult for them. I have primarily focussed upon the advice given by teachers in
this current research, but students also acknowledged the input of their parents,
peers, and siblings. Although most of the advice given by teachers was tailored to
each student’s personal strengths (as they perceived it), given that many teachers
believed that some subjects are genuinely more difficult than others, it is quite
possible that they would discourage a greater number of students from taking those
subjects. For example, they might expect a higher level of competency in a ‘difficult’
subject before they would consider that to be one of a student’s ‘strengths, meaning
that more students might be discouraged from taking it. Teachers also commented
that they sometimes had to warn students that their ambitions may be unrealistic,
partly because students might hold some misconceptions about how difficult certain
subjects are. Again, because some teachers believed that some subjects are more
difficult than others, they may recognise more “misconceptions” in, and therefore
issue more warnings to, students choosing harder subjects. Finally, teachers did
also occasionally discourage students from making certain choices because a failure
to achieve high grades could have negative consequences for the school’s
performance measures (cf Jin et al., 2011; Perryman et al., 2011; Pye Tait
Consulting, 2014; Rowbottom, 2013). Each of these points may again support the
proposal that a relatively low number of students are choosing to study STEM and
language subjects due to perceptions of difficulty, because teachers are
discouraging more students from choosing those subjects in particular.
As these findings support the relationship between perceptions of subject difficulty
and subject choices, one might suggest that lowering grading standards in those
subjects commonly perceived to be ‘difficult’ may help to encourage greater student
uptake of those subjects. However, as mentioned throughout this report, perceptions
of subject difficulty are not students’ only concerns, meaning that other approaches
could also potentially achieve the same desired result. For example, efforts to
enhance students’ enjoyment and perceptions of usefulness in certain subjects might
also help to encourage greater uptake, and organisations taking these approaches
appear to have had some degree of success in this regard (eg Straw, Hart, &
Harland, 2011). By doing so, more students may be willing to overlook the perceived
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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difficulty of certain subjects, granting them greater motivation to exert the extra effort
required to achieve those ‘useful’ and ‘enjoyable’, but comparatively harder to
achieve qualifications. Given that usefulness and enjoyment seem to be greater
concerns for students making their subject choices, it is possible that these
approaches might be able to yield greater success than those targeting perceptions
of difficulty. However, this requires further investigation, as it is unclear how many
students find certain subjects prohibitively difficult, and therefore would not feel able
to choose them, no matter how enjoyable or useful they may be.
As a final comment, it is worth noting that students are not just being discouraged
from choosing ‘harder’ subjects; they are also being discouraged from choosing
subjects that are commonly labelled as being ‘easier’. Some teachers in the current
sample guided higher ability students away from subjects such as media studies,
because such choices were seen to be less useful than more ‘academic’ options.
Some students and parents also seem to be concerned that less traditional choices
might be less useful, favouring subjects appearing in the list of facilitating subjects
set by the Russell Group (2015) of universities. School policies might send the same
message, which tended to emphasise traditional subjects included within the EBacc
and Progress 8 accountability measures. Subjects perceived as easier also tend to
attract lower social status, which again put some students off from choosing them.
Hence, high-ability pupils may be disincentivised to pursue creative subjects and
careers. It may also impact on student experience, if students choose options that
they may lack motivation for, or may not be well suited to, because their own
strengths/interests fall outside of those subject areas deemed more important within
the current policy context.
5.1 Limitations and areas for future research
Certain limitations may prompt the need for further research:
Firstly, although fairly broad ranging sample in terms of school types and
geographical locations was achieved, it is nevertheless possible that this small
sample of schools (in relation to the total number of schools in England) was not
representative of national opinions and practices. More work could be done to
explore differences between school types and schools with different profiles,
especially those not included here. For example, no schools under special
were recruited, which may be particularly driven by accountability scores.
There is also the possibility of selection bias, meaning that certain behaviours and
policies were not captured by this research, as schools self-selected to take part.
Schools engaging in potentially unethical practices were perhaps unlikely to agree to
Schools may become subject to intervention if they are deemed to require ‘special measures’
following an Ofsted inspection.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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participate. To address these limitations, the current findings could be used as a
basis for confirmatory work on a larger sample of students and schools.
Secondly, given that we are currently undergoing a time of change for GCSEs and A
levels (Ofqual, 2015a, 2015b), it is possible that perceptions of difficulty in certain
subject areas may change in the coming years. For example, the current reforms
may mean that the demands of some subjects are affected more than others, and
therefore the general ‘rank order’ of subjects in terms of their perceived difficulty may
change. Nevertheless, although students may begin to make different absolute
choices, there is no reason to assume that the motivations that drive those choices
(ie the combination of perceived difficulty, enjoyment, and usefulness) would also
change in response to these reforms.
