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AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1049
Mating, birth, larval development and settlement
of Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse, Hippocampus
bargibanti (Syngnathidae), in aquaria
Bart Shepherd, *Matt Wandell, Richard Ross
Steinhart Aquarium, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA;
* Current address: Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, USA. Corresponding
author: B. Shepherd,
Abstract. Pygmy seahorses are among the most charismatic inhabitants of coral reefs. Their diminutive
size, impressive coloration, and rarity make them attractive to recreational divers, underwater
photographers and videographers. However, very little is known about their life history and ecology due
to their relatively recent discovery and the difficulty of studying them in the wild. In May 2014, we
collected a pair of adult Hippocampus bargibanti Whitley, 1970 in the Philippines. These were
successfully transported to Steinhart Aquarium at the California Academy of Sciences for husbandry and
life history research. The pair mated in their aquarium and gave birth to three broods of offspring. We
raised a portion of the juveniles through settlement to a maximum of 120 days from birth, documenting
for the first time the planktonic part of their life history, their selection of host corals and settlement, and
plasticity within the ensuing color change. Despite our successes, we were unable to raise the juveniles
beyond 21.2 mm height (coronet to tail tip), which was approximately 73% of the average height of the
two wild-collected adults (28.8 mm). The methods described in our study facilitate additional research on
the feeding and nutritional requirements of juvenile and adult pygmy seahorses, as well as the criteria
used for host selection.
Key Words: captive breeding, conservation, coral reefs, fishes, reproduction.
Introduction. Pygmy seahorses, including Hippocampus bargibanti, are among the
smallest known vertebrates. Standard lengths of adult specimens are in the range of 20
to 30 mm, with one species, H. denise Lourie & Randall 2003, being less than 15 mm SL
(Lourie & Randall 2003). Recent discoveries have increased the number of true pygmy
seahorses to at least seven known species (Lourie & Kuiter 2008). Most of these occur in
the Coral Triangle region of the Indo-West Pacific: the center of marine shore fish
biodiversity (Carpenter & Springer 2005), and also an area with the highest levels of
anthropogenic stresses and degradation facing the oceans (Bryant et al 1998; Burke et al
2011). These remarkable, diminutive animals are uncommon, incredibly charismatic, and
the subject of a great deal of attention from the recreational dive community and
professional and amateur underwater photographers and videographers. A multi-tiered
combination of threats to individual animals, their hosts, and their ecosystem may put
pygmy seahorses at risk, but there is a general lack of knowledge of their biology and
ecology due to the difficulty of finding, tracking and studying them in situ.
Pygmy seahorses exhibit complex homochromy - that is, the body color, shape
and types of skin ornamentation of the various species closely mimics that of their hosts:
usually octocorals (primarily gorgonians), but also hydroids, bryozoans, seagrasses and
coralline algae (Zmarzly 1990; Lourie & Kuiter 2008; Reijnen et al 2011). This
“protective”, or “deceptive” resemblance, makes them nearly invisible among the corals’
branches, and undoubtedly is the primary reason that they remained unknown until
1969, when a pair of specimens was discovered by Georges Bargibant on a Muricella
coral collected for display at the aquarium in Nouméa, New Caledonia (Lourie & Randall
2003; Randall 2005). There are two color morphs: the first has a grey striated body and
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1050
red/pink bulbous tubercles, and the second has an orange striated body and golden-
yellow tubercles (Lourie et al 2004). Both color morphs have striped tails.
H. bargibanti was the first species of pygmy seahorse to be discovered and
described (Whitley 1969; Gomon 1997). It occurs throughout the coral triangle region at
depths between 16 and 40 m, and can occasionally be found as shallow as 4.5 m (Kuiter
2001; Lourie et al 2004; Baine et al 2008; Smith 2010). They are among the most
specialized pygmy seahorses in terms of host selection, living in an obligate association
with at least five species of sea fans of the genus Muricella (Reijnen et al 2011).
Individuals remain on their host corals for periods from 3 to 40 weeks, moving over the
entire surface of the Muricella (Baine et al 2008). Transit between host corals has not
been observed, so it is assumed that following settlement individuals remain on a single
host coral for their entire adult lives (Baine et al 2008; Smith 2010). Despite having
planktonic larvae, dispersal beyond the current geographic range is unlikely due to the
high degree of host specialization (Teske et al 2004).
Exceptional and highly specialized paternal care strategy is closely associated with
the evolution of pipefishes and seahorses, and a diversity of approaches exists within the
family Syngnathidae (Herald 1959; Wilson et al 2001). H. bargibanti is sexually
dimorphic; females have a circular genital pore with a raised rim, while males have a slit-
shaped brood pouch opening in the post-anal region (Lourie & Randall 2003). Male H.
bargibanti, like all known members of the genus, brood the young entirely within the
trunk or abdomen (Lourie & Randall 2003; Lourie & Kuiter 2008). Reproduction in this
species is assumed to occur year-round, with a gestation period of 11 to 14 days based
on the very limited field observations of H. bargibanti and closely related species (Foster
& Vincent 2004; Smith & Tibbets 2008).
