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GETAVIZ: Generating Structural, Behavioral, and Evolutionary Views of Software Systems for Empirical Evaluation


Abstract and Figures

Software visualizations are used to support stake-holders in software engineering activities like development, project management, and maintenance. The respective tasks determine which aspects of software, i.e., structural, behavioral and/or evolutionary information, need to be visualized. To promote the usage of software visualizations they have to optimally support the needs of the respective stakeholder for the specific task at hand. Therefore, we see the necessity to create innovative visualizations and to optimize existing ones. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to empirically evaluate the different visual-izations and their variants. In this paper, we present GETAVIZ as a toolset to support these processes, i.e., designing visualizations, generating task-and role specific visualizations, and conducting empirical evaluations. The toolset implements the concept of generative and model-driven software visualization and makes it possible to generate different visualizations for all three aspects of software. Its strength lies in its adaptability, so that new visualizations and variations of existing ones can be implemented easily. In addition to the generator this toolset contains several extractors for different programming languages, a browser-based user interface for viewing and interacting with visualizations, and an evaluation server to facilitate the execution of local and remote experiments. The paper illustrates the capabilities of GETAVIZ and it discusses plans for its further development.
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GETAVIZ: Generating Structural, Behavioral, and
Evolutionary Views of Software Systems for
Empirical Evaluation
David Baum, Jan Schilbach, Pascal Kovacs, Ulrich Eisenecker, and Richard M¨
Information Systems Institute
Leipzig University,
{baum, schilbach, kovacs, eisenecker, rmueller}
Abstract—Software visualizations are used to support stake-
holders in software engineering activities like development,
project management, and maintenance. The respective tasks
determine which aspects of software, i.e., structural, behavioral
and/or evolutionary information, need to be visualized. To pro-
mote the usage of software visualizations they have to optimally
support the needs of the respective stakeholder for the specific
task at hand. Therefore, we see the necessity to create innovative
visualizations and to optimize existing ones. In order to achieve
this, it is necessary to empirically evaluate the different visual-
izations and their variants. In this paper, we present GETAVIZ as
a toolset to support these processes, i.e., designing visualizations,
generating task- and role specific visualizations, and conducting
empirical evaluations. The toolset implements the concept of
generative and model-driven software visualization and makes it
possible to generate different visualizations for all three aspects
of software. Its strength lies in its adaptability, so that new
visualizations and variations of existing ones can be implemented
easily. In addition to the generator this toolset contains several
extractors for different programming languages, a browser-based
user interface for viewing and interacting with visualizations, and
an evaluation server to facilitate the execution of local and remote
experiments. The paper illustrates the capabilities of GE TAVIZ
and it discusses plans for its further development.
Index Terms—3D, evaluation process, empirical evaluation,
software visualization, user interface, visualization metaphor
Software visualization research has produced many propos-
als to support and improve software engineering activities and
tasks. However, there is still a big gap between research and
practice. The majority of the research results is not used by
practitioners [1], [2]. The reasons for this are manifold. We
believe, one reason for this situation is missing knowledge,
when to use which visualization.
To gain this missing knowledge, M¨
uller et al. [3] adapted the
work of Munzner et al. [4], [5] to the field of software visual-
ization and proposed a theoretical framework for the evaluation
of software visualizations. The framework takes the different
factors user,task,software artifact,representation,navigation
& interaction, and implementation into account. It supports
researchers in designing and planning empirical evaluations.
To conduct empirical studies efficiently, a tailorable evaluation
process as well as an extensive tool coverage for this process
are necessary. Thus, we extend earlier work on a user-centered
approach for optimizing information visualizations concerning
readability, comprehensibility, and user satisfaction [6].
In this paper we present GETAVIZ, a toolset underpinning
the theoretical framework for the evaluation of software vi-
sualization [3] with the tools to conduct these evaluations. It
provides tool support for the complete design and evaluation
process of software visualizations, including the automatic
generation of role- and task-specific visualizations.
