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Anti-virulence effects of aqueous pomegranate peel extract on E. coli urinary tract infection


Abstract and Figures

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most prevailing infectious diseases and may be classified as uncomplicated or complicated, depending upon the urinary tract anatomy and physiology. The Gram negative bacteria of E. coli cause 70-95% of upper and lower UTIs. Pomegranate peels (Punica granatum L.) are considered byproducts obtained during juice processing and characterized by the significant presence of polyphenols associated with biological properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents. The aim of this study was to estimate the antimicrobial and anti-virulence effect of aqueous pomegranate peel extract against E. coli cultures collected from urinary cultures of the Microbiology Laboratory of Al-Bassel Hospital, in Syria, 2016. The inhibitory activity was found to be dose and pH dependent with an MIC value of 0.6 mg/ml and an MBC value of 1.2 mg/ml at the pH of the aqueous extract (3.5). The assay of adhesion carried out at MIC showed a reduction of up to 80% of the adhesion index accompanied with a reduction in motility and ornithine decarboxylation as indicated by MIO test. Results indicate that the aqueous pomegranate peel extract could be an important source of new antimicrobial compounds in order to treat E. coli urinary tract infections.
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Anti-virulence effects of aqueous pomegranate peel extract
on E. coli urinary tract infection
Wissam Zam1, Aziz Khaddour2
1 Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Andalus University for Medical Sciences, Tartous,
Syrian Arab Republic - E-mail:; 2 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Andalus University
for Medical Sciences, Tartous, Syrian Arab Republic
Summary. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most prevailing infectious diseases and may be clas-
sified as uncomplicated or complicated, depending upon the urinary tract anatomy and physiology. e Gram
negative bacteria of E. coli cause 70-95% of upper and lower UTIs. Pomegranate peels (Punica granatum L.)
are considered byproducts obtained during juice processing and characterized by the significant presence of
polyphenols associated with biological properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents. e aim of
this study was to estimate the antimicrobial and anti-virulence effect of aqueous pomegranate peel extract
against E. coli cultures collected from urinary cultures of the Microbiology Laboratory of Al-Bassel Hospital,
in Syria, 2016. e inhibitory activity was found to be dose and pH dependent with an MIC value of 0.6 mg/
ml and an MBC value of 1.2 mg/ml at the pH of the aqueous extract (3.5). e assay of adhesion carried out
at MIC showed a reduction of up to 80% of the adhesion index accompanied with a reduction in motility
and ornithine decarboxylation as indicated by MIO test. Results indicate that the aqueous pomegranate peel
extract could be an important source of new antimicrobial compounds in order to treat E. coli urinary tract
Key words: aqueous pomegranate peel extract, antimicrobial effect, anti-virulence effect, E. coli, UTI
Progress in Nutrition 2017; Vol. 19, Supplement 1: 98-104 DOI: 10.23751/pn.v19i1-S.5693 © Mattioli 1885
Original article
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is defined as the
microbial invasion of any tissues in different parts of
the urinary tract and is the second most common in-
fectious presentation in community medical practice
(1). Individual susceptibility to UTI is complex, de-
pending on several factors such as genetic, biologic,
and behavioral ones. e pathogenic bacteria can ad-
here, grow and resist against host defenses which will
result in colonization and infection of the urinary tract.
Each bacterial species has distinct virulence mecha-
nisms that facilitate UTI (2, 3).
It has been reported in several studies that the
Gram negative bacteria of E. coli cause 70-95% of up-
per and lower UTIs (3). e severity of the infection
depends both on the virulence factors of the infecting
bacteria and on the vulnerability of the host. Up to
95% of UTIs occur in an ascending beginning with
bacterial colonization of the periurethral area followed
by infection of the bladder and may then ascend the
ureters to reach the kidneys (4). If left untreated, the
infection could access the bloodstream and causes bac-
teremia (4).
e uropathogenic E. coli possess adherence
factors called pili or fimbriae, which allow them to
successfully initiate infections and may protect the
bacteria from urinary lavage, increasing their abili-
ty to multiply and invade renal tissue (5). Flagella,
an organelle responsible for bacterial motility, are
Anti-virulence effects of aqueous pomegranate peel extract on E. coli urinary tract infection 99
involved in the interaction of various pathogenic E.
coli strains with epithelial cells (6). e role of fla-
gellummediated motility in the rise of uropathogenic
E. coli to the upper urinary tract and in its diffusion
into the bloodstream as well as in the maintenance
of persistent infection has been well established (7).
A fluoroquinolone for 7-10 days can be recom-
mended as first-line therapy and third-generation
oral cephalosporin could be an alternative (8, 9). Ho-
wever, it has been found that the numbers of fluo-
roquinolone-resistant E. coli have increased in some
parts of the world, thus restricting their use of fluo-
roquinolones (8, 9).
