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Defenders Guide to Steganography

  • Everfox UK


Steganography concerns hiding a secret message inside another. There are many different methods for doing this and these have quite different characteristics. The methods can be classified according to how hard it is to detect the hidden message, how well the hidden messages survive routine manipulation of the carrier message and the nature of the encoding technique employed. Using this classification, methods and defences can be compared.
AbstractSteganography concerns hiding a secret message inside
another. There are many different methods for doing this and
these have quite different characteristics. The methods can be
classified according to how hard it is to detect the hidden message,
how well the hidden messages survive routine manipulation of the
carrier message and the nature of the encoding technique
employed. Using this classification, methods and defences can be
Index TermsCyber Security, Steganography, Content Threat,
roadly speaking, steganography is the ability to hide a
secret message inside another message so that the presence
of the hidden message cannot be detected by anyone other than
the intended recipient [1].
Steganography differs from cryptography [2], which is about
making sure a message cannot be read by anyone but the
recipient. Encrypted communication can be seen and it is
obvious that some message is being passed, even though the
message cannot be read, whereas with steganography it isn’t
apparent that the hidden message is being sent.
It also differs from secret codes [3]. Here the reader can see the
symbols that code the message, but does not understand their
meaning or understands them to mean something else. With
steganography, the symbols that encode the hidden message are
not apparent.
Steganography is being used in various ways, but its adoption
by cyber attackers to create stealthy attacks is a particular
problem [4]. They are using it to evade defences and introduce
malware into sensitive systems, to create command and control
channels for directing attacks that hide inside existing business
communication mechanisms, and to exfiltrate sensitive data
from compromised systems without fear of triggering data loss
prevention defences.
There are many ways of implementing steganography in the
digital world, and different techniques have different properties.
Unless these differences are understood, it is not possible to
compare the effectiveness of defences that purport to reduce the
risk. This article aims to help by explaining how different
steganographic techniques can be categorised and showing
what kinds of defence work against these categories.
Dr. Wiseman is Chief Technology Officer at Deep Secure, Malvern, WR14
1JJ, UK ( First published on ResearchGate
September 2017.
Steganography is about passing a carrier message that carries a
hidden secret message, but how hidden it is makes a difference
when it comes to a defence. A secret message that is hidden
from a person inspecting the carrier message using normal
desktop applications might be discoverable by someone using
specialist tools. In other cases, the secret message might be so
well hidden that it is impossible to find even with specialist
tools, such as those from the Digital Data Embedding
Laboratory in SUNY Binghampton [5].
There are two kinds of steganography that can be usefully
distinguished, based on how stealthy the hidden message is. All
kinds of steganography are invisible to the user who is
employing the desktop applications normally used to handle the
message, but we can distinguish between steganography that
can be discovered by analysis with specialist tools and that
which cannot.
can be discovered by using specialist tools that look at the way
the carrier message is constructed;
cannot be distinguished from arbitrary noise, even by complex
When a message is manipulated, the changes might disrupt a
hidden message it is carrying. If the structures used to carry the
hidden message are altered, the hidden message may be
destroyed. But if the ordinary applications used to manipulate
messages preserve these structures, a hidden message is likely
to survive and so be carried further through a system.
Steganographic methods can be classified as fragile if the
hidden message is readily destroyed by the usual processing
performed by normal applications. The most fragile methods
are those where the message is destroyed simply by opening
and saving the file carrying the message. Some methods may
be less fragile, requiring some routine operation to be
performed before saving the file, such as editing some text.
Robust methods are those that encode a message in such a way
that hidden messages survive typical operations carried out
Dr. Simon R Wiseman, Deep Secure ltd
Deep Secure Technical Report DS-2017-2
A Defenders’ Guide to Steganography
using normal operations. The strongest methods are those that
survive any amount of editing a file.
FRAGILE STEGANOGRAPHY: The hidden secret message is
destroyed when the carrier message is edited using normal
desktop applications;
ROBUST STEGANOGRAPHY: The hidden secret message can
only be destroyed by using specialist tools.
Different steganographic methods encode a hidden message in
different ways, but broadly three classes can be identified.
