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Association Between Forward Head,
Rounded Shoulders, and Increased
Thoracic Kyphosis: A Review of the
Deepika Singla, MPT Sports, BPT, and Zubia Veqar, PhD, MPT Ortho, BPT
Objective: The purpose of this review was to explore the association between forward head posture, rounded
shoulders, and increased thoracic kyphosis.
Methods: The PubMed, ERIC, and Cochrane databases were searched using the key words posture, head, shoulder,
forward scapular posture, and thoracic kyphosis through December 2016.
Results: Our initial search yielded 6840 research studies, 6769 of which were excluded because they either were
duplicates or did not satisfy the inclusion criteria. After the abstracts of the remaining studies were read, 15 were
assessed for eligibility, and only 4 papers were included in the present review. Cervical lordosis values were found to
be significantly associated with thoracic kyphosis values. Also, there were significant correlations between rounded
shoulders and increased thoracic kyphosis.
Conclusion: Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, and increased thoracic kyphosis can exist alone or in any
combination. (J Chiropr Med 2017;16:220-229)
Key Indexing Terms: Posture; Kyphosis; Shoulder
Various occupations require people to assume static
postures for long periods, which causes continuous
contractions of the head and neck muscles.
The head
constitutes 6% of the total body weight, which is linked to
the cervical spine and all other joints through the kinematic
by various muscles.
Normally, the cervical spine is lordotic. Other than flexion
and extension movements of the neck that take place in the
sagittal plane, protraction and retraction movements also
come into play in this plane. Protraction movement is a result
of extension of the upper cervical spine and flexion of the
lower cervical spine, whereas retraction movement results
from flexion of the upper cervical spine and extension of the
lower cervical spine. If the cervical spine is held in protracted
position for prolonged duration, it can lead to alterations in
head posture ultimately leading to poor posture known as
forward head posture (FHP), which is thought to be a
deviation from neutral or normal posture.
Normal posture is defined as when the line of gravity
(LOG) passes through the external auditory meatus, the
bodies of the cervical spine, and the acromion and anterior
to the thoracic spine
(Fig 1). Normally, the external
moment produced by gravity and ground reaction forces at
a joint is offset by the internal moment produced by various
muscles and other soft tissue structures around that joint.
However, presence of postural malalignments may require
greater internal forces to balance the external torque
produced by gravity, which in turn is exaggerated owing
to the altered location of the LOG.
Failure of the head to align with the vertical axis of the
(Fig 2) can lead to further malalignments in the
body, namely, rounded shoulders and increased thoracic
to compensate
for the altered location of
the LOG, leading to further impairments.
Combination of
all these postural deviations is often known as “slouched
or “slumped posture.”
According to Kendall et al,
there should be vertical
alignment between the midline of the shoulder and the mastoid
process. If the acromion processes are more anteriorly
positioned compared with the mastoid processes, a condition
Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia
Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, Delhi, India.
Corresponding author: Deepika Singla, MPT Sports, BPT, Centre
for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia,
Jamia Nagar, Okhla, Delhi 110025, India. Tel.: +91 8586976427.
Paper submitted October 17, 2016; in revised form March 29,
2017; accepted March 29, 2017.
© 2017 National University of Health Sciences.
known as forward shoulder posture (FSP) or rounded shoulders
or protracted shoulders
occurs (Fig 3); this condition is
characterized by protracted, internally rotated, anteriorly tilted,
elevated, and abducted scapula along with winging of
This poor alignment of the shoulders leads to
greater torque production by gravitational forces, which is
being offset by greater internal forces generated by muscles and
other soft tissues around the shoulder.
Normally, a flexion moment is being created by the
passage of LOG anterior to the thoracic spine that is offset
by the extensor muscles, ligamentum flavum, supraspinous
ligaments, and posterior longitudinal ligament.
This gravitational moment would increase if there is an
increase in the thoracic spine’s posterior convexity causing
increased distance between joint axes and LOG (Fig 4). In
such a case, to maintain an upright posture, ligaments and
muscles would be required to produce a greater moment to
counterbalance the increased gravitational moment,
thus leading to an increase in posterior convexity or
kyphosis of the thoracic spine, also known as round back.