Medicinal plants have always been a good source
to find new remedies for human health problems. Re-
cently, a wide range of these plants have been scree-
ned for antimicrobial property (10).
Pomegranate peels (Punica granatum) are con-
sidered wastes or byproduct obtained through jui-
ce processing (11). It is characterized by significant
presence of ellagitannins and polyphenols, gallic acid
and ellagic acid (12) as well as flavonoids-associated
with biological properties such antimicrobial agents
Various extracts prepared from pomegranate fru-
it peels were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity
against some food-borne pathogens using several me-
thods (14-17). It was found that 80% methanolic ex-
tract of peels was a potent inhibitor for Listeria mono-
cytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Klebsiella pneumonia,
Proteus vulgaris, Bacillus subtilis, Staphyllococcus aureus
and Escherichia coli (14-17). Alam Khan and Hanee
had shown that Ethanolic extract of pomegranate pe-
els has lowest MIC against E. coli, P. aeruginosa and
S. aureus compared to MICs of methanolic and hot
water extracts (18). e inhibitory zones of all the
three extracts were greater than that of the standard
antibiotic Tetracycline (18). In contrast Nuamsetti et
al. found that the hot water extract of the peels was
most potent against E. coli compared to 95% ethanol
and acetone extracts (19).
e objective of this study was to explore the ef-
ficacy of using aqueous pomegranate peel extract to
reduce pathogenicity of E. coli responsible for UTI
and attempt to find a safety method to solve the
problem of multi-drug resistance pathogen.
Materials and Methods
Pomegranate peel extract
Fresh pomegranates were collected from Syrian
markets. ey were cleaned with water and dried with
a cloth. e peels were manually separated, dried for a
few days in an open air shade and then powdered in a
blender. e moisture content was determined by us-
ing a moisture analyzer balance.
1 g of dried and ground peel was placed in a ther-
mostatic water bath shaker with 100 ml of DI water at
50°C for 20 min. e liquid extract was centrifuged at
2000 rpm for 10 min and the supernatant was trans-
ferred to a 100 ml flask. DI water was added to make
the final volume 100 ml (20).
Microbial cultures
Cultures of E. coli were provided from urinary
culture collections of the Microbiology Laboratory
of Al-Bassel Hospital, in Syria, 2016. en, bacteria
were incubated at 37±0.1°C for 24 h by injection into
Nutrient Broth. A standardized suspension of E. coli
was prepared by suspending colonies from overnight
culture in peptone to obtain 1.5x108 CFU/ml.
Determination of MIC and MBC
e MIC of aqueous pomegranate peel extract was
evaluated using the microdilution broth method ac-
cording to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Standards, 2003. Geometric dilutions ranging from 0.2,
0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 mg/mL of the pomegranate
extracts were prepared. e standardized suspension of
E. coli was tested in tubes against the varying concentra-
tions of aqueous pomegranate peel extract. e tubes
were incubated for 24h at 37°C and the growth of the
pathogen was detected using spectrophotometer at 600
nm. Concentration in the tube showing no turbidity
was considered as MIC. Aliquots of 100 µl from each
transparent tube showing no turbidity were separately
cultured on Eosin Methylene Blue agar (EMB) plates.
After 24 h of incubation at 37°C, the concentration of
antibacterial agent in the tube that showed no bacterial
growth was recorded as MBC (21).
W. Zam, A. Khaddour
Adhesion assay
Collection of uroepithelial cells
e in vitro adherence of E. coli to uroepithelial
cells was studied according to the method of Suzanne
et al. (22). Uroepithelial cells were obtained from fresh
urine collected over a 24-h period from normal healthy
women with no history of urinary or vaginal infections
and who are not taking contraceptive or antimicrobial
agents. e urine was immediately centrifuged at 4000
rpm for 15 minutes, the supernatant was discarded and
the uroepithelial cells were harvested by washing the
sediment three times with 5ml of phosphate buffer
saline (pH 5). e number of cells was calculated by
direct light microscopy and an epithelial cell count of
2x105 cells/ml was obtained by re-suspending a suit-
able number of the epithelial cell in phosphate buffer
saline pH 5.
In vitro assay
One ml of bacterial suspension was mixed with
one ml of epithelial cell suspension. e mixture was
incubated in shaking water bath at 37°C for 3 hours.
en it was washed three times and a portion of the
final cell suspension was placed on a slide, air dried,
methanol fixed and stained with Giemsa stain (10%)
for 30 minutes and examined under light microsco-
py (X100). e average number of adhering bacteria
per cell was obtained from an examination of 50 cells.
Each test was performed in triplicate.
