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A new approach to the study of fixed point theory for simulation functions in G-Metric spaces



In this paper first of all, we introduce the mapping : [0;1) X [0;1) R,called the simulation function and the notion of Z-contraction with respect to which generalize several known types of contractions. Secondly, we prove certain xed point theorems using simulation functions in G-Metric spaces. An example is also given to support our result.
Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. (3s.)v. 37 2(2019): 113119.
SPM –ISSN-2175-1188 on line ISSN-00378712 in press
SPM: doi:10.5269/bspm.v37i2.34690
A New Approach to the Study of Fixed Point Theorems for Simulation
Functions in G-Metric Spaces
Manoj Kumar and Rashmi Sharma
abstract: In this paper first of all, we introduce the mapping ζ: [0,)×[0,)
R, called the simulation function and the notion of Z-contraction with respect to
ζwhich generalize several known types of contractions. Secondly, we prove certain
fixed point theorems using simulation functions in G-Metric spaces. An example is
also given to support our results.
Key Words: Simulation function; Contraction mapping; Z-contraction; Fixed
point; G-Metric spaces.
1 Introduction 113
2 Main Results 114
1. Introduction
Let (X, d) be a metric space and T:XXbe a mapping, then Tis called a
contraction(Banach Contraction) on Xif
d(T x, T y)λd(x, y)
for all x, y X.
Where λis a real such that λ[0,1). A point xXis called a fixed point of T
if T x =x. The well-known Banach Contraction Principle[1] ensures the existence
and uniqueness of a fixed point of a contraction on a complete metric space. After
this principle, several authors generalized this principle by introducing the various
contractions on metric spaces[2, 3-9]. In this work, we introduce a mapping namely
simulation funtion and the notion of Z-contraction. Among all the generalized
metric spaces, the notion of G-Metric spaces was introduced by Mustafa and Sims
in[10], where in the authors discuss the topological properties of this space and
proved the analog of the Banach Contraction Principle in the context of G-Metric
Definition 1.1. AG-Metric space (X, G) is said to be symmetric if G(x, y, y) =
G(y, x, x) for all x, y X.
Example 1.2. Let (X, d) be the usual metric space then the function G:
X×X×X[0,) defined by G(x, y, z) = max{d(x, y), d(y, z), d(z , x)}for all
x, y, z Xis a G-Metric space.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25, 54C30.
Submitted December 30, 2016. Published March 06, 2017
113 Typeset by BSP
Soc. Paran. de Mat.
114 M. Kumar and R. Sharma
Definition 1.3. Let Xbe a nonempty set and G:X×X×X[0,) be a
function satisfying the following properties:
(G1)G(x, y, z) = 0 if x=y=z,
(G2)0 < G(x, x, y) for all x, y Xwith x6=y,
(G3)G(x, x, y)G(x, y, z ) for all x, y, z X, with z6=y,
(G4)G(x, y, z) = G(x, z, y) = G(y, z , x) = ... (symmetry in all three variables),
(G5)G(x, y, z)G(x, a, a) + G(a, y, z), for all x, y, z , a X(rectangle inequlity).
Then, the function Gis called a generalized metric, or, more specifically,a G-metric
on X, and the pair (X, G) is called a G-metric space.
Definition 1.4. Let (X, G),(X, G) be G-Metric spaces, then a function
f:XXis G-continuous at a point xXif and only if it is G-sequentially con-
tinuous at x, that is, whenever {xn}is G-convergent to x,{f(xn)}is G-convergent
to f(x).
Recently, Khojasteh et al. [11] introduced a new class of mappings called sim-
ulation functions. Later Argoubi et al. [12] slightly modified the definition of
simulation functions in the definition of simulation functions by withdrawing a
Let Zbe the set of simulation functions in the sense of Argoubi et al.[12].
Definition 1.5. A simulation function is a mapping ζ: [0,)×[0,)R
satisfying the following conditions:
(ζ1)ζ(t, s)< s tfor all t, s > 0
(ζ2) if {tn}and {sn}are sequences in (0,) such that
limn→∞supζ(tn, sn)<0.
