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Abstract and Figures

Neurons in the somatosensory cortex are exquisitely sensitive to mechanical stimulation of the skin surface. The location, velocity, direction, and adaptation of tactile stimuli on the skin’s surface are discriminable features of somatosensory processing, however the representation and processing of dynamic tactile arrays in the human somatosensory cortex are poorly understood. The principal aim of this study was to map the relation between dynamic saltatory pneumatic stimuli at discrete traverse velocities on the glabrous hand and the resultant pattern of evoked BOLD response in the human brain. Moreover, we hypothesized that the hand representation in contralateral Brodmann Area (BA) 3b would show a significant dependence on stimulus velocity. Saltatory pneumatic pulses (60 ms duration, 9.5 ms rise/fall) were repetitively sequenced through a 7-channel TAC-Cell array at traverse velocities of 5, 25, and 65 cm/s on the glabrous hand initiated at the tips of D2 (index finger) and D3 (middle finger) and sequenced towards the D1 (thumb). The resulting hemodynamic response was sampled during 3 functional MRI scans (BOLD) in 20 neurotypical right-handed adults at 3T. Results from each subject were inserted to the one-way ANOVA within-subjects and one sample t-test to evaluate the group main effect of all three velocities stimuli and each of three different velocities, respectively. The stimulus evoked BOLD response revealed a dynamic representation of saltatory pneumotactile stimulus velocity in a network consisting of the contralateral primary hand somatosensory cortex (BA3b), associated primary motor cortex (BA4), posterior insula, and ipsilateral deep cerebellum. The spatial extent of this network was greatest at the 5 and 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimulus velocities.
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Neural encoding of saltatory pneumotactile
velocity in human glabrous hand
Hyuntaek Oh
*, Rebecca Custead
, Yingying Wang
, Steven Barlow
1Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, UnitedStates of
America, 2Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska, Lincoln,
Nebraska, United States of America, 3Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America
¤Current address: Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, UnitedStates
of America
Neurons in the somatosensory cortex are exquisitely sensitive to mechanical stimulation of
the skin surface. The location, velocity, direction, and adaptation of tactile stimuli on the
skin’s surface are discriminable features of somatosensory processing, however the repre-
sentation and processing of dynamic tactile arrays in the human somatosensory cortex are
poorly understood. The principal aim of this study was to map the relation between dynamic
saltatory pneumatic stimuli at discrete traverse velocities on the glabrous hand and the
resultant pattern of evoked BOLD response in the human brain. Moreover, we hypothesized
that the hand representation in contralateral Brodmann Area (BA) 3b would show a signifi-
cant dependence on stimulus velocity. Saltatory pneumatic pulses (60 ms duration, 9.5 ms
rise/fall) were repetitively sequenced through a 7-channel TAC-Cell array at traverse veloci-
ties of 5, 25, and 65 cm/s on the glabrous hand initiated at the tips of D2 (index finger) and
D3 (middle finger) and sequenced towards the D1 (thumb). The resulting hemodynamic
response was sampled during 3 functional MRI scans (BOLD) in 20 neurotypical right-
handed adults at 3T. Results from each subject were inserted to the one-way ANOVA
within-subjects and one sample t-test to evaluate the group main effect of all three velocities
stimuli and each of three different velocities, respectively. The stimulus evoked BOLD
response revealed a dynamic representation of saltatory pneumotactile stimulus velocity in
a network consisting of the contralateral primary hand somatosensory cortex (BA3b), asso-
ciated primary motor cortex (BA4), posterior insula, and ipsilateral deep cerebellum. The
spatial extent of this network was greatest at the 5 and 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimulus
Animal and human models of brain plasticity have shown that the development of functional
motor tasks depend on the interplay between sensory input and motor output [1,2]. Among
PLOS ONE | August 25, 2017 1 / 17
Citation: Oh H, Custead R, Wang Y, Barlow S
(2017) Neural encoding of saltatory pneumotactile
velocity in human glabrous hand. PLoS ONE 12(8):
Editor: Christos Papadelis, Boston Children’s
Hospital / Harvard Medical School, UNITED
Received: April 24, 2017
Accepted: August 5, 2017
Published: August 25, 2017
Copyright: ©2017 Oh et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: fMRI data have been
uploaded to Figshare. All interested researchers
can download the data from the website (https://
glabrous_hand/5276992; DOI:
Funding: This work was supported by the internal
grant from Barkley Trust Foundation (SM Barlow
PI). There was no additional external funding
received for this study.
the many functions of the somatosensory system, processing information about the location,
velocity and traverse length of tactile stimuli on the body surface is presumed essential for the
development and maintenance of fine motor control of the hand [35]. Improving our knowl-
edge of velocity and directional encoding in this sensory domain will help formulate innova-
tive neurotherapeutic strategies for the rehabilitation of brain-damaged patients to regain
motor skills in the limb (hand, foot) and orofacial (speech, gesture, swallowing) systems [6].
Limited data exist on the cortical representation of moving touch stimulation on the glabrous
skin of the digits in humans [7,8], and many studies involving sensorimotor tasks have been
limited to neurotypical adults using electrical and/or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
The sensory flow of tactile information derived from mechanoreceptors in the glabrous
skin of the hand is conveyed along the dorsal column-medial lemniscus and transmitted
through the contralateral ventroposterolateral (VPL) thalamus and primary somatosensory
cortex (S1), whereas the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) typically shows a bilateral
response to a unilateral somatosensory stimulus [12,13]. Many neurons in the posterior parie-
tal cortex (PPC) respond to both tactile and visual inputs [14,15], with select sensorimotor
transformation and output to the premotor cortex (PMC) [16]. The cerebellum represents the
‘forward model’ of the sensorimotor system that implements predictions of the sensory result
from the motor commands, and these predictions can be used to improve a motor skill or acti-
vate sensorimotor plasticity [17,18]. Several neuroimaging studies using functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) have discovered that the
cerebellum is involved in signaling the sensory consequence of movements resulting from the
correlation between the actual and predicted sensory feedback, and forward models stored in
the cerebellum are related to predictions of movements [19,20]. Since the cerebellum plays an
important role in predictive motor control and storing forward models [21,22], recent human
studies highlight the crucial role of the cerebellum and sensorimotor cortex during motor
learning and functional recovery from stroke [23,24].
Moving tactile stimulation on glabrous skin, known historically as ‘surface parallel stimula-
tion’ [4], has been shown to evoke activity among cortical and subcortical somatosensory rep-
resentations [25]. Human psychophysical studies have shown that the optimal range of
stimulus velocity for the discrimination of skin traverse velocity lies between 3 and 25 cm/s
[3,4,26,27]. Similar velocities of brush stroke stimuli have been used to map the Blood-oxy-
gen-level dependent (BOLD) responses in S1 and posterior insular cortex [28,29]. Beyond this
optimal range, neurotypical subjects were still able to recognize the brushing stimuli at veloci-
ties exceeding 50 cm/s, however the perception of discrimination of velocity became less reli-
able due to changes in perceived stimulation location, direction, and distance. At low velocities
(e.g., <3 cm/s), S1 neurons appear to encode the moving tactile stimulation as discrete stimu-
lus events rather than a progressive traverse motion track. Furthermore, an accurate discrimi-
nation of skin velocity on glabrous skin of the hand may yield better encoding over a wider
range of velocities compared to the hairy skin since Aβmechanoreceptors in the glabrous skin
are superior at encoding the temporal and spatial properties of incoming stimuli [27,30,31].
Thus, a consideration of the optimal operating range for velocity and direction of moving tac-
tile stimulation on the glabrous hand are important factors to consider when designing a per-
ceptual or functional imaging experiment with human subjects [32,33].
The glabrous hand and orofacial skin feature high innervation densities, large number of
receptive fields, and acute sensitivity which translate to high cortical magnification in S1 [34].
Many neuroimaging modalities such as 1.5 T fMRI, magnetoencephalography (MEG), or PET
of the human brain do not provide enough spatial resolution to map individual fingers and
their phalanges because the distances between individual digits and segments represented in
Neural encoding of pneumotactile velocity
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
S1 are only a few mm [35]. Thus, high resolution 3T fMRI with multichannel head coils are
better equipped to achieve small voxel size combined with precisely controlled dynamic spatial
tactile arrays to map the hand-finger somatotopy under conditions where velocity and/or
direction are independent variables of interest [36,37]. There are inherent challenges in the
design of an MRI-compatible tactile stimulus array control system that is scalable for velocity
and direction. A limited number of studies have explored tactile encoding using continuous
moving brush, piezo-element vibration, and compressed air [3842]. Thus, in order to
advance our understanding of tactile velocity encoding networks in the human brain, the need
exists for a programmable, multichannel tactile stimulus control system that is non-invasive,
simple to configure and can be applied anywhere on the body with scalable velocity control
and fully MRI compatibility.
