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Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we demonstrate that a low power flash FPGA based micro-system can provide a low power programmable interface for closed-loop brain implant inter- faces. The proposed micro-system receives recording local field potential (LFP) signals from an implanted probe, performs closed-loop control using a first order control system, then converts the signal into an optogenetic control stimulus pattern. Stimulus can be implemented through optoelectronic probes. The long term target is for both fundamental neuroscience applications and for clinical use in treating epilepsy. Utilizing our device, closed-loop processing consumes only 14nJ of power per PID cycle compared to 1.52μJ per cycle for a micro-controller implementation. Compared to an application specific digital integrated circuit, flash FPGA's are inherently programmable.
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A Low Power Flash-FPGA based Brain Implant Micro-System of PID
Lijuan Xia, Nabeel Fattah, Ahmed Soltan, Andrew Jackson, Graeme Chester and Patrick Degenaar
Abstract In this paper, we demonstrate that a low power
flash FPGA based micro-system can provide a low power
programmable interface for closed-loop brain implant inter-
faces. The proposed micro-system receives recording local field
potential (LFP) signals from an implanted probe, performs
closed-loop control using a first order control system, then
converts the signal into an optogenetic control stimulus pattern.
Stimulus can be implemented through optoelectronic probes.
The long term target is for both fundamental neuroscience
applications and for clinical use in treating epilepsy. Utilizing
our device, closed-loop processing consumes only 14nJ of
power per PID cycle compared to 1.52µJ per cycle for a
micro-controller implementation. Compared to an application
specific digital integrated circuit, flash FPGA’s are inherently
Closed-loop control is a promising strategy for suppressing
abnormal neuron disorders, such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s
diseases [1-3]. One of the core issues for closed-loop in-
terfaces is that there are a number of potential linear [4-5]
or non-linear [6] methods, which could be applied. These
could most efficiently be implemented onto an ASIC [7]
but at the cost of re-programmability [8]. Alternatively mi-
croprocessor platforms such as micro-controllers and digital
signal processors provide excellent programmability. But it
may cost much more in terms of energy consumed per pro-
cessing cycle. Field Programmable Gated Arrays (FPGAs)
can provide re-programmability at the circuit level but have
been traditionally power hungry [9].
Flash FPGAs utilize flash memory elements rather than
SRAM in their architecture, and thus consume minimal static
power (as low as 2uW) and can be reliably reprogrammed
up to 500 times, which is more than sufficient for most
tuning requirements. There are additional SRAM registers
which can store data which can be written indefinitely. So
the key question we hope to answer in this effort is whether
or not it is a trustworthy platform for reprogrammable
closed-loop neural control. We therefore implement an ex-
emplar Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control algo-
rithm. PID control theory has been employed theoretically
in the neuroscience research field [10]. There are only a
few examples of it being implemented onto low power
Lijuan Xia is with School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Newcastle University, United Kingdom, e-mail: (
Nabeel Fattah, Ahmed Soltan, Graeme Chester, Patrick Degenaar are
with School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Newcastle University,
United Kingdom
Andrew Jackson is with Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
implantable hardware of different re-programmability [11-
Our target application is for closed-loop optogenetic con-
trol of epileptic brain activity. Our brain probe unit consists
of an intelligent probe with on-board micro-LEDs, recording
electrodes, and signal acquisition circuitry. The power con-
sumption of this probe is 1mW at a 10% optical duty cycle.
As such, a desirable power consumption for the control unit
is to be in the same range. Fig. 1 describes exploratory flash
FPGA-based closed-loop brain implant interface. We have
implemented our control unit into a 50m x 25mm form factor.
And it will be miniaturized further for use in small rodent
(a) Optrode
(b) Controller
ASIC Optrode FPGA controller
Neural Amplifier
Neural Stimulator
Fig. 1: A high level schematic of proposed low power Flash-
FPGA based micro-system of closed-loop PID Control operation
for delivering further optogenetic stimulus.
