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Detection of Memory Leaks
in C/C++ Code via Machine Learning
Artur Andrzejak
Institute of Computer Science
Heidelberg University, Germany
Felix Eichler
Institute of Computer Science
Heidelberg University, Germany
Mohammadreza Ghanavati
Institute of Computer Science
Heidelberg University, Germany
Abstract—Memory leaks are one of the primary causes of
software aging. Despite of recent countermeasures in C/C++ such
as smart pointers, leak-related defects remain a troublesome issue
in C/C++ code, especially in legacy applications.
We propose an approach for automatic detection of memory leaks
in C/C++ programs based on characterizing memory allocation
sites via the age distribution of the non-disposed memory chunks
allocated by such a site (the so-called GenCount-technique in-
troduced for Java by Vladimir Šor). We instrument malloc and
free calls in C/C++ and collect for each allocation site data on
the number of allocated memory fragments, their lifetimes, and
sizes. Based on this data we compute feature vectors and train
a machine learning classifier to differentiate between leaky and
defect-free allocation sites.
Our evaluation uses applications from SPEC CPU2006 suite with
injected memory leaks resembling real leaks. The results show
that even out-of-the-box classification algorithms can achieve
high accuracy, with precision and recall values of 0.93 and 0.88,
Keywords—Automated debugging, Memory leaks, Machine
learning, C/C++
In long-running applications, even non-critical errors can
accumulate and negatively influence the performance or func-
tionality. This phenomenon is called software aging [34], [16],
[13], [3]. One of the primary reasons for software aging is
leaking memory. A memory leak is a memory fragment or
object which is not freed, even if it is never accessed again
[18], [27]. Memory leaks occur when dynamically allocated
memory or objects become either unreachable and thus cannot
be disposed, or when they are still reachable but are not
accessed any more (i.e. become obsolete).
The first case can be handled by garbage collection and thus
is no longer an issue in modern programming languages and
execution environments like JVM or .NET. However, leaks due
to non-reachable objects are still possible in C/C++, despite
of smart pointers or data structures with automatic memory
management, like in STL. Moreover, detecting leaks of the
second type is still a considerable challenge. They occur when
references to a memory fragment or an object still exist,
possibly stored in a global context, but the object is no longer
needed. This phenomenon is also called dead memory [19].
One of the key detection difficulties is to determine whether
an object will be used in the remaining program execution, or
For this reason, detection methods tend to focus on the ef-
fects of memory leaks, such as growing memory consumption
caused by parts of the code (growth analysis [30]). However,
also such methods have drawbacks. Among several reasons,
it can take a long time for the memory leaks to materialize.
Occurrence of a memory leak can also dependent on the spe-
cific conditions of the production environment. Consequently,
memory leaks might not show up during regular software tests,
making them an elusive and serious threat for long running
Another aspect of memory leaks concerns their severe-
ness. A single or few small leaking objects will likely not
create a noticeable impact on program performance and can
therefore be ignored. This is especially true when the program
terminates before more objects accumulate. Therefore, effec-
tive approaches for memory leak detection should focus on
scenarios where many and especially many large objects are
continuously leaking.
Methods monitoring memory usage at runtime and per-
forming statistical analysis to identify both types of leaks
have been shown to produce good results, with a reasonable
performance overhead. In particular, Šor [30] has presented
in his PhD thesis an approach for memory leak detection in
Java using growth analysis based on the GenCount concept.
This method can handle both types of leaks (i.e. reachable or
not reachable) and focuses on severe leaks, i.e. cases where
memory leaks are created repeatedly. The main idea of the
GenCount metric is to identify code locations which repeatedly
create new objects, but do not dispose previously created
objects. This method is further enhanced in [31], [32] by
characterizing each code location creating objects (so-called
allocation sites) by a vector of features derived from runtime
monitoring (with the GenCount metric as one of the features).
In this paper we transfer the above approaches [30], [31]
(developed and evaluated for Java) to C/C++ and show their
feasibility and precision via evaluation on 14 programs from
the SPEC CPU2006 suite. We also extend the original machine
learning setup used for Java by introducing additional metrics
and features. To get the necessary data we have to intercept
calls of functions allocating or deallocating dynamic memory.