The primary goal of the present study was to functionally map the human brain to identify
the relation between saltatory pneumotactile stimulation at 3 velocities on the glabrous hand
and the evoked hemodynamic BOLD response in select regions of interest (ROIs), including
cerebral somatosensory areas (S1, S2, PPC, posterior insula), and deep cerebellum among 20
neurotypical adults using high-resolution fMRI methods. In this study, three velocities, includ-
ing a relatively low but not discrete velocity (5cm/s), a medium velocity (25cm/s), and a rela-
tively high but perceptable velocity (65cm/s), were chosen to investigate the dynamic BOLD
response between low and high end of perceivable velocity range. We hypothesized that the
somatosensory network would show evidence of modulation as reflected in %BOLD change
among the ROIs of interest as a function of saltatory velocity. To achieve this objective, a
7-channel TAC-Cell array developed in our laboratory was configured to the glabrous hand on
three digits, including D1 (thumb), D2 (index finger), and D3 (middle finger) for saltatory
pneumatic stimulation randomized at 3 velocities.
Materials and methods
Twenty right-handed, neurotypical adults (14 females, 6 males) age 18-30 years (mean = 22.3
±2.47 years) participated in this study. Exclusion criteria: traumatic injury to the hand or neu-
rological disease resulting in sensorimotor impairment affecting hand movement and/or sen-
sory function. Each subject provided informed written consent in accordance with the
University of Nebraska—Lincoln institutional review board approval.
Stimulus device: Galileo somatosensory pneumatic stimulus control
A multichannel pneumatic amplifier and tactile array known as the Galileo Somatosensory
system (Epic Medical Concepts & Innovations, Inc., Mission, Kansas USA) was used for
mechanosensory stimulus generation. The Galileo features scalable pulse generation in config-
urable arrays, and is fully MRI/MEG compatible. The pneumatic stimulator probes, known as
TAC-Cells, are made from acetyl thermoplastic homopolymer, use tiny volumes of com-
pressed air to rapidly deform (10 ms rise/fall times) the surface of the skin. The individual
pressure pulses generated by the Galileo controller are transmitted through 18’ of polyurethane
tubing (3/32” ID) which is routed through a waveguide into the MRI suite and terminated
with TAC-Cells to allow for placement on the subject’s hand with the bore of the MRI scanner.
The PC laptop computer, Galileo SomatosensoryTM pneumatic controller, and integrated
dual-cylinder pump motor are all located outside the shielded MRI scanner suite room. As
shown in Fig 1, the TAC-Cell is essentially a small capsule with a sealing flange (6 mm ID,
Neural encoding of pneumotactile velocity
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15 mm OD), which can be adhered rapidly to virtually any skin surface, including the glabrous
hand and face [6,43,44].
fMRI data acquisition
A brain structural MRI scan and 3 functional sessions (BOLD) were recorded at 3.0 T (Skyra,
Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil. Structural
T1-weighted 3-dimensional image of the subject’s brain (MPRAGE, Magnetization-Prepared
Rapid Gradient-Echo) was acquired at the beginning of the session [repetition time (TR) =
2400 ms, echo time (TE) = 3.37 ms, voxel size = 1 x 1 x 1 mm, flip angle = 7˚, number of
slices = 192, acquisition matrix = 256 x 256, field of view (FoV) = 256 x 256 mm, total acquisi-
tion time (TA) = 5:35 minutes].
Following the MPRAGE anatomical scan, three sessions of functional images were recorded
using a T2-weighted EPI (Echo Planar Imaging) sequence [TR = 2500 ms, TE = 30 ms, voxel
size = 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 mm, flip angle = 83˚, number of slices = 320, acquisition matrix = 88 x 88,
FoV = 220 x 220 mm, Phase partial Fourier factor = 7/8, TA = 13:53].
Visual countdown presentation to maintain the subjects’ vigilance was performed using E-
prime 2.0 software (Psychology Software Tools, Inc., Sharpsburg, PA, USA). This visual pre-
sentation was projected onto a screen behind (headward) the scanner bore. The subject
observed the presentation on a mirror which was attached to the 32-channel head coil. The
visual countdown presentation included a declining sequence of numbers (20:1) which
Fig 1. Galileo somatosensorytactile stimulation. Top Left: Galileo somatosensorytactile stimulator.
Top Right: Stimulated areas and TAC-Cells location. p1 in D2 and D3 = red, p2 in D2 and D3 = orange,
p4 in D2 and D3 = yellow, p4 in D1 = green, p1 in D1 = blue. The TAC-Cell is essentially a small capsule
(OD = 15 mm, ID = 6 mm), and machined from acetal thermoplastic. Bottom: Stimulus velocity pressure
waveforms for each condition.
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corresponds to the number of remaining stimulus blocks in the BOLD session. The number
on the presentation was shown only for 0.5 second to minimize a primary visual cortex
Tactile stimulus control
Seven small plastic pneumatic TAC-Cells (6mm ID) were placed on the palm of the right hand
along the length of index and middle finger using tincture of Benzoin (10% concentration to
increase adhesion) followed by the application of double adhesive tape collars. A Galileo
Somatosensory tactile array was programmed to deliver punctate (60 ms duration, 9 ms rise/
fall) pneumotactile sequence through TAC-Cells placed on the glabrous skin of the right hand
(see Fig 1), including p1, p2 segments of D3 (middle finger), p1, p2, p4 segments of D2 (index
finger), and p4, p1 of D1 (thumb). Morphometric dimensions between p1 and p2 in D2
(Length 1), p2 and p3 in D2 (Length 2), p4 in D2 and P4 in D1 (Length 3), and p4 and p1 in
D1 (Length 4) were measured from each subject to adjust for variations in hand size to create
accurate tactile traverse velocities (Fig 1). Programmed time delays between individual TAC-
Cells result in a saltatory velocity sequence traversing the tips of D1, D2 through the basal pha-
langeal segments to the distal phalanx of the thumb. The silicon tubing was bifurcated at its
terminal for channels 1 and 2 to deliver a pneumotactile stimulus on the p1 and p2 segments
of the D2 and D3. Rice-filled hand-warmers placed within mitten gloves were fit to all subject’s
right hand to maintain normothermia of limb extremities during testing in the MRI scanner
suite [45]. It is through this array of pneumatically charged TAC-Cells that the subject experi-
enced repeated trains of saltatory pulsed pneumotactile stimulation ranging from very slow
(5 cm/s) to fast (65 cm/s) traverse speeds on the glabrous surface of the hand.
A randomized-balanced block design (40 sec duration/block) included the following 5 con-
ditions: Saltatory velocities @ 5, 25, and 65 cm/sec, simultaneous TAC-Cells ON, and all cells
OFF (Fig 2). There were three sessions during the fMRI BOLD response acquisition and each
session included 4 cycles of the 5 stimulus conditions. Thus, a total of 20 conditions in each
session were counter-balanced and randomized. The duration of the stimulus event for each
condition was 20 seconds (8 volumes, TR = 2500 ms), followed by 20 seconds of rest. The tac-
tile stimulus was continuously delivered from p1 of D2 and D3 to p1 of D1, passing through
both p2 of D2 and D3, p4 of D2 and D3, p4 of D2 and p4 of D1. The average time elapsed
between velocity trains of 5, 25 and 65 cm/sec were 501.1 ms, 153 ms, and 37.6 ms,
Fig 2. Experiment stimulus design. Random-balanced experimental block design in one functional scan
session. One session includes 4 cycles of the 5 stimulus conditions and the total measurement time of one
session was 13:20 min.
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respectively. Total BOLD sampling time of one session was 13:20 min (320 volumes), thus 3
BOLD acquisitions produced 960 volumes of fMRI data per subject.
fMRI data analysis
Pre-processing and statistical analysis of MPRAGE and functional images were performed
using SPM 12 (Statistical Parametric Mapping; Wellcome Department of Imaging Neurosci-
ence, London, UK). The 3 sessions of functional MRI volumes were realigned to the first vol-
ume in the each session, normalized to adjust overall size and orientation of the functional and
anatomical images to the MNI template, and smoothed by convolution with an isotropic
Gaussian kernel (FWHM = 8 mm).