A. PID Algorithm
This closed-loop microsystem is aimed at intervening neu-
ral network via generating closed-loop optogenetic feedback
to control epilepsy. The intervention philosophy is akin
to noise cancelling via destructive interference of signals
deemed outside a normal range. To achieve this approach
we are exploring a linear control methodology incorporating
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) components.
PID algorithm falls within the scheme of linear, time in-
variant (LTI) filters. In Fig. 2, we design our LTI Filter kernel
in the time domain for performing proportion, differentiation
and integration operation. The optrode sampling rate is 100
samples/second which represents every sample data costs
0.01 second, and the local field potential frequency band
of interest is 1Hz to 100Hz. Accordingly, we set the filter
window taps as 100.
Table I theoretically describes the math methodology of
PID Filter kernel design. If a signal is convolved with Dirac
978-1-5090-2809-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 173
Linear Time Invariant
Digital Kernel
Proportion Kernel Integral Kernel Derivative Kernel
Taps 𝑓/Hz Taps 𝑓/Hz Taps 𝑓/Hz
(b1) (b2) (c1) (c2) (d1) (d2)
Fig. 2: Linear time invariant digital design of The PID filter. (a)
Linear time invariant system. (b) Dirac delta kernel for bandpass
proportion. (c) Unit step kernel for integration. (d) Gaussian kernel
for derivative.
TABLE I: Proportion, Integral and Derivative Filter Kernel Design
P Ker nel y(t) = x(t)δ(t) = x(t)
IK ernel y(t) = x(t)Rδ(t)dt =Rx(t)dt δ(t) = Rx(t)dt
DKernel y(t) = x(t)
dt =dx(t)
dt δ(t) = dx(t)
delta function δ(t), the result is identical to the original
signal. The proportion filter kernel is shown in Fig. 2 (b1),
the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of proportion kernel is
displayed in Fig. 2 (b2). In terms of integral filter design, if
an x(t) signal is convolved with integral δ(t), output signal
will be a time integral of the original signal. The integral
filter kernel is shown in Fig. 2 (c1), the FFT of integral
kernel is displayed in Fig. 2 (c2). Finally, If an x(t) signal
is convolved with differentiated δ(t), output signal will be
a time derivative of original signal. The derivative filter
kernel is shown in Fig. 2 (d1), and FFT of integral kernel is
displayed in Fig. 2 (d2).
The proportional, integral, and derivative kernel demon-
strated in Fig. 2 (b), (c) and (d) will be stored as lookup tables
in the flash FPGA hardware implementation. Physically, they
are stored as three 100*1 column buffer banks consisting of
an 8-bit column registers implementing on novel flash-based
logic arrays. These three kernels will be employed to do
multiplication with incoming digitalized local field potential
for convolution operation.
B. Optical Stimulus
An optical optogenetic stimulus converter has been created
for converting output of PID module to optogenetic Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) stimulus on the probe for mod-
ulating optogenetic infected neurons. Fig. 3 describes two
stages in the optical converter process, stage 1 is to adapt
output of PID controller to total optical stimulus following on
the non-linear inverse sigmoid transfer function shown in Fig.
3 (b), stage 2 employs a reciprocal counter for modulating
duty ratio of fixed period pulses (10ms) for optogenetic
neural stimulation [13].
𝒌𝒈 𝑷𝑰𝑫 𝒌𝑻
Inverse sigmoid function
inherently thresholds
(implemented as a look
up table)
Stage1: nonlinear adaptation Stage2: PWM output.
of PID output to total optical flux.
> 0?
(a) Optical Converter Schematic (b) Inverse Sigmoid
PID output intensity
PID Output
Stimulus intensity
Fig. 3: Intensity dependent optical stimulus mechanism: (a)
Schematic for converting output of PID controller to width modu-
lated pulse for delivering optogenetic stimulus (Kg =0.4, Kr = 128,
Kge=0.1, Ke=34). (b) Plot of non-linear inverse sigmoid function.
