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Early design stage automation in Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) projects


Abstract and Figures

The paper is dedicated to conceptual design stage in AEC projects since this stage defines most of further design and even construction. Conceptual design is less automated and more human depended part of a complex design process. It is reasonable to link modern construction design software with ideas generation techniques in order to enhance and automate design creativity and effectiveness. In the article we propose computer-aided automation of searching for new conceptual ideas and nontrivial solutions during early design stage in AEC projects using such TRIZ tools as Function Modelling and Trimming in BIM technology. For description of our approach we consider framed buildings.
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Early design stage automation in Architecture-
Engineering-Construction (AEC) projects
Ivan Renev1, Leonid Chechurin2, Elena Perlova3
1,2Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) 3Saint-Petersburg State Poly-
technical University 3elena.perlova12@gmail.
The paper is dedicated to conceptual design stage in AEC projects since this
stage defines most of further design and even construction. Conceptual design is
less automated and more human depended part of a complex design process. It is
reasonable to link modern construction design software with ideas generation
techniques in order to enhance and automate design creativity and effectiveness.
In the article we propose computer-aided automation of searching for new
conceptual ideas and nontrivial solutions during early design stage in AEC
projects using such TRIZ tools as Function Modelling and Trimming in BIM
technology. For description of our approach we consider framed buildings.
Keywords: TRIZ, BIM, AEC, Function analysis, Trimming
Early design stage in Architecture and Construction
projects is a crucial part of sophisticated long-term
design process. This stage is also known as Concep-
tual Design (CD) and here many fundamental and
critical solutions are taken. The more smart and
nontrivial solutions are taken during CD, the more
technological, effective and less costly design we
gain. Those solutions can be found by using different
techniques of ideas generation, such as a morpho-
logical chart, synectics, brainstorming, TRIZ tools,
etc. TRIZ is believed to be one of the most effec-
tive and well-structured problem-solving techniques
(Altshuller 1999), (Salamatov 2005) and it is well ap-
plicable to architecture and construction (Conall Ó
Catháin 2009), (Lin and Lee 2005), (Mohamed and
AbouRizk 2003). “TRIZ” is the Russian acronym for
the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. G.S. Alt-
shuller and his colleagues developed the method be-
tween 1946 and 1985. The approach includes a num-
ber of tools, some of the most used are the Ideal Fi-
nal Result and Ideality; Functional Modeling, Analy-
sis and Trimming; the 40 Inventive Principles of Prob-
lem Solving. In our digital century it is reasonable to
link modern construction design software with ideas
generation techniques in order to enhance and auto-
mate design creativity. Nowadays Building Informa-
tion Modelling (BIM) became popular stream in con-
struction design. Existing BIM software have range
of instruments enabling designers to bring all their
knowledge and experience into projects but, how-
ever, those software do not support users in search-
ing for nontrivial conceptual ideas for design. That is
why the ideas generation stage is still a separate, not
automated and human depended part of design. In
the article we propose computer-aided automation
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of searching for new conceptual ideas and nontriv-
ial solutions during early design stage in AEC projects
using TRIZ tools in BIM technology. For description of
our approach we will consider framed buildings.
Linking engineering design software with ideas
generation techniques and development of CAI
(Computer-Aided-Invention) systems is still a re-
searchable topic. (Ikovenko 2004) mentioned that
merging TRIZ with other methods gave birth to sev-
eral integrated methodologies based on TRIZ and it
opened new horizons for CAI development to cover
all the parts of those methods, both analytical and
concept generating. Also (Bakker et al. 2011) ex-
plained the link that is missing between CAI and
CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Further-
more, they proposed the integration of CAI and CAD
software. Also (Noel 2001) suggested integrating
TRIZ and CAD in order to increase design effective-
ness and productivity. Also the review of existing lit-
erature in the field of architecture and construction
showed that new technological advancements in
AEC design has brought the “level of automation” as
a pivotal factor in the success of projects. (Abrishami
et al. 2013) show that extant literature has iden-
tified a significant knowledge gap concerning the
key impact links and support mechanisms needed to
overtly exploit computational design methods, espe-
cially BIM, throughout the conceptual design stage.
