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Trends in effective communication of integrated pest management data



Preventing heritage objects from being damaged by pests is a major challenge of collection care. Integrated pest management (IPM) programmes are currently the preferred option within the heritage sector for protecting collections from insect pests. One essential feature of IPM is monitoring and recording, resulting in large amounts of data processing. While there is a considerable body of literature on the identification of common pests and the implementation and maintenance of an IPM programme, including the collection of pest activity data, little guidance exists on how to communicate these data most effectively. This paper reviews current, and suggests future, solutions for data visualisation and advocates for more effective communication by adopting novel graphical representations. By offering options which are dynamic, visually attractive and meaningful, such as Dorling cartograms and Malthusian growth pyramids, the authors propose new tools to enhance IPM data communication. These tools contribute to improvements in communication, which remains an under-researched aspect of collection care.
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
Cardiff University
Cardiff, United Kingdom
National Museum Cardiff
Cardiff, United Kingdom
National Trust Aberdulais Tin Works and Waterfall
Neath, United Kingdom
*Author for correspondence
KEYWORDS: integrated pest management, data,
museum, collection care, infographic, visualisation,
Preventing heritage objects from being dam-
aged by pests is a major challenge of collec-
tion care. Integrated pest management (IPM)
programmes are currently the preferred option
within the heritage sector for protecting collec-
tions from insect pests. One essential feature
of IPM is monitoring and recording, resulting
in large amounts of data processing. While
there is a considerable body of literature on
the identification of common pests and the
implementation and maintenance of an IPM
programme, including the collection of pest
activity data, little guidance exists on how to
communicate these data most effectively. This
paper reviews current, and suggests future,
solutions for data visualisation and advocates
for more effective communication by adopt-
ing novel graphical representations. By offering
options which are dynamic, visually attractive
and meaningful, such as Dorling cartograms
and Malthusian growth pyramids, the authors
propose new tools to enhance IPM data com-
munication. These tools contribute to improve-
ments in communication, which remains an
under-researched aspect of collection care.
Trends in effective communication of
integrated pest management data
In recent years heritage organisations changed their response to insect pest
infestations from treatment to preventive measures. This development was
accompanied by a new emphasis on evidence-based risk management, as
knowledge of the risks posed is crucial to the success of pest management.
External independent factors, such as climate change or legislative
frameworks, are linked to the successful management of pests, as are
internal factors, such as patterns of funding impacting on staff or equipment.
Between institutions, the mechanics of loans, such as their frequency and
turnaround time, may lead to changes in pest occurrences. Each of these
economic, political, climate or managerial changes involve considering
dynamic data to inform collection care practice (Xavier-Rowe and Lauder
2011). Data may be used to validate the effectiveness of an integrated
pest management (IPM) programme by asking whether a pest population
within an organisation is increasing or spreading with time. Strang (1999)
argued that pest migration patterns may only be detected by monitoring
programmes if measures exist of their movement within collections. He
compared museum collections to open, non-equilibrium systems, requiring
the explicit incorporation of dispersal and spatial effects into theoretical
models (cf. Onstad 1988). Pinniger (2013) made the case for improved
communication of new pest management tools, which is here extended
to improving the communication of findings.
Answering IPM questions requires the monitoring of complex and dynamic
data. The findings often demand action which impacts on collection use
or the deployment of resources. Data collection is only of value if results
are interpreted and communicated effectively. Successful presentation
of evidence should result in the conclusion that an IPM programme and
a preventive approach to collection care is the most resource-efficient
approach. A challenge in communicating pest data to decision makers is
to enable understanding of what the numbers mean for the collection in
a way that inspires action or at least permission to act.
There is a lack of concern within the IPM community about the mode of
data representation best suited for putting forward persuasive arguments in
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
support of collection care. Improved communication of new pest management
tools (Pinniger 2013) should go hand in hand with improvements to the
communication of data. Lack of data does not appear to be a limitation.
Heritage organisations amass large amounts of data on pest species in
rooms, collections, buildings, regions and countries (for example, Querner
et al. 2013). Data are recorded on presence/absence of species, species
identity, density, distribution, and information on building integrity and
maintenance. Tabulation in digital format offers the potential for analysis
and graphical representation.
