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VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Kani1, 2, Irman Hermadi2, 1 and Agus Buono1
1Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
2Department of Information Technology, Open University, Jakarta, Indonesia
The aim of this study was to develop an image preprocessing model that utilize downsampling technique to
reduce the pixel matrix to optimize artificial neural network in order to facilitate the handwriting recognition for letter
A,B,C,D and E. In the proposed model, the handwriting images was first subjected to binarization process, the followed by
the pixel matrix downsampling first using the column approach (C-DS), then combine raw and column approach (RC-DS).
The compressed pixel (downsampled pixel matrix) then acted as an input vector for Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The
functionality of the proposed method was demonstrated by its application to handwritten characters consisting of A, B, C,
D and E examination choices. The results of the simulation indicated the proposed downsampling using combine column
and row presented the higher accuracy (98.80%) and low pattern range (3.30%) with a minimum RMSE (0.1). The model
further presented low execution time (560 Second) when compared to normal backpropaga tion. Thus base on the
simulation results the proposed method outperformed the normal backpropagation and provide a reliable and efficient
image preprocessing approach for the input of Artificial Neural Network.
Keywords: ANN, back propagation, down sampling.
Handwriting often tends to be indistinguishable
even to the human eyes, and that they can only be
distinguished by context [1]. To distinguish between such
similar characters the tiny difference must be identified
and one of the major problems in identification for
handwritten characters is that they appear at the same
relative location of the letter written by different writers
even the same person may not always have the letter with
the same proportion [2]. Thus identification of
handwriting recognition often poses a great challenge
especially to many expert systems developed by the
artificial neural networks. Recognizing handwriting
alphabet in English has been deemed difficult especially
when handling handwriting of infinitely different character
[3], [4].
Therefore, several feature extraction techniques
have been applied to extract handwriting images such as
multiscale training technique (MST) [5]. For instance,
recently, Devanagari script which implements
intersections, showdown features, chain histogram and
straight-line fitting have been used [6]. Moreover,
handwriting in English recognition using row-wise
segmentation technique (RST) have been used to find a
common feature of some character written in the different
style by segmentation of the input matrix into separate row
and trying to find out common rows among different
styles. Therefore to identify the common features among
the characters written by the different individual often
image proposing techniques are usually applied to
preprocess the pixel matrix for the artificial neural
networks like perceptrons learning method [7], [8].
Other methods like optical character recognition
(OCR) has been proposed to translate the image of
handwritten, typed or printed text by means of the scanner
into the machine, this approach recognizes neural network
using nearest neighbor OCR algorithm [9]. Therefore, in
order to identify the common feature among the characters
written by individual appropriate image preprocessing
techniques are always applied [12]. Recently
downsampling have been adopted for compression of
fingerprint images in fingerprint authentication system,
however the method fail to combination both column and
row of the fingerprint pixel matrix thus rendering the
method less efficient and accurate for fingerprint pattern
recognition [13].
Therefore, in this paper we introduce a novel
downsampling image preprocessing technique of image
matrix for ANN to recognize the handwritten character
using the neural network. The aim of this study was to
develop a feature extraction model utilizing the
downsampling approach to compress pixel matrix of
different unique handwriting images of the five
alphabetical letters (A, B, C, D & E) written on
examination answer sheets.
The rest of this paper is organized in three parts;
formulation and compression of image matrix using
column downsampling (C-DS) model and combine row-
column downsampling RC-DS model, training the neural
network followed by testing the neural network by
providing the handwritten character taken from different
induvial finally results and discussion then conclusion.
To implement the proposed method, 610 images
capitals consisting of the image of a capital letter 'a', 'b', 'c',
'd' and 'e' size (dimension) 50x50 taken from samples of
handwriting data students of the open university (UT) and
has been through the process of cropping. The scanned
image is then processed by the image processing so that a
binary data; then do extraction characteristics of the
VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
models downsampling (reduced) pixel rows and columns
and then subjected to training on ANN-BP.
Binarazation also referred to character coding is
the conversion of the grayscale image to binary numbers
of 0’s and 1’s form binary image. here the coloured image
we initially converted into grayscale, and followed by
floating (thresholding) to convert the image to binary [14].
