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ENTRE HOCES. Estudio del valor patrimonial de las hoces del río Júcar y Huécar en la ciudad de Cuenca como base para una gestión y una proyección de la ciudad basada en el concepto de paisaje histórico urbano.

  • STIPA Enviromental Consulting
  • Azeral Environmental Sciences
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In this paper we study the species richness of butterflies in each of the protected areas of the "Serranía de Cuenca". Also the species Callophris avis was recorded for the first time in this area (Chapman, 1909) (Arroyo de las Parrillas, Talayuelas. 17-V-2009. P. Sánchez-Fernández leg.), bringing the total to 144 different species. On the other hand, we analyze those species listed in the rules of protected natural areas of the Sierra, noting that they don't always correspond with the bio-geographic data referred to in scientific texts. In addition, we have studied the protection of the presence of butterflies in protected natural areas, showing that these zones have a high richness of species (Parque Natural de la Serranía de Cuenca with 140 different species). Also, we have analyzed the species excluded within the protected areas (Callophrys avis, Pieris mannii (Mayer, 1851) and Chazara prieuri (Pierret, 1837), the UTM grids with high richness of species are outside the protected natural areas (30TWK73, near Cuenca capital city) and finally, administration mistakes when listing the species in the rules of this areas (e.g. Polyommatus ripartii (Freyer, 1830) which it is not recorded in Cuenca).
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La Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha ha llevado a cabo a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas importantes iniciativas de geoconservación amparadas en la Ley 9/1999 de Conservación de la Naturaleza de Castilla- La Mancha. Entre los diferentes mecanismos que establece dicha Ley, el Catálogo de Elementos Geológicos y Geomorfológicos de Interés Especial constituyó un novedoso enfoque en materia de conservación del patrimonio geológico. El objetivo final de dicho Catálogo es constituir una herramienta que permita gestionar con eficacia el patrimonio geológico en los procesos de planificación territorial. Esta comunicación pretende dar a conocer la metodología utilizada para el desarrollo de dicho Catálogo y analizar el enfoque empleado en el diseño de la base de datos geográfica tanto en relación con su marco legislativo y teórico como en sus aspectos más técnicos de identificación y valoración de los elementos.
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El turismo cultural está basado en la gestión y explotación, entre otros, de los bienes catalogados como patrimonio cultural. La necesidad de obtener resultados positivos ha generado una preocupación creciente por identificar los factores clave de éxito. El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la identificación de los mismos, para lo que se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica. Entendemos que la gestión de estos bienes se debe abordar de la lógica de la mejora continua y una perspectiva empresarial, interdisciplinar y estratégica, teniendo en cuenta tanto los diferentes stakeholders –con especial atención al turista- como los condicionantes derivados de las restricciones presupuestarias, la innovación y la afluencia de público. Como principales resultados, hemos identificado los siguientes factores: (1) gestión integral de la calidad, (2) control económico-financiero, (3) segmentación de los visitantes, (4) naturaleza pública de los órganos gestores, (5) competencia, (6) situación económica global.
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El objetivo principal del inventario de Lugares de Interés Geológico (LIGs) realizado en Enguídanos (Cuenca) está claramente enfocado a la gestión municipal. Este municipio pretende realizar un aprovechamiento sostenible de su patrimonio geológico y, para conseguirlo, desarrollará una serie de estrategias que pueden comprender desde el aprovechamiento turístico, hasta la geoconservación de los LIGs. Se ha demostrado que para cualquier trabajo cuyo objetivo final sea la gestión del territorio, la cartografía es una herramienta fundamental. Para la realización de una cartografía útil de cara a la planificación ambiental y, en realidad, para la realización de cualquier cartografía temática, hay que definir claramente los elementos que se van a representar. Esto sitúa la edición cartográfica al final del proceso de elaboración del inventario de LIG. Por ello, es importante establecer una metodología para la realización del inventario de LIGs que defina claramente sus límites antes de iniciar un proceso costoso, sobre todo en tiempo, como es la elaboración de cartografía. Ciertas características de los LIGs inventariados (extensión, tipo de interés, inclusión de elementos de interés geológico, etc.) influyen decisivamente sobre los aspectos básicos en la elaboración de su cartografía: base de representación, escala, colores, tramas y símbolos a utilizar.
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One of the best documented effects of climate change on biodiversity are shifts in phenology. However, long-term data quantifying and projecting the expected changes in phenology associated with climate warming are limited to a few well-recorded areas in the world. In the absence of temporal recording, an alternative approach is to determine the phenological response of species along marked gradients in climate or along latitudinal or altitudinal transects (space-for-time substitution). We studied the phenology (timing and duration of the flight period) of butterflies in 2006 along an altitudinal gradient (900-1680 m; estimated temperature lapse rate = -6.6°C/km) in the Serranía de Cuenca (central Spain) at the assemblage and individual species levels. Timing of the flight period was later for assemblages at high than at low altitudes. A similar trend of an increasing delay in the flight period with altitude was recorded for some individual species. However, there were also some exceptions to this pattern regardless of the number of sites and the altitudinal ranges of the species, suggesting possible local adaptation to regional climate. The duration of the flight period was shorter at high altitudes for assemblages, but this trend was not mirrored in the response of individual species. The results partly support substituting space-for-time when assessing the potential effect of climate change on phenophases such as the timing of the flight period, but we recommend extreme caution in extrapolating the results in the absence of information on how the responses of populations differ.
With a few exceptions, the traditional models that aim at identifying the factors that influence the competitiveness of tourism destinations are very difficult to operationalise because they need a large number of indicators to inform the concepts. This paper presents a different approach that postulates that researchers should try to identify the specific factors that impact competitiveness of tourism destinations according to the stage of the destinations’ life cycle. With the aim of identifying these specific factors, an extensive literature review was undertaken, focusing in particular on the papers that explicitly recognised that the destinations under analysis in the studies were in the mature stage of their lifecycle. From the literature review, we concluded that the specific factors able to negatively influence the performance of mature tourism destinations can be grouped into four areas. The first area concerns the deterioration of the destinations’ infrastructure; the second is related to the destinations’ management, namely the lack of a shared strategic vision among stakeholders; the third area is associated with the loss of economic vitality in the destinations; finally, the fourth area includes the impact of tourism development over the years on the territory, specifically social, environmental and cultural impacts. The results obtained from the empirical study allow us to conclude that the lack of environmental problems, not being overdeveloped in terms of construction and having maintained authenticity are all perceived by tourists as more important for the competitiveness of tourism destinations than factors normally considered more relevant, such as prices and the quality of accommodations.
The primary aim of this work is to identify actions that can improve the tourist attractiveness of a city, specifically Seville, and secondly, to test the Concept Mapping methodology when it is applied to the conceptualization of complex constructs associated with tourism management. This methodology combines qualitative information provided by experts and quantitative information obtained from multivariate statistical techniques. The results of the work suggest, in addition to the validity and suitability of the methodology, that the attractiveness of a tourist destination could be improved by the implementation of a set of public-private plans linked to its tourism positioning, residents‟ awareness, the best use of the cultural and social wealth and the rich heritage, as well as the improvement of the infrastructure and the public and private management of tourism.