Moreover, most of the respondents studied in the
paper highlighted several deficiencies in the exist-
ing tools, whilst they asserted that such a purpose-
ful BIM interface can offer comprehensive support for
automation of the entire of AEC design and imple-
mentation phases, and particularly enhance the de-
cision making process at the early design phases.
According to [1] Autodesk Revit® was determined as
a leader among the best BIM software products by
customer satisfaction (based on user reviews) and
scale (based on market share, vendor size, and so-
cial impact). Autodesk Revit is BIM software for archi-
tects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers
and contractors. It allows users to design a build-
ing and structure and its components in 3D, anno-
tate the model with 2D drafting elements, and ac-
cess building information from the building model’s
database. Based on above, Autodesk Revit® was se-
lected by the authors as the basic and most promis-
ing software for realization of a proposal for con-
ceptual design stage automation in AEC projects.
Moreover, this is the only software that has a built-
in open source graphical programming tool for de-
sign which extends building information modeling
with the data and logic environment of a graphical
algorithm editor and enables users to significantly
expand functionality of the software without hav-
ing special knowledge of programming. The tool
is called Dynamo. In our approach software is sup-
posed to self-analyze Building Information Model
and suggest solutions in order to improve the sys-
tem. For that purpose we suggest to use the TRIZ
Functional Modeling and rules of trimming. In or-
der to teach software to extract a function model
from BIM model we have built a special script with
help of Dynamo. The script first automatically de-
tects elements/components in BIM model and places
them into an interaction matrix. The interaction ma-
trix defines either elements interact with each other
or not and shows all interaction between elements
of the system. On the next step the software defines
functions of elements in the Interaction Matrix. In
building structures this functions are usually “holds”.
However, such functions as “bends”, “expands”, “com-
presses”, “twists” etc. may take place. For identifi-
cation of interactions the script also applies special
rules. On the next step a function model diagram
is automatically generated from the interaction ma-
trix. This diagram shows a hierarchical structure of
the components and the functions between them.
Such function analysis helps to eliminate mental and
thinking inertia since attention of designers is put on
elements and functions. Also, the software helps to
achieve a more complete and convenient workflow
374 |eCAADe 35 - CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1
for design engineers as all is done within the BIM en-
vironment. Finally, having this overview is a prereq-
uisite for performing other TRIZ tools, such as func-
tion ranking and trimming. Trimming is a method
from TRIZ used to reduce the amount of system com-
ponents without losing system functionality. The
method is based on transferring functions performed
by a component that should be trimmed to another
component. The software uses rules of trimming
for finding other components to perform this func-
tionality, the component not performing any func-
tions anymore can be removed (trimmed) from the
function model without losing any functionality. As
a result the software highlights the best candidates
for trimming in the BIM model and design engineer
can accept other decline those proposals. In func-
tion ranking functions of elements are ranked on
their level of usefulness. In order to perform rank-
ing we first have to identify a “target function” (for in-
stance, “carry live load”). The higher rank belongs to
the functions that are closer to the target function.
So, the software chooses the furthest from the tar-
get functions as the candidates for trimming. There
are also co-called “harmful functions” like “bends” or
“twists” since bent or twisted elements require more
materials in order to stay stable rather than tensioned
ones and it may be wise to eliminate such function
if it is demanded to design cheaper but equally sta-
ble structure. Function ranking offers the user a quick
overview on the structure of a system and on the
importance of distribution of functions. Such anal-
ysis during conceptual design enables engineers to
automatically analyze the BIM model and easily ob-
tain nontrivial design avoiding complex processes of
topology optimization and structural analysis which
are issues for further detailed design. As a case study
we analyze a simple beam structural system.
Interaction matrix
Building the interaction matrix is the first step in the
functional analysis. Here the position of elements in
space, their geometric characteristics and functions
are not taken into account. The matrix of interactions
represents the model as a system of individual ele-
ments interacting with each other in order to perform
the functions assigned to them. Identifying the pres-
ence of interaction between the elements of the sys-
tem is the goal of this type of analysis. The aim of this
part of the study is to automatically construct the in-
teraction matrix based on the result of the BIM model
analysis. In order to do this, the following tasks must
be performed:
1. Analyze the BIM model for the presence of
physical interaction between its components;
2. Output the result as the final interaction ma-
trix in a user-friendly way.
