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Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
Parisa Zarkeshian1, Sourabh Kumar1, Jack Tuszy´
nski2,3, Paul Barclay1,4, and Christoph
Simon 1
1Institute for Quantum Science and Technology and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary T2N
1N4, Alberta, Canada
2Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton T6G 1Z2, Alberta, Canada
3Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2E1, Alberta, Canada
4National Institute for Nanotechnology, Edmonton T6G 2M9, Alberta, Canada
3 Results
3.1 Optical transmission in myelinated axons
3.1.1 Transmission in nodal and paranodal regions
3.1.2 Transmission in bends
3.1.3 Transmission in presence of varying cross-sections
3.1.4 Transmission in non-circular cross sections
3.1.5 Transmission in presence of other imperfections
3.2 Absorption
3.3 Attainable transmission
3.4 Attainable communication rates
3.5 Proposals to test the hypothesis
4 Discussion
5 Acknowledgment
6 References
Despite great progress in neuroscience, there are still fundamental unanswered questions about the brain, including the
origin of subjective experience and consciousness. Some answers might rely on new physical mechanisms. Given that biophotons
have been discovered in the brain, it is interesting to explore if neurons use photonic communication in addition to the well-studied
electro-chemical signals. Such photonic communication in the brain would require waveguides. Here we review recent work [S.
Kumar, K. Boone, J. Tuszynski, P. Barclay, and C. Simon, Scientific Reports 6, 36508 (2016)] suggesting that myelinated axons
could serve as photonic waveguides. The light transmission in the myelinated axon was modeled, taking into account its realistic
imperfections, and experiments were proposed both in vivo and in vitro to test this hypothesis. Potential implications for quantum
biology are discussed.
Over the past decades a substantial number of facts has been discovered in the field of brain research. However, the
fundamental question of how neurons, or more specifically all particles involved in the biological processes in the brain, contribute
to mental abilities such as consciousness is still unanswered. The true explanation to this question might rely on physical processes
other than those that have been discovered so far. One interesting candidate to focus on is biophotons, which might serve as
supplementary information carriers in the brain in addition to the well established electro-chemical signals.
Biophotons – which are photons ranging from near-IR to near-UV frequency and emitted without any enhancement or
excitation– have been observed in many organisms such as bacteria (1), fungi (2), germinating seeds (3), plants (4), animal tissue
arXiv:1708.08887v1 [] 23 Aug 2017
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
cultures (5), and different parts of the human body (6–9), including the brain (10–15). These biophotons are produced by the decay
of electronically excited species which are created chemically during oxidative metabolic processes (16, 17) and can contribute to
communication between cells (18). Moreover, several experimental studies show the effects of light on neurons’ and, generally, the
brain’s function (19–21). The existence of biophotons and their possible effects on the the brain along with the fact that photons
are convenient carriers of information raises the question whether there could be optical communication in the brain.
For the sources and detectors of the optical communication process in the brain, mitochondrial respiration (22, 23) or
lipid oxidation (24), and centrosomes (25) or chromophores in the mitochondria (26) have been proposed, respectively. It has
also been observed that opsins, photoreceptor protein molecules, exist in the brains of birds (27, 28), mammals (29–32), and more
general vertebrates (33) and even in other parts of their bodies (34, 35) as well.
