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Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering
Nutritional and Health Importance of Hibiscus
Sabdariffa: A Review and Indication for Research Needs
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Volume 6 Issue 5 - 2017
1School of Public Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine,
Fiji National University, Fiji
2CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute-Resource
Centre Lucknow, India
3Arba Minch College of Health Sciences, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author: Mahejibin Khan, CSIR-Central
Food Technological Research Institute-Resource Centre
Lucknow-226019, India, Email:
Received: February 13, 2017 | Published: May 31, 2017
Research article
J Nutr Health Food Eng 2017, 6(5): 00212
Hibiscus sabdariffa commonly named as “red sorrel” or “roselle” is a member of
malvaceae family. It is a medicinal plant with a worldwide fame and has more than
three hundred species which are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions
around the world. Roselle can adapt to a variety of soil in a warmer and more
humid climate. Roselle is rich in organic acids including citric, malic, tartaric and
allo-hydroxycitric acids. The plant is also known for its Beta carotene, vitamin C,
protein and total sugar. Roselle, having various medically important compounds
called photochemical, is well known for its nutritional and medicinal properties.
Many parts of Roselle including seeds, leaves, fruits and roots are used in various
foods as well as in herbal medicine as a potential non-pharmacological treatment.
Different extracts from Roselle plays a crucial role in treating different medical
problems including many cardiovascular disorders, helmenthic disease and
cancer. The plant also act as an anti oxidant and used in obesity management.
Keywords: Roselle; Medicinal plant; Photochemical
Description of Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus has more than three hundred species distributed in
tropical and subtropical regions around the world and are used as
ornamental plants. Research on have shown that some species of
Hibiscus possess certain medicinal properties of which Hibiscus
sabdariffa is one [1]. Hibiscus sabdariffa is commonly named as
“red sorrel” or “roselle”. Even though permeable soil is the best,
Roselle can adapt to a variety of soil in a warmer and more humid
climate [2,3].
Hibiscus sabdariffa, a member of Malvaceae family, is a known
medicinal plant with a worldwide fame [4] and the plant can
be found in almost all warm countries such as India, Saudi
Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam,
Sudan, Egypt and Mexico [5,6]. Roselle is mainly cultivated to be
consumed and the main producers of Roselle blossoms are Egypt,
Sudan, Mexico, Thailand and China. Other hibiscus varieties are
Origin of Hibiscus sabdariffa
There is a big argument about the origin of Roselle among
different scholars. Cobley [8] suggested Roselle is a native plant
of West Africa and from there it was carried to other parts of
the world such as Asia and America, whereas in others opinion,
Roselle was originated from India [9] and Saudi Arabia [10].
Varieties of Hibiscus sabdariffa
Among numerous verities of Hibiscus, Hibiscus altissima and
Hibiscus sabdariffa are the commonest and better introduced.
Hibiscus altissima
or green colored calyxes. Though this species is not used for food,
this plant is more economically important than Hibiscus sabdariffa
sabdariffa or “Roselle” grows in a bush with many branches. The
are white with reddish center at the base of the stamina column
and this species is widely used as food [10,11].
Composition of Hibiscus sabdariffa
Roselle is mainly cultivated for its calyx, which is of three
types: green, red and dark red. The red calyxes are the most
used are characterized by their concentration anthocyanin.
Delphinidin 3-Sambubioside and Cyanidin3-Sambubioside are
the major anthocyanin. Roselle is also rich in organic acids,
minerals, amino acids, carotene, vitamin C and total sugar in its
calyx, leaves and seeds at variable levels depending on the variety
and geographical area [12]. According to Manita–mishra [13], a
number of compounds have also been isolated and characterized
steroids and alkaloids. Nutrient contents of different part of
Hibiscus sabdariffa per 100 gram are clearly stated in table 1.