Posture can be assessed using different methods such as
a plumb line, photography, photogrammetry, radiography,
Flexicurve, moiré topography, and an electromagnetic
tracking device. Any of these methods can be used to
detect the presence of abnormal posture.
ography is also very commonly used in postural assessment
studies to ascertain the changes in muscular activities that
occur as a result of postural changes.
Most previous studies mention the causes and conse-
quences of FHP, rounded shoulders, and increased thoracic
kyphosis. However, there is a dearth of studies focused on
the association between forward head, rounded shoulders,
and hyperkyphosis. Therefore, the aim of this review was to
explore the relationship between FHP, FSP, and increased
kyphosis of the thoracic spine.
Studies were included if they reported association
between FHP and FSP, or between FHP and thoracic
kyphosis, or between FSP and thoracic kyphosis, and if they
were available in free full text online entirely in the English
language. Review articles, conference papers, and unpub-
lished dissertations were excluded, as were studies that
involved subjects having pain or some pathology other than
a postural problem. Studies were also excluded if they
described the impact of exercise training or any other
modality on posture.
Fig 1. Normal posture and line of gravity. Fig 2. Forward head posture. Note that d is the distance between
the line of gravity and the external auditory meatus.
221Singla, VeqarJournal of Chiropractic Medicine
Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic PostureVolume 16, Number 3
PubMed, ERIC, and Cochrane databases were searched
using the key words posture,head, shoulder,forward
scapular posture,andthoracic kyphosis in various
combinations to find and describe an association between
forward head, forward shoulders, and increased kyphosis.
The last search was performed in December 2016.
Figure 5 illustrates the numbers of articles retrieved, read,
and rejected. Only 4 research studies
were found to
best explain the objective of this study. Other studies used in
this review do not explain any relationship among the 3
pathologies, that is, FHP, FSP, and increased kyphosis of the
thoracic spine, but instead focus on 1 of the pathologies.
Information obtained from such studies has been condensed
in Tables 1 and 2.Table 3 summarizes studies that present
associations between forward head, rounded shoulders, and
increased thoracic kyphosis.
Forward Head Posture
FHP can be linked to computer use,
carriage of
use of smartphones,
breathing, bad habit,
or shoulder overuse
(Table 1).
FHP has been associated with shortened levator
scapulae, sternocleidomastoids, upper trapezius, and pos-
terior cervical spine muscles,
that is, suboccipital
FHP has been linked to chronic tension-type,
cervical, and tension type headaches.
Watson and Trott
reported a significantly smaller craniovertebral angle value
in the headache group than in the non-headache group.
Lesser craniovertebral angle meant poorer FHP. The
headache group also had lesser isometric strength of the
upper cervical flexors as well as a lesser isometric endurance
of these muscles when compared with the non-headache
Apart from headache, a greater FHP has also been
reported to be associated with trigger points in the
Fig 3. Forward shoulder posture. Note that b is the distance
between the line of gravity and the acromion.
Fig 4. Increased kyphosis. Note that t is the distance between the
line of gravity and thoracic spine.
222 Journal of Chiropractic MedicineSingla, Veqar
September 2017Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic Posture
suboccipital muscles (rectus capitis posterior minor and
major and oblique capitis superior).
Trigger points
associated with taut bands of suboccipital muscles can give
rise to referred pain over the occipital and temporal aspects of
the head, which is perceived as headache. This headache is
thought to be mediated through the spinal cord and trigeminal
nucleus caudalis of the brainstem. This means that FHP
(shortened suboccipital muscles) leads to the activation of
trigger points and, thus, causes tension-type headache.
FHP can cause accumulation of nociceptive substances
in the muscles that counteracts FHP, increased compression
of cervical facet joints and posterior vertebral bodies,
stretching of anterior neck musculature, and shortening of
posterior neck musculature.
Increased compression of
the zygapophyseal joints can result in the inception of
degenerative changes leading to spondylosis. The greater
and lesser occipital nerves might be compressed because of
a reduction in the intervertebral space, leading to stimula-
tion of the trigeminal nerve. This, in turn, can lead to facial
pain and headache.
