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Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue) S429
Original Arcle
Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant
Activities of the Essential Oil of
Bursera graveolens
(Burseraceae) From Perú.
Alejandrina Honorata Sotelo Mendez, Clara Gabina Figueroa Cornejo, Mary Flor Césare Coral, María
Cecilia Alegría Arnedo*
La Molina Calidad Total Laboratorios -Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Av La Universidad s/n. Lima 12, PERÚ.
Palo santo oil is an important component of the traditional Peruvian medicine and is
known to have antibacterial properties. This essential oil is extracted from fallen branches
of the tree B. graveolens. To validate some of its properties, the antimicrobial and
antioxidant activities of palo santo oil obtained from northern Peru were first examined.
Based on the measurements of the diameter of growth inhibition (Agar Disc Diffusion
method), antimicrobial activities ranging from moderate to high were revealed against
Staphilococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens,
Escherichia coli, Salmonella choleraesuis and Candida albicans. This study confirms that
the essential oil of B. graveolens demonstrates significant antimicrobial properties. The
antioxidant activity was determined by using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil (DPPH), the
result, IC50 = 545.25 µg/mL, showed a weak antioxidant activity. The total phenolic
content was found to be 5.71 ±0.16 mg/100 g using the Folin – Ciocalteu method.
About the composition of this essential oil, it was submitted to hydrodistillation and
analysis by gas chromatographic equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID). Twenty-
six compounds were identified, representing 67.1 % of the total oil. The most abundant
compound was α –Terpinene (31.57%). Thus, different types of monoterpenes were the
predominant constituents of the essential oil.
Keywords: Bursera graveolens, Antimicrobial Activity, Antioxidant Activity, Total
Phenolic, Terpinene.
DOI: 10.5530/ijper.51.3s.62
María C. Alegría A.
La Molina Calidad Total
Laboratorios -Universidad
Nacional Agraria La Molina,
Av La Universidad s/n. Lima
12, PERÚ
Contact: +51-1941366744
E-Mail: calegria@lamolina.
The study of the chemical components of
essential oils from aromatic and medicinal
plants is proving to have antioxidant,
antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic, anti-
inammatory, and anti-tumor properties
(Zaouali et al).The Bursera graveolens better
known as palo santo or holy branch is a
tree located in the dry forests on the north
coast of Perú and they extend by the depart-
ments of Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque and
small portions of Cajamarca and La Libertad,
and grow in generally sandy soils. This tree is
known in traditional Peruvian medicine for
helping ease symptoms of u and asthma,
dermal conditions, in addition also as anti-
inammatory, soothing and relaxing proper-
ties. The holy stick, of fragrant wood, is used
as incense in the religious processions of the
coast and mountain of this country. Anti-
inammatory properties has been found in
extracts of the bark of this plant (Manzano
et al) and references to the oil chemical
composition is poor. Studies of essen-
tial oil of steams and leaves of palo santo
tree showed a large content of limonene
(Leyva, et al). Based on a previous study of
the composition and characteristics of this
plant, the aim of this study was to evaluate
the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
of B. graveolens.
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
S430 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue)
All the research was made in the Laboratories of physical-
chemistry and microbiology of La Molina Calidad Total
Laboratorios – UNALM, which is in Lima, the capital
of Perú.
Plant material
Samples of dry wood logs were collected, in June 2011,
belonging to Province of Department of Piura in Perú.
This plant was used, cut and ground.
Extraction of essential oil
In order to observe if the method of extraction of
essential oil inuenced the antimicrobial activity, the
ground wood were submitted to two methods of
extraction: steam distillation and hydro-distillation type
Clevenger (Bruneton, 1991), both of methods took 3 h.
Oils extractions were obtained by separation from the
aqueous phase, dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate,
ltered and stored in dark vials at 4°C for later analysis.
Solutions of 150 µL of oil in 100 mL of n-hexane were
prepared before GC.
Chromatographic analysis
GC analysis was carried out according to using for
essential oils. Varian 450 gas chromatograph equipped
with a ame ionization detector and attached to supelco-
wax TML 10 column (30 m x 0.53 mm) was used. Two
micro-liter of the sample, split 1:20 (disolved in hexane
as 150 µL of oil in 100 mL) was injected into the system.
The constituents were identied by comparing their
relative retention time with those of authentic compounds
injected in the same conditions.
Antimicrobial activity
The antimicrobial activity of essential oils of B. graveolens
(obtained by steam distillation and hydro-distillation
type Clevenger methods) was determined trough the
agar disc diffusion.
