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The effect of oil pulling with pure coconut oil on Streptococcus mutans: A randomized controlled trial

  • Government Dental College Cuddalore

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Oil pulling as described in ancient Ayurveda involves the use of edible vegetable oils as oral antibacterial agents. It is a practice of swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits. Pure coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and is commonly available in all Indian households. Aim: This study aims to assess the effect of oil pulling therapy with pure coconut oil on Streptococcus mutans count and to compare its efficacy against sesame oil and saline. Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled concurrent parallel- triple blinded clinical trial was conducted. Thirty participants in age range of 20–23 years were randomly allocated into Group A (coconut oil), Group B (sesame oil), and Group C (saline), with 10 in each group. The participants were instructed to swish and pull 10 ml of oil on empty stomach, early morning for 10–15 min. Unstimulated saliva collected before and after oil pulling procedure was analyzed for colony forming units (CFU) per ml saliva of S. mutans. The data were analyzed using paired t-test, ANOVA, and post hoc analysis using Tukey's honest significant difference. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: A statistically significant reduction in S. mutans CFU count after oil pulling with pure coconut oil (P = 0.001) was found. There was no statistically significant difference between sesame oil and coconut oil (P = 0.97) and between sesame oil and saline (P = 0.061). When efficacy of coconut oil against saline was evaluated, a statistical significant difference (P = 0.039) was found. Conclusion: Oil pulling is an effective method for oral hygiene maintenance as it significantly reduces S. mutans count in the saliva.
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Official Publication
ISSN 2319-5932
Volume 15 | Issue 3 | July-September 2017
Journal of
Indian Association of
Public Health Dentistry
Journal of
Indian Association of
Public Health Dentistry
Journal of Indian Association Of Public Health Dentistry • Volume 15 • Issue 3July-September 2017 • Pages 197-???
4.5 mm
© 2017 Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow
Original Article
The concept of oil pulling has been described in the ancient
Ayurvedic text “CharakaSamhita” as “Kavalagraha
or KavalaGandoosha.” It involves use of pure oils as
antibacterial agents for inhibiting harmful bacteria, fungus,
and other organisms of the mouth, teeth, gums, and throat.[1]
Ukranian physician Fedor Karach popularized the concept of
oil pulling in 1992 in Russia.
Oil pulling therapy can be done using edible vegetable oils such
as sesame oil, sunower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and almond
oil. Oil pulling is a powerful detoxifying traditional Indian folk
technique that has recently become popular as a complementary
and alternative remedy to prevent decay, oral malodor, bleeding
gums, and for strengthening teeth, gums, and jaws.[2,3]
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the major commercial
crops in southern India, which gives many useful products to
the inhabitants.[4] Pure coconut oil is produced by crushing
copra, the dried kernel, which contains about 60%–65% of the
oil. The lauric acid (one of the fatty acids) in coconut oil is a
proven antimicrobial as it can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi
that make it especially well‑suited for oral health.[5] The taste
of coconut oil is also fairly pleasant compared to other oils.[6]
Over, 400 microbial species can be found in the human mouth,
and in general, this ecosystem is maintained at homeostasis,
with each microbe inhabiting in its own ecological niche.[7]
Changes in the oral cavity caused by an increase in glucose
Introduction: Oil pulling as described in ancient Ayurveda involves the use of edible vegetable oils as oral antibacterial agents. It is a practice
of swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benets. Pure coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and is commonly available in all
Indian households. Aim: This study aims to assess the effect of oil pulling therapy with pure coconut oil on Streptococcus mutans count and to
compare its efcacy against sesame oil and saline. Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled concurrent parallel‑ triple blinded clinical
trial was conducted. Thirty participants in age range of 20–23 years were randomly allocated into Group A (coconut oil), Group B (sesame
oil), and Group C (saline), with 10 in each group. The participants were instructed to swish and pull 10 ml of oil on empty stomach, early
morning for 10–15 min. Unstimulated saliva collected before and after oil pulling procedure was analyzed for colony forming units (CFU) per
ml saliva of S. mutans. The data were analyzed using paired t‑test, ANOVA, and post hoc analysis using Tukey’s honest signicant difference.
Statistical signicance was set at P < 0.05. Results: A statistically signicant reduction in S. mutans CFU count after oil pulling with pure
coconut oil (P = 0.001) was found. There was no statistically signicant difference between sesame oil and coconut oil (P = 0.97) and between
sesame oil and saline (P = 0.061). When efcacy of coconut oil against saline was evaluated, a statistical signicant difference (P = 0.039) was
found. Conclusion: Oil pulling is an effective method for oral hygiene maintenance as it signicantly reduces S. mutans count in the saliva.
Keywords: Coconut oil, dental caries, sesame oil, Streptococcus mutans
Address for correspondence: Dr. Varsha Komath Pavithran,
“KOMATH”, 4th Cross, Ayappa Nagar, S.M. Road, Jalahalli West,
Bengaluru - 560 015, Karnataka, India.
