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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to offer empirical insights on emerging additive manufacturing (AM) processes, barriers to their adoption and a timeline of expected impacts on the supply chain in the manufacturing industry. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-stage survey study was conducted with a panel of 16 experts from industry and academia. Findings: Only five out of today’s seven AM processes are of future importance, as are two emerging key processes. In total, 15 barriers to their adoption are identified, all of which are expected to be gone within ten years. Eight propositions are derived postulating as to whether and when supply chain impacts can be expected in terms of changes to supply chain structure, customer centricity, logistics and supply chain capability. Research limitations/implications: “Soft” barriers are new to the literature, which has traditionally focused on “technical” barriers. Often-discussed barriers such as production speed and costs do not reflect the true concerns of the research panel. Furthermore, some of the supply chain implications discussed in both the academic literature and the media are found to be unlikely to materialize. Practical implications: The study summarizes AM processes, technologies, barriers and supply chain implications solicited from experts in the field. Originality/value: This is one of the first studies to make empirical contributions to a vastly conceptual discussion. It is also the first study to give insights on a timeline for barriers and supply chain implications.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
The impact of additive manufacturing on supply chains
Christian F. Durach, Stefan Kurpjuweit, Stephan M. Wagner,
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To cite this document:
Christian F. Durach, Stefan Kurpjuweit, Stephan M. Wagner, (2017) "The impact of additive
manufacturing on supply chains", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
Management, Vol. 47 Issue: 10, pp.954-971,
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The impact of additive
manufacturing on supply chains
Christian F. Durach
Department of Logistics, Institute of Technology and Management,
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, and
Stefan Kurpjuweit and Stephan M. Wagner
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to offer empirical insights on emerging additive manufacturing (AM)
processes, barriers to their adoption and a timeline of expected impacts on the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry.
Design/methodology/approach A multi-stage survey study was conducted with a panel of 16 experts
from industry and academia.
Findings Only five out of todays seven AM processes are of future importance, as are two emerging key
processes. In total, 15 barriers to their adoption are identified, all of which are expected to be gone within
ten years. Eight propositions are derived postulating as to whether and when supply chain impacts
can be expected in terms of changes to supply chain structure, customer centricity, logistics and supply
chain capability.
Research limitations/implications –“Softbarriers are new to the literature, which has traditionally
focused on technicalbarriers. Often-discussed barriers such as production speed and costs do not reflect the
true concerns of the research panel. Furthermore, some of the supply chain implications discussed in both
the academic literature and the media are found to be unlikely to materialize.
Practical implications The study summarizes AM processes, technologies, barriers and supply chain
implications solicited from experts in the field.
Originality/value This is one of the first studies to make empirical contributions to a vastly conceptual
discussion. It is also the first study to give insights on a timeline for barriers and supply chain implications.
Keywords Barriers, Additive manufacturing, 3D printing, AM processes/technologies,
Supply chain implications, Time horizon
Paper type Research paper
Imagine a world in which, whenever you want a product, all you need to do is to purchase a
digital CAD model of the product online. This digital model can then be fed into your printer
at home, and the bespoke product will be printed for you. In this world, you would neither
have to leave the house to go to the nearest hardware store, nor would anyone else have to
jump in a truck to bring the product to you. The printing technology in this fictional
example is called additive manufacturing (AM; commonly known as three-dimensional or
3D printing). AM is, probably due to increased media attention, amongst todays best known
digital manufacturing technologies.
Though the idea of AM is not new, the technology caught media attention in 2014
when for the first time in history an electric car was printed by a company called Local
Motors. The printing took 44 hours (Laliberte, 2014). While today AM is still mostly used for
prototyping in some industries (e.g. apparel), it has found wider application in others
(e.g. medicine), and expectations for this technology remain high (DAveni, 2015).
We understand AM as the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data,
International Journal of Physical
Distribution & Logistics
Vol. 47 No. 10, 2017
pp. 954-971
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/IJPDLM-11-2016-0332
Received 28 November 2016
Revised 9 May 2017
12 June 2017
Accepted 3 August 2017
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support by the Kühne Foundation and
particularly thank Emre Akyol for his support in data collection.
usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies, such as
traditional machining(ASTM International, 2012).
Whereas the media perception of AM is often that of a disruptive technology
that will radically change supply chain structures as we know them (Lipson, 2011;
The Economist, 2012), researchers are rather conservative and paint a picture that could
be termed a partial adaptation and implementation of the technology, paralleling already
existing manufacturing processes.In the academic world, though 3D printing has been
labeled as an important and timely supply chain management (SCM) issue (Ellinger and
Chapman, 2016), most researchers have concluded that it is rather unlikely that AM will
replace traditional manufacturing processes in the short and medium terms. Instead,
it is a technology that will complement todays production processes (Holweg, 2015;
Rogers et al., 2016).
However, as of today, most of our academic research in this area is conceptual, limited to
predicting the impact of this new technology on market structures (e.g. Weller et al., 2015),
manufacturing processes (e.g. Sasson and Johnson, 2016) or supply chains (e.g. Holmström
and Partanen, 2014). For example, Weller et al. (2015) discussed how different market
structures will be affected when AM makes inroads. They distinguished monopolistic
markets from competitive markets, concluding that AM will increase profits in the former;
in the latter, conventional manufacturing processes will prevail. Sasson and Johnson (2016)
designed a scenario in which AM complements traditional mass manufacturing processes.
They suggested that even mass production could benefit from AM when smaller quantities
must be isolated from scalable mass production. Holmström and Partanen (2014) discussed
new business structures in combining AM with supply chains. Building on evolution theory,
they concluded that we are likely to see supply chains that combine conventional structures
with digital manufacturing.
Welcome exceptions to these conceptual works are studies by Chen et al. (2015) and
Mellor et al. (2014). Chen et al. (2015) discussed the impact of AM on sustainability by taking
a societal perspective. They conducted a single case study to demonstrate differences of
energy usage in AM and mass production. Mellor et al. (2014) presented a framework to
show how AM technologies can be implemented. Discussing the different AM technologies,
the authors identified factors that are important for implementation, depending on the
unique characteristics of each technology. They subsequently conducted a single case study
to enhance their findings with industry practice.
While all these studies have made valuable contributions to our field, they leave us with
few empirical insights to counter our perceptions of the impact of AM on supply chains
with the view of the media. We therefore think that our field will greatly benefit from adding
practical insights to this overwhelmingly theoretical discussion. It is the purpose of this
study to empirically inquire which AM processes will emerge, which barriers to the
adoption of such processes exist, when these barriers will be overcome, and which supply
chain impacts can be expected and at which time. We will therefore answer the following
three interlinked questions through a multi-stage survey study:
RQ1. Which AM processes will emerge from the current array of available AM processes?
RQ2. What are the barriers to the widespread adoption of these processes and when can
these barriers be overcome?
RQ3. What supply chain impacts can be expected and at which point in time?
Our study is also a response to previous studies in this field calling for a substantiation of
their conceptual findings (e.g. Holmström et al., 2016; Rogers et al., 2016). In this context,
Waller and Fawcett (2014) encourage theory-laden academicsto provide a clearer
documentation of what 3D printing really means to supply chain practice(p. 99).
on supply
Research framework
Figure 1 illustrates the research framework for the timeline of the impact of AM on supply
chains. The framework assumes that due to the emergence of a variety of AM processes and
given the barriers to AM adoption in various application areas, we will see different supply
chain impacts at different points in time.