Microbial strains
The antimicrobial activity was tested using B. graveolens
oil against taphilococcus aureus ATTC 25923, Bacillus cereus
ATCC 11778, Listeria monocytogenes wild, Clostridium
perfringes ATCC 13124, Escherichia coli ATCC 25992, Salmonella
choleraesuis ATCC 14028 and yeast Candida albicans wild.
Bacterial strains were cultured by 24 h at 36 ±1°C in
nutrient broth.
Disc diffusion method
The antimicrobial activity of oil was determined
through the agar disc diffusion method. All tests were
performed in twelve repetitions. The disc diffusion
method was made according to Sacchetti et al. (2005).
Triptic soy agar (TSA) was distributed into sterilized
Petri dishes with a diameter of 9 cm (15 mL) and Tripticase
Soy Broth (TSB) was sterilized in autoclave at 121 º C
× 15 min. For the yeast, Caldo Sabourud was used.
Biochemical and conrmatory tests of the microorganisms
were carried out before each use. The microorganisms
were inoculated in TSA agar medium at 45° C. The
inoculum of bacterial strains used was 1x108 CFU/mL
which was poured in TSA. The lter paper (6 mm in
diameter, Whatman N º 4) were individually impregnant
with 4 µl of Bursera graveolens essential oil and then placed
onto the agar plates. Before incubation, all Petri dishes
were kept in the refrigerator (4°C) for 2 h and incu-
bated after at 36 ± 1º C for 24 hr for bacteria growth.
After incubation the diameter (mm) of the inhibition
zones of the growth of microorganisms were measured
including the diameter of discs. The activity was also
evaluated according to Duraffourd C et al. (1986): Null
(-), if it was less than or equal to 8 mm; Limit sensitivity
(sensitive = +) from 9 to 14 mm; (very sensitive = ++)
from 15 to 19 mm and highly sensitive (S.S = +++) if
it was equal to or greater than 20 mm. Oxytetracycline
(gram-positive bacteria), chloramphenicol (gram-neg-
ative bacteria), uconazole (yeast) served as a positive
Antioxidant Activity
The antioxidant activity was assessed by 2,2-Diphenil-
1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), Sigma-Aldrich brand. This
method developed by Brand-Williams et al. (1995), is
that the DPPH free radical, is highly reactive due to has
a free electron, (violet blue color with methanol) which
is decolorized to pale yellow color by reaction of an
antioxidant substance. Both a methanolic solutions of
DPPH (20 µg/mL) and essential oil of Bursera graveolens
(800 µg/mL) were prepared. Neutralization reactions
were made to these methanolic solutions, a Constance
volume of DPPH radical and volumens of essential
oil a different concentrations. The mixtures were then
shaken and allowed to stand at room temperature in the
dark. After 30 min, the decrease in absorbance a 517 nm
was measure against a blank (methanol solution) by
using a Shimadzu Spectrophotometer model UV-160 A.
The standard antioxidant substance used as reference
control was Ascorbic Acid, Fisher brand. Essential oil
of B. graveolens providing 50 % inhibition (IC50) was
calculated form the plot of absorbance against essential
oil concentration. Test were carried out in triplicate.
Assay for total phenolics
Total phenolic constituents of essential oil of Bursera
graveolens was determinated by literature methods involving
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue) S431
Folin-Ciocalteu´s phenol reagent and gallic acid standard.
Absorbance values were measured at 760 nm. The same
procedure was repeated for all the standard gallic acid
solutions (1 – 1000 µL/0.1 mL).
Total phenols of the essential oil, as gallic acid equiva-
lent, was determined by using the absorbance value of
the essential oil measured at 760 nm. Gest was carried
out in triplicate and gallic acid equivalent value was
reported as mean ±SD of triplicate.
Statistical analysis
The results of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
were stated in mean ± standard desviation using Minitab
17th edition statistical software. The variations of diferents
inhibitions zone by each microorganism were made by
two methods (steam distillation and hydro-distillation
type Clevenger) for each microorganism. All of them
were tested by a variance analysis (Anova procedure)
at p < 0.05. The signicance of differences between
means was determined by Tukey at p < 0.05.
Chemical composition of the essential oil
Dry wood logs were used, cut and ground. The essential
oil was obtained by two methods of extraction: steam
distillation and hydro distillation type Clevenger. Each
of them took 3 h and both of them extractions were
obtained by separation from the aqueous phase, dried
with anhydrous sodium sulphate and ltered. The
essential oil was stored at 4 °C protected from light, for
later analysis.