Thirdly, although the views of teachers were considered in depth, other important
sources of influence (eg parents, siblings, and friends) were not spoken to, and so
their perceptions and motivations were only gathered indirectly through our
discussions with teachers and students. Readers should therefore interpret this
portion of our results with some caution, as students and teachers may have
misrepresented or misunderstood the motivations behind the advice that parents,
siblings, and friends gave. Parents in particular seem to be a key source of advice
for students (Vidal Rodeiro, 2007), and so future research should aim to complement
the current project by taking their views into greater account. This might be
particularly important given that the advice given by parents may have a greater
influence than teachers for some students (Foskett et al., 2004).
Finally, there are some potentially influential factors that have not been considered
here. For example, various beliefs about the self may interact with perceptions of
difficulty, usefulness, and enjoyment. Although some time has been spent exploring
students’ perceptions of subject difficulty, less attention has been paid towards their
perceptions of their own academic abilities in these subjects. Bandura et al. (2001)
reported that perceived academic self-efficacy influences young persons’ career
trajectories, meaning that students with low self-efficacy may be less likely to enter
themselves into difficult subjects because they do not believe in their ability to do
well in those subjects, nor the careers that such choices would lead to. This is also a
key premise of the theory of planned behaviour
(Ajzen, 1991), which states that
behavioural intentions (eg intended subject choices) are at least partly based upon
perceptions of self-efficacy. Bandura and Schunk (1981) also found that perceived
self-efficacy in a mathematics task was correlated with the likelihood of choosing to
partake in future mathematics tasks, suggesting that self-efficacy may interact with
subject interest or enjoyment. Low self-esteem can also discourage students from
taking harder subjects, whereas high work ethic can have the opposite effect
See Taylor (2015) for a lengthier discussion of this theory in relation to subject choices.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
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(Mendolia & Walker, 2014). Each of these beliefs about the self may further
contribute the decision making process outlined in Figure 1, and may therefore be
attractive targets for further research.
6 Conclusions
In summary, one can conclude from this research that perceptions of subject
difficulty do appear to be linked with subject choices, but they are not the only, nor
do they appear to be the main driver of decision making. Specifically, although
students may be motivated (by themselves and their teachers in particular) to avoid
subjects that they find difficult, they are nevertheless often willing to choose to study
such subjects when they enjoy them and/or believe that they are useful for their
futures. Additional factors not investigated here may further interact with these
relationships, adding greater complexity to the decision making process. By
continuing research into this field, we can add to our understanding of how and why
students make their decisions, potentially enhancing our ability to encourage greater
uptake in ‘key’ subject areas.
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Appendix A - methodology
A qualitative design was chosen because it would provide a rich source of
information, especially with regards to how the balancing of competing concerns is
handled. This allowed us to add to the current literature, which has mainly consisted
of numerical survey data.
One-to-one interviews were used to gather the views of teachers, in order to facilitate
an environment that allowed complete openness (eg more junior teachers may have
felt under pressure to not discuss certain issues in front of members of the senior
leadership team). Teachers may have been more confident than students in
discussing these issues at length on a one-to-one basis. Students expressed their
views in focus groups, rather than one-to-one interviews, for three reasons. Firstly,
this was decided on logistical grounds, as seeing individual students would have
caused repeated disruptions to classes as they left from, and returned to, their
lessons. Secondly, seeing students in groups allowed us to gather the views of more
students in less time, given that the same concerns surrounding openness and
honesty were less relevant. Thirdly, it was felt that focus groups would give students
greater confidence and allow them to discuss these issues at greater length than an
individual student might feel comfortable to do (especially for younger year groups).
Although the opposite might have been true (that some students might become
inhibited in the presence of their peers), it was felt that focus groups would be of
benefit to a greater number, and that the less forthcoming students could still be
encouraged to express their views with some prompting.
Participants were recruited from a variety of schools and 6th form colleges via
purposive sampling, with the aim of holding discussions with students and teachers
from a wide range of demographic backgrounds and geographical locations. Letters
and emails were sent to the head teachers of 180 schools in England over a period
of 3 months. Each school was offered financial compensation (£200) in exchange for
their participation (individual participants received no compensation). Twenty schools
initially expressed an interest in the study, and 12 eventually took part.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 46
A selection of school types and locations were achieved, and the final sample
consisted of 5 comprehensive schools
, 2 grammar schools, 2 independent schools,
and 3 6th form colleges. These schools were located within 9 English
counties/metropolitan areas, including Gloucestershire, Greater Manchester,
Herefordshire, Lincolnshire, London, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire,
and the West Midlands.
