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Learning from multiple documents: How can we foster multiple document literacy skills in a sustainable way?

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... Because information is spread over several texts, this information is less accessible than if it were presented in a single text (Britt, Rouet, & Braasch, 2013). Additionally, rhetorical markers that signal connections between texts are usually unavailable (Stadtler, Bromme, & Rouet, 2018). Learners can find it difficult to infer cross-textual connections and to construct source representations (e.g., Barzilai, Tzadok, & Eshet-Alkalai, 2015;Strømsø, Bråten, Britt, & Ferguson, 2013). ...
... Critically evaluating information sources, and comparing their arguments, may hopefully reduce susceptibility to inaccurate information and help people make better informed decisions (Britt & Rouet, 2012;. However, students often neglect to evaluate source trustworthiness and can find it very difficult to form an integrated understanding of the arguments presented in multiple information sources or documents 1 (Bråten, Stadtler et al., 2018b;Stadtler et al., 2018). ...
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Visualizations may help students understand the network of connections among multiple documents. This study explored how ninth-grade students used a novel digital document mapping scaffold to construct models of multiple documents. We examined students' maps and mapping processes in order to understand how they used the scaffold to visually represent multiple scientific documents on a controversial issue. We also investigated the relations between document mapping and argumentative writing in order to clarify how mapping might support written argumentation. Lastly, we explored how students perceived the purposes of document mapping. We found that students used the scaffold to construct several types of models that varied in their degree of source vs. content separation and integration. About half of the students constructed full documents models. Interleaving reading and mapping led to construction of more elaborate and well-integrated maps. Students who created more elaborate and two-sided maps also wrote essays that better integrated multiple documents in order to synthesize and weigh competing arguments. Students who revisited the maps and the documents while writing wrote essays that included and cited more documents. Students described document mapping as a tool for selecting and connecting sources and claims in order to support understanding and writing. These findings reveal how document mapping can support comprehension and integration of multiple documents. The findings also shed new light on how students construct documents models and on the relations between representations of multiple documents and argumentative writing. These results have implications for both theory and instruction.
... Inferenzleistungen scheinen für die Textqualität von Diskurssynthesen also hochgradig relevant. Das zeigt sich deutlich auch bei Spivey (1991 (Stadtler, Bromme & Rouet, 2018). Hinzu kommt, dass bereits metaanalytisch belegt ist, dass generell verschiedene Schreibfördermaßnahmen mit variierenden Zieltextsorten differenzielle Wirkungen auf das Verstehen von einzelnen Sachtexten haben (Graham & Hebert, 2011). ...
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Lesen ist ein komplexer Prozess, der ein weites Spektrum von Fähigkeiten abdeckt. Dieser Band widmet sich insbesondere zwei zentralen Teilbereichen des Lesens: der Entwicklung von Leseflüssigkeit zu Beginn des Lesenlernens sowie dem lesestrategischen Vorgehen geübter Leserinnen und Leser beim Umgang mit multiplen Dokumenten. Er umfasst dabei empirische Beiträge mit Fokus auf Wortlesen und Leseflüssigkeit im Grundschulbereich sowie Studien mit jungen Erwachsenen, die mehrere Texte Lesen und diese später schriftlich im Rahmen von komplexen Arbeitsaufträgen weiterverarbeiten. // Reading is a complex process that covers a wide range of skills. This volume focuses on two central aspects of reading: the development of reading fluency at the beginning of learning to read and the reading strategies of proficient readers when dealing with multiple documents. It includes empirical contributions focusing on word reading and reading fluency at the elementary school level as well as studies with young adults who read multiple texts and later process them in writing in the context of complex work assignments.
... Als ein authentisches Beispiel hierfür kann der folgende Schreibauftrag aus Tabelle 1 gelten, den Studierende mithilfe von fünf digitalen Dokumenten bearbeiteten, die sich teils widersprachen, teils ergänzten. (Stadtler, Bromme & Rouet, 2018). Hinzu kommt, dass bereits metaanalytisch belegt ist, dass generell verschiedene Schreibfördermaßnahmen mit variierenden Zieltextsorten differenzielle Wirkungen auf das Verstehen von einzelnen Sachtexten haben (Graham & Hebert, 2011). ...