Conservation threats. Unlike other, larger members of the genus, H. bargibanti is not
regularly collected for the traditional Chinese medicine, curio or aquarium trades.
However, they exist in the lowest population densities of any unexploited seahorse in an
area that is the subject of tremendous anthropogenic stressors: climate change and
ocean acidification, unsustainable fishing practices, sedimentation, coastal development
and multiple forms of pollution including solid waste (e.g. plastics) and human sewage
(Burke et al 2011; Smith 2010). Gorgonian skeletons are often processed and polished to
resemble black coral, and then sold into the jewelry and curio trade (Cooper et al 2011).
Data from the compilation of cases involving illegal transport and trade in corals by the
Philippines' Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) shows that illegal harvest
of sea fans is an unfortunate reality. More than 21,000 pieces, including Muricella, were
contained in a single shipment apprehended by Manila authorities in May 2011. Threats
to the conservation of H. bargibanti thus include the overall degradation of Indo-Pacific
coral reefs, specific targeted collection of its host gorgonian, unintentional destruction of
the host gorgonian by trash and abandoned fishing gear, and the negative effects of
repeated harassment by SCUBA divers who touch, chase, or shine bright lights on pygmy
seahorses in an attempt to obtain photos or video of this charismatic species (Smith
2010). This multi-tiered suite of threats has the potential to reduce the already low
population densities and may cause localized extinctions in highly impacted areas.
Difficulty of scientific study. Knowledge of the life history, ecology and behavior of H.
bargibanti is rudimentary, and mostly limited to what is present in species descriptions
(Lourie & Kuiter 2008; Lourie & Randall 2003; Smith 2010). Most discoveries and species
descriptions have occurred in the last few decades, so fundamental knowledge regarding
this group is also extremely limited (Foster & Gomon 2009; Gomon & Kuiter 2009; Lourie
& Kuiter 2008; Lourie & Randall 2003). Opportunities to study this species under
controlled conditions in laboratory aquaria are complicated by the challenging
requirement of maintaining both the host species and the pygmy seahorse (Chan &
Delbeek 2004). In his dissertation, the most detailed study of the ecology of this group,
Smith repeatedly notes that, because these animals are “unable to be successfully kept
in captivity”, major aspects of their biology simply cannot be studied (Smith 2010).
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1051
Our main objectives for this study were to document reproductive biology, brood size,
feeding behavior, developmental changes, and lifespan by breeding and rearing H.
bargibanti through settlement in the controlled environment of laboratory aquaria. These
advances open the door for further research on reproductive behavior, the dynamics of
host interaction, including juveniles’ selection criteria of appropriate hosts, the genetic
and environmental mechanisms for their camouflage, feeding behavior, nutritional needs,
and other studies of these species, which are rare and charismatic ambassadors for coral
reef ecosystems.
Material and Method. Our approach toward aquarium culture of H. bargibanti consisted
of three sequential phases: (1) collection, transport and husbandry of the host
gorgonians, (2) collection, transport and husbandry of the brood stock, and (3) larval
rearing of the offspring from birth through settlement. The single prior work with this
species in aquaria suggested that culture of H. bargibanti in the absence of host
gorgonians was not successful, so our study began with investigations of long-term
husbandry of Muricella spp. sea fans (Chan & Delbeek 2004).
Host gorgonian culture. In preparation for working with H. bargibanti, several small
fragments of Muricella spp. sea fans were collected in the Philippines in May 2011. Only
small cuttings (less than 8 cm by 3 cm) were taken from sea fans approximately 1 m2 or
larger, leaving the majority of the colony intact and on the reef. Cuttings were packed in
1.5 L plastic bags filled with fresh natural seawater and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio, securely
packed in Styrofoam coolers with cardboard outer liners and shipped to Steinhart
Aquarium in San Francisco, CA, USA, via air cargo (30 hours total transit time, where
they were added to a mature 1,000-liter aquarium. This aquarium was maintained at a
temperature of 23-26°C, a salinity of 34-35 ppt, and was lit by blue and white LED lamps
(3W MR16) for eight hours a day. Propeller pumps (Ecotech Marine, Allentown PA, USA)
produced water motion strong enough to slightly vibrate the branches of the corals.
Regular aquarium maintenance included removal of hydroids, small brittle stars, and
glass anemones (Aiptasia sp.) from the aquarium, which is necessary to prevent these
pests from smothering or stinging the Muricella. Mucus was periodically blown off the
corals with a turkey baster or small pump.