Table 1 shows the total number of teachers and students that took part, broken down
by school type. Although ultimately each school decided which teachers and
students would be offered to us, I requested to talk to one or two teachers from the
senior leadership team (SLT; including the head teacher, deputy head teachers, and
assistant head teachers), who would have greater insight into school policy, and two
or three other teachers who were responsible for providing advice to students on
what they might choose to study at GCSE and/or A level (eg personal or year-group
tutors). The purpose of this sampling approach was to recruit teachers from a range
of levels of superiority, and those who likely had the greatest influence on students
making their subject choices.
Table 1. Number of teachers and students from each school type.
Number of students
School type
A level
6th form college
Note. ‘GCSE’ includes year 9 students discussing the choices they were currently
making, and year 10 students discussing the choices that they made last year.
Comprehensive schools can be further subdivided, depending on how they are governed (eg see
Gov.UK, 2016). Of the comprehensive schools recruited for this project, one was a community school
(governed by the local authority), one was a foundation school (where the governing body had greater
freedom over the running of the school), one was a voluntary aided school (where a religious
organisation contributed to the funding and had an influence over the running of the school), and two
were sponsor-led academies (where the school is managed by an external organisation).
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 47
Similarly, ‘A level’ includes year 11 students discussing the choices they were
currently making, and year 12 students who made their choices last year.
The primary contact for each school (usually a member of the SLT) was also asked
to put together two focus groups of students. These teachers selected pupils
themselves, but were encouraged to select students from a range of backgrounds in
terms of subjects studied and levels of attainment. In each school, the researcher
typically spoke to one group of students about their GCSE choices (either Year 9s
making their choices now, or Year 10s who made their choices last year) and one
group of students about their A level choices (either Year 11s making their choices
now, or Year 12s who made their choices last year). Given their remit, GCSE
choices were not discussed at 6th form colleges. The size of these focus groups
ranged between 3 and 10 students, with a mean group size of 6.
Interview/focus group schedules
All interviews and focus groups were conducted between January and March, 2016.
Although 2 researchers were involved in the data collection for this project, all
interviews and focus groups were facilitated by one researcher at a time.
Before each interview/focus group began, all participants were informed about the
nature of the study and what the key topics of discussion were to be. Written consent
was gained from each participant and they were made aware that discussions would
be audio recorded, and that they could decide to stop the interview/focus group at
any point. In the focus groups, students were asked to respect each other’s views
but were encouraged to voice their opinions should they differ from what someone
else might have said.
Semi-structured modes of data collection were used in favour of structured or
unstructured modes, as these allowed the researchers to maintain a degree of
control, whilst allowing flexibility in the question order and not restricting the
discussions to the researchers’ preconceived understanding of these issues
(therefore allowing for important but unforeseen topics to be discussed).
Interview/focus group schedules consisting of open-ended questions
, probes, and
prompts were developed and followed, but questions were omitted (eg when not
relevant for certain participants) or added (eg to follow up on a certain response)
where appropriate. These schedules, which can be found in Appendix B, were
Open-ended questions were favoured over closed (e.g., yes/no) or scale (e.g., strongly disagree to
strongly agree) as they allow for greater flexibility, greater depth of response, encourage rapport, and
can uncover unanticipated opinions (Robson, 2002, pp. 275276).
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 48
reviewed and amended by other Ofqual researchers before the study began, to
ensure good coverage of the topic area.
Teachers were first asked about their thoughts on the variation of subject difficulty,
and then whether their school had any policies in place that might guide the choices
students can make (eg entry criteria or option blocks). They were then asked about
the advice that they gave to their students regarding subject choices, focussing on
whether their perceptions of subject difficulty feature in this advice. Finally, they were
asked whether they thought the perceptions of subject difficulty held by students and
their parents had an impact on students’ subject decision making. Issues relating to
either GCSEs or A levels (whichever the teacher was most involved with) were
discussed first, followed by issues relating to the other level of study.
Students were first asked about their perceptions of subject difficulty, and then how
these perceptions might have influenced their subject choices. They were also asked
whether other features of a course (eg enjoyment or perceived usefulness) might
make them care less or more about how difficult a certain subject might be. They
were finally asked how other people might have influenced their decisions, including
(but not limited to) teachers and parents, focussing on whether they thought these
sources of influence were driven by any perceptions of subject difficulty. Unlike
teachers, students were only asked to discuss issues relating to either GCSEs or A
levels, depending on their current level of study.
For scheduling purposes, 45 minutes to an hour was suggested by the lead
researcher for each discussion, although some teachers were only available for a
shorter duration due to other school commitments. The mean length for the teacher
interviews was 38 minutes (range: 16 58 minutes) and the mean length for the
student focus groups was 30 minutes (range: 20 51 minutes).
Method of analysis
Audio recordings were transcribed by an external transcription company, and a
sample of the transcriptions was checked for accuracy by the lead researcher.