Another essential element for this optical communication, which is not well established yet, is the existence of physical
links to connect all of these spatially separated agents in a selective way. In the dense and (seemingly) disordered environment of
the brain, waveguide channels for traveling photons would be the only viable way to achieve the targeted optical communication
processes. Mitochondria and microtubules in neurons have been introduced as the candidates for such waveguides (36–39). How-
ever, they are not suitable in reality due to their small and inhomogeneous structure for light guidance over proper distances in the
Ref. (40) proposed myelinated axons as potential biophoton waveguides in the brain. The proposal is supported by a
theoretical model and numerical results taking into account real imperfections. Myelin sheath (formed in the central nervous system
by a kind of glia cell called oligodendrocyte) is a lamellar structure surrounding the axon and has a higher refractive index (41)
than both the inside of the axon and the interstitial fluid outside (see Fig. 1a) which let the myelin sheath to guide the light inside
itself for optical communications. This compact sheath also increases the propagation speed of an action potential (via saltatory
conduction) based on its insulating property (42). There has been a few indirect experimental evidence for light conduction by
axons (12, 43, 44). Another related and interesting experiment has shown that a certain type of glia cells, known as M¨
uller cells,
guide light in mammalian eyes (45, 46). Ref. (40) also proposed experiments to test the existence of the optical waveguides in the
One interesting property of optical communication channels is that they can also transmit quantum information. Quan-
tum effects in biological systems are being studied in different areas such as photosynthesis (47, 48), avian magnetoreception
(49, 50), and olfaction (51, 52). There is an increasing number of conjectures about the role of quintessential quantum features such
as superposition and entanglement (53) in the brain (15, 38, 54–56). The greatest challenge when considering quantum effects in
the brain or any biological system in general is environmentally induced decoherence (57), which leads to the suppression of these
quantum phenomena. However, some biological processes can be fast and may show quantum features before they are destroyed
by the environment. Moreover, nuclear spins can have coherence times of tens of milliseconds in the brain (58, 59). A recent
proposal on “quantum cognition” suggests even longer coherence times of nuclear spins (56), but relies on quantum information
transmission via molecule transport, which is very slow. In contrast, photons are the fastest and most robust carriers for quantum
information over long distances, which is why currently man-made quantum networks rely on optical communication channels
(typically optical fibers) between spins (60, 61).
3. Results
To show that myelinated axons could serve as the waveguides for traveling biophotons in the brain, Ref. (40) solved the
three dimensional electromagnetic field equations numerically in different conditions, using Lumerical’s software packages FDTD
(Finite Difference Time Domain) Solutions and MODE Solutions. These software packages solve Maxwell’s equations numerically,
allowing the optical properties of dielectric structures defined over a mesh with subwavelength resolution to be simulated.
The refractive indices of the fluid outside of the axon, the axon, and the myelin sheath were taken close to 1.34, 1.38
and 1.44 respectively (see Fig. 1a), which are consistent with their typical values (41, 62, 63). These indexes let the myelin sheath
guide the light inside itself. The ratio of the radius of the axon, rto the outer radius of the myelin sheath r0(g-ratio) is taken equal
to 0.6 for the most of the simulations, close to the experimental values (64). In reality, the radius of the myelinated axons in the
brain changes from 0.2 microns to close to 10 microns (65). For the purpose of guiding light inside the myelin sheath, Ref. (40)
considered the wavelength of the observed biophotons in the brain which is from 200 nm to 1300 nm. Since several proteins in
the environment of the axons strongly absorb at wavelengths close to 300nm, a wavelength range of the transmitted light from the
shortest permissible wavelength, λmin =400nm, to the longest one, λmax, was chosen to avoid the absorption and confine the light
well in the myelin sheath. λmax is chosen to the upper bound of the observed biophoton wavelength (1300 nm) or the thickness of
the myelin sheath (denoted by d), whichever is smaller. Besides λmin and λmax, an intermediate wavelength was considered, denoted
by λint , corresponding to the central permissible frequency (mid-frequency of the permissible frequency range) in the simulations.
In the following section we discuss the guided modes in the myelinated axons and their transmissions in nodal and para-
nodal regions and even in the presence of the imperfections such as bends, varying cross-sections, and non-circular cross-sections.
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
Fig. 1: Simplified depiction of a segment of a neuron, and the cylindrically symmetric eigenmode of a myelinated axon. (a)
Structure of a segment of a neuron which is cut longitudinally near the end of the segment. Each layer of the compact myelin sheath
(shown in red) ends in the cytoplasm filled loops (shown in light red) in the paranodal region close to a Node of Ranvier. The inset
indicates the cross section in the transverse plane with rand r0as the inner and outer radii of the myelin sheath. dis the thickness
of the myelin sheath, and nmy, nax , and next are the refractive indices of the myelin sheath, the inside of the axon, and the interstitial
fluid outside, respectively. (b) Electric field magnitude of a cylindrically symmetric eigenmode (with wavelength λ= 0.612 µm) for
a myelinated axon (with r=3 µm, and r0=5 µm). (c) Electric field vector at different points for displaying the azimuthal polarization
of the input mode. The adjacent color bar shows the field magnitude. Figure from Ref. (40).