Nutritional and medical importance of Hibiscus
Roselle, the safe medicinal plant [4], having various medically
important compounds called phytochemicalsis well known for
delicacy and also for its nutritional and medicinal properties
[14]. The application of the plant in managing different medical
cardiovascular problems has been well investigated by different
scholars in different settings [15].
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Research Needs 2/4
©2017 Singh et al.
Citation: Singh P, Khan M, Hailemariam H (2017) Nutritional and Health Importance of Hibiscus Sabdariffa: A Review and Indication for Research
Needs. J Nutr Health Food Eng 6(5): 00212. DOI: 10.15406/jnhfe.2017.06.00212
Table 1: Adopted from: Naturlan [7].
Nutrients Calyxes Seeds Leaves
Protein [g] 2 28.9 3.5
Carbohydrates[g] 10.2 25.5 8.7
Fat [g] 0.1 21.4 0.3
Vitamin A [I.E.] - - 1000
Thiamine [mg] 0.05 0.1 0.2
0.07 0.15 0.4
Niacin [mg] 0.06 1.5 1.4
Vitamin C [mg] 17 9 2.3
Calcium [mg] 150 350 240
Iron [mg] 3 9 5
Domestic applications
Even though, the uses of different parts of Roselle are many
and varied both in food and in traditional medicine, all parts of
Roselle including seeds, leaves, fruits and roots are used as a
food in different parts of the world. Fleshy red calyxes of Roselle
are commonly used for the production of soft drinks and tonic
without alcohol like wine, juice, jam, jelly, syrupand also dried and
anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium, iron and vitamin C.
The young leaves and tender stems of Roselle are consumed raw
as green vegetable. The Roselle seeds are good source of protein,
fat, total sugars and are widely used in the diet in many African
countries [1-18].
Herbal medicine applications
Roselle is used in many folk medicines. It is valued for its mild
laxative effect, ability to increase urination, relief during hot
weather and treatment of cracks in the feet, bilious, sores and
wounds [1]. Traditionally in Sudan, Roselle has been used for relief
of sour throat and healing wounds [17]. In African folk medicine,
Roselle leaves are used for their, antimicrobial, emollient,
antipyretic, diuretic, anti-helmentic, sedative properties and as a
soothing cough remedy, whereas in India, leaves are poultice on
abscesses [16,19].
Hypo- lipidemic effects: According to a study conducted among
hyper-cholesterolemic patients, two capsules of Roselle extract (1
was also studied among subjects, some with and some without
metabolic syndrome. Subjects with metabolic syndrome receiving
total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein, while increasing
high density lipoprotein [22,23].
Blood pressure lowering effect: The effectiveness of an
aqueous extract of Roselle on mild to moderate hypertension was
investigated in many researches. Aqueous extract of Rosellewas
as effective as captopril in treating mild to moderate hypertension
the effectiveness and safety of the extract [24,25]. Even though
the possible mechanism(s) of action of Roselle extract is not
investigated, daily consumptionof an aqueous Roselle extract
resulted in decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure [26].
Anti diabetic activity: [27] Extracted the polyphenolic
components of Roselle and studied their effect in a type II diabetic
rat model (high fat diet model). Studied revealed anti-insulin
resistance properties of extract at a dose level of 200 mg/kg, and
reduction in hyper glycaemia and hyper insulinemia. The extract
was found effective in lowering serum cholesterol, triacylglycerol,
the ratio of low density lipoprotein/high-density protein (LDL/
HDL), and also (AGE) formation and lipid per oxidation. Intestinal
complex carbohydrates present in the food into bioavailable
monosaccharide and plays an important role in postprandial
hyperglycaemia; therefore inhibition of these enzymes has
been reported as an effective mechanism for the control of
postprandial hyperglycaemia. Hibiscus acid (hibiscus- type
(2S,3R)-hydroxycitric acid lactone) have been shown as a potent
Adisakwattana et al. [30], conducted an in vitro study and reported
Anti helmentic and anti microbial effects
Roselle is known for its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-
parasitic actions. Oil extracted from seeds of Roselle has been
shown to have an in vitro inhibitory effect on Bacillus anthracis
and Staphylococcus albus [31]. Aqueous and ethanol extracts were
also found to be effective against Schistosoma mansoni and other
microorganisms [32,33]. Afolabi et al. [34] demonstrated the
antibacterial effect of hibiscus extract on Streptococcus mutans,
a bacterium from oral cavity. In a similar study, antibacterial
potential of hibiscus was also observed on Campylobacter species
[35]. An ethanol extract of the dried leaves of Roselle reduce
in vitro inhibitory effect against
some fungi [36,37].
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©2017 Singh et al.
Citation: Singh P, Khan M, Hailemariam H (2017) Nutritional and Health Importance of Hibiscus Sabdariffa: A Review and Indication for Research
Needs. J Nutr Health Food Eng 6(5): 00212. DOI: 10.15406/jnhfe.2017.06.00212
Anti-oxidant effect: Protective property of a compound to inhibit
the oxidative mechanisms by scavenging reactive oxygen and
free radicals is known as antioxidative activity. It protects lining
organelles from premature cell damage and reduces ageing. A
large number of invitro and invivo studies have shown that Roselle
calyxes contain potent antioxidant. According to Augustine [38],
both the whole aqueous and anthocyanin-rich extracts of Roselle
are effective antioxidant. Studies have also highlighted that poly-
Roselle are potent antioxidants [39].
Other Pharmacological effects: Roselle has been reported
to possess a lactogenic activity. Okasha et al. [40], observed
enhancement in the serum prolactin level of lactating female
Albino Rats on administration of seed extract of Roselle. Bako
et al. [41], studied the lactogenic effect of ethyl acetate fraction
of Hibiscus sabdariffa, from 3-17 days of lactation. The results
showed an increase in serum prolactin level and milk production
property of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Studies have shown that Roselle
tea contains an enzyme inhibitor which blocks production of
amylase and it is possible that drinking a cup of hibiscus tea
after meals can reduce the absorption of dietary carbohydrates
and assist in weight loss [42]. It was also reported that Roselle
is considered as a possible anti-obesity agent [43]. Extracts from
[43] and cancer [6].
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus tea is caffeine free herbal tea from a special type of
hibiscus, called Hibiscus sabdarrifa
of the dried fruit part of Roselle, called calyx. It is in red color and
tastes like berries [44].
Steps in preparation of Hibiscus Tea
a. First, collect the hibiscus fruits and wash them clean, and air
dry or dry them in an oven at 70 degree C for 3 days.
b. Peel off the calyx and store them in air-tight containers.
c. To make tea, simply take 2 grams of the dried calyx, and
crash them into small pieces using a wooden roller.
d. Put them in a tea bag or a net, bring out your favorite mug,
add 8 oz of boiling water, steep it for 2-4 minutes, add sugar
drops of lemon juice.
e. You can also refrigerate it and make hibiscus iced tea [43].
Hibiscus sabdariffa or “Roselle” is medicinal plant with a
worldwide fame. Roselle, having various medically important
compounds called phytochemicals, is well known for its
nutritional and medicinal properties. Seeds, leaves, fruits and
roots of the plant are used as food and herbal medicine. Extracts
from Roselle plays a crucial role in treating different medical
problems including many cardiovascular disorders and cancer
but further researches are required to know its exact mechanism
of action and to formulate food products using Roselle with locally
grown food items. Obesity is a growing problem, affecting not
only adults but also children. The effectiveness of Roselle extract
for metabolic disorders like type II diabetes should be examined
further, as previous clinical studies have shown encouraging
effects on hyperlipidemia and hypertension, conditions strongly
correlated with type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome [41].
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Needs. J Nutr Health Food Eng 6(5): 00212. DOI: 10.15406/jnhfe.2017.06.00212
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