The simplest case is where the hidden message is just appended
to the carrier file [6]. Many applications ignore spurious data at
the end of the file, so the presence of the hidden message will
not be apparent to the ordinary user. The only indication that
something is hidden that might be observed is that the file size
has increased. But usually the user will not have the original
document as a reference point and most formats produce files
whose size has no direct relationship to what the user sees as
their content, so the user is unlikely to notice a modest increase
in size.
Although appending data is the simplest case, there are
generally many ways that hidden data can be grafted onto a
carrier message. Another fairly simple case is to add comment
blocks or custom extensions to the carrier [7]. These are
features often supported by file formats as an extensibility
mechanism and are intended to be ignored by applications that
do not understand them, making them an ideal vehicle for
storing a hidden message.
Many file formats contain internal structures that are essential
but convey no information. Most prevalent is the use of padding
to align structures in memory, for example adding bytes to the
end of records to align the start of the next record on a word
boundary [8]. These padding bytes are an essential part of the
structure, but their values do not contribute to the information
content of the file. Such unused data is irrelevant and so can be
used to store a hidden message. In these cases, the hidden data
is living in a symbiotic relationship with the carrier.
A more complex method of storing a hidden message is to
encode information in the order of some objects within it. As
the number of orderable objects increases, more information
can be stored on a near exponential scale. The hidden message
is encoded by selecting one of the many permutations of the
order of the objects. With n objects, there are n! permutations,
which can encode log2(n!) bits for example, with 10 objects
21 bits can be encoded, while with 256 objects this rises to 1683
(210 bytes).
GRAFTED STEGANOGRAPHY: The hidden secret message is
stored in spurious data within the carrier message;
SYMBIOTIC STEGANOGRAPHY: The hidden message is
encoded in data that is an unused part of the carrier message;
PERMUTATION STEGANOGRAPHY: The hidden secret message
is encoded in the way data is ordered within the carrier message.
This technique works with many different file formats,
including JPEG. It involves nothing more than appending the
hidden message to a document file. This can simply be done
using the command line copy command run in binary mode to
concatenate the original image and the hidden message file.
In the case of image files like JPEG, viewer applications simply
ignore any data following the image data, and the ordinary user
will see nothing unusual the increase in file size will not be
noticed unless it is excessive. This makes the technique an
example of Grafted Steganography.
The appended spurious data will also be ignored by an image
editor, so opening and saving the image will remove the hidden
message. Thus, the technique is Fragile Steganography.
Applications that create images will not add spurious data to the
end of the file. Any JPEG with data appended can be considered
unusual and possibly carrying a hidden message. There will be
some false positives here, because small amounts of appended
data can arise for innocent reasons for example a carriage-
return / line-feed might accidentally be appended by some
application that processes the image. Nonetheless, stuffing
should be considered a case of Discoverable Steganography.
This algorithm works with images that use a colour palette. The
palette contains a small number of colours (up to 256) and each
pixel is represented by an index into the colour palette. Each
colour could take up 24 bits but each index is only 8 bits, so the
image is well compressed though can only have a limited
number of different colours. GIF images always use a colour
palette while BMP and PNG image formats may be palettised.
The order of colours in the palette is important, because the
pixels reference them by position, but the order does not
contribute to the information content of the image. So the order
can be changed, if the pixel indexes are updated to reflect the
changes, without modifying the image. Palette Ordering is
therefore an example of Permutation Steganography. A typical
palette of 256 colours can encode 210 bytes, which is sufficient
for a cyber attacker to encode a command or a stolen password
Most image editing software will actually order the colour
palette in some way, so encoding a hidden message in the
ordering will produce images with unusual colour palettes. The
colour palette is not normally seen by the user so it is unlikely
that an unusual order will be noticed, which makes it
Steganography. But analysis of the palette will reveal that it is
non-standard and so the technique is Discoverable
Opening and saving an image will usually preserve the ordering
of colours in the palette, so this is an example of Robust
Steganography. However, it should be noted that the hidden
message does not of course survive conversion of the image to
a TrueColour format, which does not use a colour palette, and
some editors will do this conversion by default.