3.1. Optical transmission in myelinated axons
Within the neuron, one can identify numerous intra-cellular structures that can function as potential scatterers, i.e.
sources of waveguide loss. They are located both inside the axon and outside of the axon. Intra-cellular structures include cell
organelles, for example, mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum, lipid vesicles, as well as the many filaments of the cytoskeleton,
namely microtubules, microfilaments and neurofilaments. Extra-cellular structures include microglia, and astrocytes. However,
the electromagnetic modes which are spatially confined within the myelin sheath, should not be affected by the presence of these
structures. These biophoton modes considered here would be able to propagate in a biological waveguide provided its dimension
is close to or larger than the wavelength of the light. Fig. 1b shows the numerically calculated magnitude of the electric field
of a cylindrically symmetric eigenmode of an axon with radius r=3µm and myelin sheath radius r0
=5µm for the wavelength
0.612µm. This electric field is azimuthally polarized as depicted is Fig. 1c and it is similar to the TE01 mode of a conventional fiber
(66) which has higher refractive index of the core than that of the cladding. It is important to note that azimuthal polarization would
prevent modal dispersion in the birefringent myelin sheath. Importantly, its optical axes are oriented radially (67). It can be readily
established that there are hundreds of potential guided modes allowed to exist given the thickness of myelin sheath. Consequently,
biophotons that could be generated by a source in the axons (e.g. mitochondria or recombination of reactive oxygen species) could
readily interact with these modes as determined by mode-specific coupling coefficients. While we lack detailed knowledge of
the particulars for these interactions, for the sake of simplicity and ease of illustration we select a single mode and examine its
transmission. It is interesting to analyze transmission in the presence of optical imperfections such as discontinuities, bends and
varying cross-sectional diameters. In this connection, we simulated short axonal segments due to computational limitations and
extrapolated the results for the full length of an axon.
3.1.1. Transmission in nodal and paranodal regions
A myelinated axon has periodically unmyelinated segments, called Nodes of Ranvier, which are approximatly 1µm long
(68) (while the whole axon length varies from 1 mm to the order of a meter). Here, we discuss the transmission in the Ranvier nodes
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
Myelin sheath
Paranodal region
Node of Ranvier
Cytoplasmic loops (with microtubules)
Myelin sheath
Paranodal region
Node of Ranvier
Cytoplasmic loops (with microtubules)
Incident light
=longest permissible
Transmission (%)
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r ' in µm)
=corresponding to the central permissible frequency
Transmission (%)
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r ' in µm)
=0.4 m
Transmission (%)
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r ' in µm)
Transmission (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
=1.30 m
■=0.612 m
◆=0.40 m
p-ratio =lparanode/d
Fig. 2: Nodal and paranodal regions and their transmissions. (a) Longitudinal cross-section of the nodal and paranodal
regions in the model of Ref. (40). Here, the ratio of the radius of the axon and the outer radius of the myelin sheath, g-ratio, is
equal to 0.6, where the outer radius of the myelin sheath is chosen r0= 5 µm, and the length of the paranode, lparanod e = 5 µm.
(b) Magnitude of the electric field profile in the longitudinal direction (EFPL) when a cylindrically symmetric input mode with
wavelength 0.612 µm passes through the nodal and paranodal region. (c) Transmission percentage of an axon with the outer radius
r0= 5 µm, as a function of the p-ratio (the ratio of the paranodal length and the thickness of the myelin sheath). (d)-(f) Transmission
percentage as a function of the axon radius for three different wavelengths of the input mode and three different lengths of paranode.
Figure from Ref. (40).
and at the edges of the nodes, the paranodes. The configuration of myelin sheath is special in the paranodal regions (see Fig. 2a).
There are many layers making up the compact myelin sheath and at the edge of each node, almost all of the layers are in contact
with the core (bared axon) with a small pocket of cytoplasm. That’s because each layer moving from the innermost outward is
longer than the one below. However, for thick myelin sheaths, many cytoplasmic pockets cannot reach the surface of the bare axon,
but end on inner layers. Thus, the length of paranodal regions is dependent on the thickness of the myelin sheath. We call the ratio
of the length of paranode, lparanode , to the thickness of the myelin sheat, d,p-ratio and take its value close to 5 in our simulations
based on the realistic values (69).
