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A Review Paper on Electricity Generation from Solar Energy


Abstract and Figures

the Solar Energy is produced by the Sunlight is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy which is free from eco-friendly. Every hour enough sunlight energy reaches the earth to meet the world's energy demand for a whole year. In today's generation we needed Electricity every hour. This Solar Energy is generated by as per applications like industrial, commercial, and residential. It cans easily energy drawn from direct sunlight. So it is very efficiency & free environment pollution for surrounding. In this article, we have reviewed about the Solar Energy from Sunlight and discussed about their future trends and aspects. The article also tries to discussed working, solar panel types; emphasize the various applications and methods to promote the benefits of solar energy. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, due to the decreasing amount of renewable energy resources, the last ten years become more important for per watt cost of solar energy device. It is definitely set to become economical in the coming years and growing as better technology in terms of both cost and applications. Everyday earth receives sunlight above (1366W approx.) This is an unlimited source of energy which is available at no cost. The major benefit of solar energy over other conventional power generators is that the sunlight can be directly converted into solar energy with the use of smallest photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. There have been a large amount of research activities to combine the Sun's energy process by developing solar cells/panels/module with high converting form. the most advantages of solar energy is that it is free reachable to common people and available in large quantities of supply compared to that of the price of various fossil fuels and oils in the past ten years. Moreover, solar energy requires considerably lower manpower expenses over conventional energy production technology.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
A Review Paper on Electricity Generation from
Solar Energy
Mohd Rizwan Sirajuddin Shaikh 1, Santosh B. Waghmare 2, Suvarna Shankar Labade 3, Pooja Vittal Fuke4, Anil Tekale5
1, 2,3,4,5 Students, Department of Electrical Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University
Abstract: the Solar Energy is produced by the Sunlight is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy which is free from eco-
friendly. Every hour enough sunlight energy reaches the earth to meet the world’s energy demand for a whole year. In today’s
generation we needed Electricity every hour. This Solar Energy is generated by as per applications like industrial, commercial,
and residential. It cans easily energy drawn from direct sunlight. So it is very efficiency & free environment pollution for
surrounding. In this article, we have reviewed about the Solar Energy from Sunlight and discussed about their future trends and
aspects. The article also tries to discussed working, solar panel types; emphasize the various applications and methods to
promote the benefits of solar energy.
Keywords: Renewable energy, Solar panel, Photovoltaic cell, Modelling of PV Panel, Solar Concrete Collector
Nowadays, due to the decreasing amount of renewable energy resources, the last ten years become more important for per watt cost
of solar energy device. It is definitely set to become economical in the coming years and growing as better technology in terms of
both cost and applications. Everyday earth receives sunlight above (1366W approx.) This is an unlimited source of energy which is
available at no cost. The major benefit of solar energy over other conventional power generators is that the sunlight can be directly
converted into solar energy with the use of smallest photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. There have been a large amount of research
activities to combine the Sun’s energy process by developing solar cells/panels/module with high converting form. the most
advantages of solar energy is that it is free reachable to common people and available in large quantities of supply compared to that
of the price of various fossil fuels and oils in the past ten years. Moreover, solar energy requires considerably lower manpower
expenses over conventional energy production technology.
Amount of energy in the form of heat and radiations called solar energy. Shown in Fig.1. It is radiant light and heat from sun that is
natural source of energy using a range of ever changing and developing of technology such as solar thermal energy, solar
architecture, solar heating, molten salt power plant and artificial photosynthesis. The large magnitude of solar power available
makes highly appealing source of electricity. 30% (approx.) solar radiation is back to space while the rest is absorbed by ocean,
clouds and land masses.
Figure 1 Internal of Reaction of Solar energy
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
PV cells Convert Sunlight to Direct Current (DC) electricity. Charge Controller work as control the power from solar panel which
reverse back to solar panel get cause of panel damage. Battery System act as storage of electric power is used when sunlight not
available (i.e. night).From this system connected to inverter for convert Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC).
Figure 2 Working of solar energy
A. Solar Cell (Photovoltaic Cell)
The cells converted solar radiation directly into electricity. It consist various kinds of semiconductor materials.