The General Linear Model (GLM) was applied to estimate the predictor variables by
convolving the design matrix (the box-car stimulus blocks) and the hemodynamic response
function for the single-subject analysis of BOLD responses from different velocities of tactile
stimulus [46]. The model includes five regressors (5 cm/s, 25 cm/s, 65 cm/s, all TAC-Cells OFF,
and all TAC-Cells ON), and six motion parameter correction regressors (three translational
axes [X, Y, Z] and three rotations [roll, yaw, pitch]) per session. One-sided main effect for each
velocity condition was determined by subtracting the no stimulus block contrast (control
block). Resulting t-maps from each BOLD session were carried forward to the Mixed Effects
(MFX) analysis to combine the 3 BOLD results within a subject [47]. An F-contrast was
required to determine the main effect of velocity conditions. The result from F-contrasts
showed how the different stimulus velocities change brain response and where the stimulus
influences the BOLD response in the brain. Besides the result from F-contrasts, six additional
contrasts were created: 1) 5 cm/s >No stimulus, 2) 25 cm/s >No stimulus, 3) 65 cm/s >No
stimulus, 4) 5 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON, 5) 25 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON, and 6) 65 cm/s >All
TAC-Cells ON. The contrast results from each subject were entered into the 2nd-level analysis
to access the group analysis. On SPM group analysis, an uncorrected p-value = .0001 was used.
The group analysis of one-sided main effects for 5 cm/s, 25 cm/s and 65 cm/s accepted the one
sample t-test which was used to compute within-subject contrast results from 1st-level analysis.
One-way ANOVA analysis was implemented to derive the group main effect among the various
velocity stimulus profiles. The t-contrast results from each subject were used in the one-way
ANOVA analysis.
The seven TAC-Cells, configured to digits D1, D2, and D3 of the glabrous right hand which
were programmed to produce 3 saltatory velocities (5, 25, 65 cm/s) were highly effective in evok-
ing a scalable BOLD response among several ROIs within the human somatosensory network.
The first-level result from each single subject was acquired by combining 3 BOLD sessions
with the exception of one subject who had 2 BOLD sessions. The significant level was set to
<.0001 for the five stimulus conditions (5 cm/s, 25 cm/s, 65 cm/s, All-Off (No stimulus),
and All-ON). A dominant contralateral response among the velocity conditions was consis-
tently found in the majority of single subject BOLD activations (19/20 subjects). Significant
BOLD responses were localized to the sensorimotor cortex which includes the postcentral
gyrus (S1, S2), primary and premotor cortex, posterior insula, and deep cerebellum. For the 25
cm/s stimulus condition, BOLD responses were found in the insula in 13/20 subjects. The spa-
tial extent of the evoked BOLD response was significantly dependent on saltatory tactile veloc-
ity with the largest response apparent at 25 cm/s. The probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps in
SPM Anatomy toolbox v2.2b were used to identify the brain region corresponding to the peak
MNI coordinates from the main effects results [4851].
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Main effect of various velocity stimuli
The t-contrast results from main effects for 5 cm/s, 25 cm/s, and 65 cm/s were inserted in a
one-way ANOVA within-subjects analysis to evaluate the group main effect of various velocity
stimuli with significance level set to P
<.0001. The result of the group main effect was used
to identify responsive S1, S2 and the somatosensory association areas. Fig 3 shows the BOLD
response of the main effect of velocity in both cortical activation and its coronal view. The
MNI coordinates and F-values of the main effect of the velocity are listed in Table 1. The result
from the one-way ANOVA within-subjects showed BOLD responses in not only contralateral
and ipsilateral cerebral sensorimotor area (S1, S2, primary motor cortex (M1), supplementary
motor cortex (SMA), posterior insula and postcentral gyrus), but also ipsilateral cerebellum.
The peak level of contralateral BOLD response was found in BA3b [MNI (mm) = -47, -20, 58;
F = 56.18], followed by postcentral gyrus [MNI (mm) = -62, -17, 35; F = 28.21]. The highest
level of ipsilateral BOLD response was found in the precentral gyrus [MNI (mm) = 51, 1, 50;
F = 28.99] followed by cerebellum near the dentate nucleus [MNI (mm) = 26, -55, -23;
F = 26.97].
BOLD signal changes and time series
The peak MNI coordinates of left BA3b (-47, -20, 58), BA1 (-62, -17, 35), BA44 (-60, 3, 35),
BA3a (-27, -35, 48), and right Cerebellum (26, -55, -23) were selected from the result of the
main effect for stimulus velocity. The resulting MNI coordinates were estimated with 34%,
39%, 12%, 27% and 98% probability for the left BA3b, left BA1, left BA44, left BA3a, and right
cerebellum, respectively, by using the ANATOMY toolbox v2.2b. Fig 4 shows the BOLD signal
changes and BOLD response time courses among the 20 subjects pooled for each of the 3 con-
ditions compared to rest (no stimulus) in left BA3b, BA1, BA44, BA3a, and right cerebellum
Fig 3. The main effect of velocity stimuli. The main effect of velocity from 20 neurotypical subjects combining 3 different velocities
stimulus (5 cm/s, 25 cm/s, and 65 cm/s). Color-coded evoked BOLD responses at each row indicate brain regions (sagittal, coronal and axial
view) with high F-values. Most of the BOLD responses in Table 1 are represented in this figure.
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(estimated as the mean of percentage BOLD signal changes across the 20 seconds stimulus
block, P
<.0001). The %BOLD signal changes for each area were calculated by using the
ANATOMY toolbox v2.2b. The largest %BOLD signal changes as a function of saltatory pneu-
motactile velocity were found at left BA3b, followed by left BA44 and BA1. The smallest %
BOLD signal changes in left BA3b were found for the 5 cm/s and no stimulation contrast. The
%BOLD signal change in the left BA3b increased as a function of saltation velocity. The pattern
of BOLD modulation in the left BA1, however, was reversed with greatest BOLD signal change
associated with the 5 cm/s contrast and progressively smaller BOLD signal change at 25 cm/s
and 65 cm/s. The right deep cerebellum, left BA44, and left BA3a showed significant BOLD
signals at the 5 and 25 cm/sec saltation rates, with attenuation of the evoked BOLD response at
the highest velocity of 65 cm/s. The peak BOLD response in these five ROI time series were
found 5 seconds after stimulus onset with the ‘65 cm/s >No stimulus’ contrast showing the
greatest BOLD response in left BA3b. Most of the %BOLD signal change results are generally
consistent with the BOLD time series functions (Fig 4).
One sample t-test (velocities >no stimulus)
The results from one sample t-test in the second-level analysis showed a group result of one-
sided individual velocities compared to the two control conditions (All TAC-Cell pneumatics
OFF and ON). When the individual velocities were compared to the All TAC-Cells OFF
condition (No stimulus) in Fig 5 (the contrasts: 5 cm/s >All TAC-Cells OFF, 25 cm/s >All
TAC-Cells OFF, and 65 cm/s >All TAC-Cells OFF), the contralateral BOLD activations in
sensorimotor cortex were found consistently across most subjects, with the largest spatial
extent and t-values of the evoked BOLD responses at ‘25 cm/s >All TAC-Cells OFF’. MNI
coordinates, t-value, and brain regions are listed in Table 2. Contralateral BOLD responses
localized predominantly to sensorimotor cortex (BA1, BA2, and pre- and postcentral gyrus)
were found in both ‘5 cm/s >No stimulus’ and ‘65 cm/s >No stimulus’ contrasts, whereas
Table 1. Main effect of the velocity MNI coordinates.
MNI Coordinates Cluster-level Peak-level Region
x y z P
Extent (k
) F-value Z P
-47 -20 58 0.000 163 56.18 6.82 0.000 L BA3b
51 1 50 0.005 56 28.99 5.47 0.000 R Precentral Gyrus
-62 -17 35 0.000 193 28.21 5.41 0.000 L BA1
26 -55 -23 0.016 39 26.97 5.32 0.000 R Cerebellum
-60 3 35 0.000 293 26.78 5.31 0.000 L BA44
-45 -5 53 26.11 5.26 0.000 L Precentral Gyrus
-55 -2 43 15.61 4.73 0.000 L Precentral Gyrus
-5 1 65 0.000 130 25.01 5.17 0.000 L BA6
-27 -35 48 0.000 106 23.29 5.03 0.000 L BA3a
-35 -35 43 15.61 4.24 0.000 L BA3a
-30 -40 58 15.46 4.22 0.000 L BA2
-50 -37 23 0.056 24 15.40 4.21 0.000 L Superior Temporal Gyrus
56 -35 20 0.097 18 14.99 4.16 0.000 R Superior Temporal Gyrus
One-way ANOVA within-subjects revealed a significant (p (peak-level) <.0001, uncorrected) main effect of the saltatory pneumotactile velocity stimulation.
Cluster-level: The number of activated voxels comprising a cluster. Peak-level: The height of maximum voxel within the cluster, P
: family-wise error
correction, Extent threshold k >10 voxels, P
: uncorrected, BA: Brodmann area, L: Left, R: Right.