Fig. 2a displays the model of Ref. (40) for two adjacent paranodal regions with the node in between, and Fig. 2b shows
the magnitude of the electric field profile in the longitudinal direction (along the length of the axon), EFPL, as a cylindrically
symmetric input mode crosses this region. Fig. 2c shows the power transmission in the guided modes as a function of p-ratio for
three wavelengths, 0.40 µm, 0.61 µm, and 1.30 µm. For the transmission, there are two main losses: divergence or scattering of the
light beam. Shorter wavelengths scatter more but diverge less. Thus, in Fig. 2c, for small p-ratios, shorter wavelengths have higher
transmission and as the effect of divergence is dominant in this region and the shorter wavelengths diverge less. However, for the
large p-ratios, the effect of scattering is dominant and since the higher wavelengths scatter less, and have a higher transmission.
Fig. 2d–f compares the transmission percentage for different axon radii, wavelengths, and p–ratios. Although in Fig. 2d,
the behavior of the transmission as a fuction of axon radius is independent of p–ratios for the longest permissible wavelength, it
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
can be concluded that for the most loosely confined modes (λmax) transmission increases in thicker axons. It’s also possible that
for long wavelengths, a fraction of the light diverging into the axon comes back into the myelin sheath at the end of the paranodal
region and not all the light that diverges is lost. This can be an explanation for not well-defined dependency of the transmission on
the paranodal lengths (see Fig. 2d).
In, Fig. 2e, and Fig. 2f, for p-ratio = 2.5, based on our intuition from Fig. 2c, the divergence is dominant. Here, the
thickness of the axon plays a role in the transmission such that the thicker the axon the divergence is less and the light is transmitted
more. However, for larger p–ratios, the scattering is dominant and the light scatters more in thick axons.
To summarize, for small p–ratios (∼2.5), the well confined modes (shorter wavelengths) transmit better while for large
p–ratios (∼5 or greater), the loosely confined ones (longer wavelengths) transmit better. Thicker axons yield higher transmission
for all wavelengths with small p–ratios while it’s inverse only for the shorter wavelengths with large p–ratios. The transmission
after several paranodal regions can be roughly estimated by following the intuition of exponentiating the transmission through one
(see Supplementary Information of Ref (40)).
3.1.2. Transmission in bends
Incident light
Transmission (%)
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
=1.3 m
■=0.612 m
◆=0.4 m
Change of curvature (in µm-1)
=longest permissible
Transmission (%)
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r ' in µm)
=corresponding to the central permissible frequency
Transmission (%)
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r' in µm)
=0.4 µm
Transmission (%)
1 2 3 4 5
Radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (r ' in µm)
Fig. 3: Bends in the waveguides and their transmission. (a) a schematic of a sinusoidally bent waveguide in our model. Here,
r0= 1 µm, the wavelength of the cosine function is 100 µm, and its amplitude (A) is 5 µm. (b) Magnitude of the EFPL when the
input mode with wavelength 0.4 µm passes through the bent waveguide. (c) Transmission percentage as a function of the change of
curvature, ∆κ, for three different wavelengths where r0= 5 µm and Ais being changed to vary ∆κ.(d)-(f) Transmission percentage
as a function of the myelinated axon radius for three different wavelengths with four different ∆κ. Figure from Ref. (40).
Power transmission of a straight waveguide has loss on encountering bends in the waveguide. Although this type of loss
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
can be minimized by propagation of the eigenmodes of circular bends of constant curvature along the waveguide, one cannot use
them for axons. For the varying curvature of axons, these modes are more lossy than eigenmodes of a straight waveguide. So, to
verify the bend losses in the axons, Ref. (40) considered the straight–mode in a sinusoidal waveguide with changing curvature and
obtained the transmission in the myelin sheath at the other end. Fig. 3a shows one example of S-bend in an axon with radius 0.6 µm,
and Fig. 3b shows the EFPL as a straight–mode passes through the axon.
The loss in sinusoidal S-shaped bends (shown in Fig. 3a) is highly dependent on the varying curvature (70). Thus, Ref.
(40) calculated the total power transmission up to a wavelength away from the myelin sheath boundaries as a function of the change
of curvature, ∆κ=4Ak2(kis the wavenumber and Ais the amplitude of the cosine function) and plotted it for 3 different wave-
lengths in Fig. 3c (r0=5 µm). The shorter wavelength gives higher transmission and the more the curvature changes the smaller the
transmission. Fig. 3d–f compares the transmission of the 3 different wavelengths for different radii of axon and different curvatures.