Algorithm for conducting analysis to identify in-
teractions between elements. As an illustrative ex-
ample, we consider the following system, shown in
Figure 1, consisting of three elements. The circuit can
be represented as a sequential list of elements.
Figure 1
the circuit scheme
Further, each element of the list is sequentially ex-
amined with respect to the list of elements. Ele-
ments are (i) intersected, (ii) not intersected or (iii)
self-intersected. Self-intersections of elements are
Based on the data obtained from the analysis of
the interaction of elements, a matrix is constructed.
CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1 - eCAADe 35 |375
Figure 2
The matrix of
Figure 3
The matrix of
Output of the analysis result. The table is automat-
ically formed in an Excel file, which is generated af-
ter the script is run based on the analysis result of the
BIM model elements. The output of the result in a text
form is the most clear and understandable way.
Defining functions of elements
The second step in the functional analysis is the con-
struction of a matrix of functions of elements. When
constructing the interaction matrix, we did not take
into account the geometric characteristics of the ele-
ments, their position in space. The goal of construct-
ing the interaction matrix was to reveal the fact of the
physical interaction of the elements. The next step
in the analysis is definition of the functions of the in-
teracting elements relative to each other. Thus, we
gradually go deeper into the analysis of the model,
moving from the general to the particular.
Algorithm of actions in determining the functions
of elements. Based on the data obtained during the
construction of the interaction matrix we can judge
the number of interactions in the model.
Let us return to our simplified model and con-
sider the functions of the elements. Let us assume
that the live load in our system acts along the Z axis
and no other loads are applied to the model. Figure
1 shows that Element 1 compresses Element 3, and
Element 2 bends Element 1 and compresses Element
Further, for clarity of the results of the two previ-
ous analyzes, we represent the function table in the
form of a matrix of functions. The elements are lo-
cated vertically and horizontally, and their functions
at the intersection. The following notations are used
for the functions:
1. Compress - C;
2. Bend - B;
3. Stretch - S;
4. Torque - T;
Defining functions by category of elements. The
purpose of defining the functions of the elements is
to prepare the data for ranking the BIM model ele-
ments. Therefore, in this study, it was decided to take
into account the functions of elements that require
special attention: compression, bending, torsion.
The Table 1 shows the functions that correspond
to the interactions of elements of different cate-
gories. The categories were chosen according to the
principle of the most common in framed systems.
Table 1
Functions of
In order to determine the functions of the elements
programmatically, it is also required to specify the
position in space, namely the coordinates of the el-
ements in the BIM model. It is important to specify
the coordinates of the bottom and top for the linear
objects: beams, columns. And the lower level for the
objects elements: foundations. A floor slab is also ac-
cepted as an object element, since the lower level at
each point of the plate will be the same.
376 |eCAADe 35 - CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1
Table 2
Conditions of
positioning of
CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1 - eCAADe 35 |377
The functions of interest are appeared when condi-
tions described in the Table 2 are met:
Figure 4
Functional model
Information output. It is supposed to carry out the
output of information by analogy with the matrix of
interactions. After the script is run, the result is gen-
erated in the created Excel file.
Function diagram
The construction of a function diagram is the third
step in the functional analysis. The functional dia-
gram displays the 3D model in 2-dimensional form,
where each element is presented in the form of a
block with the name of the element. Let us call
it “block of the element”. The interaction between
them is displayed in the form of an arrow. Hereinafter
- “arrow of interaction”. The presence of an arrow be-
tween the blocks will indicate the presence of inter-
action between the elements and the direction of the
arrow indicates the direction of the action. The na-
ture of the interaction (functions), as a rule, is written
above the arrows. Construction of the functional dia-
gram is especially important for the analysis of com-
plex systems with a large number of elements and
Construction of the functional diagram is conve-
nient for monitoring of unwanted functions and the
state of the model after trimming when the function
analysis is repeated. Let us construct a functional di-
agram for the model, which was considered earlier.
This diagram is shown on Fig. 4.