It has two types: positive charge and negative charge shown on fig.1.This cell technology are used to design
solar cells with low cost as well as high conversion efficiency. When the cell absorbed photons from sunlight,
electrons are knocked free from silicon atoms and are drawn off by a grid of metal conductors, pressure a flow
of electric direct current. Solar cell PV made up of many chemicals.
Figure 3 Photovoltaic Cell (4 cell)
B. Photovoltaic Module
A PV module consists of solar cell circuits sealed in an environmentally protective laminate and are the fundament building blocks
of PV system. Generally sizes from 60W to 170W. Usually a number of PV modules are arranged in series and parallel to meet the
energy requirement.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
Figure 4 Photovoltaic Module (Multiple cell)
C. Photovoltaic Panel
It includes one or more PV modules assembled as a pre-wind, field instable unit. In this panel PV cell is series connections. Solar
panels are made up of individual PV cells connected together.
Figure 5 Photovoltaic Panel
D. Photovoltaic Array
It is contain of several amount of PV cells in series and parallel connections. Series connections are responsible for increasing the
voltage of the module whereas the parallel connection is responsible for increasing the current in the array. It generates maximum
180W in full sunshine. Large the total surface area of the area of the array, more solar electricity it will produce.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
Figure 6 Photovoltaic Arrays (Multiple Modules)
It contain of linear parabolic reflector concentrates light onto a receiver positioned along the reflector’s focal line. It consists of
receiver is a tube positioned directly above the middle of the parabolic mirror and fluid with a working fluid. A working fluid is
heated 150-350 0Cas it flows though the receiver is then used as heat source for a power generation system.
Figure 7 Parabolic Trough Reflectors
B. Fresnel
In a Fresnel lens, the refraction happens to produce in the surface, while the large material between the two surfaces doesn’t have
any problems in the refraction. It will use raise more temperature than conventional one and also used in furnace heating. It
installation has been used for surface modifications of metallic materials. This equipment is applying solar energy in the field of
high and very high temperatures. These temperatures are achieved in a few seconds. Fresnel concentrator performed 34.3%
reduction in reflective area compared to a parabolic of the same diameter, the 20 minutes series of action performance needed for
manual adjustment in order to track the sun proved to be a major disadvantage with this device.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
Figure 8 Fresnel Reflector
C. Parabolic Dish
It similar in appearance to a large satellite dishes, but has mirror like reflectors and absorber the focal point. It used a dual axial sun
tracking. It is efficiency of 30% achieved. By this dish it produces in MW level in solar plant. This is highest conversion
performance of the concentrating solar power technology.
Figure 9 Parabolic Dish
D. Central Receiver
It mostly used in large scale plants that are usually making the more amount power. It also called as “Power Tower”. It operates by
focusing a field of thousands of mirrors on to a receiver located at the top of a centrally located Tower. The receiver collects the
sun’s heat transfer fluid, which is used to generate stream turbine located at the foot of the tower for production of Electricity.
Figure 10 Central Receiver
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue IX, September 2017- Available at
©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved
It is save up to 20% of energy costs. It can use in Remote Locations. Easy Installation (i.e. does not required any wires, cords
etc.).Rooftop which means no new space is needed & every domestic or commercials user can generate their own electricity. It is
widely available of sunlight with free of cost, eco-friendly, renewable resource. It has no moving parts and not required any
additional fuel, other than sunlight, to produce power. No need of water and fuel.
No generation of energy, when the sun is not shining. Initial cost is high. More area needed for large amount power. For alternating
Current (AC) application required of inverter and also storage at night. Production PV systems single silicon crystals is technically
challenging, energy, time consuming.
It is used in many applications including electricity, evaporation, heating water, Heating and cooling of buildings, cooking of food,
water pumping etc.
Figure 11 Application for heating water Figure 12 Application for Water pumping Fig.13.Application for
cooking food
Most of the people are aware about non-renewable energy resources. Solar energy has become increase more popular due to their
economic benefits. By on Battery Backup, Solar Energy can even provide Electricity 24x7, even on cloudy days and at night. This
also used with inter-grid System with Continuously Power supply. It has more benefits compared to other forms of energy like
fossils fuels and petroleum deposits. It is an alternative which is promise and consistent to meet the high energy demand. Research
on solar cell and solar energy is promise has a future worldwide.