E. coli was grown for 36 h at 37°C in bacterio-
logical peptone with the addition of pomegranate
peel aqueous extract, at the minimum inhibitory con-
centration. en the incubated bacterial suspension
was placed in contact with the cells and incubated
at 37°C for 3 h. Finally, they were washed with PBS
to remove any bacteria that had not adhered, the
cells were then air dried, methanol fixed and stained
with Giemsa stain (10%) for 30 minutes, then they
were observed at the microscope (X100). e average
number of adhering bacteria per cell was obtained
from an examination of 50 cells. Each test was per-
formed in triplicate.
Motility Assay
A sterile needle was used to pick a well-isolated
colony of E. coil before and after treatment with aque-
ous pomegranate peel extract at MIC and stabbed into
the MIO medium to within 1 cm of the bottom of the
tube. Tubes were incubated at 35°C for 18 hours.
pH effect
E. coli strains grow in a broad pH range of 4.4–
10.0, with an optimum pH of 6–7 (23). In order to
clarify the acidic properties influence of aqueous pome-
granate peel extract (pH value 3.5) on E. coli growth,
strains were grown in three different pH ranges. e
MIC and MBC of strains was evaluated using the mi-
crodilution broth method according to National Com-
mittee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 2003 (24).
e pH of aqueous pomegranate peel extract was
adjusted to 7 using sodium carbonate and a citric acid
buffer was prepared at pH 3.5. Geometric dilutions
ranging from 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 mg/mL of
the aqueous pomegranate peel extract (pH=3.5) and
the modified extract (pH=7) were prepared. e stan-
dardized suspension of E. coli was tested in tubes
against the above varying concentrations and varying
dilutions of citric acid buffer. e tubes were incubated
for 24h at 37°C and the growth of the pathogen was
detected using spectrophotometer at 600 nm. Concen-
tration in the tube showing no turbidity was consid-
ered as MIC. Aliquots of 100 µl from each transparent
tube showing no turbidity were separately cultured on
Eosin Methylene Blue agar (EMB) plates. After 24 h
of incubation at 37°C, the concentration of antibacte-
rial agent in the tube that showed no bacterial growth
was recorded as MBC (21).
Results and Discussion
Determination of MIC and MBC
In general, the extent of the inhibitory effects of
the pomegranate extracts could be attributed to their
polyphenol content. ese compounds are very abun-
dant in aqueous pomegranate peel extract as reported
by our previous work (20) and their effects on bacterial
metabolism are identified by the effect of tannins, such
as punicalagin, on bacterial membrane, because they
can pass through cell walls and bind to their surface
which prevents their normal activity (25). Punicalagin
and gallic acid also showed antibacterial efficacy against
Anti-virulence effects of aqueous pomegranate peel extract on E. coli urinary tract infection 101
methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, Cory-
nebacterium, Streptococcus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella, Sal-
monella, Escherichia and Vibrio species (26, 27).
As shown in Figure 1, results indicated a signifi-
cant effect of pomegranate peel extract on decreasing
the bacterial growth at concentration starting from 0.2
mg/ml. MIC value for aqueous pomegranate extract
was 0.6 mg/ml, whereas MBC value was 1.2 mg/ml.
In different recent studies, MIC varied from
0.19–25 mg/ml against several strains of E. coli (16,
28). e variation in MIC can be related to the differ-
ences in the amount of antibacterial substances (such
as tannins and phenolic substances) among pomegran-
ate cultivars and genotypes. Minor differences in labo-
ratory techniques and the strain of E. coli species used
in the experiments run by researchers may also be in-
volved in the variation of the reported results.
Adhesion assay
e adhesion assay carried out on the E. coli treat-
ed with aqueous pomegranate peel extract at MIC
showed a reduction of up to 80% of the adhesion in-
dex. e count of adhering bacteria was carried out
manually, both for controls and treated strains (Fig-
ure 2). About 112.4±5.7 of E. coli bacteria adhered on
the assayed epithelial cell before treatment, while only
23.6±3.7 of E. coli adhered to the epithelial cells after
treatment with aqueous pomegranate peel extract.
ese results were in accordance with different
previous studies (29, 30) where aqueous pomegran-
ate peel extract worked as an anti-adhesive because of
large amounts of saponins, alkaloids, and polyphenols
Motility assay
A positive motility test is indicated by a diffuse
cloud of growth away from the line of inoculation,
whereas ornithine decarboxylation is indicated by a
purple color in the medium. A negative ornithine reac-
tion produces a yellow color at the bottom of the tube.
Results indicate a reduction in E. coli motility in
tubes treated with aqueous pomegranate peel extract
accompanied with a reduction in ornithine decarbox-
ylation as in Figure 3.