The elements of the considered model are lo-
cated in the same plane, so the construction of the
functional diagram does not cause difficulties, how-
ever, when it comes to circuits which elements are
placed in three planes OX, OY and OZ, it becomes
necessary to adopt new rules due to the need to
transform the usual three-dimensional space into a
two-dimensional space.
Function diagram generation. Common princi-
ples. In order to continue this study, we develop
a two-dimensional model into a three-dimensional
one. To do this, we add several elements in the di-
rection of the axis OY (see Figure 5).
Figure 5
3D framed sсheme
To place elements in the form of blocks in a func-
tional diagram we need to group all the elements of
the model according to a common principle. For this
principle the Z coordinate of the lowest point of each
element was chosen.
For the following categories of elements, most
commonly encountered in framed building systems,
the following levels are used in the analysis:
Column- Zcolumn1;
Foundation - Zfoundation;
Floor slab - Zslab;
Beam - Zbeam1 or Zbeam2 (Choose a lower value)
378 |eCAADe 35 - CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1
Figure 6
Placement of
elements in a
function model
Figure 7
Matrix of functions
1. Let us take the length of each element of the model
shown in Figure 5 is equal to 1m. The coordinates of
the lower points of the elements are also shown in
Figure 5;
2. Let us compose the table on the basis of the
data from the model, in the first column of which the
names of the elements are indicated and in the sec-
ond one coordinate Z of the lower level of the ele-
3. Let us group the contents of the table into levels
equal to the Z coordinate, as shown in Table 3.
4. Let us place the blocks of the elements in the space
of the diagram according to the detected levels. Ele-
ments are placed with an equal step symmetrically to
the central axis (see Figure 6).
To create the arrows of interaction in functional dia-
gram, let us consider the matrix of functions for the
studied circuit. It consists of influencing elements
vertically and of exposed ones horizontally. At the in-
tersection of the horizontal and vertical axes are the
functions of the acting element. It is necessary to
read the matrix of functions from left to right, as indi-
cated in Figure 7. Element 1 compresses Element 3.
Thus, the arrow of interaction for interaction Element
1 - Element 3 will look as shown in Figure 8.
Function diagram generation. Dynamo realiza-
tion. Implementation of this step by software is car-
ried out by analyzing the elements of the BIM model.
1. The program extracts the coordinates of the bot-
tom level of each individual element;
2. Based on the extracted data, the list of elements is
divided into several sub-lists, all elements of the same
list have a common Z coordinate. Each sub-list corre-
sponds to a separate level in the functional diagram;
3. Next, a block family is created that is placed on the
drawing view in Revit with an equal step along X in
an amount equal to the number of elements in each
separate sub-list and with an equal step along Y in an
amount equal to the number of sub-lists;
Table 3
Position of
4. The element name is written to the block parame-
Thus, the functional diagram for the circuit will look
like on the Figure 8.
In order to create arrows of interaction in Dy-
namo, a matrix of functions was used. The program
performs the following algorithm of actions:
1. The matrix of the model func tion is analyzed. A list
with “Element - Function - Element” elements is cre-
2. On the functional diagram elements are searched
for by name according to the list obtained;
3. A family is created based on the arrow line in Re-
vit. A parameter is added to the family to which the
function will be written later,
4. An interaction arrow is created from the influenc-
ing element to the exposed one. The arrow is created
as a line in two clicks from one object to another. In
order to find the point of the first and second clicks,
the coordinates of blocks of the influencing and ex-
posed elements in the list are tracked;
CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1 - eCAADe 35 |379
Figure 8
Function model of a
BIM model of a
framed structure
5. The function of the influencing element is written
above the arrow.
Ranking is an analysis that precedes the main objec-
tive of functional analysis - trimming. It implies a dis-
crete examination of the elements of the model un-
der a number of criteria according to which the ele-
ments are assigned a rank. The higher the rank of the
element, the higher its significance in the model and
the higher the chance of remaining in the model after
the trimming.
According to different ranking methods, the cri-
teria for evaluating the model have different scales
of evaluation: alphabetic, numerical and so on. The
numbers obtained as a result of the ranking for the
element are summed up, the letters are added to the
number and can have their significance.