For the method to be usable in production environments -
where real memory leaks are most likely to be encountered -
the procedure of gathering data has to limit the time and mem-
ory overheads it inflicts on the subject program. Consequently,
the memory overhead of our method is low (typically only few
MBytes) and can be parametrized. The runtime overhead is
below 5% for programs with at most 100,000 allocation/deal-
location events per second and increases to around 20% if
this rate surpasses one million. This renders our approach and
even its prototypical implementation as practically feasible in
production environments.
This paper is structured as follows. Our approach for
memory leak detection is described in Section II. In Section III
we evaluate the approach in terms of the performance overhead
and the accuracy of detecting memory leaks. Section IV
discusses related work, and Section Vsummarize the results
and give an outlook of future developments.
We define an allocation site as a location in the source
code where a memory or object allocation is performed. We
call an allocation site leaky, if it leaks memory, i.e., memory
fragments or objects which are not disposed (freed) after use.
Overview. Our approach has the following workflow. We
collect metrics concerning memory/object allocations and deal-
locations at runtime for each allocation site. This data is
processed off-line to compute features for the classification
task. For the training phase, data is collected from applications
with artificially injected leaks. With this data we train decision
trees, where features are derived from measurements and
labels state whether an allocation site is leaky, or not. In the
evaluation phase (under cross-validation), we use the trained
classifiers to predict whether an allocation site is leaky, and
compare the predictions for out-of-sample data against true
label values.
A. GenCount-Metric for Growth Analysis in C/C++
One of the key concepts used in our approach is the
GenCount-metric for memory leak detection based on growth
analysis. It has been introduced by Šor in [30] for Java.
Let GC = (gc1, gc2, ..., g cn)denote the set of consecutive
garbage collections of an application and Abe the set of
allocation sites. If an object is created before gc1it is said to
belong to generation 0. If it is created between gciand gci+1
it belongs to generation i. After any gcj∈GC, for each allo-
cation site a∈A, we define a function G: (a, gcj)→ {0,1}j,
such that for i∈0, ..., j:
G(a, gcj)i=
1if after gcjthere exists a live object of
allocation site acreated in generation i
For integer jand an allocation site athe GenCount is then
defined as:
GenCount(a, j ) =
G(a, gcj)i
In other words, GenCount(a, j )tells us in how many
previous generations site ahas created objects which are still
not disposed in the current generation j. It is expected that for
a leaky allocation site a,GenCount grows in an unbounded
manner with growing j, as older objects are not disposed.
Figure 1. Overview of the data collection and processing.
Contrary to this, for a non-leaky site GenCount is expected
to remain bounded.
The GenCount was first utilized in a threshold approach,
which reports a leak if the GenCount of a subset of alloca-
tion sites is significantly higher then for others in the same
application. An improved approach [31] uses GenCount along
with other metrics/features (calculated for each allocation site)
to train classification models predicting whether an allocation
site is leaky, or not.
We embrace and extend the latter method, while porting
it from Java to C/C++. To this aim we use features described
in Section II-C. Since there are no "generations" in C/C++,
we replace them by epochs, i.e., time intervals of equal
length interval (a parameter which can be adjusted for each
application). The epochs are enumerated in ascending order,
and the index of the epoch at a given time is defined as:
currentEpoch =b(currentT ime −startT ime)/intervalc.
Thus, the age of a C/C++ object can be expressed in the
number of epochs since its creation. In this work, we use in all
definitions and concepts the term epoch as a replacement for
the term generation from Java, e.g. our epochCount is related
to GenCount from [30].
B. Data Collection
Figure 1illustrates the data collection and its processing
in our approach. Wrapper functions are used to intercept event
data when an allocation or a deallocation function is called.
In order to restrict the overhead on the monitored process, the
raw data is stored in a buffer of constant size. When the buffer
is filled or the process is about to terminate, the buffer content
is transfered via a pipe to a separate process, which maintains
data structures for tracking existing objects and aggregating the
allocation site metrics. A second mode of operation is offered,
where the buffers are written to files and then read by the
process aggregating the metrics.
We implemented wrapper functions for malloc,calloc,
realloc and free in a shared library. The wrappers are preloaded
using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable [1], which
causes the program to use our wrapper functions instead of
the original dynamically linked functions.