The main objective of the presented toolset is to conduct
empirical evaluations locally and remotely in an efficient and
reproducible way for different visualization metaphors as well
as their variants. The complete process starting from designing
a task- and role-specific software visualization up to its em-
pirical evaluation has to be supported. To accomplish this, we
have developed multiple tools and integrated them in a toolset
as depicted in Fig. 1. It consists of 1) extractors for different
programming languages and version control systems, 2) a
generative and model-driven software visualization generator,
3) a browser-based user interface for viewing and interacting
with a visualization, and 4) an evaluation server for simplifying
and standardizing empirical evaluations. The whole toolset is
demonstrated in an additional screencast.1Next, we describe
the individual components of the toolset.
The generator takes one of three language independent
models as input, thus the whole generation process is language
independent. The FAMIX 3.0 meta-model family consists
of three meta-models originally designed for software anal-
ysis [7]: FAMIX as basis for modeling structural aspects,
DYNAMIX for adding behavioral aspects [8], and HISMO for
adding evolutionary aspects of software systems [9]. All meta-
models are suited for object-oriented as well as structured
programming languages.
To generate the actual models we use language dependent
extractors. Currently, there are FAMIX extractors for Java,
Ruby, ABAP, and C], DYNAMIX extractors for Java and
Ruby, and HISMO extractors for git and SVN.
Fig. 1. Overview of the toolset and its implementation techniques
The software visualization generator supports the language
independent visualization in 2D and 3D of all three aspects of
software systems, i.e., structure, behavior and evolution [10].
It is designed to be highly flexible and easily extensible, e.g.,
to re-implement visualizations from different researchers to
integrate them into an unified process of empirical evaluation.
GETAVIZ already supports multiple visualization metaphors,
variants per metaphor, and output formats as described in the
following sections.
A. Supported Metaphors and Variants
Currently, GETAVIZ supports four major visualization
metaphors, named Recursive Disk (RD),City,Plant, and
Multisphere Metaphor (cf. Fig. 2). These metaphors were
implemented as part of a research project comparing software
visualizations in 2D, 3D, and virtual reality. Since there is an
ongoing debate about the usefulness and necessity of the third
dimension in information visualization [11]–[13], we think it
is important to support 2D and 3D equally.
We reimplemented the City metaphor from Wettel and
Lanza [14] (cf. Fig. 2(a)) in order to evaluate the RD metaphor
(cf. Fig. 2(b)) against this established visualization. The Plant
metaphor (cf. Fig. 2(c)) is a real-world metaphor visualizing
the same information as a flower bed, where the stamens
and petals represent methods and attributes of a class. The
Multisphere metaphor (cf. Fig. 2(d)), in contrast, is an abstract
metaphor depicting structural information as nested spheres.
Fig. 2 shows one variant for each metaphor. Every metaphor
can be altered in several ways, e.g., by adding information to
the visualization or removing information from it as shown for
the RD metaphor in Fig. 3 or by using different animations,
layout algorithms, or visual channels, such as color, shape,
tilt, and size [15] as shown in Fig. 4 for the City metaphor.
Next, we describe the RD metaphor and some variants to
show the adaptability and completeness of our visualization
1) RD Structure Visualization: The RD metaphor displays
all important structural aspects of software system including
packages, classes, methods, and attributes [16]. The glyphs
used by the metaphor are nested disks, rings, and segments.
The nesting represents the containment relations of the visu-
alized software entities.
In this variant, the RD metaphor is two-dimensional. Hence,
the third dimension can be used to convey further information
about the entities represented by the glyphs. One possible
variant is depicted in Fig. 3(a). Here, the height of the methods
shows the cyclomatic complexity of the methods.
2) RD Behavior Visualization: The RD metaphor can also
be used to visualize the behavior of a software system [17].
In Fig. 3(b) the glyphs positioned above the base are method
calls of a trace. The position of the glyphs shows the starting
time of the call in the trace and their height is determined by
its duration.