A diverse range of planktonic foods was offered (Table 1). These items were
mixed together in a 4 L insulated beverage thermos, topped off with fresh seawater, and
chilled with a reusable ice pack for the entire feeding period. A peristaltic pump (Rola-
Chem Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) delivered these foods to the aquarium
every 10 minutes during the 8-hour daylight period (0900-1700 hours), resulting in a
continuous low density of foods in the water column of the aquarium. Only the automatic
feeding system was used and corals were not specifically target-fed.
Table 1
Planktonic feed used to culture Muricella corals. Each type of food is indicated by volume
per 1,000 L aquarium system volume. All types are mixed and continuously added over a
time period of 8-hours
Food type Volume per 1,000 L
Oyster Feast © oyster ovarian tissue and eggs:
Reef Nutrition, Campbell CA USA 40 mL
L-strain Brachionus plicatilis rotifers, preserved:
Reed Mariculture, Campbell CA USA 40 mL
Artemia nauplii, newly hatched:
GSL, Artemia International, Fairview TX USA 40 mL
Shellfish Diet © preserved microalgae: Isochrysis sp., Pavlova sp.,
Tetraselmis sp.; Reed Mariculture, Campbell CA USA 20 mL
Phyto Feast © preserved microalgae: Pavlova sp., Isochrysis sp.,
Tetraselmis sp., Nannochloropsis sp., Synechococcus sp.; Reef Nutrition,
Campbell CA USA
20 mL
Cyclopeeze © copepods, frozen:
Argent Laboratories, Redmond WA USA 10 mL
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1052
Seahorse broodstock. A pair of adult H. bargibanti (Figure 1) orange color morph was
collected from 24.4 m depth at the dive site, “Dead Palm”, Mabini, Batangas Province,
Philippines (13.69569 N 120.88472 E). This work was conducted under a joint
memorandum of agreement between the Philippines Department of Agriculture and
National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) and the California
Academy of Sciences (CAS), was approved by a gratuitous permit from the Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) as well as a permit from the Mayor of the local
municipality. A pair of pygmy seahorses was collected by hand, at night, along with a
small cutting of their host Muricella coral. They were immediately placed in a 1 L
polyethylene jar and transported to a temporary aquarium holding system located
directly on the beach at our field station. The following morning, the animals were packed
in 1.5 L plastic bags filled with fresh natural seawater and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio, and
transported by van to metro Manila, where they were repacked in 1.5 L plastic bags filled
with fresh natural seawater and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio, securely packed in Styrofoam
coolers with cardboard outer liners and shipped to Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco,
CA, USA, via air cargo (30 hours total transit time). Once they reached our facility, they
were acclimated to aquarium water quality by slowly equalizing temperature and salinity,
and then placed in a 60 L accessory aquarium connected to a 1,000 L mature exhibit of
azooxanthellate stony corals and teleost fishes. They remained on a small cutting taken
from their host Muricella coral during the entire collecting, packing, shipping, and
acclimation period. Adults were fed the same variety of planktonic feeds as their host
Figure 1. The pair of adult pygmy seahorses collected in the Philippines, shown on their
host Muricella in the aquarium (original).
Larval culture and settlement. Immediately following birth, the entire brood of larval
H. bargibanti was transferred to circular pseudo-kreisel tanks (30 cm diameter x 13 cm
tall, 9 L). This type of tank is commonly used for the culture of planktonic organisms. The
circular water flow keeps both the larvae and food concentrated in the center of the tank
and prevents them from being removed by the filters. Fresh, filtered seawater was
supplied to the pseudokreisel from a larger water system at 8-10 L/hr. Larval H.
bargibanti were manually fed newly hatched Artemia nauplii (GSL, Artemia International,
Fairview TX USA), a mix of live copepods (Tisbe sp., Parvocalanus sp., Pseudodiaptomus
sp., AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA), and live phytoplankton (Isochrysis sp.,
Chaetoceros sp., AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA) four times a day during the daylight
period (0900-1700 hours).
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At 18 days after birth, small colonies of Muricella plectana and M. paraplectana (3-6 cm2
surface area) were introduced to the tank to encourage settlement. When this was found
to be unsuccessful, much larger (200-300 cm2) colonies of Muricella were placed in the
aquarium with the juveniles. A two-part feeding strategy was employed once the H.
bargibanti settled on Muricella corals: (1) an automatic feeding system was used to feed
the coral throughout the day as described above, and (2) additional “flood feeds” were
done four times per day, at approximately two hour intervals from 8 am until 5 pm
(Table 2). A “flood feed” is a high-density pulse of food added manually to the aquarium
to overwhelm the gut of the Muricella polyps so that food accumulates on the polyp
surface and tentacles, where it can be eaten by H. bargibanti.