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‘25 cm/s >No stimulus’ contrast evoked significant BOLD responses in BA1, BA43 (a portion
of S2 proximal to the posterior end of the lateral fissure of Sylvius) and postcentral gyrus. The
ipsilateral BOLD responses were found in the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) only at ‘25 cm/s >No
stimulus’ [MNI (mm) = 53, -27, 23; t = 8.22].
Fig 4. BOLD signal changes and BOLD response time courses. Top: The bar graphs show the BOLD signal changes of 3
velocities compared to rest (no stimulus) in Left BA3b, Left BA1, Right Cerebellum, Left BA44 and Left BA3a with SEM
(estimated as the mean of percentage BOLD signal changes across the 20 seconds stimulus block, P
<.0001. Blue and Red
indicate contralateral and ipsilateral to the stimulus, respectively). Bottom: BOLD response time courses corresponding with
each area from the BOLD signal changes (estimated as the average BOLD responses across 20 subjects during the 40
seconds block including stimulus ON and OFF, Blue = 5 cm/s >NO stimulus, Red = 25 cm/s >No stimulus, Green = 65 cm/
s>No stimulus). Y-scales are same for five figures in each row (% BOLD change and BOLD response time courses).
Fig 5. Group results. Velocities >no stimulus. One sample t-test result on the rendered brain cortical
surface using bspmview ( [from the top: (1) 5 cm/s, (2) 25 cm/s, and (3)
65 cm/s >No stimulus, P
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One sample t-test (velocities >all on)
The individual velocities were compared to the All TAC-Cells ON condition as shown in Fig 6.
The contralateral BOLD responses in sensorimotor cortex (BA3, BA6 and pre- and postcentral
gyrus) were found for the three contrasts: ‘5 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON’, ‘25 cm/s >All TAC-
Table 2. One sample t-test results. Velocities >no stimulus.
MNI Coordinates t-value P
x y z
5cm/s >No stimulus -65 -20 43 8.70 0.000 L BA1
-52 -17 20 8.64 0.000 L Postcentral Gyrus
-57 -22 50 6.80 0.000 L BA1
-37 -35 45 5.89 0.000 L BA2
-50 -5 8 5.66 0.000 L Precentral Gyrus
-45 -5 15 5.04 0.000 L Rolandic Operculum
25cm/s >No stimulus -50 -25 55 11.92 0.000 L BA1
-47 -17 18 10.83 0.000 L BA43
-55 -15 20 10.31 0.000 L Postcentral Gyrus
53 -27 23 8.22 0.000 R Inferior Parietal Lobule
65cm/s >No stimulus -52 -22 55 9.40 0.000 L BA1
-47 -17 20 6.98 0.000 L Rolandic Operculum (OP3)
One sample t-test revealed a significant (p<0.0001, uncorrected) BOLD response of one-sided individual velocities compared to all TAC-Cells OFF (No
stimulus). BA: Brodmann area, L: Left, R: Right, P
: uncorrected.
Fig 6. Group results. Velocities >all-ON. One sample t-test result on the rendered brain cortical surface
using bspmview ( [from the top: (1) 5 cm/s, (2) 25 cm/s, and (3)
65 cm/s >All-ON, P
Neural encoding of pneumotactile velocity
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Cells ON’, and ‘65 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON’, whereas the ipsilateral BOLD activations in
BA2 were seen only at ‘5 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON’ [MNI (mm) = 33, -37, 45; t = 6.35]. As
shown in Table 3, the peak t-value was observed at ‘5 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON’ (t = 9.18)
while relatively small BOLD responses were found at the highest velocity condition
(65 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON). The spatial extent of BOLD responses at ‘5 cm/s >All TAC-
Cells ON’ and ‘25 cm/s >All TAC-Cells ON’ were larger than the highest velocity contrast.
In this study, we used a new saltatory pneumotactile stimulus modality programmed at 3 dif-
ferent velocities on the glabrous hand to map the evoked hemodynamic BOLD response in
cortical and subcortical somatosensory areas using fMRI methods. Overall, the BOLD main
effect for saltatory pneumotactile velocity was localized to several loci involving contralateral
and bilateral cerebral cortex, and ipsilateral cerebellum. This elaborate network extends previ-
ous observations based on fMRI and MEG of pneumotactile encoding of single channel pulse
train inputs (non-saltatory) which found principal dipoles localized to S1, S2 and PPC in both
contralateral and bilateral cerebral sensorimotor cortex [52,53]. Additionally, the cerebral
responses in S1 and PPC are generally consistent with the findings from our previous MEG
studies using the first and second generation of TAC-Cells (19.3 mm ID, and 6 mm ID, respec-
tively) developed in our laboratory [43,44,53]. We also found significant ipsilateral BOLD
responses in deep cerebellum which was reported in previous fMRI and PET studies using the
brush and the foam-tipped motor to create the movement of the tactile stimulus (tickling) on
the palm [17,19,54]. Moreover, our pneumotactile saltatory stimulation on the glabrous hand
produced the largest spatial extent of the evoked BOLD responses at ‘25 cm/s >No stimulus’,
which corresponds closely to the zenith of perceptual capacity for tactile traverse velocity (5 to
30 cm/sec) revealed by human skin psychophysics using a traversing soft brush. Although not
a continuous input, the highly effective nature of saltatory pneumotactile inputs on the gla-
brous hand at 5 cm/s and 25 cm/s shares features of the optimal operating range for discrimi-
nation of velocity observed psychophysical studies using continuous brush stimulation applied
to the glabrous skin in humans [55]. Parallels in optimal stimulus of perceptual velocity can be
Table 3. One sample t-test results. Velocities >all-ON.
MNI Coordinates t-value P
x y z
5cm/s >All-ON -67 -17 33 9.18 0.000 L Superior Temporal Gyrus
33 -37 45 6.35 0.000 R BA2
-40 -35 48 5.68 0.000 L BA2
-32 -32 45 5.57 0.000 L BA3a
-30 -10 58 4.99 0.000 L BA6
-25 -7 50 4.71 0.000 L BA6
25cm/s >All-ON -60 -17 40 6.96 0.000 L BA1
-57 -2 45 6.66 0.000 L BA6
-62 -15 30 6.23 0.000 L BA1
-37 -10 65 5.26 0.000 L Precentral Gyrus
65cm/s >All-ON -47 -20 58 5.75 0.000 L BA3b
One sample t-test revealed a significant (p<0.0001, uncorrected) BOLD response of one-sided individual velocities compared to all TAC-Cells ON. BA:
Brodmann area, L: Left, R: Right, P
: uncorrected.
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drawn from the results of single-unit recordings in non-human primate somatosensory cortex
during continuous skin brushing [4,38,56].
We have demonstrated regional neural activation using pneumotactile saltatory stimulation
via TAC-Cells in both contralateral (20/20 subjects) and ipsilateral somatosensory cortex (6/20
subjects) in in an effort to better understand how various stimulus velocity profiles influence
the spatial extent and ROI modulation of brain networks in neurotypical adults. Our results
showed that the contralateral BOLD responses were found at sensorimotor cortex (S1, S2, M1,
SMA, pre- and postcentral gyrus) across the most subjects (19/20 subjects), whereas the ipsilat-
eral BOLD activations were limited to S1, S2, and deep cerebellum only in 6/20 subjects. The
predominantly contralateral BOLD response in the hand representation of the sensorimotor
cortex is consistent with human fMRI studies using electrical and laser stimulation [57,58]. In
addition, our finding of a significant ipsilateral BOLD response in the ipsilateral cerebellum is
consistent with a previous human PET study using finger movements to create tactile stimula-
tion [59]. Additionally, significant BOLD response in deep cerebellum at 25 cm/sec is consis-
tent with its presumed role in sensory information processing for monitoring and optimizing
movement using sensory proprioceptive feedback information [60].
Our results also show that the spatial extent of BOLD responses increased dramatically
when stimulus velocity was increased from 5 cm/s to 25 cm/s, and significantly decreased or
‘funneled’ at the highest velocity of 65 cm/s. The %BOLD response change in contralateral S1
(BA3b), showed a robust increase as a function of increasing velocity which is consistent with
previous fMRI studies using tactile and non-painful electrical stimulation of the median nerve
[42,61,62]. The evoked response characteristics associated with moving tactile stimulation
suggest that the fast-adapting (FA) mechanoreceptors, which are heavily concentrated in the
glabrous hand, are sensitive to tactile stimulation velocity [63]. Further, we discovered the ipsi-
lateral BOLD signal in the IPL at ‘25 cm/s >No stimulus’ contrast. The IPL has been hypothe-
sized to play a role in sensorimotor integration [64,65].