‘NVivo 10’ software for Windows was used to organise, code, and analyse the
The method of analysis (and the remainder of this paragraph) was largely based
upon the guidance provided by Braun and Clarke (2006). A thematic analysis
approach was chosen as it is a flexible yet detailed analytic technique. Analysis was
essentially ‘realist’ and ‘semantic’ in nature, aiming to capture the perceived realities
of experiences explicitly stated by participants. This approach was chosen to identify
the consciously held perceptions of participants, and how these perceptions
consciously (ie explicitly) shaped their behaviour. Themes were selected and
structured using a largely ‘top-down’ or theoretical approach, meaning that coding
was approached with specific questions in mind (ie those described in Section 3).
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 49
Sub-themes were identified by the researchers through a thorough reading of each
transcript. Once a preliminary thematic map (ie the themes, subthemes, and
relationships between them) had been produced, the transcripts and coded items
were reviewed to check and improve upon the thematic map’s validity.
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 50
Appendix B Interview/focus group schedules
Teacher interview schedule
Icebreaker Activity:
i. To start off, could you tell me a bit about yourself as a teacher?
a. How long have you been a teacher?
b. What subjects do you teach?
c. How long have you been at this school?
d. [How long have you been in the senior management team?]
ii. And could you briefly tell me a bit about your school/college and the kind of
students you have here?
----------Repeat the following twice. Once for GCSE, once for A level-----------------------
General Perceptions:
iii. Across the range of subjects that are studied at [GCSE/A level], could you tell
me a bit about how much you think they vary in terms of how difficult or easy
they are.
a. How much variation in difficulty do you think there is across the whole
range of subjects studied at [GCSE/A level]?
i. Eg, is there a big difference between the hardest and easiest?
b. What do you base your thoughts on? I.e., what makes a subject
i. Do you focus more on content or assessment?
ii. Have you looked at any other information for example on the
internet or paper documents/reports?
c. Do you think that there are any differences between what subjects you
think are difficult and what subjects your students think are difficult?
d. [Second round only] Do you think GCSEs and A levels are equally
i. Is this the same across all subjects?
iv. Often we find that different subjects attract different levels of status. For
example, some subjects attract more respect or more recognition than others.
Other subjects attract less status. Do you think that the status of a subject is
related to how difficult people think it is?
School Policies and Curriculum Offer:
v. Because all schools work slightly differently, could you tell me what policies or
practices your school has in place that guide the options that students can
take at [GCSE/A level]? These might be formal or informal policies and
a. Are there any [GCSE/A level] subjects which are deliberately not
offered by your school and why?
b. Are any subjects compulsory?
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 51
c. How many [GCSE/A level] subjects are offered?
d. Do you have option blocks (eg, student can only take either history or
e. Do you have pathways (eg, only top set can do single science) or other
entry requirements?
f. Do you take perceptions of subject difficulty into account when making
these decisions?
vi. Do you ever pay attention to which exam boards might be easier than others?
Eg, do you ever change to an easier specification within the same subject?
Advice to Students:
vii. When you are talking to your students about their subject choices, do your
thoughts about the difficulty or easiness of certain subjects affect the advice
you give?
a. Do you ever consciously direct your students towards taking difficult or
easy subjects, and why?
b. Does this advice change depending on which student you are giving it
to? i. E.g., does it depend on the apparent ability of each student?
c. How do you balance out the ambitions and career goals a student
might have with your perceptions of subject difficulty or ease?
i. E.g., if a student wants to pursue a certain career, but you think
that might be too difficult for them, what do you advise them to
ii. What about if a student was picking something that you felt was
too easy for them?
viii. For all of the systems that you have in place around advice and guidance and
setting subject options those based on perceptions of difficulty or easiness
do you think that these help your [school/college] in terms of performance
tables or accountability measures?
a. [Advice & Policies covered?]
b. Is this a deliberate aim of policies and advice given to students?
i. [Advice & Policies covered?]
Thoughts on students:
ix. I’d like to know a bit more about your students now - Those making their
[GCSE/A-level] choices. Do you think that their thoughts about subject
difficulty affect the choices they make?
a. Is this the same across all levels of attainment?
b. Do you think that parents’ perceptions of subject difficulty have an
influence over the choices their children make?
c. Do you think your students inherit views about subject difficulty from
their parents?
x. That’s everything I wanted to talk about for [GCSEs/A levels]. Do you have
any other comments to make? Do you think I’ve missed anything important?
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 52
Student focus group schedule
[Note The tense of questions changed depending on whether subject choices had
already been made or not]
Icebreaker Activity:
i. I’d just like to go round the room first, to break the ice a bit and to get your
names for the recording. So could you just tell me your first name, and what
subjects you are thinking of studying in your [GCSEs/A levels].
ii. Just so I know how things work at your school, as a group could you talk me
through the process of how you actually make your subject choices. For
example, what are the key events or key deadlines and who are the key
people involved?
a. Options evenings? Key people’s jobs (eg, HoDs/tutors)? How long did
you get to decide?