Table 2
Formulation for flood feeds used to culture juveniles in an 8 L aquarium
Food type Quantity Frequency
Artemia nauplii, newly hatched:
GSL, Artemia International, Fairview TX USA 10 mL 4x/day
Chaetoceros sp., live microalgae:
AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA 200 mL 4x/day
Isochrysis sp., live microalgae:
AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA 200 mL 4x/day
Pseudodiaptomus sp. live copepods:
AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA 10,000 adults 4x/day
Tisbe sp. live copepods:
AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA 10,000 adults 4x/day
Parvocalanus sp. live copepods:
AlgaGen LLC, Vero Beach FL USA 10,000 adults 4x/day
Photo documentation of larval specimens presented some difficulty, given the limited
number of larvae and the goal of keeping them alive. In order to reduce stress on the
animals, all photographs were taken from outside of the culture aquaria; underwater
cameras were not used in the culture aquaria. Photographs were taken with a minimum
of invasive practices: no flash, and continuous supplemental lighting for no longer than
ten minutes per session. Photo and video documentation was restricted to the early
morning and late afternoon. With the exception of a small group of larvae from the first
brood, animals were not removed from their rearing tank, so nearly all photo and video
was captured opportunistically. Most photo and video work took advantage of cameras
with low-light capabilities (Nikon D7000 and Nikon D800 digital SLRs). In order to take
detailed measurements of size at birth, one individual was humanely euthanized with
MS222 and photographed prior to preservation in 90% ethanol. In addition, a group of
live seahorses from the first brood was photographed submerged in seawater in a shallow
dish with a scale bar, giving us a sample size of five just-born larvae.
Mortalities that occurred during this research were preserved in both 90% ethanol
and 10% formalin. Attempts were made to retrieve mortalities as soon as they were
observed, but as these animals were not euthanized for documentation, the bodies were
preserved in various states of autolysis. A growth sequence (Figure 2) was captured from
the best-preserved specimens. These photographs were taken using the California
Academy of Sciences’ “Big Kahuna” imaging system (Visionary Digital, Palmyra, Virginia,
USA). This system consists of a Canon 5D MkII digital camera mounted on the Visionary
Digital P-51 Camlift camera carrier, controlled by proprietary software that moves the
camera along the z-axis to create a stack of photographs from the subject’s highest to
lowest focal points. Lighting was provided by a Dynalight 2000 W flash pack and 2 flash
heads. Images were captured using the Canon MPE-65 macro lens, sometimes with the
addition of a Canon 1.4x extender lens. RAW images were captured using Adobe
Lightroom 5 software, were color balanced and minimally sharpened, and then sent to
Helicon Focus 6 stacking software for the composed image. Scale bars, final editing and
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1054
head length and height (tail-tip to coronet) measurements were made using Adobe
Photoshop CS6 software analysis tools.
Figure 2. Growth series of Hippocampus bargibanti cultured in laboratory aquaria.
Seahorses are shown (left to right) at birth, 9, 26, 28, and 124 days after birth. Scale bar
indicates 1 mm (original).
Results and Discussion. This paper documents the first successful aquarium breeding
and rearing (through settlement) of any pygmy seahorse species. To our knowledge, this
species has only been kept in aquaria once before, with moderate levels of success (Chan
& Delbeek 2004). This study shows that adult H. bargibanti and their host Muricella are
difficult but not impossible to maintain in the controlled environment of laboratory
Host Gorgonians. Host Muricella, being azooxanthellate, require significant and diverse
feedings to thrive in aquaria. Muricella corals grew slowly and consistently under our
husbandry regime. An advantage of our two-part feeding strategy was that the automatic
feeding system kept the polyps open continuously throughout the day so that they were
available to catch the flood feeds. Closed Muricella polyps may take as long as 30
minutes to open in response to food in the water.
Broodstock. The adult pair of H. bargibanti collected in the Philippines survived handling
and shipping and began feeding immediately upon arrival in the facility on a variety of
live foods. The male was 30.5 mm in height (measured coronet to uncurled tail-tip), and
the female was 27.2 mm in height. Adults fed exclusively from the surface of their host
coral: both from the area between the polyps and directly from polyp mouths. They were
not observed feeding on plankton suspended in the water column. The two adult H.
bargibanti collected lived 51 days (male specimen) and 61 days (female specimen) in
aquaria. Lifespans for H. bargibanti in the wild are unknown, so they must be
extrapolated from studies of other, similarly sized species. While many larger species of
seahorses may live longer than a year, Strawn (1958) measured longevity in wild
populations of the Atlantic dwarf seahorse, H. zosterae, and found that lifespans were
rarely longer than a year, and that there was no evidence for individuals living two years.