Flash FPGA implementation architecture of PID control
design is shown in Fig. 4 which consists of the following
1: A 100*1 row buffer bank of 8-bit row register is
receiving local field potential from optrode for further PID
2: Three 8-bit column registers (Kp, Ki and Kd) are
employed to store the gain parameters of proportion modules,
integral modules and derivative modules.
3: A 1*1 MUX is used for row buffer bank to select
corresponding row register for multiplication.
4: Three 100*1 column buffer banks of 8-bit column
registers are used to hold proportional Dirac Delta kernel,
integral unit step kernel, derivative Gaussian kernel (shown
in Fig. 2 (b), (c) and (d) respectively) as convolution kernels
to do further multiplication.
5: A 1*1 MUX is used for column buffer bank to select
corresponding column buffer bank for multiplication.
6: An accumulator adds all results of multiplication which
has been send to output buffer bank for generating further
closed-loop neural stimulation.
7: A 255*1 buffer bank of 8-bit register is sigmoid function
truth table for modulating further pulse width feedback to
optrode for closed-loop optogenetic stimulation.
8: A 1*1 MUX is applied for selecting corresponding
sigmoid look up table buffer to modulate pulse duty ratio.
9: A counter and a comparator are created to compare with
sigmoid look up table to decide PWM output (high or low).
Voltage Regulator
(5V 1.5V)
External Clock
25.9 mm
50 mm
Flash FPGA
(PID Algorithm)
Fig. 5: mini-PCB design of Flash-FPGA based brain implant
controller with PID control implementation in comparison with the
British decimal two pence coin.
ADC: 8-bit
Buffer Bank
PID Output
LFP Input
Fig. 4: FPGA architecture design of Proportion, Integration and Derivative (PID) Controller: Input buffer bank is for storing local field
potential sampled by analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) of optrode , PID module is designed by linear time invariant filter , Output
buffer bank is for storing PID output for modulating further stimulus .
Proportion Output Integration Output
Derivative Output PID Output
(a) Proportion FPGA testing (b) Integral FPGA testing
Kp = 1 , Ki = 0 , Kd = 0 Kp = 0 , Ki =1, Kd = 0
(c) Derivative FPGA testing (d) PID FPGA testing
Kp = 0 , Ki = 0 , Kd = 1 Kp = 1 , Ki =1, Kd = 1
Input Input
Fig. 6: The measured input and output test signal for verifying PID
flash FPGA hardware implementation. (a) Proportion testing (b)
Integral testing: sawtooth wave of 10Hz, output of PID controller
is smooth and round integration signal which means contains a lot
of energy in low frequency band. (c) Derivative testing: input signal
is sawtooth wave of 10Hz, PID output is frequency modulated spiky
signal. (d) PID FPGA testing.
The whole design of PID algorithm has been implemented
in a flash FPGA chip, with peripheral voltage regulator
circuit together, which have been fabricated in a mini-PCB
system shown in Fig. 5. The whole mini PCB body features a
size of 50mm*25mm which size is as twice as the prototype
size of British two pence coin. This node integrates a flash
FPGA IGLOO nano (AGLN250V2-VQG100) device and a
voltage regulator peripheral circuit. Fig. 6 displays the mea-
Fig. 7: (a) In-Vivo neural LFP recording (left). (b) PID control
FPGA output (right) (Kp=1, Ki=50, Kd=0.1). (c) Power spectrum
of PID control FPGA output.
surement of analogue input signal for testing the performance
of flash FPGA-based PID control implementation which
exactly match Matlab simulation results. Fig. 7 describes
flash FPGA-based PID control output for real neural local
field potential for 1 second. As shown in Fig. 8, when input
is 10Hz sin wave, the output is width-modulated pulses of
10ms, the width is modulated non-linearly by intensity levels
of sin waves which represent output of PID Controller.
