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Real vs. Fake Emotion Challenge: Learning to Rank Authenticity From Facial
Activity Descriptors
Frerk Saxen, Philipp Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi
Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg, Germany
{Frerk.Saxen, Philipp.Werner, Ayoub.Al-Hamadi}
Distinguishing real from fake expressions is an emergent
research topic. We propose a new method to rank authentic-
ity of multiple videos from facial activity descriptors, which
won the ChaLearn real vs. fake emotion challenge. Two
studies with 22 human observers show that our method out-
performs humans by a large margin. Further, it shows that
our proposed ranking method is superior to direct classifi-
cation. However, when humans are asked to compare two
videos from the same subject and emotion before deciding
which is fake or real there is no significant increase in per-
formance compared to classifying each video individually.
This suggests that our computer vision model is able to ex-
ploit facial attributes that are invisible for humans. The
code is available at
1. Introduction
Human faces convey important information for social in-
teraction, including expressions of emotions [5]. Sponta-
neous facial movements are driven by the subcortical ex-
trapyramidal motor system, whereas voluntary facial ex-
pressions are controlled by a cortical pyramidal motor sys-
tem [18,1]. This pyramidal system also allows humans to
fake facial expressions. The simulation of emotions and
pain is so powerful that most observers are deceived [4,1].
However, computer vision systems have been proven to
distinguish deceptive facial expressions from genuine ex-
pressions for some tasks. Hoque et al. [8] enabled a com-
puter vision system to distinguish frustrated from delighted
smiles, a task humans performed much worse. Littlewort
et al. [15] and Bartlett et al. [1] present computer vision
approaches that classify real facial expressions of pain from
faked expressions of pain based on dynamics of action units.
Humans however can not reliably distinguish between real
and faked expressions of pain [7,15,1]. Here, we show
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
faceall Xlabs
Figure 1. Official challenge results on the test set. NIT-OVGU is
our proposed method and together with HCILab team winner of
the real versus fake expressed emotion challenge.
that human observers could discriminate real expressions of
emotions from faked expressions of emotions slightly bet-
ter than chance. However, our computer vision system (also
based on dynamics of action units) achieved significantly
higher accuracy than humans and won the ChaLearn LAP
Real vs. Fake Emotion challenge with 67% accuracy on the
test set (see figure 1).
1.1. Contributions
We propose a new computer vision approach highly
based on existing methods that can classify fake from real
emotions. We provide a general model that classifies a sin-
gle input video and a more specific model that ranks a pair
or sequence of videos with respect to its estimated authen-
ticity. The source code to train and validate our models
is publicly available online.We conducted a human perfor-
mance study and compared the results with our computer
vision approach.
2. Real vs. Fake Emotion Challenge
This section introduces the ChaLearn Looking At Peo-
ple Real Versus Fake Expressed Emotion Challenge [20],
which took place from April 20 until July 2, 2017. In to-
Subset Subjects Emotions Videos Emotion Subject Real/Fake
Training 40 6 480 X X X
Validation 5 6 60 X
Testing 5 6 60 X
Table 1. SASE-FE database split with labels that were provided
for participants during the challenge. Each subject and emotion
provides two videos: One authentic (real) and one fake emotional
display (see section 2.1). There is no subject overlap between sub-
tal 55 teams registered for the challenge, of which 9 teams
submitted results.
2.1. Dataset
The challenge was run on the newly recorded SASE-FE
database. For each of 50 subjects the challenge database
comprises 12 videos: 6 with authentic emotional reactions
to video clips and 6 with faked emotional displays. The 6
genuine and 6 acted emotion videos correspond to the 6 ba-
sic emotions angry, happy, sad, disgust, contempt, and sur-
prise. The videos have been recorded with a high resolution
GoPro-Hero camera at 100 frames per second, are about
3-4 seconds long, and show the emotional display starting
from and returning to neutral expression. More details on
the SASE-FE database can be found in [17].