3) RD Evolution Visualization: Also the third aspect of
software, evolution, can be visualized as a variant of the
(a) City metaphor (b) RD metaphor (c) Plant metaphor (d) Multisphere metaphor
Fig. 2. Selected metaphors supported by GE TAVIZ
(a) Structural view with RD metaphor: Cy-
clomatic complexity as height of methods
(b) Behavioral view with RD metaphor:
Call duration as height of methods
(c) Evolutionary view with RD
metaphor: Different versions of the
software system
Fig. 3. Selected variants of the RD metaphor supported by GE TAVIZ, visualizing different aspects of software systems
RD metaphor [17]. The base of the visualization in Fig. 3(c)
is a maximal layout. It shows all elements occurring in the
depicted evolution period of the software system. The size of
the glyphs in the base layout is determined by the maximal
size of the represented entities. The versions of the visualized
software system are positioned above the base layout. Only
the entities occurring in the respective version of the software
system are shown in the visualization. The size of the glyphs
of the versions is determined by the size of the element in the
depicted version.
B. Implementation
We extend the earlier work of M¨
uller et al. [18], who intro-
duced the generative and model-driven approach to cope with
the presented requirements when creating highly customized
and ready-to-use software visualizations. By separating the
visualization process into multiple model transformations a
high variability of platforms can be implemented for different
metaphors. The generator is based on this implementation
The generation process consists of three steps, each one
takes a model as input and outputs the transformed model. The
implementation is based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework,
especially Xtext2and Xtend3. The Xtext framework is used to
describe the meta-models. Further, the framework is capable
of parsing text files that follow these meta-models and create
a model from it. At the moment, parsing the input files is
the bottleneck with regard to scalability. The size of the
model is limited as Xtext loads the complete model into RAM
at once, similar to a DOM parser. Currently, we are able
to visualize the Apache Spring Framework which consists
of approximately 2 million lines of code (LOC), but not
much larger models. Once this step is completed, Xtend is
used to perform the model transformations. Xtend is a JVM
programming language and especially designed for this use-
case. Overall there are three transformation steps that are
described in the following.
(a) City floor variant: methods as
floors, attributes on top of the build-
(b) City panel variant: methods as
cuboids, attributes as cylinders
(c) City bricks variant: methods and
attributes as bricks of the buildings
Fig. 4. Selected variants of the City metaphor supported by GE TAVIZ
1) Source to Model: In this step a metaphor-specific model
is created from the source model, e.g., the FAMIX model.
Thereby the mapping between code entities and visual entities
takes place. For instance, for each class in the source model
a disk in the RD model is created.
2) Model to Model: The second step enriches the metaphor-
specific model from the first step with further information. For
instance, layout information cannot be calculated during the
first step because information about the complete model is
required to calculate positions. The resulting model contains
every information to visualize the software system.
3) Model to Target: Within the last step the metaphor-
specific model from the previous step is used to generate the
final output. Every entity of the metaphor-specific model is
transformed into an X3D or X3DOM representation.
To support the different use cases of end user application,
conducting studies, and testing features for every generated
visualization a highly configurable and generic browser-based
user interface has been created. It is built upon the output of
the software visualization generator, the visualization itself as
well as a JSON file containing additional meta-data, e.g., fully
qualified names, inheritance relationships, and call hierarchies.
This information is metaphor independent and is matched to
visual entities by a unique ID. It is mainly used by the user
interface to provide more information about the underlying
software system. GE TAVIZ uses X3D and X3DOM as the
main rendering platforms, because they provide a variety of
features fitting the visualization of software [19]. X3D is a
standard defined by the Web3D Consortium to facilitate the
creation and exchange of 3D scenes [20]. It defines an XML
exchange format which makes it a good choice as target
platform. Further, X3D supports different kinds of multimedia
features, such as video, audio, and animation. X3DOM was
developed to integrate X3D into HTML and thereby achieves
an easier use of web applications [21]. For these reasons, the
user interface of our toolset uses X3DOM instead of X3D.
