Conference PaperPDF Available

When facial expressions dominate emotion perception in groups of virtual characters


Abstract and Figures

Virtual characters play a central role in populating virtual worlds, whether they act as conduits for human expressions as avatars or are automatically controlled by a machine as agents. In modern game-related scenarios, it is economical to assemble virtual characters from varying sources of appearances and motions. However, doing so may have unintended consequences with respect to how people perceive their expressions. This paper presents an initial study investigating the impact of facial expressions and full body motions from varying sources on the perception of intense positive and negative emotional expressions in small groups of virtual characters. 21 participants views a small group of three virtual characters engaged in intense animated behaviours as their face and body motions were varied between positive, neutral and negative valence expressions. While emotion perception was based on both the bodies and the faces of the characters, we found a strong impact of the valence of facial expressions on the perception of emotions in the group. We discuss these findings in relation to the combination of manually created and automatically defined motion sources, highlighting implications for the animation of virtual characters.
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When Facial Expressions Dominate Emotion
Perception in Groups of Virtual Characters
Robin Palmberg
KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden
Christopher Peters
KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden
Adam Qureshi
Edge Hill University
United Kingdom
Abstract—Virtual characters play a central role in populating
virtual worlds, whether they act as conduits for human expres-
sions as avatars or are automatically controlled by a machine
as agents. In modern game-related scenarios, it is economical to
assemble virtual characters from varying sources of appearances
and motions. However, doing so may have unintended conse-
quences with respect to how people perceive their expressions.
This paper presents an initial study investigating the impact of
facial expressions and full body motions from varying sources
on the perception of intense positive and negative emotional
expressions in small groups of virtual characters. 21 participants
views a small group of three virtual characters engaged in intense
animated behaviours as their face and body motions were varied
between positive, neutral and negative valence expressions. While
emotion perception was based on both the bodies and the faces
of the characters, we found a strong impact of the valence of
facial expressions on the perception of emotions in the group. We
discuss these findings in relation to the combination of manually
created and automatically defined motion sources, highlighting
implications for the animation of virtual characters.
Virtual characters are an essential component for creat-
ing the compelling populated virtual worlds used in games,
cinema, architecture and a host of other domains with ap-
plications from entertainment to learning. These characters
may be merely graphical representations that are driven and
manipulated fully by real human as avatars, or they may be
sophisticated non-player characters (NPCs), or agents, that
are self-driven based on autonomous controllers. A typical
requirement for them is that they must be capable of engaging
in social interactions which are realised visually through the
precise and synchronised control of a host of non-verbal
behaviours occurring across their faces and bodies.
One of many questions that remains to be investigated
relates to the contributions of the face and body to the
perception of emotional expressions. This paper concerns the
modality (face or full-body) that is the most important when
a group of characters is to express a specific set of emotions
to a human audience. A scenario involving a group of three
characters was created in which their faces were deformed
according to manually defined blend shapes (or morph targets)
while their bodies were animated using motion-captured data
as they engaged in intense negative and positive expressions
relating to fear, anger and happiness. Unlike previous studies
involving both human stimuli and virtual characters, we found
a strong impact of the valence of facial expressions on the
perception of emotions in the group. We explain this result as a
potential arising from the use of Frankenfolk [1] i.e. characters
whose motions have been composed from a variety of different
sources and the use of different control methods for their faces
and bodies. Such practices are common when creating virtual
characters for applications such as serious games.
This paper is organised as follows. Section II presents re-
lated work considering the contributions of facial expressions
and full-body movements to the perception of emotion from
individuals and groups, based on the use of both human stimuli
and virtual characters. Section III presents our experiment
design, setup and results, including the selection of stimuli
through a pre-study for use in the main study in which the
facial expressions and body motions of characters were varied.
The results are discussed with respect to previous findings and
future implications in Section IV. We conclude in Section V.