In this case, we consider the grayscale distinguish the
background and the object on the image thus we set our
grayscale level 0 to 255. Furthermore, we used threshold
approach to using Otsu discriminant analysis approach for
variable to distinguish between two or more groups that
arise naturally [15].
This approach maximized variables in order to
divide the object and the background. thus we converted
background image into binary exactly as object image by
digitizing grid segments into binary form 0’s and 1’s
where the background image is white while the object
image is black [16] as illustrated below(Figure-1).
Figure-1. Original image; (b): Image grayscale pixel; (c):
Character coding with binary digits of 0’s and 1’s.
Image compression via downsampling
After characters binarization step, we subject the
characters pixel matrix to downsampling to generate the
input for the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In this
case, downsampling is based on the summation of pixel
values for the column and combined row-column the
arithmetic sum colon or combined row-column pixel
matrix are the divided with the number of columns or
rows. In that note to implement the proposed technique,
we consider the column and combine row-column as input
vector for ANN thus we represent the formulations our
models based on the following steps.
Modelling column-downsampling (C-DS)
After representing the pixel values in matrix
form, we compute the summation of pixel value in each
row (M) in this case; we sum all the pixel value with 1s on
each row we express the matrix as:
thus we denotes the compressed pixel matrix for row as
where is the sum of the total pixel values in single row
where n = 1, 2, 3,… i and m = 1, 2, 3,… j. thus, we
represent the input matrix for downsampled pixel as:
thus, we represent the input vector n columns for input
matrix as follows:
Computing input vector for ANN: to generate the
input vector for the ANN we compute the arithmetic mean
for each thus; we divide the summation (1) with the
total number of the column (n) in the pixel matrix. Thus,
we express this with equation:
where is a unit input vector for ann and
To illustrate the down sampling steps described
above consider the core type fingerprint image in Figure-1,
with dimension 10 x 10 in this case we represent the pixel
matrix and input matrix as:
where the first matrix represents the original pixel matrix
then row summation matrix of the original pixel matrix. in
this case, the m = 10 and n = 10 therefore, using (1) and
(2) we can compute a unit input vector for ANN by
calculating the mean of each summation of the raw pixel
by dividing the total number of column (N= 10).
VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Therefore, the downsampled pixel matrix for input vector
of ANN is expressed:
Modelling Row and Column-Downsampling (RC-DS)
For proposed RC-DS model we formulated the
input matrix of ANN by combine summation of row (m)
and column (n) for the image pixel matrix thus we
represented the matrix as:
Thus we express the summation of the row by the
thus the summation of matrix row for pixel matrix as:
To obtain the input vector for the ANN we divide
with the total number of row in the matrix therefore we
express the input vector as:
To generate the proposed RC-DS input vector for
ANN we combine equation 1 and 2 thus we express the
input vector as:
The illustration of the proposed RC-DS model as
shown below, we consider the same pixel matrix used in
the C-DS model with pixel size of 10 x 10 thus we
represent pixel matrix and compressed matrix as:
Where the first matrix represents the original
pixel matrix and second matrix compressed pixel of the
original pixel matrix. herein the values for M = 10 and N
= 10 therefore, combing equation (1) and (2) we compute
the input vector for ann by dividing the summation of raw
and column pixel by dividing the total number of row and
column (10+10 =20). Hence, we expressed the input
vector of ANN as:
Backpropagation algorithm
To confirm handwriting authenticity, we subject
the downsampled pixel to neural network training.
Therefore, back-propagation is utilized as the standard
way of training the neural network. In this case, data for
input layer of the neural net is downsampled pixel vector.
The neural network is then run normally to check if the
output is actually the same as the input. The actual number
of identified handwriting in the output is then compared to
the desired number of the handwriting in the input.
Nonetheless, in this study, the pattern error is the
variation between the actual total identified handwriting
patterns and the desired number of identified handwriting
patterns. Below is the proposed back-propagation
algorithm for handwritten character identification system.
1. Initialize the weights to small random
values, and choose a positive CONSTANT.
2. Repeatedly Set
equal to the features
of samples 1 to ν cycling back to sample 1 after
sample n is reached.
3. Feed forward step. for , Compute
For nodes . we use the sigmoid
threshold function
4. Back-Propagation step. for the nodes in the
output layer, , compute
For Layers Compute
5. BY
6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 until weights cease to
change significantly.