The TAC-Cells developed in our laboratory are safe, non-invasive, simple, rapidly applica-
ble to the skin, fully compatible with MRI/MEG, produce no stimulus artifact, achieve normal
‘physiologic’ recruitment order of primary mechanosensitive afferents, avoid the potential
risks associated with direct-current stimulation methods, and are well tolerated by subjects
across the lifespan from infancy through adulthood. Most previous studies were limited to
study the median nerve using electrical current stimulation, which noted increasing somato-
sensory thresholds during the stimulation in healthy human subjects [66]. The TAC-Cells rep-
resent a natural mode of tactile stimulation via a small pneumatically charged capsule, which
can be placed on virtually any skin surface of the body, including the glabrous hand and face.
Our multi-channel pneumotactile stimulus array control system (GALILEO) can be pro-
grammed to control pulse duration and rise/fall times, relative timing between individual
channels or cells to create unique velocity and direction trajectories over the skin, stimulus
block or event-related design (continuous, random, random-balanced), and various triggering
modes which are essential for task- or stimulus-related fMRI experiments.
Results of this study have generated new information on the spatiotemporal features of sal-
tatory tactile velocity encoding originating from Aβmechanoreceptors in the glabrous hand
projecting along the medial lemniscus to cerebral and deep cerebellar somatosensory represen-
tations in neurotypical adults. Moreover, this work is expected to inform future investigations
whose goal is to develop new approaches to motor rehabilitation through somatosensory neu-
rotherapeutics to improve sensorimotor function in individuals who have sustained cerebro-
vascular stroke or traumatic brain injury. Although the current generation of 3T fMRI
scanners provides relatively high spatial resolution (*2 mm), the temporal resolution is lim-
ited (seconds) due to intrinsic properties of the hemodynamic response [67]. The use of a
Neural encoding of pneumotactile velocity
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multiband echoplanar sequence can reduce the TR from 2.5 seconds to 1.0 second, thus offer-
ing some improvement in BOLD time series modeling. In addition, 7T fMRI scanners could
be applied which can produce very high resolution functional data (less than 1mm spatial reso-
lution) [68,69]. Multimodal combination of fMRI and EEG, or co-registration studies using
SQUID-based superconducting MEG, or the rapidly evolving technology known as atomic
(AM) or optically-pumped magnetometers (OPM) would potentially yield the best available
spatial and temporal resolution to reveal the dynamics of the human somatosensory brain.
Moreover, a detailed analysis of the BOLD response time series in other sensorimotor areas
(e.g. BA1, BA2, BA4, and cerebellum) could be employed to develop a model of functional
brain connectivity as a function of stimulus traverse velocity.
In summary, we found that the TAC-Cell pneumotactile stimulus array delivered at 3 dif-
ferent velocities on the glabrous hand was highly effective at evoking and modulating BOLD
responses among 5 ROIs in primary and secondary sensorimotor cortices and deep cerebel-
lum. The strong dependence of %BOLD change found in the present study maps well to
known psychophysical and electrophysiological findings in animal and human models and
shows potential relevance for motor control of the hand. The spatial extent of BOLD responses
was also significantly dependent on the velocity of tactile stimuli.
This work was supported by the internal grant from Barkley Trust Foundation (SM Barlow—
PI). There was no additional external funding received for this study.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Hyuntaek Oh, Rebecca Custead, Steven Barlow.
Data curation: Hyuntaek Oh, Rebecca Custead, Yingying Wang, Steven Barlow.
Formal analysis: Hyuntaek Oh, Rebecca Custead, Yingying Wang, Steven Barlow.
Funding acquisition: Steven Barlow.
Investigation: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Methodology: Hyuntaek Oh, Yingying Wang, Steven Barlow.
Project administration: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Resources: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Software: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Supervision: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Validation: Hyuntaek Oh, Yingying Wang, Steven Barlow.
Visualization: Hyuntaek Oh.
Writing original draft: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
Writing review & editing: Hyuntaek Oh, Steven Barlow.
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... Functional brain imaging studies have provided insights into the human sensorimotor networks. The primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices, and the primary motor cortex (M1) are the core brain regions within the sensorimotor networks (Ackerley et al., 2012;Custead et al., 2017;Grodd et al., 2001;Oh et al., 2017). The contralateral SI and bilateral SII have been activated during various types of touch (Ackerley et al., 2012;Disbrow et al., 2001;Francis et al., 2000;Ionta et al., 2014;Ruben et al., 2001). ...
... The contralateral SI and bilateral SII have been activated during various types of touch (Ackerley et al., 2012;Disbrow et al., 2001;Francis et al., 2000;Ionta et al., 2014;Ruben et al., 2001). The contralateral M1 has been involved during passive touch or air pressure pule stimulation to the hands' glabrous skin (Ackerley et al., 2012;Francis et al., 2000;Oh et al., 2017). For the face, there is scanty evidence on how moving tactile stimulation is processed in the brain. ...
... For the face, there is scanty evidence on how moving tactile stimulation is processed in the brain. Additionally, the functional representations of moving tactile stimulation have primarily used electric stimulation or passive touch on the glabrous hand (Ackerley et al., 2012;Lin and Kajola, 2003;Oh et al., 2017). Our previous study is the first to use air-pulsed pneumotactile stimuli on the right lower face to elicit a bilateral SI, left M1, and the right lobule VI . ...
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The effective connectivity of neuronal networks during orofacial pneumotactile stimulation with different velocities is still unknown. The present study aims to characterize the effectivity connectivity elicited by three different saltatory velocities (5, 25, and 65 cm/s) over the lower face using dynamic causal modeling on functional magnetic resonance imaging data of twenty neurotypical adults. Our results revealed the contralateral SI and SII as the most likely sources of the driving inputs within the sensorimotor network for the pneumotactile stimuli, suggesting parallel processing of the orofacial pneumotactile stimuli. The 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimuli modulated forward interhemispheric connection from the contralateral SII to the ipsilateral SII, suggesting a serial interhemispheric connection between the bilateral SII. Moreover, the velocity pneumotactile stimuli influenced the contralateral M1 through contralateral SI and SII, indicating that passive pneumotactile stimulation may positively impact motor function rehabilitation. Furthermore, the medium velocity 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimuli modulated both forward and backward connections between the right cerebellar lobule VI and the contralateral left SI and M1. This result suggests that the right cerebellar lobule VI plays a role in the sensorimotor network through feedforward and feedback neuronal pathways. This study is the first to map similarities and differences of effective connectivity across the three-velocity orofacial pneumotactile stimulation. Our findings shed light on the potential therapeutic use of passive orofacial pneumotactile stimuli using the Galileo system.
... The human somatosensory system decodes tactile stimuli from peripheral sensory receptors through a complex process involving interactions between bottom-up thalamocortical and topdown corticocortical/cortico-thalamo-cortical pathways (Avivi-Arber et al., 2011;Lundblad et al., 2011;Zembrzycki et al., 2013;Hwang et al., 2017). Studies of cortical representations of tactile stimulation of different body parts have identified the primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices, as well as the supplementary motor area responsible for sensory processing (Ibáñez et al., 1995;Backes et al., 2000;Grodd et al., 2001;Backlund et al., 2003;Paus et al., 2006;Backlund Wasling et al., 2008;Bjornsdotter et al., 2009;Ackerley et al., 2012;Zembrzycki et al., 2013;Akselrod et al., 2017;Custead et al., 2017;Oh et al., 2017;Yeon et al., 2017). SI, which is located in the postcentral gyrus, processes complex information about the location, velocity, and other characteristics of tactile stimulation from the thalamus through the thalamocortical axons. ...
... However, animal studies have suggested that rat SI neurons could process complex tactile stimuli such as direction and velocity of motion (Moore et al., 1999;Krupa et al., 2001;Ferezou et al., 2007;Tomita et al., 2012;Zembrzycki et al., 2013). Furthermore, neuroimaging studies also indicated that there are different cortical representations for different tactile stimuli in humans (e.g., location, type of motion, direction, velocity, etc.) (Reed et al., 2004;Miyamoto et al., 2006;Backlund Wasling et al., 2008;Eickhoff et al., 2008;Bjornsdotter et al., 2009;Moulton et al., 2009;Avivi-Arber et al., 2011;Grabski et al., 2012;Huang et al., 2012;Khoshnejad et al., 2014;Yang et al., 2014;Custead et al., 2015Custead et al., , 2017Hwang et al., 2017;Oh et al., 2017;Yeon et al., 2017). ...
... Unlike other pneumotactile stimulators (Dresel et al., 2008;Huang et al., 2012), the Galileo with TAC-Cells is easy to set up and program for various applications. This pneumotactile stimulator has been used to examine the neural subtracts of the human somatosensory system and has effectively activated SI, SII, and the PPC (Popescu et al., 2013;Custead et al., 2017;Oh et al., 2017). ...