The best yield, was obtained with hydro distillation by
the Clevenger method. It was 3.59 % v/w. The yield by
the steam distillation method was 1.63%.on the basis of
the weight of dried plant material.
Twenty-six compounds consisting up to of 67.1 % of
the essential oil were identied by GC (Table 1).The
plant essential oil was consisted of α –Terpinene
(31.57%),isocaryophillene (6.61%), pyperitone (5.61
%), β-trans-ocimene (4.93%), 6-allyl-o-cresol (4.63 %),
1-tetradecen 3.27%), durenol (2.36 %), linalol (1.53%),
3-octanol (1.1%) germacren (0.92 %). Thus, different
types of monoterpenes were the predominant constitu-
ents of the essential oil. This essential oil presents as a
majority component to Monotherpene (α-terpene),
followed by a sesquiterpene (isocaryophilene) and aliphatic
alcohol (3 – octonal) also be present.
These results differ totally from the components that are
obtained from the leaves and stems of this same plant
with limonene as a priority component (Manzano, P
et al. 2009). These differences are mainly due to the con-
ditions of climate, temperature and geographical area.
An analysis of constituents groups of essential oil of B.
graveolens, showed oil possesses 37.5% of monoterpene
hydrocarbons, 15.28% of oxygenated monoterpenes,
and 8.55% of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Have not
presented oxygenated sesquiterpenes. The α – Terpi-
nene is the largest amount, following of Ocimene. Studies
by Fernandez (2008) showed that β - Trans ocimene
presented antibacterian activity against Staphylococcus
aureus and Enterococcus faecalis.
Thymol, although present in small quantities, is a phenolic
compound well known for its antioxidant potential
present in essential oils of plants (Aeschbach et al.,
1994; Baratta, Deans, Biondi, & Ruberto, 1998; Lagouri,
Blekas, Tsimidou, Kokkini, & Boskou, 1993. Antimicro-
bial effect also is reported (Castro Luna, 2008). B. graveolens
essential oil may have mutagenic properties due to the
presence of epoxy compounds. This group is very
unstable and compounds are acting under a system of
mutual collaboration or sinergism (Laouri et al.1993).
Amount of total phenolic
Based on the absorbance value of B. graveolens essential
oil reacting with Folin – Ciocalteu phenol reagent and
compared with the absorvance values of standard solu-
tions of gallic acid , total phenolics contente of the
essential oil was estimated as 5,71 mg /100 g. This value
indicstes that each 100 grams of essential oil contains
phenolic compounds equivalent to about 5,71 mg of
pure gallic acid.
Antioxidant Activity
The results are present in Table 2. DPPH radical scavening
activity by the Ascorbic Acid standard and bursera
graveolens essential oil were expressed as IC50 values.
The concentrations of analytes required for the con-
versión of the DPPH radicals by more stable molecule
requiered a hight concentration of essential oil of Bursera
graveolens IC50 = 545.25 µg/mL against ascorbic acid
IC50 = 1.47 µg/mL. This large value of concentration
requiered by oil as an antioxidant is in accordance with
low phenolic compounds content which was reected
in its Folin-Ciocalteu test. Although the antioxidant
metabolites in plants are studied mainly based on their
polyphenolic structures, there is a literature that reports
that antioxidant activity is also found in essential oils
whose components are mainly terpenoids and terpenoids.
The composition of the essential oil of palo santo
does not predominate the oxygenated monoterpenes to
which the antioxidant power is attributed to them. Choi
et al. (2000) report that linalool has a good antioxidant
capacity against the radical DPPH, however, this mole-
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
S432 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue)
cule is present in the essential oil of B. graveolens in very
low percentage, only 1.53%. Β-myrcene, β-pinene and
limonene also show anti-radical activity against DPPH
between 8.8 and 16.5% uptake; in B. graveolens essential
oil these substances are present in a low percentage of
0.02, 0.28 and 0.19% respectively.
Cuentas R, et al (2008) indicate that it is important to
emphasize that the antioxidant activity is not only given
by the sum of the antioxidant capacities of each compo-
nent, it also depends on the microenvironment in which
the compound is found, being able to interact with each
other, producing synergistic or inhibitory effects.
Antimicrobial activity
The antimicrobial (anti-bactericidal and antifungal)
activity of the essential oil Bursera graveolens obtained by
steam distillation and Clevenger was determined by the
Agar Diffusion Disc method against a panel of 7 micro-
organisms and their potency were assessed qualitatively
and quantitatively by the present or absence and mea-
suring of inhibition zones, zone diameters. The results
are given in Table 3.
These results show that the pure essential oil of
B. graveolens has substantially antimicrobial activity
against all bacteria and yeast evaluated. Likewise, the
antibiotics chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline and uco-
nazole were sensitive to gram positive bacteria, gram
negative bacteria and fungi respectively.
The values of the microbial growth inhibition halos
shown in Table 3 show slightly greater growth of inhibi-
tion halo by obtaining the essential oil by the Clevenger
method than by the method of steam trapping except
for the strain Candida albicans showing a greater result
of the inhibition halo (17.0 ± 1.7 mm) with the steam
trapping method. The anaerobic bacterium C. perfringes,
according to Duraffourd would be classied as extremely
sensitive (+++) to the oil, with a growth of the zone
of inhibition corresponding to 24.3 ± 1.5 mm. C. albicans
with a halo of inhibition of 14.6 ± 1.8 mm and
B. cereus with 13.3 ± 1.3 mm correspond to a sensitivity
classied as very sensitive (++). The action of the
essential oil was moderate with a sensitivity (+) in gram
positive strains, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes (9.80 ±
1.3 and 10.4 ± 1.1 mm respectively) and gram negative
strains, S. choleraesuis (9.9 ± 0.9 mm). The antimicrobial
activity of the essential oil B. graveolens is highlighted,
by the two methods: vapor drag and Clevenger. The
values obtained are higher than the antimicrobial activity
of other essential oils. Tepe, B. (2005), reported that C.
albicans was sensitive to the essential oil Salvia tomentosa
but with a halo of inhibition of microbial growth equal
to 12.5 mm. In the case of the bacteria studied, the
selected microorganisms are both morphologically and
physiologically different then the values obtained are
representative of the antibacterial activity that Bursera
graveolens oil can present. In general, the antimicrobial
activity of B. graveolens essential oil was more pronounced
against gram positive bacteria than gram negative
bacteria, a fact previously observed with other essential
oils of other plant species (Nostro A, et al), (Out-
tara B, et al). This generally higher resistance between
gram negative bacteria has been attributed to the
presence of their outer phospholipid membranes,
almost impermeable to the lipophilic compounds present
in the microorganism.
a Inhibition zone in diameter (mm) around the impreg-
nated discs.
b Antibiotics : CL, chloramphenicol; OX, oxitetracycline;
FL, uconazole
c NA (not applicable)
The results show that the essential oil has an inhibitory
activity against C. perfringens higher than those reported
by other oils. In addition, C. perfringes were found to have
antimicrobial activity against extracts of Allium sativum
(garlic), Coriandrum sativum (coriander), Eugenia caryophyllata
(clavode olor), Origanum vulgare (Oregano), Rosmarinus
ofcinalis (Rosemary) and Thymus vulgaris (thyme), reporting
inhibition halos of 19.4, 15.2, 14.9, 0, 14.4 and 0 mm
respectively. Other studies on essential oils of Origanum
vulgare and Thymus vulgaris, if they produced an inhibi-
tory effect on C. perfringens; And also on other enteric
bacteria such as E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, B. cereus,
L. monocytogenes, and C. botulinum, producing inhibition
halos ranging from 7 to 24 mm.
The inhibitory effect of essential oils has been well
studied and is related to its composition. Substances
such as thymol, carvacrol, linalool, cinnamic aldehyde,
allicin and eugenol have proven inhibitory capacity. Its
lipophilic action has the ability to pass cell membranes,
break down polysaccharides, fatty acids and lipids,
permeabilizing the cell membrane; Which leads to the
loss of ions, to the collapse of the proton pump and to
the decrease in ATP, which inevitably leads to cell death
(Mattisek et al). The essential oil of B. graveolens does
not present any of these components representatively
however there is remarkable antimicrobial activity.