Artificial neural network architecture
Accuracy and speed of pattern recognition
handwritten letters are also dependent on artificial neural
network model are used. Thus, it is very important to
choose a model of the artificial neural network for
efficiency performance. so in our case, we apply ANN
VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
with three layers, namely; input layer which receives input
vectors downsampling result, hidden layer, we use only
one with a variation of the number of neurons and the
output layer that identifies the image or pattern of
handwritten letters.
Input layer: In the proposed method the input
layer is considered as the first layer of the neural network
and is used to input downsampled pixel from input
fingerprint file thus it contains input vector for
downsample pixel. Note that the input layer of the neuron
only takes downsampled pixel values as input data and
transmit to the hidden layer.
Hidden layer: This is the middle layers between
input layer and output layer. In the proposed method by
downsampling pixel we reduce the number of hidden
layers. In this case the hidden layer compute the weight of
neurons from input layer and generate a signal with the
help of activation function and
transmit the signal to the output layer.
Output layer: This is the last layer of ANN and
this layer is used to show the results of the data that was
trained, the number of outputs to be achieved only 5
outputs, each output produced is taken is the highest value
of 5 outputs exist, for example the letter 'a' with an output
[1 0 0 0 0] , if the output produced is [0.5 0.3 0.1 -1 0:01],
then this recognized as 'a' and since the highest value is
0.5 however, if the character is not a, then output is [0.1
0.4 0.5 0.2 0.7 ] it is the recognized letter character 'e',
this is done literately by ANN for all the letters characters
to obtain the final output.
Figure-2. Artificial neural network with single hidden
layer and single output layer for back-propagation
In this study, 3820 handwriting datasets were
obtained from examination answers sheet images from
Open University, Indonesia. The data was divided into two
sets, that is the training data (3210) and testing data (610).
out of 3820 handwritten sample 764 consisted of letter 'A',
764 letter 'B', 764 'C', 764 the letter 'D', and 764 letter 'E'.
The data were subjected to pixel matrix column
downsampling (C-DS) model and pixel combine raw-
column pixel matrix downsampling (RC-DS) model for
evaluation of performance. From the simulation, the
training and testing results for both models were obtained
as follows.
From c-ds analysis (Table-2) it was observed to
detect letter e when the number of the hidden layers set at
40 higher accuracies (99.4%) was recorded on the other
hand when the number of neurons set to 15 for detection
of letter 'b' the algorithm performed with low accuracy
60.1%). from this analysis, we the mode when set the
NHL = 40 the proposed model recorded the highest
accuracy (90.8%) with low RMSE (0.09) and execution
time (452 seconds). furthermore, when the NHL=30 the
remarkably low precision (90.5%) was recorded. this
might have been attributed to the difference in character
for the four letters thus precision range for handwriting
pattern recognition was recorded to be 26.9% for letter b
when compared with other four letters (A,C, D and E).
For our simulation 620, handwriting data sample was used
as testing data for ANN backpropagation c-ds and the
testing results (Table-3).
From this analysis, we observed that when NHL=
30 and NHL= 40 for detection of letter c, the algorithm
recorded higher precision (96.7%), this was in contrast
with detection of letter b which was recognized with low
precision (60.7%). although remarkable high accuracy
(84.6%) was recorded when the NHL =30 adjustment of
the NHL resulted in the reduction of algorithm
performance due to overfitting.
Surprisingly character “B” recognition presented
the low accuracy (63.1%) with a high range (29.5%) when
the number of the neuron is set 35. Therefore, based on
this analysis we realised that recognition of letter b was
recognized with low accuracy for both training and testing
data since majority of letters in testing data were
recognized either as e or d thus though c-ds model
performed thus some letters like b was not accurately
recognized from both training and testing data (Figure-4).
Table-1 illustrates the results of c-ds comparison
analysis for testing dataset when NHL is adjusted from 15
to 40 neuron nodes in the hidden layer. Again during this
analysis, we used similar parameters setting in this case
we set the total iterations (epoch=4000), learning rate
(0.009), total hidden layer (single hl), vector =50, and
output (class).
Table-1. Evaluation of character recognition C-DS.
Accuracy (%)
VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Figure-2 illustrates the c-ds comparison analysis
for testing dataset and training data when NHL is adjusted
from 15 to 40.
Figure-3. The performance comparison of training and testing of C-DS Model.