Table II shows that the whole PID design and inverse
sigmoid optical converter utilize totally 27.2% of the avail-
able of the logic cells on the flash FPGA IGLOO nano
chip. The rest of logic cells can be employed for further
exploratory algorithm to perform better closed-loop neu-
ral stimulation algorithm. The power consumption of flash
Optical Optical Input
Stimulus PWM Threshold Analog Signal
Input Signal 10Hz
Threshold for delivering stimulus
Optical Stimulus 10ms …… 10ms
NO Stimulus NO Stimulus
Fig. 8: Measured optogentics stimulus modulation of which input
test analog signal is 10Hz of sin wave.
TABLE II: PID and Inverse Sigmoid Optical converter Design
Utilization of Resources on the Flash FPGA IGLOO Nano Device
Memory Resource Used Available Utilization
Number of Look Up Tables 816 3000 27.20%
Working Frequency 1MHz
Power Consumption 0.168mW
FPGA IGLOO nano chip with PID controller implementation
costs 0.168mW which has been tested by a multimeter (Volt-
age rail: 1.2V, current: 0.12mA , standby power consumption:
Table III compares power consumption of the same PID
micro-controller (ARM Cortex M4) implementation with
flash FPGA (IGLOO Nano) implementation. In order to
provide a fair comparison, we operated both at a fixed clock
rate of 1MHz. Furthermore, this is the internal clock rate
of the optrode, though the incoming LFP data rate is typi-
cally only 100 bytes per second. A comparison with recent
reported designs of proportion integral derivative hardware
implementation for closed-loop brain machine interface has
been listed in Table IV.
TABLE III: measured power consumption comparison between
ARM cortex M4 and flash FPGA IGLOO nano
Hardware ARM Cortex M4 Flash FPGA nano
PID Execution time(clk cycles) 3300 100
Power(mW/MHz) 0.46 0.14
Energy(nJ/clk) 0.46 0.14
Energy per operation(nJ/PID) 1520 14.3
TABLE IV: Comparison With Bidirectional Neural Interface De-
Reference Rhew[11] Xilin[12] This work
CMOS technology (nm) 180 180 130
Bandwidth (Hz) 0.64-6K 0.3-7K 0.1-10k
Feedback Control PI PID PID
Output Current (mA) 4.41 6 0.12
Voltage Rail (V) 1.8 0.9 1.2
Power Consumption (mW) 8 5.8 0.168
Reprogrammable Custom DSP ASIC flash FPGA
In this paper, we have demonstrated a low power flash
FPGA-based micro-system as closed-loop brain implant in-
terface. It sheds light on the potential possibility of applying
flash FPGA in the general purpose brain machine interface
for benefiting more neuroscience research. This PID control
flash FPGA implementation will also offer some inspirational
possibilities for closed-loop neural stimulus modulation in
neuroscience research and help neuroscientists to develop
better understanding of how to better perform closed-loop
The authors would like to thank the Wellcome
Trust and the EPSRC for funding the CANDO project
( Lijuan Xia would also like to thank
Newcastle University SAGE Doctoral Training Awards
scheme and the Newcastle University Overseas Research
Scholarship for funding her PhD.
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... This detection delay is reasonable as microcontroller fundamental RISC architecture of executing instruction sets. Recently, Flash-FPGAs have been reported as a reliable tool for closedloop implantable neural interfaces because of its fast and efficient implementation and low static power consumption with great reprogrammability [7], [8], [9]. This makes Flash-FPGA a promising candidate for implementing closed-loop seizure detection algorithm to achieve low power consumption and minimal detection delay purpose. ...
... 7. A comparator is applied for comparing filter out with pre-defined threshold as a detection marker. 8: A counter and a comparator are created to compare with pre-defined frequency look up table to decide PWM output. 9. ...