The dataset has been split by subject into three subsets as
detailed in Table 1. 80% of the videos form the training set,
for which emotion, subject, and the true-or-fake labels are
given. 10%, which are 60 videos, belong to the validation
set. The test set is the same size. Subject and real-or-fake
labels were not provided with the validation and test set dur-
ing the challenge.
2.2. Task
The challenge task was to classify each video of the test
set into real or fake emotion (binary classification). Per-
formance was evaluated with the accuracy measure, i.e. the
percentage of correctly classified videos. The challenge was
divided in two phases: a validation and a test phase. In the
validation phase 100 evaluations on validation set where
granted (with submission system on From
the 23rd June 2017 the test phase started and the validation
labels have been published by the challenge organizers, but
participants were not allowed to use them for training. In
the following test phase, 12 evaluations (with submission
system on where granted before the organi-
zation committee verified the results.
3. Recognition Approach
Figure 2shows an overview of our method. From a pair
of videos we automatically estimate Action Unit intensi-
AU Intensity
AU Intensity
Rank SVM
(same subject
and emotion)
Figure 2. Overview of our method. Two videos of the same sub-
ject and emotion are compared by individually calculating the ac-
tion units (see section 3.1) and facial activity descriptors (see sec-
tion 3.2). Both descriptors are then passed to a Rank SVM Ensem-
ble (see section 3.3) which outputs an authenticity score indicating
which video is more authentic (real).
ties (see Section 3.1) and compute facial activity descrip-
tors (see Section 3.2). The descriptors of both videos are
jointly classified with a rank SVM Ensemble (see Section
3.3). The rank SVM Ensemble ranks the input videos with
respect to authenticity, i.e. the descriptors of both videos are
combined and classified to detect the more authentic (real)
of both videos. Source code and trained models are avail-
able online 1.
3.1. Action Unit Intensity Estimation
As the first step in our recognition pipeline we estimate
the intensity of facial action units (AU) as described in [24].
For each frame of the video the method applies face de-
tection, facial landmark localization, face registration, LBP
feature extraction, and finally predicts AU intensities with
Support Vector Regression (SVR) ensembles. We apply a
model that was trained on the DISFA dataset [16] to pre-
dict 7 AUs: Inner Brow Raiser (AU 1), Outer Brow Raiser
(AU 2), Brow Lowerer (AU 4), Cheek Raiser (AU 6), Nose
Wrinkler (AU 9), Lip Corner Puller (AU 12), and Lips part
(AU 25).
The face detection and landmark localization that we em-
ploy differ from [24]. The faces are detected through a mul-
tiscale CNN resnet model that comes with dlib and is pub-
licly available online [12]. For landmark localization we
use the method by Kazemi and Sullivan [10] (an ensemble
of regression trees) as implemented in dlib [11], but with an
own model that we trained on multiple datasets (Multi-PIE
[6], afw [26], helen [14], ibug, 300-W [19], 300-VW [3],
and lfpw [2]).
As in [24], we only use the inner 49 landmarks (exclud-
ing chin-line and additional mouth points) for the following
steps. Landmarks and texture are registered with an aver-
age face through an affine transform by minimizing point
distances. Further, we extract uniform local binary pattern
(LBP) histogram features in a regular 10 ×10 grid from
the aligned texture. Finally, the LBP features and the regis-
tered landmarks are standardized and fed into the regression
models to predict AU intensities. We use an ensemble of 10
linear SVRs for each AU (see [24] for details).
Initially we tried an alternative approach to [24] to esti-
mate the AU intensities using a CNN Resnet-29 architec-
ture, which was very successful in other application do-
mains. The performance however was significantly worse
especially for unremarkable action units. Be believe that
small facial details in subregions of the face are hardly tar-
geted by state-of-the-art resnet architectures, which were in-
troduced for course grained detection tasks.