For ∆κ∼0.024 µm−1, all the permissible wavelengths are guided with transmission percentage close to 100% for all axon radii.
Note that here we consider the change of curvature, ∆κ, of the curve passing through the central axis of the axon. However, the
inner part of the bent has the most curvature in comparison with the center or outer part at each point. These differences are more
noticeable for thicker axons since they have more change of curvature than the thiner ones and therefore experience more loss for
the same ∆κ. For the typical axons in the brain similar to those in the images of Ref (71) (the relatively straight axons with length
of ∼1 mm and radius of ∼1 µm), ∆κ<0.05 µm−1which results in transmission of over 90 %.
Incident light
Myelin sheath
Transmission (%)
■ ■ ■■
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
=1.30 m
■=0.612 m
◆=0.40 m
S.D. of the inhomogeneity (%of the average thickness of the myelin sheath)
=longest permissible
Transmission (%)
Mean radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (µm)
=corresponding to the central permissible frequency
Transmission (%)
Mean radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (µm)
=0.4 m
Transmission (%)
Mean radius of the axon including the myelin sheath (µm)
Fig. 4: Varying cross-sections and the transmission in such areas. (a) a schematic of a myelinated axon with longitudinally
varying cross sections. Here, the mean radius of the myelinated axon (outer radius of the axon) is 3 µm and the standard deviation
(s.d.) of the variation of radius for the myelin sheath is 0.36 µm. (b) Magnitude of the EFPL when the input mode with wavelength
0.48 µm passes through the region. (c) Transmission percentage as a function of the s.d. of the variation in radius for the myelin
sheath for three different wavelengths (the mean radius of the myelinated axon is chosen as 5µm). (d)-(f) Transmission percentage
as a function of the mean radius of the myelinated axon for three different wavelengths with three different s.d. of the variation of
radius for the myelin sheath. Figure from Ref. (40).
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
3.1.3. Transmission in presence of varying cross-sections
The thickness of the myelin sheath, d, is not uniform all along the length of the axon. Ref. (40) varied daccording to
an approximate normal distribution. The correlation length in the roughness of the myelin sheath – the width of bumps or valleys
in the outer surface of myelin sheath– was taken to be 5 µm to 10 µm. The mean value of the distribution (r0) is chosen based
on the value of g-ratio, and the standard deviation (s.d.) of dis varied. Fig. 4a shows an example of the simulation for an axon
with length of 50 µm, r=2.4 µm, and the s.d. of 30 % of the average d. In Fig. 4b, the EFPL for input light with λ=0.612 µm is
calculated. Fig. 4 c shows that in general, more deviation of thickness of the myelin sheath results in less transmission and shorter
wavelengths transmit better than longer ones. In Fig. 4d–f, we see the behavior of the transmission as a function of mean radius
of the myelinated axon with 3 different deviation and for 3 different wavelengths. For variations less than 10%, almost all of the
wavelengths can pass through with efficiency over 90%. These results were obtained for the 50 µm segment of the axon and was
extrapolated to the case of a longer segment transmission along the axon. In particular, the transmission fraction was exponentiated
by the number of 50 µm segments formed in the axon. In general, thicker axons are more sensitive to the large deviations and suffer
more loss. Note that longer correlation lengths lead to better transmission for the same s.d, while significantly shorter correlation
lengths are known to strongly scatter the mode. Some of the axonal segments (length ∼5 µm) of thin axons (r∼1 µm) are within
this type of inhomogeneity, as represented in the images of (72). However, we were unable to find appropriate images of thicker
myelinated axons and longer segments required for a more realistic estimate of this type of inhomogeneity.
3.1.4. Transmission in non-circular cross sections
Axons and their myelin sheaths can have different cross-sectional shapes (72). As an example, Ref. (40) simulated the
cross-section of a myelinated axon shown in Fig. 5. The points along the axons cross-sectional boundary in Fig. 5a follow a normal
distribution whose mean value is 3µm and standard deviation 0.4µm. The myelin sheath is approximated as a parallel curve drawn
at a perpendicular distance of 2µm giving an average g-ratio =0.6. Fig. 5b displays the magnitude of the EFPL for the incident
light of λ=612nm. As Fig. 5c shows, the total power transmission decreases for all wavelengths while the cross-section becomes
more random. But the effect of this loss is small in reality, as many axons have less than 10% inhomogeneity in the cross-sectional
shape. Therefore, if the axon and myelin sheath change their cross-sectional shape slightly along the length of the axon, the primary
source of loss would be the coupling loss (72). However, for a substantial change of circular cross-section along the length, there
will be propagation loss as well (40).
Axon Myelin
Transmission (%)
■ ■
◆ ◆
0 10 20 30 40 50
=1.30 μm
■λ=0.612 μm
◆λ=0.40 μm
S.D. of the inhomogeneity (%of the mean radius of the axon)
Fig. 5: Non-circular cross sections of the axon and myelin sheath and their transmission. (a) A model of the cross-section
of an axon with the myelin sheath. The mean distance of the points along the cross-sectional boundary of the axon from its center
is 3 µm with s.d. of 0.4 µm. A parallel curve with an approximate of 2 µm apart from the axon’s boundary is taken as the myelin
sheath’s boundary. (b) Magnitude of the EFPL when a cylindrically symmetric input mode for a circular cross-section passes along
the waveguide with the modeled non-circular cross-section. Here, the input mode wavelength is 0.612 µm, the axon radius is 3 µm,
and the myelinated axon’s radius is 5µm. (c) Transmission percentage as a function of the s.d. of the distance between the points
on the boundary of the axon and a circle of radius 3 µm for three different wavelength. Figure from Ref. (40).
3.1.5. Transmission in presence of other imperfections
In addition to the sources of loss considered so far, there can be more imperfections. One of the notable ones is the
cross-talk between axons. The conducted light can leak from one axon to the other one if they are placed so close to each other.
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
To avoid this loss, the distance between two adjacent axon should be at least a wavelength, which happens in most of the realistic
cases based on the images in Ref. (72).
The other imperfection we discuss is the varying refractive indexes of the axon and the myelin sheath which have been
assumed constant until now. Changing the refractive index both transversely and longitudinally with a s.d. of 0.02 (typical variation
as expected from (41, 62)), while keeping the mean the same as the one used so far, Ref. (40) observed no considerable difference
in the transmission (typically less than 1 %). Furthermore, Ref. (40) considered the effect of the glia cells next to the internodal
segment. These cells were modeled as spheres with radii varying from 0.1 µm to 0.3 µm, and refractive index 1.4, filling up one
third of the volume of the nodal region outside the axon as expected from the images of the Ref. (72). For the thickest axons,
transmission through a node of Ranvier was not affected significantly while for the thinnest one, the transmission increased slightly
(∼2 %). There would be also additional scattering losses in the areas that myelin sheath is inhomogeneous.
3.2. Absorption
In biological tissues, and more so in the brain, scattering of light, rather than absorption, is the main source of attenuation
of optical signals (73). To our knowledge, the absorption coefficient of the myelin sheath has not been measured experimentally.
One can only infer it indirectly with limited accuracy. The average absorption coefficient in the white matter decreases almost
monotonically from ∼0.3 mm−1to ∼0.07 mm−1for wavelengths 0.4 µm to 1.1 µm (74). But myelin can not be responsible for the
majority of the absorption since grey matter (which is almost devoid of myelin) has comparable absorption coefficients (74). It is
likely that light sensitive structures (e.g. chromophores in the mitochondria) are the main contributors to the absorption. Another
way to infer myelin’s absorption coefficient is to look at the absorption of its constituents, i.e. lipids, proteins and water. Mammalian
fat shows an absorption coefficient less than 0.01 mm−1for the biophotonic wavelength range (75). Water has similar absorption
coefficients. Most proteins have a strong resonance peak close to 0.28 µm with almost negligible absorption above 0.34 µm, and the
proteins in the myelin (e.g. myelin protolipid protein, and myelin basic protein) behave similarly (76). Thus, absorption in myelin
for the biophotonic wavelengths seems negligible (over a length scale of ∼1 cm), based on the data of its constituents.