The wrapper calls the original function with the given
parameters and returns the resulting pointer in case of an
allocation. For each allocation or deallocation we collect
information in a struct called memEvent shown in Figure 2(it
requires 32 bytes). A separate process receives and processes
the memEvents sent from the wrapper library.
struct memEvent {
char type ;
u ns i gn e d s ho r t i n t epoch ;
v oi d ∗p t r ;
v oi d ∗allocSite ;
s i z e _ t s i z e ;
} ;
Figure 2. The memEvent struct.
C. Metric and Feature Computation
A list of memEvent events is used to compute multiple
"low level" aggregation metrics per allocation site and epoch
(namely numAlloc,numFree,sizeAlloc,sizeFree, and life-
timeFree). We compute the aggregation metrics incrementally
(enabling an online operation of our tool) via an associative
array (called AllocSites) with allocation sites as keys. The value
of AllocSites (per allocation site) is another associative array
with epochs as keys and a corresponding set of metrics as
The aggregation metrics are in turn utilized to calculate
the final features (a feature vector per allocation site). The set
of features contains all but two features utilized in Java [31]
and five features contributed by us. The following two original
features are excluded: leakingAllocationRatio since it was not
used by any decision tree, and uptime as it became obsolete due
to normalization. All features except for existingP erE poch
and epochCountGap are normalized to values between 0.0
and 1.0 in order to make make features compatible for among
the studied SPEC CPU2016 programs.
The features introduced in this work are:
avgLifetime. The average lifetime of objects per application.
The lifetime of an object is defined (for disposed objects) as
number of epochs from allocation to deallocation, or (for live
objects) as number of epochs from allocation to the last epoch
emax. The feature is normalized via dividing by emax.
existingCountLocalRatio. This feature represents the ratio of
the number of existing objects to the number of allocated
objects for a given allocation site.
existingSizeLocalRatio. The equivalent to existingCountLo-
calRatio, but using sizes instead of counts.
existingCountGlobalRatio. This feature compares the number
of existing objects allocated by this allocation site to the total
number of existing objects.
existingSizeGlobalRatio. Same as existingCountGlobalRatio,
but using sizes instead of counts.
The following features were adapted from the Java approach:
epochCount. The number of previous epochs in which al-
location site has created objects still not disposed in the
current epoch. Hereafter we call epochs with such property
live epochs. This feature is normalized via dividing by the total
number of epochs (i.e. emax + 1). It corresponds to GenCount
in the Java approach.
epochCountGap. The ratio of epochCount to the highest
lower epochCount among all the other allocation sites of an
application. This represents the gap between two neighboring
allocation sites in the ordered sequence of epochCounts.
epochDistUniformity. The standard deviation of the set of dis-
tances between indices of neighboring live epochs, normalized
by the number of epochs. A lower standard deviation implies
that leaking object are created more regularly.
existingPerEpoch. The average number of objects in live
epochs. It is calculated by dividing the total number of existing
objects of the allocation site by epochCount.
D. Leak Detection and Discussion of Alternatives
The features calculated from the metrics can be analyzed in
different ways to detect leaks. The approach used in this work
is statistical classification. To train a classifier, data is needed
from programs containing known leaks, from which labeled
features can be derived. In order to be usable in practice, a
classifier has to prove to be dependable enough at detecting
leaks without causing false alarms and to be transferable to
multiple programs which were not part of the training.
Apart from this, the features could be clustered to identify
different behaviors of allocation sites, indicating defective or
error-free operation. An additional method for correctly classi-
fying obvious non-leaking allocation sites can be achieved by
identifying allocation sites where all objects have been freed,
i.e. epochCount = 0. This can be used as a pruning step
before training a model or performing the actual classification.
It can also be noted that we contributed rather simple fea-
tures, which only use summations over epochs and do not make
use of the metrics on the epoch level. More complex features
such as value distributions could be calculated, potentially
improving the accuracy. On the other side, if the classification
performance is sufficient, some metrics could be simplified by
direct summation on allocation level, which would simplify
the data collection procedure.
