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The implementation of international trade in the forest products that related with sustainable production and consumption cycle process include the legal regime of international trade in natural resources, the State Government exporters and importers, as well as markets in importing countries. International trade law regime is still have a weak role in preventing the illegal logging trade, hence it is required a International Law drafting concepts which can avoid illegal actions by obligating the exporters or the exporter countries with certain obligations. These efforts require a reconceptualization the relationship between trade and environment, which until now are often placed in the same dichotomy.Key Word: Legal Frame, Prevention, Illegal Logging.

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One of the WTO disputes that have recently been rife are disputes over technical barriers. Within the WTO itself, arrangements related to technical barriers are contained in the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement). Generally, disputes over technical barriers are associated with violations of the provisions of Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the TBT. However, what constitutes a violation of the non-discrimination principle in Article 2.1 of the TBT? And what is the basis for the violation of the provisions of Article 2.2 TBT? This article will attempt to explore the elements of violations in Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the TBT. The analysis will refer to previous disputes such as the DS381 (US-Tuna II Case), DS384 (US-COOL Case), and DS406 (US-Clove Cigarette Case). These disputes contain various landmark decisions that produce new precedents which are then later to be used as a reference on future technical barriers dispute. This article attempts to describe the interpretation and analysis of the panel and the appellate body in analyzing the elements of violations of the provisions of Articles 2.1 and 2.2 of the TBT. Keywords: Technical Barriers, Non-Discrimination, Unnecessary trade restrictive barriers Abstrak Salah satu sengketa WTO yang akhir-akhir ini marak terjadi adalah sengketa hambatan teknis. Dalam WTO itu sendiri, pengaturan terkait dengan hambatan teknis termuat dalam Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (Perjanjian TBT). Umumnya, sengketa hambatan teknis dikaitkan dengan pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan Pasal 2.1 dan 2.2 TBT. Namun demikian, apa yang disebut sebagai pelanggaran terhadap prinsip non-diskriminasi dalam Pasal 2.1 TBT? Dan apa yang menjadi dasar adanya pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan Pasal 2.2 TBT? Artikel ini akan berupaya mengupas unsur-unsur pelanggaran dalam Pasal 2.1 dan 2.2 TBT. Analisa tersebut akan mengacu pada sengketa terdahulu seperti DS381 (US-Tuna II Case), DS384 (US-COOL Case), dan DS406 (US-Clove Cigarette Case). Ketiga sengketa tersebut memuat berbagai landmark decision yang menghasilkan preseden-preseden baru yang kemudian dimanfaatkan sebagai rujukan pada sengketa hambatan teknis selanjutnya. Artikel ini berupaya untuk menjabarkan penafsiran dan analisa panel maupun appellate body dalam menganalisa unsur pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan Pasal 2.1 dan 2.2 TBT. Kata Kunci: Hambatan Teknis, Non-Diskriminasi, Hambatan perdagangan yang tidak diperlukan
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This article discusses how the dialectic of emergency of state with the principle of legal objectives against the stipulation of Government Regulation instead of Law (PERPPU) Number 2 of 2022 on Job Creation into Law Number 6 of 2023. The research method uses a normative legal research model. The results showed that forming regulations on job creation in Indonesia is a dynamic aspect of policy formulation for the community, either pro or con. The state’s emergency is interpreted subjectively, where the President has the authority to issue PERPPU if the country is in a dangerous situation to prevent a legal vacuum. The lawful purpose of the stipulation does not only stop at the aspect of legal certainty but needs to pay attention to the principles of justice and expediency as the purpose of the nation and state. Keywords: Government Regulation Liew of Law, Job Creation, Emergency State, Purpose of Law. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas bagaimana dialektika emergency of state dengan prinsip tujuan hukum terhadap penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (PERPPU) Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 tentang Cipta Kerja menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2023. Metode penelitian menggunakan model penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembentukan peraturan tentang cipta kerja di Indonesia merupakan aspek dinamis dalam perumusan kebijakan terhadap masyarakat baik pro atau kontra. Emergency of state ditafsirkan secara subjektif, dimana Presiden memiliki kewenangan untuk menerbitkan PERPPU apabila negara berada di situasi berbahaya untuk mencegah kekosongan hukum. Tujuan hukum penetapan tersebut tidak hanya berhenti pada aspek kepastian hukum semata, namun perlu memperhatikan prinsip keadilan serta kemanfaatan sebagaimana tujuan berbangsa dan bernegara. Keywords: Perppu; Cipta Kerja; Emergency State;Tujuan Hukum.