3.3. Attainable transmission
Ref. (40) estimated the attainable transmission percentage after 1cm length of the axon in different examples, taking
the axon diameter as 100–150 times less than its internodal length according to the realistic values (64, 77). For an axon with
r= 3 µm, r0= 5 µm, p-ratio = 7.5, internodal length = 1 mm, wavelength of input light = 1.3 µm, s.d. for varying area = 2.5 %,
∆κ= 0.039 µm−1, s.d. for non-circularity in cross-section shape = 13.33 %, and separation from the nearby axons = 1 µm, the
transmission after 1 cm would be ∼31 %. This transmission can be increased to ∼82 % if we take the wavelength of input light
= 0.61 µm, p-ratio = 2.5, and keep all the other parameters the same. For a thinner axon with r= 1.8 µm, r0= 3 µm, p-ratio = 7.5,
internodal length = 500 µm, wavelength of light = 1.2 µm, s.d. for varying area = 20 %, separation from other axons = 1.2 µm, and
∆κ= 0.039 µm−1would yield ∼3 % transmission after 1 cm.
If one chooses the shorter length of 2 mm for the axons (as there are axons with ∼1mm length in the brain(78)), then the
transmission for the 3 examples discussed above would be ∼78 %, ∼96 %, and ∼46 %, respectively. The main source of loss for
these examples is the coupling in the paranodal regions. By locating the sources and receivers close to the ends of the myelinated
sections of the axon, one can reduce coupling losses. It is worth noting that photons can propagate in either directions: from the
axon terminal up to the axon hillock or in the opposite direction along the axon.
3.4. Attainable communication rates
To estimate the biophoton emission rate per neuron, one can use the experimental data of Ref. (12) in which the number
of biophotons emitted per minute by a slice of mouse brain is counted while the neurons are excited with the neurotransmitter
glutamate. Ref. (40) calculated this biophoton emission rate as about 1 photon per neuron per minute. This rate is about one to two
orders of magnitude lower than the the average rate of electrochemical spikes (79). But there is a considerable uncertainty on this
number and it might be higher in reality since it only takes into account biophotons scattered outside, while most of them would
likely be absorbed in the brain itself rather than being scattered (if they were propagating inside the waveguides in the brain). On
the other hand, one can argue that the estimate could also be too high because the brain slice was stimulated with glutamate. One
should also notice that this rate can be different depending on the neuron type.
If one takes such low rate of biophoton emission and consider the fact that there are about 1011 neurons in a human brain,
there would still be over a billion photon emission per second. This mechanism appears to be sufficient to facilitate transmission of
a large number of bits of information, or even allow the creation of a large amount of quantum entanglement. Note that the behavior
of about one hundred photons can already not be simulated efficiently with classical computers (80). It is also worth to mention
that psychophysical experiments performed in the past indicate that the bandwidth of conscious experience is below the range of
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
100 bits per second (81, 82).
3.5. Proposals to test the hypothesis
Although there is already some experimental evidence of biophoton propagation in the brain and axons (12, 43, 44), it
would nevertheless be very interesting to test the light guidance of axons directly in-vitro and in-vivo. For testing in-vitro, one way
is to light up one end of a thin brain slice (with proper homogeneous myelinated axons) and look for the bright spots related to
the open ends of the myelinated axons at the other end. To get more accurate results, one can isolate a suitable myelinated axon
and, while keeping it alive in the proper solution, couple into one of guided modes of the axon, similar to what was done for light
guidance by M¨
uller cells in Ref. (45). Since the real light sources in the brain may be close to axons terminals (12), one can cut
the axon near the terminal and hillock regions, couple the mode directly to the myelin sheath and observe the light intensity from
the other end of the axon. This test can verify the guidance of the myelin sheath. Evanescent coupling and readout of light offers
another possibility.
For an in-vivo test of light guidance, first one needs to prove the existence of biophotons in the myelin sheath. To do so,
one can add light-sensitive chemicals like AgNO3into the cytoplasmic loops in the paranodal region or in oligodendrocytes, which
will be passed around to the myelin sheath. Then, the light-activated decomposition of AgNO3to Ag leaves Ag atoms as the dark
insoluble grains. The idea of this test is similar to the technique involved in the development of photographic films, and the in-situ
biophoton autography (IBA) technique (43).
An additional type of tests that can be done in-vivo is to insert fluorescent molecules or nano-particles as the sources.