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The cortical representations of orofacial pneumotactile stimulation involve complex neuronal networks, which are still unknown. This study aims to identify the characteristics of functional connectivity (FC) evoked by three different saltatory velocities over the perioral and buccal surface of the lower face using functional magnetic resonance imaging in twenty neurotypical adults. Our results showed a velocity of 25 cm/s evoked stronger connection strength between the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the right thalamus than a velocity of 5 cm/s. The decreased FC between the right secondary somatosensory cortex and right posterior parietal cortex for 5-cm/s velocity versus all three velocities delivered simultaneously (“All ON”) and the increased FC between the right thalamus and bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex for 65 cm/s vs “All ON” indicated that the right secondary somatosensory cortex might play a role in the orofacial tactile perception of velocity. Our results have also shown different patterns of FC for each seed (bilateral primary and secondary somatosensory cortex) at various velocity contrasts (5 vs 25 cm/s, 5 vs 65 cm/s, and 25 vs 65 cm/s). The similarities and differences of FC among three velocities shed light on the neuronal networks encoding the orofacial tactile perception of velocity.
... Fabri et al. in 2005 [4] described the representation of the upper trunk part at the border between BAs 3a and 3b. The stimulation of the lower trunk part results in activity in BAs 3b, 1, and 2. Several articles have described the neuronal representation of the sensitive perception of fingers in BAs 3b, 3a, 1, and 2 [5][6][7][8]. Activation changes were observed in BAs 2, 3b, and 1 during stimulation in the palm of the hand [2,5]. Akselrod et al. in 2017 [9] elicited activation changes in the contralateral BAs 3b, 1, and 2 in all stimulated body parts with somatosensory lower extremity stimulation (thigh, big toe, calf, heal, hip, little toe). ...
... Electrical stimulation of the supplementary cortical area elicits complex movements, rhythmic movements of the limbs, and rotational movements [29,33,34]. The change in the activity of the secondary sensory cortex in BA 7 can be a reaction to the perception of pressure caused by reflex locomotion stimulation [35,36], though the area reacting to somatosensory stimuli is especially the primary sensory cortex (BAs 1, 2, and 3) [2][3][4][5][6][7]9,10,37,38]. This area further reacts to painful and non-painful stimuli, especially when the subject concentrates on the location or intensity of the stimuli [35,39,40]. ...
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Vojta’s therapy is a widely used approach in both the prevention and therapy of musculoskeletal disorders. Changes in the musculoskeletal system have been described repeatedly, but the principles of the approach have not yet been clarified. The objective of our study was to evaluate changes of intracerebral activity using electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) that arise during reflex locomotion stimulation of the breast trigger zone according to Vojta’s therapy. Seventeen healthy women took part in the experiment (aged 20–30 years old). EEG activity was recorded 5 min prior to the reflex locomotion stimulation, during stimulation, and 5 min after the stimulation. The obtained data were subsequently processed in the sLORETA program and statistically evaluated at the significance level p ≤ 0.05. The analysis found statistically significant differences in the frequency bands alpha-2, beta-1, and beta-2 between the condition prior to stimulation and the actual stimulation in BAs 6, 7, 23, 24, and 31 and between the resting condition prior to stimulation, and the condition after the stimulation was terminated in the frequency bands alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, and beta-2 in BAs 3, 4, 6, and 24. The results showed that reflex locomotion stimulation according to Vojta’s therapy modulates electrical activity in the brain areas responsible for movement planning and regulating and performing the movement.
... The primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices, and the primary motor cortex (M1) are the core brain regions within the sensorimotor network (Ackerley et al., 2012;Grodd, Hulsmann, Lotze, Wildgruber, & Erb, 2001;. The functional representations of moving tactile stimulation have primarily used electric stimulation or passive touch on the glabrous hand (Ackerley et al., 2012;Lin & Kajola, 2003;Oh et al., 2017). The contralateral SI and bilateral SII have been activated during various types of touch (Ackerley et al., 2012;Disbrow, Roberts, Poeppel, & Krubitzer, 2001;Francis et al., 2000;Ionta, Martuzzi, Salomon, & Blanke, 2014;Ruben et al., 2001). ...
... The contralateral SI and bilateral SII have been activated during various types of touch (Ackerley et al., 2012;Disbrow, Roberts, Poeppel, & Krubitzer, 2001;Francis et al., 2000;Ionta, Martuzzi, Salomon, & Blanke, 2014;Ruben et al., 2001). The contralateral M1 has been involved during passive touch or air pressure pule stimulation to the hands' glabrous skin (Ackerley et al., 2012;Francis et al., 2000;Oh et al., 2017). For the face, there is scanty evidence on how moving tactile stimulation is processed in the brain. ...
The effective connectivity of neuronal networks during orofacial pneumotactile stimulation with different velocities is still unknown. The present study aims to characterize the effectivity connectivity elicited by three different saltatory velocities (5, 25, and 65 cm/s) over the lower face using dynamic causal modeling on functional magnetic resonance imaging data of twenty neurotypical adults. Our results revealed the contralateral SI and SII as the most likely sources of the driving inputs within the sensorimotor network for the pneumotactile stimuli, suggesting parallel processing of the orofacial pneumotactile stimuli. The 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimuli modulated forward interhemispheric connection from the contralateral SII to the ipsilateral SII, suggesting a serial interhemispheric connection between the bilateral SII. Moreover, the velocity pneumotactile stimuli influenced the contralateral M1 through both contralateral SI and SII, indicating that passive pneumotactile stimulation may positively impact motor function rehabilitation. Furthermore, the slow velocity 5 cm/s pneumotactile stimuli modulated both forward and backward connections between the right cerebellar lobule VI and the contralateral left SI, SII, and M1, while the medium velocity 25 cm/s pneumotactile stimuli modulated both forward and backward connections between the right cerebellar lobule VI and the contralateral left SI and M1. Our findings suggest that the right cerebellar lobule VI plays a role in the sensorimotor network through feedforward and feedback neuronal pathways.
... Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to estimate neuronal activity in the primary somatosensory cortex [1]. It is used to observe activity in different brain regions and, in some cases, in response to either passive or active stimuli to the finger [2] or other body parts, such as the palm, arm, or other areas of the skin [3,4]. It is also used to investigate cross modal-plasticity in the human cortex by collecting fMRI data to observe functional connectivity between visual and somatosensory motor cortices [5]. ...
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In this study, we compared the differences in brain activation associated with the different types of objects using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Twenty-six participants in their 20s underwent fMRI while grasping four different types of objects. After the experiment, all of the participants completed a questionnaire based on the Likert Scale, which asked them about the sensations they experienced while grasping each object (comfort, hardness, pain, ease in grasping). We investigated the relationship between brain activity and the results of the survey; characteristic brain activity for each object was correlated with the results of the questionnaire, indicating that each object produced a different sensation response in the participants. Additionally, we observed brain activity in the primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus), the primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus), and the cerebellum exterior during the gripping task. Our study shows that gripping different objects produces activity in specific and distinct brain regions and suggests an "action appraisal" mechanism, which is considered to be the act of integrating multiple different sensory information and connecting it to actual action. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to observe brain activity in response to tactile stimuli and motor activity simultaneously.
... Additionally, noninvasiveness, versatility, and multimodal compatibility of the applicable techniques are especially important. The pneumatic tactile stimulation array used in this study [26,28] is compatible with all imaging modalities and it enables us to systematically deliver programmable tactile stimuli in distinct patterns and salient velocities [29][30][31]. ...
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Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an emerging technique in studying cerebral hemodynamics; however, consensus on the analysis methods and the clinical applications has yet to be established. In this study, we demonstrate the results of a pilot fNIRS study of cerebral hemodynamic response (HR) evoked by pneumotactile and sensorimotor stimuli on the dominant hand. Our goal is to find the optimal stimulus parameters to maximally evoke HR in the primary somatosensory and motor cortices. We use a pulsatile pneumatic array of 14 tactile cells that were attached to the glabrous surface of the dominant hand, with a patterned stimulus that resembles saltation at three distinct traverse velocities [10, 25, and 45 cm/s]. NIRS optodes (16 sources; 20 detectors) are bilaterally and symmetrically placed over the pre-and post-central gyri (M1 and S1). Our objective is to identify the extent to which cerebral HR can encode the velocity of the somatosensory and/or motor stimuli. We use common spatial pattern for feature extraction and regularized-discriminant analysis for classifying the fNIRS time series into velocity classes. The classification results demonstrate discriminatory features of the fNIRS signal from each distinct stimulus velocity. The results are inconclusive regarding the velocity which evokes the highest intensity of hemodynamic response.