It enhances the standard X3DOM interaction techniques, e.g.,
with new navigation types, tooltips with details, connectors for
relations, a package explorer, and a source code viewer.
The user interface is based on the model-view-controller
pattern and a publish-subscribe event model for a loose
coupling between the actions of the user and the manipulation
of the visualization. Every controller implements at least one
interaction technique like highlighting a selected element and
publishes or consumes corresponding events.
A setup configuration file defines the layout, the collection
of controllers, and parameters of one specific user interface.
Thus, a high number of user interface variants can be defined
for every use case in an easy and efficient way, considering
visualization specific optimizations for the interaction as well
as developing and integrating new interaction techniques or
enhancing existing ones.
In order to provide optimized visualizations for different
aspects a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of the
software visualizations is indispensable. To gain this knowl-
edge evaluations with completely new visualizations and with
different variants of the existing visualizations are necessary.
Therefore, GE TAVIZ contains an evaluation server which uses
the presented user interface [17]. However, the coupling be-
tween both components is loose, the evaluation server can
easily integrate any other browser-based user interface.
The evaluation server is a Rails application built to facilitate
the planning and conduction of empirical evaluations with
software visualizations. An administrative interface allows the
evaluator to define and arrange the different parts of the
evaluation such as questionnaires as well as visualizations and
the respective tasks. Each evaluation includes a unique id hash,
making it possible to share the link to the evaluation with
the participants. It is also possible to provide each participant
a unique link to the experiment. The participants are guided
automatically through the evaluation process. Each page of
the process is viewable only once by each participant. The
times needed to answer the questions as well as the answers
themselves are persisted. When visualizations are displayed
further parameters are measured like the number of clicks and
the time the mouse is held down by the participant.
The evaluation server can be used in two different modes
of operation. It is possible to deploy the server to a web
server, so that the participants can do the evaluation remotely.
This makes it possible to reach more participants. A drawback
of this approach is the limited control over the participants.
The other option is to run the server on a local computer.
Conducting the evaluation this way increases the control over
the environment of the participants. The advantage of the
evaluation server in this setting is the automated guidance
of the participants through the experiment, which reduces the
influence of the evaluator on the participants.
GETAVIZ provides structural, behavioral, and evolutionary
views of object-oriented and procedural software systems in
2D and 3D. There are several software visualization tools with
a similar broad focus including sv3D [22] and cv3D [23],
Vizz3D [24], Codemap [25], SArF Map [26], Verso [27], and
BlendedCity [28]. However, the visualization of all aforemen-
tioned tools cannot be explored in a web browser and they
provide different user interfaces and interaction techniques,
which makes it impossible to evaluate these visualizations
under identical conditions.
EvalBench is a flexible Java library for information vi-
sualization evaluation [29] and provides similar features as
the evaluation server of GETAVIZ . The user can define the
evaluation process, including tasks and questionnaires and it
can be be combined with third-party visualization prototypes.
However, EvalBench lacks any remote capabilities and is
limited to Java-based user interfaces. Further evaluation solu-
tions such as Hierarchical Visualisation Testing Environment
(HVTE) [30], and Touchstone [31] have a different focus.
These tools support complex and ramified evaluation processes
and provide an integrated analysis of the evaluation, which
GETAVIZ does not. But, they are designed for simple 2D
visualization with minimal user interfaces, which is not suited
for software visualization.
Consequently, we have started developing GETAVIZ includ-
ing the user interface and the evaluation server for covering the
complete process from generating visualizations to rendering
them in a web browser up to conducting empirical evaluations
for any visualization metaphor.
We have presented the functionality and the implementation
concept of GETAVI Z, a toolset to support the complete design
and evaluation process of software visualizations. We have
successfully applied the generative and model-driven approach
in order to support multiple visualization metaphors, metaphor
variants, programming languages, version control systems, and
output formats. To overcome the mentioned scalability issue
we plan to replace Xtext by a graph database, which will allow
us to visualize systems with several million LOC.