TrueColour images are generally able to store more colours
than can be perceived by the human eye. Also, natural images
have a lot of minor variation in the colours, for example a
photograph of the sky will contain many shades of blue and
white, but the exact shade of individual pixels is not important
to the scene. This means the least significant bits (LSBs) of the
pixel values are unused and so can carry a hidden message.
LSB Replacement (LSB-R) [10] works with TrueColour
images that are not stored using lossy compression so it works
with PNG but not JPEG. It replaces the least significant bit of
each pixel with one bit of the hidden message. The order in
which pixels are selected is important. Different variations of
LSB-R choose different orders, for example the first n pixels
may store the n bits of the hidden message in turn, or some
pseudo-random sequence determined by a secret password
might be used. As the hidden message is stored in bits that are
unused, LSB-R is an example of Symbiotic Steganography.
Regardless of the order, changing the least significant bit of a
natural image is not usually noticeable even when the original
and modified image are available for visual comparison.
However, there is some correlation between the least significant
bit and the other bits in each pixel value. Randomly changing
the least significant bit to encode the hidden message upsets this
correlation and this can be detected by a statistical test. Thus
this form of steganography is Discoverable.
Opening and saving a TrueColour image preserves the pixel
values (when there is no lossy compression), so the least
significant bits are preserved and consequently the hidden
message is preserved, making LSB-R Robust Steganography.
However, the hidden message will be destroyed if the image is
scaled, as the pixel values will be averaged out to fit onto the
new canvas size, so it is not fully robust.
LSB Matching (LSB-M) [11] is similar to LSB-R, except it uses
a slightly different way of encoding the hidden message. The
least significant bit of a pixel colour value still encodes one bit
of the hidden message, but rather than just replacing the least
significant bit with the required value, the original value is
either incremented or decremented to make the least significant
bit have the right value. The choice between incrementing and
decrementing is made randomly.
With LSB-R, the more significant bits of the pixel values are
unchanged, while with LSB-M they may be modified. So while
LSB-R de-correlates the least significant bit and the more
significant bits, LSB-M does not. This means the
straightforward statistical tests for LSB-R do not detect LSB-
M. More advanced tests have been proposed for the detection
of LSB-M, but none appear sufficiently effective and accurate
to be used in general. This makes LSB-M Undetectable
Steganography that, like LSB-R, is Robust and Symbiotic.
The F5 algorithm [12] works with JPEG files. JPEG files use a
lossy compression method that converts the TrueColour
representation of the image into sets of small integer
coefficients of a two-dimensional wave equation that computes
an approximation to the original colours. These coefficients are
then compressed with a loss-less algorithm.
Some coefficients have more impact on the computed colours
than others. The F5 algorithm encodes bits of the hidden
message by reordering pairs of some of the least important
coefficients coefficient A > coefficient B encodes a zero,
coefficient A < coefficient B encodes a one. Only relatively
small amounts of information can be hidden in this way, but
JPEGs tend to be large so it is still possible to use F5 to hide
significant amounts of data.
In effect, the ordering of the coefficients is irrelevant to the final
image, so this makes F5 an example of Symbiotic
If any modification is made to a JPEG image, it is highly likely
that the coefficients will be recomputed and any hidden
message will be destroyed when the changes are saved. Even
just opening and saving a JPEG can be a lossy process.
However, an attacker can choose to hide messages only in JPEG
images that will not be modified when they are opened and
saved. Thus there is no guarantee that a hidden message will be
destroyed, and consequently F5 should be considered Robust
While the changes made by F5 make no discernible difference
to the final image, even when the original is available for
comparison. They also have no effect on the statistical
properties of the coefficients. This means it is not possible to
easily analyse an image and decide if it contains a hidden
message or not. This makes F5 Undetectable Steganography.
The table below summarises the examples given.
A hidden message that can be discovered can be stopped. But
even with Discoverable Steganography it is not necessarily
possible to make the detection reliable.
With Grafted Steganography, the spurious data can be
identified and largely assumed to be a hidden message.
However, some account needs to be taken of applications that
do put spurious data in files to avoid false-positives (where a
file is identified as carrying a hidden message when it does not).