Baine et al (2008) monitored H. bargibanti over a 13-month period, tracking eight
individuals – the longest for 40 weeks. Our aquarium observations are similar, with larger
species of seahorses living three to five years, and smaller species living approximately
one year. Thus, as the two specimens in this study were collected as reproductively
active adults, it is quite possible that mortality occurred at the end of their natural
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1055
However, a combination of declining brood size and poor longevity in aquaria suggests
that we were not meeting the nutritional needs of a reproductively active pair of adult
pygmy seahorses. Presumably the consistent decline in brood size was a direct result of
inadequate adult nutrition. Prior studies with other seahorse species have shown a direct
correlation between adult nutrition and brood size and health and survival of offspring
(Palma et al 2012; Palma et al 2017). Adjustments to the feeding approach for the F1
generation, specifically “flood feeding” four times per day increased survival, growth and
longevity, with juveniles living longer than the adults (120 days maximum lifespan for F1
generation). The “stalling out” of the juveniles’ growth at approximately 73% of adult
size also supports the hypothesis that the nutritional needs of adult and subadult pygmy
seahorses were not being met. However, these theories need further testing with
replicates and controls.
There are several potential explanations for our lack of success with adults and
juveniles. First, the surface area of the host Muricella in aquaria was much smaller than
the hosts that are selected in the wild. If pygmy seahorses feed exclusively on plankton
trapped by their host coral, then their dietary intake may be directly proportional to the
available surface area for feeding. The smaller host corals in aquaria would thus offer less
overall nutrition than the larger hosts they would be living upon in the wild. Alternately,
video of Muricella in the Philippines shows that there is a rich community of organisms
living upon the coral, including a diversity of crustaceans and other potential prey items.
It is possible that pygmy seahorses may prey upon a diverse assemblage of organisms
that share their host coral; these types of prey items could not be provided in the
aquarium environment. Another potential explanation is that complex social interactions
and perceived competition between the juveniles occupied time that would have
otherwise been spent feeding, and increased energy expenditures, resulting in stalled
growth. All of these theories are supported by a free-swimming behavior observed in
several specimens; they may have been attempting to find a more suitable host - either
larger, with a more diverse community of commensal organisms, and/or with a less-
competitive social structure. Further studies with controls and replicates are needed to
evaluate these theories.
Birth and remating. Birth occurred about one hour prior to when the aquarium lights
turned on. Remating occurred within 30 to 60 minutes of birth. Links to videos of pygmy
seahorses giving birth and mating are provided in Annex 1. Mating includes a vertical
swim, or copulatory rise, where the eggs are transferred from the female to the male, as
in other species of syngnathid fishes. The mating pair leaves the gorgonian briefly for this
behavior, and then returns to the branches of the coral once the egg transfer is
complete. No observations were made during the first mating episode (25 May 2014).
The second mating episode (8 June 2014) consisted of two copular rises; the first lasted
13 seconds, followed by 79 seconds where the pair remained on their host. They
subsequently performed a second, longer copular rise that consisted of a nine second egg
transfer, two seconds where they briefly separated, and a 34 second egg transfer. The
final mating episode (22 June 2014) consisted of a single 29-second copulatory rise and
egg transfer. Gestation was consistently 14 days, with subsequent births occurring
exactly two weeks after each mating event.
Gestation period for the first brood is unknown as the adults mated prior to
collection from the wild, but it is assumed to be two weeks. Brood sizes are summarized
in Table 3. A final “birth” produced no viable offspring, but instead consisted of the male
expelling 12 undeveloped eggs. Denise Tacket and Sara Lourie observed parturition in
the wild in Lembeh Strait, Northern Sulawesi, where a single male gave birth to 34
planktonic juveniles (Lourie et al 2004). When combined with unpublished data from one
observation of birth in the wild, the average brood size for the four known H. bargibanti
birth events is 35.25 juveniles (S.D. 22.02). The three broods in our study were highly
variable (max of 65 offspring, minimum of 12 offspring, average of 35.67 (S.D. 26.95).
There was a decline in mating success with each subsequent birth: birth two was 46.2%
of birth one; birth three was 40.0% of birth two and only 18.5% of the first birth.
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Assuming pygmy seahorses produce 65 offspring every two weeks and live for one year,
their potential reproductive output is more than 1,500 offspring in their short lifetime.
Table 3
Brood sizes of the three pygmy seahorse births documented in our study
Date Brood size
25 May 2014 65
8 June 2014 30
22 June 2014 12
6 July 2014 0 (12 undeveloped eggs expelled)
Larval development. Newly born H. bargibanti were between 6.16 and 6.56 mm in
height (measured tip to coronet), with an average of 6.5 mm (S.D. 0.17 mm). Head
length at birth ranged from 2.03 to 2.30 mm, with an average of 2.24 mm (S.D. 0.12
mm). Foster & Vincent (2004) cite Lourie’s unpublished data measuring newborn H.
bargibanti to be 2 mm SL. This is much smaller than the newborn larvae in our study.