2. Main Results
In this section, we define the simulation function, give some examples and prove
a related fixed point result.
Definition 2.1. Let (X, G) be a G-Metric space, f:XXa mapping and
ζZ. Then fis called a Z-contraction with respect to ζif the following condition
is satisfied
ζ(G(f x, fy, f z), G(x, y, z)) 0 for all x, y, z X. (2.1)
Lemma 2.2. Let (X, G) be a G-Metric space and f:XXbe a Z-
contraction with respect to ζZ. Then, fis asymptotically regular at every
Proof: Let xXbe arbitrary. If for some pN
we have fpx=fp+1x, that is f y =y, where y=fp1x, that is fz =z, where
Study of Fixed Point Theorems for Simulation Functions in G-Metric Spaces115
then, fny=fn1fy =fn1y=... =f y =yfor all nN. Now for sufficient large
nN, we obtain
G(fnx, f n+1x, fn+1x) = G(fnp+1 fp1x, f np+2fp1x, f np+2fp1x)
=G(fnp+1y, f np+2y, f np+2y)
=G(y, y, y ) = 0
Therefore, limn→∞ G(fnx, f n+1x, f n+1x) = 0
Suppose, fnx6=fn1xfor all nN, then it follows from (1) that
0ζ(G(fn+1x, f nx, f nx), G(fnx, f n1x, fn1x))
=ζ(G(ffnx, f fn1x, f f n1x), G(fnx, f n1x, fn1x))
G(fnx, f n1x, fn1x)G(fn+1 x, f nx, fnx)
The above inequality show that {G(fnx, f n1x, fn1x)}is a monotonically de-
creasing sequence of non-negative reals and so it must be convergent.
Let limn→∞ G(fnx, f n+1x, fn+1x) = r0. If r > 0 then since fis Z-
contraction with respect to ζZtherefore, we have
0limn→∞supζ(G(fn+1 x, f nx, fnx), G(fnx, f n1x, fn1x)) <0.
This, contradiction shows that r= 0, that is, limn→∞ G(fnx, f n+1x, f n+1x) = 0.
Thus, fis an asymptotically regular mapping at x.
Lemma 2.3. Let (X, G) be a G-Metric space and f:XXbe a Z-
contraction with respect to ζ. Then the Picard sequence {xn}generated by f
with initial value x0Xis a bounded sequence, where xn=f xn1for all nN.
Proof: Let x0Xbe arbitrary and {xn}be the Picard sequence, that is,
xn=fxn1for all nN. On the contrary, assume that {xn}is not bounded.
Without loss of generality we can assume that xn+p6=xnfor all n, p N. Since
{xn}is not bounded, there exists a subsequence {xn}such that n1= 1 and each
kN,nk+1 is the minimum integer such that
G(xn(k)+1, xn(k), xn(k))>1
G(xm, xn(k), xn(k))1
for nkmn(k)+1 1. Therefore, by the triangular inequality, we have
1<G(xn(k)+1, xn(k), xn(k))
G(xn(k)+1, xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)+1 1) + G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k), xn(k))
G(xn(k)+1, xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)+1 1) + 1.
Letting k→ ∞ and using Lemma 2.2 we get
limk→∞G(xn(k)+1, xn(k), xn(k)) = 1
116 M. Kumar and R. Sharma
By (1), we get G(xn(k)+1, xn(k), xn(k))G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1), therefore
using the triangular inequality we obtain
1< G(xn(k)+1, xn(k), xn(k))G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1)
G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k), xn(k)) + G(xn(k), xn(k)1, xn(k)1)
1 + G(xn(k), xn(k)1, xn(k)1)
Letting k→ ∞ and using Lemma 2.2, we obtain
limk→∞ G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1) = 1
Now, since fis a Z-contraction with respect to ζZtherefore, we have
0limk→∞supζ(G(f xn(k)+1 1, f xn(k)1, fxn(k)1))
=limk→∞supζ(G(xn(k)+1 , xn(k), xn(k)), G(xn(k)+1 1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1)) <0
This contradiction proves result.