Activity of ornithine decarboxylase results in pro-
duction of polyamines such as putrescine and spermi-
dine which play an important role in biofilm formation
and so in cellular adherence of E. coli (34).
Recently, it was shown that antibiotics such as
fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins
are able to induce oxidative stress, a substantial con-
tributor to cell death by the damage of protein and
DNA (35). Polyamines help E. coli to survive with
stress conditions, such as oxidative radicals (36) and
low pH (37) which eventually results in a considerable
increase in cell viability, growth recovery and antibiotic
Figure 1. E. coli growth on EMB before (a) and after (b1, b2 and
b3) treatment with aqueous pomegranate peel extract.
Figure 2. E. coli adherent to a cell on a control slide. b: E. coli
adherent to cells after treatment with aqueous pomegranate peel
extract at the concentration of 1.0 mg/ml. e lower number of
adherent bacteria can be clearly seen.
W. Zam, A. Khaddour
Based on these results, an attractive idea is that
of potentiation of antibiotic effects in the course of
treatment of E. coli urinary tract infectious diseases by
lowering polyamine synthesis in the patient by the use
of aqueous pomegranate peel extract.
pH effect
Results showed that the use of citric acid buffer
at different concentrations could inhibit the E. coli
growth with no bactericidal properties. e current
results indicate that the acidic property would not be
a key factor for influencing the survival of E. coli and
the aqueous pomegranate peel extract is emerging its
antimicrobial properties due to its considerable poly-
phenol content as reported in several recent articles
e aqueous pomegranate peel extract adjusted
to pH=7 showed no bacteriostatic effect on E. coli.
is could be explained by the effect of polyphenol
oxidase (PPO). PPO is the main enzyme involved in
the oxidation of phenolic compounds and its activity is
pH dependent (41). is reaction is called enzymatic
browning and occurs readily when the pH is between
5 and 7, while the activity of PPO is irreversibly inhib-
ited at pH less than 3.5.
e aqueous pomegranate peel extract exhibited
bacteriostatic, bactericidal and anti-virulence activities
against urinary tract infectious E. coli. e use of the
extract caused a reduction in the adhesion index ac-
companied with a reduction in motility and ornithine
decarboxylation of the E. coli strains. e presence of
phytochemicals including phenols, tannins and flavo-
noids may be responsible for these activities.
Further studies are required to identify and isolate
the active compounds present in the pomegranate’s
peel which exhibits the antimicrobial effect and also to
confirm these effects in vivo. e synergy between the
extract active compounds and drug should be atten-
tively studied which will probably solve the problem
of multiple drug resistance, toxicity and overdose since
when they combine a little concentration of two agents
is required.
e authors thank the scientific and training department
in Al-Bassel Hospital, Tartous, for providing E. coli cultures.
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Wissam Zam
Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry,
Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Andalus University for
Medical Sciences, Tartous, Syrian Arab Republic
... The primary polyphenols in pomegranate that have been shown to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory bioactivities are ellagitannins and anthocyanins, which are concentrated in the fruit's peel and kernels. Aqueous pomegranate peel extract's antimicrobial and antioxidant effect against uropathogenic E. coli has recently been reported [51]. The inhibitory activity was dose-and pH-dependent, with a minimum inhibitory concentration value of 0.6 mg/mL that produced a reduction of up to 80% of the adhesion index, accompanied by a decrease in motility and ornithine decarboxylation. ...
... In comparison, total inhibition was reported at a 1.2 mg/mL value. Thus, the peel extract inhibits the biofilm formation and cellular adherence of E. coli and reduces bacterial motility and the polyamine production that helps bacteria to survive during the oxidative stress produced by some antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and cephalosporins) [51]. ...
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Urinary tract infections (UTI) represent one of the most widespread infections, and frequent recurrent episodes, induced mostly by uropathogenic Escherichia coli, make them increasingly difficult to treat. Long-term antibiotic therapy is an effective approach to treat recurrent UTI but generates adverse effects, including the emergence of pathogenic strains resistant to the vast majority of antibiotics. These drawbacks have enhanced the interest toward new alternatives based on natural remedies to prevent and treat recurrent UTI, especially in a synergistic antibiotic approach. Therefore, this review highlights the potential of some medicinal plants to be used in the management of recurrent UTI, including plants that have been approved for the treatment of urinary infections and promising, but less studied, plant candidates with proven anti-uropathogenic activity. Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Michx.), and cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) have great potential to be used for prevention or in a combined antibiotic therapy to cure UTI, but more studies and clinical trials in specific population groups are required. Further progress in developing plant-based products to cure rUTI will be supported by advances in UTI pathogenesis and human-based models for a better understanding of their pharmacological activities.