... Automated VDT testing can be used to diagnose the extent of sensory impairment, monitor the progress of the disease or injury, and has the potential to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment utilized. Functional neuroimaging studies that correlate the tactile perception with the neural response are needed to further elucidate these differences in health and disease [37,64]. ...
Fine sensory modalities play an essential role in perceiving the world. However, little is known about how the cortico-cortical distinguishes between dynamic and static tactile signals. This study investigated oscillatory connectivity during a tactile discrimination task of dynamic and static stimulation via electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings and the fast oscillatory networks across widespread cortical regions. While undergoing EEG recordings, the subject felt an electro-tactile presented by a 3-dot array. Each block consisted of 3 forms of stimulation: Spatio-temporal (dynamic), Spatial (static), and Control condition (lack of electrical stimulation). The average event-related potential for the Spatial and Spatio-temporal conditions exhibited statistically significant differences between 25 and 75, 81 and 121, 174 and 204 and 459 and 489 ms after stimulus onset. Based on those times, the sLORETA approach was used to reconstruct the inverse solutions of EEG. Source localization appeared superior parietal at around 25 to 75 ms, in the primary motor cortex at 81 to 121 ms, in the central prefrontal cortex at 174 to 204 and 459 to 489 ms. To better assess spectral brain functional connectivity, we selected frequency ranges with correspondingly significant differences: for static tactile stimulation, these are concentrated in the Theta, Alpha, and Gamma bands, whereas for dynamic stimulation, the relative energy change bands are focused on the Theta and Alpha bands. These nodes’ functional connectivity analysis (phase lag index) showed 3 distinct distributed networks. A tactile information discrimination network linked the Occipital lobe, Prefrontal lobe, and Postcentral gyrus. A tactile feedback network linked the Prefrontal lobe, Postcentral gyrus, and Temporal lobe. A dominant motor feedforward loop network linked the Parietal cortex, Prefrontal lobe, Frontal lobe, and Parietal cortex. Processing dynamic and static tactile signals involves discriminating tactile information, motion planning, and cognitive decision processing.
Background: Primates use their hands to actively touch objects and collect information. To study tactile information processing, it is important for participants to experience tactile stimuli through active touch while monitoring brain activities. New method: Here, we developed a pneumatic tactile stimulus delivery system (pTDS) that delivers various tactile stimuli on a programmed schedule and allows voluntary finger touches during MRI scanning. The pTDS uses a pneumatic actuator to move tactile stimuli and place them in a finger hole. A photosensor detects the time when an index finger touches a tactile stimulus, enabling the analysis of the touch-elicited brain responses. Results: We examined brain responses while the participants actively touched braille objects presented by the pTDS. BOLD responses during tactile perception were significantly stronger in a finger touch area of the contralateral somatosensory cortex compared with that of visual perception. Conclusions: The pTDS enables MR studies of brain mechanisms for tactile processes through natural finger touch.
Background and purpose: The effective connectivity of neuronal networks during passive saltatory pneumotactile velocity stimulation to the glabrous hand with different velocities is still unknown. The present study investigated the effectivity connectivity elicited by saltatory pneumotactile velocity arrays placed on the glabrous hand at three velocities (5, 25, and 65 cm/second). Methods: Dynamic causal modeling (DCM) was used on functional MRI data sampled from 20 neurotypical adults. Five brain regions, including the left primary somatosensory (SI) and motor (M1) cortices, bilateral secondary somatosensory (SII) cortices, and right cerebellar lobule VI, were used to build model space. Results: Three velocities (5, 25, and 65 cm/second) of saltatory pneumotactile stimuli were processed in both serial and parallel modes within the sensorimotor networks. The medium velocity of 25 cm/second modulated forward interhemispheric connection from the contralateral SII to the ipsilateral SII. Pneumotactile stimulation at the medium velocity of 25 cm/second also influenced contralateral M1 through contralateral SI. Finally, the right cerebellar lobule VI was involved in the sensorimotor networks. Conclusions: Our DCM results suggest the coexistence of both serial and parallel processing for saltatory pneumotactile velocity stimulation. Significant contralateral M1 modulation promotes the prospect that the passive saltatory pneumotactile velocity arrays can be used to design sensorimotor rehabilitation protocols to activate M1. The effective connectivity from the right cerebellar lobule VI to other cortical regions demonstrates the cerebellum's role in the sensorimotor networks through feedforward and feedback neuronal pathways.
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The response of 70 cutaneous, low-threshold mechanoreceptors in the human median, radial and inferior alveolar nerves to well controlled brush stimuli moving across the receptive field was quantitatively studied. Microneurography was used to obtain the response of each to multiple velocities from 0.5 to 32 cm/sec in at least two opposing directions. A high degree of response consistency was observed from the slowly adapting receptors to replication of the same stimulus and to a lesser, but significant degree from the fast adapting receptors. The evoked discharge reflected up to three partially overlapping phases of the moving stimulus: skin compression, indentation, and stretch. Although the overall discharge rate increased with both stimulus velocity and force, the spatial discharge pattern was preserved to a high degrees. In contrast, the discharge patterns differed for opposing and orthogonal directions. Reducing the area of skin surrounding the receptive field that was contacted by the moving stimuli had little effect on the evoked response. Individual mechanoreceptors display highly reliable differences to brush stimuli moving at different velocities. to brush stimuli moving at different velocities. Moreover, different directions of movement evoke differences in the discharge that are consistently observed upon replication of the same stimuli. Despite the richness and consistency in the spatial discharge pattern displayed by individual receptors, it is argued that the details of the patterns are not likely used by the CNS to infer information about direction and velocity of movement across the skin. Rather, the intensity of discharge is proposed as a plausible information-bearing attribute of the stimulus-evoked response.
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The relative motion between the surface of an object and our fingers produces patterns of skin deformation like stretch, indentation, and vibrations. Here, we hypothesized that motion-induced vibrations are combined with other tactile cues for the discrimination of tactile speed. Specifically, we hypothesized that vibrations provide a critical cue to tactile speed on surfaces lacking individually detectable features like dots or ridges. Thus, masking vibrations unrelated to slip motion should impair the discriminability of tactile speed, and the effect should be surface-dependent. To test this hypothesis, we measured the precision of participants in discriminating the speed of moving surfaces having either a fine or a ridged texture, while adding masking vibratory noise in the working range of the fast-adapting afferents. Vibratory noise significantly reduced the precision of speed discrimination, and the effect was much stronger on the fine-textured than on the ridged surface. On both surfaces, masking vibrations at intermediate frequencies of 64 Hz (65 µm peak-to-peak amplitude) and 128 Hz (10 µm) had the strongest effect, followed by high frequency vibrations of 256 Hz (1 µm) and low frequency vibrations of 32 Hz (50 µm and 25 µm). These results are consistent with our hypothesis that slip-induced vibrations concur to the discrimination of tactile speed.
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Previous studies have shown that the hemodynamic response of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to electrical median nerve stimulation doubles in strength when the stimulus rate (SR) increases from 1 to 5 Hz. Here we investigated whether such sensitivity to SR is homogenous within the functionally different subareas of the SI cortex, and whether SR sensitivity would help discern area 3b among the other SI subareas. We acquired 3-tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from nine healthy adults who received pneumotactile stimuli in 25-s blocks to three right-hand fingers, either at 1, 4, or 10 Hz. The main contrast (all stimulations pooled vs. baseline), applied to the whole brain, first limited the search to the whole SI cortex. The conjunction of SR-sensitive contrasts [4 Hz - 1 Hz] > 0 and [10 Hz - 1 Hz] > 0 ([4Hz - 1Hz] + [10Hz - 1Hz] > 0), applied to the SI cluster, then revealed an anterior-ventral subcluster that reacted more strongly to both 10-Hz and 4-Hz stimuli than to the 1-Hz stimuli. No other SR-sensitive clusters were found at the group-level in the whole-brain analysis. The site of the SR-sensitive SI subcluster corresponds to the canonical position of area 3b; such differentiation was also possible at the individual level in 5 out of 9 subjects. Thus the SR sensitivity of the BOLD response appears to discern area 3b among other subareas of the human SI cortex.
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The manipulation of objects commonly involves motion between object and skin. In this review, we discuss the neural basis for tactile motion perception and its similarities with its visual counterpart. First, much like in vision, the perception of tactile motion relies on the processing of spatio-temporal patterns of activation across populations of sensory receptors. Second, many neurons in primary somatosensory cortex are highly sensitive to motion direction and the response properties of these neurons draw strong analogies to those of direction-selective neurons in visual cortex. Third, tactile speed may be encoded in the strength of the response of cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferents and of a subpopulation of speed-sensitive neurons in cortex. However, both afferent and cortical responses are strongly dependent on texture as well, so it is unclear how texture and speed signals are disambiguated. Fourth, motion signals from multiple fingers must often be integrated during the exploration of objects, but the way these signals are combined is complex and remains to be elucidated. Finally, visual and tactile motion perception interact powerfully, an integration process that is likely mediated by visual association cortex.