Formation of the first ranking rule
Closeness to a target function. The work of the el-
ements in the framed building system is, as a rule,
reduced to one final goal. For example, the work of
the beams is reduced to keeping the slab plate. In
turn, these beams are supported by columns. From
the above, we conclude that the work of beams and
columns of the first floor is reduced to providing a sta-
ble position in the space of the first floor slab. Floor
slab is needed in order to carry a live load, which in-
cludes the weight of people, equipment, etc. Thus, it
can be said that the slab is the key element necessary
to achieve the ultimate goal of design and operation.
We have combined all the elements into three
main groups according to the degree of closeness to
a target function:
1. Elements of category “A” - high importance of ele-
2. Elements of category “B” - the average significance
of the elements;
3. Elements of category “C” - low significance.
In the framed systems, the following elements have
been identified, the function of which is targeted,
that is, the elements cannot be trimmed:
1. Foundations
2. Floor slabs
3. Roof slab
The listed elements belong to the first group and are
marked with the letter “A.
Elements of the second group are elements
which work is aimed at helping to achieve a target
function. These elements are marked with the letter
“B”. These elements also have high significance in the
model. Such elements can be identified through the
following criteria:
1. The element interacts with the element that per-
forms the target function;
2. The Z coordinate of the bottom point of the ele-
ment is below the coordinate of the lowest point of
the element that performs the target function
Elements that do not interact with the “target ele-
ments” or have the Z coordinate higher than the Z
coordinate of the target element, refer to the third
group and are marked with the letter “C”.
380 |eCAADe 35 - CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1
Formation of the second ranking rule
Harmful functions. An important factor in the work
of a structure is the function of its individual ele-
ments. Along with target functions, there are so-
called harmful functions caused by certain factors.
For example, the rigid connection of two columns
provokes the appearance of compression and bend-
ing forces, and the hinged one - compression. The
bending force will be harmful. The presence of harm-
ful functions will also cause a decrease in the rank of
the element. The following types of functions are as-
signed a certain number of points:
1. Compress - (-1);
2. Bend - (-2);
3. Torque - (-3)
Table 4
The results of
Formation of the third ranking rule
Useful functions. The third rule is the opposite to the
second rule and take into account only positive func-
tions, which include:
1. Stretch - 1;
2. Hold - 2.
Consider the circuit shown in Figure 5, let Element 2
performs a target function in the model. We will anal-
yse it according to the rules presented above.
1. According to 1st prince of ranking, Elements 3 gets
“B”, because Element 2 has target function and Ele-
ment 3 holds Element 2, Element 2 gets “A”;
2. According to 2nd prince of ranking, Element 2
bends Element 1 and compress Element 3, Element
4 bends Element 1 and compress Element 3, so Ele-
ments 2, 4 gets (-3), Element 1 compresses Element 3
and gets (-1);
3. According to 3d prince of ranking, Element 3 and
Element 5 have positive functions. Element 5 holds
Element 4 and Element 3 holds Element 1, 4, 2
The results of the total ranking are given in Table. 4.
The rank of the elements is not the sum of the
scores based on the results of evaluating the ele-
ments on three grounds. The rank of the element is
represented as follows:
R= (X)N(+Y)(1)
where X is the total number of harmful functions per-
formed by the element;
N - the letter designation of the group;
Y - the total number of positive functions performed
by the element.
Trimming is the main goal of functional analysis. At
this stage non-functional elements are “cut off” and
the useful functions of the elements are transferred
to other elements of the model.
Rules of trimming:
1. Removal of elements occurs only if they fall in the
category “C”;
2. Elements with harmful functions are highlighted
in the model
After trimming, the circuit is transformed into the fol-
Figure 9
Circuit scheme after
CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1 - eCAADe 35 |381
In this research we obtained a result that allows de-
signers to automatically analyse and exclude non-
functional elements from the model and propose a
solution to prevent unfavorable functions of its ele-
ments. The key advantage is that this analysis is be-
ing done on early design stage before deep structural
analysis which is time and cost consuming.