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Dem materialgestützten Schreiben (MGS) wird ein hohes epistemisches Potenzial für das tiefe Verstehen von multiplen Dokumenten zugestanden. Dabei scheinen strategische Prozesse der Informationstransformation den Ausschlag zu geben, welche ihrerseits von der Zieltextsorte des MGS abhängen. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der empirischen Frage, inwieweit differenzielle Effekte bei Paarvergleichen in 18 experimentellen Studien tatsächlich festgestellt wurden. Mittels Vote-Countings wurden für drei besonders häufig untersuchte Zieltextsorten - Argumentation, Beschreibung und Zusammenfassung - und mit einem theoriebasierten Kodierraster jeweils für sechs Gruppen von abhängigen Variablen in expressiven und rezeptiven Tests Effekte zusammengefasst. Dabei zeigte sich keine durchgängige Überlegenheit einer Zieltextsorte, dafür aber Muster in Form relativer Überlegenheiten in einzelnen Gruppen von Variablen. Hinzu kamen Effekte des intertextuellen Verhältnisses der Dokumente, über die die Testpersonen schrieben.
Les définitions récentes de la lecture insistent sur la nécessaire prise en compte du contexte dans lequel se réalise cette activité. Dans cette perspective, l’objectif de cette étude était d’étudier l’influence de deux situations de lecture (lire un texte en sachant que celui-ci restera – ou non – disponible au moment de répondre à des questions de compréhension) et des stratégies de lecture qui en découlent (intégrale vs. sélective) sur les performances en compréhension d’adolescents de 13-14 ans, et d’examiner le rôle différencié des fonctions exécutives dans ces deux situations. Les résultats montrent que la disponibilité des textes interagit avec les propriétés des textes (uniques vs. multiples) et des questions (bas vs. haut niveau). Par ailleurs, les compétences exécutives semblent préférentiellement impliquées dans les situations où le lecteur garde les textes à disposition au moment de répondre aux questions, suggérant qu’une telle situation relève d’une activité de lecture plus stratégique. Recent definitions of reading emphasize the need of considering the context in which this activity is carried out. Within this perspective, the present study seeks to examine the influence of two reading situations (to read a text knowing that it will – or not – remain available when answering comprehension questions) and their consequent reading strategies (integral vs. selective) on 13-14-year-old teenagers’ reading comprehension performance, and to examine the differential role of executive functions in these two situations. The results show that text availability interacts with text properties (single vs. multiple) and question type (low- vs. high-level). In addition, executive skills seem to be involved preferentially in situations where readers keep the texts available when answering questions, suggesting that such a situation indeed reflects a more strategic reading behaviour.
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Yirmi birinci yüzyılda teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte bilgiye erişmek oldukça kolaylaşmıştır. İnsanlar, öğrenme süreçlerinde artık tekil kaynaklarla yetinmemekte, en sıradan konularda bile birden fazla kaynağa ulaşma ihtiyacı hissetmektedir. Okuyucuya olabildiğince farklı perspektifler sunan çoklu kaynaklar, daha fazla bilgi hacmi ile karşılaşma ve daha fazla zihinsel işlem anlamına gelmektedir (Britt & Aglinskas, 2002). Bireyler çoklu kaynakları anlamlandırma süreçlerini kolaylaştırmak ve anlama problemlerini çözümlemek için çeşitli stratejik davranışlara ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Çoklu metinleri okuma stratejileri; çoklu bilgi kaynaklarını anlamlandırmayı kolaylaştıran ve bunları okurken karşılaşılan problemlerin çözümüne katkı sağlayan kasıtlı eylemlerdir. Bireylerin gerçekleştirdiği eylemlerin strateji olarak değerlendirilmesi, daha çok eylemin otomatik ve ezber olmamasına; çaba, emek ve bilinç gerektirmesine bağlıdır. Bilinçli bir şekilde kullanılmayan eylemler strateji olarak değerlendirilmemektedir. Çoklu metinleri okuma sürecinde bilinçli bir şekilde kullanılan stratejiler, bireyleri okumaya hazırlama, metin içi ve metinler arası anlamı yapılandırma, metin içeriklerini ve kaynaklarını değerlendirme ve anlamayı izleme işlevlerine sahiptir. Çoklu metinleri okuma sürecinin merkezinde yapılandırmabütünleştirme işlemi yer alsa da üstbilişsel-yansıtıcı işlem ve eleştirel-analitik işlemin de eş zamanlı olarak kullanıldığı söylenebilir. Okur bir taraftan metnin önemli fikirlerini belirlemeye çalışırken diğer taraftan metin kaynağını değerlendirme ve kendi anlama sürecini izleme işlemlerini de eş zamanlı yapmaktadır. Çoklu metinleri okuma sürecinde her üç işleve yönelik strateji kullanılmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, çoklu metinleri anlamlandırma sürecinde kullanılan stratejiler, teorik ve uygulamalı çalışmalar çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Çoklu metinleri anlama ile ilgili dünyada yaklaşık 30 yıldır akademik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Tarih alanında yapılan ilk çalışmadan (Wineburg, 1991) günümüze kadar bu alanda pek çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Çoklu metinleri okuma alanında yurt dışında birçok araştırma yapılmasına rağmen ülkemizde oldukça az çalışmaya rastlanmaktadır. Bu alanda ülkemizde daha çok araştırma yapılmasına ve öğrencilerin çoklu metinleri anlamlandırma süreçlerini geliştirecek eğitim programlarının tasarlanmasına ihtiyaç olduğu söylenebilir.