Shoulder pain, neck pain, interscapular pain, craniofacial
pain, radiating pain to the scalp, temporomandibular
disorders, subacromial impingement syndrome, thoracic
outlet syndrome, restricted range of motion at the cervical
spine and scapula and shoulder dyskinesis,
decreased respiratory capcities,
poor static balance,
so on (Table 2) can also occur. Assumption of a neutral
head posture might be biomechanically beneficial while
performing loaded isometric shoulder flexion activities to
reduce work-related neck and shoulder pain.
Forward Shoulder Posture
FSP can be linked to, among other factors, repetitive
overhead activities, backpack carriage, bad habit, mouth
breathing, computer and laptop use, and prolonged study
(Table 1).
FSP could lead to muscle imbalance in the form of
shortening of the anterior shoulder muscles such as the
pectoralis minor and major, serratus anterior, and upper
trapezius and lengthening of the posterior shoulder muscles,
middle and lower trapezius and rhomboids.
This muscle
imbalance leads to alteration in the scapular and glenohum-
eral orientation, as well as kinematics,
thus increasing the
risk of developing neck, shoulder, and nonspecific arm pain.
Also, reduction of range of motion and loss of function have
been reported.
This sequence of events has been well
demonstrated in the research report presented by Borstad,
who reported that reduced pectoralis minor muscle length
would alter the scapular kinematics, which can predispose the
person to subacromial impingement syndrome.
with subacromial impingement also present with increased
scapular abduction, elevation, anterior tilting, and internal
rotation, which is very similar to the postural alterations that
occur with FSP
(Table 2).
A protracted shoulder has been implicated in the restricted
sliding of the cords of the brachial plexus, thus increasing
strain on the various nerves passing through the shoulder
region, especially the median nerve.
Also, coracoid pain
and malposition, scapular dyskinesis, and prominent infer-
omedial border of the scapula have been reported (described
as “SICK”scapula). The scapula of the dominant side has
been found to be more anteriorly tilted and protracted in
overhead athletes because of high training volume and
repeated overhead activities, reflecting an association
between scapular position, scapular dyskinesis and shoulder
pathology is there. Decreased range of motion, decreased
strength, and diminished performance with respect to velocity
and accuracy can be the manifestations of shoulder pathology
in sports persons.
In a study conducted on 372 players
involved in upper arm sports events such as basketball,
badminton, gymnastics, swimming, squash, tennis, table
tennis, volley ball, and field events, 163 players were having
shoulder problems such as shoulder pain, crepitus, weakness,
and decreased range of motion.
Thoracic Kyphosis
Increased thoracic kyphosis has been thought to be 1 of
the most frequently seen abnormalities in patients with
Records identified through
database searching
(n = 6840)
Records screened
(n = 71)
Full-text articles
assessed for eligibility
(n = 15)
Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 4)
Fig 5. Search strategy.
223Singla, VeqarJournal of Chiropractic Medicine
Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic PostureVolume 16, Number 3
Table 1. Effect of Different Habits/Occupations/Pathologies on Head, Neck, and Thoracic Posture
Research Sample Method Used Investigation Done Result
Jung et al, 2016
25 in group 1 (used smartphones for b4h/d),25
in group 2 (used smartphones for N4 h/d), mean
age = 21 ± 2.41 y, gender not mentioned
Photogrammetry, scapular index Effect of duration of smartphone
usage on head and scapular posture
Poorer FHP and rounded shoulder posture
in group 2
Vakili et al, 2016
96 dental staff, age not mentioned, both genders Questionnaire, plumb line, flexible
ruler, checkerboard