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This study determined the individual maps of all fingers in Brodmann area 3b of the human primary somatosensory cortex in a single fMRI session by tactile stimulation at 19 sites across all phalanges and digit bases of the 5 right-hand digits. To quantify basic features of the digit maps within and across subjects, we applied standard descriptive measures, but also implemented a novel quantitative analysis. This so-called Direction/Order (DiOr) method tested whether subjects exhibited an ordering of peak fMRI representations along their individual direction of alignment through the set of analyzed phalanges and whether these individual directions were similar across subjects. Across-digit analysis demonstrated that for each set of homologous phalanges, the D5-to-D1 representations were successively represented along a common direction of alignment. Hence, the well-known mediolateral D5-to-D1 somatotopy was not only confirmed for the distal phalanges (p1), but could also be shown for the medial (p2) and proximal phalanges (p3). In contrast, the peak activation for the digit bases (p4) only partly elicited that digit succession. Complementary, intra-digit analysis revealed a divergent picture of map topography for the different digits. Within D5 (and in a trend: D4), an ordered p1-to-p3 succession was found across subjects, pointing to a consistent intra-digit somatotopy for D5, with p3 generally found medial-posterior to p1. In contrast, for D1, D2, and D3, most subjects did not present with ordered p1-to-p3 maps nor were directions of alignment similarly oriented between subjects. These digits therefore exhibited highly diverse representation patterns across subjects.
Cortical adaptation to sustained sensory input is a pervasive form of short-term plasticity in neurological systems. Its role in sensory perception in health and disease, or predicting long-term plastic changes resulting from sensory training offers insight into the mechanisms of somatosensory and sensorimotor processing. A 4-channel electroencephalography (EEG) recording montage was placed bilaterally (C3-P3, C4-P4, F7-P3, F8-P4) to characterize the short-term effects of pulsed pneumatic orofacial stimulation on the cortical somatosensory evoked potential (cSEP) in twenty neurotypical adults (mean age=21±2.88 years). A servo-controlled pneumatic amplifier was used to deliver a repetitive series of pneumatic pulse trains (six 50-ms pulses, 5-second intertrain interval) through a linked pair of custom acetal homopolymer probes (aka TAC-Cells) adhered to the nonglabrous skin of the lower face proximal to the right oral angle to synchronously activate mechanoreceptive afferents in the trigeminal nerve. Blocks of pulse trains were counterbalanced among participants and delivered at two rates, 2 and 4Hz. TAC-Cell stimulation of the lower face consistently evoked a series of cSEPs at P7, N20, P28, N38, P75, N85, and P115. The spatial organization and adaptation of the evoked cSEP was dependent on stimulus pulse index (1-6 within the pulse train, p=.012), frequency of stimulus presentation (2 vs 4Hz, p<.001), component (P7-P115, p<.001), and recording montage (channels 1-4, p<.001). Early component latencies (P7-N20) were highly stable in polarity (sign) and latency, and consistent with putative far-field generators (e.g., trigeminal brainstem, ventroposteromedial thalamus). Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Only recently have neuroimaging studies moved away from describing regions activated by noxious stimuli and started to disentangle subprocesses within the nociceptive system. One approach to characterizing the role of individual regions is to record brain responses evoked by different stimulus intensities. We used such a parametric single‐trial functional MRI design in combination with a thulium:yttrium–aluminium–granate infrared laser and investigated pain, stimulus intensity and stimulus awareness (i.e. pain‐unrelated) responses in nine healthy volunteers. Four stimulus intensities, ranging from warm to painful (300–600 mJ), were applied in a randomized order and rated by the subjects on a five‐point scale (P0–4). Regions in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the intraparietal sulcus differentiated between P0 (not perceived) and P1 but exhibited no further signal increase with P2, and were related to stimulus perception and subsequent cognitive processing. Signal changes in the primary somatosensory cortex discriminated between non‐painful trials (P0 and P1), linking this region to basic sensory processing. Pain‐related regions in the secondary somatosensory cortex and insular cortex showed a response that did not distinguish between innocuous trials (P0 and P1) but showed a positive linear relationship with signal changes for painful trials (P2–4). This was also true for the amygdala, with the exception that, in P0 trials in which the stimulus was not perceived (i.e. ‘uncertain’ trials), the evoked signal changes were as great as in P3 trials, indicating that the amygdala is involved in coding ‘uncertainty’, as has been suggested previously in relation to classical conditioning.
An experimental lesion in the primary motor or sensory cortices in monkeys leads to functional reorganization in areas surrounding the lesion or in contralateral homologous regions. In humans, task‐dependent brain activation after motor stroke seems to be multifocal and bilateral. Although many active structures are seen after stroke, their roles are unclear. For instance, the uninjured primary motor cortex may play a significant role in recovery or may be associated with mirror movements. Other motor areas, particularly those outside the affected middle cerebral artery distribution, have also been thought to play such a role, including the medial pre‐motor areas and both cerebellar hemispheres. The lateral pre‐motor areas might also contribute but the demarcation of primary motor and pre‐motor cortices is not trivial. It is not known from existing studies how brain activation relates to behavioural change over the time course of recovery. We used functional MRI (fMRI) to study 12 patients longitudinally over the first 6 months of stroke recovery. All subjects had acute stroke causing unilateral arm weakness and had some ability to move the impaired hand within 1 month. Each patient had both motor testing and fMRI during finger and wrist movements at four points during the observed period. Six of these patients showed good motor recovery, whereas the other six did not. The imaging results support a role for the cerebellum in mediating functional recovery from stroke. The data suggest that patients with good recovery have clear changes in the activation of the cerebellar hemisphere opposite the injured corticospinal tract. Patients with poor recovery do not show such changes in cerebellar activation. No other brain region had a significant correlation with recovery. Interestingly, activation in the cerebellum ipsilateral to the injury increases transiently after stroke, independently of the success of recovery. The present work suggests a possible link between cerebellar activation and behavioural recovery from hand weakness from stroke. The underlying mechanism is not known, but it could relate to haemodynamic changes such as diaschisis or to the postulated role of the cerebellum in motor skill learning. Received July 23, 2001. Revised December 17, 2001. Second revision February 1, 2002. Accepted February 6, 2002
This study combines source analysis imaging data for early somatosensory processing and the probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps (PCMs). Human somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) were recorded by stimulating left and right median nerves. Filtering the recorded responses in different frequency ranges identified the most responsive frequency band. The short-latency averaged SEFs were analyzed using a single equivalent current dipole (ECD) model and magnetic field tomography (MFT). The identified foci of activity were superimposed with PCMs. Two major components of opposite polarity were prominent around 21 and 31 ms. A weak component around 25 ms was also identified. For the most responsive frequency band (50-150 Hz) ECD and MFT revealed one focal source at the contralateral Brodmann area 3b (BA3b) at the peak of N20. The component ~25 ms was localised in Brodmann area 1 (BA1) in 50-150 Hz. By using ECD, focal generators around 28-30 ms located initially in BA3b and 2 ms later to BA1. MFT also revealed two focal sources - one in BA3b and one in BA1 for these latencies. Our results provide direct evidence that the earliest cortical response after median nerve stimulation is generated within the contralateral BA3b. BA1 activation few milliseconds later indicates a serial mode of somatosensory processing within cytoarchitectonic SI subdivisions. Analysis of non-invasive magnetoencephalography (MEG) data and the use of PCMs allow unambiguous and quantitative (probabilistic) interpretation of cytoarchitectonic identity of activated areas following median nerve stimulation, even with the simple ECD model, but only when the model fits the data extremely well.
Magnetoencephalography and independent component analysis (ICA) was utilized to study and characterize neural adaptation in the somatosensory cortical network. Repetitive punctate tactile stimuli were applied unilaterally to the dominant hand and face using a custom-built pneumatic stimulator called the TAC-Cell. ICA-based source estimation from the evoked neuromagnetic responses indicated cortical activity in the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI) for face stimulation, while hand stimulation resulted in robust contralateral SI and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) activation. Activity was also observed in the secondary somatosensory cortical area (SII) with reduced amplitude and higher variability across subjects. There was a significant difference in adaptation rate between SI and higher-order somatosensory cortices for hand stimulation. Adaptation was significantly dependent on stimulus frequency and pulse index within the stimulus train for both hand and face stimulation. The peak latency of the activity was significantly dependent on stimulation site (hand vs. face) and cortical area (SI vs. PPC). The difference in the peak latency of activity in SI and PPC is presumed to reflect a hierarchical serial-processing mechanism in the somatosensory cortex.