Theorem 2.4. Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XXbe a
Z-contraction with respect to ζ. Then, fhas a unique fixed point uin Xand for
every x0Xthe Picard sequence {xn}where xn=f xn1for all nNconverges
to the fixed point of f.
Proof: Let x0Xbe arbitrary and {xn}be the Picard sequence, that is,
xn=fxn1for all nN. We shall show that this sequence is a Cauchy sequence.
For this, let
Cn=sup{G(xi, xj, xj) : i, j n}
Note that the sequence {xn}is a monotonically decreasing sequence of positive
reals and by Lemma 2.3 the sequence {xn}is bounded, threrefore Cn<for all
nN. Thus, {Cn}is monotonic bounded sequence, therefore convergent, that is,
there exists C0 such that limn→∞Cn=C. We shall show that C= 0. If C > 0
then by the definition Cn, for every kNthere exists mk> nkkand
k< G(xm(k), xn(k), xn(k))Ck
limk→∞G(xm(k), xn(k), xn(k))Ck(2.2)
Using (1) and the triangular inequality, we obtain
G(xm(k), xn(k), xn(k))G(xm(k)1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1)
G(xm(k)1, xm(k), xm(k)) + G(xm(k), xn(k), xn(k))
+G(xn(k), xn(k)1, xn(k)1)
Study of Fixed Point Theorems for Simulation Functions in G-Metric Spaces117
Using Lemma 2.2, (2) and letting k→ ∞ in the above inequality we get
limk→∞ G(xm(k)1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1) = C. (2.3)
Since Tis a Z-contraction with respect to ζZtherefore using (1), (2), (3) and
(ζ2), we get
0limk→∞supζ(G(xm(k)1, xn(k)1, xn(k)1), G(xm(k), xn(k), xn(k))) <0
This contradiction proves that C= 0 and so {xn}is a Cauchy sequence. Since Xis
a complete G-Metric space, there exists uXsuch that limn→∞xn=u. We shall
show that the point uis a fixed point of f. Suppose f u 6=uthen G(u, f u, fu)>0.
Again, using (1), ζ1,ζ2, we have
0limn→∞supζ(G(f xn, f u, f u), G(xn, u, u))
limn→∞supζ[G(xn, u, u)G(xn=1 , f u, fu)]
=G(u, f u, fu)
This contradiction shows that G(u, f u, f u) = 0, that is, f u =u. Thus, uis a fixed
point of f.
Example 2.5. Let X= [0,1] and G:X×XRbe defined by G(x, y, z) =
max{|xy|,|yz|,|zx|}. Then, (X, G) is a complete G-Metric space. Define a
mapping f:XXas f x =x
x+1 for all xX.fis a continuous function but it
is not a Banach contraction. But it is a Z-contraction with respect to ζZ, where
ζ(t, s) = s
s+ 1 tfor all t, s [0,).
Indeed, if x, y X, then by a simple calculation it can be shown that
ζ(G(f x, fy, f y), G(x, y, y)) 0.
Clearly, 0 is the fixed point of f.
Corollary 2.6. Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XXbe
a mapping satisfying the following condition: G(f x, f y, f y)λG(x, y, y) for all
x, y, y X, where λ[0,1]. Then, fhas a unique fixed point in X.
Proof: Define ζB: [0,)×[0,)Rby ζB(t, s, s) = λstfor all s, t [0,).
Note that, the mapping fis a Z-contraction with respect to ζBZ. Therefore,
the result follows by taking ζ=ζBin Theorem 2.4.
Corollary 2.7. Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XX
be a mapping satisfying the following condition: G(f x, f y, f y)G(x, y, y)
ϕ(G(x, y, y)) for all x, y, y X, where ϕ: [0,)[0,) is lower semi continuous
function and ϕ1(0) = {0}. Then, fhas a unique fixed point in X.
Proof: Define ζR: [0,)×[0,)Rby ζR(t, s, s) = sϕ(s)tfor all
s, t [0,). Note that, the mapping fis a Z-contraction with respect to ζRZ.
Therefore, the result follows by taking ζ=ζRin Theorem 2.4.