A defence can therefore be built, though a complete knowledge
of the file format is needed to ensure there are no false-
negatives (where a file containing a hidden message is not
identified as such) because a message is hidden in spurious data
that is overlooked. In complex file formats this is not simple
task as spurious data can appear deep inside the file format’s
Symbiotic Steganography can in some cases be discovered.
Where the unused data is normally set to a fixed value (typically
zero), it will be obvious when a hidden message is stored in it.
However, even when unused data is supposed to be a fixed
value, applications will often leave it unset. This gives rise to
possible false-positives. Discovery also requires complete
knowledge of the file format, otherwise hidden messages can
be stored in unused data that is overlooked, leading to false-
In some cases, though, it is normal for unused data to have an
arbitrary valuefor example the least significant bits of image
pixel values. In these cases, it is not possible to discover a
hidden message directly, though it may be possible to examine
the statistical properties of the unused data to find anomalies.
Statistical methods cannot guarantee to detect all instances of a
hidden message. Also, they may indicate that some messages
contain a hidden message when they do not, so in practice there
are likely to be high rates of these false-negatives and false-
Some cases of Permutation Steganography can actually be
discovered, because applications tend to use a particular order
even though an arbitrary ordering is allowed. But, in general, it
is not possible to say whether the order is normal or unusual.
That is, most Permutation Steganography is Undetectable.
Only in limited cases can Discoverable Steganography be
discovered with any degree of certainty, whereas by definition
Undetectable Steganography cannot be discovered. Thus, the
strategy of detecting messages that carry a hidden message in
order to block their use in a cyber-attack does not work.
Attackers generally find ways of evading attempts to discover
their activities, and this will surely be the case with detecting
The only viable strategy for dealing with steganography is to
ensure all the places a hidden message can be stored are either
removed or overwritten. But there are two problems with a
process of straightforward identification and modification of
these places. The first is that it fails if the designer does not
identify all the places where data can be hidden. The second is
that the implementation must handle the complex file structures
passed to it by an attacker, and this means the attacker is
presented with a large attack surface.
The only effective way of destroying hidden messages is to take
the information that is found in the carrier data and build
entirely new normalised data to carry it forward. This is the
strategy behind Content Threat Removal [ctr]. It transforms the
way information is carried, converting potentially unsafe data
to known clean safe data.
Such a transformation process comprises two separate parts
the extraction of the information and the building of new data.
While the extraction part must handle the complex file
structures presented to it by an attacker, the second part does
not it only handles the extracted information, and the interface
can be designed to eliminate any complexity. With appropriate
separation mechanisms ensuring the build phase cannot be
bypassed, the effective attack surface is that of the build phase,
which is small.
The process of extracting the information naturally discards any
spurious data, so defeating Grafted Steganography. A process
of normalisation is needed when building the new data to defeat
Symbiotic and Permutation Steganographythis sets unused
data to fixed values and sorts orderable objects in a fixed way.
Since building new data requires a deep understanding of the
file format, it is straightforward to identify all the places where
unused data occurs and where ordering can be exploited. So this
makes it possible to be confident that no opportunities are left
for messages to be hidden inside the file.
Other than documenting how more steganography algorithms
can be categorised, there is scope to refine and expand the
classifications identified. In particular, the classifications are
presented as dichotomies, but they are clearly ends of a
spectrum and it may prove useful to define a scale for the
spectrum. Also, the computing resources required and the
detectability of those resources are worthy of further
[1] Kahn D. (1996) The history of steganography. In: Anderson R. (eds)
Information Hiding. IH 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol
1174. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
[2] Bruce Schneier. 1995. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms,
and Source Code in C (2nd ed.). Phil Sutherland (Ed.). John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA.
[3] CHURCHHOUSE, R. F. (2002). Codes and ciphers: Julius Caesar, the
Enigma, and the internet. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
[4] Lauren J. Young, The Dark Side of Steganography, Aug 2015,
[5] Digital Data Embedding Laboratory, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, SUNY Binghamton,
[6] Zhe-Ming Lu and Shi-Ze Guo, Lossless Information Hiding in Images,
Syngress, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-12-812006-4
[7] Parasites, Hacker Factor Blog, October 2014,
[8] Bitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5,
[9] J.Fridrich, A new steganographic method for palette-based images, Procs
IS&T PICS,1999
[10] Zhao Z., Liu F., Luo X., Xie X., Yu L. (2013) LSB Replacement
Steganography Software Detection Based on Model Checking. In: Shi
Y.Q., Kim HJ., Pérez-González F. (eds) The International Workshop on
Digital Forensics and Watermarking 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol 7809. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
[11] Jiaohua Qin, Xuyu Xiang and Meng Xian Wang, 2010. A Review on
Detection of LSB Matching Steganography. Information Technology
Journal, 9: 1725-1738.