Seahorses were born with their tails tightly coiled against their bodies. During their
planktonic phase, they continued to swim with their tales tightly coiled, using their
median fins to stay in the water column and hunt for food. As in Hippocampus kuda, the
tail plays no obvious locomotory role during the planktonic phase for H. bargibanti, and
does not appear to be used until settlement (Choo & Liew 2006).
Growth proceeds over the 14 to 18 day planktonic larval stage, with the
appearance of spines at the sites where tubercles develop. During the first 14 days, head
length, expressed as a percentage of height, gently increases, while after settlement
(approximately 18 days post-birth), it stabilizes and remains a relatively consistent
percentage of body length. This trend continues at least through the first 34 days
following birth. During this time, the tubular snout visibly shortens, as the animals
change from planktonic to benthic feeding strategies (Figure 3). This is similar to
allometric growth patterns observed in aquacultured H. kuda, where head length
decreases and there are marked changes in the seahorses’ feeding structures associated
with an ontogenetic shift from pelagic to benthic habitats (Choo & Liew 2006).
Figure 3. Head length (mm) expressed as a percentage of height (mm) over 35 days post-birth.
Values are for individual seahorses, with multiple individuals of 0-day old (n = 5), 5-day old (n =
2), 9-day old (n = 2), and 33-days old (n = 2). White squares indicate larval seahorses pre-
settlement (0-14 days), and black diamonds represent juveniles, post-settlement (18-34 days).
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1057
Settlement. The planktonic larval phase for H. bargibanti lasted approximately 18 days
at a water temperature of 25°C. At 14 to 16 days, the larvae exhibited a lightening of the
brown-black pigment on the head, and began leave the central area and swim assertively
toward the bottom of the aquarium. Shading the sides of the aquarium halted this
behavior; that is, the larvae appeared to be negatively phototactic. It is our belief that
this behavior represents the programmed beginning of settlement behavior, where the
larvae are leaving the plankton and moving toward the sea bottom, the habitat of their
host Muricella. Juveniles settled on their Muricella hosts 18 to 24 days post-birth, at
approximately 12.2 mm height. This is very similar to H. denise, where settlement occurs
at 13 mm SL, and sexual maturity at 13.3 mm SL (Smith 2010).
Underwater photographers have documented recently settled juveniles, and
photos are readily available on the Internet. Young H. bargibanti resemble adult color
and morphology: enlarged tubercles, bulbous snout, patterned coloration on the body
and striped tail (Lourie & Randall 2003). Juveniles are slightly darker than adults, with an
underlying grey color on the body as they transition to their cryptic coloration. Individuals
transitioned from a dark brown-black color with spines on their body, to a greyish body
with pink tubercles over a period of 72 hours post-settlement (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Color and morphological changes during the early life history of H. bargibanti.
The transition to adult coloration occurred over 72 hours after seahorses chose
settlement sites on host gorgonians in laboratory aquaria (original).
Inducing settlement was a significant bottleneck in closing the life cycle of H. bargibanti.
We initially hypothesized that planktonic juveniles would settle based on chemical cues
from their host corals. Small cuttings (3-6 cm2 surface area) of both orange and pink
Muricella spp. were placed in the culture tanks. Juveniles exhibited what we call
“transitory settlement”, where they temporarily attached to the coral, but released after
less than ten minutes. True settlement and the associated change to cryptic coloration
were not observed until much larger (200-300 cm2) colonies of Muricella were placed in
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1058
the aquarium with the juveniles. This reinforces prior authors’ suggestion that
settlement, as a key component of the seahorses’ life history, consists of a thorough
evaluation of the host coral and a decision on whether or not it meets the animals’
specific criteria (Smith 2010). Chemical cues may lead larval pygmy seahorses to their
hosts, but perhaps host-selection is through visual exploration, based on criteria related
to core areas necessary for feeding, mating and sleeping, and the creation of what Smith
(2010) calls a “cognitive map” of their host. If adults have minimum core area sites and
home ranges needed for major activities (e.g. sleeping, feeding, mating), then
presumably the size of the gorgonian and the presence of appropriate protective core
areas is a significant component of host selection by larvae. This would suggest a
minimum size of Muricella needed to initiate settlement. Our data supports this
hypothesis. The presence of Muricella in the culture tank is not enough to encourage
settlement; the host coral needs to at the very least be of the right size in order for
settlement to occur, and the shape and a diversity of core areas may also play a role,
Further study with various sizes of host gorgonians and controls is needed in order to
evaluate this hypothesis, and determine minimum host size/surface area required to
initiate successful settlement.