While facial expressions of emotion have been heavily
studied in humans, a large quantity of that research has
focussed on faces in isolation without accounting for the
important role of context on emotion perception [2]. In
typical natural circumstances, faces are not experienced in
isolation but are accompanied by bodies and their motions
[3]. Wenzler et al. [4] focussed on intense situations and
found that the facial expressions of both adults and children
are not diagnostic for the valence of the situation, due to
the ambiguity of extreme facial expressions. Significantly,
Aviezer et al. [5] show that during intense sports situations
faces are less diagnostic when distinguishing between positive
and negative valence emotions, while the body maintains its
diagnosticity. Overall, results suggest that the face and the
body may contextualise each other and that their relative
ambiguity fluctuates depending on the emotion at hand.
Studies have also considered perception and groups of
virtual characters. Carretero et al. [6] evaluated the impact
of varying background emotional expressions of an irrelevant
crowd of characters on the perception of emotion of a small
group of relevant foreground characters and found that a
negative background influenced perception of the foreground.
Clavel et al. [7] found that the recognition of surprise and
fear were more dependent on the body posture, while sadness
relied more on the face, while Courgeon et al. [8] investigated
the impact of viewing distance and camera angle on com-
binations of face and body expressions of emotions. Ennis
et al. [9] investigated whether emotions can be recognized
through the body or facial animations alone as they would
naturally occur in conversations, rather then extreme emotions.
Findings suggested that emotions (anger, fear, happiness and
sadness) could be recognised from either modality alone, but
the combination of face and body motions was preferable for
more expressive characters. Ondrej et al. [1] combined voice,
body, face motion and appearance modalities from different
sources to create composite characters, or Frankenfolk. In a
similar manner, this study investigates the impact of different
motion source and types, but on the perception of expressions
within small groups, a common situation in game scenarios.
The experiment consisted of a stimuli creation phase (Sec-
tion III-A) in which a set of character appearances and
videos of candidate facial expressions and body motions
were assembled using 3D game technologies from a set of
virtual character appearance and motion assets. In the prestudy
(Section III-B), participants rated the stimuli in terms of their
valence for use in the main study. The main study (Section
III-C) used a carefully selected subset of the stimuli from the
prestudy to assemble small groups of characters with varying
facial expressions and body motions.
A. Stimuli Creation
The main task involved in stimuli creation was the use
of 3D animated characters and motions to create a set of
video recordings of behaviour for use in the pre- and main
studies. All body and face animations were created using
the animation controller in the Unity 3D game engine with
the MCS Female asset by Morph3D. Body animations were
created using Social Motion Pack Take 1 by PolygonCraft in
combination with animations from the Taichi Character Pack
by Game Asset Studio. These animations are generated from
acted/instructed human motions. The set of facial expressions
of the virtual character were created manually in Unity using
blend shapes (morph targets) and all of the appearances had
the same underlying geometric and blend shape setup. The
body and face expressions fit into categories of fear and anger
for the negative valance expressions and happiness for the
positive expressions. These emotions were chosen as they are
expressed equally well by both the face and body, are arousing
(e.g. in contrast to sadness) and have been widely studied [10].
B. Prestudy
The purpose of the pre-study was to gather perceptual data
concerning the stimuli in order to make a choice of expressions
to be used in the main study. A set of virtual characters
positioned close to the camera conducted a set of facial
expressions (Figure 1) and a second set, positioned further
back in the environment, conducted a set of body motions.
Their faces and hands were blurred in order to ensure that they
did not interfere with the study. Ratings from 21 participants
were used to choose a single negative, neutral and positive
facial expression from the initial set of five facial expressions
(ratings of final expressions are shown in Figure 1).
Fig. 1: Selected facial expressions from the prestudy (corre-
sponding to Figure 2, left). From left to right: negative (FE-
Neg), neutral (FE-Neu) and positive (FE-Pos) valence.
A single negative, neutral and positive body motion was
chosen from an initial set of four body motions based on
participant ratings (see Figure 2).
Fig. 2: Perceived valence of (left) facial expressions and (right)
body motions (bars = standard deviations).