Emerging AM processes
Our research framework (Figure 1) depicts the emerging AM processes as our independent
variable. We assume that depending on the emerging processes we will see different supply
chain implications. Although several competing AM processes (with multiple technological
solutions) are now available, most work is based on the building up layers of
material. Usually, layers are built through disposing these materials plastic, ceramic or
metal powders through a nozzle or by melting a powder by laser or electron beam
(Wagner and Walton, 2016). AM allows the building of highly complex product structures
that could not have been built using traditional subtractive manufacturing processes.
AM designs are completely free from the design constraints imposed by traditional
processes. Instead of producing several parts, a single integrated assembly is feasible
(Atzeni and Salmi, 2012). Today, several competing AM processes allow the construction of
such complex products and their advantages and disadvantages may determine their future
adoption in industry.
Seven major AM processes are currently under discussion (Huang et al., 2012;
Zhai et al., 2014). To provide a technological backdrop for our discussion in the fourth
section, we will now briefly present each of these processes and discuss its advantages and
disadvantages. Powder bed fusion is a process in which a laser or electron beam melts
regions of the powder bed to build the product. This process has the merit of making
support structures unnecessary. Its main drawback is that the surface structure-finish is
comparatively rough. EOS, for example, applies this process for direct metal laser sintering.
Like powder bed fusion, directed energy disposition melts material by laser or electron
beam. However, in this process, the material is deposited during the AM process. The main
purpose of this process is to repair parts. Its advantages and disadvantages are similar to
those of the powder bed fusion process. The Optomec LENS system is one example. During
sheet lamination, sheets of material are bonded onto each other. A laser sequentially cuts 2D
cross sections out of these sheets. Although this process is inexpensive, the current models
are still rather inaccurate and struggling to keep control limits. This process is used in Mcor
Technologiesprinters. Binder jetting joints substrate using a binder deposited through a
nozzle. The production process is fast and has low material costs, though the surface finish
remains rough and part size is limited. The ZPrinter line uses the binder jetting process.
Material jetting works similarly to a two-dimensional inkjet printer. Material is jetted onto a
surface or platform layer by layer. Material jetting is the only AM process that can combine
Barriers to…
Parts production,
Production tooling, and
Spare parts production
Emerging AM
time horizon
Supply chain
Supply chain
Supply chain
Figure 1.
Research framework
of AM process impact
on supply chains
different materials within the same 3D printed model. However, the only materials that can
be used are paste-like materials such as polymers or waxes. This process is used in the
PolyJet technology. During material extrusion, material is extruded from a nozzle and
deposited onto a substrate. Advantages are the wide selection of material and the low
maintenance cost of the equipment. However, the seam line between layer and the required
support structures pose some problems to technicians. The fused deposition modeling
technology is an example of this process. During vat photopolymerization, a photopolymer in
a vat is selectively cured by light-activated polymerization(ASTM International, 2012, p. 1).
Due to its speed and good surface finish, this technology is particularly suitable for the
manufacturing industry. However, materials are costlier and less versatile than other
AM processes. Stereolithography is one technological example. The interested reader is
referred to Berman (2012) and Hofmann (2014) for a more detailed technical overview of the
3D printing process and technologies and their potential areas of application.
The research framework in Figure 1 indicates that the extent to which and when these
AM processes impact supply chains also depends on various barriers to their adoption.
The Oxford Dictionary describes (2016) a barrieras a circumstance or obstacle that keeps
people or things apart or prevents communication or progress. In SCM research, barriers
are often used to describe circumstances or obstacles preventing firms from, among other
things, being successful in developing suppliers (Busse et al., 2016), implementing SCM
techniques (Richey et al., 2009), achieving network-wide use and integration of technologies
(Murphy and Daley, 1999). In the field of AM, we understand barriers as circumstances or
obstacles to the implementation and widespread adoption of AM technologies.
Literature has speculated that the adoption of AM in industry may be hindered by
numerous barriers, such as high printer acquisition and manufacturing costs, the technical
limitations of 3D printers (i.e. variety of materials, accuracy and quality), or the development of
custom CAD systems (Berman, 2012; Gibson et al., 2015; Khajavi et al., 2014; Rogers et al., 2016).
For example, Khajavi et al. (2014) found that there are barriers to movingfrom a centralized to a
distributed spare part production. Conducting a scenario model approach, they found capital
and labor intensity as well as production cycle time as two of todays highest barriers.
Unfortunately, the authors offer no insights into when they think that these barriers will be
overcome. It is thus the goal of our empirical study to identify todays most dominant barriers,
and to assess when these barriers can be expected to cease hampering widespread adoption of
AM. We will present these barriers with respect to their inhibiting effect on four potential
application areas: prototyping, parts production, production tooling and spare part production.
Supply chain implications
The emergence of AM processes and their adoption in manufacturing industry, as discussed
at the start of this section, will inevitably have supply chain implications (see Figure 1).
Moreover, the remaining barriers to the adoption of AM and the timeline of when these
barriers will be overcome drive when and how supply chains will be affected.
We understand the supply chain as the interlinked network of organizations, people and
processes involved in providing products and services to the customer (Durach et al., 2015).
Impacts on supply chains are expected from, but not limited to the structure of supply
chains (i.e. the location of the manufacturing facilities), the centricity of customers in the
manufacturing process (i.e. new business models), supply chain logistics (i.e. transportation
and warehousing) and supply chain capabilities (e.g. resilience and agility).
As discussed at the beginning of this paper, research has remained either conceptual or
theoretical when it comes to the discussion of how and when supply chains will be impacted
by AM. Barz et al. (2016), for example, have computed two-stage supply chain models,
on supply
concluding that total supply chain costs, ton-kilometers per customer, transport costs and
the number of production sites will all be improved by AM adoption. Christopher and
Ryals (2014) have predicted lower inventories and increased agility in supply chains due to
AM by calling for the emergence of a demand chain.Similarly, Bogers et al. (2016)
have discussed the emergence of consumer-centric business models with the advent of AM.
None of these studies have, however, consulted with practitioners and academic experts in
finding an answer to the inherent question of how supply chains will be affected. As a last
step in our theoretical framework, we will analyze and discuss what supply chain impacts
can be expected and when.
Research methodology
This research explores which AM processes emerge, what the barriers to their widespread
adoption are, how long they will exist and how supply chains will be affected by
their adoption at a certain point in time. To answer these interlinked, forecasting-oriented
research questions, it was desirable to collect empirical data in multiple rounds, preferably
from a small, heterogeneous panel of experts. The composition of the panel was designed
to be heterogeneous to foster creativity and to integrate viewpoints from a variety of
industries and from some knowledgeable academics (Okoli and Pawlowski, 2004).
Giventhisnatureandtoincrease confidence in this studys findings, we followed
the methodological recommendations in Delbecq and Van de Ven (1971) and conducted a
multi-stage survey study (see Wieland et al., 2016 for its application in SCM).
The multi-stage survey study is akin to the Delphi technique (Rowe and Wright, 2001),
providing full anonymity to a panel of heterogeneous experts while allowing for a
moderated exchange of ideas. It is, however, less formalized in terms of the provision of
feedback to the participants and the number of survey rounds needed. The multi-stage
survey study balances the panels input through a moderated and anonymous process
that ensures integrity, which is in stark contrast to traditional onsite focus group
discussions where it is usually difficult to encourage more reticent members to bring their
ideas forward (Lloyd, 2011).