We don’t want to miss that opportunity to thank our guide Mr. Anil Tekale who guided us regarding this
paper also we would like to thank Dr. Ashwini Kumar and Dr. Vipul Kaushik who spend their valuable time
for us which was very helpful for us. We are also thankful to Asst. Prof. Bedre Balaji who encourages us to
do such things and last but least we are thanking our parents and friends who were played invisible role in this
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... There has been a significant global rise in the use of solar energy in recent years, driven by the increasing need for renewable energy sources [1]. Solar panels are crucial in generating solar energy since they capture sunlight and transform it into environmentally friendly electricity [2]; nevertheless, monitoring consistently and meticulously analysing data is imperative to effectively operate and maintain solar panels, ensuring optimal performance and maximum energy production [3]. Efficient monitoring of solar panels is crucial in optimising their effectiveness and output [4]; scholars have recently examined various communication protocols for the wireless assessment of solar panel characteristics [5], [6], and the utilization of Bluetooth technology has garnered interest due to its costefficient nature and practical data transmission capacity; plant managers and owners can utilise the advanced capabilities of this innovative system, including real-time monitoring and data analytics, to supervise the performance and effectiveness of their solar panels remotely [7], [8]. ...
... This setup modifies the current from 25mA per 800V to 150V per 800V and is then connected to the A2 analogue input channel of the Arduino. This circuit uses the TL084 operational amplifier (AOP) as a currentvoltage inverting amplifier, the output curent I from the LV-25-800 sensor is converted into a voltage as described by (2). ...
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This article thoroughly examines the integration of Bluetooth technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the real-time monitoring of solar panels, highlighting their essential contribution to improving efficiency and reliability. Our research utilises Bluetooth connectivity to develop efficient communication channels that connect individual solar units to a centralised monitoring station; this enables the wireless transmission of crucial performance data such as temperature, voltage, and current. Our system uses Arduino microcontrollers and sensors to acquire data, enabling real-time analysis and presentation of essential indicators and ensuring efficient and effective monitoring; moreover, evidence confirms that HC-05 Bluetooth modules effectively facilitate strong and reliable connectivity. Furthermore, our research presents a PV monitoring system that utilises IoT technology, focusing on simplicity and cost-efficiency. This comprehensive system measures solar irradiance, ambient temperature, PV output voltage, and current; it redundantly stores data on MicroSD cards to prevent potential data loss. This system achieves enhanced dependability, precision, and cost-effectiveness, indicating notable progress in solar panel monitoring technology. Streszczenie. W artykule szczegółowo zbadano integrację technologii Bluetooth i Internetu rzeczy (IoT) w monitorowaniu paneli słonecznych w czasie rzeczywistym, podkreślając ich istotny wkład w poprawę wydajności i niezawodności. Nasze badania wykorzystują łączność Bluetooth do opracowania wydajnych kanałów komunikacji, które łączą poszczególne jednostki fotowoltaiczne ze scentralizowaną stacją monitorującą; umożliwia to bezprzewodową transmisję kluczowych danych dotyczących wydajności, takich jak temperatura, napięcie i prąd. Nasz system wykorzystuje mikrokontrolery i czujniki Arduino do pozyskiwania danych, umożliwiając analizę w czasie rzeczywistym i prezentację istotnych wskaźników oraz zapewniając sprawny i skuteczny monitoring; co więcej, dowody potwierdzają, że moduły Bluetooth HC-05 skutecznie zapewniają silną i niezawodną łączność. Ponadto nasze badania przedstawiają system monitorowania fotowoltaiki, który wykorzystuje technologię IoT, kładąc nacisk na prostotę i efektywność kosztową. Ten kompleksowy system mierzy natężenie promieniowania słonecznego, temperaturę otoczenia, napięcie wyjściowe fotowoltaiki i prąd; nadmiarowo przechowuje dane na kartach MicroSD, aby zapobiec potencjalnej utracie danych. System ten zapewnia większą niezawodność, precyzję i opłacalność, co wskazuje na znaczny postęp w technologii monitorowania paneli słonecznych. (Maksymalizacja wydajności: monitorowanie paneli słonecznych w czasie rzeczywistym z łącznością Bluetooth)
... The sun represents the source of all energy, from fertilization to the production of photovoltaic power, thanks to all-powerful makers. The sun generates sufficient power per second for the entire season's worth of requirements on Earth's crust [25]. It is predicted that the solar system will discharge about 450 EJ worth of power equivalent to 7500 times more powerful than the world currently consumes [26]. ...