Currently, GETAVIZ is designed for researchers. To be suited
for end-users as well, especially the user interface of the
generator needs to be improved. Specifying the visualization
needs to be easier, e.g., through an task-oriented user interface,
where the user selects the task he or she has to solve and the
optimal visualization is chosen automatically.
We already conducted several quantitative and qualitative
studies that are based entirely or partly on the presented
toolset [6], [17], [32]. GE TAVI Z is developed continuously. In
the future, we intend to cover more programming languages,
e.g., Python and JavaScript, and visualization metaphors. On
this basis, we plan to conduct several experiment series to
increase and improve the empirically gained data in software
visualization to make software visualization more attractive
for practitioners.
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... Baum et al. [5] presented a toolset called GETAVIZ for designing visualizations, generating task-and role specific visualizations, and conducting empirical evaluations. The toolset implements the concept of generative and modeldriven software visualization and makes it possible to generate different visualizations for three aspects of software (structural, behavioral, and evolutionary information). ...
... If no precedence is specified (which results in an arbitrary order in AspectJ), the two (or more) cars displayed in parallel. 5. Construction vehicles on the middle of a street represent implementations of abstract methods. ...
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Aspect-oriented software development is a programming paradigm that supports the modularization of crosscutting concerns. The paradigm introduces a new concept, call aspect, along with other concepts and components to capture crosscutting concerns. However, introducing aspects adds difficulties in understanding the structure of program, especially at the maintenance phase. In order to increase understandability of aspect-oriented programs, we propose a visualization approach that uses city transportation system as a metaphor for viewing the structure of aspect-oriented programs. Additionally, we built a prototype tool, called AspectCity, that implements the presented approach. We demonstrated how AspectCity can be used to visualize aspect-oriented programs using two examples. The demonstration shows that the proposed approach can help in understanding aspect-oriented programs. Moreover, the concepts used in AspectCity facilitate ease of communication and do not require effort from the reader to understand the approach due to the use of real life metaphors. AspectCity is a promising approach that can help in solving understandability problem of aspect-oriented programs and decrease their maintenance cost. The approach used in AspectCity can be further extended to be used in visualizing software that contains complex relations between its components.
... Vincur et al. (2017b,a) developed a VR city for analyzing object-oriented software. Getaviz (Baum et al., 2017) also uses the city metaphor to generate structural, behavioral, and evolutionary views of software systems for empirical evaluation. In contrast, CityVR , developed with Unity3D, provides similar metrics to the original CodeCity and includes interactions using the user's gaze and VR controllers. ...
... Another approach to visualize software evolution is presented by Baum et al. [12], who developed GETAVIZ, a framework that generates structural, behavioral, and evolutionary views of software systems. GETAVIZ uses 3D city metaphors to represent the structure and behavior of software entities, and color-coded timelines to show their evolution. ...
Conference Paper
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Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) evolve over time. As they change, they are expected to be versioned based on how changes might affect their clients. In this paper, we present two novel visualizations specifically designed to represent all structural changes and the level of adherence to semantic versioning practices over time. They can also serve for characterizing and comparing the evolution history of different Web APIs. The API VERSION CLOCK helps to visualize the sequence of API changes over time and highlight inconsistencies between major, minor, or patch version changes and the corresponding introduced breaking or non-breaking changes applied to the API. The API CHANGES overview aggregates all changes to an OpenAPI (OAS) description, highlighting the unstable vs. the stable elements of the API over its entire history. Both visualizations can be automatically created using the APICTURE, a command-line and web-based tool that analyzes the histories of git code repositories containing OAS descriptions, extracting the necessary data for generating visualizations and computing metrics related to API evolution and versioning. The visualiza-tions have been successfully applied to classify, compare, and interactively explore the multi-year evolution history of APIs with up to hundreds of individual commits. Video URL:
... Lemieux and Salois [13] and Baum et al. [2] investigated visualization techniques for a better understanding of the software. They show the generation of visualizations based on code lines. ...