Panel composition
As the results of the multi-stage survey studywillbecontingentonthecompositionofthe
panel, we took great care into the selection of participants. In an initial step, we contacted
the major AM equipment producers and renowned scholars within the field of AM.
Attending AM conferences and fairs in leading AM countries like the USA, Germany and
Japan, we identified potential experts from industry and academia whom we believed
had expertise at the intersection of AM and SCM. In total, we contacted 62 individuals by
phone or in person. By talking to them, we assessed whether their qualifications
were sufficient to consider them as experts for our panel. Moreover, the personal contact
was necessary to familiarize the potential participants with the scope and process
of our study.
After this initial contact, we sent an invitation letter including a detailed overview of the
study with a short explanation of the method to 20 experts. The letter also informed the
participants that their anonymity and confidentiality would be guaranteed throughout
the entire research process.
From the 20 invited experts, 16 agreed to participate in our study. The panel consisted of
representatives from industries such as electrical equipment, industrial machinery,
management consulting for AM and from academia (Table I). Academia is represented by
university professors and research lab directors. To ensure that the panel is composed of
experts, we asked the participants to conduct a self-assessment, rating their experience in AM
on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (extremely knowledgeable)to5(not at all knowledgeable).
The participants rated their AM experience on average with 2.43, indicating an adequate level
of knowledge to respond to our questions. The average number of years of experience in AM
was about seven years.
Research process
This study adds empirical insights to a topic which has been investigated strictly at a
conceptual level. To investigate the impact of AM on supply chains, we tapped into the
specific domain knowledge of our panel. We thus developed a two-round survey instrument
with open- and closed-ended questions, allowing our informants to provide both relevant
qualitative information thereby determining the general direction of our study and
quantitative ratings and rankings. For each of the survey rounds, the panelists received an
e-mail with a link to our online-survey on, where they were given instructions
and feedback and where they were asked to respond to our questions. The survey
instrument was divided into three sections, wherein questions addressed: emerging AM
processes, the barriers to implementing AM and the implications of AM for supply chains.
The unstructured first round of the survey gathered as many qualitative insights as
possible and required creativity from the experts. They were provided with free text
fields asking to describe: which AM processes they see today as most important and which
ones will emerge as leading processes in the future; what barriers they see in the widespread
adoption of AM processes; and to name all anticipated potential supply chain impacts.
The experts had been given examples of technology to better understand the AM processes
in addition to definitions of barriersand supply chains.We then consolidated the
results to develop our second round survey.
The second round of the survey consisted of structured closed-ended questions
composed of all coded qualitative results from the first round. The panelists either had to
rank the answers or to rate them on a 5-point Likert scale. We asked for rankings in
assessing the AM processes, and for ratings of the barriers and supply chain impacts
depending on the AM process ranking. The average of each rated answer was then
calculated. We then asked the panelists questions about the time horizon: when they expect
the barriers to be overcome and when the supply chain impacts can be expected.
The participants could choose from the options: 0-5 years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years, W15 years
or never. Responses in all rounds of the research process were voluntary, and respondents
Pana-list Country Position Industry (ISIC)/academia
Number of
AM experience
in years
E1 USA R&D Engineer Machinery and equipment 50 2
E2 Switzerland Head of R&D Food products 400 1
E3 Japan R&D Engineer Electrical equipment 200 10
E4 Switzerland R&D Engineer Machinery and equipment n/a n/a
E5 USA Customer Support Machinery and equipment 57 1
E6 Germany R&D Engineer Machinery and equipment 12 2
E7 Germany Researcher Scientific research 3
E8 Germany Researcher Scientific research 20
E9 Japan Researcher Scientific research 3
E10 Japan Senior Manager Management consultancy (AM) 300 1
E11 Japan CEO Machinery and equipment 45 13
E12 Japan Researcher Scientific research 30
E13 Japan Senior Manager Transportation equipment 5,000 1
E14 France CEO Electrical equipment 180 1
E15 Japan R&D Engineer Engineering services 800 25
E16 Germany Researcher Scientific research 3
Table I.
Panel characteristics
on supply
were asked to skip any questions that they did not feel qualified to answer. Whenever
clustering of our study results was necessary, for example, when assigning barriers to AM
application areas, or when assigning barriers to supply chain implications, the authors
conducted a Q-sort exercise (Ellingsen et al., 2010).
The structured second round survey quantified the domain knowledge of the experts
and elicited predictions and importance ratings on the summaries of answers from the first
round. Unfortunately, personal commitments kept two of our panelists from participating in
the second round so we had to exclude their insights from those results. Nonetheless, we are
confident that the panel quality has not been significantly compromised by their absence,
and that our study results may still provide valuable insights to our field. The next section
will present our findings and contrast them with statements, claims and predictions from
previous scholarly studies of AM.
Results and discussion
3D printing: emerging AM technologies
From the seven AM processes which we introduced in the presentation of our research
framework, only five were identified as relevant by the panel (Figure 2). In the first round of
the survey, the panelists were given a list of all seven AM process and short technological
descriptions. They were then asked in two separate questions to select those AM processes
which they consider relevant to manufacturing today and in the future. They had the option
to name additional AM processes in free text fields in addition to the seven that we
presented. No other processes were mentioned by the panel, and there was anonymous
agreement on the relevance of five out of the seven processes. In the second round of the
survey, the panel was provided with the five processes identified as relevant and again
asked in two separate questions to rank these processes according to their current and
future importance (1 ¼most important; 5 ¼least important).
The five AM processes that we identified as relevant are powder bed fusion, directed
energy deposition, material jetting, material extrusion and vat photopolymerization. They
are seen as todays leading processes and are likely to play a leading role in the future. It is
interesting to see that both sheet lamination and binder jetting were not considered relevant
by the panel, neither for today nor for the future. Both processes present a fairly inexpensive
Current importance Emerging importance
Powder bed fusion
Directed energy
Material jetting
Material extrusion
Binder jetting
Sheet lamination
Figure 2.
Importance ranking
of emerging AM
AM process in comparison to the other processes. However, the disadvantages of these two
processes their inaccuracy in keeping control limits and the rough surface finish of the
manufactured products seem to outweigh their advantages.
Looking at the data, we make two key observations. First, we found that material
extrusion is soon expected to lose its leading role in AM. While it is the most widely used of
the five processes (first place), we can soon expect it to decline (third place). Clearly, material
extrusion is amongst todays cheapest AM processes; however, its drawbacks are likely to
prevent its future widespread adoption. It can, for example, only use polymers and plastics,
manufacturing speed in material extrusion is slower than that of other processes, and the
final product quality is rather poor and limited to material nozzle thickness.
Second, we found that powder bed fusion and material jetting are expected to take over
the two leading roles. In contrast to material jetting, which can only use wax-like materials,
powder bed fusion can operate with metals, polymers, ceramics and composites
(e.g. cermets). This allows the production of parts for critical applications and makes it
more attractive for deployment in parts production, production tooling and spare parts
production (King et al., 2014). Material jetting, with its high accuracy but limited range of
material, is applied mostly for prototyping (i.e., visual and form/fit testing). Material jetting
and material extrusion using non-metal materials, thereby, cover a similar application area,
with the final quality of material jetting being higher. We therefore conclude that powder
bed fusion and material jetting are likely to lead the AM market in the future. The main
application areas of these two processes parts production, production tooling and spare
parts production for powder bed fusion and prototyping for material jetting may also
explain the order of these two processes. This is because we see a stark increase in the use
AM processes in everyday manufacturing, while the rise of AM for prototyping has been
less steep, causing a slight increase in the importance of powder bed fusion (Wohlers, 2016).
