... It should be emphasized that on the whole, there are no either large-scale sociological stu dies of public perception of digitalization ideologemes and real processes by the Russian citizens in the Russian sociology or foreign works in this area. Nevertheless, there are a number of authors who study the issues related to the technological development of society whose works are devoted to the socio-humanitarian aspects of convergent technologies and technoscience (Aseeva, 2015(Aseeva, , 2016(Aseeva, , 2017, sociology and cyberspace interfaces (Romanovsky, 2000 ), the crisis of technological civilization and innovative development (Kamensky & Boev, 2015), the socio-humanitarian expertise of biomedical innovations (Aseeva & Budanov, 2015), the ethical aspects of NBIC-Convergence (Grebenshchikova, 2016), the new paradigm of sociology in a complex society (Kravchenko, 2012a(Kravchenko, , 2012b, sociocultural transformations of global modernization (Matveeva & Sarapul'tseva, 2019), the answer to the question regarding the mechanism of humanitarian visuality (Kurasawa, 2015), digital culture issues (Rius-Ulldemolins, Pecourt, & Arostegui, 2019), Big data in sociological analysis of the text (Cointet & Parasie, 2018), digital health issues and medical innovation (Lennon et al., 2017), sociology of privacy (Anthony, Campos-Castillo, & Horne, 2017), case studies of digital media (Fero, 2015), cultural cyber-utopianism (Rius-Ulldemolins, 2015), etc. ...