... They are particularly suitable for placement within static tissues like internal organs or intracranial tissues. Furthermore, numerous research groups are actively working on reducing the power consumption of various system components, aiming to extend the operating time achievable with a single charge [60]. These efforts enable the long-term operation of implant systems, including sensor and stimulation devices, within the body, thereby facilitating their regulatory and therapeutic applications. ...
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The brain–computer interface (BCI) is one of the most powerful tools in neuroscience and generally includes a recording system, a processor system, and a stimulation system. Optogenetics has the advantages of bidirectional regulation, high spatiotemporal resolution, and cell-specific regulation, which expands the application scenarios of BCIs. In recent years, optogenetic BCIs have become widely used in the lab with the development of materials and software. The systems were designed to be more integrated, lightweight, biocompatible, and power efficient, as were the wireless transmission and chip-level embedded BCIs. The software is also constantly improving, with better real-time performance and accuracy and lower power consumption. On the other hand, as a cutting-edge technology spanning multidisciplinary fields including molecular biology, neuroscience, material engineering, and information processing, optogenetic BCIs have great application potential in neural decoding, enhancing brain function, and treating neural diseases. Here, we review the development and application of optogenetic BCIs. In the future, combined with other functional imaging techniques such as near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), optogenetic BCIs can modulate the function of specific circuits, facilitate neurological rehabilitation, assist perception, establish a brain-to-brain interface, and be applied in wider application scenarios.
... A case study of phase shift algorithm with central frequency 5Hz and 180-degree shift is given at Fig. S1-2(b). The other suppressor technique, based on our previous work [25] [7] and designed neural mass [26], is a PID control system. This is described in Fig5. ...
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Brain-machine Interfaces (BMI) hold great potential for treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Technological progress is allowing for a shift from open-loop, pacemaker-class, intervention towards fully closed-loop neural control systems. Low power programmable processing systems are therefore required which can operate within the thermal window of 2° C for medical implants and maintain long battery life. In this work, we have developed a low power neural engine with an optimized set of algorithms which can operate under a power cycling domain. We have integrated our system with a custom-designed brain implant chip and demonstrated the operational applicability to the closed-loop modulating neural activities in in-vitro and in-vivo brain tissues: the local field potentials can be modulated at required central frequency ranges. Also, both a freely-moving non-human primate (24-hour) and a rodent (1-hour) in-vivo experiments were performed to show system reliable recording performance. The overall system consumes only 2.93 mA during operation with a biological recording frequency 50 Hz sampling rate (the lifespan is approximately 56 hours). A library of algorithms has been implemented in terms of detection, suppression and optical intervention to allow for exploratory applications in different neurological disorders. Thermal experiments demonstrated that operation creates minimal heating as well as battery performance exceeding 24 hours on a freely moving rodent. Therefore, this technology shows great capabilities for both neuroscience in-vitro/in-vivo applications and medical implantable processing units.
Closed loop optogenetic brain stimulation enhances the efficacy of the stimulation by adjusting the stimulation parameters based on direct feedback from the target area of the brain. It combines the principles of genetics, physiology, electrical engineering, optics, signal processing and control theory to create an efficient brain stimulation system. To read the underlying neuronal condition from the electrical activity of neurons, a sensor, sensor interface circuit, and signal conditioning are needed. Also, efficient feature extraction, classification, and control algorithms should be in place to interpret and use the sensed data for closing the feedback loop. Finally, a stimulation circuitry is required to effectively control a light source to deliver light based stimulation according to the feedback signal. Thus, the backbone to a functioning closed loop optogenetic stimulation device is a well-built electronic circuitry for sensing and processing of brain signals, running efficient signal processing and control algorithm, and delivering timed light stimulations. This paper presents a review of electronic and software concepts and components used in recent closed-loop optogenetic devices based on neuro-electrophysiological reading and an outlook on the future design possibilities with the aim of providing a compact and easy reference for developing closed loop optogenetic brain stimulation devices.
Brain-machine Interfaces (BMI) hold great potential for treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Technological progress is allowing for a shift from open-loop, pacemaker-class, intervention towards fully closed-loop neural control systems. Low power programmable processing systems are therefore required which can operate within the thermal window of 2° C for medical implants and maintain long battery life. In this work, we developed a low power neural engine with an optimized set of algorithms which can operate under a power cycling domain. By integrating with custom designed brain implant chip, we have demonstrated the operational applicability to the closed-loop modulating neural activities in in-vitro brain tissues: the local field potentials can be modulated at required central frequency ranges. Also, both a freely-moving non-human primate (24-hour) and a rodent (1-hour) in-vivo experiments were performed to show system long-term recording performance. The overall system consumes only 2.93mA during operation with a biological recording frequency 50Hz sampling rate (the lifespan is approximately 56 hours). A library of algorithms has been implemented in terms of detection, suppression and optical intervention to allow for exploratory applications in different neurological disorders. Thermal experiments demonstrated that operation creates minimal heating as well as battery performance exceeding 24 hours on a freely moving rodent. Therefore, this technology shows great capabilities for both neuroscience in-vitro/in-vivo applications and medical implantable processing units.
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This paper presents a bidirectional brain machine interface (BMI) microsystem designed for closed-loop neuroscience research, especially experiments in freely behaving animals. The system-on-chip (SoC) consists of 16-channel neural recording front-ends, neural feature extraction units, 16-channel programmable neural stimulator back-ends, in-channel programmable closed-loop controllers, global analog-digital converters (ADC), and peripheral circuits. The proposed neural feature extraction units includes 1) an ultra low-power neural energy extraction unit enabling a 64-step natural logarithmic domain frequency tuning, and 2) a current-mode action potential (AP) detection unit with time-amplitude window discriminator. A programmable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been integrated in each channel enabling a various of closed-loop operations. The implemented ADCs include a 10-bit voltage-mode successive approximation register (SAR) ADC for the digitization of the neural feature outputs and/or local field potential (LFP) outputs, and an 8-bit current-mode SAR ADC for the digitization of the action potential outputs. The multi-mode stimulator can be programmed to perform monopolar or bipolar, symmetrical or asymmetrical charge balanced stimulation with a maximum current of 4 mA in an arbitrary channel configuration. The chip has been fabricated in 0.18 μ m CMOS technology, occupying a silicon area of 3.7 mm (2). The chip dissipates 56 μW/ch on average. General purpose low-power microcontroller with Bluetooth module are integrated in the system to provide wireless link and SoC configuration. Methods, circuit techniques and system topology proposed in this work can be used in a wide range of relevant neurophysiology research, especially closed-loop BMI experiments.
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Closed-loop control is a promising deep brain stimulation (DBS) strategy that could be used to suppress high-amplitude epileptic activity. However, there are currently no analytical approaches to determine the stimulation parameters for effective and safe treatment protocols. Proportional-integral (PI) control is the most extensively used closed-loop control scheme in the field of control engineering because of its simple implementation and perfect performance. In this study, we took Jansen’s neural mass model (NMM) as a test bed to develop a PI-type closed-loop controller for suppressing epileptic activity. A graphical stability analysis method was employed to determine the stabilizing region of the PI controller in the control parameter space, which provided a theoretical guideline for the choice of the PI control parameters. Furthermore, we established the relationship between the parameters of the PI controller and the parameters of the NMM in the form of a stabilizing region, which provided insights into the mechanisms that may suppress epileptic activity in the NMM. The simulation results demonstrated the validity and effectiveness of the proposed closed-loop PI control scheme.
