The integration of nature and technology always represents a rich combination of
developed and innovative elements to serve the environment. Building performance
depends not only on the operation of individual elements in the building but also on how
they behave as integrated systems to satisfy the user demands. In architecture, usually
projects are consist of different stages of design process, and several factors need to be
considered among this cycle, such as climate, building shape, comfort levels, materials
and systems, occupant health and security. Therefore, advanced technologies became a
significant discourse that caught the interest of many professional fields. The building
envelope is particularly important, as it is the starting point of energy efficiency
measures, and the main determinant of the amount of energy required for heating, cooling
and ventilation. In order to be able to deal with the different energy saving alternatives, a
strong foundation of knowledge need to be addressed to the architects and engineers.
Hence, understanding the nature of a specific system in the ecosystem can provide us
with intelligent solutions that could fulfill the multipurpose functions.
The study focuses on the dynamic kinetics and adaptive facades system, and its impact on
the quality of the interior environment, as well as the whole building energy efficiency
and performance in the worm humid climate. Investigation was carried through fabric
gain energy modeled box of 4ft x 4ft x 4ft in Autodesk ecotect, and for various dynamic
shading devices (horizontal, vertical, and grid) for a south facing façade. Also, Physical
models experiments with the same settings were conducted as part of this study to
validate the outcomes from the simulation runs. In the first case analysis, representations
have shown for HVAC energy consumption and temperature changing average during a
course of a day – hourly basis – with overall KWh consumption for each hour on June
19th – 20th. The outcomes revealed that the use of smart shading comparing the to the
non-shaded condition results in energy saving of about 34% – 40%.