... The in vitro adhesion assay was conducted using Zam & Khaddour method with a slight modification. 26 Control slides preparation: A mixture of one milliliter of epithelial cell suspension and one milliliter of bacterial suspension were incubated at 37°C for 3 hours in a shaking water bath. Then it was washed three times and a fraction of the final cell suspension was placed on a slide, air dried, fixed with methanol (Honeywell, USA), and stained with Giemsa stain (10%) (Cypress Diagnostics, Belgium) for 30 minutes before being observed under a light microscope (X100) (Carl ZEISS, West Germany). ...
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The emergence of antibiotic resistance genes has highlighted the need to discover new drugs for the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. The study aims to investigate the antibacterial and anti-adhesive effect of four essential oils (EOs) from aromatic medicinal plants: Ammoides verticillata, Origanum glandulosum, Thymus fontanesii, and Thymus capitatus, against fluoroquinolones-resistant uropathogenic Enterobacteriaceae. The chemical composition of the oils was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry GC/MS, the antibacterial activity was assessed using disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods, while the adhesion assay was carried out using light microscopy. The essential oils of Thymus fontanesii and Thymus capitatus were carvacrol chemotype, whereas Ammoides verticillata and Origanum glandulosum EOs were thymol chemotype. Sixteen Enterobacteriaceae with different fluoroquinolones-resistance profiles were isolated, belonging to Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis species. The inhibition zone diameters ranged from 17.67 ± 0.58 to 31 ± 0.00 (mm), Thymus capitatus EO appears to be the most effective, with the minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.5 mg/mL to 7.5 mg/mL. The lowest MIC (0.5 mg/mL) was observed for Thymus capitatus EO against Escherichia coli resistant strains. The adhesion assay showed a good adhesion reduction of the test Escherichia coli for all EOs, varying from 79% to 90%. These findings indicate that the studied essential oils can be used as a promising drug in the prevention and treatment of infections caused by resistant Enterobacteriaceae, however, exploring their therapeutic use requires thorough investigations that involves rigorous clinical studies to ensure their safety and efficacy.
... The leaf extract inhibited the proliferation and growth of E. coli that was resistant to antibiotics by breaking the cell membrane of the bacteria, so allowing antibiotics to enter the bacteria. The extract contains bioactive chemicals, including as tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which generate antibacterial substances (Di Sotto et al., 2019;Alamshani et al., 2023;Zam and Khaddour 2017). The chemicals damage the bacterial cell membranes, leading in the release of the cellular contents and the eventual death of the bacte-rium. ...
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Herbs, as the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)(P. granatum), has significant chemical constituents with distinct pharmacological properties. These chemicals confer neuroprotective, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties to the plant. Pomegranate has specific components that enable its pharmacological actions; one of the functions of pomegranate extracts is to deactivate what is called extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) that makes Escherichia coli (E. coli) resistant to standard antibiotics. Twenty E. coli strains identified as beta-lactamase producers, the strains isolated from urine samples collected from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) and molecularly characterised using 16S rDNA. The study evaluated the antibiotic sensitivity and antibacterial activities of acetone and ethanolic pomegranate leaf and peel extracts, assessing their antimicrobial susceptibility against nineteen antibiotics. The ehanolic peel (EP) and leave (EL) extracts showed inhibitory potential inhibition zones spanning (9.0-12.6-18.3 mm) against E. coli pathogen producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase as compared with (10.2-15.3 mm) inhibition scale exhibited by acetone peel (AP) and leave (AL) extracts treatment. Pomegranate leaves and peel extracts contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and other biological effects, and can be fractionated for the identification of new antibacterial bioactive compounds for the development of drugs against ESBL-E. coli, in addition to their syn-ergy with antibiotics for combination therapy that may have effective management and treatment of multidrug-resistant infections such as urinary tract infection.
... The leaf extract inhibited the proliferation and growth of E. coli that was resistant to antibiotics by breaking the cell membrane of the bacteria, so allowing antibiotics to enter the bacteria. The extract contains bioactive chemicals, including as tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which generate antibacterial substances (Di Sotto et al., 2019;Alamshani et al., 2023;Zam and Khaddour 2017). The chemicals damage the bacterial cell membranes, leading in the release of the cellular contents and the eventual death of the bacte-rium. ...