One prime objective of this study was to optimize
the ANN recognition of handwriting letters for the college
exam; therefore, we introduced a combined model of
downsampling by incorporating both the row and column
for the pixel matrix (RC-DS). The simulation results
(Table-3) indicated that when we set NHL=40 the
algorithm recorded the higher precision (99.3%) however
when we set the NHL at minimum (15 neurons) letter “A”
was recognized with the accuracy of 95%. The interesting
part of the proposed approach is its reliability and
efficiency in the detection of all the handwriting letters
with minimal difference in the handwriting recognition.
Furthermore, when we increased NHL from 15 to 40 the
minimal range is recorded likewise the RMSE except
when we set NHL= 25 and NHL=30 which record RMSE
of 0.10. On the other hand, when we set NHL= 40 the
algorithm records low range 1.40% after which the NHL is
increased the long execution time is experienced by the
In addition when considered the testing data for
RC-DS the proposed model presented highest accuracy
(94.3%) when we set NHL= 35 with a range of 4.10 and
execution time of 14 seconds, on the other hand, low
accuracy (90.2%) was recorded when we set the number
of neuron at 15 with range of 9.02 % and execution time
of 8 seconds. surprisingly, we realized that when we set
the NHL= 35 and NHL= 40 handwriting letter a was
recognized at high accuracy (96.7%) with an average
range of 5.33. In order to determine the optimal number
neurons in the RC-DS model, we selected the best four
number of neuron in both the training and testing data. in
case we considers the neuron with the highest accuracy
from our simulation we discovered 25,30, 35 and 40 gave
the highest accuracy (98.8%, 98.8%, 98.9% and 99.3%
respectively), likewise, for testing data when we
considered same neurons the RC-DS model presented an
accuracy of 92.0%, 90.8%, 94.3% and 93.8% respectively.
Nevertheless, we further considered the lowest range; on
that premise when we set the neuron 30 gave the optimal
range 1.6 % and 3.3% for training and testing data
respectively. We discovered that when we consider the
NHL= 40 the range 6.6 % which render the algorithm less
accurate. Furthermore, when we compute the interquartile
range 0.2% (1.6%-1.4%) for training data on another hand
for testing we also discovered the algorithm gave high
interquartile range 3.3% (6.6%-3.3%) refer to Tables 2 and
3 in the result section. Base on simulation analysis the
proposed RC-DS model outperformed C-DS model since
the model compressed the pixel matrix of the handwriting
letter by both row and column and the result in high
accuracy leading to low range and RMSE.
Table-3 illustrates the results of RC-DS
comparison analysis testing data when NHL is adjusted
from 15 to 40 neuron nodes in the hidden layer. The
parameters used in the training data such as, total
iterations (epoch=4000), learning rate (0.009), total hidden
layer (single hidden layer), vector =100, and output
Table-2. Evaluation of character recognition
15 20 25 30 35 40
Percentage (%)
Number of Neurons
Training Testing
VOL. 12, NO. 15, AUGUST 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Table-3. Evaluation of RC-DS performance.
Tested characters
Total number recognized
637 of 642 (99.22%)
634 of 642 (98.75%)
637 of 642 (99.22%)
635 of 642 (98.91%)
634 of 642 (98.75%)
3177 of 3210
Figure-4. The performance comparison of training and testing RC-CD Model.
Figure-5. Illustrate RMSE and MSE estimation
RC-DS at 1000 epoch.
This work presents a novel downsampling image
pre-processing model for optimization of ANN for
handwriting pattern recognition. The downsampling model
based on c-ds has indicated the capability of ANN
recognizing the handwriting patterns with and accuracy
84.6% when a number of the neuron (NHL) 30 with an
execution time of 11 seconds with RMSE of 0.21. In
addition, the RC-DS model was the most efficiency from
recognition of all the handwriting characters with an
accuracy of 94.3% when the number of neurons set 35,
with execution time14 seconds with RMSE of 0.09.
although c-ds model presented the low execution time RC-
DS model performed better with high accuracy and low
RMSE thus making the proposed model more efficient and
reliable method for image compression (reduction) for
handwriting pattern recognition.
The author expresses their sincere gratitude to the
department of computer science at IPB University for
insightful comments and contribution and search related to
this study. We also give thanks to Computer Center
Section at Open University for data to accession.
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