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Two spectra of solar direct normal irradiance (including circumsolar) are estimated based on spatio-temporal averages of the relevant atmospheric parameters extracted from two different databases: MODIS satellite sensor retrievals and AERONET sun photometer network. The satellite database is used to calculate an average spectrum for the area of the Atacama Desert. The AERONET database is used for two purposes: (i) to apply bias-removal linear methods to correct the MODIS parameters over Atacama, and (ii) to calculate an average local spectrum for the Paranal station. The SMARTS radiative transfer model is used to obtain the three spectra developed in this study. Both the Atacama and Paranal spectra are compared against each other and also to the world reference, ASTM G173. In one of the cases, significant differences are found for short wavelengths. In order to quantify the relative importance of these spectral differences, the propagation of errors due to the use of each spectrum is evaluated for CSP applications over the Atacama Desert, considering twelve different scenarios involving the reflectance, transmittance or absorptance of various materials.
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Sunbelt spectra comparison with standard ASTM G173: The Chilean case
Aitor Marzo, Jesús Polo, Stefan Wilbert, Christian A. Gueymard, Wilko Jessen, Pablo Ferrada, Joaquín Alonso-
Montesinos, and Jesús Ballestrín
Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 2033, 190010 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5067195
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Published by the American Institute of Physics
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... The resolution of each measured parameter was 1s and was recorded as an average value per minute. [38], c) Picture was taken by MODIS-Terra instrument from space, on August 23 th , 2022 ( The red square highlights the Calama location. ...
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Excess energy from photosynthesis can be collected through biophotovoltaic platforms to generate green electrical power. This research evaluated the in-situ performance of different CAM (Crassulaceae acid metabolism) plants from Calama city located in the Atacama Desert for energy recovery as biophotovoltaic cell (BPV) using AISI 316L and Cu as electrodes. The species evaluated were Aloe perfoliata, Cereus jamacaru, Austrocylindropuntia subulata, Agave potatorum, Malephora crocea, and Kalanchoe daigremontiana. The results indicate that K. daigremontiana can be used as in-situ BFV because it has a maximum cell potential of 0.248 V and a minimum of 0.139 V with a recurrence close to 89% in the ranges [0.2 - 0.25] V. This is one of the few investigations that evaluate the potential of native CAM plants as BFV energy sources, providing new knowledge for the development of sustainable alternatives for horticultural crop production systems.
... The reference standard spectrum G173 [31] was calculated according to the North American geographic and atmospheric conditions and a resulting air mass of 1.5 [32,33]. These conditions may differ greatly from those found in other geographical regions of the world. ...
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The optical and geometrical properties of transparent conductive oxide (TCO) are crucial factors influencing the efficiency of a−Si:H/c−Si heterojunction (HIT) solar cells. Graphene is a potential candidate to be used as TCO due to its optical and electrical properties. Here, the effect of graphene as TCO is numerically analyzed by varying the number of graphene layers from one to ten. First, the optical properties are calculated based on the transmittance data, and then the HJT cell’s performance is simulated under the AM1.5 standard spectrum and the mean Atacama Desert solar spectral irradiance in Chile. In the modeling, the most relevant properties are calculated with the spectrum of the Atacama Desert. The most relevant values were obtained as follows: open circuit voltage Voc=721.4 mV, short circuit current Jsc=39.6 mA/cm2, fill factor FF=76.5%, and energy conversion efficiency Eff=21.6%. The maximum power of solar panels irradiated with the Atacama Desert spectrum exceeds the results obtained with the AM1.5 standard spectrum by 10%. When graphene is the transparent conducting oxide, quantum efficiency has a higher value in the ultraviolet range, which shows that it may be convenient to use graphene-based solar cells in places where ultraviolet intensity is high.
... To account for the effects of the difference between the actual instantaneous incident spectrum and the ideal reference spectrum used for PV rating, a spectral mismatch correction factor needs to be determined when simulating the modules' performance under actual conditions, and is thus an important variable to consider for yield analyses of any PV power plant (López et al., 2018). The use of sunphotometer data, satellite retrievals, and an appropriate spectral radiation model makes that determination possible, albeit under clear-sky conditions only because of the complexity of attempting something similar under cloudy conditions (Marzo et al. 2018a(Marzo et al. , 2018b. ...
