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2351-9789 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.07.255
Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
Available online at
27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2017,
27-30 June 2017, Modena, Italy
Human-machine collaboration in virtual reality for adaptive
production engineering
Andrea de Giorgio*, Mario Romero, Mauro Onori, Lihui Wang
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Brinellvägen 68, SE-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden
This paper outlines the main steps towards an open and adaptive simulation method for human-robot collaboration (HRC) in
production engineering supported by virtual reality (VR). The work is based on the latest software developments in the gaming
industry, in addition to the already commercially available hardware that is robust and reliable. This allows to overcome VR
limitations of the industrial software provided by manufacturing machine producers and it is based on an open-source community
programming approach and also leads to significant advantages such as interfacing with the latest developed hardware for
realistic user experience in immersive VR, as well as the possibility to share adaptive algorithms. A practical implementation in
Unity is provided as a functional prototype for feasibility tests. However, at the time of this paper, no controlled human-subject
studies on the implementation have been noted, in fact, this is solely provided to show preliminary proof of concept. Future work
will formally address the questions that are raised in this first run.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and
Intelligent Manufacturing.
Keywords: Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Unity Game Engine; Human-Robot Collaboration; Industry 4.0; Robotics; Adaptive Production.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-8790-9065.
E-mail address:
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and
Intelligent Manufacturing
1280 Andrea de Giorgio et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
1. Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) is not a new concept, but some VR technologies that have recently been introduced for the
gaming industry are quite innovative and manufacturing industry is starting to test them, and eventually adopt them.
This paper investigates the relevance of an approach that considers both new software and hardware solutions.
Using software that has been developed for a different use may be deceptive and lead to unsolved problems. The
aim of this paper is, however, not to solve all problems at once, but to address advantages and disadvantages,
together with the open questions that arise by proceeding toward one promising direction of research, that is using
game engines as simulation software to control AR/VR hardware and industrial machines.
A special focus is placed on human-robot collaboration (HRC) opportunities with VR, which the authors find
promising premises for a physical approach of HRC with augmented reality (AR). In fact, when HRC is increasing
daily and the industry is moving from mass production to personalized production, looking for new software
solutions based on a large community of developers, such as game developers, may prove to be useful not only for
industrial production simulation but also for an adaptive improvement of the production process itself for both
machines and humans. The advantages given by an open-source and cross-producers development approach are self-
evident. Just to give an example, machine learning algorithms could play a main role in adaptations of a given
process when shared in form of add-on libraries (which may be further enhanced through cloud-based solutions).
This paper also proposes a simple implementation in Unity of a collaborative robot manipulator as a prototype
that allows a human operator to interact with the VR environment through HTC Vive virtual reality tracked headset
and hand controllers. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are discussed and will be fully validated in
future work.
1.1. Virtual reality
Virtual reality has been a research topic for a long time. The term VR itself was used for the first time by Jaron
Lanier back in 1989 [1]. In 1992 the Commission of European Communities (CEC) recognized VR as a viable
technology to be included in future calls for proposals [2]. Since then, hundreds of research projects have explored
its potential use in different disciplines, but only in 2012 the Kickstarter project named “Oculus Rift” could bring it
to the general public by raising funds and developing an affordable high-quality Head Mounted Display (HMD). The
popularity of HMDs has started what has been called a second wave of VR, that is still propagating through
academic and industrial researchers and the gaming community [3].
The latest technology has generated HMDs such as the already mentioned Oculus Rift, now at its second version,
the HTC Vive, the PlayStation VR, the Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) or Zeiss VR One, plus a series of
mobile HMDs that enhance mobile phone screens into HMD devices for VR such as Google Cardboard, Samsung
GearVR Innovator Edition and Gameface Mark IV. This means that immersive VR has finally become accessible to
everyone. Together with HMDs, there exist input/output (I/O) devices that can be adopted for almost any kind of
user interactions in VR: from haptic devices to tracking devices, controllers and depth cameras.