Having identified and compared important current and emerging AM processes we will
now analyze our results pertaining to the barriers to the widespread adoption of AM.
Barriers to the adoption of AM
The research framework, presented at the beginning of this paper, discussed the need for
identifying barriers that inhibit the widespread adoption of AM processes (Figure 1).
In what follows, we will not just list these barriers but also outline their importance, indicate
the AM areas of application that are affected, and speculate on when these barriers can be
expected to be overcome (Table II).
In the first round of the survey, we gave our panel the following prompt: In order to
achieve the widespread adoption of AM by the manufacturing industry in the future, what
are the main barriers regarding AM processes that need to be addressed?Each respondent
was provided with free text fields to enter his/her answers. The first round yielded
31 barriers. In the second round, a consolidated list of 15 barriers was presented to the panel.
In consolidating the list, synonymous barriers were grouped together based on logical
deduction. The panel was then asked to rate the impact of each barrier on the widespread
use of AM on a 5-point Likert scale (1 ¼extremely important; 5 ¼not at all important).
Interestingly, the ranking of the 15 barriers, resulting from the second survey round,
did not reflect the sum of how many participants have had mentioned these barriers in the
first round. This means that the AM barriers with which we are regularly confronted in
our everyday work life (e.g. low production speed and high costs) do not reflect the
importance of such barriers. The opposite may be true, given that barriers such as
production speed and costs often overshadow the true barriers such as the limited variety
of materials and the difficulties to develop new materials. On the one hand, the
often-mentioned barriers, high manufacturing and equipment costsand consumer
awarenesshad low scores. On the other hand, barriers which were mentioned by only one
on supply
Round 1 Round 2 Barriers will be overcome within
Number of
mentions Rating Rank 0-5 years (%) 5-10 years (%)
years (%)
years (%) Never (%)
application areas
Limited variety of materials 3 1.54 1 21 43 36 ––P, PP, PT, SP
Difficulties regarding the development of new
materials 1 1.62 2 29 29 42 ––PP, PT, SP
Insufficient quality of (metal) parts 2 1.77 3 43 29 28 ––PP, PT, SP
Stability and reliability of the AM process 1 2.00 4 29 36 35 PP
Education about AMcompatible design needed
for AM engineers 3 2.08 5 23 54 23 ––PP, PT, SP
Low production speed 4 2.15 6 7 64 29 ––PP
Limitations of 3D printing processes (e.g. size
limitations) 1 2.23 7 21 36 15 14 14 P, PP, PT, SP
Low accuracy and quality 3 2.23 7 29 50 14 7 PP, PT, SP
High material costs 2 2.38 9 7 50 43 ––PP, SP
Regulations relating to materials (e.g.
biocompatibility) 1 2.31 9 14 36 29 21 PP
Costs regarding the investigation of less-known
AM material properties 2 2.62 11 21 57 15 7 PP
Consumer awareness and acceptance 2 2.77 12 54 31 7 8 PP, SP
High manufacturing costs 2 2.85 13 21 50 15 14 PP
High equipment costs 3 3.00 14 23 38 24 15 PP
Limited long-term usability 1 3.23 15 14 43 22 21 PP, PT, SP
Notes: Application areas abbreviation: prototyping (P), parts production (PP), production tooling (PT), spare parts production (SP). Numbers were rounded to add
up to 100
Table II.
Barriers to the
adoption of AM
expert in the first round were assessed as having a high impact in the second
(e.g. stability and reliability of the AM process).
Overall, the panel identified limited variety of materials,”“difficulties regarding the
development of new materialsand insufficient quality of (metal) partsas the most
important impediments to the dissemination of AM technologies. Comparing our results
with the conceptual AM studies, we found not only similar but also new barriers, all of
which are ranked and shown in Table II. For instance, Berman (2012) discussed higher
costs for larger production runs, low material availability, less precision, limited strength
and low resistance to heat and color stability. This listing is broadly similar to the barriers
found by our study. Other scholars have emphasized the high printer acquisition costs or
the development of custom CAD systems as important barriers (Rogers et al., 2016).
The ranking of the different barriers, however, shows that the often-mentioned direct
costs of the technology pose only a minor concern to experts compared to the indirect
costs related to quality, accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, in the reviewed literature
the spotlight tends to be on technical issues and the costs of AM technologies. However,
we also found that softfactors such as education of the engineers,”“regulations toward
the materialsor customer awarenessare also significant. We suppose that these
soft barriershave not been sufficiently discussed in the academic literature, probably
because of the limited real-life experience with AM by practitioners and academics. Hence,
we argue that by having AM users on our panel, we can now paint a more realistic picture
of present and future barriers.
The barriers shown in Table II show their inhibiting effect on potential AM application
areas (i.e. prototyping, parts production, production tooling and spare parts production).
Current barriers to the widespread adoption of AM seem to inhibit its application in parts
production, production tooling and spare part production. There are now very few
impediments to the use of AM in prototyping. As a last step, we asked the panelists to
predict when they expect each of these barriers to be overcome. Only for customer
awarenessdid a majority expects this barrier to be overcome within the next five years.
However, a look at the timeline of the other barriers shows that most of the panelists
expect all other barriers to be overcome within five to ten years. We were surprised and
encouraged by this finding; surprised because in some industries (e.g. automotive,
electronics) product lifecycles fall within this short time frame; and encouraged because it
is a clear sign that business practice will increase efforts to assess the need for adopting
AM technologies, thereby substantiating our research efforts. Practitioners should assess
the ways in which these technologies could be integrated into the production lines of the
next generation of products.
Having identified the barriers to the widespread adoption of these processes and having
predicted when these barriers will be overcome, we can evaluate AM supply chain impacts
and their timeline.
Supply chain implications
Using the same approaches as when we solicited our set of barriers from the panel, we asked
the panel in the first round of the survey to answer the following question: What do you
think will be the impact of AM on manufacturing supply chains?The participants entered
their response into free text fields, yielding 20 supply chain impacts.In the second round,
a consolidated list of nine supply chain impacts was presented to the panel the list was
again consolidated by clustering synonymous terms based on logical deduction. The panel
was then asked to rate the impact of each supply chain impacton a 5-point Likert scale
(1 ¼extremely likely; 5 ¼not at all likely). In analyzing the respondentsperceptions, we
considered average scores below 2.5 as impacts that are unlikely. The panelists were then
asked to predict when each of the supply chain impacts is likely to materialize. If a supply
on supply
chain impact was evaluated as rather likely (i.e. scores above 2.5) we chose the longest time
frame that at least half of the respondents selected as adequate for the time of the expected
supply chain impactand included it in our propositions. This must be seen as a tendency
rather than a definite timing. We will now discuss each of the supply chain impacts,
its likelihood and timeline as reported in Table III, following the four categories of supply
chain impact as depicted in Figure 1.