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The spectral distribution of the solar irradiance incident on photovoltaic (PV) modules is a key variable controlling their power production. It is required to properly simulate the production and performance of PV plants based on technologies having different spectral characteristics. Spectroradiometers allow solar spectra to be measured within a wavelength range that is sometimes too short compared to the actual spectral response of some PV technologies. In this work, a new methodology based on the SMARTS spectral code is proposed to extend the spectral range of measured direct irradiance spectra and to increase the spectral resolution of experimental measurements. Accurate results are obtained for both clear and hazy sky conditions. This approach constitutes the starting point of a general methodology to obtain the instantaneous spectral irradiance incident on the plane of array of PV modules and its temporal variations.
... This modulating interaction has direct effects on the performance of various solar technologies, especially those that have inherent spectral sensitivity, such as photovoltaics (PV). Current studies have quantified the effects of atmospheric components, most importantly aerosols, on the spectral distribution of solar radiation and on the performance of solar technologies (Braga et al., 2019;Marzo et al., 2018a;Marzo et al., 2018b;Jessen et al., 2018;Hanrieder et al., 2017;Nofuentes et al., 2017;Polo et al., 2017a). In recent years, investigations have been carried out to characterize the effect of atmospheric aerosols, and of AOD most particularly, on the radiative losses observed in the lower atmospheric layers. ...
Aerosols are part of the attenuation processes that impact solar radiation within the atmosphere. They influence the availability and spectrum of the solar resource for each location at the earth's surface. The present study presents advances in the development of a methodology intended to estimate the aerosol optical depth (AOD) at a given location from broadband direct normal irradiance (DNI) measurements and an appropriate radiative transfer model (RTM) operated backwards. For this purpose, databases provided by AERONET and BSRN at 16 stations throughout the world are jointly employed as inputs to the proposed methodology. The validation of two RTMs (SMARTS and SOLIS) is first undertaken to estimate DNI under clear-sky conditions at each station, assuming both AOD and additional atmospheric inputs are known from sunphotometric measurements. Results indicate that both models achieve good performance, characterized by a relative rRMSE of 3.2% for SMARTS and 3.8% for SOLIS. In the second, and most important stage, the AOD at 550 nm (AOD550) is derived using these models again, but in an iterative mode, now using the 1-minute DNI measurements as inputs. Periods of clear line of sight to the sun first need to be selected from the irradiance measurement record. This, along with other difficulties, make this operation prone to errors when only DNI measurements are available. In spite of this, the results show that AOD can be estimated with a 16-site average mean bias error of only between −0.024 and 0.015 AOD unit and an absolute RMSE between 0.025 and 0.050 AOD unit (compared to the AERONET ground truth), depending on model. Notable improvements are obtained if secondary atmospheric variables are extracted from the MERRA-2 reanalysis and are included as inputs for local computations. The present results suggest that the method is able to compare favorably with AOD estimates from MERRA-2 predictions or MODIS observations, for instance.
... For the present study, the global solar spectral irradiance at air mass 1.5 is obtained from the ASTM G173 standardalthough it might not be perfectly representative of the Atacama conditions (Marzo et al., 2018). Additionally, the quantum efficiency of a standard monocrystalline silicon solar cell is used (see Ferrada et al., 2017 for details). ...
... • Definition of reference spectra to improve the design of PV cells and other devices, or their testing (Case et al., 2008;Gueymard et al., 2002;Jessen et al., 2018;Marzo et al., 2018;Myers et al., 2004;Ripalda et al., 2018). ...
A detailed literature survey of the diverse applications in which the SMARTS spectral radiation model has been involved during the last 25 years first provides an overview of the model's influential status over a broad range of scientific disciplines. An historical perspective gives details about the founding principles and evolution of the model. Its main modeling algorithms, regarding both absorption and scattering from various atmospheric constituents are described, highlighting the new developments in the model's latest version (2.9.8), and the possible verification of its atmospheric transmittance functions with observations from a Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer. The addition of new dust and smoke aerosol models now allows the quantification of the circumsolar irradiance within 10° of sun center for a wide range of scattering conditions. The circumsolar ratio for a 2.5° aperture angle is found ≈5 times larger with dust aerosols than with rural aerosols. The impact on the modeled spectral or broadband irradiance of selecting the newer default extraterrestrial (AM0) spectrum is found generally low, except in the UV where differences of ≈5% can be expected. The possibility of experimental realizations of the AM1.5D and AM1.5G standard reference spectra is investigated using spectroradiometers and other instruments at a high-elevation station in Colorado. The impacts on direct and global irradiance of using different input streams, different types of spectroradiometer, and two versions of SMARTS, are quantified. Usage of the SMARTS v2.9.8 is recommended for all demanding applications, possibly including future revisions of the standard reference spectra.