p align="center"> ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung mengabulkan pengajuan Kasasi Penuntut Umum terhadap putusan bebas dalam perkara jual beli hasil hutan tanta disertai SKAU dengan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus. Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Diketahui bahwa pertimbangan didasarkan pada kekeliruan judex facti tidak cermat mempertimbangkan fakta-fakta sebagaimana disebutkan di atas. Mahkamah Agung kemudian membatalkan Pengadilan Negeri Donggala Nomor 199/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.Dgl tanggal 05 Januari 2017. Mahkamah Agung mengadili sendiri perkara tersebut yang pada pokoknya menyatakan Terdakwa Tasbidin Alias Pete terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana “Dengan sengaja membeli hasil hutan kayu yang di duga berasal dari hasil pembalakan liar” dan menjatuhkan pidana kepada Terdakwa tersebut oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 6 (enam) bulan dan pidana denda sejumlah Rp. (satu miliar rupiah) dengan ketentuan apabila denda tidak dibayar diganti dengan pidana kurungan selama 1 (satu) bulan, pertimbangan tersebut telah sesuai dan memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 256 jo Pasal 193 ayat (1) KUHAP. Kata Kunci: Pertimbangan Hakim, Kasasi, Tindak Pidana Kehutanan . ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the consideration of the Supreme Court to grant the filing of a Public Prosecutor's Cassation against the free verdict in the case of buying and selling of forest products accompanied by SKAU with the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedure Code. The research method used is normative legal research. The approach used is the approach of law and case approach. Sources of legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials. t is known that consideration based on the judex facti error does not carefully consider the facts mentioned above. The Supreme Court then overturned the Donggala District Court Number 199 / Pid.Sus / 2016 / PN.Dgl dated January 5, 2017. The Supreme Court personally tried the case which basically stated that the Defendant Alias Pete was proven to be legally and convincingly guilty of committing a crime "Deliberately buy timber forest products which are thought to originate from illegal logging products and impose a criminal sentence on the Defendant, therefore with imprisonment for 6 (six) months and a fine of Rp. 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah) provided that if the penalty is not paid is replaced by a confinement for 1 (one) month, the consideration is in accordance with the provisions of Article 256 in conjunction with Article 193 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Keywords: Cassation, Corruption Crime, Participation </p
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The enactment of Act No. 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government revised the Article 18 paragraph (1) of Act No. 32 of 2004 and caused the authority of local governments in the exploration and exploitation of resources in the sea area not applicable anymore. The impact of this change is the difficulty of local authorities to ensure the welfare and/or the prosperity of communities in the coastal areas that lead to injustice in the realization of people's constitutional rights. Legal issues discussed in this paper are the principle of distributive justice on the management of fishery resources in the autonomous region and the application of the principle of distributive justice on fisheries management in the autonomous region. The principle of distributive justice in an effort to fisheries management is based on several principles: the principle of utility, justice, solidarity, equity and sustainable development. Distributive justice serves as the basis of government policies to the people. The studies of state policy on regional autonomy could delegate that policy through local governments. This should be an opportunity for the region to manage natural resources in order to accelerate the achievement of well-being, especially in the regions.
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DISCLAIMER: This report is a DRAFT that is currently under review for publication by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). The editors anticipate that the report will be revised further before it is published. CIFOR has decided to make this draft available in its present form in order to ensure that the information contained is readily accessible to individuals and organizations involved in Indonesia's ongoing decentralization process. The opinions expressed in the report are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official policy or position of CIFOR. CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY RESEARCH (CIFOR) Office address: Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Mailing address: P. O.
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This paper considers the scale and underlying causes of recent high rates of deforestation in Indonesia. Its extent during 1997-98 is analysed using a materials balance model, the results of which demonstrate the seriousness of the problem at a time when the Indonesian economy was suffering the effects of the Asian financial crisis. The behaviour of the principal agents, illegal loggers, is discussed in the context of market and government failures and rent-seeking or corruption. A culture of corruption originated at the top of government during the tenure of ex- President Suharto, leading to market and government failures in the forestry sector, thus resulting in the creation of high levels of rent. A culture of corruption ensures that policy failures cannot be reversed and may lead to further intervention to benefit the status quo. Rent-seeking behaviour then spread to all levels of government, via a lack of good example at the top, leading to the creation of illegal logging networks. Since rent from illegal logging is higher than that for legal logging, there is an incentive for agents to ignore costs associated with sustainable forest management. Illegal logging, and hence inefficient resource use, is further encouraged by institutional failures such as weak enforcement and monitoring capacity, as well as policy failures at the international level too. Consequently, Indonesia’s forests have been intensively deforested for perhaps as long as 30 years, with little or no attention given to sustainable forest management.
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