General Perceptions:
iii. Out of all subjects (not just the ones you are studying), which subjects do you
think are the most difficult at [GCSE/A level] and why do you think that?
iv. On the other end of the scale then, which subject do you think are the easiest
at [GCSE/A level] and why do you think that?
v. So we’ve identified some subjects that you think are the hardest and easiest.
Thinking about the whole range of [GCSE/A level] subjects on offer, what else
do you think makes some subjects more difficult than others? [can give
examples if already mentioned some]
a. Do you base your thoughts on anything else? For example, other
peoples’ opinions or how the course is assessed?
i. Other people’s views? – friends/brothers and sisters/teachers?
ii. Differences in Content (eg, is the content easy to understand)?
iii. Differences in Assessment (e.g., different types of assessment
might be harder)?
iv. Careers guidance/UCAS tell you anything about difficulty?
vi. Across the whole range of [GCSE/A level] subjects, do you think that there is
a big difference between the hardest subject and easiest subject, or are they
quite close together in terms of difficulty and easiness?
vii. Do you think that there are any differences between what subjects you think
are difficult or easy and what subjects your teachers think are difficult or
viii. And how about your parents? Do they have any different thoughts?
Influence of Perceptions on Subject Choices:
ix. Do you think your thoughts about subject difficulty or easiness affect your
subject choices?
Perceptions of subject difficulty and subject choices
Ofqual 2017 53
x. Does anything [else] change how much these thoughts affect your choices?
Eg, Does anything else about a subject make you care less or more about
how difficult that subject is?
a. Do your thoughts about the usefulness of certain subjects change how
much subject difficulty or easiness affects your subject choices? By
usefulness I mean how useful you think a subject will be for your future
education or career.
i. [eg are you more likely to take a difficult subject if you think it will
help you get in to university? Or are you less likely to take an
easy subject if you think it won’t be useful?]
b. Does your enjoyment of a subject affect how difficult or easy you think
it is, and does this affect your subject choices?
c. Do you tend to take notice of things like your predicted grades, and
does this change how likely you are to choose certain subjects?
xi. When thinking about subject difficulty in your decision making, do you pay
more attention to what you think is a difficult or easy subject in a more
general sense, or what you think would be an easy or difficult subject for you
personally? So, like I mentioned earlier, you might think that Music is a
difficult subject for most people, but you personally find it quite easy. Which
do you focus more on?
a. Does the other type of difficulty still influence you?
xii. Often we find that different subjects attract different levels of status. For
example, some subjects get more respect or more recognition than others.
Other subjects attract less respect. Do you think that the status of a subject is
related to how difficult people think it is?
a. Does the status of different subjects affect your decision making?
Influence/Advice from Others:
xiii. Has anything or anyone pushed you away from choosing certain subjects
because they are thought to be difficult or easy?
a. [eg Admissions policies, such as you need to get a certain grade in
your GCSEs to be able to take a certain A level subject?]
b. [eg parents or teachers think something is too difficult for you?]
c. Why do you think they have done that?
xiv. Opposite to that, has anything or anyone pushed you towards choosing a
certain subject, based on how difficult or easy it is thought to be?
a. [eg Parents or teachers think something is easy so they make you take
b. Why do you think they have done that?
xv. Where do you tend to turn to most for advice when making your subject
a. Do you think that their advice is affected by their own thoughts about
which subjects are difficult or easy?
b. Are your choices influenced by anyone else?
i. Teachers? Parents? Friends? Siblings? Other relations?
Careers guidance?
xvi. That’s about everything I wanted to talk about. Can you think of anything we
might have missed? Any important issues we haven’t discussed?
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... When looking at the motivation of students for selecting a certain subject, the combination of the subject's difficulty, enjoyableness and usefulness were found to be the three most important factors [Cuff, 2017]. This means that perceiving physics as difficult could influence whether or not students select it as a subject in school. ...
... The fact that physics is associated with being difficult is shown for students in an educational setting [Havard, 1996;Williams et al., 2003], but this had not previously been shown in a science communication setting. We believe that further research is needed to test if the relation between perceived difficulty of topics and decrease in interest, which was found in an educational setting [Cuff, 2017;Havard, 1996;Williams et al., 2003], also holds for readers of newspapers, and how this is affected by difficulty framing in the news. If these relationships are translatable to how the public perceives physics in the news, then the framing of physics as difficult could have strong negative effects on the interest of the general public, as it is found that negative frames have more effect than positive frames [Achterberg, 2014;Cobb, 2005]. ...
Physics is often perceived as difficult, but there has been little research on how physics is reported in the media. In this two-stage content analysis, we examine the portrayal of physics in five major Dutch newspapers. Results show that astronomy and astrophysics is the most prominent field. Furthermore, newspaper articles are triggered almost equally by scientific and non-scientific events. Finally, the majority of described physics concepts are framed as difficult, but journalists do provide explanations for them.