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and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
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How to cite this article: Pavithran VK, Krishna M, Kumar VA, Jaiswal A,
Selvan AK, Rawlani S. The effect of oil pulling with pure coconut oil on
Streptococcus mutans: A randomized controlled trial. J Indian Assoc Public
Health Dent 2017;15:200‑4.
The Effect of Oil Pulling with Pure Coconut Oil on Streptococcus
mutans: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Varsha Komath Pavithran, Madhusudhan Krishna1, Vinod A. Kumar2, Ashish Jaiswal3, Arul K. Selvan4, Sudhir Rawlani5
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College and Hospital, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, 1Department of Public Health
Dentistry, Career Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 2Depar tment of Public Health Dentistry, Royal Dental College and
Hospital, Iron Hills, Palakkad, Kerala, 3Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sharad Pawar Dental College, Wardha, 5Department of Public Health Dentistry, VSPM
Dental College and Research Center, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 4Department of Microbiology, Krishandevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Pavithran, et al.: Oil pulling therapy using coconut oil
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July‑September 2017 201
consumption can shift the homeostasis of this ecosystem to
particularly acidophilic bacteria known to be damaging to the
teeth, resulting in dental caries.[8] The most virulent of these
species is Streptococcus mutans, which is considered crucial
for the initiation and progression of dental caries as they have
more acidogenic and acidophilic properties than those of other
oral bacteria.[9‑12]
Oral infectious diseases are painful conditions which are
expensive to treat specially in a country like India where
oral health care is still beyond the reach of rural population.
Therefore, some economical methods are required to reduce the
cost of dental treatment which can be attained by the practice
of oil pulling therapy.[13] Oil pulling using coconut oil has
shown to reduce plaque‑induced gingivitis and oral malodour
but scientic research related to the effect of coconut oil on
bacteria (S. mutans) responsible for the initiation and causation
of dental caries is scarce. Hence, this present study was aimed
to assess the effect of oil pulling therapy with pure coconut oil
on S. mutans count in saliva and to compare the effect of oil
pulling therapy with sesame oil and saline.
MaterIals and Methods
The trial followed a randomized controlled concurrent parallel
triple blind clinical trial design. This study is in accordance
with the ethical standards on human experiments and with
the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. Ethical
clearance was obtained from the Institutional Review Board
of the Dental College. Detailed explanation of the nature,
purpose, and material risks of the proposed procedures
was given to the study participants in a language that they
understand. Informed consent was obtained from the subjects
who were willing to participate before starting the study. The
anonymity of the participants was maintained throughout the
In this study, 54 participants were assessed for eligibility,
and 24 were excluded for various reasons during enrollment
procedure. The allocation ratio for the present study was
taken as 1:1. A total of thirty subjects were included in the
study based on a previous study.[14] There were three study
groups ‑ Group A (Coconut oil), Group B (Sesame oil), and
Group C (Saline). Thirty subjects aged 20–23 years were
selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and were
assigned randomly into Group A (10 – experimental group),
Group B (10 – positive control), and Group C (10 – negative
control). The subjects of all the three groups were instructed
to perform oil pulling for a day which was monitored. The
study participants were the students of a Dental College, and
the study was conducted in the Department of Public Health
Dentistry of the same college [Figure 1].
The study presents information based on CONSORT Statement
2010 checklist [Figure 1].
Subjects willing to participate in the study were included.
Subjects with a history of antibiotic usage for the past 1 week
or who have used any antimicrobial mouthwash for the past
15 days, smokers (past and current), subjects undergoing
orthodontic treatment or having a dental prosthesis and are
allergic to the oil used were excluded.
In the present study, the pure coconut oil used is extracted
from dried coconut kernels, which are also called Copra. It
is crude, unrened, and without any additives. It was mainly
extracted by compression of copra in a mill using expeller.
On the day of the study, thirty subjects aged 20–23 years
assembled in the Department of Public Health Dentistry of
the dental college. Each subject was allocated to a group
by simple random technique using lottery method by
the secondary investigator (RR). Group A (Coconut oil),
Group B (Sesame oil), and Group C (Saline) included 10
subjects each.
The unstimulated saliva was collected by spitting method in
which the subject allows saliva to accumulate in the mouth and
then expectorates into a preweighted plastic sterile container,
usually once every 60 s for 5–15 min.[15] The subjects were
instructed to come to the department without performing any
type of oral hygiene measures. Before the practice of oil pulling
therapy, subjects of all three groups were instructed to collect
samples of 2 ml unstimulated saliva each in a plastic sterile
container labeled “before.”