Corollary 2.8. Let Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XX
be a mapping satisfying the following condition: G(f x, fy , fy)ϕ(G(x, y, y))×
118 M. Kumar and R. Sharma
×G(x, y, y) for all x, y, y X, where ϕ: [0,+)[0,1) be a mapping such that
limsuptr+ϕ(t)<1, for all r > 0. Then, fhas a unique fixed point.
Proof: Define ζR: [0,)×[0,)Rby ζR(t, s, s) = (s)tfor all
s, t [0,). Note that, the mapping fis a Z-contraction with respect to ζRZ.
Therefore, the result follows by taking ζ=ζRin Theorem 2.4.
Corollary 2.9. Let Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XX
be a mapping satisfying the following condition: G(f x, f y, f y)η(G(x, y, y)) for
all x, y, y X, where η: [0,+)[0,+) be an upper semi continuous mapping
such that η(t)< t for all t > 0 and η(0) = 0. Then, fhas a unique fixed point.
Proof: Define ζBW: [0,)×[0,)Rby ζBW(t, s, s) = (s)tfor all
s, t [0,). Note that, the mapping fis a Z-contraction with respect to ζBWZ.
Therefore, the result follows by taking ζ=ζBWin Theorem 2.4.
Corollary 2.10. Let Let (X, G) be a complete G-Metric space and f:XX
be a mapping satisfying the following condition: RG(f x,f y ,f y
0φ(t)dt G(x, y, y)
for all x, y X, where φ: [0,)[0,) is a function such that Rt
0φ(t)dt exists
and Rc
0φ(t)dt > ǫ, for each ǫ > 0. Then, fhas a unique fixed point.
Proof: Define ζK: [0,)×[0,)Rby ζK(t, s, s) = sRt
0φ(u)du for
all s, t [0,). Then, ζKZ. Therefore, the result follows by taking ζ=ζKin
Theorem 2.4.
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Manoj Kumar(Corresponding Author),
Rashmi Sharma,
Department of Mathematics,
Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, Punjab,
E-mail address:,
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... Such family generalized, extended and improved several results that had been obtained in previous years. The simplicity and usefulness of these contractions have inspirited many researchers to diversify it further (see [1,49,50,56,63,[65][66][67]70]). ...
... This section is concerned to the flourish of the notion of simulation functions to different metric spaces other than the usual one. These results gave the theory a new wing and here we are going to discuss the findings of [9,15,25,49] with the novelty they brought in. ...
... In their research article, Kumar and Sharma [49] originated the concept of simulation functions in G-metric spaces and extended Theorem 2.8 of [44] in this framework. At the outset, we recollect the notion of G-metric spaces originated by Mustafa and Sims [52]. ...
Full-text available
This article surveys many of the recent works regarding simulation functions and Zcontractions that came into existence after the publication of Khojasteh et al. (Filomat 29(6):1189–1194, 2015). These results assess inclusive of simulation functions, Z-contractions, b-simulation functions, Suzuki-typeZ-contractions,Darbo’s fixed point theorem, α-admissible Z-contractions, first-order periodic problems and variational inequality problems. Additionally, we consider many of the metric frameworks that have been taken into account while exploring the results.
... Kumar and Sharma [62] introduced the simulation function ξ and the notion of Z -contraction with respect to ξ in the setting of G-metric space and obtained some related fixed point results. ...
... Definition 96. [62] A simulation function ξ is a function ξ : R + × R + −→ R satisfying the following: Definition 97. [62] Let (X, G) be a G-metric space, T : X −→ X a mapping and ξ ∈ Z . ...
... [62] A simulation function ξ is a function ξ : R + × R + −→ R satisfying the following: Definition 97. [62] Let (X, G) be a G-metric space, T : X −→ X a mapping and ξ ∈ Z . Then T is called a Z -contraction with respect to ξ if for all x, y, z ∈ X, ξ (G(T x, Ty, T z), G(x, y, z)) ≥ 0. ...