Supply chain structure.Inourhome fabricationexample at the beginning of this paper,
we described a scenario in which a consumer downloaded the CAD design of a product and
printed it at home. Several research studies have anticipated that AM consumers are likely to
become significantly more involved with and integrated into the design and manufacturing
process of their product, making such a print at home scenario very likely (e.g. Rayna and
Striukova, 2016; Rogers et al., 2016). Berman (2012) went a step further in his conceptual study
and labeled home fabrication as likely within the next five years (until 2017).
Others, however, are less optimistic (e.g. Khajavi et al., 2014). These scholars concur that
the production of the future will be more decentralized and local; however, their scenario
falls between home fabrication and traditional supply chain structures. In spare part supply
chains, for example, Khajavi et al. (2014) predicted more decentralized local manufacturing
systems if AM technologies become less capital-intensive and more autonomous, and if they
offer shorter production cycles.
Interestingly, the idea of home fabrication is in stark contrast to the changes that have
been made to supply chains over the last decade; managers pooled manufacturing
capacities to increase their economies of scale. In combination with outsourcing of
non-core activities to low-cost countries, single production facilities were built to produce
goods for entire countries or even continents. AM has the potential to reverse this
development, since AM allows production in small quantities. Consequently, production
Round 1 Round 2 Expected supply chain impact within
Impact of AM on
supply chains
Number of
mentions Rating Rank
0-5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
W15 years
(%) Never
Business models that
integrate customers in the
value creation (P2a) 1 1.69 1 54 38 0 8
Logistics service providers
entering AM market by
providing 3D printing
services (P2c) 1 1.85 2 31 46 8 15
Reduction of product
lead time (agile supply
chain) (P4) 4 1.92 3 46 38 16 ––
Decentralized, local
manufacturing (P1b) 5 2.46 4 0 54 23 23
Mass customization/
Individual products (P2b) 1 2.62 5 15 46 24 15
Less or no inventory/
warehouse (P3a) 4 2.69 6 17 25 25 33
Reduction of
transportation costs (P3b) 2 2.69 6 15 31 39 15
Purchasing CAD model
data and 3D printing at
home instead of purchasing
the product (P1a) 1 3.31 8 0 38 39 23
Note: Numbers were rounded to add up to 100
Table III.
Supply chain
sites could again be located closer to the customers, which could lead to a revival of
manufacturing in Western countries. However, regardless of whether home fabrication
or local manufacturing will result from the emergence of AM, both scenarios necessitate
removing all barriers that hinder parts manufacturing, as depicted in Table II. As more
than half of the panel concur that all barriers to parts manufacturing are overcome within
five to ten years, it is logical to believe that at least one of the two supply chain structure
implications will emerge within this time frame.
This studys data indicated that the latter assumption about the supply chain structure
impacts of AM is more likely, supporting a less radical local manufacturing scenario than a
home fabrication scenario for the future. Thus, we propose:
P1a. It is unlikely that AM will change supply chain structures in such a way that we see
large-scale home fabrication.
P1b. It is likely that AM will change supply chain structures in such a way that we see
local manufacturing emerging in the next five to ten years.
Customer centricity. Based on the assumption of an emergence of local manufacturing, this
development will inevitably lead to the production of parts and products closer to the
customers. Companies will thereby be enabled to better integrate their customers into
product design and manufacturing. In addition, when consumers take a more active role in
the value chain, the opportunity arises for the manufacturers to offer new services and to
create new business models (Bogers et al., 2016; Rogers et al., 2016). Bogers et al. (2016, p. 228)
spoke of a direct co-creation with users,which in extreme cases, may lead to products
designed by the user. Christopher and Ryals (2014) even spoke of a demand chainin which
AM gives unprecedented power to the customer. Kathawala and Wilgen (2005) called it
build-to-order supply chains.
Furthermore, Berman (2012) observed that the increased possibility of integrating
consumers in 3D printing processes, which are still limited to one-off production, could
completely replace mass manufacturing. This, in turn, can have important consequences for
global supply chains. AM could allow mass production while satisfying the customers
needs for customization. Furthermore, shoes, textiles or computers are already mass
customized, allowing consumers to choose individual features of the product.
In these more localized supply chains, on-demand 3D printing service providers could
perform a range of services from design to manufacturing, leveraging the versatile
manufacturing capabilities of direct manufacturing outside of firmsand consumers
homes (Rayna and Striukova, 2016). 3D printing services encompass and combine
design- and manufacturing-related services to fulfill a customersneedforapartor
product (Rayna et al., 2015). A company that offers AM services does not have to limit its
production capability and capacity to its own devices. 3D printers are usually limited in
terms of chamber size, printing speed, or material. Suitable services can provide a vaster
array of device specifications (Rogers et al., 2016). The strongest impediment to
the development of such new services and production strategies around AM is likely the
awareness and acceptance of potential AM customers for this new technology. More than
half of the panel agrees that within five years, this barrier will no longer exist.
These impediments can thus be expected to be short-lived and will not impede the
emergence of new services and production strategies for long. Nevertheless, with regards
to consumer-centric supply chains, our participants have mixed expectations of the
likelihood of their occurrence. While the panel is optimistic that new actors like 3D
logistics service providers will enter the market, and that customers will be integrated into
the value chain, the experts are at odds to the use of AM for mass customization. Building
on our panel, we suggest that the main impacts of AM on customer centricity will be
on supply
restricted to new business models that build on customer co-creation and the emergence
of 3D logistics service providers. Mass customization is as a rather unlikely scenario.
We therefore derive the following propositions:
P2a. It is likely that AM will change supply chains in such a way that in the next five
years we will see AM business models that integrate customers in decentralized,
local manufacturing.
P2b. It is unlikely that AM will change supply chains in a way that brings large-scale
mass customization.
P2c. It is likely that 3D logistics service providers will enter the AM market with 3D
printing services within the next ten years.
Logistics. In theory, AM production arguably decreases the need for transporting finished
goods, thereby resulting in a decrease of transportation costs. Building on this idea,
Barz et al. (2016) conducted a computational study in which they developed a two-stage
supply network to assess the impact of AM on transportation costs. They calculated three
stylized instances of their model, and found that after the introduction of AM, total
transportation costs decreased by around 50 percent.
Besides the reduction of transportation costs, AM impacts are commonly expected in
terms of reduced warehousing needs in supply chains (Mavri, 2015). In traditional supply
chains, manufacturers usually source a wide array of parts and components from multiple
suppliers and production sites, resulting in high volume part flows. In contrast, AM processes
require a smaller number of different input materials, simplifying supply chains and allowing
for the aggregation of flows of goods and reducing safety stocks (and transportation costs).
The lower variety of input materials thus keeps inventory levels lower. Furthermore,
a consumer centric supply chain, where goods are produced only when consumers pull them
out of the system, is said to lead to less inventory (Hopp and Spearman, 2011). Lastly,
inventory levels could also be reduced due to less or no scrap of AM production.
In contrast to the variety of arguments suggesting reduced transportation costs and a
decrease in inventory levels due to AM, one must simultaneously expect to see more
decentralized, local manufacturing structures (see P1b). These supply chain structures
would probably hinder a reduction in supply chain inventories and reduce the potential for
pooling transportation volume. Considering this counterargument, it is a logical
consequence that our panel seeing decentralized, local manufacturing structures as a
likely future scenario does not expect a significant decrease in inventories and
transportation costs due to AM. Only in the most extreme, yet rejected, scenario of home
fabricationcould lower transportation and inventory costs be expected. Consequently,
based on the study data, we propose:
P3a. It is unlikely that AM will change supply chains in such a way that we see a
significant reduction in supply chain inventories.
P3b. It is unlikely that AM will change supply chains in such a way that we see a
significant reduction in transportation costs.
Supply chain capabilities. The supply chain integration and supply chain risk management
literature has speculated about the impact of AM on the development speed of products and
production lead times in supply chains (Caccamo, 2016; Khajavi et al., 2015). These studies
have argued that AM has the potential to increase supply chain agility in a way that allows
a much quicker response to changing market demands and customer feedback. Agility,
as defined in this study, focuses on lead time compression, not the elimination of waste.
The agility brought by AM thus allows for the fast reconfiguration of products and
processes in both design and volume to accommodate changing consumer demand
(Tuck et al., 2006). Tuck et al. (2006) posit that AM also enables supply chains to move
the order decoupling point (i.e. the point in a supply chain where a product is linked to the
customer) closer to the customer, significantly increasing agility.
In particular, the increase of production speed within the next five to ten years,
as expected by more than two-thirds of the panel (depicted as a current barrier in Table II),
should yield 3D printing technologies that allow for a quicker response to changing market
demands, resulting in more agile supply chains. Moreover, a more decentralized production
network (as suggested in P1b) makes supply chains more flexible because
production facilities are located closer to the customer.
These assumptions are corroborated by this studys panel, where it has been argued that
3D printing is likely to make supply chains more agile. Consistent with the panels
expectation about the emergence of decentralized manufacturing (P1b), the expected
emergence of agile supply chains falls into the same period. The simultaneous emergence of
AM services would result in an additional increase in companies responding to changing
demands by flexibly adjusting their production capacities (Sasson and Johnson, 2016).
We thus propose that supply chain agility, as a fundamental supply chain capability,
is likely to increase as a result of AM introduction:
P4. It is likely that AM will change supply chains in such a way that we see increased
supply chain agility in the next ten years.
This study contributes to the sparse literature at the intersection of AM and SCM and is a
direct response to Holmström et al.s (2016) and Rogers et al.s (2016) call for further research
on AM. As Rogers et al. (2016) have pointed out, of the more than 2,400 articles discussing
3D printing, only 12 addressed its potential impact on SCM. We believe this study is
amongst the first toward addressing this gap.
There are high hopes for AM today. AM technologies are expected to reduce costs,
production time and tooling requirements all at the same time, allowing for easier
customization of products. However, the future success and the economic impacts of AM have
largely been discussed on a conceptual level, often disregarding that supply chain impacts
depend on the emerging AM processes and the barriers to their adoption. These aspects may
also drive the timeline of when these impacts can be expected, as these impacts will probably
not all occur at the same time. We therefore conducted a multi-stage survey study with a panel
of 16 experts from industry and academia to answer three interlinked research questions:
RQ1. Which AM processes will emerge from the current array of available AM processes?
RQ2. What barriers inhibit the widespread adoption of these processes and when can
these barriers be overcome?
RQ3. Which supply chain impacts can be expected and at which point in time?
The study results indicate that, of the seven AM processes discussed in the literature
(Huang et al., 2012), only five are likely to emerge as leading processes that will experience a
widespread use in the manufacturing industry: powder bed fusion, directed energy deposition,
material jetting, material extrusion and vat photopolymerization. Two out of these
five processes powder bed fusion and material jetting are expected to be most successful in
this intense technological competition taking over todays leading role of material extrusion.
The analysis of barriers has generated some additional valuable insights to the AM
literature. In particular, our methodological setting pinpointed a set of softbarriers that
on supply
are utterly new to the AM technology literature. These softbarriers focus on issues such
as employee trainings, regulations and customer awareness, complementing the more
technical barriers discussed to date. The results are also remarkable, as they show that
the often-discussed barriers of production speed and costs frequently overshadow true
barriers for AM adoption, such as the lack of material variety. With this study, we have
been able to shed some light on what truly interferes with the success of AM.
Through analyzing potential supply chain implications and their timeline, we found four
dimensions of supply chain impacts (i.e. supply chain structure, customer centricity, logistics
and supply chain capabilities) and derived eight propositions. The findings indicate that some
often-discussed supply chain impacts such as home fabrication, mass customization or a
significant reduction of inventory are rather unlikely scenarios. Other scenarios such as an
increase in decentralized manufacturing or the rise of 3D printing services providers are much
more likely and may even become true within the next five to ten years. We conclude that AM
deserves attention from industry and academia. However, some of the industry implications
discussed in both academic literature and the media are rather unlikely to materialize. AM is
therefore better understood as a groundbreaking technology rather than a disruptive
technology that changes supply chains as we know them. Nonetheless, though, the
assessment of company readiness for AM can only take place on a case-by-case basis,
managers are advised to monitor AM and to assess its potential for future adoption.
The interested reader is referred to Conner et al. (2014), who discussed the circumstances
under which companies should adopt AM developing a discrete range of product categories.
In terms of study limitation and future research, the methodology used here is similar to the
Delphi technique. That is to say, the panel of study participants was purposefully selected to be
heterogeneous allowing for creativity and the integration of viewpoints from various industry
sectors as well as from research. However, while this heterogeneous panel helped us to address
some of the urgent questions in this new technology field, it came at the expense of contextual
insights for particular industry sectors or even for organizational structures. Future research
should take a more nuanced approach to some of the questions addressed in this study.
In contrast to the Delphi technique, we did not assess the stability of responses gathered
in the second survey round. Any judgments regarding the stability of the responses in a
potential third round are therefore illegitimate. However, judging from our experts, we are
confident that their opinions would remain stable despite the diverging opinions of their
peers. The testing of the propositions developed in this study also needs to be subject to
future research. This testing will be possible and should be conducted at the time of the
expected supply chain impacts. Researchers then need to assess whether the barriers
depicted in the manufacturing industry still exist, and whether predicted changes to the
supply chains in comparison to the status quo have appeared. We consider it would also be
interesting to study the redistribution of power in supply chains following the introduction
of AM. The technology might affect the interaction between organizations. Some supply
chain relationships are likely to be substituted by printing machines (or the service
providers). Even companies that may not be interested in adopting 3D printing could use 3D
printing service providers, substituting a partnership with a machine vendor. Therefore, it
would be worthwhile to investigate whether and how power will be redistributed in
networks based on manufacturing/printing capabilities and resource availability.
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About the authors
Christian F. Durach (Dr-Ing., Technische Universität Berlin) is a Senior Researcher at the Department
of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin, and Manager of the Kühne Foundation Center for
International Logistics Networks. Christian has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and
sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
Management. He graduated from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, the Worcester Polytechnic
Institute and the Technische Universität at Berlin. Christian is a frequent speaker at both business
and research conferences. He is a Member of the Center for Supply Networks (CaSN) at the
Arizona State University, the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society, and the Global
Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG).
Stefan Kurpjuweit is a Research Associate and PhD candidate at the Chair of Logistics
Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). He graduated from the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management.
His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain innovation, entrepreneurial suppliers and supply
chain risk management.
Stephan M. Wagner (PhD, University of St Gallen) is a Professor, holds the Kühne
Foundation-sponsored Chair of Logistics Management, and is the Director of the Executive MBA in
Supply Chain Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).