In this section, we evaluate our approach. We use synthetic
leak to evaluate the accuracy of leak detection. We also
measure the overhead of our tool on the SPEC CPU2006
benchmark suite. To conduct the evaluation of our approach,
we try to answer following research questions:
•RQ1. How accurate is the classification used by our
•RQ2. How can feature visualization improve the ac-
curacy of leak detection?
•RQ3. How large is the overhead of our approach?
A. Accuracy of Leak Detection
In this section, we answer RQ1. The goal of our approach
is to train a classifier on labeled data of programs containing
known leaks and leveraging it to classify unlabeled data
from other programs to detect any undiscovered leaks. This
means that we need labeled features collected from multiple
programs, i.e., we need to know for each allocation site if it
is leaky or not. For this purpose, we apply a decision tree
classifier on one subset of the labeled data and test it by
original pre-detect distinct pre+distinct
2,500 2,476
350 482 329
452 452 447 447
Number of Samples
Non-Leaky Leaky
Figure 3. Number of samples before (original) and after removing obvious
non-leaks (pre-detect) or duplicates (distinct). The pre-detect (or simply pre)
set was used for all evaluation tasks.
classifying the samples of the other subset, comparing the
predicted labels to the actual ones to determine the accuracy of
our approach. Here we describe the setup for our experiments,
followed by the result on classification accuracy of our leak
detection approach.
1) Experiment Setup and Data Collection: We generate the
labeled data by injecting synthetic leaks into the data collected
from programs in SPEC CPU2006. Then we perform a ran-
domized 10-fold cross-validation, where the training and the
test sets consist of randomly selected of 9/10th and 1/10th of
all samples, respectively. The procedure is repeated ten times.
Each sample becomes a part of a test dataset once. The cross-
validation is stratified, which means that the relative amount of
leaky and non-leaky allocation sites are approximately equal
in both training and test sets.
We use the Weka framework [10] for various data mining
tasks, such as training and testing classifiers, performing
randomized cross-validation and evaluating features. The J48
decision tree algorithm (the Weka implementation of C4.5
[35]) is used for the classification, because it produced good
results in preliminary tests and also the resulting model was
interpretable, as it provided information on which features are
selected and how they are utilized.
The injection of synthetic leaks is done analogously to [19],
where two types of leaks are generated: static and dynamic
leaks. For static leaks, a single allocation site is selected
associating to 10% of all allocations of the process, and all
deallocations of objects originating from this allocation site
are ignored. For dynamic leaks, 10% of all deallocations are
ignored at random, thus creating a random amount of partially
leaky allocation sites.
2) Evaluation Datasets: We collect data for an unmodified
run of a program first and then inject the synthetic leaks by
removing data of free function calls. Therefore we have three
runs (unmodified, with static leaks and with dynamic leaks)
for 14 benchmarks from SPEC CPU20061with their corre-
1We select the same programs as in [19]. However, exclude bzip2 and namd
due to very few allocations or deallocation sites. Also perlbench is excluded
due to compiler errors which could not be resolved.
Actual / Predicted Predicted Leak Predicted Non-Leak
Actual Leak 399 53
Actual Non-Leak 28 322
Accuracy Precision Recall F-Measure
0.90 0.93 0.88 0.91
sponding feature sets. We assume that the original, unmodified
programs have no memory leaks.
Our final future set contains one feature vector for each
allocation site of each run of a program, with the label
being either leaky, if at least one object originating from
the allocation site is leaky, or non-leaky, if no object of the
allocation site is leaked. As all programs have a runtime of only
a few minutes, an epoch interval of one second is selected in
order to provide enough details.
Two preprocessing steps can be used to prepare the data
before training the classifier. First, we can filter out all samples
with obvious non-leaks (epochCount = 0) in order to prevent
obvious true negatives from distorting the accuracy metric.
Secondly, we can remove all duplicates to get a set of distinct
The resulting amounts of leaky and non-leaky samples
before and after preprocessing are shown in Figure 3. With
each preprocessing method the number of non-leaky sites is
greatly reduced, with the side-effect of producing nearly equal
set size for both leaky and non-leaky labels. For all evaluation
tasks we used the dataset without the obvious non-leaks.
3) Randomized Cross-Validation: The resulting confu-
sion matrices and evaluation metrics for randomized cross-
validation are shown in Tables Iand II. The results show a
relatively high value for accuracy metrics for the classifier used
in our approach.