C. Main Study
1) Design and Stimuli: The stimuli selected from the
prestudy were used to compose the scene for the main study.
The camera was placed at eye-level in the scene with a
virtual character directly facing it and two characters on either
side, a common camera viewpoint in games (see Figure 3).
This group formation was chosen in order to emphasise the
three dimensional nature of the scene and provide additional
information concerning the body motions of the characters.
The experiment used a within-subjects 3 (body motions) x 4
(facial expressions) design. Videos were created for each of the
experimental conditions mixing the facial expressions blurred,
negative,neutral and positive (FE-Blr, FE-Neg, FE-Neu, FE-
Pos) and body motions negative,ambiguous and positive (BM-
Neg, BM-Amb, BM-Pos), resulting in a total of 12 videos.
Participants viewed each condition four times e.g. 48 video
viewings in total. Each video lasted for an average of 10
seconds. The ordering of the stimuli was randomised over
participants according to a Latin Square design. Tobii Studio
software was used to display the stimuli to participants in an
ordered manner, to control their exposure time to the videos
and to record their answers after each trial.
Fig. 3: The main experiment consisted of a group of three
characters aligned so that their body motions are visible, while
only the facial expression of the central character is visible.
2) Setup: The main experiment consisted of 21 University
students (16M:5F) pursuing computer science courses pursu-
ing computer science courses.15 of the participants in the main
study had also taken part in the pre-study. Participants were
informed about the purpose of the experiment and provided
their consent to participate, before being seated approximately
60cm from a 2400 LED screen at 1920x1080 resolution. Each
experiment lasted approximately 30 minutes, including the
pre- and post-experiment briefings.
3) Results: The analysis consisted of a 3 x 4 within subjects
ANOVA and statistical assumptions relating to distribution,
outliers and sphericity were checked. The results of the study
are summarised in Figures 4 and 5. There was a main effect
of body motion (F(2,40) = 72.78, p < 0.01,= 0.78),
as well as a main effect of facial expression (F(3,60) =
167.89, p < 0.01,= 0.89). Post-hoc tests showed that whilst
negative body motion was perceived as significantly more
negative than both the ambiguous and positive body motions
(both p0s < 0.01), there was no difference between the latter
(p= 0.37). With respect to facial expression, there was no
difference in perceived valence between the blurred and neutral
conditions (p= 0.07), but the negative condition was rated
significantly more negative than all other conditions, whilst
the positive condition was rated as significantly more positive
than all other conditions (all p0s < 0.01).
There was an interaction between body motion and facial
expression (F(6,120) = 9.23, p < 0.01,= 0.32 (see Figure
4). This was explored further using simple main effects. For all
facial expressions, there was no difference between ambiguous
or positive body motion (p0s < 0.05), but negative body
motion was perceived as significantly more negative than
either (p0s < 0.01).
When the body motion was negative or ambiguous, whilst
there was no difference between the blurred and neutral facial
expression (p0s > 0.09), negative facial expressions were rated
as significantly more negative than all other expressions, and
Fig. 4: Results of the perceived valence of facial expression
types for each body motion category.
Fig. 5: Results of the perceived valence of body motion types
for each of the facial expression categories.
positive facial expressions were rated as significantly more
positive than all other expressions. For positive body motion,
all facial expressions were perceived as significantly different,
with negative facial affect perceived as the most negative,
followed by the neutral expression, blurred and finally the
positive expression (rated as most positive).
Overall, that there was an effect of both body motion
and facial affect separately, as well as an interaction, is in
agreement with previous studies suggesting people recognise
emotions from both body motion and facial expressions of
individuals. The valence congruent cases (BM-Neg+FE-Neg
and BM-Pos+FE-Pos) were less ambiguous than the valence
incongruent cases (BM-Neg+FE-Pos and BM-Pos+FE-Neg).