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Herbs, as the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)(P. granatum), has significant chemical constituents with distinct pharmacological properties. These chemicals confer neuroprotective, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties to the plant. Pomegranate has specific components that enable its pharmacological actions; one of the functions of pomegranate extracts is to deactivate what is called extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) that makes Escherichia coli (E. coli) resistant to standard antibiotics. Twenty E. coli strains identified as beta-lactamase producers, the strains isolated from urine samples collected from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) and molecularly characterised using 16S rDNA. The study evaluated the antibiotic sensitivity and antibacterial activities of acetone and ethanolic pomegranate leaf and peel extracts, assessing their antimicrobial susceptibility against nineteen antibiotics. The ehanolic peel (EP) and leave (EL) extracts showed inhibitory potential inhibition zones spanning (9.0-12.6-18.3 mm) against E. coli pathogen producing extended spectrum beta-lactamase as compared with (10.2-15.3 mm) inhibition scale exhibited by acetone peel (AP) and leave (AL) extracts treatment. Pomegranate leaves and peel extracts contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and other biological effects, and can be fractionated for the identification of new antibacterial bioactive compounds for the development of drugs against ESBL-E. coli, in addition to their syn-ergy with antibiotics for combination therapy that may have effective management and treatment of multidrug-resistant infections such as urinary tract infection.
... The leaf extract inhibited the proliferation and growth of E. coli that was resistant to antibiotics by breaking the cell membrane of the bacteria, so allowing antibiotics to enter the bacteria. The extract contains bioactive chemicals, including as tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which generate antibacterial substances (Di Sotto et al., 2019;Alamshani et al., 2023;Zam and Khaddour 2017). The chemicals damage the bacterial cell membranes, leading in the release of the cellular contents and the eventual death of the bacte-rium. ...
... The leaf extract inhibited the proliferation and growth of E. coli that was resistant to antibiotics by breaking the cell membrane of the bacteria, so allowing antibiotics to enter the bacteria. The extract contains bioactive chemicals, including as tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which generate antibacterial substances (Di Sotto et al., 2019;Alamshani et al., 2023;Zam and Khaddour 2017). The chemicals damage the bacterial cell membranes, leading in the release of the cellular contents and the eventual death of the bacte-rium. ...
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Herbs, as the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)(P. granatum), has significant chemical constituents with distinct pharmacological properties. These chemicals confer neuroprotective, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties to the plant. Pomegranate has specific components that enable its pharmacological actions; one of the functions of pomegranate extracts is to deactivate what is called extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) that makes Escherichia coli (E. coli) resistant to standard antibiotics. Twenty E. coli strains identified as beta-lactamase producers, the strains isolated from urine samples collected from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) and molecularly characterised using 16S rDNA. The study evaluated the antibiotic sensitivity and antibacterial activities of acetone and ethanolic pomegranate leaf and peel extracts, assessing their antimicrobial susceptibility against nineteen antibiotics. The ehanolic peel (EP) and leave (EL) extracts showed inhibitory potential inhibition zones spanning (9.0-12.6-18.3 mm) against E. coli pathogen producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase as compared with (10.2-15.3 mm) inhibition scale exhibited by acetone peel (AP) and leave (AL) extracts treatment. Pomegranate leaves and peel extracts contain bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, and other biological effects, and can be fractionated for the identification of new antibacterial bioactive compounds for the development of drugs against ESBL- E. coli, in addition to their synergy with antibiotics for combination therapy that may have effective management and treatment of multidrug-resistant infections such as urinary tract infection.
... antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, anti-proliferative, and hypoglycemic activities (Di Sotto et al., 2019). During the previous study of Zam and Khaddour, (2017), an aqueous pomegranate peel extract's expressed an inhibitory activity against the uropathogenic E. coli, which was dose-and pH dependent. Furthermore, this extract recorded a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 0.6 mg\ ml, which caused a reduction of the adhesion index of the E. coli up to 80 %; accompanied by a decrease in the bacterial motility. ...
... mg/mL. Moreover, Zam and Khaddour [15] detected a reduction in the adhesion index of up to 80% and a reduction in E. coli motility in the urinary tract using aqueous pomegranate peel extract at MIC. Abou El-Nour [16] recorded a large decrease in biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and inhibition in swarming motility when treated with aqueous and alcoholic pomegranate peel extracts. ...
