Buildings, like other components of the built infrastructure, should be designed and constructed to resist all actions that may occur during the service life. When the actions are caused by extreme hazards, such as explosion or impact, the structural integrity should be also maintained by avoiding or limiting the damage. Depending on the type of structural system and class of importance, specific requirements should be met in order to ensure structural integrity. In the case of framed buildings, one such requirement is that after the notional removal of each supporting column (and each beam supporting a column), the building remains stable and any local damage does not exceed a certain acceptable limit. This requirement can be achieved by several means, but a combination of strength, ductility and continuity of the structural system is likely to provide a high level of protection and safety against extreme hazards. Steel frames are widely used for multi-storey buildings, offering the strength, stiffness, and ductility that are required to resist the effects of gravity, wind, or seismic loads. Considered to produce robust structures, the seismic design philosophy has been seen as appropriate for controlling the collapse of structures also subjected to other types of extreme hazards. However, there are specific issues that should be taken into account in order to forestall the localized failures, particularly of columns.
The thesis focuses on the evaluation of the structural response of steel frame buildings following extreme actions that are prone to induce local damages in members or their connections. Extensive experimental and numerical studies were used in order to identify the critical points and to find the structural issues that are
required for containing the damage and preventing collapse propagation. Four types of beam-to-column joints, which cover most of the joints used in current practice, have been investigated experimentally, and the data was used in order to validate advanced numerical models. The findings indicated that catenary action substantially improves the capacity of moment resisting frames to resist column loss, but increases the vulnerability of the connection due to the high level of axial force. The results showed that bolted connections could fail without allowing for load redistribution if not designed for these special loading conditions. The composite action of the slab increases stiffness, yield capacity, and ultimate force but decreases ductility.
Parametric studies were performed so as to improve the ultimate capacity of joints and, implicitly, the global performance of steel frame building structures in the event of accidental loss of a column, without affecting the seismic performance and design concepts. Based on calibrated numerical models, an analysis procedure was developed for evaluating the performance of full-scale structures to different column loss scenarios considering dynamic effects and realistic loading patterns. Moreover, a design procedure was proposed for verification of the capacity of beam-to-column connections to resist progressive collapse, including design recommendations for each connection configuration.