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The Testing Effect is Preserved in Stressful Final Testing Environment
Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany
Department of General Psychology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
National Institute of Psychiatry and Addictions, NyírőGyula Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
Research Group on Frontostriatal Disorders, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Summary: Previous studies have shown that retrieval practice leads to better long-term memory than additional study of a mate-
rial (a phenomenon termed the testing effect). In this study, we compared the effectiveness of these learning strategies when the
final test occurs under stress (such as in an exam). Participants studied word pairs; then half of the material was repeatedly stud-
ied, whereas the other half was repeatedly tested. Following a 7-day delay, participants were exposed to either a psychosocially
stressful situation or a control task, followed by an associative recall task that tested memory for all items. Multiple measures were
used to assess stress levels: emotional state assessments as well as assays of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase levels. Results are
in favour of the ecological validity of retrieval-based learning. Participants recalled more retested items than restudied items re-
gardless of being exposed to a stressful situation and the hormonal (cortisol) response to stress.Copyright © 2017 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
To find ways to make our memories more resistant to forget-
ting is a fundamental goal not only in memory research but
also in our everyday life. Testing, or retrieval practice, has
been a learning technique of special interest because previ-
ous studies have pointed out the active role of retrieval in
memory retention (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006a; Tulving,
1967). The testing effect refers to the long-term retention
benefit that results from retrieving a material when compared
with restudying it after initial learning (Roediger &
Karpicke, 2006a, 2006b).
The efficiency of retrieval-based learning in laboratory
settings is underscored by a large number of studies (for a re-
view, see, e.g. Roediger & Butler, 2011); furthermore, there
is strong empirical evidence for the beneficial effect of test-
ing in educational practice (e.g. McDaniel, Agarwal,
Huelser, McDermott, & Roediger, 2011; McDermott,
Agarwal, D’Antonio, Roediger, & McDaniel, 2014;
Roediger, Agarwal, McDaniel, & McDermott, 2011). Re-
sults of these studies are in favour of the ecological validity
of retrieval-based learning as they show that the testing ef-
fect pertains with different materials and test formats widely
used in educational settings (Roediger & Butler, 2011;
Roediger & Karpicke, 2006b). However, a study by Hinze
and Rapp (2014) showed that when restudy–retest practice
occurred under high pressure in an educational setting, it
eliminated the testing effect (Hinze & Rapp, 2014). Impor-
tantly, the typical testing situations in everyday life are usu-
ally exams, where despite the considerable stress experi-
enced, it is especially important to recall the previously
acquired knowledge as accurately as possible. To investigate
the relationship between stress and the effectiveness of dif-
ferent learning strategies seems to be especially important,
because it is known that stress and stress hormones clearly
influence episodic memory retrieval (i.e. the conscious recol-
lection of events).
Experiencing stressful situations triggers the activation of
the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and the sympathetic
nervous system (Mason, 1968; O’Connor, O’Halloran, &
Shanahan, 2000). Free salivary cortisol levels and salivary
alpha-amylase (sAA) activity are reliable markers of the ac-
tivations of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
(Kirschbaum & Hellhammer, 1994) and the sympathetic ner-
vous system, respectively (Nater et al., 2006). In a typical ex-
periment on the relationship between stress, stress hormones
and human memory, participants are presented with a mem-
ory paradigm following cortisone administration or stress ex-
posure. Most studies found that elevated cortisol levels be-
fore retrieval impair the retrieval of various learning
materials (e.g. Kirschbaum, Wolf, May, Wippich, &
Hellhammer, 1996; de Quervain, Rozendaal, Nitsch,
McGaugh, & Hock, 2000; Wolf et al., 2001; Schwabe &
Wolf, 2014; for reviews, see Lupien, Maheu, Tu, Fiocco,
& Schramek, 2007; Wolf, 2009) and autobiographical events
(Buss, Wolf, Witt, & Hellhammer, 2004; Schlosser et al.,
2010). A wide range of glucocorticoid receptors can be
found in the hippocampus, which structure is known to play
a key role in episodic memory (McEwen, 2008). Results of
functional neuroimaging studies suggest that cortisol de-
creases the activations of the hippocampus resulting in im-
paired ability to access (episodic) information previously ob-
tained (de Quervain et al., 2003; Oei et al., 2007; Pruessner
et al., 2008).