... Solar panels play a critical role in solar energy generation, capturing sunlight and converting it into environmentally friendly electricity [9]. The solar panel is the most appropriate device to take advantage of this energy source [10], since it uses photovoltaic solar technology, converting sunlight into direct current through solar cells [11], which feeds electrical energy to various devices [12]. ...
... Thirty percent (approx.) of solar radiation returns to space while the remaining amount is absorbed by oceans, clouds and land masses. [5] ...
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Solar Electricity is generated by Sunlight as a non-vanishing, renewable energy source that is environment friendly. Every hour enough energy from the sunlight reaches the earth to satisfy the world's energy demand for a whole year. Everyone needs electricity every hour in today's generation. This Solar Energy is produced according to industrial, commercial, and residential applications. It quickly cans energy pulled out of direct sunlight. So for surroundings it is very effective & free contamination of the atmosphere.It can compensate for energy derived from non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels and reserves of oil inside Earth. Solar cell production has gone through a large number of steps of development from one generation to another. Solar cells based on silicon were the first generation solar cells that were grown on Si wafers, mainly single crystals.The cell performance was improved by further production of thin films, dye sensitized solar cells, and organic solar cells. The cost and productivity ultimately hinders production. To choose right solar cell for a geographical location, they need to understand the fundamental mechanisms and functions of multiple, widely studied solar technologies.In this article, author reviewed from one generation to another a revolutionary advancement throughout solar cell science, and discussed their future trends and elements. The article also attempts to underline the different practices and methods to promote the advantages of solar energy.
... The simulation, conducted using PVsyst software, incorporates factors such as shading, geographic location, and operational parameters, allowing for an accurate assessment of the system's energy production capabilities over a projected 10year lifespan. The findings from this analysis not only underscore the technological feasibility of such systems but also highlight their significance in addressing energy shortages in developing regions [2]. Furthermore, economic evaluations of the proposed PV system reveal promising indicators of financial viability, with a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of $0.060/kWh and a return on investment (ROI) of 349.6% over 20 years. ...
Technical Report
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This study explores the simulation and evaluation of a 6 MW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system, optimized for deployment in a subtropical setting. The system utilizes mono crystalline silicon PV modules and is designed for efficient integration with existing grid infrastructure. Simulations, conducted over a projected 10-year period using PVsyst software, incorporate region-specific meteorological data, shading factors, and operational characteristics. The anticipated annual energy output is approximately 8,488 MWh, with a performance ratio (PR) of 68.8%. Economic analysis reveals a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of $0.060/kWh, along with a substantial return on investment (ROI) of 349.6% over 10 years. These results highlight the potential for sustainable energy generation and economic feasibility, underscoring the role of PV systems in transitioning toward renewable energy sources in subtropical regions.
Solar energy has a number of concerns, such as dust buildup, environmental changes, and improper tilt of the panel, all of which drag the efficiency of the system. Sensors like temperature, voltage, and current connected with NodeMCU allow constant and accurate tracking of solar systems with invaluable data on energy efficiency for different purposes like agriculture or commercial usage. These systems are improved by ultrasonic sensors that help in the detection of obstacles and distance, although the accuracy of results may be affected by the prevailing conditions. Additionally, microcontrollers like Arduino facilitate autonomous cleaning and dual-axis tracking mechanisms to address issues such as dust layering and panel misalignment, which can drastically reduce power efficiency by up to 50%. Studies also show that these cleaning systems combined with tracking technologies increase that efficiency by 35% by increasing light exposure and decreasing maintenance required. Smart platforms based on Blynk mobile applications offer constant system operation control and thus simplify the process of system management and maintenance. More refined algorithms, such as the smart filters and the least squares methods, also sharpen monitoring accuracy with the ability to predict solar outputs and minimize calculation errors of energy. It seems that the future integration of AI and cloud computing may extend these systems' functions to include predictive maintenance, the use of data collected in a wider range of ways, and increase the systems' potential expandability. IoT-based solar monitoring systems are considered cost-efficient in enhancing solar energy performance, with future developments expected to address issues of network availability, reliability, and costs of maintenance and adaptation to geographical and physical scenarios.