3.2. Facial Activity Descriptor
The method described in the section 3.1 yields 7 AU
intensity time series per video. We condense these time-
series, which differ in length, in descriptors as proposed
in [21]. Each time series is first smoothed with a Butter-
worth filter (first order, cutoff 1 Hz). Second, we calculate
the first and second derivative of the smoothed signal. In
contrast to [21], we also smooth the two derivative time se-
ries to decrease the influence of high variations in the AU
intensity estimation. Third, we extract 17 statistics from
each of the 3 smoothed time series per AU, among other:
mean, max, standard deviation, time of maximum value,
and duration in which the time series values are above their
mean. Compared to [24], which proposed 16 statistics, we
added the difference between the time of maximum AU in-
tensity and the time in which the mean AU intensity value
was crossed the first time. This was done to provide more
time related informations to the classifier because we be-
lieve that timing is crucial to distinguish between fake and
real emotions. Further, we squared some selected statistic
values and added them as additional features to cope with
nonlinear effects. This allows to model some non-linear ef-
fects without loosing the benefits of the linear SVM and
without increasing feature dimensionality too much. Since
we chose to learn a common model for all emotions, we de-
cided to include the emotion category in feature space by
adding a 6-dimensional one-hot coding of the emotion. In
total we got a 440-dimensional feature space. In the fol-
lowing chapters we refer to the “std. descriptors” from [21]
and the described changes with “add. descriptors” or simply
3.3. Classification
We follow the idea of comparative learning [22,23]: it is
easier to decide based on comparison with a similar refer-
ence than to decide individually. In the context of this chal-
lenge we believe that it is easier to select the real and the
fake emotion by comparing a set of two videos rather than
classifying each video individually. For this purpose we in-
troduce a virtual authenticity scale in which a real emotion
has a greater value than a fake emotion. We compare videos
of the same emotion and subject, since they are very simi-
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
Rank SVM Ensemble
+ add. descriptors
Rank SVM Ensemble
Rank SVM
per Emotion
Figure 3. 10 fold cross validation results on the training set for dif-
ferent classifier setups and descriptors. See section 4.1 for details.
lar and only differ regarding the aspect of interest (whether
they are real or fake).
We train a variant of the SVM which predicts pairwise
rankings and is called Rank SVM [9]. We use a common
model for all emotions, since this performed better than us-
ing individual models for each emotion, probably due to the
difference in training sample counts per model (480 for gen-
eral model vs. 80 for an emotion-specific model). Further,
a linear SVM performed better than SVM with RBF kernel,
probably due to overfitting to the limited amount of training
data. Instead of a single Rank SVM, we train an ensem-
ble of n= 75 Rank SVMs, each with a randomly selected
subset of the training sample pairs (m= 50% of samples).
We investigated the number of ensembles nand the ratio
of samples per model mbut gained very similar results for
n > 50 and m > 0.3. Ensemble model predictions are
aggregated by counting the votes for a video to be more au-
thentic. The decision of multiple pairs is fused by averaging
the vote counts. This way, a ranking can be established for
more than two videos (e.g. if subject or emotion label are
erroneous). The ranking is transformed into real/fake labels
by thresholding the authenticity scores with their median
value. If there is only one sample, ranking cannot be ap-
plied. For this case, we also train a fallback standard SVM
to predict real/fake labels from the feature vector directly,
which is less accurate than the ranking model.
Since subject labels are not available for validation and
test set, we apply face recognition to automatically partition
the videos by subject and find the pairs of videos for rank-
ing. The face recognition model comes with dlib [13] and
performs deep metric learning with a CNN resnet architec-
ture. On the test and validation set it runs without error in
subject assignment.
4. Experiments
We conduct several experiments to gain insights in fake
vs. real emotion classification. Section 4.1 discusses the
influence of several approaches in classification and feature
extraction. Section 4.2 compares our method with human
performance on the validation set.
4.1. Our method
Figure 3shows a sequence of improvements for several
key changes in our model. We report the results obtained
through 10-fold leave subjects out cross validation, i.e. sam-
ples from the same subject do not appear in a training and
test set simultaneously. Cross-validation is preferred over
the validation set due to its better estimation of the gen-
eralization performance because it uses significantly more
samples for prediction (see Table 1). The cross-validation
provided much more stable results than the validation set
First, we trained one SVM per emotion with the std.
descriptors from [21] and obtained 57% accuracy. Train-
ing a common model for all emotions (“SVM” in figure 3)
increased the accuracy to 61%, probably due to the very
limited number of training samples per emotion. We ex-
pect the individual model to outperform the common model
for significantly larger training sets. We also trained a
nonlinear RBF SVM (including parameter selection) and
gained worse performance compared to linear SVM. The in-
creased model complexity suffered from the limited amount
of training data and resulted in an overfitted model.
Second, we trained a Rank SVM [9] to compare pairs of
videos and gained a significant boost in classification per-
formance (67% accuracy). This improvement has its down-
side. Using the ordinary SVM enables to classify a single
video. The Rank SVM (1) needs two videos of the same
subject and emotion and (2) only provides which is more
authentic than the other. We compensate for (1) by provid-
ing a fallback to the original SVM if no video pair is avail-
able. (2) To obtain the real or fake labels from authenticity
we assume that both categories occur equally often in the
test data, which holds for the challenge data. The perfor-
mance benefit of ranking shows the importance of subject
Third, we improved the classification performance by
training an ensemble of Rank SVMs (70% accuracy). Each
model is trained with a random subset of the training set.
Finally, we included additional descriptors (see sec-
tion 3.2) and increased the cross validation performance to
73% accuracy. This improvement is mainly caused by the
additional time features and the one-hot coding of the emo-
tion, which allows the model to learn emotion specific rep-
4.2. Comparison With Human Performance
To compare our computer vision system with human
observers regarding their ability to discriminate real ver-
sus faked emotional expressions, we conducted two exper-
iments with each of 22 participants. We compare the hu-
(Exp. 1)
SVM Human
(Exp. 2)
Rank SVM
Happiness Disgust Contempt Average
Sadness Anger Surprise
Figure 4. Human vs. computer vision approach on the validation
set for different emotions. The dotted black line shows the average
across all emotions. The computer vision models are trained on the
training set. See section 4.2 for details.
man performance with our SVM approach (common model
for all emotions, see section 4.1) and with our proposed
Rank SVM Ensemble + add. descriptors, both trained on
the full training set. To analyze statistical significance we
conducted Student’s t-tests. We report the test decision and
statistics for the null hypothesis that the detection accura-
cies of the human observers comes from a normal distri-
bution with mean accuracy µand unknown variance. The
alternative hypothesis is that the mean is not µ. The result
is significant if the test rejects the null hypothesis at the 1%
significance level, and not significant otherwise.
In experiment 1, “Human (Exp. 1)”, we showed each
participant one validation set video at a time (all 60 clips
in the already existing randomized order). The observers
judged whether the expression shown in the video clip was
real or faked before continuing with the next clip. The ob-
servers distinguished real emotions from faked emotions at
rates slightly greater than guessing (accuracy = 54.5%;
SD = 4.97; chance accuracy µ= 50%; t[21] = 4.22,
p < 0.01). We compare the human performance to our
SVM approach because both classify each video individu-
ally. The SVM performs significantly better than humans
(accuracy µ= 61.3%; t[21] = 6.79,p < 0.01). Fig-
ure 4shows the average performance of the observers and
the computer vision system for the validation set (for each
emotion and averaged across all emotions).
Experiment 2, “Human Rank (Exp. 2)”, examined
whether the comparison between a pair of video clips im-
proves the human performance. This ranking procedure is
similar to our Rank SVM approach. We showed each partic-
ipant two validation set videos at a time, both from the same
subject and emotion (thus, one real and one fake emotion).
The observers judged which of the two video clips appeared
more authentic before continuing with the next pair of clips.