Comparing body only cases (BM-Neg+FE-Blr, BM-
Amb+FE-Blr and BM-Pos+FE-Blr) with the valence congru-
ent cases (i.e. BM-Neg+FE-Neg and BM-Pos+FE-Pos), in
all three cases the addition of facial expression appears to
clarify the valence of the stimuli in comparison to those cases
containing only body motion (i.e. blurred face and hands). See
Figure 4. This also occurs in comparison to when a neutral face
is used and a valence incongruent face is used (i.e. negative
body motion coupled with a positive facial expression).
While there is no difference between ambiguous and pos-
itive body movement for any facial expressions (i.e. BM-
Amb is always similar to BM-Pos in the FE-Blu, FE-Neg,
FE-Neu and FE-Pos conditions), negative body motion (BM-
Neg) is perceived as significantly more negative for all facial
expressions (Figure 5). While facial expression had a similar
effect on all body motions (BM-Neg <BM-Amb <BM-
Pos), only negative body motion reduced the rating of facial
expressions. This could indicate bias towards negative stimuli.
When viewed as a whole, the stimuli used in the study seem
to fit well with those used in intense situations of joy, triumph
and defeat, e.g. [5]. In these studies, it has been hypothesised
that the ability of the different channels (face, body) to allow
one to determine the emotion being signalled relates to their
relative contributions to the perception of dynamic emotions
[11]. A closer look at the stimuli in our study reveals that the
level of control in the face and full-body are likely different to
real world cases, since they came from two different sources.
While the overall expressions generated by the characters seem
intense, only the body motion had been captured from the
movements of people. In contrast, the facial animations were
manually constructed via blend shapes and were held static
during the animation sequences. That is, the faces of the char-
acters were perfectly controlled in a manner that one would not
expect of real faces under similar circumstances. Therefore, in
contrast to intense situations involving real stimuli in which
the body dominated emotion perception due to a hypothesised
break down in the diagnosticity of the face, the diagnosticity
of the faces remained intact and, when viewed in the context
of more intense body motions, it became the dominant cue.
A. Implications for Serious Games
While some industry and research efforts can afford to
use fully motion captured characters i.e. both the face and
body motions of individuals are mapped directly onto virtual
characters, in many smaller efforts it is much more typical to
combine blend shape controlled facial expressions that have
been defined manually with full-body motions that have been
recorded separately from real actors. The reasons behind this
are cost and ease: manually animating the full-body of char-
acters is difficult and motion tracking equipment is expensive,
but there is a wide availability of prerecorded motion capture
clips available for use in modern animation packages. On the
other hand, facial animation is easier to manually control via
blend shapes (morph targets) and does not seem to necessitate
the need for facial motion capture equipment. Yet, as the
results indicate in this study, care needs to be taken when
mixing behaviours from different sources together, especially
when the actors and/or control methods vary. The results of
this study may also suggest new methods of control: For
example, during intense episodes of emotion, an animator may
explicitly decide not to use an original motion-captured facial
expression, but instead employ a more controlled expression
to help clarify the communicated emotion through the face.
This paper presents an initial study investigating the impact
of facial expressions and full body motions on the perception
of intense positive and negative emotional expressions in small
groups of virtual characters. We found a strong impact of the
valence of facial expressions on the overall perception of the
emotion of the group, despite only a single face in the group
being clearly visible and body motion occupying a far larger
amount of the screen space. We hypothesise that our findings
are based on the use of varying sources/controls for the face
and body motions, an important issue for the developers of
game scenarios, in which such methods are commonplace.
This work has been funded by the European Commission
(EC) Horizon 2020 ICT 644204 project ProsocialLearn. The
authors are solely responsible for the content of this publi-
cation. It does not represent the opinion of the EC, and the
EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of data
appearing therein.
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... Thibaut Weise's et al. [25] show is an interesting approach to facial animation, but requires an actor to provide the facial performance for the character, as well as Ming Ouhyoung's work [17] which maps the actor's performance utilizing the depth and feature extraction. Robin Palmberg, Christopher Peters and Adam Qureshi, explained on their paper [18], published in 2017, that there is indeed a very strong impact on the valence of facial expressions on the perception of each of the individuals that took part on their experiment. ...