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Valorizing the wastes of the food industry sector as additives in foods and beverages enhances human health and preserves the environment. In this study, pomegranate pomace (PP) was obtained from the company Schweppes and exposed to the production of polyphenols and fiber-enriched fractions, which were subsequently included in a strawberry-yogurt smoothie (SYS). The PP is rich in carbohydrates and fibers and has high water-absorption capacity (WAC) and oil-absorption capacity (OAC) values. The LC/MS phenolic profile of the PP extract indicated that punicalagin (199 g/L) was the main compound, followed by granatin B (60 g/L) and pedunculagin A (52 g/L). Because of the high phenolic content of PP extract, it (p ≤ 0.05) has high antioxidant activity with SC50 of 200 µg/mL, besides scavenging 95% of DPPH radicals compared to ascorbic acid (92%); consequently, it reduced lung cancer cell lines’ viability to 86%, and increased caspase-3 activity. Additionally, it inhibited the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi i.e., L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumonia, A. niger, and C. glabrata, in the 45–160 µg/mL concentration range while killing the tested isolates with 80–290 µg/mL concentrations. These isolates were selected based on the microbial count of spoiled smoothie samples and were identified at the gene level by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The interaction between Spike and ACE2 was inhibited by 75.6%. The PP extract at four levels (0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.4 mg/mL) was added to strawberry-yogurt smoothie formulations. During 2 months storage at 4 °C, the pH values, vitamin C, and total sugars of all SYS decreased. However, the decreases were gradually mitigated in PP-SYS because of the high phenolic content in the PP extract compared to the control. The PP-SYS3 and PP-SYS4 scored higher in flavor, color, and texture than in other samples. In contrast, acidity, fat, and total soluble solids (TSS) increased at the end of the storage period. High fat and TSS content are observed in PP-SYS because of the high fiber content in PP. The PP extract (1.2 and 1.6 mg/mL) decreases the color differences and reduces harmful microbes in PP-SYS compared to the control. Using pomegranate pomace as a source of polyphenols and fiber in functional foods enhances SYS’s physiochemical and sensory qualities.
... Pomegranate (Punica granatum L., Lythraceae) is a tree native to the Middle East, now cultivated worldwide, especially in Mediterranean countries, China, Southeast Asia, and other tropical or dry areas [1]. Except for its delightful taste, its peel, fresh seeds, juice and leaves hold a broad gamma of bioactive compounds (phenolics, flavonoids alkaloids, ellagic acid, punicalagin, anthocyanins, and tannins) with antioxidant [2], anti-inflammatory [3], antimicrobial [4], anticancer [5], anti-cardiovascular [6][7][8], and anti-infective [9] activities. As claimed by in vitro assays, commercial pomegranate juice has three-fold the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea. ...
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Pomegranate use is increasing worldwide, as it is considered a tasteful healthy food. It is mainly used as fruit, juice, and jam. The pomegranate peel represents about 40–50% of the total fruit weight and contains numerous and diverse bioactive substances. The aim of this research was to analyze the pomegranate peel chemical composition of Wonderful cultivated in Southern Italy and treated with an innovative physic dry concentration procedure in comparison with the peel composition of freeze-dried Wonderful cultivated in Southern Italy, freeze-dried Wonderful cultivated in South Africa, and freeze-dried pomegranate cultivated in India. The specific aim was to verify how much the growth area, cultivar type, and dry procedure influenced the chemical composition of the peels in terms of valuable bioactive compounds. Spectrophotometric and HPLC identification methods were used to detect antioxidants, antioxidant activities, and phenolic and flavonoid components. Results evidenced that in pomegranate peels of Wonderful cultivated in Calabria and dried with the innovative process, total phenolic substances, total flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidant activities were the highest. Great amounts of single phenolic acids and flavonoids were found in Calabrian Wonderful peels dried with the innovative process. Overall, it emerged that a great amount of bioactive and diverse compounds found in Calabrian Wonderful pomegranate peel comes from the niche pedoclimatic conditions, and the physic drying innovative methodology turned out to be an advantageous procedure to concentrate and conserve biocompounds.
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Preliminary phytochemical constituents of Punica granatum L. peel extracts were evaluated in the present study. The peel powder of P. granatum was extracted with respective solvents namely aqueous, ethanol, acetone, petroleum ether and chloroform. Qualitative phytochemical screening of P. granatum peel extracts were assessed by standard methods. All the phytochemical constituents tested were present in aqueous extract of P. granatum peel except glycosides and anthocyanin. It was noted that ethanolic peel extract of P. granatum showed the presence of all phytochemical constituents except tannins, glycosides and anthocyanin. The chloroform peel extract showed only presence of 6 phytochemical constituents out of 13. Petroleum ether extract of P. granatum peel showed the presence of saponins and phenols alone. All the phytochemical constituents tested were present in acetone extract of P. granatum peel except alkaloids, saponins and anthocyanin.
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Objective This study includes the investigation of antibacterial and antivirulence activities of three types of pomegranate peel extracts andthen determines the interaction between the extracts and antibiotic in vitro.Methods The ability of most common isolated bacteria from urinary tract infection (UTI) to produce different virulence factors were testedand the effect of plant extracts on virulence factors were determined; in addition the correlation between extracts and antibiotics wereevaluated by using fractional inhibitory concentrations.Results The inhibition zones diameters of the pomegranate peel extracts against most common isolated bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus andEscherichia coli) increase significantly with increase in concentrations. There is no effect of the extracts on the ability of studied bacteria toproduce hemolysin and protease enzymes, while both studied bacteria lost its ability to produce β-lactamase enzyme after treating with MIC.In addition, extracts were affected largely on adherence activity and biofilm forming ability of tested bacteria. The results found that thepomegranate peel extracts effect alone against pathogenic bacteria was good than they interacted with antibiotics, in most of the results.Conclusion The alcohol extract was the best solvent in its effects on bacterial pathogen and its effect was largely on the ability of the studiedbacteria to form biofilm and adhesion on the epithelial cell. The pomegranate peel extracts were high synergism with some antibioticsagainst pathogenic bacteria.