Conference Paper
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Research Aims: This study aimed to design and develop a solar powered uninterruptible power supply (UPS) called SOLUPS, that can serve as a renewable backup power source. The study addresses related questions on the design of the SOLUPS such as the charging time, run-time, impact of other variables, and the economic factors. Design/methodology/approach: Descriptive and developmental research methods were employed with the researchers' knowledge in electrical engineering to conceptualize the design of the SOLUPS. Research Findings: This study designed and developed a solar powered uninterruptible power supply (UPS) called SOLUPS, a backup power source. Results revealed significant effect of the load wattage on the run-time, with the 200W load wattage providing longer run-time as compared to the 350W load wattage. The load type also influences the run-time, with DC loads having a slight advantage over the AC type of load. The study concludes that the SOLUPS' design effectively addressed the research objectives and provides a reliable backup power through solar energy. The charging time, run-time, and economic factors of the SOLUPS demonstrate its potential as a practical solution for power interruptions and the utilization of renewable energy. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: The SOLUPS is made of a 1280Wh Lithium-Iron Phosphate (LiFe PO4) battery pack with a 100Ah battery management system and a 5A capacitive active balancer. A low voltage disconnect module is also added to protect the battery pack from draining. SOLUPS can deliver up to 800W of AC power with a pure sine wave.
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Monitoring of energy produced by the solar power plant (SPP) with a capacity of 618.8 kWp at HKBP Nommensen University in Medan is carried out using the FusionSolar application. This SPP energy management application includes displaying yield, energy consumption, energy exports, and SPP energy imports. The amount of energy displayed using the FusionSolar application is compared with the amount of energy resulting from manual calculations based on power data displayed on the alternating current (AC) combiner panel from 3-phase inverters. This comparison was carried out over seven days of measurements. It produced an average difference of 5.779%, with a correction value of 0.942, so the energy reading resulting from the FusionSolar application must be multiplied by this correction value.
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The light from the Sun is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy which is free from environmental pollution and noise. It can easily compensate the energy drawn from the non-renewable sources of energy such as fossil fuels and petroleum deposits inside the earth. The fabrication of solar cells has passed through a large number of improvement steps from one generation to another. Silicon based solar cells were the first generation solar cells grown on Si wafers, mainly single crystals. Further development to thin films, dye sensitized solar cells and organic solar cells enhanced the cell efficiency. The development is basically hindered by the cost and efficiency. In order to choose the right solar cell for a specific geographic location, we are required to understand fundamental mechanisms and functions of several solar technologies that are widely studied. In this article, we have reviewed a progressive development in the solar cell research from one generation to other, and discussed about their future trends and aspects. The article also tries to emphasize the various practices and methods to promote the benefits of solar energy.
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A solar cell is an electronic device which directly converts sunlight into electricity. Light shining on the solar cell produces both a current and a voltage to generate electric power. This process requires firstly, a material in which the absorption of light raises an electron to a higher energy state, and secondly, the movement of this higher energy electron from the solar cell into an external circuit. The electron then dissipates its energy in the external circuit and returns to the solar cell. A variety of materials and processes can potentially satisfy the requirements for photovoltaic energy conversion, but in practice nearly all photovoltaic energy conversion uses semiconductor materials in the form of a p-n junction. With regard to the development of sustainable energy, such as solar energy, in this article we will Study types of solar cells and their applications.
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We present a comprehensive review on prospects for one-, two-, or three-dimensional nanostructure-based solar cells for manufacturing the future generation of photovoltaic (PV) modules. Reducing heat dissipation and utilizing the unabsorbed part of the solar spectrum are the key driving forces for the development of nanostructure-based solar cells. Unrealistic assumptions involved in theoretical work and the tendency of stretching observed experimental results are the primary reasons why quantum phenomena-based nanostructures solar cells are unlikely to play a significant role in the manufacturing of future generations of PV modules. Similar to the invention of phase shift masks (to beat the conventional diffraction limit of optical lithography) clever design concepts need to be invented to take advantage of quantum-based nanostructures. Silicon-based PV manufacturing will continue to provide sustained growth of the PV industry.
High solar energy concentration with a Fresnel lens
  • A Gaurav
  • S R Madhugiri
  • Karale
Gaurav A. Madhugiri, S. R. Karale, "High solar energy concentration with a Fresnel lens: A Review"Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-1381-1385 ISSN: 2249-6645.