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The increasing significance of metric spaces and their applications in sciences and engineering has manifested over the years. This has led to the emergence of fixed point theory in metric spaces which in turn, has many practical usefulness in inequalities, approximation theory, optimization theory, image restoration and filtering, to mention but a few. Following up this development, in this paper, various results on G-metric spaces (also called generalized metric spaces) introduced by Mustafa and Sims are reviewed. Extensions of fixed point theorems for Lipschitzian-type mappings on G-metric spaces are compiled and a concise report on the transition in fixed point theorems on G-metric spaces are established. The aim of this survey is therefore, to examine and provide an up-to-date analysis of the important advancements in the fixed point theory of G-metric spaces. Consequently, this note is handy for researchers in the domain of metric and pseudo-metric spaces as they can easily appreciate how new results are delineated from the subsequent ones.
... Motivated by the concept of b-metric and G-metric spaces [8,21], Aghajani et al. in [3], introduced the notion of generalized b-metric space (G b − metric spaces), presented some properties of G b -metric spaces and prove some coupled coincidence fixed point theorems for (ψ, ϕ)-weakly contractive mappings in the frame work of partially ordered G b -metric spaces. Thereafter, several results and applications has been extended from metric spaces, b-metric spaces and G-metric spaces to G b -metric spaces, more so, a lot of results on the fixed point theory of various classes of mappings in the frame work of G b -metric spaces has been established by different researchers in this area (see [16] and the references therein). The notion of G b -metric spaces generalize, improves and unifies results in metric spaces, b-metric and G-metric. ...
... Very recently, Kumar et al. [16] introduced the concept of Z-contraction with respect to ζ in the frame work of G-metric spaces. They establish some fixed point results and gave an example to support their main result. ...
... Motivated by the works of Liu et al. [17], Kumar et al. [16], Khojasteh et al. [15], Antonio-Francisco [23] and the current research interest in this direction, we introduce the notions of b-C F simulation function, (α, β)admissible type B mapping and (α, β)-Z F -contraction mapping with re-spect to ζ in the frame work G b -metric spaces. Furthermore, we establish some fixed point results for (α, β)-Z F -contraction mapping in the frame work of complete G b -metric spaces and apply our results to establish the existence of solution of an integral equation. ...
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We introduce a new type of (α, β)-admissibility and (α, β)-Z-contraction mappings in the frame work of G b -metric spaces. Using these concepts, fixed point results for (α, β)-Z-contraction mappings in the frame work of complete G b -metric spaces are established. As an application, we discuss the existence of solution for integral equation of the form: x(t) = g(t) + ∫ 1 0 K(t, s, u(s))ds, t ∈ [0, 1], O. T. Mewomowhere K : [0, 1]×[0, 1] ×R → R and g : [0, 1] → R are continuous functions. The results obtained in this paper generalize, unify and improve the results of Liu et al., [17], Antonio-Francisco et al. [23], Khojasteh et al. [15], Kumar et al. [16] and others in this direction.
... Very recently, Kumar et al. [11] introduced the concept of Z-contraction with respect to ζ in the framework of G-metric spaces. They establish some fixed point results and gave an example to support their main result. ...
... Motivated by the research works of Khojasteh et al. [9], Kuman et al. [10], Kumar et al. [11] and the research work in this direction, our purpose in this paper is to introduce the notion of (α, β)-Z-contraction mapping and Suzuki generalized (α, β)-Z-contraction mapping with respect to ζ in the framework G-metric spaces. We prove some fixed point results for these types of mappings and then give some examples to support our main results. ...
... and ζ(t, s) = 1 2 s − t. Then T is an (α, β)-Z-contraction mapping with respect to ζ but not an Z-contraction mapping with respect to ζ as defined by Kumar et al. [11]. ...
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The purpose of this work is to generalize the fixed point results of Kumar et al. [11] by introducing the concept of (α, β)-Z-contraction mapping, Suzuki generalized (α, β)-Z-contraction mapping, (α, β)-admissible mapping and triangular (α, β)-admissible mapping in the framework of G-metric spaces. Fixed point theorems for these class of mappings are established in the framework of a complete G-metric spaces and we establish a generalization of the fixed point result of Kumar et al. [11] and a host of others in the literature. Finally, we apply our fixed point result to solve an integral equation.
... Such family generalized, extended and improved several results that had been obtained in previous years. The simplicity and usefulness of these contractions have inspirited many researchers to diversify it further (see [1,49,50,56,63,[65][66][67]70]). ...
... This section is concerned to the flourish of the notion of simulation functions to different metric spaces other than the usual one. These results gave the theory a new wing and here we are going to discuss the findings of [9,15,25,49] with the novelty they brought in. ...
... In their research article, Kumar and Sharma [49] originated the concept of simulation functions in G-metric spaces and extended Theorem 2.8 of [44] in this framework. At the outset, we recollect the notion of G-metric spaces originated by Mustafa and Sims [52]. ...
Full-text available
This article surveys many of the recent works regarding simulation functions and Z\mathcal {Z}-contractions that came into existence after the publication of Khojasteh et al. (Filomat 29(6):1189–1194, 2015). These results assess inclusive of simulation functions, Z\mathcal {Z}-contractions, b-simulation functions, Suzuki-type Z\mathcal {Z}-contractions, Darbo’s fixed point theorem, α\alpha -admissible Z\mathcal {Z}-contractions, first-order periodic problems and variational inequality problems. Additionally, we consider many of the metric frameworks that have been taken into account while exploring the results.
... Such family generalized, extended and improved several results that had been obtained in previous years. The simplicity and usefulness of these contractions have inspirited many researchers to diversify it further (see [1,49,50,56,63,[65][66][67]70]). ...
... This section is concerned to the flourish of the notion of simulation functions to different metric spaces other than the usual one. These results gave the theory a new wing and here we are going to discuss the findings of [9,15,25,49] with the novelty they brought in. ...
... In their research article, Kumar and Sharma [49] originated the concept of simulation functions in G-metric spaces and extended Theorem 2.8 of [44] in this framework. At the outset, we recollect the notion of G-metric spaces originated by Mustafa and Sims [52]. ...
... traction and several known types of nonlinear contractions. Recently, a number of researchers have studied these contractive conditions (see [13]- [18] and references therein). For more recent results related to fixed point theory, refer to [19] [20] [21] [22]. ...
... Let p → ∞ in (16), (17) and by (9), (12), (13), (14), it shows Take the right limits on the both sides of (15) and by (14) and (18) ...
... Such contractions generalized, extended and improved several results that had been obtained in previous years. The simplicity and usefulness of these contractions have inspirited many researchers to diversify it further (see [2,32,33,103,107,119,131,150,[157][158][159][160]172] and references therein). In these articles, the obtained results concern, inter alia, simulation functions, b-simulation functions, extended simulation functions. ...
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Mathematical analysis with its innumerable disciplines furnishes effective tools in the study of various real-world problems emerging in applied sciences. Particularly, this assertion is implemented to the progress of the metric fixed point theory. As it happens, the Banach contraction principle is a theoretical result on the existence and uniqueness of fixed point in metric spaces, but having said that, is an iterative algorithm to approximate this fixed point. This wonderful result has been generalized and extended in numerous abstract spaces using different contractive conditions. This rich existing literature has influenced us to contribute some novel notions and findings which extend, improve and unify several existing results from the literature. In this monograph, in the setting of newly appeared JS-metric spaces, we conceive some non-unique fixed point or periodic point results involving Z_D-contractions. Furthermore, we also illustrate a few sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of point of coincidence for some classes of mappings related to simulation functions via Geraghty functions in metric spaces. Finally, we propose the notions of Z-contractions and modified Z-contractions in q-metric context and look into the existence and uniqueness of fixed points concerning such functions. Later on, owing to the notion of extended C_F-simulation functions, we inquire into some common fixed point results and also discuss the interrelations between such kinds of functions with that of other auxiliary functions, for example, simulation functions, C_F-simulation functions, extended simulation functions. In this discourse, we also put forward the intriguing notions of (\psi,\phi)-type Wardowski contractions and (\psi,\phi)-type Wardowski contraction pairs and affirm results related to such contractions in the setting of complete metric spaces. Additionally, we employ one of our findings to perceive a solution to a certain type of operator equations defined on a Hilbert space. Finally, we include a couple of exciting fixed point results involving \alpha-admissible mappings type S in the framework of b-metric-like spaces. Additionally, we also note down a remark to exhibit the equivalency of the notions of cyclic (\alpha,\beta)-admissibility type S and cyclic (\alpha,\beta)-admissibility. All through this dissertation, we illustrate several non-trivial numerical examples and interpolate a couple of consequences to endorse the validity of most of the conceived results.
... Motivated by the above results, in this paper, we prove some fixed-point theorems using the set of simulation functions on an S-metric space. To do this, we are inspired by the idea given in [5,12] using the simulation function approach on a metric and a G-metric space, respectively. Given the fact that not every S-metric space is generated by a metric space, since the classes of S-metric spaces and G-metric spaces are different, it is interesting to study new fixed-point results on S-metric spaces using the set Z. In Section 1, we recall some necessary definitions and properties. ...
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In this paper, we prove new fixed-point theorems using the set of simulation functions on an S-metric space with some illustrative examples. Our results are stronger than some known fixed-point results. Furthermore, we give an application to the fixed-circle problem with respect to a simulation function.
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In this manuscript, we explore the presence and uniqueness of a fixed point of almost Z−contraction by means of simulation map in the framework of G−metric spaces. Also, an illustrative example and an application to solve integral equation are given to help accessibility of the got outcomes.
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Let (X, d) be a metric space and T : X → X be a mapping. In this work, we introduce the mapping ζ : [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) → R, called the simulation function and the notion of Z-contraction with respect to ζ which generalize the Banach contraction principle and unify several known types of contractions involving the combination of d(Tx, Ty) and d(x, y). The related fixed point theorems are also proved.
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We establish certain fixed point results for α-η-generalized convex contractions, α-η-weakly Zamfirescu mappings, and α-η-Ćirić strong almost contractions. As an application, we derive some Suzuki type fixed point theorems and certain new fixed point theorems in metric spaces endowed with a graph and a partial order. Moreover, we discuss some illustrative examples to highlight the realized improvements.
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The aim of this article is to clearly formulate various possible assumptions for a comparison function in contractive conditions and to deduce respective (common) fixed point results in partial metric spaces. Since standard metric spaces are special cases, these results also apply for them. We will show by examples that there exist situations when a partial metric result can be applied, while the standard metric one cannot.
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A number of authors have defined contractive type mappings on a complete metric space X which are generalizations of the well-known Banach contraction, and which have the property that each such mapping has a unique fixed point. The fixed point can always be found by using Picard iteration, beginning with some initial choice x 0 ∈ X {x_0} \in X . In this paper we compare this multitude of definitions. X denotes a complete metric space with distance function d , and f a function mapping X into itself.
Very recently, Khojasteh, Shukla and Radenović [F. Khojasteh, S. Shukla, S. Radenović, Filomat, 29 (2015), 1189-1194] introduced the notion of Ƶ-contraction, that is, a nonlinear contraction involving a new class of mappings namely simulation functions. This kind of contractions generalizes the Banach contraction and unifies several known types of nonlinear contractions. In this paper, we consider a pair of nonlinear operators satisfying a nonlinear contraction involving a simulation function in a metric space endowed with a partial order. For this pair of operators, we establish coincidence and common fixed point results. As applications, several related results in fixed point theory in a metric space with a partial order are deduced.
To overcome fundamental flaws in B. C. Dhage's theory of generalized metric spaces, flaws that invalidate most of the results claimed for these spaces, we introduce an alternative more robust generalization of metric spaces. Namely, that of a G-metric space, where the G-metric satisfies the axioms: (1) G(x, y, z) = 0 if x = y = z, (2) 0 < G(x, x, y); whenever x not equal y, (3) G(x, x, y) <= G(x, y, z) whenever z not equal y, (4) G is a symmetric function of its three variables, and (5) G(x, y, z) <= G(x, a, a) + G(a, y, z)
On obtient une version multivaluee du theoreme de point fixe de Caristi qui est equivalent au principe e-variationnel du a Ekeland. On utilise ce resultat pour obtenir un theoreme qui deduit le theoreme de Nadler et un theoreme de point fixe commun pour une application a 1 valeur et une application multivaluee