Another essential part of VR, together with the hardware described above, is the software that enables such
paradigm to be experienced. The main research in this topic has been formulated around the use of Computer Aided
Design (CAD) to reproduce real world items as models in a virtual environment or cyber workspace [4]. However,
reproductions of real objects as computer models do not qualify yet as VR. The determinant factor is the possibility
to exploit the virtual representation for a simulation. In fact, a comprehensive definition of VR is given as
“computer-generated simulations of three-dimensional objects or environments with seemingly real, direct, or
physical user interaction” [5]. This is where the various roads start diverging from one another: gaming industry has
focused on virtual worlds, so that players could interact with them by controlling an avatar, while general purpose
industrial and academic research has focused on simulation software, in which the users can experience the VR as a
mean to visualize the results of such simulations.
Andrea de Giorgio et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
1.2. Human-machine collaboration in virtual reality
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) in production engineering is a research topic for which Augmented Reality
(AR) and VR have provided interfaces that, respectively, expands the quantities of features that operators can watch
in their field of view [6] or replace it completely with a virtual world. Typical industrial production applications span
from manufacturing process simulation [7], [8], which are able to provide real time enhanced information used for
inspection [9] or with focus on training [10], [11], to collaborative factory planning during product design [12] or re-
design [13]. In fact, VR can be used for collaborative (re)designing of production systems when analyzing and
evaluating changes prior to implementation. This makes possible to prevent costly design mistakes [13].
Even though some works have considered the human factor as part of the industrial process and adjusted the VR
to accurately include the operator movements in the simulation [10], [14], [15], it is often the case that the operator
experiences the VR/AR only from a static position, e.g. standing still or seated, where the input sensors are located.
Another approach is to immerge the operator in a cave [16], a projected VR wall, a space that is obviously limited
by physical constraints. The gaming industry on the other hand has worked on methods to embody the sensors and
free the player from physical constraints in the VR/AR environment, providing an enhanced sense of immersion: the
ability to move in the virtual world and interact with anything that appears around the player. Even large
collaborative teams with one or more operators wearing the VR HMDs are supported. Gaming hence becomes the
field in which innovation in AR/VR is being heavily pushed, especially thanks to the large number of end-users, or
players, who are also very prone to accept beta versions and become early testers in order to experience it first. A
similar innovation in industry requires years of testing, changes of industrial standards, replacement of machines and
upgrade of factory design, not to mention costly investments and management decisions.
1.3. A production engineering perspective on virtual reality
The aim of this article is to explore the latest advancements in the gaming industry that can be adopted in
production engineering in order to overcome the main limitations of the industrial software provided by
manufacturing machine producers, with a particular focus on VR immersive applications based on an open-source
community approach.
The remainder of this paper is divided into four sections. In section 2, related work is presented. The ideal steps
toward the use of game engines in production engineering are presented in section 3. A practical application is
presented and discussed in section 4. Finally, in sections 5, conclusions and future work.
2. Related work
While most of the related work on VR and HRC for production engineering has been cited in the introduction in
order to pose the groundwork for this paper, the majority of them share hardware that comes from the gaming
industry, but never simulation software. Only few cases include hybrid approaches, so they are mentioned below.
“BeWare of the robot” is a Virtual Reality Training System (VRTS) developed in UnityTM game engine platform
[10] that simulates a shop-floor environment accessible through an HMD, also using a Microsoft KinectTM sensor to
capture the operator’s movements and virtualize them. An avatar is used to render the operator’s body in the virtual
UnityTM has also been used, together with the Robot Operating System (ROS) [17], as middleware for immersive
VR teleoperation by driving a mobile robot [18] or as real-time simulator for multi-unmanned aerial vehicle local
planning [19], [20], therefore approaching the use industrial robot simulations from the gaming perspective.
1282 Andrea de Giorgio et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
3. The contribution of game engines toward human-machine collaboration in virtual reality
3.1. Key elements for immersive VR collaboration
The advantage of an immersive VR is given by the focus and longer attention. For example, a study reveals how low
spatial ability learners are more positively affected by VR learning [21]. The key elements to obtain an immersive
VR experience are the following [22]:
A virtual world. A collection of objects in a space governed by rules and relationships, where the objects are
CAD models of industrial machines and other industrial equipment that completes a factory scene, the rules are
defined using classes in Unity, which are called GameObjects, and the relationships are defined by components and
scripts that can be attached to any GameObjects. All together these objects form a virtual world.
Immersion. It refers to the status of the industrial operator being involved in an activity within a virtual space, to
an extension that their mind is separated from the physical space they are living in. A game engine such as Unity
provides full support for HMD devices making the full immersive modality a default setting for the simulation.
Feedback. This element gives the operator the ability to observe the results (outputs) of their activities (input) in
the VR. The standard feedback with HMD devices is visual/auditory, but it has also become common the use of
haptic devices that can provide a sense of touch [23]. Taste and smell remain difficult to explore.
Interactivity. The ability to interact with the virtual world is fundamental. Sensors and devices allow to capture
the operator’s body actions and transform them into virtual actions. Navigation and direct manipulation are the two
main aspects of an immersive virtual reality. HMDs such as the HTC ViveTM are often sold in bundle with some
controllers that operators can hold in their hands. Voice and gesture commands can also be captured by microphones
and cameras mounted in the environment.
Participants. Human operators are an essential element of the VR experience. They can be grouped by
experience and offered a different VR representation based on their capacity to interact with the virtual objects. A
good advantage of the VR is that it allows an operator to be trained simply by using it. This is achieved by
structuring the virtual world in different levels that are called, in turn, each time that the operator acquires enough
knowledge to perform more complex operations. Exactly as a player advances level by level in a videogame.
3.2. Objects representation with game engines
CAD-VR data exchange is an important issue brought up by the VR community because CAD systems used by
the industry to develop their product models are in most cases unsuitable for producing optimal objects
representations for VR simulations. In fact, VR graphic engines make use of scene-graphs for visualization, e.g.
Openscenegraph, OpenSG or OpenGL Performer, which are hierarchical data structures such as triangulated mesh
geometry, spatial transforms, lighting, material properties, etc. and the scene-graphs renderers provide methods to
exploit this data structure at interactive frame rates. Converting CAD data into a scene graph consists of producing
several polygonal representations of each part and during this translation process, the parametric information of the
CAD model and pre-existing texture maps generally do not even get imported into the VR application. In virtual
assembly simulations there are generally two representations of the same model: one for visualization and another
for constraint modeling algorithms that are used to perform the assembly task; these are unified in the game engine
under prefab objects that can be easily instantiated and destroyed using object programming. Similarly, physics
modeling applications also use dual model representations: high-fidelity model for visualization and a coarser
representation used for interactive physics calculations; the most important and challenging task is the improvement
of the physical simulations [24] which can be aided by the use of game engines.
Even if the conversion of CAD models threatens to slow-down processes, advantages are gained by using the
game engines as VR software, because they consists of both physics and visualization simulators which are
integrated and optimized for a realistic user experience.
Andrea de Giorgio et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
3.3. Open community approach
A peculiar aspect of the game engines is that they come with a set of tools that are developed and constantly
improved with the help of a community of end-users. All the objects that are collected or created by one user, can be
shared in online libraries, e.g. the Unity Assets Store. This allows other users to quickly reuse and eventually
redesign existing solutions instead of implementing them from scratch.
Having large libraries of existing solutions available in production engineering has the potential of making the
design and development of new processes easier, not to mention facilitating the knowledge sharing.
3.4. Remote collaborative tasks
Another interesting application that can be enhanced by VR experience is remote collaboration. It is known that
3D models have been used to guide remote robotic assemblies [25], and collaborative robot monitoring promises an
increased sustainability over the manufacturing process [26], [27]. VR can bring this forward by making the
interface for remote control a telepresence immersive application, where all the advantages of the gaming style can
be exploited to give the operator a realistic experience and full control of their remote actions.
A promising technology that could contribute to this is the ability to capture and stream a real object
representation through a point cloud in the VR. Because the streamed point cloud is lighter than a full video stream
it helps to keep the number of transmitted frames per second high, even with a slow connection [25]. A point can be
modelled with scripts in the game engine to represent objects that enter the operator’s virtual world making the
virtual telepresence realistic and giving enough feedback to guide simultaneous responses of the operator.
4. A practical application: collaborative robot manipulator in virtual reality
In order to showcase the possible advantages of using a game engine as simulation software for both an industrial
machine and the VR environment, a practical application has been designed as a functional prototype. The
application has been used for a preliminary pilot study and will be improved and verified by means of controlled
human-subject studies in our future work.
The project aims to reproduce an ABB IRB 120 robot manipulator in the VR that can be moved by the operator
wearing an HMD with the goal of performing a simple collaborative assembly task. The choice for the HMD fell on
an HTC ViveTM virtual reality tracked headset, together with its hand controllers because of the high tracking
accuracy and the state-of-the-art VR display.
The virtual ABB IRB 120 robot manipulator used in the simulations (see fig. 1 left) is controlled through an
algorithm imported in Unity as an asset, that is a hybridization of genetic algorithms and particle swarm
optimization for inverse kinematics [28]. It allows virtual arms, composed by any number of joints, to be animated
with natural human-like movements. The end effector (EE) of the robot manipulator is tied to the spatial position
and orientation of the controller that the operator holds in the real world. Once the operator moves their arm, the
position of the EE is recomputed and through the algorithm, together with all the other joint positions, so that the
movement leading to the new position appears smooth and as natural as possible. If the robot manipulator was a
human arm, even though with a different number of degrees of freedom (DOF), its movement would look as close
as possible to a human action.
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Fig. 1. (left) Simulated robot manipulator. The robot manipulator, specifically an ABB IRB 120, is simulated in the virtual reality using Unity.
(right) Joint chain. The joints of the virtual robot manipulator are attached to a joint chain in Unity that allows to define the kinematics.
Unity has a built-in kinematics system, but it is dedicated and limited to the simulation of humanoids, i.e. human-
like characters. Anyhow, Unity can do half the job by easily defining a structure for the joints to move, namely a
joint chain, as shown in fig. 1 (right). The joint chain poses a structure for the CAD model parts of the robot
manipulator and allows the attached script to act on it. Unity also provides some basic settings for each joint that can
be used as default when the dynamics are not assigned to an external script. Joint limitations are defined in Unity
and maximum speeds are defined at script level. The latter choice is due to the quality of the dynamics that is
negatively affected by gaming optimizations that are included in Unity to make the simulation of humanoids more
realistic. For this reason, it is recommendable to use external scripts for both the kinematics and the dynamics of
robot manipulators or any machines composed of multiple joints with a high number of DOF.
As stated earlier, the operator’s arm movements do not correspond to a joint-joint mapping with the robot
manipulator movements. Instead, the operator suggests the desired EE position for the robot manipulator by holding
the controller in their hand and the computation is left to the kinematics algorithm that solves the following issues:
• Evaluate the relative EE position corresponding to the operator’s arm extension from the headset;
• Adapt the robot space to the reachability of the user arm extension, so that the maximum reachable distance by
the robot is comparable to the maximum extent of the operator’s arm;
• Find a way to let the robot move to positions which the operator’s arm cannot easily reach by smoothing the
robot movements over a user quick change of pose to increase their spread.
The first problem is solved by delivering tactile feedback to the user in the form of vibration whenever the
Inverse Kinematic (IK) system is unable to reach the target position.
In order to solve the second problem, valid trajectories are calculated between the solutions provided by the IK
system. This might give the user the impression that the robot makes unnecessary or automatic movements, but the
robot simply changes the pose to avoid singularities and so circumvent the joint limitations.
The third and final problem is solved by allowing the user, rather than the robot, to reposition themselves. The
chosen interaction mode thus becomes a direct control by relative positions on command: the robot follows the
relative movement of the controller, but only when the operator is pressing a trigger button on the controller in their
Andrea de Giorgio et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 11 ( 2017 ) 1279 – 1287
A tradeoff between speed and accuracy must be chosen. Repositioning of either the robot or the user leads to
some difficulty in keeping a stable position of the EE, especially when performing precise actions. Slowing down
the robot motion attenuates the effect of subtle operator movements so it increases the robot accuracy. Conversely,
using a full speed robot could be interesting for the operator to experience, but makes the control very hard to
manage. Different speeds can also be set by using a variable actuator such as a pressure sensor on the controller
instead of a binary on/off trigger button. This regulates the speed based on the operator’s needs.
Direct control of the robotic arm has been difficult when all the DOF were available, that is because the control is
not performed joint to joint, as there is no correspondence between human and robotic arm in terms of DOF. The
application became much more usable, in particular for novices, when the wrist (last three joints) was locked to a
specified direction, for example to point down where the target for grabbing was located. So, it turns out that one
effective trick to improve control consists of assigning a trigger button to lock/unlock the position of the three last
joints. This helps to keep the orientation of the EE fixed, allowing the operator to easily perform precise movements
such as insertions and grabbing.