After the function analysis has been done, we pro-
pose to analyse the trimmed model using another
TRIZ tool called Contradiction analysis. This part of
analysis is the final part of the conceptual design
phase. Contradiction analysis includes 40 techniques
to eliminate technical contradictions. A technical
contradiction in TRIZ is a situation where an attempt
to improve one characteristic of a technical system
causes worsening of another. For more effective or-
ganization of use of techniques a special table has
been developed. There are the characteristics of
technical systems need to be improved and charac-
teristics that are worsened. At the intersection of the
table graphs the numbers of solutions are indicated
which help to eliminate the arisen technical contra-
diction. For construction field the revision of all pro-
posed technical characteristics was carried out in or-
der to identify the methods most suitable for use in
the construction area. Our goal is to implement these
tools in the design process. To achieve this goal it was
decided to link the possibilities of this tool with cate-
gories of the model’s elements.
The software implementation of this tool should
be implemented as follows:
1. Selection of the model element;
2. Selection of the worsening parameter;
3. Selection of the improving parameter;
4. Obtaining a number of solutions to the technical
contradiction for the category of selected element.
Implementation of the 2nd and 3rd steps of the pre-
sented algorithm will be performed using Windows
Form selection windows. Getting information about
the element, analyzing the input data and output the
result of the analysis will be done using the Dynamo
visual programming tool based on the Revit software.
The authors would like to acknowledge OIPEC, the
Open Innovation Platform for University-Enterprise
Collaboration: new product, business and human
capital development (Grant Agreement No.: 2015-
3083/001-001) for the support
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382 |eCAADe 35 - CAAD EDUCATION - TEACHING - Volume 1
... Detailed logic of the step-by-step Function Analysis of BIM models with full description of its technical realization is provided in our previous work [20]. However, bellow we provide brief description of its main pillows. ...
... For instance, the Interaction Matrix can be excluded from the functional analysis since it is positioned as a sub-step to construction of the functional matrix. Furthermore, the same algorithm of actions was repeated for both stages, so the stage of constructing the interaction matrix can be embedded into the Elements for trimming Elements requiring attention 20. Beam (17) 9. Beam (9) 22. Beam (16) 11. ...
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This chapter is dedicated to conceptual design stage in construction projects. This stage defines most of further design and even construction. Conceptual design nowadays is less automated and more human depended part of a complex design process. It is reasonable to link modern construction design software with ideas generation techniques in order to enhance and automate design creativity and effectiveness. In the chapter we propose computer-aided automation of searching for new conceptual ideas and solutions during early design stage of construction systems using such TRIZ tools as Function Modeling, Trimming and Contradiction Analysis in BIM technology. For description of our approach we consider framed buildings and provide a case study.
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Value engineering (VE) has the potential to increase sustainability in buildings by optimizing function-to-cost ratios. However, outdated manual procedures limit integration and consistency in construction projects, necessitating the evaluation of VE automation. This review examines VE automation in building design and construction. A systematic analysis of 664 publications from major databases was conducted, yielding 136 relevant articles. Bibliometric analysis using descriptive statistics and keyword mapping identified key VE methodologies and building types. Key technologies in VE automation include BIM, advanced algorithms, and data integration. These tools enable automated layout generation, material selection, and technical configurations, enhancing value optimization. BIM serves as a central data platform, improving stakeholder collaboration. Algorithms rapidly generate design alternatives, optimizing decision-making. Data integration ensures accuracy across project stages. Challenges include incomplete databases, lifecycle integration issues, and resistance to change. A continuous digital VE framework is proposed to address these barriers. This framework emphasizes the seamless integration of VE tools with BIM platforms, enhancing interoperability and user engagement. In the future, there will be further opportunities to advance VE automation through the creation of more advanced predictive analytics algorithms, more real-time data processing capabilities, and increased interoperability amongst various digital tools. The integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into VE processes is also suggested to further enhance optimization and efficiency in construction projects.
... Such issues can now be solved with the assistance of diverse updated ICT applications [3]. However, the initial design stage in Architecture and Construction projects which is a crucial part of the sophisticated long-term design process is still less automated and more human depended on part of a complex design process [4]. In addition, aligned with the ICT revolution and global climate change, owners, architects and engineers to date are more concerned on detailed digital representation in order to incorporate a broader range of aspects for instance the life-cycle of buildings, sustainability and energy performance of proposed buildings. ...