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The present study was undertaken with an objective to find out the antibacterial activity of Punica granatum rind extracts against organisms causing enteric infections. Aqueous, methanolic and acetone extracts of pomegranate rind were prepared and their activity was studied on pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Shigella flexneri using well diffusion method. All the three extracts showed varying levels of antibacterial activity. Acetone extracts exhibited highest antibacterial activity on all the pathogenic strains as compared to aqueous and methanolic extracts. Phytochemical analysis of all the extracts revealed that the antimicrobial activity is due to the presence of phenols and related compounds.
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Pomegranate peels (Punica granatum) are usually discarded as waste even a significant portion of polyphenols are often present in high concentrations in the outer parts of fruits. The objective of this study was to establish an extraction procedure for polyphenols and proanthocyanidins from pomegranate's peels (PMP), and to assess their potential radical scavenging activity. Water extraction efficiency at extraction temperature of 20 to 90 °C and extraction times of 5 to 60 min were studied. The recovery of polyphenols and proanthocyanidins was the highest at 50°C for 20 min. Water gave the highest extract yield of polyphenols and proanthocyanidins (17.78%, 1.22%) respectively, followed by 50% aqueous ethanol while ethyl acetate gave the lowest extract yield (0.75%, 0.049%) respectively. The DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity of extracts had a linear relationship with the polyphenols yield in the extracts. The study of the effect of different pH medium revealed that polyphenols were more extractable by water and proanthocyanidins recovery was better in a buffer at pH 3.5. The extracts were stable in a freezer for about two weeks. This study revealed that two sequential water extractions has the economic and safety merits, and can be used as an environmentally friendly method for producing antioxidants from the PMP.
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Recently, natural products have been evaluated as sources of antimicrobial agents with efficacies against a variety of microorganisms. This study described the antibacterial and antifungal activities of pomegranate peel extract (rind), seed extract, juice and whole fruit on the selected bacteria and fungi. The peel extract has shown highest antimicrobial activity compared to other extracts. Among the selected bacterial and fungal cultures, the highest antibacterial activity was recorded against Staphylococcus aureus and among fungi high activity against Aspergillus niger was recorded.
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Background and objective: Prevention of bacterial adhesion is an attractive target for the development of new therapies in the prevention of bacterial infection. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of pomegranate peel extract, vitamin C, combination of pomegranate peel extract and vitamin C & gemifloxacin on adhesion of E.coli to uroepithelial cells. Methods: Uroepithelial cells were incubated with E. coli ATCC 25922 bacteria previously exposed to either the aqueous extract of pomegranate peel (AEPP), vitamin C, combination of both or gemifloxacin and the adherence was assessed by light microscopy. Results: AEPP showed good antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory concentration MIC of 25μg/ml and 10 mmol/ml for vitamin C and upon combination, the MIC was10µg/ml &5mmol/ml for AEPP & vitamin C respectively whereas for gemifloxacin was 0.03μg/ml. In vitro and in vivo adhesion of E.coli to uroepithelial cells were significantly inhibited by AEPP, vitamin C alone and in combination and by gemifloxacin. Conclusion: AEPP showed good antibacterial activity, inhibited E.coli adhesion to uroepithelial cells and were potentiated by vitamin C.
The in vitro antibacterial activities of different extracts of pomegranate fruit peels and arils (with seeds) were investigated by agar-well diffusion and broth dilution methods against four food-related bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella typhimurium). The solvents used as extractants in this study were hot water, 95% ethanol, and acetone. Their total phenolic contents were also evaluated. All pomegranate extracts contained high levels of phenolics and exhibited antibacterial activity against all bacteria tested. The hot-water extract of the peels was the most potent with the minimal inhibitory concentration of 207 mg/ml against E. coli and less than 103.6 mg/ml against the other bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria were generally more sensitive to the extracts than Gram-negative ones.
Cotton and wool substrates were treated with natural colorants from plants and their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were evaluated. The studies encompassed qualitative evaluation in terms of zone of inhibition of the treated substrate and quantitative evaluation in terms of percentage reduction in bacteria. Also, the durability of the natural colorant agent to laundering and exposure to light was determined. Of the six colorants investigated in this study, the colorant obtained from pomegranate's bark and rind indicated presence of good antibacterial activity against both gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacteria.