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Efficiency comparison of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) distribution system at residential level with load characterization and daily load variation


Abstract and Figures

The war of currents between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is decades old. The DC has proved itself in the fields of generation and transmission; now it is making its way at distribution level in quite an efficient fashion. The DC seems to be challenging the AC, as a result of efficient DC to DC as well as to and from AC conversion with the development of efficient power electronic converters. This paper presents efficiency comparison of the two paradigms for a residential colony. The model is separately simulated for AC and DC supply from the grid keeping the infrastructure for both schemes unchanged. The residential loads are divided in to three categories depending upon their supply requirements. The loads are further classified according to their time of usage during the whole day. The efficiency comparison between AC and DC system is established on the basis of daily load variation.
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Efficiency Comparison of Alternating Current (AC) and Direct
Current (DC) Distribution System at Residential Level with Load
Characterization and Daily Load Variation
Hasan Erteza Gelani1*, Mashood Nasir2, Faizan Dastgeer1, and Haseeb Hussain1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore,
Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences,
Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, opposite Sector U, Defence Housing Authority,
Lahore 54792, Pakistan
Abstract: The war of currents between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is decades old. The
DC has proved itself in the fields of generation and transmission; now it is making its way at distribution
level in quite an efficient fashion. The DC seems to be challenging the AC, as a result of efficient DC to
DC as well as to and from AC conversion with the development of efficient power electronic converters.
This paper presents efficiency comparison of the two paradigms for a residential colony. The model is
separately simulated for AC and DC supply from the grid keeping the infrastructure for both schemes
unchanged. The residential loads are divided in to three categories depending upon their supply
requirements. The loads are further classified according to their time of usage during the whole day. The
efficiency comparison between AC and DC system is established on the basis of daily load variation.
Keywords: AC, DC, efficiency, residential, load categories, load variation
The so called war of currents between alternating
current (AC) and direct current (DC) has its roots
from the very start of electricity. The pioneers of
electricity generation Edison and Tesla both had
their own views of mode of electricity. Edison
supported DC as mode of electricity whereas Tesla
supported AC. In the beginning AC winning the
battle of currents due to invention of transformers,
an easy and cost effective way of stepping up and
stepping down voltages as required.
Alternating current was considered the
champion in all sections of electricity, i.e.,
generation, transmission and distribution.
However AC enjoyed dominance and superiority
over DC for not a long period of time. Researchers
were constantly putting efforts to find new modes
of generation and that lead to the invention of
renewable resources like solar panels and fuel
cells that produced power in the form of DC.
Direct current has proved itself in transmission
area better than AC due to lesser losses. With the
advancement of research in the relative field DC
made its way in the distribution section. Direct
current challenging AC at distribution level due to
the invention of highly efficient power electronic
converters and several DC operated electronic
At residential level DC has entered our
bedrooms, kitchen and garage. Many of residential
Research Article
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Pakistan Academy of Sciences
A. Physical and Computational Sciences 54 (2): 111–118 (2017)
Copyright © Pakistan Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2518-4245 (print), 2518-4253 (online)
Received, January 2016; Accepted, June 2017
*Corresponding author: Hasan Erteza Gelani; Email:
loads are DC operated; our microwave ovens,
computers, laptops, phones, lighting and electric
vehicles. The feasibility of DC distribution and its
comparison with AC has been the interest of many
researchers since years. The comparison is made
on the basis of efficiency, cost and losses [1].
Conversion loss comparison was made by Seo et
al. [2]; they suggested that with local generation
DC is better than AC as far as conversion losses
are concerned. It was further proved that converter
efficiency is directly proportional to loading. In
case of DC distribution, DC-DC converter is the
heart of the system and its losses were studied by
Gelani and Dastgeer [3]. The authors proposed that
the conversion losses of the main DC-DC
converter have serious impact on the overall
efficiency of DC distribution system of a
residential colony.
Starke et al. [4] created two models and
simulated them with AC and DC separately. It was
proved that for the same conduction losses DC is
1.22 times better than AC. DC proved to be a
better choice within buildings considering losses,
safety and power quality [5]. The authors also
presented a model with different operating
voltages for DC distribution system and it was
suggested that a voltage level of 326V is best
suited keeping in view the power loss and voltage
drop. Another topology presented by Nilsson and
Sannino et al. [6] considered three designs; DC,
AC and mixed AC/DC. The mixed system was
proved to be worst as regards to system losses and
DC system was proved to be better than AC only
when semiconductor losses are considered half.
With DC as medium of power transfer; several
research efforts are made involving distributed
generation and microgrids for colonies. The losses
involved in power transfer comprising conversion
losses have been an interest to many researchers
[7-10]. The authors presented different models at
microgrid level, compared AC with DC and
deduced their results favoring DC over AC.
Besides DC gaining success over AC in many
areas yet DC lags AC in many fields, the major
one being protection. As there is no null point in
DC, employing DC at distribution level is a threat.
As well as the deciding feature in the efficiency
calculation is the DC-DC converter whose
efficiency varies with the load therefore at low
loads the efficiency of DC system will be lower
than that of AC system [3].
This paper presents a model of a residential
colony comprising 50 homes. The model is
separately simulated for AC and DC supply from
the grid. The infrastructure of the colony is kept
the same for both simulations. By infrastructure;
the conductor type, resistance and load demand is
meant. The loads are divided in to three categories
depending upon their supply demand. A further
classification of the loads is made on the basis of
their time of usage. Six periods, each period of
four hours is developed and the system is
simulated for each period with AC and DC supply.
The common residential loads are divided in
following categories:
DC Loads: The loads that require DC power for
their operation.
AC Loads: The loads that require AC power for
their operation.
AC/DC Loads: The loads that can be run both on
AC and DC for their operation. These loads
include majorly heating loads. When the system is
simulated with DC supply, the supply to these
loads will be DC and for system’s AC supply,
these loads will be run on AC.
Table 1 shows classification of residential
loads according to their time of usage. A full day
is divided into six periods, each period of four
hours. Obviously loads do not operate for twenty
four hours; the loads are divided in sections of
their time of usage. Table 2 presents classification
of AC, DC and AC/DC loads according to their
time of usage. An average home consumes 30kWh
112 Hasan Erteza Gelani et al
per day [3]; hence the loads are allotted power
according to the percentage of 30 kWh. From the
pie chart of Fig. 1 [11], the percentage share of
each residential load helps in calculating wattage
of each load consumed throughout the day e-g
share of air-conditioning unit is 17% and 17% of
30kW is 5.1KW. This 5.1kW is distributed
according to the time when air conditioning unit is
As stated earlier that a residential colony of fifty
(50) homes is modeled. DC power from the grid
reaches DC-DC converter which steps down the
grid voltage to 325V. The reason of delivering
325V at homes is to fully utilize the conductors.
The peak value of generally employed 230V RMS
is approximately 325V.
The effect of efficiency variation of DC-DC
converter with loading is shown in Fig. 2 [12].
Each main DC-DC converter supplies ten homes
as shown in Fig. 3. The homes are equipped with
AC, DC and AC/DC loads. Each home has its own
DC-DC converter to further step down the voltage
suitable for DC loads and an inverter for AC loads
as shown in Fig. 4.
Table 1. Period load classification in kW.
(20:00-0:00) Total
Air Conditioning
Space heating
HVAC Appliances
Water Heating
Laundry Appliances
Fig. 1. Residential electricity consumption.
Efciency Comparison of Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) Distribution System 113
Fig. 2. Efficiency vs loading for DC-DC converter.
Fig. 3. Residential colony for DC grid.
114 Hasan Erteza Gelani et al
Fig. 4. Inside home circuitry for DC colony.
Fig. 5. Residential colony for AC grid.
Fig. 6. Inside home circuitry for AC colony.
Efciency Comparison of Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) Distribution System 115
The same model of fifty homes is simulated
for AC grid with suitable changes in fig. 3 as
shown in Fig. 5. The main DC-DC converter is
replaced by transformer; as DC-DC converter in
the previous case. Due to the fact that
transformer’s efficiency variation with loading is
very low therefore transformer is also assumed to
operate at its maximum operating efficiency. Fig.
6 depicts each home is now equipped with a
rectifier for DC loads and no need of another
transformer because AC loads can run on 230V
from the main transformer.
In order to make the simulation as near to
practical as possible; conductor and converter
(DC-DC, transformer and inverter) losses are
given their due portion. The losses are
characterized in to three categories: constant,
linear and quadratic according to their relationship
with the output power. Of these linear losses
making up major portion the lot, comprise of
switching loss [3].The switching losses occurring
with their proportion are shown in table 3 as
included in the simulation. Inductor and Capacitor
power loss is modeled by placing series resistance
with ideal inductor and capacitor respectively. On
state switch loss is modeled by taking product of
switch voltage and current in on state; transient
switch loss is modeled by measuring power loss in
fall time and tail time of the switch. Diode power
loss is calculated by multiplying on state voltage
and current whereas gate driver loss is adjusted by
pulse count and time for pulses for a fixed period.
Both models are simulated for six periods of time
and results are tabulated. The efficiency for each
period is found by using the simple
relation P
out P
. Standard Drake [13] ACSR
(Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) is
employed with 0.025Ω/mile dc resistance and
Table 2. Period wise supply load classification in kW.
Categories Period-
(20:00-0:00) Total
Table 3. Converter loss contribution.
Loss Type Proportion per Converter
Inductor Power Loss
Capacitor Power Loss
Switch Loss- On state
Switch Loss- Transient state
Diode Power Loss
Gate Driver Loss
Table 4.Period wise efficiency of AC and DC colony
116 Hasan Erteza Gelani et al
0.1172Ω/mile ac resistance. The pole spacing in
system is kept at 30 meters and ac/dc resistance
values are adjusted accordingly.
The results tabulated in Table 4 present the
efficiency values throughout the day. Different
loads operate at different periods of time. For
periods 1, 2 and 3; the efficiency of AC grid is
higher than that of DC grid. The reason is
dominance of AC loads during these periods. The
difference between AC and DC grid efficiency for
periods 1 and 2 is large due to the fact that DC
loading is quite low in these periods and
considering the curve of Fig. 2 the DC-DC
converter efficiency is very poor at light loads.
The loss coefficients evaluated in [3] for DC-DC
converter revealed the maximum dependency of
DC distribution system on main DC-DC converter
therefore with poor efficiency values for DC-DC
converter at light loads has a direct impact on
system’s efficiency.
As DC loads increase operating during day
time, the efficiency of DC-DC converter increases
and in turn the efficiency of DC grid enhances. DC
dominates AC in periods 3, 4 and 5 but the
difference between AC and DC grid efficiency
values are not to an extent as it was for periods 1,
2 and 3. With DC loads increasing in our society
this difference will however be overcome and
there is a chance that DC dominates AC
throughout the day.
Despite the fact that power electronics has
gained so much success that highly efficient are
available [3]; a conversion stage still holds
responsible for efficiency evaluation of a system.
Another reason for excellent efficiency of AC grid
as compared DC grid as well as better average
efficiency of AC grid is the fact that AC grid lags
a conversion stage inside home than DC grid. The
inside home circuitry of DC grid has two
converters as compared to AC grid having only
In the light of above discussion, it is concluded
that in order to improve the efficiency of DC grid,
the efficiency of DC-DC converter needs to be
improved particularly at light loads because this is
one of the major reasons that DC lags AC in
efficiency in three out of six periods presented in
this research effort. The DC-DC converter is the
“backbone” of the system therefore; its efficiency
decides the efficiency of the system. Finding
appropriate solution to the problem highlighted in
this research effort may lead to a new world of DC
distribution research. As specified, DC is entering
the area of power distribution after proving itself
in power transmission and there is a chance that
DC regains its fame that it had at the origin of
electricity era.
Mr. Suleman and Mr. Mohsin are highly appreciated for
their support and assistance.
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118 Hasan Erteza Gelani et al
... The authors of [14] have considered a fixed proportion of loads in the analysis i-e half AC and half DC. The research efforts of [23][24][25][26][27][28] are some of the publications belonging to the lead authors of the current paper related to the efficiency of DC distribution systems. [23] is a simulation-based analysis of the feasibility of DC distribution systems. ...
... The paper does not present a comparative analysis of AC and DC distribution systems. [24] presents a comparative analysis; however, the overall residential consumption is distributed arbitrarily among the residential loads based on assumptions. The research presented in [25] was an attempt to encompass modern household trends in the comparative analysis; however, the research was based on the efficiency of PECs within a fixed defined range. ...
... In [10], the optimal planning of DC microgrids was performed with constant converter losses. Nevertheless, subsequent research by Kolar et al. [25] and Gelani et al. [26] has demonstrated that the efficiency of a DC-DC converter varies with the output power. As a result, power electronic losses are not static throughout the operation; they depend on the percentage loading and the output power. ...
... With advancements in power electronics, converters are designed to operate efficiently while minimizing these losses. Nonetheless, these losses are contingent upon the output power, whereby the converter's efficiency is a nonlinear function of the ratio of output power to the rated capacity [25], [26], [31](expressed as % loading), as defined by equation (2), as illustrated in Fig. 4. ...
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Remote rural regions without electricity access suffer from energy poverty and reduced opportunities for the population. Microgrid architectures with optimal planning, design, and operation strategies are essential to meet rural inhabitants’ energy demands. DC microgrids based on photovoltaic panels and batteries are used for remote rural electrification. Centralized islanded systems have shortcomings, i.e., high distribution losses, less efficiency, and are comparatively more expensive than distributed microgrids. The distributed systems comprise independent household prosumers that may work independently or integrated. In this paper, the optimal power dispatch and power-sharing among spatially distributed nanogrids are performed to minimize distribution losses and maximize power electronic conversion efficiency in a typical islanded DC microgrid (IDCMG) for rural electrification. A branch flow model is proposed for modeling the power system with DC-DC converters. The optimal power flow is performed by relaxing the original non-convex constraints using second-order conic programming and is implemented on the modified IEEE-14 bus system. This generic framework can be used for optimal energy management in islanded microgrids using the regional solar irradiance information, climate situations, and energy requirements.
... There are several advantages in AC microgrid such as the inherent characteristics of rotating machines, the capability to transfer power over a long distance, the stepping up and stepping down AC voltage level using the transformer. Additionally, it is convenient to connect the AC utility grid and the AC distributed energy resources [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]. ...
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The development of power electronics technology and the growth of distributed energy resources have brought attract to bipolar DC microgrid. However, voltage unbalances between positive and negative poles occur in bipolar DC microgrid due to irregular load. To resolve this problem, voltage balancers are being used. Voltage balancers are classified into two types: centralized and distributed. The centralized voltage balancers have the drawback of not resolving voltage unbalances over long-distance lines or to the end-load. The distributed voltage balancers increase the cost due to the construction of additional facilities. To resolve for these disadvantages, the energy storage system is installed in a bipolar DC microgrid. However, energy storage system has the disadvantage of having to be installed individually at each voltage pole. This paper proposes a voltage balancing method that applies the functions of bidirectional converters and voltage balancers to a single energy storage system. By using the proposed method, power is stored and supplied through battery charging/discharging control while simultaneously reducing voltage unbalances between positive and negative poles. Additionally, the proposed method reduces the number of power conversion stages and enhances the reliability of bipolar DC microgrid. The proposed method was validated through simulation analysis and experimental validation using a 2.5 kW capacity prototype.
... The distribution sector is still under research, and several research efforts have been published so far in the relevant field. The authors of current study have presented several studies encompassing the efficiency analyses of AC and DC distribution systems on comparative grounds [9][10][11][12][13][14]. It has been concluded in the efficiency analyses of DC distribution networks as well as in the comparative analyses between AC and DC distribution networks that the efficiency of the DC distribution system highly depends on the efficiency of the DC-DC distribution converter. ...
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The battle of currents between AC and DC reignited as a result of the development in the field of power electronics. The efficiency of DC distribution systems is highly dependent on the efficiency of distribution converter, which calls for optimized schemes for efficiency enhancement of distribution converters. Modular solid-state transformers play a vital role in DC Distribution Networks and Renewable Energy systems (RES).This paper deals with efficiency-based load distribution for Solid State Transformers (SSTs) in DC distribution networks. Aim is to achieve a set of minimum inputs that are consistent with output while considering constraints and efficiency. As the main feature of modularity is associated with a three-stage structure of SSTs. This modular structure has been optimized using Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) and validated by applying it EIA (Energy Information Agency) DC Distribution Network which contains SSTs. In the DC distribution grid, modular SSTs provide promising conversion of DC power from medium voltage to lower DC range (400V). The proposed algorithm is simulated in MATLAB and also compared with two other metaheuristic algorithms. The obtained results prove that the proposed method can significantly reduce input requirements for producing the same output while satisfying the specified constraints.
... Furthermore, the absence of reactive power in DC power systems play a significant role on the efficiency improvement of these systems. • Reliability: DC and hybrid AC/DC power distribution systems are more reliable than AC distribution systems because of the reduction in the number of conversion stages [15]. ...
Conference Paper
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One of the main concerns globally is the phenomenon of climate change-which is mainly caused by human activities. The only solution to deal with this phenomenon, is to move to a cleaner, greener and more sustainable development in various sectors such as electricity, transports, industry, etc. An important step in this direction is the penetration of more and more renewable energy sources in the electricity grid. Therefore, with the increasing penetration of apparatus and equipment operating on direct current (DC) the concept of DC and hybrid AC-DC distribution systems attract more and more attention nowadays. The present study proposes a novel concept in the development of an innovative compact hybrid electrical-thermal storage system for buildings, in combination with an efficient DC driven heat pump using harnessed thermal energy through a separate solar thermal system, the installation of a hybrid AC-DC distribution system for the interconnection of the photovoltaic system, the electric storage and electrical loads of the building. Photovoltaic system, battery energy storage system and all the DC devices (such as DC Heat Pump serving the heating and cooling needs of the building) are directly connected to the DC part of the system, avoiding losses from unnecessary conversion stages, while AC loads and the AC utility grid are connected to the AC part of the system. The proposed configuration is expected to increase the overall energy efficiency of the system and will allow for energy savings around 20% on an annual basis based on efficient heating-cooling systems, less inversion losses etc. In addition, the overall system is controlled through a programmable logic controller (PLC), which decides and implements the optimal operation of the system. The proposed hybrid solution has been tested in near-life operation in a demo-site in Cyprus. This paper aims to describe the innovative system and assess its performance in real conditions through field measurements with regards to energy consumption, the energy production, indoor comfort conditions, and battery status and behavior. The concept presented herein is part of the ongoing research project HYBUILD, which is funded by the European Union through HORIZON 2020.
... Since the overall system efficiency is indirectly related to efficiency curve of PEC, hence the mathematical model is maneuvered accordingly in (29) to (36). ...
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The new millennium has witnessed a pervasive shift of trend from AC to DC in the residential load sector. The shift is predominantly due to independent residential solar PV systems at rooftops and escalating electronic loads with better energy saving potential integrated with diminishing prices as well as commercial availability of DC-based appliances. Comprehensive sensitivity analysis considering the real load profile is missing in the present body of knowledge. In order to fill that gap, this paper is an attempt to include a comprehensive sensitivity analysis of the DC distribution system and its simulation-based comparison with its AC counterpart, considering the real load profile. The paper uses the Monte Carlo technique and probabilistic approach to add diversity in residential loads consumption to obtain an instantaneous load profile. Various possible scenarios such as variation of standard deviation from 5% to 20% of mean load value, PV capacity variation from 1000 W to 9000 W, and variation in power electronic converter (PEC) efficiencies are incorporated to make the system realistic as much as possible maintaining a fair comparison between both systems. The paper concludes with the baseline efficiency advantage of 2% to 3% during the day for the case of the DC distribution system as compared to the AC distribution system.
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The electric power system started as DC back in the nineteenth century. However, the DC paradigm was soon ousted by AC due to inability of DC to change its voltage level. Now, after many years, with the development of power electronic converters capable of stepping-up and down DC voltage and converting it to-and-from AC, DC appears to be challenging AC and attempting a comeback. We now have DC power generation by solar cells, fuel cells and wind farms, DC power transmission in the form of HVDC (High Voltage DC) transmission, DC power utilization by various modern electronic loads and DC power distribution that maybe regarded as still in research phase. This paper is an attempt to investigate feasibility of DC in the distribution portion of electrical power system. Specifically, the efficiency of a DC distribution system for residential localities is determined while keeping in view the concept of daily load variation. The aim is to bring out a more practical value of system efficiency as the efficiencies of DC/DC converters making up the system vary with load variation. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of a DC distribution system and efficiency results for various scenarios are presented.
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Microgrid is one of the new conceptual power systems for smooth installation of many distributed generations (DGs). While most of the microgrids adopt ac distribution as well as conventional power systems, dc microgrids are proposed and researched for the good connection with dc output type sources such as photovoltaic (PV) system, fuel cell, and secondary battery. Moreover, if loads in the system are supplied with dc power, the conversion losses from sources to loads are reduced compared with ac microgrid. As one of the dc microgrids, we propose “low-voltage bipolar-type dc microgrid,” which can supply super high quality power with three-wire dc distribution line. In this paper, one system for a residential complex is presented as an instance of the dc microgrid. In this system, each house has a cogeneration system (CGS) such as gas engine and fuel cell. The output electric power is shared among the houses, and the total power can be controlled by changing the running number of CGSs. Super capacitors are chosen as main energy storage. To confirm the fundamental characteristics and system operations, we experimented with a laboratory scale system. The results showed that the proposed system could supply high-quality power under several conditions.
Conference Paper
Knowledge of the charge efficiency of Pb-acid batteries near top-of-charge is important to the design of small PV power systems. In order to know how much energy is required from the photovoltaic array in order to accomplish the task of meeting load, including periodic full battery charge, a detailed knowledge of the battery charging efficiency as a function of state of charge is required, particularly in the high state-of-charge regime, as PV power systems are typically designed to operate in the upper 20 to 30% of battery state-of-charge. This paper presents the results of a process for determining battery charging efficiency near top-of-charge and discusses the impact of these findings on the design of small PV power systems
Conference Paper
In recent times, dc power has witnessed a remarkable increase in various parts of the power system namely generation, transmission and utilization. This paper, however, attempts to show brighter prospects of using dc power for the distribution part in residential areas where distributed generation is being used. The paper also presents a mathematical technique which enables determination of minimum required efficiencies of power electronic converters in the dc system, which will make the system at least as efficient as any given ac counterpart. Dc systems can be practically considered only when these minimum required efficiency values are economically achievable.
This paper analyzes the feasibility of direct current for the supply of offices and commercial facilities. This is done by analyzing a case study, i.e. the supply to the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Voltage drop calculations have been carried out for different voltage levels. A backup system for reliable power supply is designed based on commercially available batteries. Finally, an economic evaluation of AC versus DC is performed and protection of the proposed system is briefly addressed.
AC vs. DC distribution: A loss comparison
  • M R Starke
  • L M Tolbert
  • B Ozpineci
Starke M.R., L.M. Tolbert, B. Ozpineci. AC vs. DC distribution: A loss comparison. IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 21-24 April 2008, Chicago, USA, p. 1-7 (2008).
Power Supplies: a Hidden Opportunity for Energy Savings. A NRDC report
  • N Horowitz
Horowitz N. Power Supplies: a Hidden Opportunity for Energy Savings. A NRDC report;
Power System Analysis
  • J J W D Grainger
  • Stevenson
Grainger J.J. & W.D. Stevenson. Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill (1994).