Conventionally, IPM data in the heritage sector are communicated with
spreadsheets, bar charts and building plans. Each method has its own distinct
advantages and disadvantages. Counts of insect populations are displayed
as a bar or pie chart. This familiar graph may indicate a simple two-factor
trend but no further detail without additional text or further graphs. Another
commonly used representation is the building plan with insect pest catches
plotted geographically by density, such as risk zone plans.
Limitations of current practice
The authors hypothesize that these representations are used frequently
because of the ubiquitous availability and widespread familiarity in the
use of software such as Microsoft Excel, and because they once were the
most effective means of communicating data. The use of spreadsheets
was adopted across the heritage sector with little significant adaptation
for different applications and contexts. This offers benefits in terms of
efficacy, familiarity and uniformity; at the same time, this practice may
also have become habitual and non-reflective. Line graphs or building
plans with superimposed pest data are sufficient for conservators assessing
the effectiveness of their IPM strategy (for example, Ryder et al. 2014),
but not necessarily influential when persuading museum management
of the need to continue an IPM programme. While such graphical aids
may communicate risk levels and population sizes to a degree, frequently
they lack contextual information, are uninteresting visually, assume prior
knowledge of buildings and collections and do not demonstrate temporal
changes effectively. Many of the challenges of representing dynamic
data, whether the migration of new species through a geographical area
or the spread of pests through a collection, are linked to the changing
demographics of pest occurrences, for which there is currently no commonly
used effective graphical representation.
Impact of trap numbers
A further consideration is the number of pest traps used to collect the
data. Where charts focus on a count of pest occurrences, decoupling the
relationship of total pests from the density of traps is necessary to avoid
the distortion caused by a greater number of traps. It is a common strategy
to increase the density of pest traps in an area where an infestation is
suspected to help the IPM manager target the source of a pest problem,
such as a chimney, food source or travel route. Any reporting system that
relies on total counts and cross references this to locations will inevitably
show density patterns that correlate as much to the density of the traps
as to the frequency of individual pest organisms. Made without careful
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
consideration, density mapping may best represent the concentration
of traps rather than that of pests. Presenting such skewed data without
reflection reduces their value.
None of the default charts are suited to communicating in an easily
understandable format: complex answers are required when responding
to many IPM challenges. Therefore, information should be communicated
more effectively to ensure questions are, in fact, answered and the correct
conclusions are drawn. With this approach comes a need for novel ways
of data visualisation.
Properties of good data communication
The aim of data presentation is to match data visualisation to the research
question and the communication goal. The quality of visualisations plays
a vital role in this because the effective use of illustrations is an important
facet of message design. Improvements in the communication of data would:
enhance understanding of the risks posed by insect pests; identify issues
and patterns on an organisational, national and international level; and
contribute to attaining support and resources. Any good data visualisation
addresses specific questions, is easy to understand and indicates the effect of
an increase or decrease in pest numbers. The purpose of each visualisation
should be clear before it is produced. This includes consideration of
the limitations of graphical visualisations and the decision to include
supplementary information or additional charts for important elements
or data not represented in the main visualisation.
Recently, the creation of innovative, illustrative and interactive infographics
has increased the options for illustrating and communicating complex data
sets in a meaningful and accessible manner (Massironi 2001). Infographics
are visual interpretations of information or data in an easily understandable
way (Oxford Dictionaries 2015) and gained popularity quickly in a multitude
of disciplines. For the purpose of this work, the term infographic is herewith
used to represent any form of effective data visualisation. Infographics
rely on the ‘picture superiority effect’: people are able to learn and recall
information more clearly and effectively when presented as images than
in other forms (Hockley 2008, Medina 2008). This is because a large
proportion of the human brain is committed to visual processing (Krum
2013). Infographics employ patterns and colour to augment communication
by holding attention and aiding memory (Medina 2008), although poor
colour choice may result in a graphic that is neither effective nor appealing
to the user. The use of colour in graphics has to consider the possibility
of colour blindness and, therefore, the potential for misinterpretation.
Principles of good visual communication using infographics include:
having a clear purpose, avoiding distortion, encouraging comparison and
focussing on the information rather than the methodology (Tufte 2001).
A number of infographics may be considered potentially useful in the
context of displaying pest management data effectively and these are
summarised in Table 1.
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
Table 1. This – by no means exhaustive – summary illustrates the diversity of visualisations
that may be useful for the depiction of pest monitoring data . For this illustrative purpose it is
not possible to use the same data for all visualisations because each format uses a different
approach. Certain applications are therefore suitable for different data sets
Type Shows Useful because Limitations Example graphic
average values
(or density) of a
variable within
a defined area,
usually geo-
Depicts gradients of
a characteristic with
a spatial component.
Often used to indicate
population density in
a specific area.
Shows average
density for a specific
space and masks
local variables (i.e.
distribution in a
room). May give
false impression of
change at boundary.
mapped on
an outline
The size of the
representation is
dependent on the
quantified data and
not the size of the
geographical areas,
thus it represents
a factor such as
population density
and its geographical
relation without the
potential confusion of
the area.
Not suitable for
more than two
details may not be a
relevant factor.
Plots density of a
factor by space,
such as density
of earthquake or
Connects areas or
similar density with
lines or shading.
Indicates ‘hot spots’
and is not constrained
by geography.
Requires a lot of
data for accuracy.
population data,
often organised
by sex and age.
Traditionally used
for displaying
segmented age
groups within
Shows the
distribution of a
population assisting
in predictions of
population change.
Large amount of
data communicated
in a single graphic
showing of, in
essence, three axes
and colour coding.
Does not
Circular plot
depicts flows
between spaces.
Appealing visually
and ground
breaking through
interactivity, which
gives opportunity to
interrogate data in
Migration flows are
not suitable for the
ecological spread of
pest species where
a new population
may be started by a
single individual.
Abel and Sander (2014)
Radial circle
Variation of
the Dorling
Text in each circle may
contain additional
information such as
the number of pest
traps and occurrences
per floor area. Graphic
would also make
sense in greyscale.
Available from Excel.
Lacks a temporal
component and
precise geographical
flow model
Shows the flow of
several variables
over a series of
events s between
Easy to read and
visually appealing.
Captures shifting
population very
Assumes a fixed
total population and
that flow from one
zone must arrive
from another or
that each individual
leaving one space
arrives in a different
Baxter 2015
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
Infographic options
Geopolitical information is often displayed using choropleth maps that depict
gradients of a single characteristic, such as life expectancy, with a spatial
component (Table 1). In pest monitoring, this may be the population size
of individual species mapped across a building floor plan, indicating the
effectiveness of barriers, or the spreading route of an infestation. A sharp
change at a physical boundary would indicate the successful containment
of a pest. Pockets of high concentrations of a pest emerging without spatial
adjacency would suggest a potential additional human agency, such as
infested objects being moved from stores to a study area. To be entirely
meaningful such a map would require additional contextual information,
such as risk zones, collection areas and access routes. As with all density
maps, consideration of the number of pest traps per unit area in a given
space is of utmost importance.
Isopleth maps connect areas with matching concentration and show a
more accurate indication of distribution than choropleth maps. Not being
governed by geographical nor structural boundaries such as political
regions or room divisions, they do not give a false impression of abrupt
changes at a boundary. An isopleth map would require a great deal of
pest monitoring data collected in a uniform manner to connect lines of
similar density, but if available the growth of a population from a point
of origin may be obvious (Bryant et al. 2014). Assuming the presence of
sufficient amounts of data, the spread of a newly identified pest across
a country, for example, as a result of climate change, may be illustrated.
Isopleth maps would be less suitable than choropleth maps where data
are inconsistent, or where the growth of a population is not connected
geographically. While isopleths show density changes such as population
growth independent of geographical boundaries, choropleths may highlight
the impact of those boundaries.
A map does not necessarily need to include the underlying geography or
structure such as a building. If the purpose of the communication is to
relay information about collection risk to people without knowledge of
a building, geographic detail may be a distraction. Hence, the base map
may be disregarded altogether. In a Dorling cartogram, proportionally
sized circles arranged in a broadly geographic pattern communicate
quantities, focussing attention on the size of population while maintaining
spatial relationships without the use of maps (Dorling 1996). In an IPM
context, a Dorling cartogram draws attention to population counts and
the relationship of adjacency between each unit (for example, rooms
within a building). Only spaces with pests present would be displayed
in the infographic, focussing attention on problem areas and conveying
a sense of urgency to act. Radial circle relationship graphics go a step
further than Dorling cartograms and abandon geographies altogether.
This allows the depiction of pest populations even across separate
floors within a building, with connected radial circles outlining the
relative sizes of the component species contributing towards the total
in each space. This representation lacks the temporal component, but
the characterisation of pest populations for individual collections is
more detailed than in other visualisations. In both options, additional
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
Figure 1. A bar chart indicates a trend of
declining pest occurrences with time and a
sudden increase in the last two years
Figure 2. A Malthusian pyramid adds more
detail than a simple bar chart while still being
easy to interpret
text in each population circle may contain such information as the room
name, number of pest traps or occurrences per floor area. Within the
figure it may also be possible to represent the composition of a total
pest count by species in the form of a pie chart within the circle. While
the use of colour enables easier interpretation, the graphic would also
make sense in greyscale.
A model representing human migration routes produced by Abel and
Sander (2014) operates both as a fixed and as an interactive diagram.
A visually appealing circular plot, sometimes known as a radial table,
describes flows between spaces. This graphic is particularly interesting
due to its interactivity, which allows interrogation of even small details in
an online application, though not if printed in two dimensions on paper.
This diagram allows both macro and micro population changes to be
represented on a single graphic. Technically complex, it may be beyond
the resources of most museums but might offer a well-resourced institution
with several sites the chance to map large quantities of data in a clear and
attractive format.
Similar data are visualised in an entirely different way through voter
migration flow charts (Baxter 2015), which may be useful to show the
balance of pests within a fixed geography such as a building. For pest
challenges it may help plan resource deployment, targeting the pest type
posing the greatest risk.
Malthusian growth pyramids are used frequently to display population
data (Ginn Daugherty and Kammeyer 1995), such as the distribution of
males and females across different age ranges and at different points in
time (The Economist online 2011). This appears inherently useful as a
way of comparing pest populations in time, perhaps summer and winter
populations, or larval vs adult growth stages (X axis), over a number of
years (Y axis). A large amount of data communication in a single graphic
is enabled through the use of, in essence, three axes and colour coding,
although it is not possible to communicate any geographies with this
style of chart.
The authors suggest a hypothetical scenario of pest monitoring data from
a single museum in a historic building with multiple collection areas. A
traditional bar chart (Figure 1) shows that cumulative pest occurrences
in the building decrease over time, indicating that the IPM programme at
this museum may have a positive effect. What this type of graphic cannot
resolve is why the IPM programme appears to be working. A Malthusian
pyramid (Figure 2) is more powerful as it includes more information in
a similar format. It is now evident that there are a number of parallel
trends in the data: a general decrease in pest occurrences during the winter
months. The sharp increase of pest occurrences in the last two years was
due to numbers increasing in winter, while summer numbers were still
on the decline, as they had been for six years.
A choropleth map (Figure 3) of the building shows that the areas with
the most significant pest problems are the galleries, one office and
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
Figure 3. A choropleth map highlights the
pest density in different parts of the building,
focussing on the impact of boundaries
Figure 4. A radial circle diagram showing
the same data as Figure 3 offers a greater
emphasis on population than location
the reception area. Within the exhibition space the greatest population
density is in the natural history gallery. Rooms on either side of this
gallery have a lesser pest occurrence, indicating that the natural history
gallery is the source of the problem. A correspondingly large population
density detected in isolation within the curator’s office suggests human
transference rather than pest migration. The density (pest count per m2)
in the reception indicates that pests may be arriving with deliveries but
are contained effectively by the quarantine arrangements. The focus
on population density with boundary helps to highlight the success or
failure of control systems. In contrast, the radial circle diagram (Figure 4)
places more focus on absolute populations and the need to act. From a
risk management point of view, the radial circle diagram is a powerful
illustration of which areas need to be investigated further and perhaps
warrant the provision of further resources to counteract emerging negative
trends before problems get out of hand. It may divert attention from
areas where current success must be maintained. For either diagram,
there is additional potential to offer a breakdown by pest type within a
circle, offering further clarification of the problem.
Ultimately, the aim of improvements in the communication of pest
monitoring data is to reduce future pest damage to collections. Effective
data communication is therefore part of successful collection care. Data
inform collection care practice. IPM generates a significant amount of
data; consideration of how it is represented may make data collection
and sharing more effective. Whilst representations used traditionally
in the heritage sector offer uniformity, they do little to capture and
communicate the dynamic data underlying many of the current challenges
of effective pest management. A review of graphical representations
used within the heritage sector and comparison with those used in other
disciplines shows that the heritage sector utilises only a narrow range
of the options available. Novel ways of graphical data summary and
representation may be suited better to communicate pest data. Benefits
include enhanced data comprehension and easier recognition of underlying
patterns. In addition, collection care staff would be able to inform decision
makers more effectively of risks to collections, and perhaps even to raise
public awareness of conservation challenges. Powerfully persuasive
and illustrative graphical representations of pest monitoring data can be
created by populating infographics with pest monitoring data to illustrate
their potential future use in the heritage sector. The suitability of each
type of visualisation depends very much on the questions asked and
the target audience. Some visualisations may work better in an online
context, but a discussion of joint data collection and data sharing is
beyond the scope of this paper. The next step in this work will now be
to explore individual models in more detail for their usefulness as pest
data communication tools. By focussing on how we communicate in one
aspect of collection care, we may highlight the more general aspiration
for collection care professionals to develop communication skills as
part of a broader skill set to achieve greater influence and to become
effective agents of change.
18th Triennial Conference
2017 Copenhagen
How to cite this article:
Henderson, J., C. Baars, and S.E. Hopkins. 2017.
Trends in effective communication of IPM data.
In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints,
Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017, ed. J. Bridgland,
art. 1510. Paris: International Council of Museums.
The authors are grateful to Ceri Davies for support in the production of
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BAXTER, M. 2015. Electoral calculus.
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... Within preventive conservation, it is not unusual for data collection to become the end point of environmental management practice (Henderson 2018). In IPM practice and literature there appears to be a focus on pest identification and counting (Henderson et al. 2017). Unfortunately, the familiarity of data collection can mask a lack of efficacy in pest management because monitoring alone will neither manage a population of insect pests to safe levels nor necessarily lead to any changes in practice. ...
... Conservators seeking support for pest management from managers and colleagues should attend to the creation of appropriate messages for distinct audiences. Effective messages are better characterised by their ability to satisfy the needs and interests of their audience than to represent the expertise of those offering the message (Henderson et al. 2017). ...
... A review of IPM practice at National Museum Cardiff concluded that work was needed to present data in a way which considered the needs of the audience receiving the information (Henderson et al. 2017). Henderson et al. (2017) suggested the use of novel dynamic, visually attractive and meaningful graphical data representations to achieve improvements in communication. ...
The purposes of pest monitoring are 1) quality control of a pest management programme, and 2) communication of pest occurrence information to different user groups. Good pest monitoring practice requires unbiassed data analysis and interpretation which, in turn, relies on data being collected in a consistent manner. The pest occurrence index (POI) was developed to open a discussion about the managerial, psychological, analytical and communication practices that are in danger of being overlooked when the focus of pest management is the counting of insects. This paper offers an overview of the development of the POI in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the cultural heritage sector, considers progress to date and examines two major updates: that pest monitoring data are sensitive to the frequency of monitor inspection; and how to integrate into systematic pest monitoring any incidental encounters of pests not collected on monitors but found randomly. Clear parallels between pest monitoring in cultural properties and population studies in ecology demonstrate that effective and unbiassed analysis of results requires standardised monitoring approaches and data collection. 2
Full-text available
Monitoring Migration Migrant “stock” data—the number of people living in a country other than the one in which they were born—are frequently used to understand contemporary trends in international migration, but the data are severely limited. Abel and Sander (p. 1520 ) present a set of global bilateral migration flows estimated from sequential stock data in 5-year intervals. The percentage of the world population moving over 5-year periods has not shown dramatic changes between 1995 and 2010. People from individual African countries tended to move within the continent, whereas people from Europe tended to move to very diverse locations.
The modern control of pests in collections stresses less dependency on a single-chemical line of defence, often replacing these chemicals with a choice of thermal or controlled-atmosphere fumigation techniques. Moreover, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has expanded in collections to include environmental and structural controls that resist insect build-up in collection areas. None of these elements is particularly new; however, this time around, we have a wider range of tools to apply in concert with a more disciplined approach to collection care. This paper examines the earlier use of IPM by E.D. Merrill and compares it to the author's systematic approach to IPM in collections.
Since the 1980s the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been applied in museums, historic houses and archives to reduce the application of pesticides and damage to historic objects. Insect pests such as the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella), drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum), different Attagenus and Anthrenus species or the common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum) have been known as museum pests for a long time, having caused major damage to the collections of natural or cultural history. The monitoring (regular inspection) with sticky blunder and pheromone traps plays a major role in IPM to detect an infestation and to locate damaged objects. The results of a monitoring in 2010 in ten museums in Berlin of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz and the Museum of Ethnology, Vienna, the Austrian Theatre Museum and six collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Vienna, are presented. The most common pests found in both cities were webbing clothes moths (T. bisselliella), the drugstore beetle (S. paniceum), the varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus (Nathrenus) verbasci) and silverfish (Lepisma saccharina). The khapra beetle (Trogoderma angustum) and the brown carpet beetle (Attagenus smirnovi), both common pests in homes and museums in Berlin, were not yet found in Vienna. A. smirnovi may be replaced in Vienna by the ecologically similar species, the black carpet beetle (Attagenus unicolor). Four wood destroying pests were found in the study, Nicobium castaneum in Berlin and the common furniture beetle (A. punctatum), Hexarthrum exiguum and the powderpost beetle (Lyctus brunneus) in Vienna. The distribution of these species, other insect pests and the success of the IPM programs are discussed. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Editors' overviewIntroductionMethods ApplicationsConclusions ReferencesFurther readingSee also
Until now the dominant methodological approach in theoretical ecology has emphasized the use of simple analytical models and the analysis of systems in equilibrium. Recent revolutionary advancements in computer technology have provided the opportunity for ecological modelers to move away from this dominant approach and create new methodologies for explaining population and community dynamics. The new approaches should emphasize greater realism in the models and greater testing of these models in the field. Because ecological theory cannot be generally applicable without being realistic, true generality in a theoretical model is impossible without realism. Complex simulation models are often more accurate (realistic) and easier to relate to field situations than simpler analytical models. The creation of valid, complex numerical models for a few specific cases is advocated as a valuable step in the development of theory. Analysis is open, heterogeneous, nonequilibrium systems should be emphasized. Greater access to supercomputers in the future will facilitate the use of complex numerical models that incorporate extensive ecological knowledge. Although the use of simple abstract models is a legitimate approach in theoretical ecology, the value of these models cannot be determined until they have been tested in several field situations. In empirical testing, attempts must be made to discriminate between alternative models using quantitative results.
The picture superiority effect has been well documented in tests of item recognition and recall. The present study shows that the picture superiority effect extends to associative recognition. In three experiments, students studied lists consisting of random pairs of concrete words and pairs of line drawings; then they discriminated between intact (old) and rearranged (new) pairs of words and pictures at test. The discrimination advantage for pictures over words was seen in a greater hit rate for intact picture pairs, but there was no difference in the false alarm rates for the two types of stimuli. That is, there was no mirror effect. The same pattern of results was found when the test pairs consisted of the verbal labels of the pictures shown at study (Experiment 4), indicating that the hit rate advantage for picture pairs represents an encoding benefit. The results have implications for theories of the picture superiority effect and models of associative recognition.