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An educational simulation platform for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles aimed to detect and track moving objects

  • Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE) S.p.A.


The main motivation of this work is to propose the simulation-in-the-loop approach for educational purposes within the UAV field. In particular the visual-based object tracking problem is illustrated through the use of the MathWorks Virtual Reality Toolbox together with MATLAB, by simulating the behavior of a drone in a 3D environment when detection, tracking and control algorithms are run. Matlab VR has been chosen due to the familiarity that students have with. In this way the attention can be moved to the classifier, the tracker, the references generator and the trajectory tracking control. The overall archietcture is quite modular so that each block can be easily replaced with others thus simplifying the development phase. A simple case study has been presented in order to show the effectiveness of the approach.
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An educational simulation platform for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
aimed to detect and track moving objects
Giuseppe Silano and Luigi Iannelli
1. Motivation
During the last ten years, much effort has been put into the research field of (semi)
autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Thus, by considering the strong
increase of the use of UAVs for
inspection and surveillance purposes,
detecting and tracking arbitrary moving objetcs,
it follows the need for tools that allow to understand what it happens when some
new applications are going to be developed.
The Goal: a complete software platform that gives the possibility to test differ-
ent algorithms for UAV moving in a simulated 3D environment is more and more
important for the whole design process, as well as for the educational purposes.
2. System Description
Several tools (either open source or proprietary) are available: Gazebo, V-REP,
Webots, . . . . We looked at the “simplest” (familiar with) solution for control
engineering students: Matlab/Simulink and the MathWorks Virtual Reality Toolbox.
The toolbox simulates a 3D world to observe the interaction between complex
dynamic systems and the surrounding environment. In particular the tool has been
employed for simulating a drone following a car. Given the particular scenario, we
started from one of the example available on the MathWorks platform describing a
quite detailed model of the car dynamics where the car moves along a non trivial
The key idea: the camera position and orientation is replaced by the drone position
and orientation so as determined by the dynamical equations [1].
Computing References
Control Drone
epx, epy
areamzr, ψr
xr, yr˙
φc, θcφd, θd, ψd
xd, yd, zd
Figure 1:The control scheme. Subscript cindicates the commands, rindicate the
references and dindicate the drone.
3. Vision Based Target Detection
The camera extends the aircraft sensory capacity and, through that, it is possible
develop an automatic control that commands the UAV using the image-based visual
servoing approach. The vision based target detection has been subdivided in three
Classifier Learning Phase, in which the machine learning technique
(Viola & Jones algorithm) is trained in order to detect the target.
A Matlab script manages the frames acquisition and the computing phase. To this
aim it has been simulated the drone moving along a spiral trajectory around the
car parked in its initial state. The script takes into account the slight differences
between the classic fixed and virtual world reference system.
β0, π/2
A high number of images were needed in order to train the classifier. The images
have been divided into two groups: positive (that contains the target, 2626) and
negative images (5252) achieving a 1:2ratio.
Bounding Box Selection, where an algorithm is designed to obtain a
unique box surrounding the target.
The car is only partially detected in spite of the high images number used in the
learning process, although there are no revelation errors. On the other hand, they
introduce enough “useful noise” to help the detection.
Maximum bounding boxAll bounding boxesAverage bounding box
The recognition of different bounding boxes requires an algorithm in order to obtain
a unique box surrounding the target. A Matlab script computes the “maximum”
bounding box achieved from the classifier.
Tracking Algorithm, the classifier is replaced by the tracking algorithm
to reduce the computational burden.
The classifier only at the first step or in case of partial occlusion is used to detect
the target (the car). Otherwise, a Continuously Adaptive Mean-Shift (CAMShift)
algorithm performs tracking by searching for the probability distribution pattern of
a target in a local adaptive size window within the frame.
4. Flight Control System
In our application we considered a drone with four rotors, and a pose controller has
been designed based on a classical dynamic model, as described in [1]. The flight
control system has been split into two parts:
Reference Generator, that uses the information extracted from the
images to generate the path to follow.
(x0, y0)
(ximg, yimg)
(xbb, ybb)
xIn the following phase the image
(ximg,yimg) and the bounding box
(xbb,ybb) centroids are computed,
as well as the distance vector
between the centroids and the
bounding box area, so as in [2].
The references generator is decomposed into two parts: the attitude and position
controller. It tunes the angles (ψd,φdand θd) trying to overlap the images and the
bounding box centroids. The angles are later used to tune the reference position.
Attitude Reference Control Position Reference Control
xbb ψinit ψrefr
ybb θinit θrefr
Integral Backstepping, used as the controller for the trajectory path
The trajectory control strategy works for making the aircraft attitude and position
to follow the reference generator outputs.
[1] S. Bouabdallah and R. Siegwart, Backstepping and sliding-mode techniques
applied to an indoor micro quadrotor. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE In-
ternational Conference in Robotics and Automation, pages 2247–2252, April
[2] J. Pestana, J.L. Sanchez-Lopez, S. Saripalli, and P. Campoy. Computer vision
based general object following for gps-denied multirotor unmanned vehicles. In
American Control Conference, pages 1886–1891, 2014.
Universit`a degli Studi del Sannio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Benevento.
E-mail: {giuseppe.silano,luigi.iannelli}
Aerial robotics is a fast-growing field of robotics and in particular multi-rotor aircraft are rapidly increasing in popularity also out of the scientific community. However, designing autopilots for these vehicles is a challenging task, which involves multiple interconnected aspects. Hence, having tools able to show what happens when some new applications are going to be developed in unknown or critical situations is more and more important for the whole design process. The aim of this thesis is to show the role and the effectiveness of robotics simulators in flight control system design for multi-rotor aircraft (especially, quad-rotors) proposing a Software-in-the-loop (SIL) methodology. In particular, it will be explained, by using rather complex examples, how a SIL approach allows to detect and to manage instabilities that otherwise might not arise when considering the only MATLAB/Simulink simulations. On the other hand, such instabilities may not be just related to the complexity, accuracy, or detailed modeling of the simulated plant, but rather they may appear due to peculiar features of the final realization and, in particular, the software that will implement the control strategy. Indeed, aspects like synchronization, overflow, task communication, are all managed by libraries or tools available during the control design phase, and yet they are specific of the final code implementation. From such a perspective, SIL simulation has to be considered a valuable tool for discovering, in an earlier phase of the usual V-model process, those issues that Model-in-the-loop (MIL) simulation does not necessarily detect. At the same time, a SIL simulation, obtained by using realistic and detailed simulators give the opportunity of validating in an easy way the effects of modifying the control strategy for complex missions. That represents quite often the easiest way to tune the flight control system and to check its validity. Although advantages of such methodology are reasonable for the scientific community from a very general viewpoint, illustrative case studies can be of interest in particular if declined to the specific application.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The motivation of this research is to show that visual based object tracking and following is reliable using a cheap GPS-denied multirotor platform such as the AR Drone 2.0. Our architecture allows the user to specify an object in the image that the robot has to follow from an approximate constant distance. At the current stage of our development, in the event of image tracking loss the system starts to hover and waits for the image tracking recovery or second detection, which requires the usage of odometry measurements for self stabilization. During the following task, our software utilizes the forward-facing camera images and part of the IMU data to calculate the references for the four on-board low-level control loops. To obtain a stronger wind disturbance rejection and an improved navigation performance, a yaw heading reference based on the IMU data is internally kept and updated by our control algorithm. We validate the architecture using an AR Drone 2.0 and the OpenTLD tracker in outdoor suburban areas. The experimental tests have shown robustness against wind perturbations, target occlusion and illumination changes, and the system's capability to track a great variety of objects present on suburban areas, for instance: walking or running people, windows, AC machines, static and moving cars and plants.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
The latest technological progress in sensors, actuators and energy storage devices enables the developments of miniature VTOL systems. In this paper we present the results of two nonlinear control techniques applied to an autonomous micro helicopter called Quadrotor. A backstepping and a sliding-mode techniques. We performed various simulations in open and closed loop and implemented several experiments on the test-bench to validate the control laws. Finally, we discuss the results of each approach. These developments are part of the OS4 project in our lab.