His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain management, purchasing and supply
management, logistics, and transportation management with a particular emphasis on strategy,
networks, relationships, behavioral issues, risk, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. He is
an active researcher and has published 10 books, and over 100 professional and academic articles in
journals such as Academy of Management Journal,Journal of Management,Journal of Operations
Management,Decision Sciences,Journal of Supply Chain Management,Journal of Business Logistics,
Interfaces,orCalifornia Management Review. Stephan M. Wagner is the corresponding author and can
be contacted at:
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on supply
... Unlike variety achieved through a catalogue of options or modularity of assemblies, customisation in AM can allow customers to individually shape their products in single volumes to meet their own requirements. The aerospace and automotive industries were the forerunners in AM pilot testing (Westerweel, Basten, and van Houtum 2018) and its use has now spread to other industries and applications (Akbari 2023;Durach, Kurpjuweit, and Wagner 2017). In the biomedical industry, using AM makes it possible to produce implants that match the needs of the human body more closely than traditional manufacturing, enabling bespoke products that perfectly suit an individual patient (Emelogu et al. 2016). ...
... Here, reshoring (i.e. the return of manufacturing operations to domestic markets) may be facilitated by AM's ability to reduce production costs and lead times, making local production more competitive (Moradlou and Tate 2018). In turn, nearshoring (i.e. the relocation of production facilities closer to end markets) could benefit from AM by enabling agile and decentralised manufacturing networks (Durach, Kurpjuweit, and Wagner 2017). This would enable both quick responses to changing customer demands in local markets and the shrinking of supply chain distances (Sasson and Johnson 2016). ...
... Moreover, scholars could explore how local manufacturing would change logistics needs; AM could disrupt business relationships with logistics service providers, as manufacturing decentralisation could reduce transport needs. However, a counterargument suggests that logistics service providers will have a greater role in 3D printing services (Durach, Kurpjuweit, and Wagner 2017). This suggests that a deeper understanding of ownership over the design process is needed. ...
... Additive manufacturing (AM) technology is instrumental in the manufacturing of 3D objects, becoming a widely method for rapid prototyping and producing final parts, thereby affecting the supply chain [1,2]. Material jetting (MJ), a method that can realize high precision and fine surface texture, can produce objects classified as IT-grade fit technology [3,4] and is used for design and concept models, functional prototypes, jigs, manufacturing tooling, and color reproduction parts [5]. ...
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The mechanical properties of models are crucial in determining the industrial applications of additive manufacturing techniques. Material jetting (MJ) has been primarily limited to mold-making, prototyping, etc., owing to its low strength. Low viscosity and rapid curing, which are essential ink characteristics of MJ, lead to the low strength of MJ models. This study aimed to develop methods to increase the strength of MJ models by adding fillers to the ink. We optimized the shape and size of the filler, modified the surface properties, and optimized the methacrylate monomer formulation of the ink. To develop a colorization process suitable for filler-added inks, we investigated a method to apply transparent ink over small-colored ink droplets. We achieved a bending strength of 180 MPa for colorless models and 177 MPa for colored models, which is remarkable compared to the typical MJ product strength of 90 MPa or less. These findings clarify the design guidelines for high-strength MJ ink, making the direct manufacturing of production parts requiring both esthetic beauty and high strength in colors, such as artificial teeth, dentures, and eyeglass frames, more realistic.
... Further, the literature exploration was performed by shortlisting EBSCO, IEEE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases due to their broad exposure to the body of literature and their prominence around the nucleus topic fields (Comerio and Strozzi, 2019;Durach et al., 2017;Priyadarshini et al., 2023b). Rowley and Slack (2004) emphasize the significance of employing the right set of keywords to achieve the intended outcomes. ...
Purpose The study aims to explore the available academic literature on the decision-making frameworks used in additive manufacturing management (AMM). Design/methodology/approach This research formulates a systematic literature review to determine the research trend of the decision-making framework in AMM. Further, the theory, context, characteristics, and methodology (TCCM) framework is used to identify the research gaps and suggest future research directions. Findings The systematic literature review (SLR) delves into overarching research themes within decision-making frameworks in AMM. Additionally, it uncovers trends in article publication, geographical distribution, methodologies utilized, and industry applications. This review not only reveals research gaps but also proposes directions for future exploration. Originality/value The key novelty of this research lies in revealing the five most contributing themes of decision-making frameworks in AMM, with the highest contributing theme being AM process selection, followed by part selection for AM. This finding enables decision-makers to make informed decisions to address similar problems while exploring AM technology. Moreover, this research introduces an AM part fabrication roadmap inspired by the literature review. Lastly, the paper highlights key research gaps for future research.
Additive manufacturing (AM), one of the emerging disruptive technologies, is gaining popularity not only in rapid prototyping but also in manufacturing of complex shapes and dimensions. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence exhibited by computer systems to perform complex tasks such as learning, reasoning, decision making and problem solving. Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence which enables AI to imitate human learning process by using data and algorithms. The concept of machine intelligence which helps the advanced computing technologies to interact with the environment and highlights the intersection of AI and ML. The aim of this review article is to provide comprehensive information about the application of AI and ML in various additive manufacturing processes for different activities in order to improve the performance of the operation. Also, it describes the application of other advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twins (DT) and Block Chain Technology to augment the additive manufacturing in producing quality products. Further, the article explains the various challenges that are encountered and the certain areas need to be addressed in future for the enhancement of quality product production by the application
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The market for 3D printing was estimated to be worth 10.2 billion USD in 2018 and is anticipated to increase. The widespread use of 3D printing may create new industries, including home-based manufacturing, and present opportunities for business owners. Today, 3D printing technology is successfully used to produce most goods used today, from basic plastics to sophisticated ceramics and metallics. The paper begins with the analysis of existing literature on 3D printing technology in developing nations. Data on 3D printing technology in many nations is examined to identify the main elements for the successful application of 3D printing technology to fill this research gap. Factors have been identified, and the impact of those parameters on the application of 3D printing technology has been examined in earlier publications. These include organizational structure (18.7%), management (12.5%), cost (25%), technology (37.5%), and knowledge (43.7%).
Purpose Additive manufacturing (AM) is growing economically because of its cost-effective design flexibility. However, it faces challenges such as interlaminar weaknesses and reduced strength because of product anisotropy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a methodology that integrates design for additive manufacturing (AM) principles with fused filament fabrication (FFF) to address these challenges, thereby enhancing product reliability and strength. Design/methodology/approach Developed through case analysis and literature review, this methodology focuses on design methodology for AM (DFAM) principles applied to FFF for high mechanical performance applications. A DFAM database is constructed to identify common requirements and establish design rules, validated through a case study. Findings Existing DFAM approaches often lack failure theory integration, especially in FFF, emphasizing mechanical characterizations over predictive failure analysis in functional parts. This methodology addresses this gap by enhancing product reliability through failure prediction in high-performance FFF applications. Originality/value While some DFAM methods exist for high-performance FFF, they are often specific cases. Existing DFAM methodologies typically apply broadly across AM processes without a specific focus on failure theories in functional parts. This methodology integrates FFF with a failure theory approach to strengthen product reliability in high-performance applications.