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We examine bidirectional brain-machine interfaces that control external devices in a closed loop by decoding motor cortical activity to command the device and by encoding the state of the device by delivering electrical stimuli to sensory areas. Although it is possible to design this artificial sensory-motor interaction while maintaining two independent channels of communication, here we propose a rule that closes the loop between flows of sensory and motor information in a way that approximates a desired dynamical policy expressed as a field of forces acting upon the controlled external device. We previously developed a first implementation of this approach based on linear decoding of neural activity recorded from the motor cortex into a set of forces (a force field) applied to a point mass, and on encoding of position of the point mass into patterns of electrical stimuli delivered to somatosensory areas. However, this previous algorithm had the limitation that it only worked in situations when the position-to-force map to be implemented is invertible. Here we overcome this limitation by developing a new non-linear form of the bidirectional interface that can approximate a virtually unlimited family of continuous fields. The new algorithm bases both the encoding of position information and the decoding of motor cortical activity on an explicit map between spike trains and the state space of the device computed with Multi-Dimensional-Scaling. We present a detailed computational analysis of the performance of the interface and a validation of its robustness by using synthetic neural responses in a simulated sensory-motor loop.
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Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common type of epilepsy in adults, is often medically refractory, and due to broad actions and long-time scales, current systemic treatments have major negative side-effects. However, temporal lobe seizures tend to arise from discrete regions before overt clinical behaviour, making temporally and spatially specific treatment theoretically possible. Here we report the arrest of spontaneous seizures using a real-time, closed-loop, response system and in vivo optogenetics in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Either optogenetic inhibition of excitatory principal cells, or activation of a subpopulation of GABAergic cells representing <5% of hippocampal neurons, stops seizures rapidly upon light application. These results demonstrate that spontaneous temporal lobe seizures can be detected and terminated by modulating specific cell populations in a spatially restricted manner. A clinical approach built on these principles may overcome many of the side-effects of currently available treatment options.
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In this paper, we present low-power circuit techniques for implementing a closed-loop neurostim-ulator (CLNS) as an alternative treatment for medically refractory epilepsy. The proposed circuit has low-power dissipation with better detection sensitivity compared to the recently proposed circuit techniques for epileptic seizure detector. We demonstrate low-power circuit techniques for imple-mentation of an implantable CLNS, individual functional testing, and validation of the seizure detec-tor on real intracerebral EEG (icEEG) recordings and testing of self-triggering electrical stimulation. The CLNS comprises a low-power icEEG acquisition front-end, epileptic seizure detector, and a widely programmable current stimulator. Moreover, the tuneable parameters of the detector and stimulator are designed to adjust wirelessly. The detection algorithm was validated with Matlab tools and the detection circuits were implemented in 2 mm 2 chip area using CMOS 0.18-m process. The current-mode stimulator was assembled on two circular (Ø 20 mm) shape blocks in a printed circuit board (PCB). The proposed CLNS was tested using icEEG recordings from seven patients with medically refractory epilepsy. The icEEG recordings were assessed by the proposed CLNS and the predefined seizure suppression biphasic electrical stimulations were triggered ∼14.4 s after electrographical seizure onsets.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we present the design of a low-power closed-loop neurostimulator (CLNS) as an adjunctive treatment for patients with refractory partial epilepsy. The CLNS combines epileptic seizure detection with simultaneous electrical stimulation feedback. The system amplifies the neural signal with adjustable gain, detects epileptic low-voltage fast-activity, and generates programmable stimulation currents. The implemented seizure detector is based on a detection algorithm validated in Matlab tools and was tested using intracerebral electroencephalographic (iEEG) recordings from a patient with drug-resistant epilepsy. The amplifier, epileptic-seizure detector and electric stimulator were implemented using CMOS 0.18-μm process. The iEEG were assessed by the proposed CMOS building blocks and the predefined seizure suppression biphasic electrical stimulations were administrated at 2 to 3 sec after electrographical seizure onsets. The simulated power consumption of the CLNS has showed that the system could run on a button cell battery for more than 8 years.