The transition from a pelagic, planktonic larvae to a settled juvenile is marked by
a relative shortening of the head and snout, expressed as a percentage of height (Figure
3), and an accompanying change in feeding strategy. Settled juveniles and adults appear
to use the large surface area of the Muricella as a “net” to collect the plankton on which
they feed. We observed individuals feeding on a combination of trapped particles, coral
mucus, Artemia nauplii, and copepods directly from the tentacles of the open Muricella
polyps, from the space between the polyps, and even inserting their snout into and
feeding from within the polyps (video links are provided in Annex 1).
Of the 111 offspring born in aquaria, 13 were raised to settlement. The 11.7%
success rate is extremely low, but understandable as this was the first attempt to raise
this species in laboratory aquaria, where numerous bottlenecks impacted the survival of
offspring. The greatest losses during the planktonic larval phase were due to our inability
to provide proper hosts and induce settlement, and from a single episode where the
culture aquarium overflowed due to clogged screens on the drains. Four of the offspring
survived more than 100 days, transitioning to adult coloration and living exclusively on
Muricella corals in aquaria (Figure 5). The last surviving individual was humanely
euthanized at 120 days following birth in order to preserve a single aquarium-reared
specimen for morphometrics, DNA sampling and photography. Juvenile H. bargibanti
continued to grow slowly to about 20 mm height, and then ceased growing. The
maximum size of an aquarium-reared juvenile was 22.2 mm height (120 days old),
compared to the 30.5 mm height of the wild-collected male and 27.2 mm height of the
wild-collected female (unknown ages).
Near the end of the study four individuals exhibited periods of free-swimming
behavior: leaving the protection of their host coral and swimming in the water column for
several minutes to several hours at a time. This was first noticed in a single female, who
was the smallest of the four individuals being housed together. She began to leave the
Muricella and swim in the water column 47 days after settlement (18 August 2014). This
behavior was seen two days in a row and then was not observed again until 29 days later
(16 September 2014) when it was seen three days in a row at the same time of day
(1330 hours) for at least eight-minute intervals. The fish was already free swimming
when the observation began, so exact times are not known. Two days later the fish was
observed free swimming at 1000 hours, and continued free swimming for four hours, at
which point she was transferred to a separate aquarium with its own resident population
of host corals. She continued the free-swimming behavior in the second aquaria, absent
interactions with other pygmy seahorses. She died at 110 days old with visible growths,
infection or abrasions on the internal surface of the tail. Autolysis prevented thorough
medical examination of these growths to identify them and determine if they were the
cause of death. Three other individuals (one female, one male and one undetermined)
also exhibited free-swimming behavior near the end of their lives, with similar
circumstances to what was described for the smallest female. Extended periods of free-
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1059
swimming suggest that pygmy seahorses will abandon their hosts if they do not meet the
basic needs for survival and reproductive success, whether due to social interactions,
nutritional requirements, reproduction, and/or other factors.
Figure 5. A captive-reared juvenile H. bargibanti on its host Muricella coral (original).
Plasticity of camouflage. While the specific mechanism of pygmy seahorses’ deceptive
camouflage is unknown, color and morphological changes in teleosts are largely based
upon neuronal and hormonal control (Sugimoto 2002). Other teleosts, most notably
zebrafish and various cichlid species can adapt to light and dark backgrounds through the
suppression or expression of melanophores (Henning et al 2013; Sugimoto 2002).
Frogfishes (Antennarius spp.) exhibit incredible plasticity in regards to deceptive
camouflage and mimicry of their surrounding habitat (Randall 2005). Lourie & Randall
(2003) note that it is unknown whether individual H. bargibanti can change color or the
development of their tubercles based upon the color of their hosts. The morphological
color change of pygmy seahorses is gradual, and must be distinguished from
physiological color change of organisms such as cephalopods, where specialized
chromatophores allow for rapid color change in response to external stimuli (Henning et
al 2013; Sugimoto 2002; Zmarzly et al 1990). In our experience, orange adult seahorses
did not change color when hitched to pink Muricella, however this was over a relatively
short period of time (51 to 61 days post-collection) and the pair had access to, and
routinely used, both pink and orange Muricella in their aquarium (Figure 6). It is possible
that H. bargibanti could change from one color morph to another, given time, however
this would be highly unlikely in the wild, given that adults have not been observed
moving from one host to another (Baine et al 2008). In aquaria, the pair of orange adults
produced offspring that, upon settlement, were pink in color. This shows that, at least
during the settlement phase, tubercle morphology and color are subject to neuronal,
hormonal, and perhaps other mechanisms of control, and that juveniles mimic the color
of their chosen host, rather than color being predetermined by parental genetics. Our
study is the first to document this plasticity within the larval development and transition
to juvenile coloration in any pygmy seahorse species.