The overall VR interaction with the robot manipulator has been divided into three levels: posing, recording and
playing. In posing mode, the operator guides the robot manipulator freely toward a certain pose. Once the recording
mode is started, all the movements are saved as a trajectory. When the playing mode is active the robot follows its
recorded trajectory in loop, independently of the operator movements, allowing them to assist to the process but not
interfering with it.
It is interesting to observe the advantage brought by the user perspective in VR. The difference between a first
person interaction with the robotic manipulator and the use of a teach pendant is that VR allows for the space
coordinates to be aligned with the relative position of the operator instead of the robot manipulator origin in the
space. For example, in VR, every time that an operator moves the End Effector (EE) of the robot manipulator with a
gesture to his right, “right” is interpreted as the space direction to the right side of the operator’s gaze. This means
that “right” is a unitary vector constantly updated with the operator’s gaze movements and the robotic movement
corresponding to the command is perfectly intuitive.
On the other hand, the teach pendant will always interpret a movement of the control pad joystick to the right, as a
movement in a specific direction of the robot manipulator axes, independently of the position of the operator. This
method requires the operator to be aligned to the robot axes in order to make sense of the commands, or even to
perform a mental transformation of the desired movement direction into the corresponding joystick direction that
would perform such movement. Either the operator knows a priori the transformation, or it will be necessary to
guess it with some test movements, therefore slowing down the operator’s job with the machine.
Fig. 2. Assembly task as a game. The virtual ABB IRB 120 robot manipulator is presented as an assembly game where students can test their
skills as operators. The student controlling the movement wears the head mounted display for VR and holds a controller in their arm. The robot
manipulator end effector follows the movement and direction of the controller, adapting to the closest natural movement allowed by its six DOF.
Other students can watch the scene from the operator’s perspective on the external monitor.
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5. Conclusions and future work
The practical application, although very simple and meant as an informal pilot study, has led to observations that
look promising for production engineering simulations based on VR. For example, it helped in understanding how to
manage the correspondence of different degrees of freedom when controlling a robotic arm with a human arm. The
first user perspective in the control of machines makes it very different from a typical teach pendent activation of the
actions. Advantages can be seen on the ability for the operator to embody the machines and learn “on their skin”
how to perform the manufacturing process. Therefore, HRC assumes a different and far richer form already in VR,
even though only with an AR application the operator can obtain a full physical HRC.
It is worth considering the advantage of using open libraries for assets, including scripts. As seen in this paper,
each feature in the game engines can be shared as assets which include CAD models, materials, textures, scripts,
renderings, sound effects, animations, etc. If features such as CAD models have been shared for years between
production software users, new possibilities arise when sharing scripts in simulation software. This is not a new idea
since programmers already share portions of code through specific websites, e.g. GitHub, SourceFourge or
BitBucket, but new is the fact that scripts can be shared as plug-and-play items that can be directly attached to a VR
environment in a simulation software and they can be shared together with the object that is affected by the script.
They will be jointly loaded by the simulator and ready to be used. This corresponds to an open community for
industrial applications that uses shared tools with customized behaviors, running in the same simulation software.
The approach presented is destined to face great challenges in order to make the gaming software fully
compatible with the software standards needed in production engineering simulation. However, the simple
application presented, together with the outlined advantages, encourages further studies in such direction.
The future work that will be carried out includes several open questions presented in this paper, including a
whole new set of possibilities. For example, when an industrial machine is modeled as a prefab in a game engine
such as Unity, it can be exported as an asset, which includes both the CAD parts and the scripts that regulate the
machine complete behavior in the VR. Adaptive production planning could exploit such scripts to simulate a quickly
adaptable design to the given manufacturing task.
Fundamental for the remote control of the machines is to ensure that actions in the VR can correspond to real
world actions. For example, a mobile robot manipulator could take the place of the operator who is interacting with
the VR environment and perform their actions as output in the real world, especially if in a remote location.
More advanced practical cases will be designed and developed to apply and further test the observations and open
questions posed by this paper.
The authors would like to thank Andreas Linn, Haisheng Yu, Lisa Schmitz, Mathilde Caron and Rodrigo Roa
Rodríguez for their contribution through the development of the virtual robot manipulator application [29].
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