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Excess energy derived from photosynthesis can be used in plant microbial fuel cell (PMFC) systems as a sustainable alternative for the generation of electricity. In this study, the in situ performance of CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) plants in Calama, in the Atacama Desert, was evaluated for energy recovery using PMFCs with stainless steel AISI 316L and Cu as electrodes. The plant species evaluated included Aloe perfoliata, Cereus jamacaru, Austrocylindropuntia subulata, Agave potatorum, Aloe arborescens, Malephora crocea, and Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Among the plant species, Kalanchoe daigremontiana demonstrated significant potential as an in situ PMFC, showing a maximum cell potential of 0.248 V and a minimum of 0.139 V. In addition, the cumulative energy for recovery was about 9.4 mWh m−2 of the electrode. The use of CAM plants in PMFCs presents a novel approach for green energy generation, as these plants possess an inherent ability to adapt to arid environments and water-scarce areas such as the Atacama Desert climate.
The understanding of soiling processes on photovoltaic modules is a necessary step for the development of cost-effective mitigation methods for the solar industry. This paper analyzes the soiling process for photovoltaic modules installed at the Atacama Desert. For this purpose, the dust deposited on photovoltaic modules and glasses (for one year) was characterized and the location's atmospheric parameters were monitored continuously. The dust samples were separated according to difference in solubility, obtaining three samples: soluble (recrystallized), insoluble (filtered), and original. Through x-ray diffraction measurements it was detected that the soluble part corresponds to gypsum and the other dust components are insoluble or low-solubility salts such as albite, anhydrite, calcite, quartz, and orthoclase. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy of the dust on photovoltaic glasses show the presence of gypsum with a monoclinic prismatic structure covered with smaller dust particles. These prismatic crystals are also observed after recrystallization of the soluble sample suggesting that gypsum, as a soluble hygroscopic material, has a key role in the cementation process. Atmospheric parameters of each season were characterized through wind velocity, temperature, and relative humidity. All these parameters show large daily oscillation, which trigger a cementation process in which gypsum crystallization, after being completely or partially solubilized, causes the encapsulation of insoluble material.
Direct normal solar irradiation is a crucial parameter for site selection and design of solar power tower plants. It also has a high impact on economic studies, such as the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). However, direct solar irradiation can be partially extinguished in its path between heliostats and receivers. Therefore, considering only direct normal solar irradiation in the solar resource assessment for tower plant projects is insufficient and leads to errors. This paper presents an improved methodology to estimate the extinction of radiation in the first 150 m of the lower atmosphere, where solar power tower plants are located. This work also shows the first atmospheric extinction maps, which in this case are elaborated for Chilean territory, and the intercomparison of extinction values with other places of interest in the sunbelt. Chile stands out for having the lowest annual atmospheric extinction values, below 4% for 1 km of slant range, while elsewhere annual losses can reach up to 17%. These values limit the amount of local useful solar resource available directly impacting on the LCOE values calculated for solar tower power plants. A new equation for the calculation of the LCOE considering atmospheric extinction is proposed in this paper.
A Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) is frequently used in solar power for long-term energy yield analysis. Different approaches have been reported focusing on concentrating solar power or photovoltaic power plants that have established different relative contributions of the involved variables (mainly solar irradiance components and temperature) according to the application. For PV applications the estimation of the spectral gains and losses requires of on-site spectral measurements. Long-term analysis of the spectral influence on PV technologies has been performed for over seven years of measured spectral global tilted irradiance in Madrid. The experimental spectra were measured with an EKO spectroradi­ometer in the wavelength range of 300- 1100 nm. The TMY methodology has been used to create a typical spectral year of global tilted irradiance that can be used for computing the spectral factor. This paper shows the different steps in applying the TMY methodology to spectral irradiance and the resulting spectral factors computed for seven different PV technologies. Thus, this approach can effectively be used to characterize the long-term spectral influence of PV technologies in a selected site.