B. Feature Visualization
In this section, we answer RQ2. A first step for analyzing
the dataset is to visualize the feature values and look for
patterns. We use scatter plots to visualize the relationship
between two features in connection with the label. Three
combinations with noticeable patterns are shown in Figure 4.
In each plot the existingSizeLocalRatio on the y-axis is
plotted against another feature on the x-axis.
Comparing epochCount shows a clear line of leaky sites
at about y= 0.1along the range of x. This shows the 10% of
dynamic leaks per program, which in most cases caused 10%
of an allocation site to be leaky.
A line of static leaks can be seen at y= 1 where none
of the allocated objects are deallocated. The non-leaking sites
are mostly in the yrange below 10%, but there is also a spot
of non-leaking sites where all objects still exist (y= 1) and
which are allocated in a small number of epochs. These are
2Apart from duplicate feature vectors made up of 0 and 1 values, duplicates
can happen for multiple other reasons: For example when a program run
contains multiple allocation sites showing the same behavior or when the
features of an allocation site are not affected by the leak injection.
0 1
0 1
Non-Leaky Leaky
0 1
Figure 4. Scatter plots of feature combinations for all samples of pre-detect dataset.
the objects which are allocated at program start and are needed
during the entire execution.
Plotting the global and local size ratios against each other
shows that most of the allocation sites with dynamic leaks
share less than 25% of the total existing size, which makes
sense as the leaking objects are shared over multiple allocation
sites. The static leaks are concentrated in the upper right
corner, which shows that the objects of a single allocation
site where all objects are leaking largely outweigh all other
existing objects.
Lastly, the comparison with avgLif eT ime shows an area
of leaks with a slightly higher size and lifetime than the non-
leaks concentrating near the origin. The sites with dynamic
leaks are mostly split between those with average lifetime
below 0.25, where objects seem to be created over the whole
runtime, and those with average life time at about 1, where
the objects were created at the start of the program. The static
leaks show varying average lifetimes at the top of the size
range. The concentration of non-leaking sites which has been
at (0,1) in the first plot is now at (1,1), so these objects are
in fact allocated at program start and existed over the whole
C. Performance Overhead
In this section, we answer RQ3. An experiment is carried
out to determine the effects of collecting data on the runtime
of subject programs. The SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite
was run three times with and without our shared library being
preloaded. We select the same benchmarks as [19], but without
considering perlbench because of compile errors. The system
under test has a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5-3210M CPU and 8
GB of memory. The runtime overhead represents the relative
amount of additional time needed for the modified program to
terminate in comparison to the original version. It is calculated
as follows:
RuntimeOverhead =timemodif ied −timeoriginal
To calculate the overhead for each benchmark, the average
of three execution times is taken for two versions: One piping
the data to a separate process and one writing it to files. The
results are shown in Figure 5. In most cases the overhead
stays below 10% for the piped version and below 5% for the
persistent version. Only three benchmarks shows an overhead
over 10% for both versions, the maximum being omnetpp
with 21%. Some programs produces negative overheads which
indicates that normally occurring fluctuations outweigh the
effects of our modification.
The memory overhead for the subject process is fixed, as
we do not allocate dynamic memory. We select a buffer size
of 100,000 elements, each having a size of 32 Bytes (one
memEvent), which means that the memory overhead produced
by the buffer is fixed at 3.2 MB.
As the runtime overhead shows, writing to disk is in most
cases faster than piping the data. The procedure could therefore
be improved by passing the data via disk to the aggregating
process, which deletes it after it has been processed. Main-
taining live aggregations and discarding the raw data shows a
clear benefit when looking at omnetpp: With about 17 GB it
produces the most raw data, which is compressed to about 20
KB for the aggregations.
Further improvements would be necessary to reduce the
highest overheads, which comes from a rising number of
allocation/deallocation events per second: The number stays
below 100,000 for benchmarks left of gcc in Figure 5and
rises up to about one million for omnetpp.
We searched for the bottleneck using this benchmark.
Results are depicted in Figure 6. The cause of 16 percentage
points of the 22% overhead is due to writing the filled buffers
to files. In comparison, fetching the system time to determine
the current epoch causes 2 percentage points of overhead.