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Automation in Civil Engineering design is no longer unfamiliar anymore in the construction industry. It brings great efficiency gains and has reduced many of the complicated aspects of design. Automation has been developing since over the last four decades where advancement of computer hardware and in line with software developments has enabled various sort of design to be computerized. The design process is now more fast and accurate, and the entire process has been outstandingly improved by the available technology. However, the problems related to computerized design, started from the possibilities for unrecognized or unanticipated consequences as the design becomes more complicated. In line with it is the global warming issue that has been threatening the human being. Therefore, this paper reviews the design automation and its application in civil engineering design emphasizing in assessing the energy efficiency of buildings, which includes background information, its application, advantages, and challenges and also suggestions to further improve the automation in civil engineering design by artificial intelligence (AI). It was discovered that since over the past few years, BIM implementation in Civil Engineering design has started to be adopted massively in construction industry due to its tremendous advantages. In this paper, a new flow process in design automation in assessing building sustainability has been proposed by implementing AI BIM which is linked with MyCREST, a green rating tool in Malaysia in order to assist designers to conceptually design for a more energy efficient building.
... Literature analysis on the topic has shown that TRIZ was successfully used for non-trivial systematic problem solving in construction and may also be a well applicable tool for achieving this project's goals [2]. As a result, an approach was suggested for the early design stage automation in building projects where a number of TRIZ tools were integrated into a building information modeling software using an open source graphical programming tools [3,4]. Such instruments of TRIZ as contradiction analysis, function analysis and trimming formed the basis of the proposed approach. ...
Formalisation of heuristic methods for supporting the conceptual design stage of product and technology development has been extensively evolved in industry during the last half of the century and gradually more formally appears in academic context nowadays. Due to the considerable interest from the Industry and the Academia, heuristic approaches such as TRIZ have been strongly developed over the past decades. Thus, TRIZ evolved from a set of empirical inventive principles into a considerably formal approach including techniques for modeling technical problems with the possibility of further overcoming them using formal methods. Moreover, during the last decades, TRIZ has been extensively digitized. Several generations of software have appeared that facilitate the use of inventive methods (Goldfire, Invention Machine). From the trend of digitalisation and the success of machine driven processes, it can be assumed that the further fate of invention methods and formal algorithms for overcoming non-trivial problems lies in the plane of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence approaches. The position of the authors is that the idea of automating inventions looks extremely attractive, although in the coming time, digital approaches will rather complement the intelligence of engineers and scientists, rather than replace it. Taking a certain preparatory step towards AI driven inventions, we present a semantic model that can form the basis of future approaches, at the same time, having already sufficient functionality to support the heuristic stage of technology. As part of this work, over 8 millions of patents and scientific publications have been analyzed to extract semantic concepts. A model was built based on Machine Learning methods and Natural Language Processing techniques with the following discussion and application examples.
Being committed to the idea that problems from completely different fields could have conceptually similar solutions, Altshuller has analyzed more than 40,000 patents to identify and interplay those common inventive principles. However, reliable extraction and identification of different solutions among millions of patents and scientific publications is still a challenge. Inspired by the core notion behind the TRIZ, we have decided to build upon it by exploiting modern-day advances in both processing power and software engineering. In particular, the idea behind our methodology is to extract semantic features from large amount of source documents and subsequently subject them to analysis which is based on building the semantic boxes of their underlying concepts. Being created and identified, the semantic box allows extracting out-of-the-box ideas from different fields. To this day, our analysis has proved successful in processing 8 million patents and scientific publications with the use of machine learning and natural language-based processing techniques.
This chapter is dedicated to the conceptual design stage in construction projects. This stage defines most of further design and even construction. Nowadays, conceptual design is the least automated and the most human-dependent part of a complex design process. It is reasonable to link modern construction design software with ideas generation techniques, in order to enhance and to automate design creativity and effectiveness. In the chapter, we propose computer-aided automation of searching for new conceptual ideas and solutions, during the early design stage of construction systems, by using such tools from the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) as Function Modeling, Trimming, and Contradiction Analysis in Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology. For description of our approach, we consider framed buildings and provide a case study.