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Reference solar irradiance spectra are needed to specify key parameters of solar technologies such as photovoltaic cell efficiency, in a comparable way. The IEC 60904-3 and ASTM G173 standards present such spectra for Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) and Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI) on a 37° tilted sun-facing surface for one set of clear-sky conditions with an air mass of 1.5 and low aerosol content. The IEC/G173 standard spectra are the widely accepted references for these purposes. Hence, the authors support the future replacement of the outdated ISO 9845 spectra with the IEC spectra within the ongoing update of this ISO standard. The use of a single reference spectrum per component of irradiance is important for clarity when comparing and rating solar devices such as PV cells. However, at some locations the average spectra can differ strongly from those defined in the IEC/G173 standards due to widely different atmospheric conditions and collector tilt angles. Therefore, additional subordinate standard spectra for other atmospheric conditions and tilt angles are of interest for a rough comparison of product performance under representative field conditions, in addition to using the main standard spectrum for product certification under standard test conditions. This simplifies the product selection for solar power systems when a fully-detailed performance analysis is not feasible (e.g. small installations). Also, the effort for a detailed yield analyses can be reduced by decreasing the number of initial product options. After appropriate testing, this contribution suggests a number of additional spectra related to eight sets of atmospheric conditions and tilt angles that are currently considered within ASTM and ISO working groups. The additional spectra, called subordinate standard spectra, are motivated by significant spectral mismatches compared to the IEC/G173 spectra (up to 6.5%, for PV at 37° tilt and 10–15% for CPV). These mismatches correspond to potential accuracy improvements for a quick estimation of the average efficiency by applying the appropriate subordinate standard spectrum instead of the IEC/G173 spectra. The applicability of these spectra for PV performance analyses is confirmed at five test sites, for which subordinate spectra could be intuitively selected based on the average atmospheric aerosol optical depth (AOD) and precipitable water vapor at those locations. The development of subordinate standard spectra for DNI and concentrating solar power (CSP) and concentrating PV (CPV) is also considered. However, it is found that many more sets of atmospheric conditions would be required to allow the intuitive selection of DNI spectra for the five test sites, due in particular to the stronger effect of AOD on DNI compared to GTI. The matrix of subordinate GTI spectra described in this paper are recommended to appear as an option in the annex of future standards, in addition to the obligatory use of the main spectrum from the ASTM G173 and IEC 60904 standards.
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When the availability of solar radiation is not enough to develop experimental investigation in the field of concentrating solar energy, solar simulators are a widely employed solution. They represent a source of artificial light, which can be comparable with concentrated sunlight. Besides, they provide advantages such as better parametric control of the process under study. In this work, it is presented an extensive review of the high flux solar simulators that are available in the different solar energy research centers around the world. Many of them are similarly designed and have common elements. Others are based on different concepts and their particular features are also pointed out. The main applications of solar simulators reported in literature are discussed along the work and remarked then in a specific section.
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In order to evaluate module materials, the maximum theoretical value of the photo-generated current density, was calculated. The calculation was performed for four different solar cells, a standard p-type, passivated emitter and rear contact (PERC), bifacial cell and interdigitated back contact (IBC) considering a solar spectrum of Atacama desert, the transmittance of several glass-encapsulant-glass structures and quantum efficiency. Regarding the solar spectrum in Atacama, an average air mass (AM) at noon for this location averaged 1.17 and the photovoltaic (PV) modules tilt angle was 20°. When studying the impact of using glass and encapsulants combined with a solar cell under the same solar spectrum, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) with low ultraviolet (UV) cutoff led to the higher current density values, up to 2% higher with the IBC solar cell compared to the other solar cells. The highest current gain, when studying the impact of the two spectra in the 300-1200 nm wavelength range, was 7.4% for the IBC solar cell, obtained with a standard 3.2 mm glass, a thermoplastic material (TM) as encapsulant. Considering the UV part of the spectrum, the current gain was maximized with a glass with an anti reflection coating (ARC) combined with the TM encapsulant for the IBC solar cell (25%). A quantification of losses due to reflection in the glass and absorption in the encapsulant revealed that the glass with ARC and the TM encapsulant different than EVA led to the lowest reflection and absorption losses. In this case, the reflection and absorption came down to 4.8% and 0.9%, respectively, contrasting with the 7% and 2.8% loss produced with the standard glass and EVA encapsulants.
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The energy efficiency of production processes for components of solar energy systems is an important issue. Other factors, which are important for the production of black selective solar coatings include production speed, cycle time and homogeneity of the coating, as well as the minimization of the quantity of the needed chemical precursors. In this paper a new energy-efficient low-cost production process is presented for production of optically selective coatings for solar thermal absorbers.