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Purpose – This study aims to identify and classify the available types of 3D printing services, with the scope of determining the potential implications that such services could have on the supply chains of manufacturing firms and creating a research agenda for future studies. Design/methodology/approach – The authors review the current literature on the potential supply chain impacts of 3D printing and evaluate the 3D printing services provided by 404 firms in selected European markets. Findings – Our results show that 3D printing services form a rapidly evolving industry, with new service providers entering the market on a regular basis. Evidence from the European markets investigated suggests that services can be classified into three distinct categories: generative, facilitative and selective services. Research limitations/implications – This paper represents an attempt to take stock of a fast-moving and potentially paradigm-shifting market. The implications are dynamic as new applications, business models and techniques are continually being developed. Further studies are required to substantiate the findings. Practical implications – Three categories of 3D printing services that could significantly impact supply chain configurations of the future are proposed. Several issues specific to 3D printing services raised in the research agenda require further scrutiny and substantiation before services can reach their full potential. Originality/value – This paper provides an overview of the growing 3D printing services industry, highlighting how the market might change as additive manufacturing technology matures. Keywords - 3D printing, 3D printing services, additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, supply chains, customization, glocalized production Paper type – Research paper
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Purpose – This article explores contextual barriers to supplier development for sustainability (SDS) in global supply chains and managerial remedies to mitigate such barriers. Design/methodology/approach – A dyadic case study design was adopted with a Western European buyer and six of its Chinese suppliers. The database consists of 41 interviews and 81 documents. Findings – Contextual barriers to SDS in global supply chains derive from complexities in the sustainability concept, socio'economic differences, spatial and linguistic distance, as well as cultural differences between buyers and suppliers. Partial remedies include effective joint communications, an open organizational culture, and the fostering of cross'contextual understanding. Research implications – The findings contribute to theory development at the intersection of sustainable and global supply chain management research. They help to explain why scarce sustainability'related progress in global supply chains has occurred in recent years. Practical implications – The identified barriers facilitate managerial decision making that will expedite SDS progress in global contexts. Social implications – By diffusing knowledge regarding available remedies, the study contributes to improving SDS effectiveness, thereby fostering sustainability capabilities and performance of suppliers. Originality/value – This research highlights the criticality of contextual barriers to SDS. The barrier effects that stem from differing real'world conceptions of sustainability may inform future sustainable supply chain management research within and beyond SDS
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Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM), or '3D printing' is often seen to be poised to revolutionize manufacturing and supply chains. The paper presents a research agenda focusing on those aspects of operations management and supply chain management most likely to be affected by growing adoption of DDM. We seek to separate hype surrounding DDM from economic reality in order to present a theoretically grounded research agenda for the Operations Management field. This is done by comparing direct digital manufacturing with traditional tool-based manufacturing. In the paper we indicate the time horizon for major impacts by showing the current cost of producing a product using only DDM and estimating the rate of improvement. Currently DDM lags behind by several orders of magnitude compared to traditional manufacturing methods, but considering the rate of improvement we will see DDM as a cost competitive alternative to tool-based manufacturing in an increasing number of settings. The challenge for prospective adopters is how to deal with this state of affairs. In this paper we propose three mutually supportive operations strategies: (1) using DDM to improve tool-based manufacturing, (2) replacing tool-based manufacturing with DDM when and where it becomes a cost competitive alternative, and (3) developing innovative solutions leveraging the unique characteristics of DDM.
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Direct digital manufacturing (DDM) is conceived of as either disrupting the entire manufacturing economy or merely enabling novel production. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an alternative where DDM coexists with and complements traditional mass production. When multiple parts run across one manufacturing line, DDM can isolate variability associated with low volume part production and may be preferred to mass production despite being expensive. If DDM complements rather than cannibalizes mass production, this alters the understanding of who adopts DDM, the products built with DDM, and DDM’s long-term supply chain implications. The analysis recognizes that existing manufacturers with heterogeneous bills-of-material may develop DDM capabilities to isolate disruptive, low-volume production from scalable mass production. Developing DDM competence and raw material scale advantages, these manufacturers become the locus of change in a manufacturing landscape increasingly characterized by multi-product DDM supercenters.
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology that has the potential to change the future of aviation supply chains and how the aviation industry designs, manufactures and repairs aircraft in the future. The purpose of this research was to shed light on the current and future states of AM in the aviation industry. From focus groups with nearly 50 aviation professionals from aircraft original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, maintenance repair overhaul providers, and AM service providers and AM production firms, we found that the adoption of AM will be triggered by the accumulated AM experience in the industry, the stability of AM technology and the development of new aircraft generations. For AM to be finally adopted, aircraft OEMs must actively manage several success factors and monitor numerous control factors identified and discussed in this research. AM will supplement traditional manufacturing processes at least in the short to midterm, likely grow exponentially and offer benefits for players in the aviation supply chain.
With the ongoing development of additive manufacturing (AM) the technology has the potential to increase the efficiency of production processes or to replace classical subtractive production technologies. This will impact the structure of supply networks. In order to quantify this impact, this paper studies to what extend AM may influence a two stage supply network consisting of source nodes, production nodes and customer nodes. Three stylized instances of this model, which differ in the distribution of these nodes as well as the improvement of the resource efficiency through AM have been created. To study the impact of AM on the structure of supply networks, a computational study has been performed. Four indicators are used, i.e. the total costs, tonne-kilometres per customer on the second stage (production site to customer site), number of open production sites, and the proportion of transport costs on the first and the second stage are compared. All indicators improve by using AM and the production sites move closer to the customers.
Supply chain researchers are confronted with a dizzying array of research questions, many of which are not mutually independent. This research was motivated by the need to map the landscape of research themes, identify potential overlapping areas and interactions, and provide guidelines on areas of focus for researchers to pursue. We conducted a three-phase research study, beginning with an open-ended collection of opinions on research themes collected from 102 supply chain management (SCM) researchers, followed by an evaluation of a consolidated list of themes by 141 SCM researchers. These results were then reviewed by 10 SCM scholars. Potential interactions and areas of overlap were identified, classified, and integrated into a compelling set of ideas for future research in the field of SCM. We believe these ideas provide a forward-looking view on those themes that will become important, as well as those that researchers believe should be focused on. While areas of research deemed to become most important include big data and analytics, the most under-researched areas include efforts that target the “people dimension” of SCM, ethical issues and internal integration. The themes are discussed in the context of current developments that the authors believe will provide a valuable foundation for future research.
Purpose – After 40 years, IJPDLM received its first impact factor from Web of Science in 2010. This anniversary editorial provides a retrospective bibliometric assessment of IJPDLM over its initial five years as a Web of Science journal (2011-2015). First, IJPDLM ’s citation metrics are compared to those for the Web of Science journal subject category of Management. Next, IJPDLM ’s most cited articles, best papers and special issues together with the international diversity of the journal’s author base from 2011 to 2015 are reviewed. The analysis also presents the journals that cite IJPDLM most frequently, as well as the journals most frequently cited in IJPDLM . Finally, IJPDLM is compared to peer journals in the logistics and SCM field on various scholarly metrics including impact factor, five-year impact factor, h 5-index, number of citations received and self-citation rate. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Retrospective bibliometric analysis of IJPDLM from 2011 to 2015. Findings – Boosted by the journal’s admission to Web of Science in 2010, IJPDLM has made steady progress toward fulfilling the mission of providing its constituents with timeliness, inclusiveness and impact. Practical implications – The comparison of IJPDLM ’s scholarly metrics with those of peer journals and journals in the Web of Science Management category will be of interest and value to logistics and SCM researchers. Originality/value – The retrospective overview and celebration of IJPDLM ’s progress over the last five years and future directions will be of interest to the journal’s stakeholders and prospective authors.