... This study was carried out because there are some problems that students face based on the topic of the system controller. The hardest subjects are languages and STEM topics [8]. The topic of system controller is a difficult topic because this topic uses a lot of complex engineering terms and symbols. ...
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Technological improvements have simplified the process of learning significantly. The dependability of technologies is getting massive attention as it is inclined with Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) in daily essentials applications. Several applications have been created to make teaching and learning more enjoyable for students. Control system is one of the topics covered in the Reka Cipta syllabus in high school. However, the major problem encountered in the Control System syllabus during the teaching and learning (T&L) is that students have trouble identifying and understanding the components and processes of basic mechanical, electrical and electronic control systems. In addition, students face difficulties differentiating the system controllers' types with the symbols and functions for each component. The researchers will use the ADDIE model and cognitive theory to ensure the quality of the development process. The result showed affirmative feedback from five experts in this field due to the user-friendly accessibility to be explored by the student. The findings demonstrate that a Blippar application installed on a smartphone may be used for teaching and learning (T&L). With Sys-ContAR, students can visualize real 3D objects with a 360° angle for control system application for smart house application via this AR module.
... Knowledge management is still a concept that is difficult to apply and still requires study and enhancement to create Failure level in Knowledge Management System (KMS) implementation high sufficiently that it should be measured using KMS Readiness Levels. [9] This consecpt is given directionf for student A/L subject selction decision. Becouse this decision is the reason for for future. ...
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The government of Sri Lanka subsidized free education from primary to graduate levels. Consider the following aspect of the educational process: the A/L (G.C.E) examination is cross point for university entrance. Therefor haven't clear guidance material, after the O/L examination, to students, subject, and stream selections for the A/L examination. After analysing the situation, it became clear that, following the O/L examination, students sought advice from a variety of sources regarding their A/L stream choice. They received feedback from parents, teachers, undergraduates, relatives, and someone who is involved in subject selection as a trend. Furthermore, when preparing for A/L, some students have no idea what related degrees, jobs, and opportunities are available based on their subject selection, and if not satisfied with their decision, they change it again, potentially wasting their time and money. Consider the review of analysis and, therefore, a knowledge management-based decision support system helps to build reference based correct direction for user make suitable stream selection. Furthermore, as a decision support system for A/L subject selection concept-related, have not yet developed any knowledge management or knowledge sharing system. This paper attempts to define the concept of developing a decision support system for A/L path (subjects and stream) selection-based knowledge management concept for anyone who wants self-guidance and knowledge about A/L subjects, the syllabus, related degrees of university entries and job opportunities.
... According to him, it is also a school culture that students of SMP Negeri A prefer literary works such as poetry, drama, writing, and reading rather than study subjects which are in the science and mathematics family. This is supported by Cuff's (2017) statement which states that in choosing learning subjects they prefer something that they find fun and useful in life. Students who view mathematics as impractical and difficult prefer to avoid the subject. ...
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Abstract This research focuses on the major elements that cause or influence the outcomes of educational report cards, particularly in the area of numeracy. The study focuses on how students learn mathematics throughout the year leading up to the National Assessment. This research employs case study method. The 7th grade students, theachers, and principals from a public junior high school in Bandung were involved in this research. Interview and observation wer used to obtain data. The study's findings show that the Covid-19 epidemic is the most significant factor influencing the less-than-optimal learning process, and that a hastily implemented Distance Learning policy results in a lack of teacher competence in preparing IT-based learning. Because the type of AKM questions was considered new, therefore students are having difficulities understanding them. Furthermore, the result that students' reasoning achievement is higher than their ability to apply is contradictory to Bloom's taxonomy hypothesis and warrants further investigation. Key Words: National Assessment, Numeration, Junior High School
... For example in the United States, in 13 states students do and in 11 states do not have to take science as a subject in their school leaving examination (Snyder et al., 2019). In England, students are free to choose from a wide variety of subjects without including science or mathematics (Cuff, 2017). ...
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In Germany, secondary school students have to choose at least one STEM subject (mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics) for their Secondary School Leaving Examinations. In a representative sample of students in grade 13 in one federal state in Germany, we explore male and female students’ subject choices in an expectancy-value as well as dimensional comparison framework by considering prior performance, ability self-concept, and values in the chosen subject. We extend previous research by including dimensional comparisons that students make between the varying subjects they have to choose from. We discriminate between two opposing groups. One group shows a science-avoidance choice pattern by selecting only one science subject: biology (n = 439). The other group shows a science-oriented choice pattern by selecting either physics or chemistry or two STEM subjects of which one is physics or chemistry (n = 248). We measured achievement test scores, relative and absolute midterm grades, ability self-concepts, as well as attainment and utility values in chosen and non-chosen subjects and calculated logistic regressions as well as multigroup models. Our results showed that science-oriented final exam choices depended on two mechanisms. Within the expectancy-value framework, a science-oriented choice pattern was predicted by ability self-concept in mathematics for male and female students. However, attainment and utility values appeared to be irrelevant for this specific choice. Within the dimensional comparison framework, the relative mathematics-English midterm grade was relevant, but only for male students. Our findings raise the question whether male and female students should be encouraged differently in order to stay in the STEM pipeline and how structural conditions may shape pathways into or out of this pipeline.
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This qualitative study explores the reasons and challenges faced by former BSED English students who shifted to other programs. The study employed a case study approach, utilizing the Sharan Merriam technique and data triangulation method. Through Interviews with the seven former 1st-year BSED English students enrolled in the first semester, a thematic analysis was utilized to identify recurring patterns and themes. The study identifies reasons and challenges for students' shifting to other programs. The finding reveals that being inspired and influenced by others, as well as being curious about the program and the opportunity it offers, contribute to students’ reason to take up BSED English. Challenges encountered include difficulty with the topic and difficulty in speaking English. Students’ reasons for shifting are scholarship assistance and the difficulty of the major subject. The study concludes that these varying factors influenced the research participants to enroll in the BSED English program and shift to another program, indicating that it plays a significant role in students’ academic journey. This study gives insights into a crucial shift of students that has a significant implication for both students and the institution, as it holds an important role in students' career decision-making.
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span lang="EN-US">Higher education and training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are important for the industrial growth and development of any nation. Physics subject provides the basics for training in many STEM areas. However, failure to pursue physics to the end of high school denies learners opportunities in STEM courses. This research employed a correlational design and survey method to examine the relationship of gender traits (GT) and mindset (MS) with learners’ intention to choose physics among 378 high school students randomly sampled. The study adopted the gender traits test and mindset questionnaires. The Chi-square test for the relationship of GT and MS with the intention to choose a physics subject yielded p>0.05. These results revealed that no student is deprived of an opportunity to pursue physics to higher levels on account of their GT or MS. Thus, attempts to increase the number of learners who can potentially pursue STEM courses by studying physics in high school should focus on other known factors other than GT and MS.</span
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Dutch secondary education counsellors and tutors guide students in their study profile choices. Case studies were used to identify factors that characterise profile recommendations. In Case Study 1, vignette (fictitious) students asked for advice. Of the 12 participants, eight provided product advice (study profiles) and 12 provided process advice (important factors), mainly relating to students’ interests. In Case Study 2, vignette students wanted to choose between a profile for which they had better marks, or one in which they were more interested. Of the 19 participants, 12 recommended study profiles. All participants provided process recommendations: these mainly involved interests, but also marks. In both case studies, recommendations were not characterised by students’ SES, and a few were somewhat characterised by gender.
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Flipped classroom is an active, student-centered approach that has been developed to enhance the quality of time in the classroom. This study investigates the perceptions of third year Bachelor in Teaching English as a Second Language (BTESL) and Bachelor in Accounting (BIA) students in a Higher Education Institute, Malaysia. It aims to examine the students’ perceptions towards the use of flipped classroom approach in Islamic Civilisation and Asian Civilisation subject (TITAS) and to identify whether there is any significant difference between the perceptions of two groups of students with different educational backgrounds. This study involves 124 respondents consisting of 82 (66.1%) third year BTESL students and 42 (33.9%) BIA third year students. It adopted a quantitative research design using a survey method for data collection. The questionnaire was adapted from previous studies as the instrument for this study. Data were analysed through SPSS software and were interpreted through descriptive analysis and an Independent sample T-test. The findings show the majority of BTESL and BIA students perceived the usefulness of flipped classroom implementation in TITAS class positively. However, the study findings also revealed that there is no significant difference between the perceptions of BTESL and BIA students. Consequently, the outcomes were inferred that students perceived flipped classroom approach in TITAS class to be useful and there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of students with different educational backgrounds.
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Everyone has to make choices at different stages in their life. Some of the most crucial relate to their education, in particular what combination of subjects they decide to take for higher-level study. For most young people such choices take place between the ages of 14 and 18. In England they are likely to be asked to make selections at 14, when they decide which GCSE courses they are to pursue, at 16 when they select their post-16 studies and then at 18 in deciding on higher or further education programmes or their chosen area of employment. As important as these choices are for individuals, such decisions also have wider economic implications for the country. This is particularly the case with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects. Major government funded inquiries (e.g. Roberts, 2002; Smith, 2004) identified a mismatch between skills acquired during formal education and those required in the workplace. This phenomenon is not unique to the UK, with many OECD countries facing similar difficulties in terms of student participation in STEM (OECD Global Science Forum, 2006). In common with other countries the UK government is committed to fostering STEM related innovation in the UK. The Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014 (HM Treasury, 2004; 2006) set out priorities for addressing skills shortages. Improving education in the STEM subjects was identified as a key element, leading to the STEM Programme that was launched in October 2006. This provides a strategic framework through which support for STEM subjects in schools and colleges is made more effective and more accessible (DfES, 2006). A key premise underpinning many of the proposals is the view that young people begin to make choices about careers early in their education. Helping young people to make the most appropriate subject choices is therefore crucial, both to ensure that the country has the skills its needs for the economy and to enable young people to make the best choices to meet their own future needs and aspirations.
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Survey findings from 1701 Year 11 and Year 13 students across 35 English educational institutions are reported, which indicate young people's hopes and goals, and the ways in which their institutions support them in their aspirations. This research adds to the literature empirical findings using a methodological stance on the study of aspirations that is open to broader perspectives of young people's agendas for their lives. The majority of young people reported high-educational (e.g. university) and career (e.g. a professional or well-paid job) aspirations. Life satisfaction and developing relationships was also high on the agenda of many young people.
Geography is a popular optional subject choice in England and Wales at age 14 but between 1996 and 2006 numbers entering for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination declined by 29.4%. The literature on possible factors influencing this fall in numbers is reviewed in this article and the reasons for change discussed. The decline in numbers appears to be due to a complex interaction between individual students' perceptions of geography, the quality of teaching and learning in geography departments, and whole-school option choice systems. A framework that maps these interactions is proposed. The article also reviews the literature on students' perception of geography, and discusses the influence of three main factors on subject choice, namely interest, usefulness and success. The developing literature on interest provides a conceptual framework for analysing the findings from different authors who have used different methodologies and focused on different aspects of students' perceptions of geography.
Current figures (CILT, 2005) indicate that, whilst the numbers of students taking post-16 modern foreign language public examinations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have declined overall between 2000 and 2004, one of the biggest drops is for German, which has experienced a steady year-on-year decline over the same period at the full A level. This article describes a study which explored some of the reasons behind the drop-out from German foreign language study between AS and A2 levels in England using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study highlighted the following reasons as key determiners in the decision to discontinue German language study at A2 level: the perceived difficulty of German and the German AS level curriculum (encompassing the notions of the unexpected ‘jump’ between GCSE and AS level German and the time-consuming nature of the subject); tactical decision-making regarding the need to accumulate the highest points score for university entrance despite the fact that predicted grades for A2 tended to be higher than those actually achieved by at least one grade; low AS level grades compared to GCSE; the perceived lack of relevance of German to future career/study paths. Results concerning subject enjoyment at AS level were inconclusive but most respondents felt that German at AS was the most difficult of all the AS subjects taken. The article concludes with a consideration of these findings in the light of the number of new initiatives and proposals which target, among others, the 14–19 age group.
In recent years, there have been concerns in the UK regarding the uptake of particular subjects in post-compulsory education. Whilst entries for Advanced level (A-level) subjects such as media studies have experienced considerable growth, entries for A-level physics have, until recently, been declining, prompting fears of a skills crisis in future generations. This study applied an established psychological theory, the theory of planned behaviour, to explore the drivers behind students’ subject choice at A-level, specifically focusing on students’ intentions to study physics and media studies. Multiple regression analyses supported the predictive validity of the theory in this context, with the three predictor variables (attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control) accounting for 66% of the variance in students’ intentions to study physics and 68% of the variance in students’ intentions to study media studies. Furthermore, for both subjects, attitude and subjective norm were found to be significant predictors of intentions. Hence, students with higher intentions to study physics or media studies exhibited a more positive attitude towards choosing this subject and perceived greater social pressure from significant others. Analysis of the beliefs underlying students’ subject choices suggested that the influence of parents was particularly important to students, as were beliefs about the positive outcomes of choosing physics or media studies in terms of student’s future career and education prospects. This suggests that initiatives aimed at increasing the uptake of subjects such as physics in the future might be best targeted in these areas.
This paper investigates the relationship between personality traits in adolescence and performance in high school using a large and recent cohort study. In particular, we investigate the impact of locus of control, self-esteem, and work ethics at age 15, on test scores at age 16, and on subject choices and subsequent performance at age 17-18. In particular, individuals with external locus of control or with low levels of self-esteem seem less likely to have good performance in test scores at age 16 and to pursue further studies at 17-18, especially in mathematics or science. We use matching methods to control for a rich set of adolescent and family characteristics and we find that personality traits do affect study choices and performance in test scores - particularly in mathematics and science. We explore the robustness of our results using the methodology proposed by Altonji et al. (2005) that consists of making hypotheses about the correlation between the unobservables that determine test scores and subjects’ choices and the unobservables that influence personality.