Prevalence of postural disorders of
head, shoulder, and spine among dentists
FHP and rounded shoulder posture prevalent
among dental staff
Guedes and Joao,
36 in basketball group (mean age = 14.33 ± 1.20 y), 38 in
control group (mean age = 14.61 ± 1.31 y), only males
Photogrammetry Postural differences between
basketball players and nonplayers
Basketball players have lesser values of forward
head, shoulder protrusion, and thoracic kyphosis
Neiva et al, 2009
21 MB, 21 NB, aged 8-12 y, only males Stereophotogrammetry Head and thoracic spine posture, scapular
orientation and position in MB and NB children
Scapula positioned more superiorly in MB children
Straker et al, 2007
884 adolescents, mean age = 14 ± 0.2 y, both
Questionnaire, computer use
Association between computer
usage and habitual posture
Increased use of computer leads to
increased neck and head flexion
Borstad, 2006
25 with long pectoralis minor resting length
and 25 with short pectoralis minor resting
length, 18-40 y old, both genders
Electromagnetic motion
capture system
3-D orientation of scapula in relation to
trunk during arm elevation, thoracic
posture, scapular posture
There is a relationship between
pectoralis minor length and posture
et al, 2006
20 with CTTH (mean age = 38 ± 18 y) and 20
controls without headache (mean age = 35 ± 10 y),
both genders
Photographs to assess FHP,
palpation to identify TrPs,
headache diary
Subjects with CTTH possess both
suboccipital TrPs and FHP
Relationship of FHP and TrPs with
headache frequency, intensity, and duration
CTTH is associated with suboccipital
TrPs and FHP
Direct relationship exists between FHP and
headache variables along with presence of TrPs
Borstad and
Ludewig, 2005
25 with short pectoralis minor and 25 with long
pectoralis minor, 20–40 y old, both genders
Electromagnetic motion capture
3-D orientation of scapula in relation to
trunk during arm elevation
Anterior tipping of scapula at higher angles
of arm elevation in the group with shorter
resting length of pectoralis minor
Hinman, 2004
25 in premenopausal group (21-51 y old), 26 in
postmenopausal group (66-88 y old), only females
Flexicurve, IK (measure of degree
of thoracic kyphosis), IK ratio
(measure of postural stiffness)
Comparison of thoracic kyphosis and
postural stiffness between groups
Kyphosis and stiffness greater in
postmenopausal women
Chansirinukor et al,
13 high school students, mean age = 14.8 ± 1 y,
both genders
Digital photographs Effect of carrying backpack over
shoulders on neck and shoulder posture
Poorer FHP while carrying backpack having
weight equal to 15% of body’s weight than
when not carrying backpack
Greenfield et al,
30 with shoulder pain (mean age = 39 ± 13.9 y)
and 30 without shoulder pain (mean age = 39 ±
13.7 y), both genders
Photographs Postural differences between healthy and
nonhealthy persons
FHP more pronounced in shoulder pain group
Watson and
Trott, 1993
30 with cervical headache, 30 without headache,
25-40 y old, only females
Photographs to assess FHP, passive
accessory intervertebral mobility
examination, headache questionnaire
Comparison of craniocervical posture
between 2 groups
Cervical headache group demonstrated FHP
3-D, three-dimensional; CTTH, chronic tension-type headache; FHP, forward head posture; IK, index of kyphosis; MB, mouth breathing; NB, nasal breathing; TrPs, trigger points.
224 Journal of Chiropractic MedicineSingla, Veqar
September 2017Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic Posture
Table 2. Biomechanical Alterations Associated with FHP, FSP, and Thoracic Kyphosis
Research Sample Method Used Investigation Done Result
Han et al,
12 in normal posture group,
14 in FHP group, adults,
both genders
EMG activity of accessory muscles of
respiration (SCM, UT, PM, and ES),
spirometry to measure FVC and FEV1
Effect of FHP on respiratory function
and activity of accessory respiratory
Decreased FVC and FEV1; Decreased activity of
SCM, PM, and UT in FHP group