The procedure could be parallelized to mitigate this problem,
so the subject program can continue while a separate thread
handles the buffer. This would reduce the time overhead but
increase the memory overhead, as the unchanged writing speed
means more data has to be buffered. Therefore it would still be
necessary to find a faster way to transfer the data or to reduce
its amount.
The problem of memory leak is recognized as an important
research problem and is investigated by many groups from
10 %
15 %
20 %
Runtime Overhead
Pipe Persistent
Figure 5. Runtime overhead for SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks, passing the
raw data through a pipe or writing it to persistent files.
version Without fetching
current system time Without writing
buffers to files
10 %
15 %
20 %
Runtime Overhead
Figure 6. Runtime overheads caused by data collection for omnetpp: The
full version, a version without requesting the current system time for every
memEvent and a version without writing the buffer to files.
academia and industry. We classify the existing works into
four broad areas.
Software rejuvenation. Memory leaks as one important
type of software aging defects impose high negative impact
on running application. Software rejuvenation is a technique
to control such kind of effects. This approach introduced
in work [16], tries to control the effects of aging defects
via scheduled restarts. Other research here include case stud-
ies [22], [37], [4], modeling of performance degradation [3]
and limiting the application downtime due to the scheduled
restarts [6], [36], [2].
Static analysis. Techniques include e.g., reachability anal-
ysis via a guarded value flow graph [8], backward dataflow
analysis [33], or detecting violations of constraints on object
ownership [15]. However because of using static analysis, they
introduce many false positives.
Dynamic analysis. The major lines of approaches include
staleness detection,growth analysis,analysis of captured state,
and regression testing. Our work is related to growth analysis
and analysis of captured state.
Staleness detection. Staleness (lack of recent read/write
accesses) is the most distinguishing property of memory leak.
It has been purposed in work [14]. The key challenge is the
overhead of monitoring object accesses. Multiple works try
to overcome this problem: path-biased sampling [14], page-
level sampling [29], modifications of the JVM [5], or focusing
only on container accesses [39]. A recent work Sniper [19] is
able to reduce the total runtime overhead to less than 3% by
exploiting hardware units of modern CPUs.
Growth analysis. Several works compare heap usage be-
tween different versions of application [17], [7], [31], [30].
Šor [31] proposes the genCount metric which exploits the
age distribution of memory fragments allocated by a single
allocation site to detect potential leaks. This approach is
subsequently improved in [30] by applying machine learning
for higher detection accuracy with a runtime overhead of about
40%. Growth analysis on the level of aggregated memory
metrics has been also exploited to detect software aging [23],
[24], [25].
Analysis of captured state. This direction is followed in
previous works [28], [38], [9]. The Valgrind tool Omega [26]
uses similar approach to detect memory leaks, however with
a high overhead.
Regression testing. Comparing behavior between evolving
code versions is the key idea of regression testing. Many
techniques use this concept for debugging of crashing (i.e.,
non-latent) errors [12]. Our previous works utilize version
comparison for memory leak detection or isolation. Works [20]
and [24] use cumulative memory consumption metrics (such as
Heap Usage or RSS) for detecting the introduction of memory
leaks in newer version of the application. Works [21], [11]
combine the version comparison approach with integration and
unit testing to isolate and detect memory leaks.
We presented an approach for memory leak detection
in C/C++ using growth analysis, specifically the GenCount
concept proposed by Šor for Java [30]. We extended it beyond
the original approach by introducing additional metrics and
The memory overhead of our method is low (typically
only few MBytes) and can parametrized by setting the size
of an event buffer. The runtime overhead is below 5% for
programs with at most 100,000 allocation/deallocation events
per second and increases to around 20% if this rate surpasses
one million. To evaluate our approach, we injected synthetic
leaks into multiple SPEC CPU2006 applications and collected
data from defective and error-free allocation sites. We then
trained decision trees and evaluated the classification accuracy
using cross-validation, yielding f-measure values of up to 0.9.
Our future work will include lowering the instrumentation
overhead by sampling and by online aggregation of the events.
We will also attempt to improve the accuracy by adding more
features and using Gradient Boosting Machines and Deep
Neural Networks as classification algorithms.
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