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1060
Figure 6. An orange adult pygmy seahorse hitched to a pink Muricella coral (original).
Until this point, studies concerning behavior, social structure, growth rates, and feeding
strategy, along with the dynamics of the selection and interaction with Muricella have
been impossible for H. bargibanti. The techniques described in this paper allow future
experimental work on the genetic mechanism and flexibility of protective coloration in H.
bargibanti, as well as delineation of the criteria driving host-selection and social structure
of seahorse groups on a single host. Further work needs to be conducted to determine
feeding strategies for subadult and adult pygmy seahorses in order to accomplish
sustainable captive breeding and to determine the duration of their natural lifespan. Prior
studies have shown increased growth rates and survival of seahorse offspring when they
are fed enriched or naturally high fatty acid foods, including copepods and copepod
nauplii, compared to those raised on less nutritious foods (Chang & Southgate 2001;
Payne & Rippingale 2000). Assuming the nutritional needs can be met, aquacultured H.
bargibanti could be used for restoration efforts in the event of localized extinctions, or
perhaps to enhance local populations to increase the socioeconomic value of dive related
tourism. Due to the complex husbandry for both H. bargibanti and its host Muricella, this
species is not likely to ever be a good candidate for the marine aquarium trade.
Assuming sustainable production is possible, displays of captive-bred H. bargibanti in
public aquaria have the potential to highlight the charismatic pygmy seahorses and help
inspire advocacy for global conservation of coral reef ecosystems. However, we
discourage repeated field collections due to the apparently low population densities and
multiple tiers of existing conservation threats.
Conclusions. This study successfully documents that H. bargibanti and their host
Muricella are difficult but not impossible to maintain in the controlled environment of
laboratory aquaria. The presence of host corals is not enough to elicit settlement;
juvenile seahorses select their hosts based on certain criteria. For the first time, it is
reported that the development of camouflage in H. bargibanti is based on environmental
cues, and does not necessarily reflect the parents’ coloration. Pygmy seahorses will
abandon their host sites if they do not meet their basic needs for survival and
Acknowledgements. Many individuals contributed to this study. Conversations with J.
C. Delbeek, L. Rocha, R. Smith and J. Gomezjurado supported the project as it developed
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1061
and greatly improved the manuscript. All activities were conducted under Gratuitous
Permits 0077-14 and 0085-15, under the supervision of our partners from BFAR FRQD
and NFRDI. We sincerely thank several Philippine colleagues whom have contributed to
our research over many years: A. Principe, P. Paleracio, N. Romena and L. Labe. The
staff of Aquascapes Philippines graciously arranged animal transport and coordinated
export permits. C. Castillo assisted with editing and formatting the document prior to
submission. This work was supported by a Kingfisher Foundation grant to B. Shepherd,
Steinhart Aquarium, California Academy of Sciences. Field expedition work was
conducted with support from the National Science Foundation, DEB 1257630,
Collaborative Proposal: Documenting Diversity in the Apex of the Coral Triangle:
Inventory of Philippine Marine Biodiversity, T. Gosliner, Principal Investigator, R. Mooi, G.
Williams, L. Rocha, Co-Principal Investigators. The City and County of San Francisco
generously supports Steinhart Aquarium operations. We also thank the reviewers, who
improved the readability and organization of the manuscript.
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Received: 19 July 2017. Accepted: 30 August 2017. Published online: 16 September 2017.
Bart Shepherd, Steinhart Aquarium, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco
CA USA 94118, e-mail:
Matt Wandell (author is currently at this address), Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA
USA 93940, e-mail:
Richard Ross, Steinhart Aquarium, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco CA
USA 94118, e-mail:
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
are credited.
How to cite this article:
Shepherd B., Wandell M., Ross R., 2017 Mating, birth, larval development and settlement of Bargibant’s pygmy
seahorse, Hippocampus bargibanti (Syngnathidae), in aquaria. AACL Bioflux 10(5):1049-1063.
AACL Bioflux, 2017, Volume 10, Issue 5. 1063
Annex 1
The following video files of various seahorse behaviors are available online on the
California Academy of Sciences’ YouTube channel:
S1. Hippocampus bargibanti mating, free swimming, and resting on pink Muricella.
S2. Hippocampus bargibanti mating, free swimming, and resting behind orange Muricella.
Note the newly born seahorse swimming in background at 0:20.
S3. Male Hippocampus bargibanti giving birth to a single offspring.
S4. Larval Hippocampus bargibanti feeding on 24-hour old Artemia.
S5. Adult, captive bred, Hippocampus bargibanti, feeding directly from a coral polyp.
S6. Adult, captive bred, Hippocampus bargibanti, feeding directly from a coral polyp.