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Solar radiation reaching Earth’s surface is one of the major drivers of climate dynamics. By setting the surface energy balance, downwelling solar radiation indirectly heats the atmosphere and controls the hydrological cycle. Besides its critical importance as a physical mechanism for driving climate and weather, solar radiation has attracted interest as a potentially major source of energy for human activities. For a given latitude, solar radiation at Earth’s surface depends mostly on the composition along the atmospheric path. Since the early twentieth century, major astronomical observatories have led the search for the best places for observation from Earth, which presents a similar problem to the one of finding the maximum of solar radiation at the surface. In particular, Mount Montezuma in the Atacama Desert, Chile, was identified by the pioneers of solar observation as an ideal place to conduct the search for variations of the solar constant estimated from Earth’s surface. By using available global datasets, a semiempirical model for the surface solar radiation over northern Chile, and a network of surface stations, we confirm Atacama as the place where the highest mean surface solar radiation is found. The most likely location of the maximum downwelling solar radiation over the surface of the planet is on the pre-Andean Domeyko Cordillera (3,500–5,000 m above mean sea level, between 24° and 25°S, along 69°W) with a value of about 310 ± 15 W m–2. We discuss the main regional and local features of this region that conspire to produce the solar maximum.
This work presents a worldwide analysis of the PV spectral factor for seven different PV technologies including crystalline silicon and thin film modules. The annual spectral factor for the analyzed technologies is evaluated at 124 sites which cover widely the most important climatic zones. This dataset allows determining the spatial and geographical distribution of the spectral gains/losses with respect to reference conditions for the analyzed PV technologies. The spectral factors are computed from hourly global tilted spectral irradiances for a whole year using the SMARTS2 spectral solar radiation model with atmospheric inputs from the MACC reanalysis dataset. Overall, it is found that the annual spectral factor for crystalline silicon technologies is rather homogenous worldwide with maxima spectral losses and gains of ≈3% and ≈1%, respectively. The annual spectral factor for thin film devices, on the contrary, displays a latitudinal pattern with spectral losses mainly occurring in northern hemisphere locations and spectral gains occurring in tropical zones. Both spectral gains and losses may reach up to ≈10% in the case of amorphous silicon devices. The correlation analysis between average photon energy (APE) and spectral factor shows high correlation values for thin film devices. However, the data dispersion is large, which discourages the use of APE as a measure of the spectral performance of PV systems.
At any site, the bankability of a projected solar power plant largely depends on the accuracy and general quality of the solar radiation data generated during the solar resource assessment phase. The term "site adaptation" has recently started to be used in the framework of solar energy projects to refer to the improvement that can be achieved in satellite-derived solar irradiance and model data when short-term local ground measurements are used to correct systematic errors and bias in the original dataset. This contribution presents a preliminary survey of different possible techniques that can improve long-term satellite-derived and model-derived solar radiation data through the use of short-term on-site ground measurements. The possible approaches that are reported here may be applied in different ways, depending on the origin and characteristics of the uncertainties in the modeled data. This work, which is the first step of a forthcoming in-depth assessment of methodologies for site adaptation, has been done within the framework of the International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task 46 "Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting".
The progress from the last four years in solar energy resource assessment for Chile is reported, including measurements from a ground station network spanning from two to three years of data, and satellite estimations from the recently developed Chile-SR model including two full years of data. The model introduces different procedures for the meteorological variables and the effective cloud cover compu- tations that allow estimation of the global horizontal and diffuse irradiation on an hourly basis. Direct normal irradiation is computed by applying proper solar geometry corrections to the direct horizontal irradiation. The satellite estimation model was developed as an adaptation from Brazil-SR model, with an improved formulation for altitude-corrected atmospheric parameters, and a novel formulation for calculating effective cloud covers while at the same time detecting and differentiating it from snow covers and salt lakes. The model is validated by comparison with ground station data. The results indicate that there are high radiation levels throughout the country. In particular, northern Chile is endowed with one of the highest solar resources in the world.
The SMARTS spectral model can advantageously be used to predict clear-sky irradiance spectra on surfaces of any tilt and orientation, e.g., for the simulation of spectrally selective technologies like photovoltaic devices or coated fenestration systems. To evaluate the intrinsic accuracy of the model, its current version undergoes here a three-step validation exercise, involving reference radiative transfer codes, and two series of sophisticated spectral and ancillary measurements performed at different locations. Provided that the most important inputs are known with sufficient accuracy, it is concluded that the model performance is very high, with typical differences of 1–2% when compared to reference models, and uncertainties largely within the overall experimental error (≈5%) when compared to spectroradiometric measurements. The effect of imprecise spectral reflectance data of the foreground on the diffuse irradiance incident on shaded vertical surfaces is discussed.