Lee, 2016
14 in FHP group (mean age = 22.1
± 1.6 y), 16 in control group (mean
age = 21.6 ± 1.1 y), both genders
Photogrammetry, balance calibration
system, body tilt training and
measurement system
Effect of FHP on dynamic and static
balance control
Poorer static balance control in FHP group than
control group; dynamic balance control similar for
both groups
Lee et al,
10 healthy people, mean
age = 30.3 ± 2.5 y, only males
Surface EMG of MT, LT, SA, and LD,
inclinometer, Numeric Rating Scale, Shoulder
Pain & Disability Index for intensity of
shoulder pain and shoulder function
90° of shoulder abduction in the
scapular plane during erect and
slouched sitting
Increased MT and LT activities during slouched
Szczygiel et al,
65, mean age = 51 ± 9.8 y, both genders Photogrammetry Relationship between head posture
and chest move ments while breathing in
3 different in stances: (a ) standing in
a relaxed position, (b) ma ximum
inhalation, (c) maximum exhalation
FHP decreases respiratory movements
Kwon et al,
13 in NHP group, 14 in IHP group, 13 CHP
group, age and gender not mentioned
Photogrammetry, surface EMG
of SCMs, UT, LT, and SA muscles
of right side
Muscle activities while doing
overhead reach task
Increased SA and UT activities in NHP group as
compared with IHP and CHP groups
Ruivo et al,
275 adolescents, 15-17 y old,
both genders
Photogrammetry, ASES questionnaire Relationship between posture and
presence of shoulder pain and neck pain
Association found between FHP and neck pain
Thigpen et al,
47 with ideal posture, 45 with FHRSP,
18-60 y old, both genders
Photographs, electromagnetic motion
analysis system, surface EMG
Scapular kinematics and EMG activity
of upper trapezius, lower trapezius, and
serratus anterior during overhead reaching
task and loaded flexion task
Increased internal rotation of scapula and
decreased SA EMG activity during both tasks
Increased upward rotation of scapula and increased
anterior tilting of scapula during loaded flexion in
FHRSP group
Weon et al,
21 with FHP, 21 with neutral head posture,
mean age = 21.3 y, gender not mentioned
Surface EMG, plumb line, inclinometer EMG activity of UT, LT, and SA
during loaded isometric shoulder flexion
Increased UT and LT EMG activities and
decreased SA EMG activity with FHP
Ghanbari et al,
40 university students, mean
age = 22.4 ± 3.6 y, only females
Digital photography, spirometry Effect of FSP on various lung capacities Subjects with poorer FSP exhibited lesser vital
capacity, expiratory residual volume, and FVC
Huang et al,
104 in hyperkyphotic posture group
(mean age = 77.6 ± 8.1 y), 492 in
nonhyperkyphotic posture group
(mean age = 69.1 ± 8.8 y), only females
Measurement of degree of thoracic kyphosis
in supine position, questionnaire to assess
fractures, radiographs for assessment of
vertebral fractures, BMD using DXA scanners
Association between hyperkyphosis
and future fractures independent of
osteoporosis, BMD, or fracture history
Increased risk of fractures in ambulatory elderly
women with hyperkyphotic posture irrespective
of BMD, body mass index, lifestyle, age, or
any fracture history
ASES, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Standardized Shoulder Form Patient Self-Report Section; BMD, bone mineral density; CHP, corrected head posture (corrected by therapist); DXA, dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry; EMG, electromyography; ES, erector spinae muscles; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FHP, forward head posture; FHRSP, forward head and rounded shoulders posture; FSP,
forward shoulder posture; FVC, forced vital capacity; IHP, ideal head posture (considered ideal by participant); LD, latissimus dorsi; LT, lower trapezius; MT, middle trapezius; NHP, natural head posture
(represents forward head and rounded shoulders); PM, pectoralis major; SA, serratus anterior; SCM, sternocleidomastoid; UP, upper trapezius, UT, upper trapezius.
