
Impact of network convergence on telecommunications software

  • Global Inventures
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This describes a converged network architecture and then discusses why it needs to be open and programmable and how this can be accomplished. A discussion of two approaches to open/programmable networks-JAIN and Parlay-is provided to highlight the key ideas. The converged network is a key player in e-business and the next-generation applications currently being developed for the growing digital economy. We discuss the role of telecommunications bandwidth trading and application integration in next-generation applications (NGAs) and their relevance to converged networks. Some of the challenges software engineers and programmers can expect to encounter while trying to build these networks are also discussed

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... The telecommunication and computer network industries are fac- 2 ing a great shift from atomic services (e.g., voice and email) towards 3 much more dynamic, convergent services, such as unified social net- 4 working and integrated video conferencing. Under this premise, telco 5 and computer network operators need to transform themselves from 6 simple operators into services aggregators carrying the duty of pro- 7 viding services that bring together numerous applications from a va-Q2 8 riety of sources [1]. ...
... Under this premise, telco 5 and computer network operators need to transform themselves from 6 simple operators into services aggregators carrying the duty of pro- 7 viding services that bring together numerous applications from a va-Q2 8 riety of sources [1]. 9 The term "convergent" has been used widely in telecommunica- 10 tion and computer networks with two meanings: to describe the fu- 11 sion of fixed and mobile services [2], or as a synonymous of the Next 12 Generation Network (NGN) that is a packet-based network able to 13 transport all type of information and services, like voice, data, and 14 video, integrating traditional telephony networks and Internet [3]. In 15 this paper, we use the term "convergent" as efficient coexistence of 16 services available on the Telecom (e.g., voice and video calls with re-17 verse charging offered by telco operators like Orange and Movistar) 18 and Web (e.g., services of maps and RSS feeds offered by big Internet 19 players like Google and Yahoo) domains to provide more services to 20 the user. ...
... These environments allow the user to combine services 418 functionalities using drag-and-drop and wire tools that hide the tech-419 nical details of technologies like IMS, Parlay X, and ONEAPI.Fig. 6de-420 picts a screenshot of Radisys [43] that is an example of a typical SCE.In the user interface of Radisys, the functionalities to be composed 422 graphically in the central canvas are located at the left pane.The term "convergent" has been used widely in telecom and com-425 puter networks with different meanings: to describe the fusion of 426 fixed and mobile services[2], or as a synonymous of the NGN that427 represents the integration of the Internet and the Public Switched ...
... Following the idea of MNGN, It was also proved to be so clear that the DM integrated transmission platform should be set up first to work as carrier platform. The platform here was called Mine Next Generation Network Transmission Layer Platform (MNGN-TLP) [3][4][5][6]. RPR technology has been recommended to act as the key technology for MNGN-TLP. Since RPR technology focuses on inner ring transmission, it is lack in the transmission between rings. ...
... When the packet enters the ring network from node (5,6), the format of the packet's header is shown in Fig. 6(a). "XI" field is set to 1 while "TTL" field is set to 3. The packet should pass by 3 sub-rings to reach node (4,5). And the passed sub-rings are sub-ring 1, sub-ring 2 and sub-ring 4, which are recorded in the header reversely. ...
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The recent discussion on "Digital Mine" (DM) and "Next Generation Network" (NGN) has made them the hot topics in both the research area of mining and communication network. Then the concept of "Mine Next Generation Network" (MNGN) came up. Following the idea of MNGN, It was also proved to be so clear that the DM integrated transmission platform should be set up first to work as carrier platform. And it was called Mine Next Generation Network Transmission Layer Platform (MNGN-TLP) in this paper. RPR technology was preferred for transmission construction in MNGN-TLP. But RPR was lack in the transmission between rings. In this paper, we establish the frame structure for MNGN-TLP. On this basis, some crucial technologies in the transmission layer were put more emphasis on. We propose a ring-label based inter-ring transmission method for inter-ring transmission. The proposed loose explicit routing algorithm works well for inter-ring transmission. Each ring in the network has its own ring label. The labels of each ring that the packets would pass by were recorded by reverse order in the header of the packet, which helps to build up the path for the reply packet. Based on the scheme, we built up the simulation platform for inter-ring transmission of MNGN-TLP platform in NS2 environment for validation. The packets transmitted between rings can reach the destination correctly with small delay.
... Secondly, managing a centralised server remains simpler and more convenient from an administrative perspective, than dealing with multiple fat clients, that is clients providing at least partially self-contained application services. This is especially true in a heterogeneous environment, such as the Next Generation Internet (NGI) (Moyer & Umar, 2001), where devices vary along a number of dimensions such as screen size, form factor, processing speed, permanent storage, and power consumption. Such diversity poses not only a challenge for Internet/Application service providers 1 , but also for application developers, as described further in sections 1.1-1.3. ...
... However, from the perspective of the ASP, who must provide hardware and software infrastructure to host such applications, the effect can be substantial. With the growing convergence of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Internet, there exists the potential for a much larger pool of clients (Moyer & Umar, 2001). Assuming the currently dominant model of 'big iron' servers and thin clients, a rapid increase in clients necessitates a proportional increase is server power. ...
Application users are becoming more mobile, expecting instant con-nectivity using a diverse range of heterogeneous devices. Despite the supposed 'write once run anywhere' promise of languages such as Java, developers must contend with a variety of API's such as J2EE, J2SE and J2ME. Application and Internet service providers are faced with increasing costs as developers look to thin client solutions to avoid the complexities of client side development on multiple devices. This leaves client resources unused and servers overloaded. Serving two purposes, this paper first describes a set of laboratory tests demon-strating the effect on server load of distributing a typical business application in various client/server configurations. It then reviews existing work and proposes novel techniques for automating the dynamic distribution of application com-ponents using Java. Advantages of the proposed framework are described from the perspective of service providers, application developers and end users.
... This idea -both the networks working together to provide services -quickly gained currency [3,4,5,6] and was generally viewed as an important step towards the NGN. Consider the rich services which are possible through such co-operation: click-to-dial (clicking on a link in a web page would initiate a call between the web user and a customer service representative), third party-call control (enabling a detached application to simultaneously establish a call between two or more endpoints without it being part of the call), providing presence and availability for telephone lines, having the PSTN send discrete Instant Messages (IMs) to its subscribers on missed calls or voice mail alerts, interactive text chat between a computer user using IM and a cell phone user using the Short Message Service (SMS), tracking location of a cell phone user in real time and displaying it on a computer map grid. ...
... Currently, it is certainly technically feasible to author and offer converged services. The technical know how exists as do proof of concept implementations [5,7]. It is possible to perform third-party call control or to impart presence and availability of a telephone device on the wireless and wireline circuit switched network. ...
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As envisioned some seven years ago, the Next Generation Network (NGN) with its emphasis on ubiquitous services was to revolutionize the lives of its users. The NGN, resulting from the merger of telecommunications, Information Technology (IT) and the Internet would provide on-demand, always-on services to its users. Service providers were to be affected by the increase in revenues paid by the users of these new services. Equipment vendors would have a difficult time keeping inventories of the NGN infrastructure. The truth has been somewhat different. In this paper, we characterize a set of constraining forces and as well as some positive facilitating forces acting on the NGN.
... This idea -both networks working together to provide services -quickly gained currency [3][4][5][6] and was generally viewed as an important step toward the NGN. Consider the rich services possible through such cooperation: click-to-dial (clicking on a link in a Web page would initiate a call between the Web user and a customer service representative), third party-call control (enabling a detached application to simultaneously establish a call between two or more endpoints without being part of the call), providing presence and availability for telephone lines, having the PSTN send discrete instant messages (IMs) to its subscribers on missed calls or voice mail alerts, interactive text chat between a computer user using IM and a cell phone user using short message service (SMS),or tracking the location of a cell phone user in real time and displaying it on a computer map grid. ...
... Currently, it is certainly technically feasible to author and offer converged services. The technical knowhow exists as do proof-of-concept implementations [5,8]. It is possible to perform third-party call control or to impart presence and availability of a telephone device on the wireless and wireline circuit-switched network. ...
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The next-generation network is characterized by the merging of the Internet, telecommunications, and information technology. As envisioned some six years ago, the NGN was to revolutionize the lives of its users by providing them the best of the services of the PSTN and the Internet, written rapidly by IT programmers. Service providers were to be similarly affected by the increase in revenues paid by the users of these new services. Equipment vendors would have a difficult time keeping inventories of the NGN infrastructure. The truth has been somewhat different. In this article we characterize a set of inhibitors - technical, regulatory, and business-related - that are affecting the ubiquitous deployment of NGN services.
... It is generally agreed that the process of convergence between telecommunications, I.T., and broadcasting through its technological, organizational, and market/service aspects has a far-reaching influence on the sectors involved and on future socioeconomic settings. The converged network is a critical player in e-business and the next-generation applications currently being developed for the growing digital economy (Moyer & Umar, 2001). Technological, economic, and social drivers have caused the telecommunications market to converge, with boundaries between diverging technologies, industries, and services becoming blurred (Ioannis, 2009;Miyazaki & Giraldo, 2015). ...
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This paper constructs the model of network economics to study the effect of different levels of network convergence on the digital culture industry. Then uses regression models and mediating effect models to test the effect mechanism of network convergence on the digital culture industry of China. This paper used panel data to conduct an empirical study. The data in this paper were quarterly. The time range was from the first quarter of 2009 to the third quarter of 2013 for 19 quarters.The three data types in econometrics are time series data, cross-sectional data, and panel data.The main conclusions are as follows. Network convergence brings positive policy effects and adverse capital effects. The impact of network convergence on firm performance of the digital culture industry is not statistically significant, and this effect also has no indirect effects on the test of mediating effect. However, network convergence indirectly leads to the reduction of operating costs of the digital culture industry. The indirect effect is brought by the chain mediating effect of policy effect and capital effect. The study could provide a reference for other countries and regions. Meanwhile, it can be used to analyze the impact of different media convergence on digital industries.
... This convergence and changes in software application have a strong impact on networking. Internet telephony and switches have been replaced by media gateways and routers, and this convergence is vital for the next generation [27]. Network convergence and interdependence are regarded as very important among social networks, especially for online gamers. ...
Conference Paper
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Digital convergence disseminates new business models and rises substantial changes across industrial activities worldwide. Convergence is rising as a hot issue within information technology (IT) industries. Especially, digital convergence is emerging as a distinct concept, through the amalgamation of computers and telecommunications to the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications jointly with digital media contents. Several benefits originate from converging communication networks like increased productivity, reduction in transaction cost and a valuable impact on economic growth. Digital convergence of various industries has created new business opportunities. This study provides the thought of digital convergence and its economic implications.
... Next Generation Internet (NGI) networks are composed of heterogenous devices connected over a variety of wireless and wired infrastructure (Moyer and Umar, 2001). These devices are often portable or hand-held and can exhibit a diverse range of performance characteristics, including memory capacity, processor speed, connectivity methods, screen size, input methods (e.g keyboard, stylus, speech), etc. Applications operating on these ad hoc networks must deal with a range of conditions, such as a constantly changing network topology and transient network errors. ...
Distributed applications are challenging to deploy on ad hoc networks of heterogeneous de-vices. This thesis proposes a methodology for providing mobile object frameworks with a model of the distributed application. The proposed model captures the runtime structure of the appli-cation, allowing the framework to make informed choices about how to adapt the application to changes in environmental conditions and network topology, as they occur. Using a set of predicate rules, the model can optimise the deployment of objects across the network of available devices, based on available resources and performance characteristics.
... This means that a single code base cannot be developed and deployed to all machines in the environment. Next Generation Internet (Moyer and Umar, 2001) (NGI) devices such as PDAs and smart phones are becoming increasingly popular. The processing power of these devices is on the increase, hence it becomes possible to utilise additional resources in order to run more complex applications. ...
This thesis describes a number of advances made in order to produce a mobile object frame-work that is better suited for use in ad hoc networks than its predecessors. The focus of this thesis is on improving the performance, transparency and reliability of the mobility subsystem, which is responsible for the migration of objects from one device to another. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, a new mobility subsystem has been pro-posed and implemented. The resulting runtime environment and proxy structure provides in-creased performance, and by managing erroneous situations within the proxies and supporting architecture, the reliability and transparency have been increased to both developers and end users. A series of empirical tests are executed against the new mobility subsystem, demonstrating the advantages of its reference management strategies and its fitness for use in ad hoc networks of heterogeneous devices.
... Odată intraţi în secolul XXI, suntem martorii convergenţei a două reţele, a reţelei telefonice publice comutate (PSTN) şi a Internet-ului [MSUA01]. Această convergenţă, împreună cu schimbările proprii tehnologiei software-ului (un exemplu este Java) se anunţă a avea un impact considerabil asupra reţelei de comunicaţii. ...
The aim of the paper is to present the long, heavy but finally full of achievements way of the Romanian higher education in the field of communications, which is practically identical with the accomplishments of the Bucharest school of "Politehnica". We regard this education as a natural reaction to the evolution of the communications field, as it mirrors both the second and the third industrial revolution the development of which we witnessed and /or are currently witnessing. This way of approaching the subject will enable in the future to present more pertinent reflections on the communications and field oriented education as we have already systematized the starting ground.
... However, from the perspective of the Application Service Provider (ASP), who must provide hardware and software infrastructure to host such applications, the effect can be substantial. With the growing convergence of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Internet, there exists the potential for a much larger pool of clients [5]. Assuming the currently dominant model of 'big iron' servers and thin clients, a rapid increase in clients necessitates a proportional increase is server power. ...
This paper discusses variations in client/server configuration, for current and Next Generation Internet applications, from the perspective of end-users, application developers and service providers. An empirical study, which evaluates the performance of a typical Internet based business scenario, provides support for the argument that delegating functionality to clients offers a significant benefit to end users and service providers, thereby potentially justifying additional development effort.
... The communication protocols for wired and wireless networks provide connectivity and communication rules for the devices. An important development is the merging of the telecommunication infrastructure and the Internet into what is often referred to as the next-generation network (NGN) [Moyer, 2001]. The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) specifically addresses mobility [Johnson, 2000], an issue normally addressed by telecommunication protocols. ...
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Although various research efforts have reported some success in solving difficult problems related to intelligent environments, very little progress has been made in implementing a truly intelligent system in reality. This paper looks at intelligent environments from a networking and connectivity point of view in order to gain a fresh perspective. First, we review intelligent environment qualities and projects so that we may ascertain the current state of intelligent environment research. Next, we present a classification of the essential components of an intelligent environment, and observe that a connectivity infrastructure does exist in the form of a network of Internet Appliances. We also note, however, that the intelligence components necessary for an intelligent environment are lacking. Therefore, we discuss challenges and provide directions for future research so that we can move from a network of Internet Appliances to Internet Intelligent Environments.
... However, this same convergence movement can be regarded as by far not completed yet, and can particularly be observed in the area of mobile services [3, 7, 21]. From today's point of view, ICT convergence has mostly been perceived and discussed from the technological point of view, e.g. in terms of changes in protocol stack, standardization issues and application opportunities in an all IP-based domain [4, 5, 8, 12, 20, 22, 25]. The current research challenge, however, is to investigate the effect of convergence on existing and new mobile business models, and to identify implications on the evolving mobile business services market structure. ...
The future development of mobile applications and services has to take into account the user needs more carefully than before. The investments in mobile telephony, which are made from the point of view of technology, disregard the fact that users are not interested in technologies; they are interested in possibilities to fulfil their needs. The main problem for the ICT industry in mobility concerns its business that is mainly based on the technology-oriented view, inadequate understanding of users’ needs, and the uninteroperable and isolated application and service perspective. The main aim of this article is to explain the existing problems in the development of mobile applications and services explicitly, and illustrate them by examples on a route to our vision of taking better into account the user needs based on their roles and tasks. We conjecture that a comprehensive view of user role specific needs would beget a new arena in mobile business — the Integrated Mobile Applications and Services industry. The other aspect is that the user needs are only one part of the triple play of business, users, and technology. Intense co-operation between the players in the industry is required to jointly create standards and platforms that enable Integrated Mobile Applications and Services. Technological development requires platforms which enable the bundling of services and applications as easily as Lego bricks can be attached on different platforms.
... The primary caveat to such an approach is minimising the additional developer effort required to produce applications with fatter or adaptive smart clients that can take advantage of increasing client-side computing resources. This difficulty is exacerbated in a heterogeneous environment, such as the emerging Next Generation Internet (NGI) [2], where device capabilities diverge along dimensions such as screen size, form factor, processing speed, permanent storage capacity, and power consumption. Furthermore, rapid advances in hardware technology have given current desktop machines the processing power of servers only a few years old. ...
Conference Paper
This paper describes MobJeX, an adaptive Java based application framework that uses a combination of pre-processing and runtime support to provide transparent object mobility (including AWT and Swing user interface components) between workstations, PDAs and smartphones. Emphasis is placed on the mobility subsystem (MS), a mobile object transport mechanism providing a high level of transparency and portability from the perspective of the system and the developer. The MS is compared to its most similar prede- cessor FarGo, demonstrating the advantages of the MS in terms of transparency and portability. Furthermore, a series of laboratory tests are conducted in order to quantify the runtime performance of the MS and two other systems, FarGo and Voyager.
... Furthermore, [22] approaches the issue from an API point of view, not the Issue a 4xx response signaling and call modeling approach outlined in this paper. Other existing research in this area also focuses on APIs [23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. We eschew APIs in favor of direct access to signaling headers and call models since these provide the most amount of information to the developers. ...
Conference Paper
Networks exist to provide services to users. Increasingly, the networks on which the services reside are not the same as the networks from which the services are accessed. This leads to the problem on how to best provide such services transparently when the access protocols differ. We discusses a methodology to make available the existing services residing in a network whose protocols are distinct from the network where the access attempt is made. We propose a technique we term call model mapping with state sharing and demonstrate it in the telecommunication domain where we access traditional telephony services residing on the telephone network from Internet telephony endpoints residing on the Internet.
This chapter introduces the macroscopic views on distributed systems’ components and their inter-relations. The importance of the architecture for understanding, designing, implementing, and maintaining distributed systems is presented first. Then the currently used architectures and their derivatives are analyzed. The presentation refers to the client-server (with details about Multi-tiered, REST, Remote Evaluation, and Code-on-Demand architectures), hierarchical (with insights in the protocol oriented Grid architecture), service-oriented architectures including OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture), cloud, cluster, and peer-to-peer (with its versions: hierarchical, decentralized, distributed, and event-based integration architectures). Due to the relation between architecture and application categories supported, the chapter’s structure is similar to that of Chapter 1. Nevertheless, the focus is different. In the current chapter, for each architecture the model, advantages, disadvantages and areas of applicability are presented. Also the chapter includes concrete cases of use (namely actual distributed systems and platforms), and clarifies the relation between the architecture and the enabling technology used in its instantiation. Finally, Chapter 2 frames the discussion in the other chapters, which refer to specific components and services for large scale distributed systems.
This thesis describes the evolution of control architectures and network intelligence towards next generation telecommunications networks. Network intelligence is a term given to the group of architectures that provide enhanced control services. Network intelligence is provided through the control plane, which is responsible for the establishment, operation and termination of calls and connections. The work focuses on examining the way in which network intelligence has been provided in the traditional telecommunications environment and in a converging environment. In the case of the traditional telecommunications environment, the thesis examines the Intelligent Network (IN) architecture as a case scenario. In the case of the converging telecommunications environment, the work focuses on examining the relation and impact of emerging architectures and protocols and the ways in which these can inter-work with the IN. The discussion is presented using a taxonomy reference model of network intelligence architectures and their relation to the IN. For example, a protocol based on existing IN capabilities is presented that allows end users to engage in electronic commerce without the need for credit cards. The control plane architecture in the Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN) is heavily based on state machines. The role of state models and the reliance of IP-based protocols on state models are also examined. For this, IP-based architectures are examined and the extent of state utilisation is presented. This enables a classification of IP-based architectures and protocols to be drawn with regard to state utilisation. The role of existing network intelligence within the context of open programmable networks and application servers is also examined. The work identifies the need for a common communications framework between third-party service providers. This is the focus of the API server architecture, which draws from IN concepts and from approaches in the IP domain.
Conference Paper
This paper studies the QoS classification problem in the electric power communication networks. A new QoS classification optimization algorithm is proposed based on the mixed artificial fish swarm algorithm, by considering energy efficiency. Firstly, a QoS classification optimization network model is built. The network delay and package loss ratio about the network model is described. Secondly, because network throughput and package loss ratio are related to the QoS level, the network delay and packet loss ratios used to describe the energy consumption and throughput model of networks. Then we build the optimal model of energy efficiency of networks. The hybrid artificial fish swarm algorithm is exploited to solve this model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is promising.
The mutual performance influence in different load cases about softswitch service and web service in the Parlay multi-service environment were studied. The dynamic resources allocation method between these services was proposed. Taking the stability of system as the prerequisite, SSDB (session setup delay-bound) mechanism was proposed to satisfy each service's performance requirement on throughput and average response time. The simulation results prove that dynamic allocation of the system resource based on SSDB can satisfy each service's performance requirement in this environment.
The next generation network will provide voice, data and multimedia services, which are with different performance requirements. To research the impact of these services' performances between each other and to assure these performances is significant to implement the next generation network successfully. The paper designs a softswitch multi-service control framework with multi-queue, and a dynamic MSN (maximum session number) method to allocate system resources is proposed and analyzed to effectively utilize system resources to insure service's performances, which are based on the control framework. The simulation results prove that the dynamic MSN can ensure the system's stability and satisfy each softswitch service's performance requirement in the softswitch multi-service environment.
This paper proposes an algorithm for detecting 3-way interactions. As far as the authors know, this is the first proposal ever made for a detection algorithm of 3-way interactions. In this paper, by analyzing examples, the mechanism of 3-way interactions is clarified and a detection algorithm of 3-way interactions is proposed. Namely the proposed detection algorithm is heuristic. To evaluate the algorithm, we implemented a detection system based on the proposed algorithm and applied it to 12 services, and 82 3-way interactions were detected. This shows the proposed algorithm is effective.
Some technical issues are discussed on open services of telecommunications. They include specifying open service interfaces, publishing and discovering open services, identifying open services, creating and deploying value-added services based on open service interfaces, binding open services with underlying protocols, security controlling and managing open services. It argues that open service is an effective way of converging networks. Which is the approach of designing an open service platform for multimedia, personal and mobile services. It illustrates the technical issues on opening the services of telecommunications.
In the next generation network, there are more and more types of service. And the resource allocation control is more and more difficult. So it is very useful to do some research in this field. An algorithm which is flexible and adaptive can make the parlay gateway works better. In this paper a proved adaptive and sensitive resource allocation algorithm has been presented in the environment of Parlay multi-service. The simulation results indicate that this algorithm can satisfy the requirements of different kinds of service. The Parlay gateway can make full use of resource using this algorithm.
With the rapid development of the information and communication technology (ICT) and the considerable increasing of the network business, the energy consumption of the network equipments improves continually. Thus building the technology of the next generation electric power communication network based on energy efficiency has become the research focus of the current electric power communication field. This paper researches the problem of the QoS graded optimization in the next generation electric power communication network. First of all, we discuss the network model of the networks QoS graded optimization, and analyze the delay and the packet loss ratio in time-variant networks. Secondly, we introduce the mathematical description of the throughput capacity and the energy consumption in time-variant networks and build the optimizing model of the energy efficiency which describes the networks QoS classification through considering the QoS constraints such as the networks delay and packet loss ratio etc. Thirdly, we propose using Genetic Algorithm to solve the model and find the QoS classes which make the networks reach the maximum energy efficiency through iterative optimization. Finally, the simulation results indicate the method proposed in this paper is available.
Conference Paper
The Optimization Model for Telecommunication Systems (OMTS) is designed and developed to optimize System Designers and Developers (SD&D) efforts in the Telecommunication Industry (TI). Using the life-cycle process, OMTS continuously evaluates business value and utility of every activity in the systems design and development process. The primary objective of the OMTS is to increase business value of the TI system and improve their performance. Through OMTS, SD&D are able to answer such critical questions as "Do modern telecommunication technologies pay off?" and "How can we best use modern technologies in the TI?" The OMTS is capable of facilitating higher business profitability and productivity by enhancing systems' strategic goals such as product position, product quality, and customer service.
Conference Paper
Most research efforts have concentrated on advancement in video compression techniques resulting in DivX/Xvid codecs for better performance on handheld devices. Initial investigations reveal that these techniques are actually taking less time compared to entire execution time in a typical media playback system. However, it enlists that the buffer management methods employed in multimedia framework can significantly impact the overall end-to-end performance on these resource constrained devices. Motivated by these observations, we present a heuristic buffer management scheme to improve end-to-end performance for Android based devices. The outline of the paper is as follows: Firstly, we discuss few related works to investigate existing buffer management methods used within Packet Video Multimedia framework (PVMF) of Android. Secondly, we describe how buffering schemes used between processors in hardware platform can further contribute to the performance bottleneck. Consequently, a heuristic buffer management scheme is proposed to ensure uniform buffer allocation among PVMF components and between processor-coprocessor of the hardware platform. We point out the need for such a mechanism to synchronize media processing and media controlling elements to alleviate video quality in a constant time factor. To validate our approach, an experiment was performed using the said buffer management technique to playback Xvid content on Zoom2 hardware platform based on Android. We summarize the performance characteristics for the trial experiments conducted. Experimental results lead us to conclude the technique is effective at improving overall system performance significantly. We extend to benchmark the performance achieved to further characterize this method. Finally, we also evaluate the tradeoff between memory and performance using our method with combinations of measurements using our experimental setup.
Multi-tenant Software as a Service (aka, SaaS) applications generally run on distributed database systems for better performance and scalability. How to partition and allocate data of the application on distributed database servers is important to the efficiency of the whole system. This paper proposes a tenant data set based data partitioning method. And based on the characteristics of the data operations of each tenant, this paper put forward a heuristic data allocation method to achieve minimum data operation cost of all the tenants of the SaaS application. Experimental results show that the proposed data allocation method reduces data operation cost, thus improves the execution efficiency of the application.
In this paper, we address feature interaction problem on user-level requirements. To detect service interaction runtime among added-value services in Service Logical Execution Environment with Opening Parlay APIs, we propose a method based on service intention consistency rules (SICR). Firstly, we address User Intention Violations of service interactions. Along with SICR method which is addressed in details, a series of algorithms for handling service interactions at runtime have been presented. At last, a conclusion and future work are addressed.
The conception of protocol engineering is introduced briefly, and then the properties of the TETRA air interface protocol is presented. A method following protocol engineering methodology to implement the protocol stack software is described in detail
In the vision of both researchers and standardization committees, networks and services will evolve in the direction of increasing pervasiveness, convergence, and quality of service management capability. Consequently, users will gain an increasing dependency on the presence and availability of network connectivity and the huge plethora of provided services. Yet fostering the development of our society, such dependency on a relatively young technology poses serious threats, especially from the trustworthiness, security and privacy point of view. In this paper, we will describe and critically evaluate user behavior clustering aimed at monitoring and assuring the security of NGN-based applications. Different models of user behavior, developed within both ISP and academic research projects will be described, and several techniques for manipulating and exploiting such model for the anomaly detection purpose will be described and evaluated.
As the term convergence is heavily used in current publications, we suggest to define it as multidisciplinary, inhomogeneous integration with the aim to reach an added value. We use the convergence between telecommunication and information technology as an example to show different classes of convergence on different levels of abstraction.
Over the decades, due to technology limitations and regulatory restrictions, information services have been delivered to subscribers through multiple service providers. In recent years, however, the advancement of digital communication technology, the passing of the 1996 Telecommunications Act in the U.S., and the emergence of the Internet are driving network convergence. As a result, the industry is calling for the consolidation of an integrated Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) in the customer's premises to provide integrated services, such as multi-media, voice, and data services. However, the ever-changing network standards and competing technologies not only confuse carriers, but also prevent them from committing to massive CPE deployment. In this paper, the problems carriers face in the deployment of integrated services over broadband are first described. In order to remove these deployment obstacles, and also to create new value-added services, service models are investigated and an open CPE architecture is proposed that will support the wide range of broadband access technologies and ever-changing network standards.
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With the advent of 3G infrastructure and the Next Generation Internet [1], wireless communication and mobile computing devices provide the opportunity to undertake complex information processing tasks, such as real-time distributed collaboration, "on the move". Consequently, a number of collaborative systems have been developed to deal with the limited capacity and heterogeneity of small devices, and the lower bandwidth and latency inherent in wireless communication. However, for the most part, these systems have relied on a central server and/or explicit application re-configuration in order to accommodate the limited resources of mobile devices. Aiming to provide a more flexible alternative, this paper addresses the implementation of complex real-time synchronous editing in ad-hoc mobile networks built purely on peer-to-peer communication among small devices. The chief premise is that software components running locally in the ad-hoc network must adapt their collaboration algorithms to work within the processing and storage constraints of the participating mobile devices. As a result, this paper describes a mechanism for dynamically modifying the level of collaboration support for a group working on a shared real-time editing task, within an ad-hoc mobile network. This mechanism has been partially implemented and tested in a prototype system called MOCORA (MObile COllaboration in Replicated Architecture).
Conference Paper
Application server is an important entity of NGN and provides the execution environment for next-generation services, one necessary function of which is overload control. This paper introduces the concept of application server in next-generation networks and the overload control of application server. Furthermore, the overload control model for application server is proposed, and the overload control algorithm is discussed. The theoretic proof and simulation results prove the efficiency and fairness of the algorithm. It should be pointed out that the proposed overload control model and the algorithm are applicable for the application servers supporting different interfaces (Parlay, APIs, SIP, and etc.).
Conference Paper
Most research efforts have concentrated on advancement in video compression techniques resulting in DivX/Xvid codecs for better performance on handheld devices. Initial investigations reveal that these techniques are actually taking less time compared to entire execution time in a typical media playback system. However, it enlists that the buffer management methods employed in multimedia framework can significantly impact the overall end-to-end performance on these resource constrained devices. Motivated by these observations, we present a heuristic buffer management scheme to improve end-to-end performance for Android based devices. The outline of the paper is as follows: Firstly, we discuss few related works to investigate existing buffer management methods used within Packet Video Multimedia framework (PVMF) of Android. Secondly, we describe how buffering schemes used between processors in hardware platform can further contribute to the performance bottleneck. Consequently, a heuristic buffer management scheme is proposed to ensure uniform buffer allocation among PVMF components and between processor-coprocessor of the hardware platform. We point out the need for such a mechanism to synchronize media processing and media controlling elements to alleviate video quality in a constant time factor. To validate our approach, an experiment was performed using the said buffer management technique to playback Xvid content on Zoom2 hardware platform based on Android. We summarize the performance characteristics for the trial experiments conducted. Experimental results lead us to conclude the technique is effective at improving overall system performance significantly. We extend to benchmark the performance achieved to further characterize this method. Finally, we also evaluate the tradeoff between memory and performance using our method with combinations of measurements using our experimental setup.
Conference Paper
MobJeX (Mobile Java Objects) is a Java based resource aware adap- tive code mobility framework that is currently under development. MobJeX dif- fers from its predecessors such as Sumatra (1) and FarGo (2, 3) by providing support for the transparent distribution of application code to client devices in a heterogenous Next Generation Internet (NGI) environment (4). This paper briefly discusses the architecture of MobJeX.
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IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) known for its prominent service delivery is paving way forapplications like Video Voice over IP (VVOIP) on handheld devices too. Android, a software platformfrom Google, pioneering in middleware and applications domain of handheld devices does not offersupport for IMS services by design.Motivated by these observations, we present novel scalable architecture to cater IMS basedservices on Android. First, we discuss few related works to investigate and analyze the IMS and the roleof SIP in IMS services. Second, we discuss few characteristics of android architecture and detailconstraints associated with middleware sub-system to cater IMS services. Consequently, we describe theproposed architecture addressing inherent challenges like QoS, Extendibility and Security encounteredwhile offering IMS based services. The architectural framework design reduces time-to-deployment byusing a layered approach encompassing three layers, namely: QoE Engine, Advanced IMS Service Core(A-IMS) and Application Services Engine (ASE). The A-IMS core is responsible to provide End-2-Endefficient service delivery of IMS services like VOIP. We point out the benefits of using the ASE andgeneric media management and control interface (GMMCI) to ensure smooth and swift portability ontodifferent flavors of android. Finally, we conclude by detailing some use-cases of future IMS services likeVideo Sharing/Video Recording in an on-going Video Telephony Call
Today’s network infrastructure is faced with an emerging heterogeneity of fixed and mobile networks and a variety of access devices. This is especially challenging for new service providers, who intend to offer their information and communication services to a mass of users. A network-spanning service usage needs a service access and a service control that are independent of any specific network infrastructure. The key component for this network independent service control would be a common platform for the development and provisioning of communication services to allow network convergence on a service layer. The decoupling of service and network layer is missing in conventional service architectures. Even new approaches only provide solutions to some problems, e.g. the standardization of a network-API without defining service architecture components. Others rely on a special kind of infrastructure, e.g. a complex middleware, which is needed in all network components and user terminals. Our work describes a novel architecture for a server platform, which allows the control of information and communication services independent of networks and user access. Furthermore services can be realized spanning multiple, heterogeneous networks. An adaptation layer decouples the service control from the networks and their specific signaling protocols. The architecture is specified using an abstract system model. It contains functional components structured by three control areas, a concept for service programming, a new signaling protocol, and adaptors for service access and communication control. Within the service architecture we separate the three areas user control, service control, and communication control. This decomposition concept emphasizes the user management, which becomes very important in a highly personalized service environment. To provide service access that is independent of the presentation characteristics of the terminals an XML-based web-server component has been developed that allows information output in different formats (e.g. HTML, WML, or VXML). The service control is based on an object-oriented multimedia session model. All information included therein is independent of user or network specific data. We propose an XML-based notation for the programming of the service logic. The communication control processes the abstract service model and maps it on a set of concrete communication parameters. The adaptors of the adaptation layer act as gateways between the server-internal signaling messages and network APIs, like Parlay. A resource registry complements the communication control in order to support an adaptive selection of network resources according to service discovery principles. For the interaction of the components of the server architecture we specify the Session Control Protocol as a new signaling protocol based on the IETF Session Initiation Protocol. This selection has been motivated by the increasing importance of IP-based signaling protocols in the standardization of new communication systems, e.g. UMTS. A new signaling aspect is the processing of the service description. It is carried as a payload in the signaling messages. Each component of the service architecture adds details to the service description until finally information paths with a concrete QoS description are requested from the adaptors. Some important parts of the server architecture have been realized in a prototype implementation. The mechanisms and the classification of the network specific communication control, which is performed by the adaptors, have been taken from studies with the Intelligent Network and with IP-based distribution networks that have been carried out in the context of this work.