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Successful text comprehension requires readers to engage in a number of coherence-building processes. This study examined how analyzing the cohesion of students’ constructed responses can be used to evaluate these coherence-building processes and the extent to which they vary across readers’ individual differences and across types of texts. We posed two primary research questions: 1) Can we predict individual differences in working memory and reading skill based on the cohesion of students’ constructed responses to text? 2) Do the relations between individual differences and cohesion vary as a function of genre? Participants (n = 119) generated constructed responses while reading history and science texts and completed reading skill and working memory assessments. The current study leveraged natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the cohesion of readers’ constructed responses, using cohesion as a proxy for assessing the coherence of their mental representations of the texts. Cohesion was measured at the sentence, paragraph, and synonym levels. Machine learning models showed that linguistic indices related to cohesion were significant predictors of both working memory and reading skill. Additional quantitative and qualitative inspection revealed that the relations between individual differences and coherence-building processes varied depending on the text’s genre. These findings indicate that the interaction between genre and individual differences may be used to model coherence-building processes during reading. This study has important implications for the realm of educational technology such as in the implementation of stealth assessments to predict students’ cognitive abilities.
¿Qué características tienen los procesos de comprensión lectora vinculados al aprendizaje de contenidos curriculares? ¿Qué sabemos acerca de los textos y las tareas más frecuentes cuando se trata de leer para aprender? ¿Qué ocurre específicamente cuando la lectura para aprender tiene como referente más de un texto? ¿Cuáles son las características de la lectura en textos digitales? ¿Qué se puede hacer para favorecerla y para evitar algunos de sus inconvenientes? El lector podrá encontrar respuestas a estas y otras preguntas en las páginas de este libro.
Recent research suggests that readers' subjective task understanding influences reading processes and outcomes. Therefore, the present study's aim was to investigate whether the task demands that readers retrospectively report relate to multiple document comprehension strategies and outcome. A total of 310 university students completed three units from a standardized multiple-document comprehension test and answered an open-ended task demands question after each unit. Amongst others, participants comprehended single- and multiple-document activities to be task demands. Comprehending deep-level single-document activities and management activities to be task demands related to corroboration and proactive sourcing, respectively. However, comprehending multiple-document activities to be task demands was related neither to students' multiple-document comprehension nor to their realized multiple-document activities. The data suggest a context schema formation across test units: In later units the participants comprehended more often multiple-document activities and less often surface-level single-document and management activities to be task demands, and conducted more sourcing. Free access until 4th July 2021:
Wer sich im Internet informieren will, hofft auf zutreffende, glaubwürdige und brauchbare Informationen. Doch es empfiehlt sich, beim Lesen digitaler Internet-Dokumente wachsam zu sein, um nicht Fehlinformationen aufzusitzen. Der Vortrag stellt daher das "epistemisch wachsame Lesen" als Konzept vor, das sich stark am Lesen von HistorikerInnen orientiert. Ansatzpunkte für die Förderung dieses Lesens in der Sekundarstufe runden den Vortrag ab.