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The human brain responds better to visual information when compared to plain text. In other words, our brain consumes visual information more easily than text-only content, which helps improve communication, sharing and retaining information, reducing misinterpretation, and clarifying complex information. However, most of the tools adopted for software project management are based on textual reports. The number of software projects that fail is huge, and the stakeholders’ lack of understanding of the project is among the reasons for project failure. The implementation of data visualization using techniques and tools for project management can help identify and prevent project issues such as unexpected budget increases, unrealistic deadlines, lack of clear goals, and success criteria. In this paper, we extend our previous work by evaluating the proposed data visualization extension for the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®®\text{\textregistered} guide) in terms of its applicability in software project management and alignment within the PMBOK guide. The results from the evaluation show that our proposal adds support to visual project management and helps to identify the status and progress of the project quickly and prevent future issues related to communication. Our proposal was also found to be helpful for less experienced software project managers.
... In the same direction, Grainger et al. (2016) proposed a framework to improve visual communication, to be used in a non-scientific context. Lemieux and Salois (2006) and Baum et al. (2017) investigated visualization techniques for a better understanding of the software. They show the generation of visualizations based on code lines. ...
Context Over the past decades, researchers proposed numerous approaches to visualize source code. A popular one is CodeCity, an interactive 3D software visualization representing software system as cities: buildings represent classes (or files) and districts represent packages (or folders). Building dimensions represent values of software metrics, such as number of methods or lines of code. There are many implementations of CodeCity, the vast majority of them running on-screen. Recently, some implementations using virtual reality (VR) have appeared, but the usefulness of CodeCity in VR is still to be proven. Aim Our comparative study aims to answer the question “Is VR well suited for CodeCity, compared to the traditional on-screen implementation?” Methods We performed two experiments with our web-based implementation of CodeCity, which can be used on-screen or in immersive VR. First, we conducted a controlled experiment involving 24 participants from academia and industry. Taking advantage of the obtained feedback, we improved our approach and conducted a second controlled experiment with 26 new participants. Results Our results show that people using the VR version performed the assigned tasks in much less time, while maintaining a comparable level of correctness. Conclusion VR is at least equally well-suited as on-screen for visualizing CodeCity, and likely better.
By optimizing aesthetics, graph diagrams can be generated that are easier to read and understand. However, the challenge lies in identifying suitable aesthetics. We present a novel approach based on repertory grids to explore the design space of aesthetics systematically. We applied our approach with three independent groups of participants to systematically identify graph aesthetics. In all three cases, we were able to reproduce the aesthetics with positively evaluated influence on readability without any prior knowledge. We also applied our approach to two- and three-dimensional domain-specific software visualizations to demonstrate its versatility. In this case, we were also able to acquire several aesthetics that are relevant for perceiving the visualization.
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Although abundant studies have shown how visual-isation can help software developers to perform their daily tasks, visualisation is still not a common practice since developers have little support for adopting a proper visualisation for their needs. In this paper we review the 346 papers published in SOFTVIS/VISSOFT venues and identify 65 design study papers that describe how visualisation is used to alleviate various difficulties in software development. We classify these studies into several problem domains that we collected from the research on software development community, and highlight the characteristics of each study. On the one hand, we support software developers to put visualisation in action by mapping existing techniques to particular needs in various problem domains. On the other hand, we help researchers in the field by exposing domains with little visualisation support. We found a disconnect between the problem domains on which visualisation have focused and the domains that get the most attention from practitioners.
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Software visualizations in 3D and virtual reality are an interesting and debated research topic in academia. However, the benefits and drawbacks of 3D software visualizations in immersive environments compared to its 2D counterparts are not very well understood due to the lack of empirical evaluations. The challenge is to plan valid experiments with analogous 2D and 3D visualization techniques, while avoiding various influence factors and minimizing the threats to validity. In this paper, we present an experiment as part of a series using a structured approach to meet these challenges.