It is important to note that in all the previously mentioned
studies on stress-related memory, participants had no chance
to practise the learning material in a systematic way after ini-
tial learning. Therefore, it is unclear how previous findings
can be generalized to differences in memory for materials
learnt with different strategies. Because there is a great inter-
subject variability in the way individuals react to stressors
(Miller, Plessow, Kirschbaum, & Stalder, 2013), it seems to
*Correspondence to: Ágnes Szőllősi, Department of Cognitive Science, Bu-
dapest University of Technology and Economics, Egry József Street 1, 1111
Budapest, Hungary.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/acp.3363
be also important to investigate cortisol effects on memory
and their relationship with different learning strategies.
In this study, we aimed to investigate the long-term ef-
fectiveness of restudy and retest practice when the final
memory test occurred under stress. Following the initial
learning of paired associates, participants practised the
word pairs either by rereading the material (restudy condi-
tion) or by cued recall (retest condition). Feedback was
given for each item during practice, because the inclusion
of feedback is suggested to use in educational practice as
it improves the beneficial effect of practice (e.g. Butler,
Karpicke, & Roediger, 2007; Butler & Roediger, 2008).
Following a 7-day retention interval, subjects were exposed
to either psychosocial stressors or a non-stressful control
task. Finally, participants’memory was tested for all word
pairs they studied previously.
Importantly, to assess stress levels, multiple measures
were used: assays of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase
levels as well as emotional state assessments. Stress levels
were assessed three times: immediately before the initial
learning phase as well as immediately before and after the
stress inducing (or the control) task.
It has been recently demonstrated that repeated retrieval
practice decreases the involvement of attentional control
(Mulligan & Picklesimer, 2016) and of attentional control-
related brain regions (Keresztes, Kaiser, Kovács, &
Racsmány, 2014; van den Broek, Takashima, Segers,
Fernández, & Verhoeven, 2013) and increases the level of
automatization of recall (Racsmány, Szőllősi, & Bencze,
2017). An important attribute of automatization is that mem-
ories become more resistant to various disturbing effects
(Logan, 1988). Therefore, we could assume that the automa-
tization of retrieval through repeated retrieval practice is an
important protective factor against the negative effects of
acute stress.
Sixty-seven Hungarian undergraduate students (native Hun-
garian speakers) participated in the experiment. One partici-
pant’s baseline salivary cortisol level (45 nmol/l) was more
than three standard deviations away from the mean of the
sample (M= 17.6 nmol/l, SD = 9.1); therefore, this partici-
pant was considered as an outlier. Further, three participants
were excluded from the sample, because they did not provide
enough saliva for cortisol analysis. We analysed the results
of 63 participants (28 men and 35 women; age range: 19–
27 years; M
= 21.3 years, SD = 1.7). Participants were ran-
domly assigned into one of the two experimental groups. On
experimental day 2, they were exposed to either a stressful
situation (stress group; n= 30; 13 men; M
= 21.4 years,
SD = 1.5) or a control task (control group; n= 33; 15 men;
= 21.2 years, SD = 1.8).
Subjects were recruited at different universities in Buda-
pest, Hungary, and received either extra course credits or
money for their participation (type of compensation was
equally distributed between the experimental groups). The
study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Buda-
pest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
Memory task
Participants were presented with a computer-controlled
learning paradigm, while seated at approximately 70 cm
from a computer display. The experiment was performed
software (version 14.3, www. We used word pairs as stimuli, because in
tasks using paired associates as stimuli, it is easy to provide
feedback to the participants and to control for the time inter-
val between study and test (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006b).
Stimuli were 40 neutral Swahili–Hungarian word pairs trans-
lated from Nelson and Dunlosky (1994).
The memory task consisted of two main phases, sepa-
rated by a 7-day retention interval: a learning phase (initial
learning and practice) and a final test phase. In the initial
learning phase, participants were presented with all word
pairs in random order [5000 milliseconds per word pair;
inter-stimulus interval (ISI): 500 milliseconds] on the com-
puter screen, with the Swahili word on the left and its Hun-
garian equivalent on the right, and were instructed to mem-
orize as many word pairs as they could. Because the
retention benefit of testing increases as a function of the
number of practice trials (e.g. Rawson & Dunlosky, 2011;
Vaughn & Rawson, 2011; Wiklund-Hörnqvist, Jonsson, &
Nyberg, 2014), our subjects practised the word pairs in
six cycles immediately after the initial learning phase.