[12] Westfeld A. (2001) F5A Steganographic Algorithm. In: Moskowitz I.S.
(eds) Information Hiding. IH 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol 2137. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
[13] Martin Kuppinger, Executive View: Deep Secure Content Threat
Removal Platform,
Dr. Simon R. Wiseman received a BSc in Computer Science
from the University of Reading in 1979
and a PhD from the University of
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in 1988. From
1979 to 2010 he worked on cyber security
at RSRE, DRA, DERA and QinetiQ in
Malvern. In 2010 he joined Deep Secure
in Malvern to continue working on cyber
security products that protect against
highly sophisticated content based attacks,
developing the principle of Content Threat Removal into a
commercial reality.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The design of code and cipher systems has undergone major changes in modern times. Powerful personal computers have resulted in an explosion of e-banking, e-commerce and e-mail, and as a consequence the encryption of communications to ensure security has become a matter of public interest and importance. This book describes and analyses many cipher systems ranging from the earliest and elementary to the more recent and sophisticated, such as RSA and DES, as well as wartime machines such as the ENIGMA and Hagelin, and ciphers used by spies. Security issues and possible methods of attack are discussed and illustrated by examples. The design of many systems involves advanced mathematical concepts and this is explained in detail in a major appendix. This book will appeal to anyone interested in codes and ciphers as used by private individuals, spies, governments and industry throughout history.
In this paper, we present a new steganographic technique for embedding messages in palette-based images, such as GIF files. The new technique embeds one message bit into one pixel (its pointer to the palette). The pixels for message embedding are chosen randomly using a pseudorandom number generator seeded with a secret key. For each pixel at which one message bit is to be embedded, the palette is searched for closest colors. The closest color with the same parity as the message bit is then used instead of the original color. This has the advantage that both the overall change due to message embedding and the maximal change in colors of pixels is smaller than in methods that perturb the least significant bit of indices to a luminance-sorted palette, such as EZ Stego [1]. Indeed, numerical experiments indicate that the new technique introduces approximately four times less distortion to the carrier image than EZ Stego. The maximal color change is 4-5 times smaller for the new technique ...
The history of steganography
  • D Kahn
Kahn D. (1996) The history of steganography. In: Anderson R. (eds) Information Hiding. IH 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1174. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
The Dark Side of Steganography
  • Lauren J Young
Lauren J. Young, The Dark Side of Steganography, Aug 2015,
LSB Replacement Steganography Software Detection Based on Model Checking
  • Z Zhao
  • F Liu
  • X Luo
  • X Xie
  • L Yu
Zhao Z., Liu F., Luo X., Xie X., Yu L. (2013) LSB Replacement Steganography Software Detection Based on Model Checking. In: Shi Y.Q., Kim HJ., Pérez-González F. (eds) The International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7809. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Jiaohua Qin
  • Xuyu Xiang
  • Meng Xian Wang
Jiaohua Qin, Xuyu Xiang and Meng Xian Wang, 2010. A Review on Detection of LSB Matching Steganography. Information Technology Journal, 9: 1725-1738.
F5-A Steganographic Algorithm
  • A Westfeld
Westfeld A. (2001) F5-A Steganographic Algorithm. In: Moskowitz I.S. (eds) Information Hiding. IH 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 2137. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Executive View: Deep Secure Content Threat Removal Platform
  • Martin Kuppinger
Martin Kuppinger, Executive View: Deep Secure Content Threat Removal Platform,
  • Ming Zhe
  • Shi-Ze Lu
  • Guo
Zhe-Ming Lu and Shi-Ze Guo, Lossless Information Hiding in Images, Syngress, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-12-812006-4