Human (Exp. 1) Human Rank (Exp. 2)
SVM Rank SVM Ensemble+
Figure 5. Average classification performance of humans and com-
puter vision models for the different subjects in the validation set.
See section 4.2 for details.
In this second experiment the observers distinguished real
emotions from faked emotions at rates slightly greater than
guessing (accuracy = 55.8%; SD = 8.13; chance accuracy
µ= 50%; t[21] = 3.37,p < 0.01). Our proposed Rank
SVM Ensemble however performs significantly better than
humans (accuracy µ= 73.3%; t[21] = 10.1,p < 0.01),
also see figure 4.
Our Rank SVM Ensemble outperforms the SVM ap-
proach significantly (t[9] = 40.9,p < 0.01). This seems to
prove the hypothesis, that it is easier to compare two video
clips than to classify each clip individually. This hypothesis
is not supported by the experiment 2 (Human Rank Exp. 2),
because there is no significant difference between the per-
formance of experiment 1 and experiment 2 (t[21] = 0.72,
not significant). This means that our computer vision ap-
proach is able to exploit fine-grained details that are inac-
cessible by humans. This result is consistent with prior re-
search about detection of pain expressions [15,1] and clas-
sification of frustrated and delighted smiles [8].
Figure 4shows a superior classification of happiness,
sadness, and surprise for the Rank SVM Ensemble. This
might suggest that individual models for disgust and con-
tempt might further improve the classification performance.
We do not observe such high variances between emotions
during cross-validation on the training set. Thus, we believe
that this is a random effect caused by the low sample count
of the validation set (only 5pairs of videos per emotion).
Figure 5shows the classification performance of humans
and our computer vision models with respect to each indi-
vidual subject in the validation set. It shows that the per-
formance of the Rank SVM Ensemble varies significantly
across subjects. Although it is reasonable that some sub-
jects show facial expressions that are easier to classify, each
subject only provides 6pairs of videos, which causes big
jumps in accuracy (about 17% per video pair) if one pair is
classified differently. Thus, the variance might be a random
effect caused by the small validation set.
4.3. Challenge Results on Test Set
Figure 1shows the results of our proposed Rank SVM
Ensemble method (NIT-OVGU) on the test set along with
the official results of other participants of the challenge
(also see [20]). The test set is like the validation set very
small. As a consequence we experienced high variance in
the performance of our models that previously performed
very similar on the cross-validated training set. We believe
that a bigger test set is necessary to properly distinguish be-
tween the top performing methods.
5. Conclusion
We propose a state-of-the-art computer vision approach
that classifies videos of real emotions from fake emotions.
Although our methods are old fashioned in terms of fea-
ture extraction, our approach was able to win the ChaLearn
real vs. fake expressed emotion challenge. Nevertheless, we
believe that there is plenty of room for improvements espe-
cially in automatic estimation of action unit intensities, e.g.
based on recent research with deep transfer learning [25].
We initially assumed that for humans it is easier to com-
pare two videos from the same subject and emotion and de-
cide which is more authentic rather than classifying each
video individually. Our findings do not support this as-
sumption. However, the accuracy of our computer vision
approach improved significantly by estimating the authen-
ticity of two videos from the same subject and emotion
compared to classifying each video individually. This is
particularly interesting because it shows that real and fake
expression is subject dependent but the differences between
both expressions have subject independent attributes that
can be learned. Humans however are not capable of ex-
ploiting these attributes.
Automatically classifying real from fake emotions re-
mains a challenging research topic. We believe that more
training and evaluation data will be necessary since we ob-
served high variance of very similar models for the small
validation and test sets. This also indicates that this classi-
fication task is very challenging. More training data would
also allow to train individual models for each emotion.
This work is part of the project “Ergonomics Assistance
Systems for Contactless Human-Machine-Operation” (no.
03ZZ0443G) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation and Research (BMBF) within Zwanzig20 - Alliance
3D Sensation. We thank all 22 participants who volunteered
in our study.
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