Word pairs were randomly assigned into a restudy (20
word pairs) or a retest condition (20 word pairs). Each
practice cycle consisted of a restudy, a retest and a feed-
back block (the order of the restudy and retest blocks var-
ied randomly across the learning cycles). In the restudy
blocks, participants saw 20 Swahili words together with
their Hungarian meanings in random order (8000 millisec-
onds per word pair; ISI: 500 milliseconds). In the retest
blocks, 20 Swahili words were presented in random order
on the computer screen, and participants were instructed
to type the Hungarian meanings of the words using the
keyboard of the computer. They had a maximum of
8000 milliseconds to complete one word pair. Based on
the results of earlier experiments using retrieval practice
manipulations, delayed feedback seems to be more benefi-
cial to memory retention than immediate feedback (e.g.
Butler et al., 2007; Butler & Roediger, 2008) probably be-
cause memory retention is better when the stimulus presen-
tation is spaced or distributed (Dempster, 1989). Therefore,
in our experiment (following some previous studies, e.g.
Keresztes et al., 2014), feedback was not given after each
trial, but at the end of each practice cycle. In the feedback
blocks, all 40 word pairs were presented randomly for the
participants (1500 milliseconds per word pair; ISI: 500 mil-
liseconds). In order to eliminate the effect of self-testing
during the 7-day retention interval, participants were in-
formed that the purpose of the second experimental session
would be to examine social cognition.
Seven days after the first experimental session, partici-
pants’memory for all 40 word pairs was tested in the final
test phase. Swahili words were presented in random order,
Á. Szőllősi et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
and participants were asked to type their Hungarian equiva-
lents. They had a maximum of 8000 milliseconds to com-
plete one word pair.
Stress and control procedure
Because testing is typically a socially stressful situation in
educational settings, we decided not to use a physically but
a socially stressful procedure. Therefore, participants in the
stress group were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test
(TSST; Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993), which
was developed to induce moderate psychosocial stress in
humans in laboratory settings. Participants had 5 minutes
to prepare for giving a 5-minute speech in front of two ob-
servers (a male and a female) who had been introduced as
a board of experts in non-verbal behaviour. Following the
5-minute preparatory phase and the 5-minute speech, partic-
ipants were given a 5-minute arithmetic task. We told them
that audio and video recordings would also be made for later
analysing their behaviour (no recording was actually made).
Participants in the control group were exposed to a standard-
ized control version of the TSST (Het, Rohleder, Schoofs,
Kirschbaum, & Wolf, 2009), which was developed to be as
similar as possible to the original stress-inducing procedure
but without any socially stressful components (observers as
well as audio and video recorders).
Saliva sampling and cortisol/alpha-amylase analyses
Saliva samples were collected from each participant three
times: once on the first experimental day and twice on the
second experimental day. Samples were collected using
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes (1.5 ml) and were kept at room
temperature until the end of the experimental sessions, and
then at 10 °C until analysis (for a maximum of 12 weeks).
Free salivary cortisol concentrations and sAA activity were
determined by Salimetrics immunoassay.
Subjective assessment
Following each saliva sampling, participants completed the
Hungarian version of the state form of the State-Trait Anxi-
ety Inventory (STAI-s; Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene,
Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983; Hungarian: Sipos, Sipos, &
Spielberger, 1994) including 20 questions on the current
level of anxiety. Participants were asked to rate the items
of the questionnaire on a 4-point scale (1 = not at all and
4=very much so). Immediately after the completion of the
STAI-s, participants were asked to fill out the Hungarian ver-
sion of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS;
Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988; Hungarian: Gyollai,
Simor, Köteles, & Demetrovics, 2011) including two sets
of items on positive (10 items) and negative affects
(PANAS-n; 11 items). Participants were instructed to com-
plete the PANAS on their current affective state. They rated
the items on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 = not at all to
5=extremely. Finally, subjects rated how stressful they were
just then (0 = not at all and 100 = very stressful).
General procedure
Participants were asked to refrain from meal, alcohol, caf-
feine, smoking and physical exercise 2 hours prior to the ex-
perimental sessions in order to eliminate any effect of these
factors on salivary cortisol levels and on sAA activity. Ex-
perimental sessions were run between 16:00 and 20:00 in or-
der to avoid any interference with the cortisol circadian cycle
(for a review, see, e.g. Clow, Hucklebridge, Stalder, Evans,
& Thorn, 2010) as well as the circadian rhythm-dependent
change in daily sAA activity (Rohleder, Nater, Wolf, Ehlert,
& Kirschbaum, 2004).
For the experimental procedure, see Figure 1. The first ex-
perimental session was preceded by a 5-minute preparatory
phase in order to familiarize the participants to the situation
and to minimize the effect of stress-inducing factors (e.g.
new environment) in this initial phase of the experiment. Dur-
ing this preparatory phase, participants gave written informed
consent and completed a preliminary questionnaire including
questions on demographic data and any known neurological
and psychiatric disorders. The preparation was followed by
a stress assessment (saliva sampling and subjective rating),
and then subjects participated in the learning phase of the
memory task (initial learning and the six practice cycles).
The second session (7 days after the first session) was also
preceded by a preparatory phase that was followed by a
stress assessment (saliva sampling and subjective rating).
Immediately after the stress assessment, participants were
exposed to either the TSST or the control procedure. Al-
though most earlier studies used a delay between the
stress/control manipulation and testing (in order to reach
the cortisol peak), following Hupbach and Fieman (2012),
we aimed to minimize the time interval between the stress-
inducing procedure and the final test phase of the memory
task in order to preserve the context of the stressful situation
as much as possible (following more an exam-like situation).
Therefore, the TSST/Control-TSST was immediately
followed by the third stress assessment (saliva sampling
and subjective rating) that took 3 to 5 minutes and then,
again with no delay, the final test of the memory task.
Figure 1. Experimental procedure. Stress assessment: saliva sampling and subjective rating (state form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory,
the positive and negative affect schedule and a subjective stress scale); t
, immediately before initial learning; t
, immediately before stress/
control manipulation; t
, immediately after stress/control manipulation; TSST, Trier Social Stress Test
Stress and testing effect
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
Stress versus control procedure
The success of the stress induction
Different types of measurements were used to assess the
success of the stress induction (determination of cortisol and
sAA levels from saliva and emotional state assessments;
Figure 2). For all measurements, we conducted a mixed-design
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with stress exposure (stress/
control) as a between-subjects variable and time (t
within-subjects variable (where t
= immediately before initial
learning, t
= immediately before the stress/control task and
= immediately after the stress/control task).
For sAA activity, the ANOVA established the success of
the stress induction. We found a significant Time × Stress
exposure interaction [F(2, 58) = 44.36, p<.001, η
= .43].
The contrast analysis showed that sAA activity in the stress
group increased from t
to t
[F(1, 27) = 40.67, p<.001,
= .60]. For cortisol data, a similar pattern of results
emerged [interaction between time and stress exposure:
F(2, 61) = 3.00, p= .056, η
= .05], with stressed subjects’
cortisol levels showing a trend-level increase from t
to t
[F(1, 29) = 3.60, p= .068, η
= .11]. The lower effect sizes
for cortisol levels than for sAA activity could be because
sAA activity reaches its peak considerably faster than sali-
vary cortisol levels (Nater et al., 2005). Note that we did
not use a delay between stress and saliva sampling in order
to preserve the context of the stressful situation.
Mean ratings on the PANAS-n, STAI-s and the subjective
stress scale showed similar patterns. We found significant
Time × Stress exposure interactions [PANAS-n: F(1,
61) = 6.53, p= .002, η
= .10; STAI-s: F(1, 61) = 9.15,
p<.001, η
= .13; subjective stress: F(1, 61) = 7.23,
p= .001, η
= .11]. Independent samples t-tests established
that scores differed between the stress and the control groups
at t
[PANAS-n: t(61) = 3.04, p= .004, d= 0.78; STAI-s:
t(61) = 3.22, p= .002, d= 0.82; subjective stress:
t(61) = 2.81, p= .007, d= 0.72]. Similarly to results obtained
for cortisol and amylase levels, the contrast analysis showed
that stressed subjects received higher scores at t
than at t
[PANAS-n: F(1, 29) = 0.34, p= .028, η
= .16; STAI-s:
F(1, 29) = 16.21, p<.001, η
= .36; subjective stress: F(1,
29) = 20.04, p<.001, η
= .41]. Altogether, this pattern of
results confirmed that the stress induction was successful.
Memory performance
In order to test whether initial test performance differed be-
tween the groups at the end of the first (learning) phase of
the experiment, we compared recall success in the last retest
cycle between the stress and the control condition (stress
group: M= 85.7%, SD = 17.1; control group: M= 91.4%,
SD = 12.5). We found no significant difference between
the groups [t(61) = 0.94, p= .352, d= 0.24].
A mixed-design ANOVA was conducted on recall rate in
the final test phase of the memory task with study condition
(restudy/retest) as a within-subjects variable and stress expo-
sure (stress/control) as a between-subjects variable. For re-
call rates, a significant main effect of study condition was
found [F(1, 61) = 44.01, p<.001, η
= .42]. Post-hoc anal-
yses established that participants recalled more retested items
than restudied items in both groups [stress group:
t(29) = 5.66, p<.001, d= 1.03; control group:
t(32) = 3.80, p<.001, d= 0.66; Figure 3(A)]. Stress expo-
sure had no effect on recall performance—neither the main
effect of stress exposure [F(1, 61) = 0.88, p= .351,
= .01] nor the interaction between the independent vari-
ables (Stress exposure × Study condition) was significant
[F(1, 61) = 1.41, p= .240, η
= .02].
Figure 2. The impact of stress exposure as shown by different measures. An increase could be seen from t
to t
in stressed subjects’(A) sAA
activity (p<.001), (B) salivary cortisol levels (p= .068), (C) subjective stress levels (p<.001), (D) STAI-state scores (p<.001) and (E)
PANAS-negative scores (p= .028). (F) No significant group difference was found in participants’positive affective state as measured by the
PANAS-positive subscale. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; STAI, State-
Trait Anxiety Inventory; t
, immediately before initial learning; t
, immediately before stress/control manipulation; t
, immediately after stress/
control manipulation
Á. Szőllősi et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
In brief, despite the successful stress induction, stress (im-
mediately before retrieval) had no effect on memory perfor-
mance. Furthermore, retrieval practice led to better long-term
memory retention than rereading both in the stress and the
control groups.
Cortisol responders versus non-responders
Composition of the cortisol responder and the
non-responder group
On a post-hoc basis, we classified each participant into either
a cortisol responder or a non-responder group (irrespective
of whether they were exposed to the stress-inducing task or
the control procedure). The cut-off point we used was
adapted from Weitzman et al. (1971). Participants in the re-
sponder group (n= 24; 10 men; also member of the stress
group: n= 16) showed an increase of at least 2.5 nmol/l in
their cortisol levels immediately after the stress/control pro-
cedure when compared with their own baseline levels imme-
diately before the stress exposure or the control task. The
remaining 39 participants (18 men; also member of the stress
group: n= 14) were assigned into the non-responder group.
Memory performance
The 2 × 2 ANOVA (Study condition × Cortisol response) re-
vealed a significant main effect of study condition [F(1,
61) = 40.00, p<.001, η
= .40] and of cortisol response
[F(1, 61) = 6.00, p= .017, η
= .09] indicating that repeated
retrieval led to superior long-term memory performance
when compared with rereading and that subjects who
showed a cortisol response performed worse (in general)
on the long-term recall test than non-responders. The Study
condition × Cortisol response interaction was not significant
[F(1, 61) = 1.00, p>.99, η
Post-hoc analyses showed that cortisol responders recalled
fewer items both in the restudy [t(61) = 2.05, p= .045,
d= 0.52] and the retest conditions [t(61) = 2.44, p= .018,
d= 0.62]. Despite this, recall rate for the retested word pairs
was higher than for the restudied items in the responder
group [t(23) = 3.65, p= .001, d= 0.74] and also in the
non-responder group [t(38) = 5.50, p<.001, d= 0.88;
Figure 3(B)].
Because non-responders showed better memory than cor-
tisol responders in the final test phase, we tested on a post-
hoc basis whether the two groups differed in their initial test
performance (i.e. during the retest cycles of the practice
phase; Figure 4). We conducted a mixed-design ANOVA
with a within-subjects factor of cycle (1–6) and a between-
subjects factor of cortisol response (responders/non-re-
sponders). Whereas the Cycle × Cortisol response interaction
was not significant [F(1, 61) = 0.63, p= .679, η
= .01], cycle
and cortisol response had main effects on recall rate
[F(1, 61) = 419.38, p<.001, η
= .87 and F(1, 61) = 4.73,
p= .034, η
= .07, respectively]. This pattern of results
indicate that non-responders showed better initial learning
performance than cortisol responders (irrespective the pres-
ence of any stressors in this phase of the experiment).
In a following analysis, we compared the proportion of
correct initial test items on final test between cortisol re-
sponders (M= 61.0%, SD = 18.0) and non-responders
(M= 70.1%, SD = 17.2), and we found a significant differ-
ence between the groups [t(61) = 2.00, p= .050, d= 0.51].
These findings indicate that besides their relatively low ini-
tial learning performance, cortisol responders showed higher
forgetting rate when compared with the non-responder
Figure 3. Recall rates in the final test phase of the memory task. Comparison of recall rates for the restudied and the retested word pairs (A)
between the stress group and the control group and (B) between cortisol responders and non-responders. Error bars represent the standard error
of the mean
Figure 4. Recall rates of cortisol responders and non-responders in
the six retest cycles of the practice phase. Error bars represent the
standard error of the mean
Stress and testing effect
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
In sum, cortisol responders recalled fewer word pairs than
non-responders in the final test phase—because of their dif-
ference in initial learning success and forgetting rate. Never-
theless, retrieval practice seemed to be a more efficient strat-
egy than rereading even if individuals showed an increase in
their cortisol levels (responders) and even if they did not
The main objective of our study was to test whether the long-
term benefit of retrieval practice (retest) compared with re-
reading (restudy) is insensitive to stress exposure. Partici-
pants showed an increase in their negative affective state
(as measured by the PANAS-n subscale, the state form of
the STAI and a subjective stress scale) and sAA activity im-
mediately after stress exposure when compared with the con-
trol group—confirming the success of the stress induction.
Memory for the retested word pairs was better than for the
restudied word pairs irrespective of whether participants
were presented with psychosocial stressors or not.
Importantly, although stress treatment had no significant
effect on our participants’memory performance, the compo-
sition of a cortisol responder and a non-responder group pro-
vided an opportunity to test cortisol effects on memory. Cor-
tisol responders performed worse (in general) on the final
memory test than non-responders because of their difference
in initial learning performance and forgetting rate. Individ-
uals with cortisol response showed lower learning rates than
non-responders during practice, and cortisol response was
associated with higher long-term forgetting. These findings
suggest that cortisol response did not have an exclusive ef-
fect on retrieval. It seems that there is a general relationship
between individual differences in cortisol responsiveness
and the success of learning irrespective of the presence of
any stressors. In fact, previous studies have shown that there
is a relationship between glucocorticoid levels, the volume
of the hippocampus and memory performance (e.g.
Lindauer, Olff, Van Meijel, Carlier, & Gersons, 2006;
Lupien et al., 1998; Travis et al., 2016; for reviews, see, e.
g. Frodl & O’Keane, 2013; Kim & Diamond, 2002). Accord-
ingly, in our study, greater cortisol responsiveness was asso-
ciated with reduced learning rate might be due to differential
hippocampal functioning in cortisol responders versus non-
responders. Nevertheless, despite their relatively low initial
learning performance and high forgetting rate, retrieval-
based learning was more beneficial for long-term retention
than restudy practice in cortisol responders as well.
In a recent study, Smith, Floerke, and Thomas (2016) in-
vestigated the impact of acute psychosocial stress on the test-
ing effect. Similarly to our results, the authors found a strong
testing effect and no stress effects on memory immediately
after the stress exposure. However, in this study, stress had
a detrimental impact on the recall of the restudied items but
not on the recall of the retested items 20 minutes after stress
induction. In our study, cortisol response had a negative ef-
fect not only on the recall of restudied items but also on
the recall of retested items. A possible solution of this contra-
diction is an important methodological difference between
the present study and the study of Smith et al. (2016): in
our study, feedback was administered during practice. It
has been widely demonstrated that feedback during practice
enhances the retention benefit of testing (e.g. Butler et al.,
2007, Butler & Roediger, 2008; Kang, McDermott, &
Roediger, 2007). In our experiment, recall improved steadily
during retrieval practice as a consequence of feedback, indi-
cating that some new learning occurred during practice.
Thus, elevated cortisol levels during final recall acted on
memories acquired through the combination of study (as a
consequence of feedback) and retest. However, and impor-
tantly, cortisol did not influence the beneficial effect of re-
trieval practice over restudy as suggested by the fact that
we found no difference in the magnitude of the testing effect
between responders and non-responders. A possible aim of
future studies should be to compare the effect of cortisol re-
sponse (and stress) on retrieval-practised memories using
paradigms with and without feedback during testing.
In another study, Hinze and Rapp (2014) have demon-
strated that when retrieval practice occurred under high pres-
sure, the testing effect has become eliminated. At a first
glance, the findings of Hinze and Rapp (2014) seem to con-
tradict our results and also the results of Smith et al. (2016).
However, these contradictory findings may stem from im-
portant methodological differences between these studies.
First, Hinze and Rapp (2014) did not manipulate and mea-
sure the level of acute stress. Instead, they manipulated the
pressure on task performance and the importance of the test
during practice. In contrast, our study and also the study of
Smith et al. (2016) manipulated the level of acute stress only
before the final test and held constant the importance of the
task. These factors (such as the motivation level of the partic-
ipants and the level of anxiety) could have differential ef-
fects. Considering the results of Hinze and Rapp (2014), it
could be the case that the testing effect is unaffected by acute
stress only when the source of the stressor is not related to
the importance of the task and to the motivational level of
the participants.
Another important methodological difference is the
amount of retrieval practice. Hinze and Rapp (2014) applied
a single quiz-like test on complex scientific texts. In contrast,
in our study, participants repeatedly practised paired-
associate items in a cued recall task, whereas the participants
of Smith et al. (2016) repeatedly retrieved a list of items in a
free recall situation. It has been demonstrated that repeated re-
trieval practice increases the level of automatization of recall
(Racsmány et al., 2017). Because memories become more re-
sistant to various disturbing effects as a result of automatiza-
tion (Logan, 1988), we could assume that the automatization
of retrieval following retrieval practice is an important protec-
tive factor against the negative effects of acute stress.
From an applied perspective, our finding seems to be es-
pecially significant, because there are several psychosocially
stressful situations in everyday life (e.g. school exams and
job interviews), when it is crucial whether the previously ac-
quired knowledge is accessible or not. The possible aim of
future research should be to investigate whether our results
on the relationship between cortisol levels and the testing ef-
fect can be generalized to real-world educational settings.
Furthermore, in fact, one session of testing more closely
Á. Szőllősi et al.
Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Appl. Cognit. Psychol. (2017)
represents a typical schooling situation. Because there are
examples of studies demonstrating the retention benefitof
testing over restudy following only one practice block (see,
e.g. Hinze & Rapp, 2014), another aim of future studies
should be to investigate the relationship between stress and
the testing effect using one practice session. Finally, it
should be mentioned as a caveat that our conclusion that
acute stress does not harm the effect of retrieval practice is
based on a failure to reject the null hypothesis. Nevertheless,
according to our results, it seems that the long-term retention
benefit of retrieval practice in comparison with rereading
(i.e. the testing effect) is insensitive to any aspects of the
stress protocol we used and also to the hormonal response
to stress.
We thank Petra Kovács, Dóra Molnár-Bakos and Bertalan
Polner for their help in data collection. This work was
supported by the KTIA NAP Grant (ID: 13-2-2014-0020).
Ágnes Szőllősi is supported by the ÚNKP-16-3-III New
National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human
Capacities, Hungary.
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