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a digital living network alliance (DLNA) proxy system, to provide services for accessing and sharing various DLNA-based media contents which are distributed over his/her or other's home facilities via home network or the Internet
This paper proposes an extended DLNA media sharing architecture as a methodology to provide services for accessing and sharing various media contents distributed over DLNA-capable devices, via not only a home network but also the Internet. The proposed architecture helps users search and view media contents distributed in the DLNA-networked home from public IP networks. Our architecture uses the SIP in order to transmit messages of information exchange between DLNA-capable devices within and outside of the home and to support secure user-authentication. The proposed system was implemented on a home server that acts as a gateway for establishing connections between the home network and external networks.
The paper proposes a methodology to provide services for accessing and sharing various media contents securely, those are distributed over consumer electronics (CEs) in the home network. To do so, we propose the DLNA proxy system (DPS) architecture which helps to gather various media information available from the distributed AV devices in the home and to share the media contents across the public IP network via established secure channels. The proxy system is implemented on the home server which acts as media server and the hardware accelerated IP security (IPSec) virtual private network (VPN) is configured on the home gateway which establishes and maintains secure connections between the home and public networks.
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Network gateways are used to set up calls between the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the Internet, but existing gateways support a relatively small number of lines. To meet the scalability and availability requirements of mass-market deployment of carrier-grade telephony services, the authors propose an architecture based on the decomposition of Internet gateway functionality. The media transformation function of today's H.323 gateways is separated from the gateway control function, and intelligence is centralized in a call agent. The Media Gateway Control Protocol is introduced; MGCP is an Internet draft currently under discussion by the IETF for standardizing the interface between a call agent and the media transformation gateway
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Convergence between the existing telephone networks and data transfer over the Internet not only demands that new software be written to handle telephony applications which span both networks, but also makes new and innovative applications possible. Rather than writing these applications from the ground up, it would be helpful to have a relatively high-level API on which to prototype new applications. In this article we describe a set of Java packages developed at Cornell University to accomplish this purpose. The software's name is ITX; it is available for download at no charge, and includes sample applications and documentation
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New languages, programming disciplines, operating systems, and software engineering techniques sometimes hold considerable potential for real-time software developers. A promising area of interest-but one fairly new to the real-time community-is object-oriented programming. Java, for example, draws heavily from object orientation and is highly suitable for extension to real-time and embedded systems. Recognizing this fit between Java and real-time software development, the Real-Time for Java Experts Group (RTJEG) began developing the real-time specification for Java (RTSJ) in March 1999 under the Java Community Process. This article explains RTSJ's features and the thinking behind the specification's design. The goal of the RTJEG, of which the authors are both members, was to provide a platform-a Java execution environment and application program interface (API)-that lets programmers correctly reason about the temporal behavior of executing software
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superclass for all monitor control policy objects. PRIORITYCEILINGEMULATION 87 6.1.1 Constructors public Monitor ontrt () 6.1.2 Methods public static void setMonitor Contr l(MonitorControl8 policy) Control the default monitor behavior for object monitors used by synchronized statements and methods in the system. The type of the policy object determines the type of behavior. Conforming implementations must support priority ceiling emulation and priority inheritance for fixed priority preemptive threads. Parameters: policy - The new monitor control policy. If null nothing happens. public static void setMonitor Contr l(java.lang.Object monitor MonitorControl 8 policy) Has the same effect as setMonitorControl(), except that the policy only affects the indicated object monitor. Parameters: monitor - The monitor for which the new policy will be in use. The policy will take effect on the first attempt to lock the monitor after the completion of this method. If null nothing wi...
The desire for new business growth has been a major driving force towards the development of open network APIs, such as the Parlay API, within telecommunications networks. The Parlay API enables both third parties (external companies, operating outside the security domain of the network operator) and network operators to build new applications that rely on real-time control of network resources. The Java APIs for integrated networks (JAINTM) Community is defining a Java version of the Parlay API to bring the benefits of the Java language to the Parlay API, and to promote industry-wide adoption of the Parlay API. This article describes the background and rationale behind the work of the Parlay Group, together with the characteristics, structure, and capabilities of the Parlay API. The benefits that Java and the JAIN Community bring to the Parlay API are then explored. A technical overview of the Java version of the Parlay API, referred to as the JAIN Parlay Edit Group API, is given and illustrated using example sequence diagrams. The article concludes by taking a look at what additional features may be added to the API and the implementation activities that lay ahead
JAINTM, a set of integrated network APIs for the Java TM platform, provides a framework to build and integrate solutions (or “services”) that span across packet (e.g., IP or ATM), wireless, and PSTN networks. The objective of JAIN is to provide service portability, convergence, and secure access (by services residing outside of the network) to such integrated networks. JAIN is defined and specified by a large number of participating communication companies (the JAIN Community), and according to a well-documented process (the Java Community Process or JCP). The objective of the JAIN Community is to create an open market for services across integrated networks using Java technology. The authors provide the JAIN business case. They then summarize how the JAIN Community works, and introduce how the JAIN Community is organized. They also explain how separate JAIN work items fit together. In particular, they provide the rationale for the currently supported levels of abstraction (in terms of session/call signaling models) in JAIN, and look at possible implementation scenarios
The e-Business Marketplace: The Future of Competition " Exec. White Paper
  • Aberdeen Group
Aberdeen Group, " The e-Business Marketplace: The Future of Competition " Exec. White Paper, Apr. 2000.