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It has been shown that humans are sensitive to the portrayal of emotions for virtual characters. However, previous work in this area has often examined this sensitivity using extreme examples of facial or body animation. Less is known about how attuned people are at recognizing emotions as they are expressed during conversational communication. In order to determine whether body or facial motion is a better indicator for emotional expression for game characters, we conduct a perceptual experiment using synchronized full-body and facial motion-capture data. We find that people can recognize emotions from either modality alone, but combining facial and body motion is preferable in order to create more expressive characters.
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We receive emotional signals from different sources, including the face, the whole body, and the natural scene. Previous research has shown the importance of context provided by the whole body and the scene on the recognition of facial expressions. This study measured physiological responses to face-body-scene combinations. Participants freely viewed emotionally congruent and incongruent face-body and body-scene pairs whilst eye fixations, pupil-size, and electromyography (EMG) responses were recorded. Participants attended more to angry and fearful vs. happy or neutral cues, independent of the source and relatively independent from whether the face body and body scene combinations were emotionally congruent or not. Moreover, angry faces combined with angry bodies and angry bodies viewed in aggressive social scenes elicited greatest pupil dilation. Participants' face expressions matched the valence of the stimuli but when face-body compounds were shown, the observed facial expression influenced EMG responses more than the posture. Together, our results show that the perception of emotional signals from faces, bodies and scenes depends on the natural context, but when threatening cues are presented, these threats attract attention, induce arousal, and evoke congruent facial reactions.
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Psychology suggests highly synchronized expressions of emotion across different modalities. Few experiments jointly studied the relative contribution of facial expression and body posture to the overall perception of emotion. Computational models for expressive virtual characters have to consider how such combinations will be perceived by users. This paper reports on two studies exploring how subjects perceived a virtual agent. The first study evaluates the contribution of the facial and postural expressions to the overall perception of basic emotion categories, as well as the valence and activation dimensions. The second study explores the impact of incongruent expressions on the perception of superposed emotions which are known to be frequent in everyday life. Our results suggest that the congruence of facial and bodily expression facilitates the recognition of emotion categories. Yet, judgments were mainly based on the emotion expressed in the face but were nevertheless affected by postures for the perception of the activation dimension.
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In 3D virtual environments and social scenes, virtual characters are not always visible from a front view. Nonverbal expressions of emotions should be designed so as to be properly perceived when viewed from multiple angles. Our platform enables the design of facial expressions including 3D expressive wrinkles and 3D postures. It was used to generate stimuli for studying the impact of front versus side views on the perception of blends of facial and postural expressions of emotions. Results observed in previous studies for front views of incongruent images are confirmed for side views. Furthermore, subjects were less confident in their ratings for side views images than for front view images.
It is common practice in movies and games to use different actors for the voice and body/face motion of a virtual character. What effect does the combination of these different modalities have on the perception of the viewer? In this paper, we conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the distinctiveness and attractiveness of human motions (face and body) and voices. We also create combination characters called FrankenFolks, where we mix and match the voice, body motion, face motion and avatar of different actors and ask which modality is most dominant when determining distinctiveness and attractiveness, or whether the effects are cumulative.
The distinction between positive and negative emotions is fundamental in emotion models. Intriguingly, neurobiological work suggests shared mechanisms across positive and negative emotions. We tested whether similar overlap occurs in real-life facial expressions. During peak intensities of emotion, positive and negative situations were successfully discriminated from isolated bodies but not faces. Nevertheless, viewers perceived illusory positivity or negativity in the nondiagnostic faces when seen with bodies. To reveal the underlying mechanisms, we created compounds of intense negative faces combined with positive bodies, and vice versa. Perceived affect and mimicry of the faces shifted systematically as a function of their contextual body emotion. These findings challenge standard models of emotion expression and highlight the role of the body in expressing and perceiving emotions.