225Singla, VeqarJournal of Chiropractic Medicine
Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic PostureVolume 16, Number 3
Table 3. Studies Illustrating the Impact of FHP, FSP, and Thoracic Kyphosis on Head and/or Shoulder and/or Thoracic Posture
Research Sample Method Used Investigation Done Result P
Coefficient, r
Lee et al, 2015
18 with FScP, mean
age = 33.78 ± 11.15 y,
both genders
Pm index, thoracic spine
angle (using digital
photogrammetry), SA strength
(using dynamometer), gleno
humeral horizontal adduction and
internal rotation tests
Correlation between FScP and Pm
length, SA strength, thoracic spine
kyphosis, and tightness of posterior
There is an association between FScP and
decreased Pm length, decreased SA strength,
decreased thoracic spine kyphosis, and
increased tightness of posterior shoulder
.001 0.72
Erkan et al, 2010
68 with loss of cervical
lordosis, 160 with
physiological cervical
lordosis, 13-72 y
old, both genders
Radiographs, Cobb method Influence of cervical lordosis
angle on thoracic kyphosis angle
Less pronounced thoracic kyphosis in
subjects with lesser cervical lordosis angles
when compared with subjects having
physiological cervical lordosis
≤.001 —
Kebaetse et al, 1999
34 healthy participants, mean
age = 30.2 y, both genders
Skeletal analysis system
(3-D electromechanical
Measurement of thoracic
flexion and scapular orientation
during erect sitting and
slouched sitting along with
arm movement at the side and
abduction in the scapular plane
Increased scapular elevation (between 0°
and 90° abduction); decreased posterior
tilting of scapula (beyond 90° abduction)
and decreased range of shoulder abduction
in slouched posture
Raine and Twomey, 1994
39, 17-48 y old,
both genders
Photographs Association between various
measurements of head, neck,
shoulder, and thoracic posture
Significant correlations between
forward head position, forward
shoulder position, and increased
thoracic kyphosis
3-D, three-dimensional; FHP, forward head posture; FScP, forward scapular pressure; FSP, forward shoulder posture; Pm, pectoralis minor; SA, serratus anterior.
226 Journal of Chiropractic MedicineSingla, Veqar
September 2017Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic Posture
lumbar lordosis,
low back pain,
and osteoporosis
well as in postmenopausal women
(Table 1).
Christie et al
measured head position, shoulder
position (relative measure of protraction and retraction),
shoulder height discrepancy, and thoracic kyphosis of
subjects with low back pain and without low back pain.
Subjects with low back pain were experiencing either
chronic pain or acute pain. Thoracic kyphosis was found to
be significantly greater in the acute pain group compared
with the control group in both standing and sitting
positions. Also, the acute pain group exhibited an increased
forward head position compared with the control group in
standing position only. It is noteworthy that the values for
thoracic kyphosis and shoulder position were always
greater in the back pain groups than in the control group,
in both standing and sitting positions, irrespective of the
existence of significant differences between the groups.
With increased kyphosis at the thoracic spine, anterior
longitudinal ligament and upper abdominal muscles are
shortened and the anterior aspect of vertebral bodies is
compressed, leading to increases in intradiscal pressures.
Also, the extensor muscles and posterior ligaments of the
dorsal spine are stretched along with the capsules of the
facet joints and the posterior fibers of the annulus fibrosus.
The condition might lead to pain,
expansion of rib cage,
poor balance, and, thus, the risk of falls in geriatric
With increasing age, gradually the connec-
tive tissues lose their elasticity and become inefficient in
counteracting the torque produced by gravity.
kyphosis associated with increasing age is mild and does
not cause much of a problem.
However, an excessive degree
of kyphosis (hyperkyphotic posture) might be a risk factor for
fractures (Table 2). Hyperkyphosis might lead to complications
such as poor respiratory function, compromised physical
function, and increased mortality.
Thus, it is plausible to say
that this type of posture deserves clinical attention.
Alteration in the resting scapular position is thought to
occur with abnormal alignment of the cervical and thoracic
FSP can be associated with FHP,
thoracic kyphotic posture,
or both
(Table 3).
The scapula has been found to be anteriorly tilted,
downwardly rotated, and protracted during elevation of the
arm in persons with FHP. A decrease in serratus anterior
activity has been observed in persons with FHP while doing
arm elevation and lifting activities. This reduction in serratus
anterior activity leads to anterior tilting of the scapula, as well
as winging of the scapula (because the serratus anterior
stabilizes the scapula on the thorax).
Increased forward angulation of the scapula can be
observed with an increase in slope of the upper thoracic
spine. The angle formed between the clavicle and the scapula
in the transverse plane increases too much owing to the rib
cage expansion and increased anteroposterior diameter of the
chest caused by increased thoracic kyphosis. Thoracic spine
posture also influences scapular and glenohumeral kinemat-
ics. Increased flexion at the thoracic spine could lead to
reduced elevation range of motion at the glenohumeral joint.
