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Bauwens, T., Enhus, E., Ponsaers, P. , Reynaert, H., Van Assche, J. (2011). Integraal veiligheidsbeleid tussen pragmatisme en idealisme, Het complexe samenspel van lokale en bovenlokale bestuurlijke actoren , Criminologische Studies, Brussel: VUBPress, pp. 118.

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... Both instruments were only partially implemented, owing to the fact (1) it was not mandatory and (2) the Minister of the Interior has – after the state transformation in 1988 – no capacity to compel local municipalities to act on such federal government guidance. Relatedly, a scientific research project concluded that local integral security policy in Belgium generally lacked coherence and a clear rationale (Bauwens et al., 2011). In an analysis of policies in the cities of Antwerp (Flemish region) and Liège (Walloon region), major differences were observed between the Flemish-and the French-speaking parts of the country (Devroe, 2012). ...
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In this paper, the meaning of the ‘governance of security’ in Belgium and the Netherlands will be explored. It is argued that the role of the mayor is substantial in both countries. This is why this article focuses explicitly on the political leadership of the mayor. The first section provides a comparison between Belgium and the Netherlands, contrasting their different constitutional-legal settlements and the relationship of these two cultures of control in the two countries. The consequences for which authorities and actors are ‘responsibilized’ for undertaking strategies of urban security governance are discussed. In a following section, the paper examines the current and potential challenges for governing urban security across both countries. In the final section, the dilemma of politics and science as drivers of policy responses to urban security problems is considered, identifying in particular certain deficits in mayoral expertise and training. The paper concludes that, despite a common tendency in comparative politics to group the ‘Low Countries’ together (given their strong historical and cultural connections), a powerful contrast is highlighted between the effects of federal and unitary constitution-legal settlements on policy responses to urban security.
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Dit artikel focust op de gezagsrelatie van de burgemeester t.a.v. de lokale politie. Door toedoen van de herstructurering van de politie op twee niveaus is de lokale politie gevat in een proces van functionele en territoriale schaalvergroting. Dit heeft implicaties voor het optreden van de burgemeester als hoofd van de administratieve politie en als hoofd van het politiekorps. Dit artikel benadrukt dat sturing van politiekorpsen niet enkel een politico-bureacratische dimensie vertoont, maar ook raakpunten heeft maatschappelijke participatie en nieuwe types van burgerschap.
Culture influences action not by providing the ultimate values toward which action is oriented, but by shaping a repertoire or "tool kit" of habits, skills, and styles from which people construct "strategies of action." Two models of cultural influence are developed, for settled and unsettled cultural periods. In settled periods, culture independently influences action, but only by providing resources from which people can construct diverse lines of action. In unsettled cultural periods, explicit ideologies directly govern action, but structural opportunities for action determine which among competing ideologies survive in the long run. This alternative view of culture offers new opportunities for systematic, differentiated arguments about culture's causal role in shaping action.