Procedure to practice oil pulling:[3,4,14,16] One tablespoon (10 ml)
of respective group oil (coded in similar bottles) was measured
and distributed by RR to each subject, and then, the primary
investigator (VK) instructed the participants to pour the oil
into the mouth on an empty stomach in the morning. With the
mouth closed and chin up, without speed or effort, the subjects
were instructed to sip, suck, swish, and pull the oil in the mouth
between the teeth in a relaxed way, and also exercise the jaw
as if chewing action for a period of 10–15 min. They were
instructed not to gargle the oil in the throat.
Initially, the oil was viscous but slowly loses its viscosity
and turns into thin and milky white color. The subjects were
instructed to spit it out and wash the mouth and teeth thoroughly
with water for 30 s. The subjects were instructed to relax for
2 min and then collect 2 ml of unstimulated saliva sample in
the plastic sterile container labeled “after.” The participants,
principle investigatorand the analyser were blinded throughout
the study. They were blinded to the allocated groups and the
interventions provided for the same. In the end of the study,
RR revealed the coded bottles for interpretation of the results.
The “before” and “after” saliva samples were immediately
taken to the Department to Microbiology of the dental
college. Each saliva sample was vortexed in the vortex
mixer (REMI CM 101) for 1 min. Then, 100 μl of this
specimen was transferred to 9.99 ml sterile brain heart agar
broth and vortexed again for 1 min. Later, 100 μl of the
diluted specimen was transferred to a sterile Mitis Salivarius
Bacitracin Agar (HIMEDIA, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
and spread uniformly using a sterile L spreader (TARSONS,
Pavithran, et al.: Oil pulling therapy using coconut oil
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July‑September 2017
Kolkata, West Bengal, India). The inoculated culture media
were incubated at 37°C in a candle extinction jar for 48 h.
The colonies on the agar plate were observed. Small convex
deep blue colonies were further studied by gram stain and
identication tests.
S. mutans were identified by gram stain morphology of
Gram‑positive cocci occurring in chains. They were conrmed by
a positive mannitol and sorbitol fermentation tests. The colonies
were counted using a Digital Colony Counter (Labtronics, D.
Haridas and Company, Pune, Maharashtra, India) and the colony
forming units (CFU) per ml of saliva was calculated.
The data were entered into the computer (MS‑ofce, Excel)
and were subjected to statistical analysis using the statistical
package ‑ SPSS version 20 (IBM). Proportions, means,
standard deviation, and condence interval for each group
before and after oil pulling were calculated. Paired t‑test
was applied to assess the mean CFU/ml before and after oil
pulling procedure in each group separately. ANOVA was
applied to compare mean differences between and within
groups. Post hoc analysis using Tukey’s honest signicant
difference (HSD) was applied to determine the best among
the three groups. Statistical signicance value was set at
P < 0.05 for this study.
Figure 1: Flowchart of the study protocol according to CONSORT 2010
Pavithran, et al.: Oil pulling therapy using coconut oil
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July‑September 2017 203
A total of thirty individuals participated in the study with
ten subjects in each group. The mean age of study subjects
in Group A was 21.7 years, in Group B was 22.3 years,
and in Group C was 21.20 years. In Group A, there were
3 (30%) males and 7 (70%) females. In Group B, there
were 4 (40%) males and 6 (60%) females. In Group C, there
were 2 (20%) males and 8 (80%) females.
The difference in the total number of S. mutans colonies formed
before and after swishing of each of the oils was estimated
using the CFU count. The mean baseline CFU in the Group A
and B was found to be reduced after swishing with coconut oil
and sesame oil, respectively. There is a statistically signicant
reduction (P < 0.05) in S. mutans CFU count before and after
oil pulling with pure coconut oil (P = 0.001) and sesame
oil (P = 0.001). The Group A and B show effectiveness in
CFU compared to baseline and after oil pulling therapy with
coconut oil and sesame oil [Table 1].
There was no statistically signicant difference in S. mutans
CFU count at baseline, between, and within the groups
(F = 0.167; P > 0.05). A statistically signicant difference
in S. mutans count was seen in CFU count after oil pulling
between and within the groups (F = 4.158; P = 0.027)
[Table 2].
Tukey’s HSD post hoc secondary analysis was done to
show multiple comparisons between the Groups A, B, and
C for baseline CFU and after CFU. A statistically signicant
reduction in S. mutans CFU was seen with Group A after
oil pulling with coconut oil when compared to saline
group (P = 0.039) whereas no statistically significant
reduction was noticed between Group B (sesame oil) and
Group C (saline) (P = 0.061). Between sesame and coconut
oil groups, there was no statistically signicant reduction in
S. mutans count (P = 0.976).
The present study was planned to evaluate the effect of oil
pulling therapy in reducing S. mutans. A study showed that
there is a denite indication of a possible saponication and
emulsification process during oil‑pulling therapy, which
enhances the mechanical cleansing action of the oil during
oil‑pulling therapy.[17] Thus concluding that even one time
swish with edible vegetable oils can reduce the microorganisms
in the oral cavity. Hence, this present study was conducted for
1 day duration.