Also, reduced scapular posterior tilting and increased
scapular elevation might be evident while doing elevation
at the shoulder.
The thoracic spine is less mobile and, thus, more stable
in comparison to the cervical region. This stability is
attributed to the presence of ribs, lesser intervertebral disk
height, and the plane of facet joints.
The literature
contains scientific evidence that increased cervical lordosis
can lead to more pronounced thoracic kyphosis. In a recent
the amount of cervical lordosis was found to
correlate with the degree of thoracic kyphosis. Two hundred
twenty-eight subjects were divided into two groups based
on the radiological findings. Group 1 subjects were
characterized by loss of cervical lordosis, and group 2
subjects had physiologic lordotic cervical curvature. Whole
(T1-12), lower (T6-12), and upper (T1-6) thoracic kyphosis
was determined using the Cobb method. The mean values
for group 1 were found to be lower for upper, lower, and
whole thoracic kyphosis than the mean values for group 2.
Another study found a significant correlation between FHP
and thoracic kyphosis.
The aforementioned studies hence provide evidence of
an association between FHP and rounded shoulders,
between FHP and thoracic kyphosis,
and between
rounded shoulders and thoracic kyphosis.
To the best
of our knowledge, only 4 papers were found that best
supported the objective of this review. As can be observed
in Tables 1 and 2, there is heterogeneity in the methods
employed by these studies to observe posture; thus, we
could not reach a definitive conclusion regarding the cause
of FHP, FSP, or thoracic kyphosis, that is, what happens
first among the 3 and what happens next. More research
studies are required to answer the question and report that it
is a cascade of biomechanical changes starting with 1 of the
3 deviations leading to the other 2 deviations.
Although there is consensus on the coexistence of FHP,
FSP, and increased thoracic kyphosis, there remains doubt
about 1 being the cause or the consequence of the other.
Research is required to test the cause-and-effect relationship
between the 3 postural deviations. Researchers are
encouraged to explore the link between forward head,
forward shoulder, and thoracic kyphotic posture so that
these conditions can be treated effectively.
This study was limited by the search terms and indexes
searched. Therefore, it is possible that other studies may exist
that were not included. Because so few studies were found,
the conclusions based on the findings are limited as well.
Singla, VeqarJournal of Chiropractic Medicine
Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic PostureVolume 16, Number 3
On the basis of the literature, there appears to be a
relationship between FHP, FSP, and thoracic kyphosis.
Current evidence limits our understanding of the association
between these 3 conditions. It is unclear whether any of these
3 postural deviations is a cause or a consequence of the other
2 deviations. However, it is clear that 2 or all 3 deviations can
No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported
for this study.
Concept development (provided idea for the research):
Design (planned the methods to generate the results):
D.S., Z.V.
Supervision (provided oversight, responsible for
organization and implementation, writing of the
manuscript): Z.V.
Data collection/processing (responsible for experiments,
patient management, organization, or reporting data): D.S.
Analysis/interpretation (responsible for statistical analysis,
evaluation, and presentation of the results): D.S., Z.V.
Literature search (performed the literature search): D.S.
Writing (responsible for writing a substantive part of the
manuscript): D.S.
Critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual
content, this does not relate to spelling and grammar
checking): Z.V.
1. Vakili L, Halabchi F, Mansournia MA, Khami MR, Irandoost
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Practical Applications
•FHP has been found to be associated with
FSP or protracted shoulders and increased
kyphosis at the thoracic spine.
•Combination of all these postural deviations
is often referred to as a “slouched posture.”
•Causes of FHP include computer use, carriage
of backpacks, mouth breathing, bad habit,
rounded upper back, and rounded shoulders.
•FHP can lead to headache, shoulder pain,
neck pain, craniofacial pain, radiating pain to
the scalp, temporomandibular disorders, sub-
acromial impingement syndrome, restricted
range of motion at the cervical spine, and
scapula and shoulder dyskinesis.
228 Journal of Chiropractic MedicineSingla, Veqar
September 2017Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic Posture
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229Singla, VeqarJournal of Chiropractic Medicine
Head, Shoulder, and Thoracic PostureVolume 16, Number 3