Normalization has been proposed as a canonical computation that accounts for a variety of nonlinear neuronal response properties associated with sensory processing and higher cognitive functions. A key premise of normalization is that the excitability of a neuron is inversely proportional to the overall activity level of the network. We tested this by optogenetically activating excitatory neurons in alert macaque primary visual cortex and measuring changes in neuronal activity as a function of stimulation intensity, with or without variable-contrast visual stimulation. Optogenetic depolarization of excitatory neurons either facilitated or suppressed baseline activity, consistent with indirect recruitment of inhibitory networks. As predicted by the normalization model, neurons exhibited sub-additive responses to optogenetic and visual stimulation, which depended lawfully on stimulation intensity and luminance contrast. We conclude that the normalization computation persists even under the artificial conditions of optogenetic stimulation, underscoring the canonical nature of this form of neural computation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a neural interface system-on-chip (SoC) featuring combined spike recording, electrical microstimulation, and real-time stimulus artifact rejection (SAR) for bidirectional interfacing with the nervous system. The SoC integrates a spike-recording front-end with input noise voltage of 3.42 mu V-rms (0.5 Hz-50 kHz), microstimulating back-end for delivering charge-balanced monophasic or asymmetric biphasic current pulses of < 100 mu A with passive discharge, and mu W-level digital signal processing (DSP) unit for real-time SAR based on template subtraction. The DSP unit initializes its embedded 16b, 4 K static random-access memory with the first recorded stimulus artifact to reduce the operation time in generating an accurate artifact template signal for subtraction. Fabricated in AMS 0.35 mu m 2P/4M CMOS, the 3.1 x 3.1-mm(2) SoC has been characterized in benchtop tests and neurobiological experiments with isolated buccal ganglia of an Aplysia californica (a marine mollusk). The SoC can successfully remove mV-range stimulus artifacts with duration up to similar to 115 ms from the contaminated neural data in real time and recover A mu V-range extracellular neural spikes that occur on the tail end of the artifacts. The average root-mean-square (rms) value of the pre-processed stimulus artifact is reduced by a factor of similar to 24-30 post-processing, with DSP unit power consumption of < 25 A mu W from 1.5 V.
Although closed-loop deep brain stimulation (DBS) promises treatment of many neurological disorders, an implantable system-on-chip (SoC) implementing an effective closed-loop DBS algorithm has not been demonstrated. This work introduces a logarithmic, closed-loop DBS system that detects and processes low-frequency brain field signals to control and adapt stimulation currents. The system records and processes neural signals with four low-noise neural amplifier (LNA) channels, a multiplexed logarithmic ADC, and two high-pass and two low-pass digital logarithmic filters. Logarithmic processing saves power and achieves high dynamic range. A logarithmic domain digital signal processor (DSP) and PI-controller controls eight current stimulator channels and enables closed-loop stimulation. An RF transceiver, a clock generator, and a power harvester are also included in the system to achieve a complete implantable SoC. The 4 mm2^{2} 180 nm CMOS prototype consumes a total of 468 muW for recording and processing neural signals, for stimulation, and for two-way wireless communication.
Objectives: Epilepsy continues to provide challenges to clinicians, as a significant proportion of patients continue to suffer from seizures despite medical and surgical treatments. Neurostimulation has emerged as a new treatment modality that has the potential to improve quality of life and occasionally be curative for patients with medically refractory epilepsy who are not surgical candidates. In order to continue to advance the frontier of this field, it is imperative to have a firm grasp of the current body of knowledge. Methods: We performed a thorough review of the current literature regarding the three main modalities of vagus nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation, and closed-loop stimulation (responsive neurostimulator [RNS]) for the treatment of refractory epilepsy. For each of these forms of treatment, we discuss the current understanding of the underlying mechanism of action, patient selection, outcomes to date, and associated side effects or adverse reactions. We also provide an overview of related ongoing clinical trials. Results: A total of 189 sources from 1938 to 2012 pertaining to neuromodulation for the treatment of epilepsy were reviewed. Sources included review articles, clinical trials, case reports, conference proceedings, animal studies, and government data bases. Conclusions: This review shows us how neurostimulation provides us with yet another tool with which to treat the complex disease of medically refractory epilepsy.