No reports have been found of the resistance of the
strains to the essential oil under study but the inhibitory
activity must be produced by synergistic effects between
the components of the oil obtaining a signicant activity
and in some cases greater than other oils studied. Thus
Candan F. (2003) reported antimicrobial activity in
essential oil of Achillea millefolium subsp. Afan millefolium
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue) S433
Table 1: Chemical composition of essential oil of
B. graveolens
Nº T.R. , min Compound Composition ( %)
14 4,26 β-Pinene 0.03
15 4,68 β-Pinene (↑S) 0.28
16 5,18 β-Mircene 0.02
18 5,79 α – Terpinene 31.57
20 6,14 Limonene 0.19
21 6,86 β – Felandrene 0.48
22 7,30 β - trans Ocimene 4.93
25 10,34 Octyl acetate 0.08
29 12,22 3-Octanel(Amiletilcrabinol) 1.1
36 15,03 2S-trans-mentone 0.51
37 15,47 Copaene 0.42
38 15,67 2R-Cis-Mentone 0.02
43 16,6 Germacrene D 0.92
44 16,86 Linalool 1.53
49 18,45 Isocaryophillene 6.61
57 20,66 α-Caryophillene 0.46
62 22,07 1-tetradecene 3.27
64 22,31 Germacrene B 0.14
65 22,57 Piperitone 5.61
66 22,72 Epóxide 1.35
74 27,43 Melonal 0.22
75 28,83 Epóxide 0.22
76 29,52 6-Ally-O-cresol 4.63
81 38,05 Thymol 0.47
83 39,86 Durenol 2.36
Table 2: Inhibition concentrations of Ascorbic Acid standard and sample of
B. graveolens
essential oil against
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
S434 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue)
against S.aureus, B.cereus, E. coli and C.perfringens with
microbial growth inhibition halos equal to 8, 10, 0 and
12 mm respectively, values lower than those reported
by palo santo of 9.8, 13.3, 10.2 and 24.3 mm (Table 3).
A recent study by Benites J et al. determined the anti-
bacterial activity of essential oil in leaves and stems of
Senecio atacamensis Phil of Chile against S. aureus and
E. coli reporting for the former a HICM = 10.5 ± 0.7
mm, similar to that reported in the essential oil of palo
santo (HICM = 11.0 ± 0.5 mm) whereas for the lat-
ter it did not report antibacterial activity, whereas in
the essential oil of B. graveolens an HICM was obtained
= 10.0 ± 0.8 mm. The essential oil of Senecio ataca-
mensis Phil presented among its main components the
α-terpinene, α-phellandrene and p-cymene while the
palo santo essential oil reported α-terpinene as its main
Essential oils are very complex mixtures containing a
wide variety of components. Thus, it can be argued that
the antimicrobial effect is observed as a result of the
activity of the active compounds, as well as the possible
synergistic effects between the minor components that
accompany it. The mechanism of action of terpenes
is not fully understood, but is speculated to involve
membrane disruption of lipophilic compounds (Cowan,
The essential oil of B. graveolens presents a strong
antimicrobial activity against all the microorganisms
studied. Especially against Clostridium perfringens with
a diameter of inhibition equal to 24.3 mm and against
the yeast Candida albicans with an inhibition diameter
equal to 17 mm.The oxidant activity is low with an IC50
of 545.25 μg / mL.
This research was supported by La Molina Calidad
Total Laboratorios and Department of Chemistry of
National Agrarian University - La Molina, are acknowl-
edged for their help in the chemical and microbiological
analysis of the essential oil.
TSA: Tryticase soy agar; TSB: Trypticase soy broth;
DPPH: 2,2-Diphenil-1-picrylhydrazyl; HICM: zone of
inhibition of microbial growth; IC50: half maximal
inhibitory concnetration; CL: chloramphenicol; OX:
oxytetracycline; FL: uconazole; FID: ame ionization
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Gram - Negative
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• Essential oil of Bursera graveolens or better known
as palo santo from Perú obtained by two meth-
ods of extraction, presents a strong antimicrobial
activity against a batery of seven microorganisms
evaluated,while a weak antioxidant activity and a
low total phenolics were recognized.
• The results of antimicrobial activity were stated
using Minitab statistical sofware and Anova pro-
cedure .
Alegría et al.: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activities of essential oil of Bursera graveolens
S436 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | Vol 51 | Issue 3 | Jul-Sep, 2017 (Special Issue)
Cite this article: Sotelo AH, Figueroa CG, Césare MF, Alegría MC. Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and
Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oil of Bursera graveolens (Burseraceae) From Perú. Indian J of Pharmaceutical
Education and Research. 2017;51(3)Suppl:S429-36.
Mg.Sc. María C. Alegría: Working as Principal Professor of Department of Chemistry and Technical
Director of La Molina Calidad Total Laboratorios, National Agrarian University - La Molina, Lima,
Mg.Sc. Alejandrina H. Sotelo: Working as Principal Professor of Department of Nutrition and
Executive Director of La Molina Calidad Total Laboratorios, National Agrarian University - La
Mg. Sc. Clara Figueroa Cornejo: Working as Principal Professor of Department of Chemistry and La
Molina Calidad Total Laboratorios, National Agrarian University - La Molina, Lima-Perú.
Mg. Quím. Mary Flor Césare Coral: Working as Principal Professor of Department of Chemistry - La
Molina Calidad Total Laboratorios, National Agrarian University - La Molina, Lima - Perú.