Sesame oil is found to be effective in reducing bacterial
growth and adhesion.[18] It contains high amounts of linoleic
acid and oleic acid (unsaturated fatty acids).[19] Oil pulling
therapy with sesame oil was proved to have an effect in the
reduction of S. mutans count in plaque and saliva.[2,14,16] Hence,
it was used as positive control. Saline solution was used as a
negative control to rule out the noncausal interpretations of
the results obtained.
In the present study, there was a denite reduction in S. mutans
count after oil pulling with coconut oil (P = 0.001) and sesame
oil (P = 0.001). This nding was in accordance with the
in vitro study which showed that coconut oil (P = 0.008)
and sesame oil (P = 0.039) showed signicant reduction in
antibacterial activity against S. mutans on prepared biolm
In a study, sesame oil showed reduction in mean S. mutans
count in saliva in 24 h (1.7 ± 1.3–0.9 ± 1.1; P = 0.07).[14]
Another study showed decline in mean number of colonies
of microorganisms after 45 days of sesame oil pulling
therapy (37.1 × 103–31.0 × 103; P < 0.01).[16]
The viability of S. mutans was not affected by any of the
vegetable oils.[20] At the highest concentration (416 mg/ml),
olive oil inhibited the growth of S. mutans by 30%, followed
by palm oil which inhibited up to 27% of growth. Coconut oil
and sunower seed oil inhibited bacterial growth by 26% and
23%, respectively. A study showed the antibacterial effect of
sesame oil on total bacteria. The reduction of total count of
bacteria ranged from 10% to 33.4%.[18] The average reduction
of total count of bacteria was 20% after 40 days of oil‑pulling.
Table 1: Comparison of mean number of colonies (colony
forming units/ml × 103) and paired differences before
and after oil pulling therapy among Group A, B, and C
(CFU/ml ×
Mean±SD 95% CI P
A (n=10)
Baseline CFU 585.90±60.43 183.30±78.20 127.35 239.24 0.001*
After CFU 402.60±81.79
B (n=10)
Baseline CFU 563.80±85.73 151.40±84.30 91.09 211.70 0.001*
After CFU 412.40±117.46
C (n=10)
Baseline CFU 573.30±105.23 50.50±23.67 33.56 67.43 0.303
After CFU 522.80±107.95
*P<0.05, statistically signicant, CFU – Colony forming units,
SD – Standard deviation, CI – Condence interval
Table 2: Comparison of colony forming units/ml × 103
before and after oil pulling in between and within groups
Mean±SD F P
Baseline CFU
Group A 585.90±60.43 0.167 0.847
Group B 563.80±85.73
Group C 573.30±105.23
After CFU
Group A 402.60±81.79 4.158 0.027*
Group B 412.40±117.46
Group C 522.80±107.95
*P<0.05, statistically signicant. SD – Standard deviation, CFU – Colony
forming units
Pavithran, et al.: Oil pulling therapy using coconut oil
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry ¦ Volume 15 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July‑September 2017
Therefore, the sesame oil is found to be effective in reducing
bacterial growth and adhesion.
Another study showed that there was a net decline in
mean plaque scores from baseline to 45 days amounting
to 0.81 ± 0.41 (P < 0.01). There was also a net decline in
gingivitis which was 0.39 ± 0.17 (P < 0.01).[21] The results of
the comparisons of the pre‑ and post‑therapy values of plaque
index score and modied gingival index score showed a
statistically signicant difference in the study group that used
sesame oil (P < 0.001).[22]
A study found that sesame oil, olive oil, coconut oil along
with chlorhexidine gel showed a signicant reduction in
values of S. mutans and Lactobacillus count.[13] In a recent
study, the effect of coconut oil in plaque‑related gingivitis
was assessed.[23] There was a steady decline in both the plaque
index and the gingival index values from day 7. The average
gingival index score on day 30 was down to 0.401 and the
plaque index score was 0.385 from 0.91 and 1.19 at baseline,
respectively. A study reported no signicant reduction in
S. mutans after 2 weeks of oil pulling twice daily with sesame
oil on 6–12‑year‑old.[24] whereas another study observed that
oil pulling with sesame oil was as efcient as chlorhexidine
mouthwash in reducing oral malodor and microorganisms, but
the procedure took a long duration of time to be performed.[25]
Although the oil pulling therapy with coconut and sesame
oil has shown reduction in the number of CFU/ml of saliva
in day duration, the increase in the duration of the study to at
least 2 weeks would have given reliable results. Hence, in the
future, studies with longer durations are needed to assess the
in vivo effect of oil pulling therapy with coconut oil over time.
Oil pulling with both coconut oil and sesame oil was found
to be more effective when compared to swishing with saline.
Coconut oil was equally effective as sesame oil on S. mutans in
saliva. Oil pulling therapy assures to be an improved preventive
home remedy adjunct to routine oral hygiene practices in
developing countries like India.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... Six studies [19,22,23,25,26,29] had a low and uncertain bias risk and eight studies [11,18,20,21,21,24,27,28,30] had a high bias risk [ Figures 2 and 3]. Ten studies [11,19,20,22,23,[25][26][27][28][29] had a low risk of bias in the generation of random sequences, but all studies produced ambiguous information in terms of concealment of allocation. ...
... Six studies [19,22,23,25,26,29] had a low and uncertain bias risk and eight studies [11,18,20,21,21,24,27,28,30] had a high bias risk [ Figures 2 and 3]. Ten studies [11,19,20,22,23,[25][26][27][28][29] had a low risk of bias in the generation of random sequences, but all studies produced ambiguous information in terms of concealment of allocation. Seven studies [11,18,21,24,27,28,30] showed high risk of bias by failing to blind the participants and investigators. ...
... L. casei has been shown to be immune to sunflower oil. In our systematic review, similar results were also found where many authors [18,22,27,29,30] recorded a significant decrease in the total bacterial count by inhibiting S. mutans, L. acidophilus acidophilus growth. Therefore, this evidence suggests the use of edible oils as a home remedy for the treatment of tooth decay. ...
Full-text available
To systematically review the published literature with the purpose of knowing the oral health effects of oil pulling. A systematic review of the literature was conducted across PubMed, PubMed Central, Embase, Google Scholar, Scopus, Campbell systematic review, and Cochrane. All papers published from January 2010 to March 2020 that focused on oil pulling as a study intervention were included in this review. Randomized control trials comparing oil pulling using conventional cooking oil with any controls such as chlorhexidine (CHX), placebo or routine dental hygiene practice were included. Eighty fulltext articles were analyzed initially. Among these 80 articles, only 14 articles fulfilled the research question and were included for review. A maximum of 600 participants were present across the reviewed studies, with study duration ranged between 1 and 45 days. With a high risk of bias in multiple aspects and unclear reporting of others, the methodological quality of the included studies was questionable. Among 14 studies included studies in this systematic review, nine studies compared oil pulling with CHX in the control group in which statistically significant reduction of scores was found in six studies, two studies showed a nonsignificant reduction, and one study did not report about significant difference. The quality of evidence appears to be low to recommend oil pulling as a suitable adjunct to other conventional oral hygiene methods, as most of the included studies had high or unclear risk of bias.
... After oil pulling using pure CO, a significant reduction in number of CFUs of S. mutans was noted. However, there was no difference that could be considered statistically significant between SO and CO [23]. According to the findings of another study carried out by Saravanan and colleagues, oil pulling led to a significant decrease in gingival, plaque scores, and number of bacteria found in the mouth [24]. ...
The effectiveness of Oil Pulling Therapy (OPT) with coconut (CO) and sesame oil (SO) on gingivitis patients is of interest. Forty patients were randomly distributed into group A and B for CO and SO respectively. Participants of group A were explained in detail about the OPT with CO and group B with SO along with their routine oral hygiene practice for 30 days. The mean plaque index of CO and SO reduced from 1.5 to 1.32 and 1.65 to 1.36 (p>0.05) respectively after 30 days. The mean gingival index of CO and SO declined from 1.12 to 0.9 and 1.1 to 0.81 respectively after 30 days (p>0.05) compared to initial scores. The mean no. of colonies in the case of CO and SO declined from 35.8 × 103 to 32.4 × 103 and 6.8 × 103 to 34.6 × 103 after 30 days (p>0.05). OPT reduced plaque and gingivitis, according to the results of one month. Hence, we must increase awareness about oil pulling, as this home therapy can prevent gingival diseases in countries with limited resources like ours.
... Relatedly, coconut oil has been found to have similar antibacterial properties and is a safer alternative to SLS. That is, coconut oil has been proven to reduce the number of S. mutans in saliva [12]. Moreover, coconut oil has the ability to increase mucous levels of epithelial tissue that line body cavities as well as reduce acid levels in the body that are responsible for inducing and perpetuating ulcers [13]. ...
... Rahmawati et al. (2020) reported that the MCFAs in VCO are responsible for lowering the blood glucose level as they are directly absorbed into cells and then into the mitochondria, and thus, with the increase in metabolism, cells work more efficiently to form new cells and replace damaged cells more quickly. Recently, Shetty et al. (2022) have advocated that dose-dependent dietary VCO supplementation could be an effective strategy to reduce obesity and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, based on their studies in Wistar rat models. ...
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The coconut palm is aptly described as the "tree of life" because of its myriad of uses and diversified value added products. Coconut and its derivatives are considered to be an emerging functional food. It is also called a "miracle food". In recent years, there have been conflicting reports regarding the consumption of coconut oil and its health benefits. In this backdrop, our article systematically analyses the antimicrobial, oral protective, and anti-diabetic effects of coconut products in light of the recent scientific literature. Numerous scientific reports have highlighted that coconut oil has antimicrobial properties improving oral hygiene. Although its anti-obesity and hypoglycemic effects are backed by emerging scientific literature, many questions remain unanswered. In general, the consumption of coconut oil has many beneficial effects; nevertheless, long-term clinical trials are warranted. Indeed, the exploration of coconut phytochemicals, clinical trials, and epidemiological studies unleashes the true therapeutic prospects of coconut and its derivatives. At this juncture, we suggest shifting our research focus from the fatty acid composition of coconut oil towards the characterization of other phytochemicals such as polyphenols, phytosterols, etc., the conduct of clinical trials and epidemiological studies to unleash the true potential of coconut products.
... The first few times you're new to it may be inconvenient, but you're quickly going to get used to it. Continue to pump the oil until it is thick and white, an indicator of the completion of the process (Pavithran et al., 2017).  Step 3: Sprinkle oil, then sprinkle warm water on your mouth. ...
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Abstract---Pulling oil involves actually pulling oil in your mouth for about 10 to 15 minutes around a tablespoon (one teaspoon for children). Traditionally, cocoa, vegetables, sesame, olives, rapeseed and sunflower oils are common options for oil. You pull and shake the oil between the teeth, when removing undesirable food particles, you also take dangerous bacteria with them, which can lead to the formation of plaques, caries and inflammations. This cleansing process is accomplished without disrupting the beneficial balance of the oral microbiome that is essential to a healthy mouth due to the non-aggressive nature of natural oils. Keywords---Ayurvedic practice, oil pulling, oil types, oral hygienic.
... The first few times you're new to it may be inconvenient, but you're quickly going to get used to it. Continue to pump the oil until it is thick and white, an indicator of the completion of the process (Pavithran et al., 2017).  Step 3: Sprinkle oil, then sprinkle warm water on your mouth. ...
Pulling oil involves actually pulling oil in your mouth for about 10 to 15 minutes around a tablespoon (one teaspoon for children). Traditionally, cocoa, vegetables, sesame, olives, rapeseed and sunflower oils are common options for oil. You pull and shake the oil between the teeth, when removing undesirable food particles, you also take dangerous bacteria with them, which can lead to the formation of plaques, caries and inflammations. This cleansing process is accomplished without disrupting the beneficial balance of the oral microbiome that is essential to a healthy mouth due to the non-aggressive nature of natural oils.
Streptococcus mutans merupakan bakteri penyebab masalah pada karies gigi. Penggunaan bahan alami dipercaya menjadi salah satu terapi infeksi yang dapat digunakan sebagai antibakteri. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan adanya potensi bahan alami seperti minyak kelapa murni dan mineral arang aktif dapat mengobati karies gigi. Hal ini mendorong untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kombinasi antara minyak kelapa murni dan arang aktif terhadap S. mutans. Pengujian antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi cakram dengan mengukur diameter zona hambat. Kelompok sampel uji terdiri dari kombinasi minyak kelapa murni : arang aktif (konsentrasi 10% v/v : 5% b/v, 5% v/v : 5% b/v, dan 5% v/v : 10% b/v) dan amoksisilin 30 µg sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil menunjukkan kombinasi minyak kelapa murni : arang aktif (10% v/v : 5%b/v, 5% v/v : 5% b/v, dan 5% v/v : 10% b/v) dan amoksisillin memiliki besaran zona hambat berturut-turut sebesar 8,50 mm; 6,90 mm; 6,90 mm dan 30,04 mm. Hasil uji penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi antara minyak kelapa murni dan arang aktif memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang lemah terhadap bakteri S. mutans. Selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan aktivitas minyak kelapa murni maupun bahan-bahan alami lainnya pada penanganan infeksi gigi dan mulut. Kata Kunci: Antibakteri, Minyak Kelapa Murni, Arang Aktif, Karies Gigi, Streptococcus mutans Streptococcus mutans is bacteria that causes problems in dental caries. The use of natural ingredients is believed to be one of the infection therapies that can be used as antibacteria. Several studies have shown the potential of natural ingredients such as virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal minerals to treat dental caries. It is encouraging to know the antibacterial activity of the combination of virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal against S. mutans. Antibacterial testing was carried out by disc diffusion method to know the diameter of the inhibition zone. The test sample group consisted of a combination of virgin coconut oil: activated charcoal (10% v/v : 5% w/v, 5% v/v : 5% w/v, and 5% v/v : 10% w/v ) and amoxicillin as a positive control. The results showed that the combination of virgin coconut oil: activated charcoal (10% v/v : 5% w/v, 5% v/v : 5% w/v, and 5% v/v : 10% w/v) and amoxicillin 30 µg had the size of the inhibition zone was 8.50 mm, 6.90mm, 6.90 mm and 30.04 mm, respectively. The results of the research conducted showed that the combination of virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal had weak antibacterial activity against S. mutans. Furthermore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the activity of virgin coconut oil and other natural ingredients in the treatment of dental and oral infections.
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Streptococcus mutans merupakan bakteri penyebab masalah pada karies gigi. Penggunaan bahan alami dipercaya menjadi salah satu terapi infeksi yang dapat digunakan sebagai antibakteri. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan adanya potensi bahan alami seperti minyak kelapa murni dan mineral arang aktif dapat mengobati karies gigi. Hal ini mendorong untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kombinasi antara minyak kelapa murni dan arang aktif terhadap S. mutans. Pengujian antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi cakram dengan mengukur diameter zona hambat. Kelompok sampel uji terdiri dari kombinasi minyak kelapa murni : arang aktif (konsentrasi 10% v/v : 5% b/v, 5% v/v : 5% b/v, dan 5% v/v : 10% b/v) dan amoksisilin 30 µg sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil menunjukkan kombinasi minyak kelapa murni : arang aktif (10% v/v : 5%b/v, 5% v/v : 5% b/v, dan 5% v/v : 10% b/v) dan amoksisillin memiliki besaran zona hambat berturut-turut sebesar 8,50 mm; 6,90 mm; 6,90 mm dan 30,04 mm. Hasil uji penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi antara minyak kelapa murni dan arang aktif memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang lemah terhadap bakteri S. mutans. Selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan aktivitas minyak kelapa murni maupun bahan-bahan alami lainnya pada penanganan infeksi gigi dan mulut. Streptococcus mutans is bacteria that causes problems in dental caries. The use of natural ingredients is believed to be one of the infection therapies that can be used as antibacteria. Several studies have shown the potential of natural ingredients such as virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal minerals to treat dental caries. It is encouraging to know the antibacterial activity of the combination of virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal against S. mutans. Antibacterial testing was carried out by disc diffusion method to know the diameter of the inhibition zone. The test sample group consisted of a combination of virgin coconut oil: activated charcoal (10% v/v : 5% w/v, 5% v/v : 5% w/v, and 5% v/v : 10% w/v ) and amoxicillin as a positive control. The results showed that the combination of virgin coconut oil: activated charcoal (10% v/v : 5% w/v, 5% v/v : 5% w/v, and 5% v/v : 10% w/v) and amoxicillin 30 μg had the size of the inhibition zone was 8.50 mm, 6.90mm, 6.90 mm and 30.04 mm, respectively. The results of the research conducted showed that the combination of virgin coconut oil and activated charcoal had weak antibacterial activity against S. mutans. Furthermore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the activity of virgin coconut oil and other natural ingredients in the treatment of dental and oral infections.
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Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the major commercial crops in southern India, which gives many useful products to the inhabitants. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one among them, produced from both ball copra (within the nut) and fresh coconuts. VCO differs from commercial coconut oil (CNO) the way it is processed. In wet processing, natural fermentation is well known for its traditional and industrial outlook as it is carried out by microbes present in the natural environment. However, this process has contamination problems due to the presence of unwanted microorganisms and uncontrolled conditions. It leads to the production of poor quality CNO (usually yellow in colour, rancid smell). To overcome this problem, VCO was produced by the induced fermentation method where certain species of probiotic microorganisms were used under semi-controlled conditions. Quality control parameters for VCO produced both in natural fermentation and induced fermentation (semi-controlled conditions) were studied and compared with the standards given by APCC (Asian Pacific Coconut Community).
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C oconut oil is produced by crushing copra, the dried kernel, which contains about 60
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Oil pulling has its origin in Ayurvedic medicine, is a natural remedy to improve oral health. Its antibacterial properties help to eradicate the bacteria and other debris from adhering to the oral cavity. It reduces the accumulation of plaque, prevents halitosis, cavities, gingivitis. It is used to heal the bleeding gums and mouth ulcers. Oil pulling with sesame oil improves overall health. Other than oral health, oil pulling also helps in reducing asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, diabetes, migraine headaches and chronic skin problems. It works.
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Background: As the technological level of healthcare increases, it is important not to lose sight of the basics of patient care. No matter how sophisticated dental techniques have become, preventive dentistry still remains the foundation for oral health. Therefore, antimicrobial mouthrinses are developed to provide an effective means of preventing colonization by micro-organisms. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the antimicrobial activity of oil pulling, herbal mouthrinses and fluoride mouthwash on the caries activity and S. mutans counts in the saliva of children, using Oratest and Dentocult SM kit. Design: Fifty-two healthy children between the age group of 6 to 12 years were selected for the study and divided into four groups based on the mouthrinse used as group 1: fluoride, group 2: herbal, group 3: oil pulling and group 4: control. The estimation of caries activity and S. mutans was done prior to and after the subjects were instructed to use the mouthrinse twice daily for a period of 2 weeks. Statistical analysis: The comparisons were made by applying paired ‘t’ test with the level of significance set at p < 0.05. Difference between more than two mean values was done by using ANOVA and Post hoc Bonferroni test was used for multiple comparisons. Results and conclusion: The efficacy of fluoride and herbal mouthrinses was found to be comparable while oil pulling did not provide any additional benefit to be used as an effective antimicrobial agent in reducing the bacterial colonization of an individual. How to cite this article: Jauhari D, Srivastava N, Rana V, Chandna P. Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Fluoride Mouthrinse, Herbal Mouthrinse and Oil Pulling on the Caries Activity and Streptococcus mutans Count using Oratest and Dentocult SM Strip Mutans Kit. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(2):114-118.
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Oil pulling or oil swishing therapy is a traditional procedure in which the practitioners rinse or swish oil in their mouth. It is supposed to cure oral and systemic diseases but the evidence is minimal. Oil pulling with sesame oil and sunflower oil was found to reduce plaque related gingivitis. Coconut oil is an easily available edible oil. It is unique because it contains predominantly medium chain fatty acids of which 45-50 percent is lauric acid. Lauric acid has proven anti inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. No studies have been done on the benefits of oil pulling using coconut oil to date. So a pilot study was planned to assess the effect of coconut oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of coconut oil pulling/oil swishing on plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis. A prospective interventional study was carried out. 60 age matched adolescent boys and girls in the age-group of 16-18 years with plaque induced gingivitis were included in the study and oil pulling was included in their oral hygiene routine. The study period was 30 days. Plaque and gingival indices of the subjects were assessed at baseline days 1,7,15 and 30. The data was analyzed using paired t test. A statistically significant decrease in the plaque and gingival indices was noticed from day 7 and the scores continued to decrease during the period of study. Oil pulling using coconut oil could be an effective adjuvant procedure in decreasing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.
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Oral malodor affects a large section of population. Traditional Indian folk remedy, oil pulling not only reduces it but can also bring down the cost of treatment. To compare the efficacy of oil pulling and chlorhexidine in reducing oral malodor and microbes. Three week randomized controlled trial was conducted among 60 students of three hostels of Maharani College of science and arts and commerce and Smt V.H.D.College of Home Science. The hostels were randomized into two intervention groups namely chlorhexidine group, sesame oil and one control (placebo) group. Twenty girls were selected from each hostel based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed consent was obtained. The parameters recorded at the baseline (day 0) and post intervention on day 22 were plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), objective (ORG1) and subjective (ORG2) organoleptic scores and anaerobic bacterial colony (ABC) count. Intra and inter group comparisons were made using Kruskal Wallis test, Wilcoxan sign rank test, ANOVA and student t-test. There was significant reduction (p<0.05) in the mean scores of all the parameters within sesame oil and chlorhexidine group. Among the groups significant difference was observed in objective and subjective organoleptic scores. Post hoc test showed significant difference (p<0.000) in mean organoleptic scores of sesame oil and placebo and chlorhexidine and placebo group. No significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between sesame oil and chlorhexidine group. Oil pulling with sesame oil is equally efficacious as chlorhexidine in reducing oral malodor and microbes causing it. It should be promoted as a preventive home care therapy.
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Objectives: (i) To assess reduction in Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus species count in saliva sample after ten minutes of oil gum massage therapy (massage of gingival tissues) per day for three weeks with sesame oil, olive oil, and coconut oil in three different groups of subjects. (ii) To compare the efficacy between three different oils and the “gold standard” chlorhexidine gel. (iii) To assess reduction in gingival scores and plaque scores of study subjects. Materials and Methods: Study design – Single center, parallel design, and triple blind randomized clinical study with four treatment groups. Participants: 32 of the 40 study subjects working as housekeeping personnel at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal; aged 18-55 years completed the three-week study period. Interventions: Subjects were randomly assigned to massage their gingiva everyday for three weeks with sesame oil, olive oil, coconut oil (tests), and Chlorhexidine gel (control). Oral health status and paraffin stimulated saliva samples were obtained at baseline and after three weeks of oil gum massage therapy. Outcome measures: Microbial culture, plaque index, and gingival index. Statistical analysis: Paired t test and Kruskal Wallis test. Results: There was a significant reduction in mean Streptococcus mutans count, Lactobacillus count, plaque scores, and gingival scores in all four groups after the study. However, there was no significant difference found in percentage reduction of these variables between the four groups. Conclusion: These oils can be used as valuable preventive agents in maintaining and improving oral health in low socioeconomic status population. However, it is recommended that further research should be conducted in other populations with a larger sample and longer duration of follow-up period.