They could also serve as the detectors if their fluorescence emission is due to the absorption of photons emitted from the sources
(83). One can also employ optogenetics (84) to create artificial detectors. Optogenetics uses neurons which are genetically modified
to produce light-sensitive proteins operating as ion-channels (like channel rhodopsin). If one places these light-sensitive proteins
into the axonal membrane at the end of myelin sheath close to an axon terminal or into the the membranes of the cytoplasmic loops
in the paranodal region, one can detect light by observing the operation of the ion-channels. It is worth noting that the rate of
oligodendrogenesis increases and myelin sheath becomes thicker in neighboring of light-illuminated genetically modified neurons
(85). The question comes up whether the neurons adjust themselves for a better light guidance by forming more layers.
Besides the artificial sources and detectors, it is also interesting to use natural ones to show the photon guidance from the
sources to the detectors through the axons. To do so, one needs to first understand well the photon sources, and their emission rates
and wavelength. One can make use of nanoantennas to raise the emission rates (86) and get a better knowledge about the sources
and emissions. Although, some measurements on the number of scattered photons from the axons (not guided or absorbed ones)
(10–13) have been performed, photon emission from the individual neurons has not yet been analyzed. One also needs to measure
photon detection capabilities of the natural candidate detectors such as opsins, centrosomes (25) and chromophores in mitochondria
4. Discussion
In this review of Ref. (40) we have discussed how light conduction in a myelinated axon is feasible even in the presence
of realistic imperfections in the neuron. We have also described future experiments that could validate or falsify this model of
biophoton transmission (40). It is also worth addressing a few related questions. It is of interest to identify possible interaction
mechanisms between biophotons and nuclear spins within the framework of quantum communication. Spin chemistry research
(87) determined effects whereby electron and nuclear spins affect chemical reactions. These effects can also involve photons. In
particular, a class of cryptochrome proteins can be photo-activated resulting in the production of a pair of radicals per event, with
correlated electronic spins. This effect has been hypothesized to explain bird magnetoreception (49). It has been recently shown
by theoretical considerations that interactions between electron and nuclear spins in cryptochromes are of critical importance to
the elucidation of the precision of magnetoreception effects (50). Importantly for this topic, cryptochrome complexes are found in
the eyes of mammals and they are also magnetosensitive at the molecular level (88). Therefore, if similar proteins can be found
in the inner regions of the human brain, this could provide the required interface between biophotons and nuclear spins. However,
for individual quantum communication links to form a larger quantum network with an associated entanglement process involving
many distant spins, the nuclear spins interfacing with different axons must interact coherently. This, most likely, requires close
enough contact between the interacting spins. The involvement of synaptic junctions between individual axons may provide such a
proximity mechanism.
We should also address the question of the potential relevance of optical communication between neurons with respect
to consciousness and the binding problem. A specific anatomical question that arises is whether brain regions implicated in con-
sciousness (89) (e.g. claustrum (90, 91), the thalamus, hypothalamus and amygdala (92), or the posterior cerebral cortex (89)) have
myelinated axons with sufficient diameter to allow light transmission.
A major role of the myelin sheath as an optical waveguide could provide a better understanding of the causes of the
various diseases associated with it (e.g. multiple sclerosis (93)) and hence lead to a design and implementation of novel therapies
Are there optical communication channels in the brain?
for these pathologies.
Let us note that, following Ref. (40), we have focused our discussion here on guidance by myelinated axons. However,
light guidance by unmyelinated axons is also a possibility, as discussed in more detail in the supplementary information of Ref.
Finally, with the advantages optical communication provides in terms of precision and speed, it is indeed a wonder why
biological evolution would not fully exploit this modality. On the other hand, if optical communication involving axons is har-
nessed by the brain, this would reveal a remarkable, hitherto unknown new aspect of the brains functioning, with potential impacts
on unraveling fundamental issues of neuroscience.
5. Acknowledgment
P.Z. is supported by an AITF scholarship. S.K. is supported by AITF and Eyes High scholarships. J.T., P.B. and C.S.
are supported by NSERC.
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Key Words: Brain, Biophotons, Myelinated axons, Waveguides, Quantum, Review
Send correspondence to: Christoph Simon, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary T2N 1N4,
Alberta, Canada, Tel: +1(403)220-7007, Fax: +1(403)210-8876, E-mail: