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Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children



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Chapter 5
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
Daniele Farneti and Elisabetta Genovese
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
This chapter reviews the main aspects of dysphagia in children: epidemiology, etiology,
physiopathology, bedside assessment, and instrumental assessment in the perspective of
planning treatment. More details will be given on the endoscopic assessment in children
of dierent ages in consideration of the information useful in planning treatment. This
chapter oers a review of the literature on the topic and a simple diagram of the main
aspects of the management of dysphagia in children. This chapter aims to oer a simple
and useful guide for students and professionals working in the eld and suggestions for
the implementation of clinical steps in daily practice when and where managing children
with swallowing disorders is a reality.
Keywords: swallowing, deglutition disorders, children, newborn, feeding
1. Introduction
Swallowing disorders in children is a topic of great interest, from the epidemiological, clinical,
rehabilitative, and, not least, cultural perspective. If signicant steps forward have been made
in recent decades in all aspects of adult swallowing (under normal conditions and for dierent
comorbidities), medical knowledge about aspects of swallowing in childhood (normal, abnor-
mal, and deviant) has not improved at the same speed. This has created a major gap between
the more practical aspects of patient care and people requiring specic interventions.
Before proceeding to the discussion of the most typical physiopathological and clinical aspects
related with this disorder, a brief epidemiological and etiological framework of the problem
is appropriate.
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Coexisting diseases
Sensory and psychic
Communicative behavioral
Table 2. Main pathological conditions associated with swallowing disorders.
2. Epidemiology
Data about the incidence (new cases) and prevalence (disorder in a given period of time) of
swallowing disorders in childhood are not reported separately in the literature. This is mainly
due to the heterogeneity of the population studied, in reference to the assumed consistency and
the dierent ways of detection of the disorder. It is estimated that 25–45% of normally develop-
ing children can have eating disorders and swallowing problems, and in children with devel-
opmental disorders, the prevalence is estimated to be 30–80%. Feeding problems associated
with serious sequelae (lack of growth and chronicity) were reported in 10.3% of children with
physical disabilities (26–90%), medical conditions, and prematurity (10–49%). This is due to an
improvement in survival rates of premature babies with low birth weight and with complex
medical conditions [13]. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the main morbid conditions and possible
interactions (comorbidities) that are associated with swallowing disorders in children.
Neurological Encephalopathies (cerebral palsy, perinatal anoxia),
Traumatic Brain Injury, Neoplasms, Mental delay,
Prematurity and developmental delays
Anatomical and structural Congenital (tracheoesophageal stula, palatal cleft),
Genetic Chromosomal (Down S.), Syndromic (Pierre Robin,
Treacher-Collins), Dysmetabolisms
Systemic diseases Respiratory (chronic lung disease, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia), Gastrointestinal (GI dysmobility,
constipation), Cardiac
Psychosocial and behavioral Oral deprivation
Secondary reversible diseases Iatrogenic
Table 1. Main pathological conditions causing swallowing disorders.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology78
3. Etiology
From the etiological point of view, only a brief reference to the most common causes of dys-
phagia in children, including conditions associated with developmental abnormalities, that
is, early onset conditions, requiring prolonged or chronic measures of medical, rehabilitation,
and/or residential support, is necessary.
These conditions (Table 1) are mainly associated with neurological disorders (cerebral palsy,
meningitis, encephalopathy, pervasive developmental disorders, traumatic brain injury, and
muscle weakness): factors aecting neuromuscular coordination (prematurity and low birth
weight), complex diseases (heart disease, lung disease, gastroesophageal reux disease, and
delayed gastric emptying), structural anomalies (cleft lip and/or palate, laryngomalacia, tra-
cheoesophageal stula, esophageal atresia, cervical-facial abnormalities, and choanal atresia),
and genetic syndromes (Pierre Robin, Prader-Willi, Treacher-Collins, and deletion of chromo-
some 22q11).
To these conditions, the iatrogenic conditions related to the use of drugs (reduced reactivity,
hypotonus, and decreased appetite), surgery, or medical measures, which require alternative
ways of feeding or assisted breathing, and any other conditions that induce sensory depriva-
tion of orofacial and pharyngeal structures, including a limited availability of food, which
may be associated with social, emotional, and environmental problems (e.g., diculty of par-
ent-child interaction) (Table 2) [4], must be added.
4. Physiopathological premises
The cultural problem that has created such a gap between child and adult dysphagia is repre-
sented by the fact that the swallowing act evolves into a continuum that already starts during
intrauterine development and continues throughout the lifespan. The passage between these
two conditions, therefore, is slow, but the dierences between child and adult swallowing
and pathophysiological conditions of one and the other make the two realities very dierent
to each other and not comparable. An adequate approach to childhood dysphagia implies,
inevitably, a reminder of the pathophysiological aspects, with a short premise that a swallow-
ing act has, in the child, a predominantly nourishing component and a protective action on
the lower respiratory tract.
It all rests on the close relationship that exists, even in an evolutionary sense, between struc-
ture and function. If an organ evolves (morphologically and topographically), the functions it
performs also have to adapt to this evolution. If the functions that the organs perform are vital
functions (breathing and swallowing—aimed at nutrition), is it possible that the importance
of such functions conditions the structure?
So what is the role of external events, for example, environmental, which are able to aect the
relationship between shape and function? These considerations would lead us away from the
topic of our chapter. Going back to the initial topic, it must surely be said that the swallowing
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
Advances in Speech-language Pathology80
acquires the connotations of their real development toward an ecient and safe swallowing.
Such enabling requires a long time: a child develops motor paerns similar to adults, only
during adolescence. This underlines the complexity of this function, which, throughout life,
is enriched with more and more complex socializing and cultural meanings. The concept
of feeding, as an element intimately connected with swallowing, is established very early
on. This concept is linked to the set of functions that are linked to oral structures: rst of all,
neuromotor skills [2] and also communication and social functions, as previously mentioned.
As strictly regards feeding, it provides an increasingly sophisticated enabling of the oral
structures, which allows the management, in the oral cavity, of increasingly more diversied
boluses, in terms of consistency, volume, temperature, viscosity, and elasticity. The feeding
activities allow a perfect conformation of the oral cavity to the anatomical adaptations that
involve the head and neck fully during growth [9]. These same anatomical adaptations also
involve the pharynx, so the interaction between feeding and swallowing, and more properly
the interaction between the oral and pharyngeal phase of swallowing, becomes more and
more intimate and functional. This adaptation is aimed at creating a neuromotor act that has
to be eective (protective of the lower respiratory tract), ecient (complete transport of vol-
umes), and functional (supporting of hydration and nourishment), while maintaining its own
individual character and social pleasure. Table 4 summarizes the oromotor abilities required
by a small child (before 2 years) as a function of the consistencies managed [10]. In such a rap-
idly evolving system, the development of oral motor skills assumes great importance. These
skills are being developed within a system that is changing quickly in both the structural and
neuromotor sense: this occurs rapidly within the rst 3 years of life [5, 10]. During this period,
children are engaged in a great variety of oral experiences, sometimes oriented to satisfying
Months Progression of foods and
Oromotor abilities Gross motor abilities
0–4 Liquid Sucking the nipple Head control
4–6 Purèe Sucking from spoon Siing position, hands
6–9 Purèe, soft solid Drink from glass, vertical
mastication (reduced
lateral movements)
Hands to the mouth, pincer
hands, begins to hold the
spoon, and begins to eat
with hands
9–12 Ground, coarse purèe Drink from glass
Rened pincer hands and
eating with hands
12–18 All consistencies Tongue lateral movements,
drinking from a straw
Greater autonomy at meals,
discovering foods and
bringing to the mouth
18–24 Research of chewable foods Lateral chewing
>24 Harder solids more mature chewing Autonomous, manages
utensils and glasses
without spilling
Table 4. Neuromotor skills and oral management of the bolus within 2 years of age.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
their basic nutritional need: this need is associated with the exploration of the surrounding
environment, which should always be comfortable and rewarding. From a clinical point of
view, a problem exists when a child is “locked” into a specic feeding schedule, when it is
anchored to a feeding scheme beyond which they cannot progress. As the oral motor skills
represent a sequential progression of increasingly complex skills, any interruption in this pro-
gression can limit their development and cause the loss of previously acquired skills [11].
5. Stages of oromotor development
At birth, a child needs to be able to breathe on its own and to feed safely. This implies, as
already mentioned, a perfect cooperation of the swallowing eectors, which reects a state
of optimal health (relating to the development of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and car-
diovascular apparatus), optimal nervous integration, and optimal mother-child relationship.
From the anatomo-functional perspective and aimed at sucking activity, it should be remem-
bered that the child, toothless at birth, has a high larynx (at the height of the rst two cervical
vertebrae), and a high respiratory rate (70–80/min, with minimal thoracic movements) but
mostly a large tongue inside a relatively small mouth. Swallowing of milk occurs with a
suckling neuromotor paern, characterized by in-out tongue movements, facilitated by an
opening-closing movement of the mandible, miming a squeezing act. During this activity,
the face musculature, mainly the lip muscles, is kept hypotonic and the iolaryngeal axis is
high and immobile. Swallowing triggers from the valleculae, and the pharyngeal passage
is realized with a suction/swallowing ratio equal to 1. Table 5 summarizes these events in
the light of an overall maturation of the child [12–14]. It should be remembered that, at this
Months Motor activity Feeding activities Jaw Tongue Lips
0–1 Reex
movements of
Raises the head
Sucking of nger
(if approached to
the mouth)
Phasic bite Tongue = jaw Mimic muscles
1–2 Circular
movements of
Raises the head
Hands to the
mouth (if lying
Phasic bite Tongue at rest
Tongue besides
Lip synchronous
with other facial
3–5 Trunk control
Head control
Siing position
Objects to the
Phasic bite
Stable jaw (head
Movements of
Gag from
mid-third of the
Inhibition lingual
Development of
facial muscles
lips control
separate lips
Table 5. Neuromotor paerns and eectors: sucking.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology82
time, swallowing is purely reex, relegated to the activity of the bulbar swallowing center. At
weaning, anatomical changes allow the realization of new swallowing paerns. The tongue
tends to aen out and acquires the ability to perform up/down movements between the
mandible and the hard palate. Lips acquire tone to achieve a greater aachment to the nipple.
The laryngeal lowering allows the volumetric increase of the pharynx and the realization
of a negative pressure inside the mouth. The child is now able to move a greater volume of
liquids, reaching a sucking/swallowing ratio superior to 1. These events become possible
due to a progressive disappearance of oral reexes. Swallowing triggers from the valleculae,
as above, but the increased ow and the lower position of the larynx can facilitate episodes
of penetration. Table 6 summarizes these events [12]. The myelination of subcortical and
Months Motor activity Feeding activities Jaw Tongue Lips
6–9 Sits and turns
Objects from
hand to hand
Explores with
He/she gets up
Sucking of nger
(if approached to
the mouth)
of tongue/jaw
(trunk control)
He/she holds
Phasic bite
Gag reduced
(bolus crush)
Lateralizes the
Lower lip
stabilizer active
Use of perioral
Bolus between
molars: use of the
lips and cheeks
10–12 Crawling
Gets up
Upright position
Fine motor skills
pressure of soft
Use of all
intrinsic tongue
muscles (various
All moving
Combination of
Active lips/
cheeks used to
manage soft
Contracts lower
lip: clearing from
teeth and gums
Rare drooling
13–24 Fast walking
Jumps with 2 feet
Walking on tiptoe
Draws closed
Makes puzzles
Objects to the
No turning of
head to bite (most
modies lingual
Tongue on right
and left
Tongue clears the
Lips licking
lip prehension
during lingual
and mandibular
Table 6. Neuromotor paern and eectors: weaning.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
subsequently cortical structures, as previously mentioned, interfere with the bulbar centers
(neuromotor control): now swallowing becomes an automatic act, submied to the sensorial
aerents coming from the periphery, mainly from the oral cavity. The growth of orofacial
structures allows for more and more precise and rened neuromotor paerns enabling the
development of oral skills and the ability to manage boluses of dierent volume and consis-
tency [15]. Table 7 summarizes these anatomical variations in young children up to 2 years
old and older than 6 years. Between 2 and 6 years of age, swallowing mainly reaches the
optimization of the oral activities and the stabilization of the pharyngeal phase. Even the
anticipatory phase of swallowing tends to stabilize in this age group. As regards chewing,
this activity is enriched by movements of laterality and circularity of the tongue and mandi-
ble, with transport of the bolus in the molar region and the beginning of trituration of harder
and harder consistencies. The duration and number of masticatory cycles, as well as their
eciency in terms of strength, precision, and coordination, develop progressively. From 6 to
12 years, chewing is further perfected. A reduction in the number and duration of the chew-
ing cycles occurs with a strengthening of the propulsive phase, due to the strengthening
of the masticatory muscles. In the meantime, the tone of mentalis and orbicularis muscles
decreases. Also in this phase the exposure to dierent consistencies and volumes is a pow-
erful stimulus to the optimal use of swallowing eectors, all activities that, in the nervous
system, are supported by mechanisms of neuronal sprouting (brain plasticity). The correct
knowledge of these events and of the time frames mentioned earlier underlies the correct
assessment of children with swallowing disorders. The failure to achieve abilities, chrono-
logically expected in an age band, will surely negatively compromise the achievement of
further abilities.
Younger child Older child
Oral cavity Tongue lls the mouth Tongue lies on the oor of mouth
Edentulia Primary teeth
Tongue at rest between the lips and
against the palate
Tongue behind your teeth and not
against the palate
Cheeks rich in fat Chewing using buccinator muscles
Small jaw Relationship between jaws almost
Sulci important during sucking Sulci less important during sucking
Pharynx Oropharynx not well dened Lengthening of the pharynx with
oropharynx dened
Skull base with obtuse angle to the
Skull base with right angle
Larynx 1/3 of the adult
1/2 glois cartilaginous 1/3 glois cartilaginous
Epiglois vertical and narrow Epiglois wider and aened
Table 7. Growth of structures in the younger and older child.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology84
6. Signs and symptoms
It has previously been said that the alterations of the oromotor development, in one or more
associations summarized in Table 3, result in an arrest in the development of the child’s feed-
ing skills, with the possibility of losing skills already acquired. Dysphagia, which is not prop-
erly diagnosed, can result in multiple clinical signs, in various combinations.
First, it can determine weight loss and a failure to thrive so as to require a parenteral or
enteral nutritional support. Dehydration, respiratory complications or aspiration pneumonia,
food adversion, and rumination (i.e., involuntary regurgitation of undigested food that can be
chewed and re-swallowed) are other possible signs of dysphagia.
From these assumptions, the major requests for phoniatric-logopedic evaluation of children
with swallowing disorders are derived. Most commonly, children refuse some consistencies
or have a dicult approach to meals, with lile interest in eating. All these conditions may
reect alterations in the physiology of swallowing such as a slow gastric motility or consti-
pation. A child who refuses new consistencies may suer from gastroesophageal reux and
other gastrointestinal disorders. A gastroesophageal reux can cause pain during or after the
meal, which children associate with feeding.
This can impede feeding and cause severe behavioral problems that make it dicult, if not
impossible, for the parents to feed the baby adequately. As mentioned earlier, a limited taste
experience related to oral intake may aect inadequacies in the oral sensorimotor develop-
ment. Parents can also signal that the child does not show a sense of hunger but rather shows
a sense of aversion or avoidance to sensory stimulation, making meal times a real struggle.
Every child is dierent and these conditions may be present in various combinations [16].
Table 8 summarizes some of the main conditions which lead to a request of consultation. The
Incoordination between sucking and swallowing (shockable rhythm)
Weak feeding
Alterations in breathing or apnea during the meal
Gagging excessive or frequent coughing during the meal
Occurrence of diculties in supply
Diagnoses associated with dysphagia, malnutrition, or craniofacial anomalies
Shutdown/reduction in body weight gain from 2 to 3 months (malnutrition)
Marked irritability during the meal
History of respiratory diseases and feeding diculties
Lethargy during the meal
Feeding time more than 30–40 min
Unexplained refusal of food and malnutrition (failure to thrive)
Drooling that persists beyond 5 years
Nasal regurgitation during the meal
Delay in the maturation and development of food habits
Table 8. Sending criteria to phoniatric-logopedic assessment.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
table shows conditions referring to a variety of swallowing disorders, some mentioned in the
section on etiology. It is obvious that if the baby is born with a craniofacial malformation, the
oral and/or pharyngeal phase of swallowing will consequently result as compromised.
7. The bedside evaluation (non-instrumental clinical evaluation)
The clinical approach to children with swallowing disorders does not dier substantially
from the approach to other pathological conditions. In children, as in adults, it has to be
borne in mind that dysphagia is a symptom, underlying one or more morbid or comorbid
conditions. The approach to children is complicated by the inability of the young patients to
directly express their discomfort and this is often mediated by caregivers.
To summarize, possible goals of the non-instrumental clinical evaluation are as follows: to
identify the possible etiology of dysphagia, to formulate hypotheses about its nature and
severity, to estimate functions and their integration (sensory-motor skills and breathing), to
induce therapeutic modications, to investigate safe food options for the child and to raise
awareness among family members, to indicate the best instrumental evaluation, and to iden-
tify the possibilities of and the patient’s ability to cooperate in medical examinations.
Therefore, the clinical approach to children with swallowing disorders is inuenced by the
age of the child, the main pathology, and the comorbidities. The importance of age has already
been emphasized: depending on their age, the children should have specic oromotor skills
and there is the gradual disappearance of reex activities. Table 9 summarizes the main steps
of the non-instrumental clinical evaluation.
In clinical practice, the absence of standardized assessment protocols is a serious concern: the
literature oers us dierent protocols (Table 10) [17–22] but their application is not always
standardized and veried by an instrumental gold standard. This lack of tools interferes with
the collection of information and the comparison of the skills of the young patients.
The non-instrumental clinical evaluation has to provide the proposal of foods in dierent vol-
umes and consistencies, depending on the age of the child. It will occur with specic modali-
ties depending on whether the child is fed (Table 11) or not fed orally [nill per os (NPO)]
(Table 12).
In children with tracheotomy, non-instrumental evaluation will be conducted in the same
way as in children with an intact airway considering that, in children, few data are avail-
able about the impact of tracheotomy on swallowing abilities. When possible, the tests with
bolus are performed verifying the presence of bolus traces or blue-dyed water in the airway.
The use of speaking valves has to be encouraged, allowing phonation, increasing laryngeal
reexivity with a beer lower airway protection, and clearing secretions. The use of speaking
valves reduces mechanical ventilation dependence time and stay in NICU, and accelerates
decannulation and recovery of oral feeding.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology86
At the end of the non-instrumental clinical evaluation, with respect to what has been previ-
ously reported, it is necessary to identify those children for whom a referral for an instrumen-
tal clinical evaluation is worthwhile. Table 13 summarizes the assessment process up to this
Clinical history
Prenatal infections,
medications, drugs
Delivery (Apgar)
Peri/neonatal (dietary
Beginning and description of the disorders
Other medical or nutritional disorders
Prolonged hospitalization or surgery
Age of acquisition of food mode
Supply adequacy and behavior at meal
General observation:
Muscle tone
Vestibule and the oral
Jaw mobility
Veil mobility
Chest and breathing
Postures and positions
Mouth opening
Tongue lateralization
Postural control of the
Oral postural control
Oral praxis and blow
Observation during the
Activity level: quiet, active, weeping
Receptivity to food
Swallowing osbervation:
Respiratory signs
(cough, apnea,
Gurgling voice
Other: bradycardia,
pallor, sweating
NPO child
From 1 to 3 ml of liquid
From 1 to 3 ml semi-solid
PO child
Teat: usual liquid bolus
Spoon: viscous semi-solid,
dense and grainy, soft
Fingers: solid chewable
Spoon: soft solids, soft
complex solid, hard solid
and dense liquids
Cup: liquid and thickened
Table 9. Steps of non-instrumental clinical evaluation (bedside evaluation).
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
Neonatal oral motor assessment Scale (NOMAS) (Palmer et al [17]) (Breast feeding/Bole feeding)
Systematic assessment of the infant at the breast (SAIB) (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal
nurses, 1990)
Preterm infant breast-feeding behavior scale (PIBBS) (Nyqvist et al. [19])
Breast feeding evaluation (Tobin [20]) (term infants)
Feeding ow sheet (Vandenberg [21]) (bole feeding)
Infant feeding evaluation (Swigert [22])
Table 10. Main bedside protocols of evaluation.
Place the baby in an optimal way to elicit swallowing and coordination:
3–4 months
After weaning
Diculties in oral transport
Neurological disorders (diculty with boluses by spoon)
Seat supporting the head (preferred)
Behavior during the meal: failure, drowsiness, avoidance or refusal of food, food preferences
Evaluate praxis with:
Teats or tools
Bolus: volume, consistency, order of presentation
Table 11. Bedside evaluation and test with bolus in orally fed child (PO).
Breathing and eating disorders not related to oral intake of foods
In case of correlation instrumental evaluation (airway protection)
Clinical judgment on the possibility of oral feeding
Impaired early oral or pharyngeal phase: stop the test
Impaired oral preparation:1 cc of liquid back in the mouth (pipee)
Adequate oral preparation: bolus to the lips or with a spoon
Tests: very small bolus (1–3 ml) via pipee or teat
Proceed to check the appearance of respiratory signs.
Table 12. Bedside evaluation and test with bolus in non-orally fed child (NPO).
Advances in Speech-language Pathology88
8. The instrumental clinical evaluation
The two main instrumental tools for assessing swallowing in children, as in adults, are rep-
resented by the dynamic radiological and the dynamic endoscopic evaluations, respectively,
known with the Anglo-Saxon acronyms of VFSS (videouoroscopic swallowing study) [23]
and FEES (beroptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing) [24]. These procedures evaluate
the behavior of swallowing eectors during the passage of the bolus, which implies that the
child, who is a candidate for such procedures, can be fed orally [25]. During the procedure,
the clinician can rely on monitoring the heart activity, breathing, and O2 saturation, in order to
obtain additional information about physical or behavioral changes associated with the swal-
lowing disorder. Similarly, the colorimetric variations of the skin (pallor or cyanosis), nasal
regurgitation, and alterations of sucking-swallowing/breathing rhythm may be considered.
Broadly, the instrumental evaluation, compared to the bedside evaluation, has the advantages
shown in Table 14. It is worth remembering that with regard to the information they provide,
FEES and VFSS are not equivalent but complementary. The clinician chooses the procedure
most appropriate in relation to the characteristics of the young patient or to the information
being sought, in the awareness that the two procedures have both advantages and disadvan-
tages [26] (Table 15).
Table 13. Evaluation process: synthesis.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
Display of upper aerodigestive tract (oral cavity, velopharyngeal sphincter, pharynx, larynx, and cervical
Evaluate muscular activities (symmetry, force, pressure, tone, range and degree of motion, coordination, and
Evaluate sensation
Evaluate aspiration and cough
Evaluate residue in hypopharynx and larynx
Evaluate the esophageal etiology of dysphagia
Evaluate the safest and most ecient way of nutrition and hydration
Evaluate the ecient protection of postures and maneuvers
Table 14. Advantages of the instrumental clinical evaluation compared to the clinical non-instrumental evaluation.
Advantages Disadvantages
FEES Less invasive
Easy to perform
Well tolerated
Possible for a long time (fatigue
Portable (acute and sub-acute
Therapeutic feedback
Decision making of oral feeding
Natural foods
Direct visualization of structures
Motor and sensory activities
Three-dimensional similar view
Optimal pooling evaluation
Pooling management viewing
Pharyngeal phase only
Indirect consideration about
Esophageal phase
Fear and discomfort
Poor vision in repeated swallowing
Not possible if changes in upper
VFSS Whole deglutition evaluation
Time parameterization
Invasive (radiological exposure)
Uncomfortable execution
Environment and suitable personnel
Bi-dimensional view (under
estimation of pooling maer)
Motor activity only (reaction to
aspiration, if documented)
Fatigue evaluation missing
Table 15. Advantage and disadvantage comparison between VFSS and FEES.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology90
8.1. VFSS
It is a procedure that uses ionizing radiation and should be used sparingly, especially in
very young children. When indicated, the tool veries the actual usefulness in improving the
safety and ecacy of the swallowing act, under dierent examination conditions: varying
the consistency or the viscosity of the bolus, verifying the clearing of the mouth, pharynx,
or esophagus; varying the position of the child, implementing postures or maneuvers (when
possible); varying the speed of feeding, child position, and changing pacier or spoon char-
acteristics [27, 28].
8.2. FEES
When performing an endoscopy, the possibility of achieving the maximum collaboration of
the child is crucial. Any device useful for making the child and its parents less anxious and
for increasing compliance has to be adopted. The family is asked to bring paciers, boles,
or utensils commonly used during meals and also to bring the dishes commonly eaten by the
child: either the most liked or those that create the greatest diculties. The choice of endo-
scope size is based on the age of the child: obviously, the smaller the endoscope, the lower
the imagine denition. With a child of over 3 years of age, it is possible to use standard size
endoscopes (2.4 mm in diameter), with a younger age group smaller devices are advisable
(1.5 mm diameter). To optimize cooperation and minimize discomfort, anesthetic spray pus
or a small amount of coon, soaked in a 1:1 mixture of 4% lidocaine and oxymetazoline, can
be introduced into the nasal cavity [29]. A viable alternative is to lubricate the tip of the endo-
scope with a 2% lidocaine gel. This is always desirable in patients with airway lability (very
young children or of low weight) in compromised general conditions or with tracheotomy.
For the endoscopic evaluation, the baby may be supine in a cot or a pram but for the dynamic
study of swallowing he/she should preferably have the chest lifted: the baby can be held in
the mother’s arms or on her knees.
Older children can be seated in a high chair without any help. If the child tends to assume specic
postures during the meal (due to a physical impairment, as in cerebral palsy) they will be main-
tained after the introduction of the endoscope and veried during the test. Similarly, the eciency
of therapeutic postures or maneuvers will be checked. The procedure substantially does not dier
from that used for adults [30]: the static, anatomical, dynamic, and non-swallowing assessments
are performed with the tip of the endoscope in the naso-nasopharyngeal, high, and low position.
The tests with bolus are performed with the tip of the endoscope in the high position.
9. The anatomo-functional evaluation
In the naso-rhinopharyngeal position, the clinician will evaluate hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa
and turbinate, secretions pooling, septal bumps and other anatomical anomalies, shrinkage
or choanal atresia, hypertrophy of adenoid, and the upper surface of the soft palate. During
phonation and deglutition, the contraction of the veil, if symmetrical, will be evaluated. While
swallowing, a veil incompetence is always pathological and the cause of nasal regurgitation of
secretions or bolus.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
In the high position (beyond the free edge of the soft palate), the clinician evaluates the hypo-
pharyngeal region: base of the tongue, tonsils, and the larynx position, considering that it
descends gradually in the neck with age: from C1 to C4 from birth to puberty. Particular aen-
tion should be given to material pooling: if present at the beginning and during the evalua-
tion. Its increase not followed by clearing is abnormal [31, 32]. The clearing of secretions is
assessed during spontaneous swallowing acts or on request [26, 30]. Secretions that engulf the
pyriform sinus must induce a swallow, even if the child cries.
In the low position, a careful assessment of the larynx is performed. Particular aention should
be paid to abnormalities that may interfere with the sphincterial function: malacia, cleft, and
cyst. Mobility is evaluated during respiration, phonation, or crying. Signs of reux disease
have to be evaluated: hyperemia, hypertrophy of the posterior commissure, circumscribed or
diused edema involving the vocal cords, and endolaryngeal secretions.
The delicate touch of the aryepigloic folds with the tip of the endoscope activates the adduc-
tion reex, mediated by the superior laryngeal nerve: the reex is essential for an adequate
protection of the lower airways during swallowing. For the same purpose, pulsed air can be
used, supplied with variations of pulsing or of intensity [exible endoscopic evaluation of
swallowing with sensory testing (FEESST)] [33, 34]. In children who are noncooperative, who
have cognitive disorders, or are very young, only the adduction reex can be appreciated [34].
10. The test with bolus
After the anato-functional assessment and in relation to age, foods of dierent consistencies
and volume will be proposed to the child. The foods preferably have a natural color or are
dyed. The child is fed by its parents. It is always advisable to start with pleasing food, in order
to increase the compliance to the test, then subsequently, as for adults, to use food which
is more dicult to manage in the oral cavity [30, 35]. During the test with bolus, dierent
parameters have to be considered.
The rst parameter to evaluate is the site and latency of the swallowing reex, in children this
is more dicult to dene in relation to the small size of the pharynx. Liquid bolus can hesitate
in the valleculae before being swallowed, as a normal variant of the swallowing act. If the
bolus falls by gravity into the pyriform sinuses before swallowing and remains in this site,
the possibility of false route is greater. The delivery of the bolus from the oral cavity into the
pharynx without swallowing is referred to as premature spillage. When milk is sucked from
a bole, it is collected up to the pyriform sinuses before being swallowed and only an appro-
priate rhythm, sucking-swallowing-breathing, prevents aspiration [28]. The datum, however,
will be included and considered in the context of a complete clinical assessment.
The progression of the bolus into the laryngeal vestibule is called penetration, being possible up
to the true vocal cords. Penetration is clearly evaluated using endoscopy [28, 30, 35]. When the
valleculae are obliterated with lymphatic tissue, the bolus (in particular liquid) can spill over
the free edge of the epiglois before swallowing: in this case, the risk of penetration remains
low. If the general conditions of the baby are serious, penetration can have the same signicance
as aspiration so, when performing tests, it would be beer not to expose the patient to this risk.
Advances in Speech-language Pathology92
Aspiration is the progression of secretions or bolus below the true vocal cords. In FEES, this
event can occur before or after swallowing: they are events well evaluated in endoscopy
[36]. Pre-swallowing aspiration can be due to a delayed triggering or a late laryngeal valve
activation. Post-swallowing aspiration can be due to an overowing from the pharyngeal
containment cavities. At the highest point of swallowing, the white-out prevents the direct
visualization of aspiration (intra-swallowing aspiration). In this case, aspiration can be
inferred after swallowing, by evaluating residue of food in the larynx or cervical trachea or
evaluating the expulsion of streaked secretions by coughing [28, 30, 35].
The evaluation of swallowing abilities with bolus can be quantied by the same test as is
available in FEES. The progression of bolus through the upper airway can be quantied using
the penetration-aspiration scale [37], and the presence of residue can be quantied with the
pooling score (p-score) [32, 37] both applied with the same characteristics as seen for adults.
11. The treatment plan
The clinical non-instrumental and instrumental evaluations should enable the clinician and
the rehabilitator to set up an ideal treatment plan for the child (Table 13).
In general, a treatment plan should (1) guarantee the child an adequate nutritional and water
intake, (2) be protective of the respiratory tract, (3) support the child in eating and drinking, (4)
guarantee the optimal oral sensory stimulation, (5) improve the QoL of the child and family,
and (6) help the family in conceiving new therapeutic strategies [3840].
All of these respecting the actual clinical condition (morbidity and comorbidities) inside the
evolutive temporal windows are linked to age of the child. The treatment plan should also
consider all the possible seings of a child’s life: home, kindergarten, school, and leisure
environments. The treatment plan must consider all the indications aimed at achieving the
objectives mentioned earlier, by means of medical, surgical, and nutritional strategies. For
example, if the child suers a major reux, he/she will be treated pharmacologically or surgi-
cally, to prevent the negative feedback that the reux has on swallowing and feeding. Other
general considerations, previously underlined, are the importance of ensuring the child the
best sensory oral-pharyngeal stimulation and the best oromotor stimulation. Only in this
way will the swallowing abilities of the baby progress through all the steps of a satisfactory
In planning treatment, the clinician has to consider if the children can be safely fed orally
or not, and the general performance of the child during mealtimes. In practice, useful thera-
peutic strategies are represented by dietary modications, such as the food being thickened,
diluted, chopped, blended, mixed, and viscosity varied, depending on the functional age and
disease of the baby. These changes must guarantee a nutritional and water intake able to
ensure the growth of the child. Within the rst year of life, the use of commercial thickeners
should be limited. Sometimes, it could be advantageous to vary the bolus presentation with a
break during the feed. With older children, the same eect is produced by varying consisten-
cies. The same strategies should also be considered in tube-fed children (NGT or PEG/JPEG)
when the possibility of assuming per os even a single consistency is veried.
Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
The time windows in the physiological growth of the eectors, previously mentioned, should
be considered and respected, as far as possible. The use of devices or adapted utensils has
the purpose of fractioning the presentation of the bolus, in terms of volume and speed: with
younger children, paciers in dierent shapes and with dierent holes can be used, while
with older ones, utensils with modied handles are more appropriate [41, 42]. The use of
maneuvers (forced swallowing, Mendelsohn, supragloic, super-supragloic, and Masako)
changes the timing and strength of the swallowing act: their implementation requires that the
child can learn them and be motivated for their execution. Relatively simpler is the use of pos-
tures, which can also be implemented passively, very small children can be held in the arms,
or older children can be placed in adjustable seating [43]. The use of oromotor exercises [44]
provides active or passive activities of the eectors, always without the use of foods. These
exercises are aimed at optimizing the eciency of the lips, jaw, tongue, soft palate, pharynx,
larynx, and respiratory muscles. Sensory stimulations act on the swallowing reex. These
gustatory, thermal, or tactile stimulations can be applied on dierent eectors: cheeks, lips,
and tongue. They are indicated for children with reduced responses or reduced opportunities
for stimulation. At other times, it is possible to intervene on children who have an excessive
response or aversion to stimulations: in this case, the treatment is expected to reduce the
reexivity of the child.
Author details
Daniele Farneti1* and Elisabea Genovese2
*Address all correspondence to:
1 Audiology and Phoniatry Service, AUSL della Romagna, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy
2 Audiology Service, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Policlinico Hospital of
Modena, Italy
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Swallowing Disorders in Newborn and Small Children
... Although all phases of swallowing in a newborn infant are involuntary and reflexive, local (such as angulation of the nasopharynx, downward displacement of the larynx, elongation of the pharynx, and multidirectional tongue movements) and general (such as disappearance of primitive reflexes, improvement of organization and coordination of the cortical, sensory, and motor peripheral nervous system, and postural control) anatomical, physiological and functional changes occur with growth. Eventually, adult swallowing function develops with voluntary control of the oral phase [30,31]. As a result of this constantly changing and evolving process, swallowing can be affected in the presence of many conditions that cause growth and developmental disorders. ...
... With the developments in medicine in recent years, most preterm infants are kept alive and the prevalence of dysphagia is increasing (40%) [33][34][35][36][37]. Prematurity has been reported as one of the most important risk factors for developing dysphagia [30,35,36]. The risk of dysphagia in preterm infants increases to 95%-100% due to the combination of many factors such as immaturity of neurological, cardiac, pulmonary and gastrointestinal systems, the presence of structural and genetic abnormalities of body systems, birth trauma, the presence of asphyxia and the methods used for asphyxia [28,32,[38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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Background: Currently, there is no comprehensive and multidisciplinary recommendation study covering all aspects of pediatric dysphagia (PD). This study aimed to generate PD management recommendations with methods that can be used in clinical practice to fill this gap in our country and in the world, from the perspective of experienced multidisciplinary experts. Methods: This recommendation paper was generated by a multidisciplinary team, using the seven-step process and a three-round modified Delphi survey via e-mail. First, ten open-ended questions were created, and then detailed recommendations including management, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up were created with the answers from these questions. Each recommendation item was voted on by the experts as overall consensus (strong recommendation), approaching consensus (weak recommendation) and divergent consensus (not recommended). Results: In the 1st Delphi round, a questionnaire of 414 items was prepared based on the experts' responses to ten open-ended questions. In the 2nd Delphi round, 59.2% of these items were accepted as pre-recommendation. In the 3rd Delphi round, 62.6% of 246 items were accepted for inclusion in the proposals. The final version recommendations consisted of 154 items. Conclusions: This study includes comprehensive and detailed answers for every problem that could be posed in clinical practice for the management of PD, and recommendations are for all pediatric patients with both oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia.
... It is important to improve preterm neonates' feeding capabilities to meet their nutritional requirements and decrease the complication of feeding delay. Many current interventions that could improve the ability to progress to successful feeding focus on promoting the neural maturation of sucking and swallowing and the coordination of the muscles of the jaw, lips, tongue, palate and pharynx, upper trunk, and respiratory systems to support a safe swallow (Farneti & Genovese, 2017). It is also dependent on normal sensory functioning seen in primitive reflexes such as rooting, gag and an intact swallow reflex, and intraoral and pharyngeal sensation (Keven & Akins, 2017). ...
... These children had breathing and swallowing discoordination with more efforts needed for dealing with respiratory distress. 13 Children with respiratory distress often had insufficient sucking power and poor tongue movement control in the oral phase, and reduced elevation and anterior movement of hyoid and larynx with incomplete laryngeal closure in the pharyngeal phase. The presence of structural airway lesions further increased the risk of aspiration. ...
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Background: Infants and children with feeding difficulties have swallowing dysfunction and high risk of aspiration, which could be silent without choking, resulting in recurrent pneumonia and long-term respiratory morbidity. Videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) is a useful tool for real-time visualization of the swallowing process and airway aspiration. This study reported a single-institutional 10-year experience of VFSS in pediatric patients with feeding difficulties and the efficacy of swallowing therapy. Methods: From 2011 to 2020, 30 infants and children with feeding difficulties received VFSS examinations in a medical center at a median age of 19 months (range 7 days-8 years). The images of the swallowing process (oral phase, triggering of pharyngeal swallowing, and pharyngeal phase) under videofluoroscopy were analyzed by a radiologist and a speech-language pathologist. Aspiration severity was assessed from VFSS observations and rated by an eight-point Penetration-Aspiration-Scale (PAS), with higher scores indicating increased severity. Swallowing therapy was performed by experienced speech-language therapists, and follow-up of oral feeding tolerance and risk of aspiration pneumonia was done. Results: Of the 30 patients, 24 (80%) had neurological deficits. High PAS scores (6-8) were observed in 25 (83.4%) patients, and 22 had a PAS score of 8, indicating silent aspiration. Of the 25 patients with high PAS scores, 19 (76%) had neurological deficits, and 18 (72%) depended on tube feeding at a median age of 20 months. Swallowing problems occurred most frequently during the pharyngeal phase in the patients with high PAS scores. VFSS-based swallowing therapy improved oral feeding ability and reduced aspiration episodes. Conclusion: Infants and children with swallowing dysfunction and neurological deficits had high risk of severe aspiration. Swallowing problems in the pharyngeal phase were the most common VFSS findings in patients with severe aspiration. VFSS may help guide problem-oriented swallowing therapy to reduce the risk of recurrent aspiration.
... Moreover, Perinatal complications, such as chorioamnionitis or fetal asphyxia leading to amniotic fluid bacterial infection or colonization of the birth canal were associated with pneumonia [43]. Perinatal anoxia or traumatic brain injury have been demonstrated a linkage to swallowing dysfunction [44]. Without intact swallowing function as integrated epiglottic and cough reflexes, people cannot avoid aspiration and expel infected secretions. ...
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Background Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children and young people (CYP) with severe cerebral palsy (CP). Only a few studies used nomogram for assessing risk factors and the probability of pneumonia. Therefore, we aimed to identify risk factors and devise a nomogram for identifying the probability of severe pneumonia in CYP with severe CP. Methods This retrospective nationwide population-based cohort study examined CYP with newly diagnosed severe CP before 18 years old between January 1st, 1997 and December 31st, 2013 and followed them up through December 31st, 2013. The primary endpoint was defined as the occurrence of severe pneumonia with ≥ 5 days of hospitalization. Logistic regression analysis was used for determining demographic factors and comorbidities associated with severe pneumonia. These factors were assigned integer points to create a scoring system to identify children at high risk for severe pneumonia. Results Among 6,356 CYP with newly diagnosed severe CP, 2,135 (33.59%) had severe pneumonia. Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that seven independent predictive factors, namely age <3 years, male sex, and comorbidities of pressure ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, asthma, seizures, and perinatal complications. A nomogram was devised by employing these seven significant predictive factors. The prediction model presented favorable discrimination performance. Conclusions The nomogram revealed that age, male sex, history of pressure ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, asthma, seizures, and perinatal complications were potential risk factors for severe pneumonia among CYP with severe CP.
This study aimed to evaluate whether the Pediatric Dysphagia Risk Screening Instrument (PDRSI) was a suitable test for children with cerebral palsy (CP) and assess the instrument’s Turkish validity and reliability. One-hundred twenty-six children with CP participated in this study. “Cronbach’s alpha (ɑ),” “Cronbach’s ɑ when one item is deleted,” “inter-item correlation,” and “corrected item-to-total correlation” were used to assess internal consistency. In addition, inter-rater agreement tests (Cohen’s kappa coefficient) were conducted for reliability. Construct validity was used to assess the validity. Moreover, flexible fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of the swallowing method was used to describe the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and calculate the sensitivity and specificity of T-PDRSI. It was found that the PDRSI had adequate validity and reliability. The PDRSI can be used in children with CP as a valid and reliable instrument with high sensitivity and specificity.
Objective: Dysphagia is common following facial nerve injury; however, research is sparse regarding swallowing-related outcomes and targeted treatments. Previous animal studies have used eye blink and vibrissae movement as measures of facial nerve impairment and recovery. The purpose of this study was to create a mouse model of facial nerve injury that results in dysphagia to enhance translational research outcomes. Study design: Prospective animal study. Methods: Twenty C57BL/6J mice underwent surgical transection of the main trunk (MT) (n = 10) or marginal mandibular branch (MMB) (n = 10) of the left facial nerve. Videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) assays for drinking and eating were performed at baseline and 14 days postsurgery to quantify several deglutition-related outcome measures. Results: VFSS analysis revealed that MT transection resulted in significantly slower lick and swallow rates during drinking (P ≤ .05) and significantly slower swallow rates and longer inter-swallow intervals during eating (P ≤ .05), congruent with oral and pharyngeal dysphagia. After MMB transection, these same VFSS metrics were not statistically significant (P > .05). Conclusion: The main finding of this study was that transection of the facial nerve MT leads to oral and pharyngeal stage dysphagia in mice; MMB transection does not. These results from mice provide novel insight into specific VFSS metrics that may be used to characterize dysphagia in humans following facial nerve injury. We are currently using this surgical mouse model to explore promising treatment modalities such as electrical stimulation to hasten recovery and improve outcomes following various iatrogenic and idiopathic conditions affecting the facial nerve. Level of evidence: NA Laryngoscope, 2020.
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This study evaluated the intra- and inter-rater reliability of the Pooling score (P-score) in clinical endoscopic evaluation of severity of swallowing disorder, considering excess residue in the pharynx and larynx. The score (minimum 4 - maximum 11) is obtained by the sum of the scores given to the site of the bolus, the amount and ability to control residue/bolus pooling, the latter assessed on the basis of cough, raclage, number of dry voluntary or reflex swallowing acts (< 2, 2-5, > 5). Four judges evaluated 30 short films of pharyngeal transit of 10 solid (1/4 of a cracker), 11 creamy (1 tablespoon of jam) and 9 liquid (1 tablespoon of 5 cc of water coloured with methlyene blue, 1 ml in 100 ml) boluses in 23 subjects (10 M/13 F, age from 31 to 76 yrs, mean age 58.56±11.76 years) with different pathologies. The films were randomly distributed on two CDs, which differed in terms of the sequence of the films, and were given to judges (after an explanatory session) at time 0, 24 hours later (time 1) and after 7 days (time 2). The inter- and intra-rater reliability of the P-score was calculated using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC; 3,k). The possibility that consistency of boluses could affect the scoring of the films was considered. The ICC for site, amount, management and the P-score total was found to be, respectively, 0.999, 0.997, 1.00 and 0.999. Clinical evaluation of a criterion of severity of a swallowing disorder remains a crucial point in the management of patients with pathologies that predispose to complications. The P-score, derived from static and dynamic parameters, yielded a very high correlation among the scores attributed by the four judges during observations carried out at different times. Bolus consistencies did not affect the outcome of the test: the analysis of variance, performed to verify if the scores attributed by the four judges to the parameters selected, might be influenced by the different consistencies of the boluses, was not significant. These initial data validate the clinical use of the P-score in the management of patients with deglutition disorders by a multidisciplinary team.
Infant feeding practices are a critical component of early childhood health and well being. At each stage of growth infants are differentially able to ingest foods that vary in texture and particle size. Through behavioral cues, they communicate their level of oral-motor readiness to their parent or care person. Consequently, feeding is a developmental process in which both infants and care persons play active roles. While suckle feeding has been extensively studied little is known about transitional feeding.
Feeding and swallowing disorders in the pediatric population are becoming more common, particularly in infants born prematurely and in children with chronic medical conditions. The normal swallowing mechanism is divided into 4 stages: the preparatory, the oral, the pharyngeal, and the esophageal phases. Feeding disorders have multiple causes: medical, nutritional, behavioral, psychological, and environmental factors can all contribute. Pathologic conditions involving any of the anatomic sites associated with the phases of swallowing can negatively impact the coordination of these phases and lead to symptoms of dysphagia and feeding intolerance.
Assessment of early feeding skills of vulnerable infants is common practice in neonatal care centers. However, assessment is often merely an identification of feeding outcomes, rather than a description of the infant's capacities and methods of adapting to the feeding challenge. Descriptive assessment of the feeding process takes into account the dynamic nature of feeding and notes changes that occur as the infant matures and gains feeding experience. Assessment of the variability that occurs during the feeding as the challenge changes, due to fatigue or physiologic instability, are critical to understanding the infant's feeding skills. As individual components of the feeding are assessed, such as sucking, swallowing and breathing, a reflective process builds understanding of the patterns of coordination of system components in relation to one another. Taking the whole into account and considering the dynamics of the process is necessary if we are going to select appropriate interventions targeted to the individual infant's feeding skills. Using a very preterm infant case, this paper will illustrate assessment of early feeding skills and demonstrate how reflection on and integration of the components of the assessment identifies potential targets for co-regulated, cue-based feeding.