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This article presents a framework and methodology for designing learning goals targeted at what students need to know and be able to do in order to attain high levels of literacy and achievement in three disciplinary areas—literature, science, and history. For each discipline, a team of researchers, teachers, and specialists in that discipline engaged in conceptual meta-analysis of theory and research on the reading, reasoning, and inquiry practices exhibited by disciplinary experts as contrasted with novices. Each team identified discipline-specific clusters of types of knowledge. Across teams, the clusters for each discipline were grouped into 5 higher order categories of core constructs: (a) epistemology; (b) inquiry practices/strategies of reasoning; (c) overarching concepts, themes, and frameworks; (d) forms of information representation/types of texts; and (e) discourse and language structures. The substance of the clusters gave rise to discipline-specific goals and tasks involved in reading across multiple texts, as well as reading, reasoning, and argumentation practices tailored to discipline-specific criteria for evidence-based knowledge claims. The framework of constructs and processes provides a valuable tool for researchers and classroom teachers' (re)conceptualizations of literacy and argumentation learning goals in their specific disciplines. 2016
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We present an empirical investigation of a classroom training fostering vocational students’ consideration of source information when deciding about science-based controversies. The training was specifically aimed at raising students’ awareness of the division of cognitive labor and the resulting need to take a source’s competence into account when deciding whom to trust. Data were collected from a training group and a waiting list control group in a pretest–posttest design. The results show that students benefitted from the training in terms of their inclination to agree with pertinent expert sources rather than low-pertinent experts and to refer to the source of information to justify their judgment. Source memory was not affected by the training.
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Sourcing is vital for knowledge construction from online information sources, yet learners may find it difficult to engage in effective sourcing. Sourcing can be particularly challenging when lay readers encounter conflicting expert accounts of controversial topics, a situation which is increasingly common when learning online. The aim of this study was to examine learners’ spontaneous sourcing as they read divergent expert accounts of a socio-scientific controversy in order to map prevalent sourcing practices and to identify specific challenges. Additionally, the study explored the role of learners’ epistemic perspectives in sourcing, and examined the relations between sourcing while reading and subsequent written argumentation. Sixty-one university students thought aloud while reading four conflicting blog-posts about a socio-scientific controversy and then wrote arguments regarding the controversy. The findings revealed a wide range of sourcing practices. Some participants did not explicitly engage in sourcing while reading, whereas others formed detailed source representations, source-content links, and source–source links. Although most participants constructed source representations, these representations were infrequently acted upon. Multiplism was negatively related to sourcing and positively related to reliance on the reader as a source of knowledge. Higher levels of sourcing were related to more complex argumentation, increased claim justification, and better integration of sources in participants’ arguments. The theoretical and instructional implications of these findings are explored.
The present study examined whether a paper-based worksheet that provided source prompts fostered secondary school students' intertext model formation, that is, their mental representations of sources and source-to-content links, in an Internet-reading context. In a classroom setting, N = 45 ninth-graders were tasked to read nine websites that differed in the type of source, in order to complete a worksheet with information from each site concerning an unsettled scientific issue. In addition to content information from the websites that should be filled into the worksheet, the worksheet provided source prompts to fill in website names and to classify the websites according to given source categories. To test the effectiveness of these source prompts, half of the students received a worksheet without such prompts. The study results indicate that students who had been working with the worksheet providing source prompts outperformed controls in their memory for sources, their discrimination between credible and less credible sources, and their mental representations of source-to-content links. To conclude, source prompts seem to be an effective way in supporting secondary-school students in the formation of an intertext model when reading a set of websites.
In 2 experiments, understanding of historical subject matter was enhanced when students acted as historians and constructed their own models of an historical event. Providing students with information in a web site with multiple sources instead of a textbook chapter, and instructing them to write arguments instead of narratives, summaries, or explanations, produced the most integrated and causal essays with the most transformation from the original sources. Better performance on inference and analogy tasks provided converging evidence that students who wrote arguments from the web sources gained a better understanding than other students. A second experiment replicated the advantage of argument writing even when information was presented as an argument.
This chapter states that despite hopes for the Internet to be an educational panacea, it actually creates new learning demands on students. The situation faced by students using the Web for research is similar to that faced by history students learning to use primary and secondary sources: They construct integrated representations from multiple documents of varying quality. Dealing with this situation requires the ability to integrate information from different documents, identify and evaluate the credibility of those documents based on source information, and corroborate the information extracted from those documents with other credible documents. The chapter describes the sourcer's apprentice (SA), an application to provide tutorial and practice opportunities in sourcing. This application, though relatively simple, has proven quite effective at increasing students' attention to source information. The design of SA was driven by six principles from cognitive and educational theories: learning by solving problems with richly integrated sets of documents; supporting construction of expert representations; creating an interface by decomposing the task into necessary elements; supporting transfer by using a real world environment and providing several problems of very different types; providing students with explicit and interactive instruction on the relevant skills; and motivating student engagement through challenges and immediate feedback.