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In software visualization, but also in information visualization in general, there is a great need for evaluation of visualization metaphors. To reduce the amount of empirical studies a computational approach has been applied successfully, e.g., to graph visualization. It is based on measurable aesthetic heuristics that are used to estimate the human perception and the processing of visualizations. This paper lays a foundation for adopting this approach to any field of information visualization by providing a method, the repertory grid technique, to identify aesthetics that are measurable, metaphor-specific, and relevant to the user in a structured and repeatable way. We identified 25 unique aesthetics and revealed that the visual appearance of the investigated visualizations is mainly influenced by the package structure whereby methods are underrepresented. These findings were used to improve existing visualizations.
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In this paper, we present the recursive disk metaphor, a glyph-based visualization for software visualization. The metaphor represents all important structural aspects and relations of software using nested circular glyphs. The result is a shape with an inner structural consistency and a completely defined orientation. We compare the recursive disk metaphor to other state-of-the-art 2D approaches that visualize structural aspects and relations of software. Further, a case study shows the feasibility and scalability of the approach by visualizing an open source software system in a browser.
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Software systems exceeding a certain critical size easily become difficult to maintain and adapt. Requirements change, platforms change and if a system does not evolve properly, its usefulness will decay over time. This document presents MSE a robust, scalable, extensible interexchange format and FAMIX 3.0 a family of metamodels to represent source code.
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In the field of software visualization controlled experiments are an important instrument to investigate the specific reasons, why some software visualizations excel the expectations on providing insights and ease task solving while others fail doing so. Despite this, controlled experiments in software visualization are rare. A reason for this is the fact that performing such evaluations in general, and particularly performing them in a way that minimizes the threats to validity, is hard to accomplish. In this paper, we present a structured approach on how to conduct a series of controlled experiments in order to give empirical evidence for advantages and disadvantages of software visualizations in general and of 2D vs. 3D software visualizations in particular.
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Computer-based visualization (vis) systems provide visual representations of datasets designed to help people carry out tasks more effectively. Visualization is suitable when there is a need to augment human capabilities rather than replace people with computational decision-making methods. The design space of possible vis idioms is huge, and includes the considerations of both how to create and how to interact with visual representations. Vis design is full of trade-offs, and most possibilities in the design space are ineffective for a particular task, so validating the effectiveness of a design is both necessary and difficult. Vis designers must take into account three very different kinds of resource limitations: those of computers, of humans, and of displays. Vis usage can be analyzed in terms of why the user needs it, what data is shown, and how the idiom is designed. I will discuss this framework for analyzing the design of visualization systems.
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We propose an extension to the four-level nested model of design and validation of visualization system that defines the term "guidelines" in terms of blocks at each level. Blocks are the outcomes of the design process at a specific level, and guidelines discuss relationships between these blocks. Within-level guidelines provide comparisons for blocks within the same level, while between-level guidelines provide mappings between adjacent levels of design. These guidelines help a designer choose which abstractions, techniques, and algorithms are reasonable to combine when building a visualization system. This definition of guideline allows analysis of how the validation efforts in different kinds of papers typically lead to different kinds of guidelines. Analysis through the lens of blocks and guidelines also led us to identify four major needs: a definition of the meaning of block at the problem level; mid-level task taxonomies to fill in the blocks at the abstraction level; refinement of the model itself at the abstraction level; and a more complete set of mappings up from the algorithm level to the technique level. These gaps in visualization knowledge present rich opportunities for future work.
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Interactive software visualization offers a promising support for program comprehension, including program dynamicity. We present, the extension of an existing visualization tool with heat maps to explore the time and other dimensions of software. To this end, we first propose a framework to unify the two main software dynamicities, execution and evolution. Then, this unified framework is exploited to define a visualization environment based on heat maps. We illustrate our approach on two comprehension tasks: understanding the behavior of programmers during the evolution of an application and understanding class contributions in use cases. The case studies show that the heat-map metaphor contributes to answer, more easily, many of the questions important to program comprehension.