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This article is focused on literature review in the area of TRIZ application in building industry. TRIZ is the Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving which can be presented as a methodology for problem-solving, ideas-generating and forecasting in innovation, based on logic and data. The theory has been widely used in many fields since early 2000s when innovation became an integral part of the modern World. Despite that, the analysis showed that the number of publications related to application of TRIZ in construction is less than 2% out of all TRIZ-related studies in the SCOPUS database. The paper is organized in the following order: introduction into the topic, the principle of obtaining the dataset for the review, Short description of TRIZ and its possible application in construction, discussion of demand of innovation in building industry and the main body consisting of TRIZ in Development of Construction Techniques and Technologies, TRIZ in Design of New Structures and Construction Materials and TRIZ in Construction Project Management and Value Engineering. The work ends with conclusion, suggestion for future work and acknowledgment. Overall, 28 scientific works regarding application of TRIZ in building industry were discovered and reviewed in this paper. The study reveals that TRIZ usage in construction is still quite limited. The further research will adapt classic TRIZ tools for construction engineering and management and provide a number of specific case studies.
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: New technological advancements in Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) design has brought the 'level of automation' as a pivotal factor in the success of projects. One of the key debates in 'effective automation' is its congruence throughout the AEC projects. This is currently hampered due to the failures in computational support at the early conceptual design stages. Yet, these failures are significant, and have direct impact upon the success of the AEC design process. Extant literature has identified a significant knowledge gap concerning the key impact links and support mechanisms needed to overtly exploit computational design methods, especially Building Information Modelling (BIM), throughout the conceptual design stage. This study posited that integration of generative design algorithms to the existing BIM platforms could bridge this gap by generating design solutions and transforming them into next stages of detailed design. This paper reports on the conducted survey to investigate perceptions of 153 professionals and students and articulate their approach to different angles of such a technology. Most of the respondents highlighted several deficiencies in the existing tools, whilst they asserted that such a purposeful BIM interface can offer comprehensive support for automation of the entire of AEC design and implementation phases, and particularly enhance the decision making process at the early design phases. Building upon two main constructs of the conducted survey, namely information modelling and form generation, this study further developed conceptual framework for 'virtual generative design workspace' using BIM as the central conduit. The details of this framework are presented in this paper. The developed framework will be used to develop a 'proof of concept' prototype, to actively engage generative design methods into a single dynamic BIM environment. This study contributes by forming a stepping stone for digital integrating of all stages of AEC projects and implementing BIM Level 3 (Cloud), as targeted by many countries. COPYRIGHT: © 2014 The authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 unported (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The innovation algorithm: TRIZ, systematic innovation and technical creativity, Technical Innovation CtrIntegrating TRIZ function modeling in CAD software
  • G S H M Altshuller
  • L S Chechurin
  • W W Wits
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  • D M Conall Ó Catháin
Conall Ó Catháin, D. M. 2009 'Construction innovation using TRIZ', Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009, Loughborough University, Civil and Building Engineering, p. 296-306
Triz for structuring construction innovation' , Canadian Society for Civil Engineering -31st Annual Conference
  • S Mohamed
  • Y Abourizk
Mohamed, S. and AbouRizk, Y. 2003 'Triz for structuring construction innovation', Canadian Society for Civil Engineering -31st Annual Conference: 2003 Building our Civilization, pp. 241-249
A proposal to integrate TRIZ and CAD (Computer Aided TRIZ-based Design)
  • L.-R Noel
Noel, L.-R. 2001 'A proposal to integrate TRIZ and CAD (Computer Aided TRIZ-based Design)', TRIZCON 2001
TRIZ: the right solution at the right time: a guide to innovative problem solving
  • Y Salamatov
Salamatov, Y. 2005, TRIZ: the right solution at the right time: a guide to innovative problem solving, Institute of innivative design (IID)
Integrating TRIZ function modeling in CAD software
  • H M Bakker
  • L S Chechurin
  • W W Wits
Bakker, H. M., Chechurin, L.S. and Wits, W.W. 2011 'Integrating TRIZ function modeling in CAD software', Proceedings of TRIZfest-2011, p. 18